Combined Footing
Combined Footing
Combined Footing
Km Ks Ks
19.00 3.95 2.96
20.00 3.96 2.97
21.00 3.96 2.97
22.00 3.97 2.98
23.00 3.98 2.98
24.00 3.98 2.99
25.00 3.99 2.99
26.00 4.00 3.00
27.00 4.02 3.01
28.00 4.03 3.02
29.00 4.04 3.03
30.00 4.05 3.04
31.00 4.06 3.05
32.00 4.07 3.05
33.00 4.08 3.06
34.00 4.09 3.07
35.00 4.10 3.08
36.00 4.11 3.08
37.00 4.12 3.09
38.00 4.15 3.11
39.00 4.17 3.13
40.00 4.18 3.14
41.00 4.20 3.15
42.00 4.21 3.16
43.00 4.24 3.18
44.00 4.26 3.20
45.00 4.29 3.21
46.00 4.31 3.23
47.00 4.34 3.25
48.00 4.36 3.27
49.00 4.39 3.29
50.00 4.41 3.31
51.00 4.46 3.35
52.00 4.49 3.36
53.00 4.51 3.38
54.00 4.56 3.42
55.00 4.62 3.47
56.00 4.65 3.48
57.00 4.67 3.50
58.00 4.73 3.55
d1 d2
Column dimensions c1= 0.65 m
d1= 0.35 m
c2= 0.65 m
d2= 0.35 m a
eMb=> P1*L+M1Y+M2Y=eP*X
=>X= 1.29
=>a= 4.13 4.13 m 4.1 4.1
=>ea= 0.003
s= P/A(1+6xea/a)
Where s= the allowable soil pressure
s= (P/ab)(1+6xea/a)
=>b= (P/sa)(1+6xea/a)
=>b= 1.99 1.99 m
Actual Contact Pressure= 294.03
The distributed load from contact pressure 586.03
The shear force & bending moment diagrams are as shown below
P1 P2
319.38 838.54
0 3.71
use concrete strength 32 Mpa
Fcd= 14.507
Fctd= 1.320
rmin= 0.00200
Steel S-300
Vup= 725.96
Vud= 435.58
taking concrete cover to be = 50 mm
d= 0.58 0.65 m
First column
Perimeter PR= 4.60 m
V= Pcol-Psoil= 726.50 KN
v=V/(PR*d)= 242.98 KN < 725.96 KN
Second column ok
Perimeter PR= 4.60 m If not, d should be increased
V= Pcol-Psoil= 905.50 KN
v=V/(PR*d)= 302.84 KN < 725.96 KN
Thus d= 0.271154 ok
Therefore, take:
a= 4.20 m
b= 2.00 m
d= 0.58 m
D= 0.64 0.65 m
The reinforcement is calculated for the maximum negative moment
Mdsupport= 161.64 KNm Kd=d/(Sqrt(M/b))= 19.5598 =>Ks= 2.96
Mdspan= -438.28 KNm Kd=d/(Sqrt(M/b))= 32.2080 =>Ks= 3.05
Assuming that the strip A carries the whole column load of P= 1110 KN
M1= 20 KNm
ea=M/P= 0.018018
Assuming that the strip B carries the whole column load of P= 1289 KN
M1= 8 KNm
ea=M/P= 0.006206
d1 d2
Column dimensions c1= 0.65 m
d1= 0.35 m
c2= 0.65 m
d2= 0.35 m a
eMb=> P1*L+M1Y+M2Y=eP*X
=>X= 0.98
=>a= 4.71 4.71 m 4.5 4.5
=>ea= 0.005
s= P/A(1+6xea/a)
Where s= the allowable soil pressure
s= (P/ab)(1+6xea/a)
=>b= (P/sa)(1+6xea/a)
=>b= 2.84 2.84 m
Actual Contact Pressure= 293.04
The distributed load from contact pressure 831.46
The shear force & bending moment diagrams are as shown below
P1 P2
286.85 1283.31
0 -3.43
use concrete strength 32 Mpa
Fcd= 14.507
Fctd= 1.320
rmin= 0.00200
Steel S-300
Vup= 725.96
Vud= 435.58
taking concrete cover to be = 50 mm
d= 0.62 0.65 m
First column
Perimeter PR= 4.60 m
V= Pcol-Psoil= 931.50 KN
v=V/(PR*d)= 311.54 KN < 725.96 KN
Second column ok
Perimeter PR= 4.60 m If not, d should be increased
V= Pcol-Psoil= 2046.50 KN
v=V/(PR*d)= 684.45 KN < 725.96 KN
Thus d= 0.612829 ok
Therefore, take:
a= 4.80 m
b= 2.90 m
d= 0.65 m
D= 0.71 0.75 m
The reinforcement is calculated for the maximum negative moment
Mdsupport= 421.17 KNm Kd=d/(Sqrt(M/b))= 31.5728 =>Ks= 3.05
Mdspan= -572.20 KNm Kd=d/(Sqrt(M/b))= 36.8010 =>Ks= 3.08
Assuming that the strip A carries the whole column load of P= 1315 KN
M1= 56 KNm
ea=M/P= 0.042586
Assuming that the strip B carries the whole column load of P= 2430 KN
M1= 66 KNm
ea=M/P= 0.02716
Story Point Load FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
BASE 1 SELF 1.46 -1.39 208.01 2.444 1.449 0
BASE 1 LIVE -0.55 -0.18 39.91 0.274 -0.382 0
BASE 1 WL 7.56 -2.97 253.63 5.998 6.634 0
BASE 2 SELF 1.25 1.84 338.78 -0.163 1.246 0
BASE 2 LIVE -1.09 0.21 102.31 -0.035 -0.844 0
BASE 2 WL 5.27 4.31 348.34 0.108 4.766 0
BASE 6 SELF -0.98 -0.48 204.24 1.637 -0.651 0
BASE 6 LIVE 0.65 -0.06 39.11 0.17 0.572 0
BASE 6 WL -6.56 -1 251.42 4.264 -5.057 0
BASE 7 SELF -0.19 -1.71 563.25 3.791 -0.011 0
BASE 7 LIVE 0.7 -0.05 160.52 0.281 0.532 0
BASE 7 WL 0.66 -5.3 586.02 10.866 1.149 0
BASE 9 SELF 0.78 0.94 348.28 0.119 0.987 0
BASE 9 LIVE -1.64 0.01 106.28 0.087 -1.239 0
BASE 9 WL 5.65 2.76 360.18 0.148 5.245 0
BASE 12 SELF -1.47 -1.18 197.04 1.879 -1.208 0
BASE 12 LIVE 0.21 -0.11 36.32 0.157 0.097 0
BASE 12 WL -6.35 -2.79 244.16 4.839 -4.853 0
BASE 14 SELF -0.84 1.98 348.96 -0.718 -0.554 0
BASE 14 LIVE 1.72 0.18 105.91 -0.074 1.376 0
BASE 14 WL -6.22 4.99 358.05 -1.566 -4.584 0
BASE 19 SELF 1.59 -2.02 181.91 4.123 1.377 0
BASE 19 LIVE -0.55 -0.16 35.6 0.321 -0.419 0
BASE 19 WL 7.45 -5.04 240.61 11.294 6.187 0
BASE 20 SELF 1.56 2.33 308.01 0.611 1.41 0
BASE 20 LIVE -1.2 0.31 99.4 -0.057 -0.908 0
BASE 20 WL 5.98 5.51 340.56 2.766 5.016 0
BASE 22 SELF 0 -3.43 195.04 5.781 0 0
BASE 22 LIVE 0 -0.06 35.52 0.34 0 0
BASE 22 WL 0 -10.36 263.77 16.619 0 0
BASE 23 SELF 0 6.65 530.78 0.161 0 0
BASE 23 LIVE 0 -0.13 200.01 0.644 0 0
BASE 23 WL 0 21.01 506.06 -1.907 0 0
BASE 25 SELF -1.59 -2.02 181.91 4.123 -1.377 0
BASE 25 LIVE 0.55 -0.16 35.6 0.321 0.419 0
BASE 25 WL -7.45 -5.04 240.61 11.294 -6.187 0
BASE 26 SELF -1.56 2.33 308.01 0.611 -1.41 0
BASE 26 LIVE 1.2 0.31 99.4 -0.057 0.908 0
BASE 26 WL -5.98 5.51 340.56 2.766 -5.016 0
BASE 71 SELF 0 -3.84 290.11 5.247 0 0
BASE 71 LIVE 0 -0.1 84.83 0.283 0 0
BASE 71 WL 0 -11.58 286.5 15.257 0 0
Summation0, 0, Base SELF 0 0 4204.34 20981.32 -59360.31 5.486
Summation0, 0, Base LIVE 0 0 1180.72 6453.22 -17120.39 0.401
Summation0, 0, Base WL 0 0 4620.5 21933.58 -65622.14 14.835