Automatic Setting Time Tester For Cement, Mortar and Gypsum: EN 196-3, EN 480-2, EN 13279 ASTM C191 Aashto T131

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Automatic setting time tester for

cement, mortar and gypsum

STANDARDS EN 196-3, EN 480-2, EN 13279 ASTM C191 AASHTO T131

>> New functional and ergonomic design based on the innovative

CVi-TECH philosophy invented by CONTROLS through the recent years
>> Advanced electronics technologies providing superior performances and total
flexibility combined with simplicity in use
>> Double interface: local mode, with large size 4,3” touch screen color display,
and remote mode, with PC
>> Supplied complete with PC software for data processing VICASOFT-BASIC
>> With PC software VICASOFT-PREMIUM (optional) up to 32 independent
units can be connected to a single PC via LAN port and hub.
All units are remotely controlled. Adopting the multi-test network concept
laboratory productivity is maximized
>> Integrated graphic printer is available as optional accessory showing both
results in numerical format and setting time plot
>> Easy setting and storage of user-defined test profiles allowing quick test start
>> Automatic determination of initial and final setting time


The new generation of fully automatic setting time tester with

double control mode (local and remote by PC), programmable test
procedure, user friendly interface, integrated graphic printer

Automatic setting time tester for cement, mortar and gypsum

›› CONTROLS have long tradi- software, high productivity, large

tion in manufacturing automatic accessibility to the test space,
setting time testers for cement expandability over time. The
and mortar. A new generation, adoption of the latest electronics
the third one, is now available. technologies, including a read-
The new machine has been com- able color touch screen display,
pletely redesigned based on the brings great accuracy, reliability
innovative CVi-TECH philosophy. and the possibility to create a net-
As with the older generations the work with up to 32 independent Detail of the new needle cleaning device. Detail of communication ports : LAN port
test procedure is unchanged, a units all controlled by a single PC Functionality is substantially improved and USB port
needle (or a probe) drops freely through LAN hubs. respect older versions following suggestions
received from end-users
into a cement sample at regular
Every details have been rede-
intervals and in fixed positions.
signed and improved based on
Penetration depth is measured by
our specialization in the field and
a sensor with 0,1 mm resolution.
following the advices received
Along with hardening process de-
from our clients around the world.
velopment the penetration depth
See for example the large acces-
decreases, when it matches some
sibility to the test space, the prac-
thresholds pre-defined by Stand-
tical in-water testing accessory,
ards, initial and final setting times
the size and position of the touch
are measured and recorded.
screen display, the test menus
Following the CVi-TECH phi- offering advanced functions but
A typical plot of a test result obtained with
losophy the new VICAMATIC-2 easy to navigate, the large use of
the integrated printer model 65-L2700/E13
features superior functionality icons and graphic symbols made including setting time diagram and readings
and value for the user, for exam- possible by the high resolution
ple easy-to-use interface and display.

Communication ports are positioned

on the rear side. LAN port is suitable for
connection to PC or to LAN-hub,
that creates a network with up to 32 independent
units controlled by a single PC.
USB port is used for data storage on pen drive

The new ergonomic design

delivers great functionality
and large accessibility

to test area LAN USB
smart software

Display Screenshot PC Software VICASOFT-PREMIUM

The new PC software VICAsoft-
Premium has been totally rewritten
giving top priority to the clarity of the
interface and its user-friendliness.

Setting time plot shown in real time on

VICAMATIC-2 display

Create a n its!
etwork with up to 32 independent un

User menus have been optimized with large

use of icons and graphics symbols making
Typical setting diagram shown by the VICAsoft-PREMIUM PC
use very simple

Typical screenshot of test profile set-up

VICASOFT-PREMIUM, creation of a user defined test profile, easy

recallable for future tests

Technical specifications
ʰʰ Large size 4,3” touch screen color display
ʰʰ LAN port for direct connection to PC of a single unit or connection to
a LAN hub for creating a network with up to 32 independent units all
controlled by a single PC. 1 LAN cable is included.
ʰʰ USB port for data storage on removable pen-drive (included)
ʰʰ Conforms both EN and ASTM/AASHTO test procedures
ʰʰ Test procedures can be customized and stored to match user-defined
ʰʰ Can incorporate an integrated graphic printer showing test result and
setting time plot
ʰʰ Large test space with easy accessibility
ʰʰ Automatic calculation of initial and final setting time at programma-
ble penetration depth limits
ʰʰ Wide range of accessories including EN and ASTM/AASHTO parts, in-
water testing kit, needle cleaning device, integrated printer, probes

for testing consistency and gypsum

ʰʰ Power: 50 W
ʰʰ Dimensions: 200 x 400 x 410 mm, (L x W x H)
Automatic setting time tester for cement, mortar and gypsum

Ordering information

63-L2700/E 63-L2700/F 63-L2700

VICAMATIC-2, automatic electronic VICAMATIC-2, automatic electronic appa- VICAMATIC-2, automatic electronic
apparatus for setting time test on cement/ ratus for setting time test on cement/mor- apparatus for setting time test on cement/
mortar/gypsum. Complete with EN 196-3 tar/gypsum. Complete with ASTM C191 mortar/gypsum complete with PC sof-
accessories: initial setting time needle accessories: initial setting time needle tware VICASOFT-BASIC. Supplied without
1.13 mm dia., mould and PC software 1.00 mm dia., mould and PC software accessories.
230V, 50-60Hz, 1ph. 230V, 50-60Hz, 1ph.
The above apparatus are also available with voltage 110 V, 60 Hz, 1F, ordering numbers are respectively: 63-L2700/EZ, 63-L2700/FZ and

Spare parts

63-L2700/E20 1,13 mm dia. needle for initial setting time test to EN

63-L2700/E21 1 mm dia. needle for setting time test to ASTM/AASHTO
63-L0027/E22 Plastic mould to EN
63-L0027/E23 Plastic mould to ASTM/AASHTO
63-L2700/E24 Glass base plate
63-L2700/E25 Spare base plate for in-water testing kit


63-L2700/E10 Accessory for needle cleaning and in-water testing

82-SW/VS VICASOFT-PREMIUM software for PC connection of up to 32 VICAMATIC-2 units including remote control of each unit, data
acquisition - processing - filing, printout of test reports.
Communication via LAN port (each VICAMATIC-2 unit is supplied complete with LAN cable). The connection of one VICAMA-
TIC-2 unit is direct via the PC LAN-port, for more VICAMATIC-2 units (up to 32) one or more LAN hubs are required with total
number of ports equal (or bigger) to the number of VICAMATIC-2 units included in the network. LAN hubs are not included

63-L2700/E11 LAN hub for PC connection of up to 7 VICAMATIC-2 units or up to 6 units in case of multi-hub network. LAN cable from hub
to PC is included. Each VICAMATIC-2 unit is supplied complete with LAN cable

63-L2700/E13 Upgrading of a VICAMATIC-2 unit for incorporating a graphic printer into the head. Test settings and
results are plotted both as numerical and graphical format including penetration depth/time diagram.
The upgrading shall be factory installed

63-L2700/E14 Needle for final setting test to EN

63-L2700/E15 Cylindrical probe for consistency test

63-L2700/E16 Additional weight 700 g

63-L2700/E18 Conical penetration probe 8 mm dia x 50 mm complete with 100g calibrated weight for gypsum testing to EN 13279

63-L0027/E9 Water thermostatic unit for VICAMATIC -2. Up to 2 units may be connected. 230 V, 50-60 Hz, 1 ph

63-L0027/E9Z Water thermostatic unit for VICAMATIC -2. Up to 2 units may be connected. 110 V, 60 Hz, 1 ph

Italy France Iraq Mexico Poland Spain United Kingdom USA

CONTROLS S.R.L. is certified ISO 9001:2008
In line with its continual program of product research and development, CONTROLS S.R.L. reserves the right to alter specifications to equipment at any time.

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