Module 1: Teaching Internship and Its Phases: Learning Outcomes

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Learning Outcomes

1. explain the essence of teaching internship for education students

2. identify the phases of teaching internship
3. identify the legal bases relevant to teaching internship in the Philippines

Time period: ​1 week

Learning Activities

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Part 1: Essay:

1. Write an essay by completing the phrase “I need to undergo teaching internship because…….” 2.
What is the importance of knowing the following legal documents as pre-service teacher and as a
future LPT

a. Resolution no. 435, 1997 Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher

b. RA 10627 Anti Bullying Act of 2013
c. RA 7877 Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995
d. RA 4670 The Magna Carta for Public Teachers
e. DepEd 40 s.2012 Child Protection Policy
f. RA 7836

3. Write a reflection for this Module 1 lesson

Part 2: Multiple Choice

1. Why is teaching internship important?

A. It culminates the year of four years study.

B. It provides a wide array of teaching experiences in real classroom setting.
C. It gives the students an opportunity to enjoy practicing the teaching profession
D. It allows them to work with various stakeholders.

2. Which act strengthens the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippine?
A. RA 7877
B. RA 7832
C. RA 7836
D. RA 7830

3. Which is issued to protect Children in school from abuses, violence, exploitation, discrimination and
other forms of abuse?
A. DepEd Order 30 s. 2012
B. DepEd Order 40 s. 2012
C. DepEd Order 69 s. 2013
D. DepEd Order 58 s. 2017

4. Which act shall promote and improve the social and economic status of public school teachers living
and working condition?
A. RA 7836
B. RA 10627
C. RA 7877
D. RA 4670
5. Which law protects the value and dignity of every individual, enhance the development of human
resources and guarantee full respect of human rights, and uphold the dignity of workers,
employees, applicants for employment, students or those undergoing training instruction or
A. RA 7877
B. RA 7836
C. RA 4670
D. RA 10627

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