Utilization of Soy Our As A Source of Iso Avone in Wheat Paratha
Utilization of Soy Our As A Source of Iso Avone in Wheat Paratha
Utilization of Soy Our As A Source of Iso Avone in Wheat Paratha
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Sorted so y beans
Wheat flour (35g) + soyflour (10%, 15%, 20% and 25%)
Washed so y bea ns
Addition of 1 pinch salt and 25 ml water
Soaked soybean in tap water for 8 hours
Mix all the ingredients into dough
Drained water from soybean Knead the dough firmly until smooth, free from stickiness
and covered for 5 minutes
Baked a t 175°C for 25 minutes
Roll the dough into a disc, brush with oil, fold into half,
brush with oil and fold again
Milled and sieved in min i grain mill
Sprinkle some wheat flour and roll the double folded dough into
Sieved flo ur a triangular shaped paratha
protein contributed by soyflour must have reacted with sugar content of soyflour was 26.82 % and the calorific value was
during the baking process (Mohsen et al., 2009). The score 455.89 kcal/100g. The calcium content was evaluated to be
for texture of the paratha samples, increase with increase in 198 mg/100g in soyflour. These findings are in agreement with
soyflour substitution, but were less in score when compared to those reported by Famurewa and Raji (2011) and Mishra et
paratha (control). The paratha with 20 % (T3) and 25% (T4) al.,(2012). In the present study, the isoflavone content was
had the best texture score as compared to their counter part abundant in soybean flour i.e. 131.55 mg/100 g. Edina et al.,
treatment group. Statistical data revealed that there was a (2012) reported the total isoflavone content in seven cultivators
significant difference in texture of paratha at p<0.01. of soybean was in range from 71.2 to 133.8 mg/100g.
Results regarding flavour and taste of the soyflour The nutritional composition of paratha substituted
incorporated products revealed increased in scores upto 20 with 20 %(T3) soyflour contained moisture 26.96±0.46 g,
% incorporation and then decreased. Paratha sample with protein 18.39±1.51 g, fat 2.98±0.39 g, ash 3.26±0.10 g, crude
25 %(T4) soyflour recorded the lowest value. From the fibre 1.62±0.33 g, carbohydrate 73.75±1.11 g, energy
statistical data, it is clear that, there was a significant 395.38±2.20 kcal and calcium 43.33±1.15 mg (Table 2). The
difference at p<0.01 in flavour and taste of paratha. Serrem protein, fat, ash and crude fibre content of paratha were
et al., (2011) reported that substitutions of defatted soyflour more or less comparable as reported by Mishra et al.,
into wheatbread and biscuits were associated with the (2012).The isoflavone content of paratha was found to be
roasted soybean flavour, aroma and after taste. The beany 19.94 mg/100 g on fresh weight basis.In the present study,
flavour is commonly associated with food legumes(Okoye the isoflavone content was abundant in soyflour but was in
and Okaka, 2009). less concentration in its products. Apart from incorporation
The sensory evaluation also revealed that paratha level of soyflour at different level in developed product, the
with soyflour substitution up to 20 % (T3) were overall difference in isoflavone content between the products may
highest acceptable, even though normal paratha was still be due to cooking methods and exposure to heat.Isoflavone
preferred.The findings were in accordance with Aleem et content and its distribution in soybased foods have been
al., (2012) who also reported similar results after replacing reported to depend on the variety of soybean, methods of
refined wheat flour with soyflour at 20 per cent level to processing, and addition of other components (Yaqiong et
prepare biscuits. Whereas, Kadam et al., (2012) reported al., 2009).
lower incorporation level of soyflour and chickpea flour in
equal quantities i.e. 10 % each in wheat paratha. Table 2: Nutritional composition of soyflour and selected paratha
Nutrient analysis: The chemical composition of soyflour (on dry weight basis).
are shown in Table 2. The moisture content of flour Nutrients Soyflour Paratha (SF-20%)
(Mean±SD) (Mean±SD)
determines its storage stability as lower the flour moisture,
Moisture (g) 4.23±0.24 26.96±0.46
longer will be its storage stability. It was observed that Protein (g) 44.07±0.50 18.39±1.51
soyflour recorded a moisture content of 4.23 %. The flour Fat (g) 19.14±1.15 2.98±0.39
quality is also assessed by the quantity and quality of protein Ash (g) 4.70±0.10 3.26±0.10
in flour. The result of the proximate composition of the Crude fiber (g) 5.25±0.01 1.62±0.33
soyflour showed a high amount of protein (44.07%). Soyflour Carbohydrate (g) 26.82±1.49 73.75±1.11
being a product of soybean which is an oilseed contained Energy (kcal) 455.89±5.74 395.38±2.20
about 19.14 % fat. The ash content in the food stuff represents Calcium (mg) 198±2 43.33±1.15
inorganic matters remaining after the organic matters have Isoflavone* (mg) 131.55 19.94
SF – Soyflour
been burnt. The total mineral content was 4.70 % and the
All the values are the average of three observations
crude fibre content was 5.25 %. The computed carbohydrate *Isoflavone content of products (per 100g) on fresh weight basis
CONCLUSION soyflour blended other local and traditional products for
Based on the above results, it could be concluded menopause women.
that soyflour incorporation up to the level of 20 % ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
i ncrea sed t he over a ll accepta bil it y a nd nut ri en t The authors are grateful to Dr.Rukam SinghTomar,
characteristics of paratha. The enhancement of the Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Food
protein, calcium and isoflavone content of paratha with Testing Laboratory, Junagarh Agriculture University,
the addition of soyflour, could help to alleviate the Junagarh, for providing HPLC facility.This study was
problem during menopause and thus improve their quality sponsored by University Grants Commission under Maulana
of life. Also, further studies should be performed on Azad National Fellowship.
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