Premature Ejaculation Goodbye
Premature Ejaculation Goodbye
Premature Ejaculation Goodbye
If you are a man and reading this, it’s probably because you are fed up
with postponing a decision to solve a problem you have been troubled with
for a long time. So, here it is again…You are out with your friends for
drinks, when a beautiful, sexy woman enters the bar. You see how hot her
curves look in that tiny little cocktail dress and her amazing high heels.
Immediately, you feel your heart racing and you know there is no chance
in hell to let that opportunity pass you by without regretting it later. You
stand up and walk to her direction; you penetrate her with your look and
you start flirting with her; she is fully into you and you two hit it off very
quickly. Within 15 minutes, you grab her by the hand and lead her to some
other place (read: your place). At last you have her on your bed, kissing
and touching her everywhere. Things get really hot, so you put on a
condom to penetrate her when all of a sudden you feel your sperm rapidly
and uncontrollably rise through your penis and boom…! You ejaculate
seconds after entering her. You feel defeated, disappointed, and ashamed,
you think she thinks of you as a lesser man, and then you do nothing about
it, believing that next time with another girl it won’t happen. Eventually, it
will be fixed by itself, you believe.
Well, this is the vicious cycle you decided to break by reading this e-
book. I know it because I experienced the exact same situation again and
again until I decided to solve my problem once and for all. After trying
innumerable methods on my own without any success, I visited a close
friend of mine who is a professional sex therapist. When I told him I
suffered from premature ejaculation, he reassured me that this is a very
common problem troubling one third of men world-wide. He also told me
that if I followed his instructions and systematically practiced the
exercises he gave me, I would overcome my problem within 60 days. The
content you are about to read corresponds more to a manual than to a
classical book. What I am giving you here, is not theoretical knowledge
about your anatomy, nor is it some boring list of what doesn’t work; this
is pure, practical information, a sex therapist’s manual, if you wish, which
I followed personally to cure my own premature ejaculation in 60 days.
I made it short and I am cutting to the chase to give you the 14 exercises
given to me by my sex therapist friend. I practiced them under his
instructions at least 3 times a week for 60 days and I managed to go from
lasting 2 minutes in bed to 60 minutes!
S. H. Alexander
Sex: False Expectations and Reality
Being a man is not an easy ride. Whether you live in today’s developed
Western world or elsewhere, chances are you are hard-wired to believe that
a man is all about building, creating, and achieving; building your CV,
creating your life, achieving your goals. We are taught to be ambitious, to
aim high, and to bring the best possible results to our lives as well as to
the lives of others. We are indoctrinated to pursue perfection, professional
and personal, and if we fail to do so, we think we are “losers”, a “failure”
or a “disappointment”.
The irony is, perfection doesn’t exist, so what’s the point in chasing
something inexistent? Even worse, what’s the point of bringing this
perfectionist mentality in areas of your life which are meant to be about
pleasure, joy, and carelessness? As you might have guessed, your sex life
is one such area; it is an area where the “responsibility to achieve” and the
burden “to succeed” should be left aside…
Your goal in sex cannot and should not be an egocentric one; your goal
cannot and should not be how to perform, how to be perfect in bed or how
to prove that you can give your partner an orgasm through penetration.
Your goal should be to develop a satisfactory way of making love, so as to
both get pleasure.
Accept that you are not a perfect sex machine, but a man who can give and
take pleasure through a sexual encounter. Sexuality and sex are more
about desire and satisfaction rather than arousal and orgasm.
Sexual skill VS Sexual Performance
It’s a myth that sex should be always rapid and automatic and that it will
always be perfect without any sort of effort and time. Every skill requires
practice (e.g. when you first learned to ride a bike, it took some practice
before you managed to feel comfortable and learn how not to fall). Sex for
reproduction can be done easily, but if you want to receive joy and
pleasure, to have sexual self-confidence, and to create a high-quality
sexual relationship with your partner, then you need to learn some
techniques. Honing a skill means to do the exercises again and again until
you develop the necessary level of familiarity. Just like it’s not enough to
be told how to ride a bike, but you also need to try several times until you
learn, when it comes to your sexual skill you must repeat the exercises of
this book many times as well.
It’s a myth that sex should last for hours. The woman herself will get
tired of being railed for such a long time. Many women will even feel
unpleasant pain after a point and they will ask you themselves whether you
are close to coming. How uncomfortable…
You need to dedicate 20 to 30 minutes in foreplay. This will help you adapt
to your body’s physical and emotional signs. This way, you will have time
to recognize and observe the physical signs of your sexual arousal. You
will become able to test the techniques you are about to learn during the
arousal at your own pace. Eventually, you will have enough time to
practice and acclimatize yourself with controlling even high levels of
arousal under conditions much easier than those of an actual penetration.
During foreplay, in order to lower the level of your arousal, get away from
the point-of-no-return, and stop the arousal of your penis, you need to
relax your muscles and breathe from your belly. What do I mean by
foreplay? I mean sexual massage (not common massage, unless you want
to sleep) when your are touching and caressing both her erotic and non-
erotic zones of her body.
Understand that the most important sex organ you have is your brain.
During the exercises, you need to be aware of your thoughts. You must
pay attention to where your mind focuses. Negative or pessimistic
thoughts will not help you. If, however, you focus on each and every
exercise at a time, you will have a great progress. It is crucial to learn how
to focus your attention and discipline your mind.
Have a positive attitude towards sex. Sex is good, pleasure is good. You
don’t need to numb your joy to control ejaculation. Take personal
responsibility to develop your very own sexual repertoire. Commit to the
exercises and DO NOT QUIT. You also need to find a balance between
learning the techniques I am about to teach you here and still feeling free
to express yourself sexually.
Prepare yourself to relax. First, you will learn relaxation techniques, and
in the process you will learn to be mentally flexible, patient and
cooperative in your sexual relationships.
From the Sex Therapist’s Textbook: 14 Exercises for 60-
Minute Sex
Sexuality starts from hearing your body and knowing how it feels. The
goal of this exercise is to learn how to recognize automatically what you
feel in every given moment. This is an exercise of awareness, an opening
to yourself.
While you are sitting, bring your attention to the different parts of your
body. Begin with having awareness of your touch. Feel the sense that your
cloths give on your skin and understand the difference in how you feel the
naked parts of your body. Observe your muscles. See if there is tension in
the muscles of your face, neck, back, chest, belly, hips, hands, legs and
Welcome the sensations you receive from the different parts of your body.
Last, see if you can spontaneously detect any feeling or emotion you might
have within you. If you can’t, it’s ok. You will become able to recognize
your emotions at a later stage of this program. You will progressively be
able recognize and understand your emotions. Your emotions are
demonstrated in the area of your belly, chest, face, shoulders, neck, breath,
as well as in your entire body. Emotions have a life cycle which grows and
is expressed before it disappears. A sigh as we breathe out often shows us
that an emotion has completed its life cycle.
The goal of this exercise is to learn how to recognize the type of your
breath; to understand when you breathe from your chest and when from
your belly. Eventually, you will become able to change at will your
breathing from chest breathing to belly breathing. This will allow you to
relax your body and mind during sex, especially when your breath
becomes automatically chest-induced and increases your arousal.
Pay attention to the air which comes through your two nostrils, it comes
down your throat and fills your lungs. Observe the minor motion of your
chest as you breathe in and out for 2 minutes. Then, observe whether your
abdominal muscles are tightened and relax them. Check if there is a minor
motion of your belly as you breathe. If there is no motion, allow
progressively for more air to come to the lower part of your lungs. This
way, your belly will start to inflate like a balloon every time you inhale.
Make sure that you don’t force your breathing. It’s important that your
body remains relaxed and that your in-breathing is almost equal to your
out-breathing. With every in-breathing, feel your belly as it gets slightly
inflated. With each out-breathing, feel the organs of your belly area as
they relax. Have the sensation that your belly deflates. No need for
pressure. As your body relaxes, you automatically start breathing from
your belly.
The relaxation of your body helps you to fight anxiety and focus on the
pleasure of sensations. Furthermore, it helps you reduce your sexual
arousal. If you do the exercise separately from the previous exercises, start
with 2 to 3 minutes belly breathing. Sit comfortably on your
chair/couch/bed. Close your eyes and relax. Start breathing from your
belly, counting to 3 as you inhale and again to 3 as you exhale.
Observe your toes, feet, calves, and thighs. As you observe each part one
by one, feel the tension leaving from your body. It would help, if during
the exhalation you imagined that a burden leaves from these body parts
and goes down to the floor. Feel your two legs completed relaxed. Breathe
calmly and deeply. Feel the air as it goes in and out of your body.
Pay attention to your thighs and then to your pelvis. Let your muscles
relax. Then, allow this sense of relaxation to go to your belly and the lower
part of your back. During the exhalation let the tension move from the
lower part of your body to the floor. You might feel that your body sinks
into your seat. Make sure that the entire area of your pelvis is relaxed.
Your abdominal muscles, chest, and neck are the areas where anxiety
appears. Start to relax the upper part of your body as well: chest,
shoulders, neck, and arms. As you observe these areas, feel how any kind
of tension leaves. Feel how each and every one of these areas sinks into
your seat and goes down as well. In the same fashion, observe the muscles
around your head. The squeezing of your muscles reflects your emotions.
If you relax your facial muscles, you will see that the tension of your
emotions is reduced. As you exhale, feel how your jaw, cheeks, lips, eyes,
and forehead become relaxed.
Feel how your entire body has relaxed. At the same time, see how your
mind becomes calmer and more focused.
Exercise: Reverse your breathing when aroused, slow and rapid speed
Flex your abdominal muscles and let yourself breathe from your chest.
Feel the tension rising in your tightened belly. Now, take 3 breaths and
relax the muscles of your belly. Observe that your breath becomes
automatically belly-induced. Take 3 belly-induced breaths. With each
exhalation you relax both your chest and your belly. Repeat this exercise 3
times from the beginning.
Repeat these exercises at least 3 times this week when you are alone,
relaxed, and focused without being aroused. Do these exercises in a quiet
environment. Then, do these exercises during masturbation.
You need to start to understand the reactions of your body during the pre-
ejaculation phase and the point of no-return (the point of no-return is the
peak of your arousal just when you are about to come). During
masturbation, observe yourself. See whether your belly is flexed and
whether you breathe from your chest. If you detect something like that, try
to reverse your breathing in order to breathe from your belly. Observe the
effect of this reversal on your arousal. You don’t have to breathe from
your belly all the time during sex or masturbation. This, however, is the
best tool to control your arousal.
Try sometimes to make slow moves, and when you reach the pre-
ejaculation phase stop for a while and start breathing from your belly until
your penis is relaxed. After this, start again.
When you feel that you manage well to control your arousal during
masturbation, you can try it during sex when you are laid back and she is
on top, while you are the one who adjusts her speed. Tell her to move at a
slower pace or to stop if you feel very turned on. Tell her also to move less
up and down and more in a cyclical fashion in order to avoid too much
friction (and excitement) on your penis. You will not see a great difference
in your ability to control your arousal during sex in this initial stage. DO
NOT GET DISAPPOINTED! Repetition of this exercise is a MUST, and
together with the next exercises you are about to learn you will bring about
the results you desire.
If you don’t have sex for some time, it is possible that your sexual arousal
will be rapidly increased and you will come fast. It is very important that
you keep a steady frequency for your sexual release depending on your
very own personal needs.
Sex is like a sport. It requires systematic learning and practice. Just like
the athlete who practices a lot before he plays, you, the lover, must
practice your technique and be in shape. Masturbation can be used as a
training ground for you through which you will experiment and hone your
skill without any fear or anxiety on whether you will satisfy your partner
or not. In a nutshell, masturbation is your personal care-free sexual
Many men make a huge effort not to come, when they reach their point-of-
no-return. They tighten their thighs and belly, they hold their breath, they
clench their fists, and they bite their lips. This is only natural when we try
to stop a function of our bodies and not give in to a physical urge.
Ironically, the efforts to stop this specific urge to ejaculate by tightening
our muscles and holding our breath have the exact opposite effect! As you
reach your point-of-no-return, you MUST LET GO and relax your
muscles. Don’t try to hold back. Relax your belly, thighs, and jaw. This
way, you will manage to reduce your arousal. You will decrease your
arousal to a level you can handle. You will regain control and avoid
More Exercises…
You continue the breathing exercises you learned. Your breath is the
fundamental tool of control. Control your breath and you control your
arousal. Breathing from your belly gives you a very good way of control,
but it also plays a role in your eroticism and the pleasure you get during
sex. I will teach you how to feel your eroticism later.
Goal: to reverse your breathing fast and effectively before you feel the
urge to ejaculate.
First, as you sit, tighten your belly and start breathing from your chest fast
just like the way you breathe when you are about to reach the pre-
ejaculation phase. Now, FAST relax your belly. Let your next breath inflate
your belly like a balloon and let the air come down to the bottom of your
stomach. As you breathe out let loose your belly and chest. Breathe like
this 5 times.
Second, as you are laid back, repeat this exercise using your imagination
in order to enter a state similar to that of a sexual encounter. Try to reach
your highest level of arousal, taking 8 to 10 fast breaths. Observe the
sensations around the area of your penis and in between your thighs.
Observe your breath as it becomes faster and coming from your chest. See
how tightened your belly is. Reverse FAST your breath. NOW. Inflate your
belly like a balloon. As you breathe out let loose your belly and chest. Do
this 5 times.
Third, repeat this exercise during masturbation.
First of all, learn to distinguish between your emotions and your behavior.
Being aware of your emotions is one thing, but expressing them is another.
If you express negative emotions, then there is danger to step back in your
progress instead of going forward. Don’t express negative emotions
during or after sex with your woman. If you come fast, instead of
getting angry or disappointed in front of your partner, ask her for a few
minutes to relax and then offer to satisfy her in any way she desires.
Accept your negative emotions, learn from them, but don’t allow them to
influence negatively what you learned. Exercise some emotional self-
control and don’t let immobilizing emotions derail your progress.
Accept, at the same time, your partner’s emotions. Listen to her, showing
her your appreciation and warmth even if you don’t agree with her. For
instance, you can choose to accept the fact that she became angry, even if
you don’t agree with her interpretation of what happened. Don’t try to
change how she feels. Interestingly enough, listening to her potential
complaint or anger after your fast ejaculation is the only thing you can do
to help her feel differently.
Observing your emotions creates distance between you and your emotions.
Imagine you are a little explorer who enters your body and looks for the
areas where each emotion is expressed. Where in your body do you
experience joy? In your face? Eyes? Mouth? Chest? Legs? Where do you
experience anxiety or fear? In your stomach? Chest? Maybe, in your cold
hands? How about anger? Can you feel it in your cheeks, ears, neck, and
stomach? And what about anger? Doubt? Eroticism?
When you feel the urge to express an emotion (e.g. at times when you are
very angry, sad or scared, or when you feel anxiety on whether your
woman will eventually come), observe carefully the position of your body,
pay attention to the reactions of your muscles, of your breath, and every
other change you experience in your body. Once you detect them and feel
them, let your body relax and overcome the tension. Now, imagine that
you a build a protective wall around you. This wall is so STRONG that
nothing can penetrate it!
Feel the safety in this wall and start to relax even more. Take a few deep
breaths, and with each exhalation let any muscular or mental tension go
away from you. Inside the wall you feel INVINCIBLE and FEARLESS.
You are the man who is afraid of NOTHING and conquers ALL. Observe
the emotion you want to erase. Tell yourself “I am not my emotions! I am
myself and I am safe in this situation no matter how hard it seems!” Now,
relax even more and let the sense of safety fill your entire body
With this exercise you can start controlling your reaction towards a
negative emotion you are feeling. It’s important to learn NOT to express
them, especially in front of your woman/sexual partner because such an
attitude will impede your progress. Accept your negative emotions, calm
down, and DO NOT let them overwhelm you. Most importantly, DO NOT
let any negative emotion make you pessimistic about the effectiveness of
these new techniques and behaviors. Remember always that you are the
one who CHOOSES his emotions, positive or negative, and you are the one
who CAN CHOOSE the way you think. Focus on your physical sensations
every time you are worried about ejaculating prematurely.
Now, you will start practicing your skill to control your arousal, working
on the tension and speed of your pelvic movement. These two
characteristics play a huge role in the development of your arousal. You
really need to work on these two elements.
Your goal should be to learn how to move your pelvis with as little
muscular tension as possible. As we already know, muscular tension
encourages ejaculation. Later, you will be able to change the levels of your
muscular tension during sex; you will learn to move more sensually, which
will also make you experience greater pleasure. You don’t have to use a lot
of strength during sex. You can do it softly.
The technique we are going to use here is called contrast. It’s important to
feel – through the contrast – the difference between intense movement and
calm movement. If you feel the difference, it will be easier for you to
recognize the level of your muscular strength during sex and therefore
change it at will!
Now, drop to your knees and put your hands on the floor. Yes, you read
correctly. Men too must sometimes do it. In this position, raise your back
breathing out (like a scared cat would) and imagine you are lifting up a
huge weight and that you need a lot of effort to actually do it. Now, lower
your back to the floor and raise your head up, while breathing in, and
imagine you are resisting the weight. Raise your back and lower it down
once while you are really tightened. Do this 3 times. Now, do this again,
imagining you lift a feather, not a weight, this time. Raise your back in a
very relaxed fashion. Lower your back in the exact same way. Do this 3
Moving slow during sex increases your ability to control your sexual
arousal, but it also increases the eroticism and communication between
you and your woman.
Here, you will learn to distinguish between the movement of your back as
a whole and the specific movement of your pelvis alone. This exercise is
more difficult than the previous one because you have no support. Before,
you had the support coming from the doggy-style position, as you put your
hands on the floor; now, you will learn to control your movement without
it. When you move your pelvis independently from your back, you are
using fewer muscles. On top of that, you get more pleasure and you can
also control your arousal. You control it by letting it go up and down
whenever you want.
The technique
While standing, keep your legs at a distance, the same distance you keep
between your shoulders. Keep your feet parallel to each other and slightly
You can put your hands on your waist to help your pelvis move. Use a
mirror to make it easier. You must isolate the movement of your pelvis.
Observe that when you move your pelvis forward, it also moves upwards.
The same happens when you move your pelvis backwards. You MUST
NOT move your entire body, nor to bend forward or backwards.
You will synchronize the pelvic movement with your breath. A trick here
in order not to get confused is to remember to breathe out when your penis
goes forward (i.e. during penetration) and to breath in when your penis
withdraws (i.e. when it gets out of the vagina).
Repeat this exercise, while remembering to breathe from your belly and
make a big move with your pelvis. This will help you spread the arousal of
your genitals to your entire body, reducing its tension.
Breathe out, while doing a big pelvic movement forward. Breathe in, while
doing a big pelvic movement backwards. Do this 30 times.
Start again this exercise making sure you keep your chest area relaxed
when you breathe out and bring your pelvis forward. This will allow you to
reduce even further your muscular tension. Do this 30 times.
Stand up, keep legs open, hands on your buttocks. Tighten your buttocks.
Feel the contraction of the muscles. Now, slowly relax them. Feel the
relaxation. Observe the difference between these two phases. What are the
sensations you feel in your buttocks when you tighten them and when you
relax them? Do this 30 times.
While standing, breathe out as you bring your pelvis forward, tightening
your buttocks. Feel them tightened now. During sex you will have to avoid
the tightening. I am just telling you what NOT TO DO. Breathe in when
the pelvis goes backwards. Do this 10 times.
Now, make the same movement with your buttocks relaxed. You will have
the impression you are making a smaller move, but in fact the movement
is reduced slightly. Feel your buttocks relaxed. This is how they
SHOULD BE during sex. Do this 10 times.
Move your pelvis while standing REALLY SLOW. You need to focus. If
you like, count to 5 as you make the move forward; then, count to 5 as you
make the move backwards. Alternatively, you can synchronize the pelvic
movement with your breath. Move your pelvis forward as you breathe out
and backwards as you breathe in. Do this 10 times. Then, accelerate your
movement. Start moving your pelvis as much as you can, letting loose
your breathing. Do this 10 times. Now, slow down and make a few really
slow movements. Repeat at least 3 times.
You already learned to recognize your breath during sexual arousal. You
also know how to recognize the moment when you enter the pre-
ejaculation phase. Now, you will start to understand the sensations in your
entire body during your arousal. While you are aroused, are your belly
muscles tightened? Does your breath come from your chest? Does it
become faster? Are your movements faster? Are you muscles tight? Are
you focused on the sexual stimuli? Do you feel increased pleasure? If you
answered “yes” to all these, it means you understand well the signs of your
arousal. You have the ability to discern the signs and apply these
techniques at the right moment. Realize your body’s reactions and
familiarize yourself with them. This is a very interesting exploration, a
very personal journey with one destination: knowing yourself and
controlling your arousal.
Try to satisfy regularly your natural needs for ejaculation. When you feel
that, don’t hesitate to satisfy yourself. This way, you will not accumulate
sexual tension. During the point-of-no-return don’t try to stop it; let go
and enjoy it, instead.
To have better control over the timing of your ejaculation, you’d better
keep you eyes open, your mouth half-open, and your thighs at a distance
during sex. When you keep your eyes closed, you tend to focus on the
sensation of your penis, to not move your pelvis independently from your
back, and to clench your muscles, which leads you to ejaculate much
When your mouth is open, the air can come in and out freely from your
lungs. This way, the pressure on your lungs is reduced faster and it’s easier
to relax your muscles. Moreover, your jaw muscles and lips are not
clenched, and the relaxation of your whole body becomes easier.
Your thighs tend naturally to touch each other when you are aroused and
sometimes tremble. When, instead, you keep your thighs at a distance, you
avoid this natural effect and you increase your control over your
Goal: To be able to breath again from your belly and relax ALL your
muscular tensions just before you reach the point-of-no-return without
trying to prevent your ejaculation if it comes. If you manage to relax all
muscular tension and reduce your arousal, fine; if, on the other hand, you
ejaculate, let it be so and enjoy it.
Sit normally on a chair. Put in your belly and keep it clenched. Breathe
from your chest and accelerate the pace of your breath, just like you do
when you reach your pre-ejaculation phase. Take 8 breaths like that.
Now, fast, relax your belly and body. With the next breath, you let your
belly inflate like a balloon and you allow the air to go deep down into your
lungs. When you breathe out let your belly, chest, shoulders, neck, jaw,
arms, and legs relax. Take 5 breaths like that. Repeat 3 times.
Clench you belly again. Start breathing from your chest and accelerate
your breath. Imagine you are having sex. You enter the pre-ejaculation
phase. Take 8 to 10 breaths like that. You feel the sensations in your
penis and pelvis. You observe that your belly is clenched and you breathe
from your chest. You reach the point-of-no-return. Now, immediately, you
reverse your breath and you relax your body. Let your belly inflate like a
balloon, as you breathe in. As you breathe out, you relax your belly, chest,
shoulders and all other clenched parts of your body. Do this 5 times. Tell
yourself “I am letting myself free”. Repeat 3 times.
After you do this exercise 2-3 times in normal mode, you will do it during
masturbation and sex as well.
Exercise: Move your pelvis in the cat position (knees and hands on the
floor) – eroticism
From this point on, you will combine your technical knowledge with your
sexuality. The first step for you is to understand the sensations you receive
from your own movements and get pleasure from them. You will, thus,
think less and less about techniques and become more and more erotic. As
you control your arousal, you will get more pleasure. You will understand
your sexual stimuli and you will taste them without reaching the point-of-
While you are in the cat position, move your pelvis in slow motion.
Receive the stimuli from your back, and chest. Improvise.
Move your pelvis and back very slowly. Now, accelerate. Now, make a
little pause. During the entire movement, but also during the pause, FEEL
YOUR BODY. Start again. Make big moves, then very small ones. Taste
the sensations coming from the various movements of your body. These
sensations are not very special, nor very intense, but you still receive some
kind of pleasure. This exercise teaches you how to acquire an acute sense
of your body; to understand every little reaction or feeling; to eventually
learn to enjoy these reactions, as you move erotically.
Improvise for 3 minutes. Take a break for 3 minutes. Rinse and repeat.
Most men will choose to stay in their comfort zone, unwilling to take
responsibility for their sex lives, and not daring to break the vicious cycle
of premature ejaculation. Some others will not believe it’s even possible to
overcome it, while many will think “it’s too much work”. Fortunately, you
are not one of them. You dared to recognize a very common problem that’s
troubling you and you decided to finally deal with it. You are a fixer who
takes control of his life, not a complainer. I am exactly like you and it was
my desire to share how I did it, so that other men will benefit from my
The information you read above come directly from the sex therapy
program I personally followed under the instructions of my sex therapist
friend. As you might have understood, there are two components in
overcoming premature ejaculation, both of which are part of the program I
followed; controlling your mind and controlling your body. Let’s face
it: we are what we think. The ideas we have shape our emotions, and our
emotions shape the world we live in. Wrong ideas and false expectations
will lead to negative perceptions on sex, women, and your role as a man.
Your mind can be either your friend or your worst enemy. It depends on
what you feed it.
However, men who suffer from premature ejaculation have also another
thing in common apart from the way they think. It’s their lack of
awareness of their basic body functions. I was exactly like that. I was
oblivious to my breathing patterns and I had no idea how much I clenched
my muscles during sex. No wonder how “automatic” my ejaculation felt! I
had no control of it because I was not mindful of my short and rapid
breathing, my tightened muscles and my fast heartbeat. My complete
ignorance of my own body during sex was eradicated thanks to the 14
exercises I religiously practiced and I shared with you in the second
chapter. I practiced again and again for 60 days. I managed to gain control
over my breathing and muscles. I learned to feel tension and relax at will.
I learned to control my sexual arousal and therefore my ejaculation.
So, you have it all. All you needed to join the club with the men who
changed their minds and understood their bodies; men who managed to go
from 2 minutes in bed to 60 minutes in 60 days or less; men who
defeated fear and self-doubt and rediscovered their way to give and
receive pleasure during sex. This book was about how I made it happen for
me and how you can do the same yourself!