Dissertation Report PDF
Dissertation Report PDF
Dissertation Report PDF
Year: 2020-21
Batch No. 18
Undertaken by:
Radhika Khandelwal
Enrollment No.: 16E1AAARF40P093
V Year B.Arch (B)
Floating Structures
This dissertation has been completed under the supervision of the guide
allotted to me by the school. Further, whenever and wherever my work shall
be presented or published it will be jointly authored with my guide.
Radhika Khandelwal
V Year B.Arch (B)
Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur
Floating Structures
This is to certify that the research titled, Floating Structures is a bonafide work
by Radhika Khandelwal of Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur. This
research work has been completed under my guidance and supervision in a
satisfactory manner. This report has been submitted in partial fulfillment of
award of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE degree from Rajasthan Technical
University, Kota.
This research work fulfills the requirements relating to the nature and standard
laid down by the Rajasthan Technical University.
Floating Structures
This dissertation study would not have been possible without the support of
my college. I extend my sincere gratitude and would thank Prof. K.S.
Mahajani for providing a conductive college environment and to all the
faculties for giving me their valuable input.
Radhika Khandelwal
V Year B.Arch. (B)
Aayojan School of Architecture, Jaipur
Floating Structures
“As an architect you design for the present, with an awareness of the past,
for a future which is essentially unknown”
- Norman Foster
They can be built off-site and then towed into location, minimising
disturbance to the build site. If the building is decommissioned, it can be
relocated elsewhere. Floating architecture could be a resolution in the future
for current problems in many districts, cities and landscapes. Such problems
can be seen particularly in the need for additional housing areas and
construction grounds in some countries in Europe and Asia as a result of the
growing population and/or the slowly rising sea level in context with the
worldwide climate change.
Floating Structures
Approval 2
Declaration 3
Certificate 4
Acknowledgement 5
Abstract 6
Contents 7- 9
List of illustrations 10- 12
List of tables 13
1.5 Hypothesis
1.6 Aim
1.7 Objectives
1.9 Methodology
Floating Structures
2.2.1 Buoyancy
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
No. Description
1 Rate of Global mean sea level rise
2 Rate of depletion of Glacial Ice
3 Countries most affected by sea level rise
4 Site for thesis project
Floating Structures
28 Pneumatic Caisson
29 Composite bridge
30 Air cushions
31 Wooden log float
32 Flex Base
33 Foam Concrete base
34 Reinforced Concrete Hull base
35 Cable anchorage
36 A house on mooring posts– before and during flooding
37 The anchorage cables are attached in diagonals to minimize lateral shift;
Anchorage hook
38 Chain and Elastic Cables Anchoring
39 Heat radiation examination to measure the surrounding temperature of floating
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
No. Title
1.1 Methodology of Research
2.1 Types of architecture on water
4.1 Case study analysis
4.2 Comparison between materials
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in
1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 4 feet by 2100. The two major causes of
global sea level rise are thermal expansion caused by warming of the ocean (since
water expands as it warms) and increased melting of land-based ice, such as
glaciers and ice sheets.
The oceans are absorbing more than 90 percent of the increased atmospheric heat
associated with emissions from human activity. Sea level plays a role in flooding,
shoreline erosion, and hazards from storms. The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees
Fahrenheit over the next century.
Globally, eight of the world's 10 largest cities are near a coast, according to the
U.N. Atlas of the Oceans. Mumbai, Kolkata, Karachi, Dhaka and Shanghai are
among cities considered most at risk.
Floating Structures
Data from NASA's GRACE satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica
and Greenland have been losing mass since 2002. Both ice sheets have seen an
acceleration of ice mass loss since 2009.
Floating Structures
The main intent of selection is, there is a live proposal by Kerela tourism
development for an island resort here. Many people opposed this as there will be
disturbance to the flora and fauna of the island. So my proposal is to make a
floating resort without disturbing the species on island. The water is clean and the
depth is low with attractive views which makes it a perfect site for such project.
Figure 4: Site for thesis project Figure 5: View of Dharmadam Island from Thalasseri
Floating Structures
• Which structural part plays the most important role in floating buildings?
• What are the factors on which substructure of a floating building depends?
• What are the materials that can be used as the base in floating buildings?
1.6 AIM:
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
2.1.1 ON WATER:
1) Floating Architecture:
Floating Structures
1) Semi- Submerged:
It consists of structures in which major habitable
space is under water and the rest is above water
which caters to the various services like lighting,
ventilation, etc. There are special mechanisms Figure 8: Trilobis 65, Dubai
2) Fully Submerged:
1. Venice:
Floating Structures
up the banks with wood pilings. They also used similar wood pilings as
foundations for their buildings.
The settlers pounded thousands of wooden piles into the mud, so close together
that they were touching. Then, they cut off the tops and created solid platforms
for the foundations of their homes. Because the wood was underwater, it didn’t
rot. It’s hard to believe, but there are many buildings in Venice today that are still
standing on 1,000 years old piles of wood.
The palace is built on a natural foundation of 4 acres rock on the Jag Niwas
island. When the water level is high, it hides all traces of the island and the
palace appears to be almost floating in the water.
3. Houseboats, Kashmir:
made of wooden planks that are held together by ropes of coconut fiber. The
roof is made of bamboo poles and palm leaves. The exterior of the boat is
painted with protective coats of nut oil.
Floating Structures
grid of concrete beams, which is fastened to the prefab concrete slabs. The
thickness of the island is 2.25 meters. The top of the floor is about 80 centimeters
above the water level.
2.2.1 Buoyancy
In physics buoyancy is the upward force on an object arising from the displacement
of the fluid that is liquid or gas in which it is fully or partially immersed. This force
enables the object to float or appear lighter.
Figure 14: (a). Buoyancy = weight + vertical loads (b). Buoyancy < weight + vertical loads
Archimedes' principle indicates that the upward buoyant force that is exerted on a
body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight
of the fluid that the body displaces.
Floating Structures
Wind loading shall be applied to the completed floating home including dead load
and live load but not off-center loading.
With a high floating structure, like an apartment building on a floating body, the
center of gravity of the structure will go up, and the draught of the float easy
becomes high. Both could be a problem for stability. But when the floating body is
given a large enough width, also high-rise is possible.
Floating Structures
Figure 18: Various Types of High strength light weight aggregate concrete
Floating Structures
• It can withstand very hot and very cold temperatures and has no
biodegradation or oxidation. Accelerated weather testing demonstrated that
thermoplastic timbers last over 50 years with minimal maintenance.
• This material is virtually impervious to moisture absorption and retains key
mechanical properties in humid and wet environments.
• Thermoplastic timber has a high resistance to the abrasion that may occur in
marine environments due to sand and salt content in the water environment.
The sand and salt-water resistance is based on the fact that HDPE (the major
ingredient) is one of the more resistant polymer materials.
Floating Structures
AAC is produced from the common materials lime, sand, cement and water, and a
small amount of rising agent. After mixing and molding, it is then autoclaved under
heat and pressure to create its unique properties.
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Figure 22: Floating house from Herzberger, Middelburg Figure 23: Steel joinery details
• The effects of creep and shrinkage are considered only when the pontoon is
dry, and hence not considered once the pontoon are launched in the sea.
Steel used for floating structures shall satisfy the appropriate standard
Floating Structures
• The pontoons, from the heavier breakwaters made of concrete to the lighter
ones made of wood, are designed to last for 30-50 years. The all concrete
and Styrofoam construction of the pontoon produces a very high degree of
buoyancy thus making it virtually unsinkable. It is practically maintenance-free
and has little or no impact upon Nature and the Environment. Each standard
pontoon is designed to accept electrical and water supply services.
• Concrete pontoons have a high load capacity and provide long service life.
They can be used as piers, breakwaters or trestle bridges. In the winter
season they have absolutely unsinkable and reliable functions in operation.
• The shallow beach can be transformed into a Figure 25: Plastic Pontoon bridge
Harbor deep enough for sailing- boats. Even the most unsheltered beach can
be turned into a safe and calm berth to accommodate your own boat and
those of your boating friends.
Floating Structures
The name ‘caisson’ is French and has s to be translated as ‘large chest’, which
refers to the general shape of caissons. In civil engineering a caisson could be
designated as a retaining watertight case or box.
• Standard Caisson:
• Pneumatic Caisson:
➢ Usually the air pressure is enlarged by high pressure air pumps. This system
will fail if the enclosed air can escape, so airtightness is very important. This
floating system is in fact not suitable as floating body for floating structures,
since it has a very low buoyancy and it is a somewhat risky system.
Floating Structures
2.4.5 Composites:
stringers that sit on top. Over time, maintenance is required for both the
stringers that are subject to deterioration and need to be replaced, and the
Floating Structures
• Flex Base:
Expanded polystyrene and reinforced concrete is
constructed on the water to produce floating
Figure 32: Flex Base
• Through Cables:
Cables anchored into the floor bed allow the floating structure to move
with the fluctuation in water but retains its position.
Floating Structures
• Mooring Posts:
Mooring posts are steel/timber posts anchored 6 m deep into the floor bed
with allow vertical movement of the structure and prevents lateral deviation
with water.
Floating Structures
• Glare and Heat Reflection: Water causes reflection of sun rays and heats up
the surroundings. Uncomforting glare and heat are generated. The figures
below show the water temperature due to sun rays and house temperature.
Floating Structures
2.8.1 Mobility:
2.8.2 Modularity:
• Flexible and based on a modular system, the floating planning provides the
ability to create and compose an ideal building to suit to all needs and desires.
• Different modules are available for a quick assembly without the need of
complex editing techniques.
2.8.3 Luminosity:
• The reflection of light and the glare from water amplifies the natural light and a
bright atmosphere.
2.8.4 Regulation:
• The purchase of a land is not required and there are many varied
Floating Structures
• Easy to rent (rent, filming videos, houses ...) due to its unusual nature.
2.9.1 Minimum water depth: Water depth under a floating building must at
all times be sufficient to prevent grounding of the building. If the depth is 0–10
m within 10 km from the shoreline the mooring system dimensioning will be
considered as an average depth of 20 m. The draught of a floating structure
is its depth in the water. In case of a floating body with a flat and level bottom
plane and vertical walls the draught is equal as the depth of its bottom plane.
In case of tilt, the term draught is used both for the average depth of the
bottom of the structure, as well as for the largest depth of the floating body.
2.9.2 Load from superstructure: Self weight and imposed loads have to be
determined according to the building codes. The self-weight and the imposed
loads mainly determine the height of freeboard and draught and the
buoyancy. Imposed loads Imposed loads are an important factor for draught
and tilt. So, with a modular floating structure, imposed loads also play an
important role for the forces and movements in the connections.
Floating Structures
Shock delivered to the concrete surface could crack concrete cover layer on the
bars and provides the conditions to reach the seawater and its chloride content to
the bars. This will cause corrosion. Iron oxide production capacity is several
times of the volume of raw steel, thus the increase in volume cause pressure
inside the concrete and makes it collapse.
2.9.4 Intensity of waves and tides: Naturally, wave heights are equivalent
to half the wavelength, therefore a 200 m long wave is relatively smaller than
a 100 m long wave. Usually, when waves of higher than 80 percent of the
water depth advance towards shorelines, more energy is generated, and
waves gets steeper and unsteady till they break.
Wave properties data are essential to get, as they have influence on the
platform dimensions. with possible severe wave conditions, the pneumatic
stabilizing platform, the semi-submerged structure and the tension leg
structure are good options, since these structures are less susceptible for
waves and will behave well in severe wave conditions. These three options
Floating Structures
are not suitable for shallow inner waters, so they can be disregarded for the
second situation.
Floating Structures
For the case study, structures have been chosen that have adopted different
techniques for floating. The local case study has been done on floating structure
currently present in Kerala and the other case studies are done on floating
structure made using different materials and local techniques.
Floating Structures
ecological, alternative building systems and urban water cultures for the teeming
population of Africa’s coastal regions.
Floating Structures
• The prototype solution addresses physical and social needs in the view of the
growing challenges of climate change and an urbanizing African context. It is
a movable 'building' or 'watercraft' currently located in the aquatic community
of Makoko.
• It is a floating structure that adapts to the tidal changes and varying water
levels, making it invulnerable to flooding and storm surges. It is designed to
use renewable energy, to recycle organic waste and to harvest rainwater.
space during afterhours. The 2nd level is an enclosed space for two to four
classrooms, providing enough space for sixty to a hundred pupils. A staircase
on the side connects the open play area, the classrooms and a semi enclosed
workshop space on the 3rd level.
Floating Structures
• The project was initiated, designed and built by NLÉ in collaboration with the
Makoko Waterfront Community, in Lagos State. The project was initially self-
funded by NLÉ and later received research funds from Heinrich Boll Stiftung
as well as funds for its construction from the UNDP/Federal Ministry of
Environment Africa Adaptation Programme (AAP).
• Structural members the foundation raft is assembled with plastic barrels and
wooden frames.
• The A-frame superstructure is assembled with local hard-wood (Eki, Akun)
beams and bamboo joists.
• Roofing is assembled with metal sheets and interior reed ceiling.
• Very limited services are installed. There is one dry toilet located at the
ground level, with the provision of a rainwater gutter to fill a bucket, and a
ventilation pipe for the pit.
• A series of PV solar panels are installed on the roof and power a line of
batteries, charge controller and inverter that feed the electrical system.
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
The eye-catching structure in Rotterdam has become a global example for climate
adaptation and sustainable innovation. It’s an attractive conference and exhibition
space designed to be relocated. The floating pavilion bridges the gap between port
and city – land and water – and offers attractive working and living environments in
the historic port area. Floating structures provide a safe and climate robust solution
for these unprotected areas outside the dikes.
Floating Structures
• The idea of the architects behind this design that the domes look like soap
bubbles on the water. The pavilion is 46 meters long and 24 meters wide, the
floating plaza measures 24x24 meters. The pavilion and floating plaza are two
separate floating structures connected with each other.
• The floating plaza is moored with 2 large mooring piles, the pavilion is on it’s
turn moored to the plaza. The floating plaza is connected to the quay with two
steel bridges.
• The average depth of the in the Rijnhaven with high water is 7 metres. At the
sides the water is less deep. At the location of the pavilion the depth at high
water will be taken as 5,5 metres.
• Green facts
- Climate change resilient
- Heating and air conditioning systems rely on solar energy and surface water
- Water recycling system
Floating Structures
• The floating body is designed with a rectangular beam grid with a center to
center distance of 3 meters and a waffle-slab floor.
• Lightweight and unsinkable qualities of the floating body has been constructed
using expanded polystyrene sheets (esp.).
• Five layers of eps are placed on top of each other, the thinnest layer measuring
20 centimeters in thickness, and the thickest 75 Centimeters.
• The thickest layer contains a grid of concrete beams, which is fastened to the
prefab concrete slabs. The thickness of the island is 2.25 meters. The top of
the floor is about 80 centimeters above the water level.
• The shelter’s heating and air conditioning systems rely on solar energy and
surface water and the systems are only used in areas of the structure where
they are specifically required. The pavilion also purifies its own water to use in
the toilets and whatever is left can be discharged back into the water with no
negative impact.
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Floating Cottages:
• The material used are all available locally from the market.
• The cottages are docked on a 1m deep hard chine hull.
• The cottage is built in traditional Kerala architecture and it is made up of
Malaysian teak wood as wood can be easily dismantled and is lighter than a
concrete structure.
• The material used for the hull are laminated cement using fiber steel1-layer
weld mesh, 2-layers of expanded metal, 8mm stainless steel rod is used to
make the case of the hull and then a coat of cement is sprayed on it and
again a layer of weld mesh is used along with cement coating to finish it.
Floating Structures
• Hollow bulk-heads hold the slab above it and also is the frame work for the
hull base.
• The hull is covered with a base and plinth is made on it and bolted with stainless
steel bolts and the rest of the superstructure is made on it.
• he floor area is under 500 sq. ft.
Floating Structures
From the studies it is understood that the main aspect of floating house is its
base. And the super structure to be light weight. The base is preferably in a hull
shape. Materials such as wood, metal, hollow concrete, plastic can be used for
this purpose. Even plastic canisters can be used for the purpose of making a
base if addressing a community. Such as for the inhabitants of the sinking island
of Munroe, in Kollam and other settlements in flood plains.
Floating Structures
• Though MFS-1 was • The EPS/concrete system results • From the Poovar
a failure as it in a floating body with the island resort we can
collapsed later on, following characteristics: understand that what
the idea is o unsinkable matters in a floating
innovative. With o small draught structure is the base.
further testing and o low maintenance • The hull or hull shape
improvement, it • For this reason, the combination is what makes boats
could be made EPS and concrete is best for the and ships float.
strong. pavilion, as for the pavilion no • The same hull can be
• The Makoko floating internal space in the floating body applied as the float
school used all is necessary. for houses to make
locally available and • High beams are needed for rigidity them float.
low-cost materials. (also for protection of EPS). • The hull is very
• The base is made up • A dome structure gives other convenient to use as
of simple plastic loads than a standard it provides enough
barrels and wood superstructure, but the space for inspection
hence making it easy superstructure is relative light, so as well as services.
for people to build by this does not give any problems
self. and the floating body does not
• The shear force due to have to be adjusted.
wind is tackled • A geodetic geometry without
through the triangular triangles, is from a structural
shape. viewpoint not a good geometry, as
• The services are not large moments will occur in the
that proper as the elements. With another geometry
waste is disposed to a lighter structure can be
the water. achieved.
Floating Structures
• Horizontal forces due to waves much times greater than the (non-
seismic) horizontal loads on land-based structures
• In framed, tower-like structures the horizontal wave forces produce
extreme bending and overturning moments
• In a floating structure the static vertical self-weight and payloads are
carried by buoyancy.
• A particular type of structural system, denoted tension-leg system, is
achieved if a highly pre-tensioned mooring system is applied.
• Sizing of the floating structure and its mooring system depends on its
• VLFS’s usually constructed at shore-based building sites remote from the
deep water installation area and without extensive preparation of the
• Owing to the corrosive sea environment, floating structures have to be
provided with a good corrosion protection system.
• Possible degradation due to corrosion or crack growth (fatigue) requires a
proper system for inspection, monitoring, maintenance and repair during
Floating Structures
• All the pipes, ducts and wires for water, gas, electricity and sewage
disposal in such buildings are flexible, designed to remain functional even
when the house rises several metres from its usual position.
• Solar panels are provided for the energy requirements.
• Incinolet toilets which burn waste are provided.
• Drinking water is collected from rainstorms and filtered inside.
• The inner temperature is regulated in a case by a geothermal pond loop.
• The materials used for the floating body may be steel, or concrete or steel-
concrete composite and the relevant specifications should be followed. Since
watertightness of concrete is important to avoid or limit corrosion of the
reinforcement, either watertight concrete or offshore concrete should be used.
• High-performance concrete with EPS or containing fly ash and silica fume is
most suitable for floating structures. The effects of creep and shrinkage are
considered only when the pontoons are dry, and hence not considered once
the pontoon are launched in the sea. Steel used for floating structures shall
satisfy the appropriate standard specifications.
Draught -- ++ +
Costs + - +
Internal Space + ++ --
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
Floating Structures
From the studies it is understood that the main aspect of floating house is its
base and the super structure to be light weight. The base is preferably in a hull
Materials such as wood, metal, hollow concrete, plastic can be used for this purpose.
Even plastic canisters can be used for the purpose of making a base if addressing a
community. Such as for the inhabitants of the sinking island of Munroe, in Kollam
and other settlements in flood plains.
• The plan for floating structures with amphibious foundations should preferably
be square and symmetrical to avoid imbalance during flood conditions.
• Building on stilts with a permanent static elevation in coastal regions should
be avoided due to high risk of damage during a coastal surge with high wind
Floating Structures
a) Mooring posts
Timber or steel posts go upto 6m deep into the waterbody floor bed. The
house can rise upto 2.5 – 3 m on the posts. They are connected with steel
angles/sleeves to the base of the structure.
c) Flex Base
EPS blocks under a layer of concrete (thickness 0.3 m) or grid of concrete
beams underneath.
Floating Structures
d) Foam Concrete
Watertight concrete poured on site into the mould (0.3 – 0.5 m depth poured
into a mould lined with HDPE (high density polyethylene) to resist water
Floating Structures
• Styrofoam: Like EPS concrete Styrofoam can be used to make rafts for small
temporary floating structures. Also, Styrofoam can be combined with other
materials to make them buoyant. Such as, filling timber base with Styrofoam
units, Styrofoam can be used as an outer layer for buoyant foundations,
caisson float can be filled with Styrofoam. Layering Styrofoam with other
materials like concrete, bamboo, timber etc.
Floating Structures
• Plastic barrels: Plastic barrels are good for recycling purpose. The plastic
barrels can be attached to timber rafts for making buoyant foundations.
• Porous concrete: Plastic bottles can be used with concrete to make a shell.
The bottles will trap air in it and act as air bubbles, which would increase
buoyancy. This will be more rigid and stronger.
Figure 69: Plastic bottles used with concrete to make floating shell
Floating Structures
• Acoustic property:
Acoustic Properties as EPS has a closed cell structure it offers only a limited
absorption of airborne sound. Structure borne sound, transmitted though such
structures as walls, may be effectively isolated by the use of floating floor
• Thermal Insulation:
Thermal Properties EPS gains its exceptional insulating properties from the
stabilized air trapped within its cellular structure. Since it contains no CFCs or
any other gas that may leak out, it will not harm the ozone layer or decrease
its insulation properties.
• Moisture Resistance:
Moisture Resistance of all the materials used for insulation applications, EPS
is one of the most resistant to the adverse effects of moisture content. At ten
times its dry weight, EPS has been found to maintain 80% of its R value.
• Floatation Properties:
The density of EPS is low compared to water, with a normal density range of
11 to 32 kg/m3 compared to water at 100 kg/m3. The water buoyancy per
cubic metre of EPS is determined by subtracting its kg/m 3 density from 1000.
• Toxicity:
Extensive research programs have been conducted overseas to determine if
thermal decomposition products of EPS present a toxicity hazard. The test
results have revealed that these decomposition products are less harmful
than those of burning wood.
2. Thermoplastic Timber:
The term “wood-plastic composites” refers to any number of composites that
contain wood and either thermoset or thermoplastic polymers. Thermosets
are plastics that, once cured, cannot be remelted by heating. This can be
used for high- rise buildings but is expensive and need skilled labour.
The wood used in WPCs is most often in particulate form (e.g., wood flour) or
very short fibers and bundled fibers rather than long individual wood fibers.
Density= range of 0.89 to 0.91g/cm3
Compressive strength= 207 GPa to 802 GPa.
Floating Structures
• Chemical Resistance:
Thermoplastic timber does not leach harmful chemicals.
• Thermal Insulation:
It can withstand very hot and very cold temperatures and has no
biodegradation or oxidation. Accelerated weather testing demonstrated that
thermoplastic timbers last over 50 years with minimal maintenance.
• Moisture Resistance
This material is virtually impervious to moisture absorption and retains key
mechanical properties in humid and wet environments.
• Abrasion Resistance:
Thermoplastic timber has a high resistance to the abrasion that may occur in
marine environments due to sand and salt content in the water environment.
The sand and salt-water resistance is based on the fact that HDPE (the major
ingredient) is one of the more resistant polymer materials.
Floating Structures
• Fire Resistance:
Depending upon the thickness of the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
Blocks, they offer fire resistance from 2 hours up to 6 hours. These blocks are
highly suitable for the areas where fire safety is of great priority.
• Earthquake Resistant:
The light weight property of the AAC blocks results into higher steadiness of
the AAC blocks in the structure of the buildings. As the impact of the
earthquake is directly proportional to the weight of the building, the building
constructed using AAC blocks are more reliable and safer.
• Thermal Insulation:
AAC block has exceptional thermal insulating qualities. The thermal
conductivity of the AAC blocks helps maintaining the inner temperature to be
warm during the winters and cool during the summers which ultimately leads
to savings in air conditioning load and consequently enhanced energy
• Moisture Resistance:
AAC has a very porous structure which is characterized by "macro" pores.
Macro pores are small air bubbles evenly distributed throughout the material.
Therefore, absorption of water into the AAC material is minimal.
Floating Structures
From the entire study we can understand that the floating structures are simple to
construct. Through this study we have arrived at various possibilities to use
combinations of reusable materials and using the conventional and traditional
We have also understood that floating platforms can be made with simple materials,
which are cheap and low cost. Even the services can be done easily through the
pontoon and hull. It also creates possibilities to harness non-conventional energy
sources such as solar and wind energy. Hence, the base of the floating structure
depends upon the site conditions and the superstructure of the building.
Floating Structures
• Barges: A long, large, usually flatbottom boat for transporting freight that is
generally unpowered and towed or pushed by other craft.
• Breakwater: A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full impact of
• Buoyancy: The upward force that a fluid exerts on an object less dense than
• Ocean warming: The ocean absorbs most of the excess heat from
greenhouse gas emissions, leading to rising ocean temperatures.
Floating Structures
• Tugboats: A land, air, or space vehicle that moves or tows other vehicles.
Floating Structures
• https://worldoceanreview.com/en/wor-5/wor-5-in-short/
• https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-opinion/the-sinking-island-of-
• https://www.cherarocks.com/dharmadam-island-pristine-neighborhood/
• https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dharmadam+Island/
• http://www.beckettrankine.com/category/topics/projects-
• http://www. buoyantfoundation.org/
• http: // www.resilientdesign.org/theresilient-design-principles/
• Http://Www.Faqs.Org/Patents/App/20090217855
• http://www.nachi.org/inspecting-floating-homes.html
• http://www.igsfederal.com/thermoplastic-timber durability.html
• http://epsa.org.au/about-eps/eps-inbuilding/block/
• http://www.manitoupontoonboats.com/whats-apontoon/
• http://theconstructor.org/concrete/ferro-cement-in-construction/1156/
• http://www.coastalcooperation.net/part-0/CCC.pdf
• http://Britannica.com/
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_rafting
• http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jestft/papers/vol1-
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hull_(watercraft)
• https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/NRI-from-
• https://physics.info/buoyancy/summary.shtm
• https://news.iqglassuk.com/designing-wind-