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Inborn Errors of Metabolism

with Hyperammonemia
Urea Cycle Defects and Related Disorders

Marshall L. Summar, MD*, Nicholas Ah Mew, MD

Hyperammonemia ● Ammonia ● Arginine ● Citrulline ● Liver ● Urea cycle ● Ornithine


Symptoms of hyperammonemia include cerebral edema, lethargy, anorexia, hyperventila-

tion or hypoventilation, hypothermia, seizures, neurologic posturing, and coma.
Clinical awareness and suspicion of hyperammonemia is the most important component
in the diagnosis and treatment of inborn errors of metabolism associated with elevated
ammonia levels.
For the pediatrician, recognition, stabilization, and rapid transport to a center with a meta-
bolic specialist is the surest way to achieve an optimal outcome.
Emergency management of hyperammonemia is based on 3 interdependent principles:
physical removal of the ammonia by renal replacement therapy, reversal of the catabolic
state, and pharmacologic scavenging of excess nitrogen.


The urea cycle, first described by Krebs and Henseleit,1 converts into urea the extra
nitrogen produced by the breakdown of protein and other nitrogen-containing mole-
cules (Fig. 1). A congenital or secondary deficiency of the urea cycle may, thus, result
in the accumulation of ammonia and other precursor metabolites. Through a variety of
mechanisms, hyperammonemia can cause cerebral edema, lethargy, anorexia, hyper-
ventilation or hypoventilation, hypothermia, seizures, neurologic posturing, and coma.
The urea cycle as a nitrogen clearance system is limited primarily to the human liver
and intestine with carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS1) and ornithine transcarba-
mylase (OTC) limited exclusively to those tissues. The enzymes downstream that pro-
cess citrulline into arginine are ubiquitous in their distribution, because these enzymes
participate in the production of nitric oxide (NO).

The authors have no commercial or financial interests. Both Drs M.L. Summar and N.A. Mew
have and do receive funding from the NIH.
Rare Disease Institute, Children’s National Medical Center, 111 Michigan Avenue Northwest,
Washington, DC 20010, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Pediatr Clin N Am 65 (2018) 231–246
0031-3955/18/ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
232 Summar & Mew

Fig. 1. The hepatic urea cycle. ARG1, arginase; ASL, argininosuccinic acid lyase; ASS1, argi-
ninosuccinic acid synthase; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CoA, coenzyme A; CPS1, carbamyl
phosphate synthetase 1; NAGS, N-acetylglutamate synthase; ORNT1, mitochondrial orni-
thine transporter 1; OTC, ornithine transcarbamylase.

A primary urea cycle disorder (UCD) results from an inherited defect in one of the
6 enzymes or 2 transporters of the urea cycle (see Fig. 1). Infants with near or total
absence of activity of any of these proteins, in particular the first 4 urea cycle en-
zymes (CPS1, OTC, argininosuccinate synthase [ASS1], and argininosuccinate
lyase [ASL]) or the cofactor producer (N-acetyl glutamate synthetase [NAGS]),
often initially seem to be normal, but within days develop signs and symptoms of
hyperammonemia. With partial urea cycle enzyme deficiencies, individuals may
go decades before encountering an environmental stress that overwhelms their
marginal ureagenesis capacity, resulting in a hyperammonemic episode.
Commonly distributed, functional polymorphisms in the urea cycle may not result
in hyperammonemia, but instead affect the production of downstream metabolic
intermediates (such as arginine) during key periods of need. These variations in in-
termediate molecule supply can affect other metabolic pathways such as the pro-
duction of NO from citrulline and arginine, and potentially the tricarboxylic acid
cycle through aspartate and fumarate.
A secondary defect in the urea cycle may occur if there is a functional deficiency of
substrates of one of the urea cycle enzymes. Examples include low
intramitochondrial bicarbonate in carbonic anhydrase 5A deficiency, or low ornithine
in lysinuric protein intolerance and neonatal ornithine aminotransferase deficiency.
Additionally, inhibition of the cofactor producer, NAGS, is a proposed mechanism of
urea cycle dysfunction in several conditions, including the organic acidemias,
valproate toxicity, and chemotherapy-induced hyperammonemia. Furthermore,
generalized liver dysfunction caused by toxin, infection, poor perfusion, or other
inborn errors of metabolism, may impair urea cycle function and result in
hyperammonemia (Box 1).
Box 1
Causes of hyperammonemia

Factors that diminish urea cycle function or augment demands on the urea cycle:
● Genetic defect in an enzyme
● Damage to the liver (both chronic and acutely)
● Chemical toxins (ethyl alcohol, industrial, etc)
● Infectious processes
Drug effects on the cycle
● Direct interference with enzymes
○ Valproic acid
○ Chemotherapy (particularly cyclophosphamide)
● Damage or general disruption of hepatic function
○ Systemic antifungals
○ Chemotherapy from hepatotoxic effects
○ Acetaminophen
Other metabolic diseases
● Organic acidemias (in particular, propionic and methylmalonic acidemias)
● Carbonic anhydrase 5A deficiency
● Lysinuric protein intolerance
● Ornithine aminotransferase deficiency (in neonates)
● Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
● Fatty acid oxidation defects
● Galactosemia
● Tyrosinemia type I
● Glycogen storage disease
Portosystemic shunt
Nitrogen overload
● Massive hemolysis (such as large bone fracture or trauma)
● Total parenteral nutrition
● Protein catabolism from starvation or bariatric surgery
● Postpartum stress
● Heart lung transplant
● Renal disease
● Gastrointestinal bleeding
● Catabolic stimuli
○ Corticosteroids
○ Gastric bypass
○ Prolonged fast or excessive protein restriction


Ammonia toxicity is thought to cause brain edema, induce neuronal and glial cell
death, and alter synaptic growth.2 The developing brain is much more susceptible to
the deleterious effects of ammonia than the adult brain, 3 although the adult brain
inside closed cranial sutures is more susceptible to the effects of cerebral edema.
Ammonia diffuses freely from the blood stream across the blood–brain barrier and
is rapidly condensed with glutamate to form glutamine by astrocytic glutamine
synthe- tase. Glutamine is osmotically active. In addition, ammonia itself may perturb
potas- sium homeostasis and alter water transport through aquaporin. Therefore,
through a variety of mechanisms, acute hyperammonemia results in astrocyte
swelling and cyto- toxic brain edema.4 Astrocyte swelling can precipitate pH and
Ca21-dependent gluta- mate release from astrocytes as well as inhibit GLAST
(glutamate-aspartate) transporter reuptake of glutamate, leading to an
overabundance of glutamate in the synaptic space. This results in excess
depolarization of glutamatergic neurons
through the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor, thereby inducing alterations in
NO metabolism and the Na1/K1-ATPase. This process precipitates a shortage of
adenosine triphosphate, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative stress, which ulti-
mately promote neuronal apoptosis.2 Acute hyperammonemia may exert effects
through metabotropic and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic
acid glutamate receptors5 and also alters cholinergic and serotoninergic systems.2
Chronic hyperammonemia may induce adaptive changes in N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor-mediated transmission and induction of astrocytosis. In the developing rat,
ammonia inhibits axonal and dendritic growth, and disturbs signal transduction path-
ways.6 These potential mechanisms may explain the cognitive impairment,
behavioral difficulties, and epilepsy observed in older individuals with UCDs, even in
the absence of acute hyperammonemia.

Symptoms and Signs of Urea Cycle Disorders

Acute symptoms from hyperammonemia progress from somnolence to lethargy and
coma. Abnormal posturing and encephalopathy are often related to the degree of central
nervous system swelling and pressure on the brain stem.7–9 A significant portion of neo-
nates with severe hyperammonemia have seizures, which may be subclinical and non-
convulsive. Hyperventilation, secondary to cerebral edema, is a common early finding
in a hyperammonemic attack, which causes a respiratory alkalosis. Hypoventilation
and respiratory arrest follow as pressure increases on the brain stem8–11 (Box 2).
In milder (or partial) urea cycle enzyme deficiencies, ammonia accumulation may
be triggered by illness or stress at almost any time of life, resulting in multiple mild in-
creases in plasma ammonia concentration.12 The hyperammonemia is less severe
and the symptoms more subtle. In individuals with partial enzyme deficiencies, the
first recognized clinical episode may be delayed for months or years. Although the
clinical abnormalities vary somewhat with the specific UCD, in most, the
hyperammonemic episode is marked by loss of appetite, cyclical vomiting, lethargy,
and behavioral ab- normalities. Sleep disorders, delusions, hallucinations, and
psychosis may occur. An encephalopathic (slow wave) pattern on
electroencephalography may be observed during hyperammonemia and nonspecific
brain atrophy may be seen subsequently on MRI 8,10,12–14 (Box 3). The symptoms at
first presentation are summarized in Box 4.


A brief review of disorder of the of the urea cycle follows. Table 1 lists the enzymes
and genes of the cycle associated with disease.

Box 2
Symptoms of newborns with urea cycle defects
Normal appearance at birth
Somnolence progressing to lethargy then coma
Loss of thermoregulation (hypothermia)
Feeding disruption (increases catabolism)
Neurologic posturing (from cerebral edema)
Hyperventilation and then hypoventilation
Box 3
Common clinical features for late onset urea cycle disorders

Dramatic and rapid increase in nitrogen load from

Rapid weight loss and autocatabolism
Increase in protein turnover from intravenous steroids
Avoidance of dietary protein
History of behavioral or psychiatric illnesses
Rapid deterioration of neurologic status
Severe encephalopathy inconsistent with medical condition
Evidence for cerebral edema by clinical examination or radiograph
Seizures in most cases
Decrease in oral intake in leading up to decompensation

Carbamylphosphate Synthetase 1 Deficiency

Carbamylphosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1) is the first enzyme in the urea cycle and is
found primarily in the liver. It condenses ammonia, bicarbonate, and adenosine
triphosphate into carbamyl phosphate. CPS1 requires its cofactor N-acetylglutamate
(NAG; see Fig. 1). Individuals with complete CPS1 deficiency rapidly develop hyper-
ammonemia in the newborn period. Affected children who are successfully rescued
from crisis are chronically at risk for repeated bouts of hyperammonemia. Individuals
with partial CPS1 deficiency can present at almost any time of life with a stressful
trig- gering event. Biochemical analyses may be highly suggestive of CPS1
deficiency, however, molecular testing is often required to make this diagnosis.

N-Acetylglutamate Synthetase Deficiency

NAGS catalyzes the conversion of glutamate and acetyl-CoA to NAG, the required
cofactor of CPS1 (see Fig. 1). Without NAG, CPS1 cannot convert ammonia into car-
bamyl phosphate; thus, NAGS deficiency results in a functional deficiency of CPS1.
Individuals with complete NAGS deficiency rapidly develop hyperammonemia in the

Box 4
Presenting symptoms in 260 affected individuals at first presentation of hyperammonemia

ollowed by apnea
mptoms, frequency and mortal- ity of 260 patients with urea cycle disorders from a 21-year, multicentre study of acute hyper- ammonaemic ep
Table 1
Enzymes and genes of urea cycle associated with disease: CPS1 deficiency
Gene Name Symbol Location Protein Name
Carbamyl phosphate CPS 2q35 Carbamyl phosphate synthase 1
synthetase 1
Ornithine 1 Xp21. Ornithine transcarbamylase
Argininosuccinate OTC 1 9q34 Argininosuccinate synthetase 1
synthetase 1
Argininosuccinate lyase ASS 7cen- Argininosuccinate lyase
Arginase 1 q11.2 Arginase 1
N-acetyl glutamate 1 6q23 N-acetyl glutamate synthetase
synthetase 17q21.3
Solute carrier family ASL Mitochondrial ornithine
25 member 15 ARG 13q14 transporter 1 (ORNT1)
Solute carrier family 1 Mitochondrial aspartate glutamate
25 member 13 NAG 7q21.3 transporter (Citrin)



newborn period. Affected children who are successfully rescued from crisis are
chron- ically at risk for repeated bouts of hyperammonemia. Individuals with partial
NAGS deficiency can present at almost any time of life with a stressful triggering
event. The use of an analog of NAG, carbamyl glutamate, has proven effective in
the treat- ment of this condition.

Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency

OTC combines carbamyl phosphate with ornithine to make citrulline (see Fig. 1). Like
with CPS1 deficiency, children with complete OTC deficiency rapidly develop
hyperammone- mia in the newborn period and thereafter are at risk for repeated bouts
of hyperammone- mia. OTC is located on the X chromosome; therefore, the majority of
severely affected individuals are male. Carrier females may rarely also be affected,
owing to skewed lyoni- zation. OTC deficiency is the most common UCD. Individuals
with partial OTC deficiency can present at almost any time with a stressful triggering

Argininosuccinate Synthetase Deficiency (Citrullinemia I)

ASS1 conjugates citrulline and aspartate to form argininosuccinate (see Fig. 1). Indi-
viduals with complete ASS1 deficiency present with severe hyperammonemia in the
newborn period. Citrulline levels in these individuals can be hundreds of times the
normal values. Unlike CPS1, NAGS, and OTC, this enzyme is distributed throughout
the body. ASS1 has also been shown to be involved in the production of NO.

Citrin Deficiency (Citrullinemia II)

Citrullinemia II results from a deficiency of the mitochondrial membrane glutamate-
aspartate transporter, SLC25A15 (see Fig. 1). The reduced availability of aspartate
for the enzyme argininosuccinic acid synthase results in a functional deficiency of
the urea cycle. This disorder presents in adolescence or adulthood with recurrent
hyperammonemia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. However, biallelic mutations in
SLC25A15 more commonly present in newborns as neonatal intrahepatic cholestasis
or in older children as failure to thrive and dyslipidemia. The majority of reported
affected individuals have been Asian, owing to a common mutation.
Argininosuccinate Lyase Deficiency (Argininosuccinic Aciduria)
The products of ASL are arginine and fumarate. This enzymatic step is past the point
in the urea cycle at which all the waste nitrogen from 1 revolution through the cycle
has been incorporated (see Fig. 1). Because argininosuccinate is freely excreted in
the urine, thereby disposing of 4 nitrogens, hyperammonemia is typically less severe
and less frequent than the disorders proximal to this step in the urea cycle. This dis-
order is often marked by chronic hepatic enlargement and elevation of
transaminases. Biopsy of the liver shows enlarged hepatocytes, which may over time
progress to fibrosis, the etiology of which is unclear. These children can also develop
trichorrhexis nodosa, a nodelike appearance of fragile hair, which usually responds
to arginine sup- plementation.8,10 Reports exist of affected individuals who have never
had prolonged coma, but nevertheless have significant developmental disabilities,
possibly owing to impairment of NO synthesis or the deleterious effects of
argininosuccinic acid.
Arginase Deficiency (Hyperargininemia)
Arginase is the final step in urea synthesis. It cleaves arginine into ornithine and urea
(see Fig. 1). Arginase deficiency is not typically characterized by rapid-onset
hyperam- monemia. Instead, affected individuals often present with developmental
delay and progressive spasticity, in particular of the lower limbs. They also may
develop seizures and gradually lose intellectual attainments. Growth is usually slow
and without therapy they do not reach normal adult height. Other symptoms that may
present early in life include episodes of irritability, anorexia, and vomiting.
Ornithine Translocase Deficiency (Hyperornithinemia, Hyperammonemia,
Homocitrullinuria Syndrome)
The hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, homocitrullinuria syndrome is described
in more than 50 individuals. The defect in ornithine translocase results in diminished
orni- thine transport into the mitochondria with ornithine accumulation in the
cytoplasm and reduced intramitochondrial ornithine causing impaired ureagenesis,
hyperammone- mia, and orotic aciduria (see Fig. 1). Plasma ornithine concentrations
are extremely high. Homocitrulline is thought to originate from carbamylation of
lysine. Most affected individuals have intermittent hyperammonemia accompanied by
vomiting, lethargy, and coma (in extreme cases). Growth is abnormal and intellectual
development is affected. Spasticity is common, as are seizures.


The most important step in diagnosing UCDs is clinical suspicion of hyperammone-

mia. Time is not on the side of the clinician or the affected individual. Particular care
should be taken in drawing blood ammonia, because there is significant variability
depending on proper technique and handling, frequently resulting in false-positive re-
sults. The clinician should remember that treatment should not be delayed in efforts
to reach a final diagnosis, and that later stages of treatment should be tailored to the
spe- cific disorder. In addition to plasma ammonia, helpful laboratory data include,
pH, CO2, anion gap, blood lactate, plasma acylcarnitine profile, plasma amino acids,
and urine organic acids, including the specific determination of orotic acid. 15 Individ-
uals with UCDs will typically have normal glucose and electrolyte levels. The pH and
CO2 can vary with the degree of cerebral edema and hyperventilation or hypoventila-
tion; however, hyperammonemia in the context of a respiratory alkalosis is highly
sug- gestive of a UCD. In neonates, it should be remembered that the basal
ammonia level is elevated over that of adults, which typically is less than 35
mmol/L (less than
110 mmol/L in neonates). An elevated plasma ammonia level of 150 mmol/L (>260
mg/ dL) or higher in neonates and greater than 100 mmol/L (175 mg/dL) in older
children and adults, associated with a normal anion gap and a normal blood glucose
level, is a strong indication for the presence of a UCD. Quantitative amino acid
analysis can be used to evaluate these individuals and arrive at a tentative
diagnosis. Elevations or depressions of the intermediate amino-containing molecules
arginine, citrulline, ornithine, and argininosuccinate (see Fig. 1) will give clues to the
point of defect in the cycle (Fig. 2). The levels of the nitrogen-buffering amino acid
glutamine will also be quite high and can serve as confirmation of true
hyperammonemia. If a defect in NAGS, CPS1, or OTC is suspected, the presence of
elevated orotic acid in the urine

Fig. 2. Diagnostic algorithm for acute hyperammonemia. Arg1D, arginase deficiency; ASLD,
argininosuccinic acid lyase deficiency; ASS1D, argininosuccinic acid synthase deficiency;
BCAAs, branched chain amino acids; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; citrin D, citrin deficiency (cit-
rullinemia type II); CPS1D, carbamyl phosphate synthetase 1 deficiency; Dz, disease; HHH,
homocitrullinuria, hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia; NAGSD, N-acetylglutamate syn-
thase deficiency; OTCD, ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency; UCDs, urea cycle disorders;
;, decreased; :, increased.
is highly suggestive of OTC deficiency. Orotic acid is produced when there is an
over- abundance of carbamyl phosphate that spills into the pyrimidine biosynthetic
system. The determination of urine organic acids and plasma acylcarnitines will also
herald the presence of an organic aciduria.
DNA sequence analysis is available for all of these disorders and the clinician
should consider a panel approach rather than a gene-by-gene approach. Enzymatic
and ge- netic diagnosis is available for all of these disorders. For CPS1, OTC, and
NAGS, enzy- matic diagnosis is made on a liver biopsy specimen freshly frozen in
liquid nitrogen. Enzymatic testing for ASS1 and ASL can be done on fibroblast
samples and arginase activity can be tested in red blood cells.


Disclaimer: The treatment of these disorders is complex and best conducted by a

specialist in inborn errors of metabolism at a center equipped to do so. For the pedi-
atrician, recognition, stabilization, and rapid transport are the surest way to achieve
optimal outcome. Delays in treatment and failure to maximize appropriate treatment
will have permanent and damaging effects on the affected individual.
This section provides an overview of UCDs management. 9,16,17 The treatment of
these individuals requires a highly coordinated team of specialists trained in caring
for individuals with inborn errors of metabolism (Box 5). The emergency
management of affected individuals in hyperammonemic coma resulting from a UCD
is based on 3 interdependent principles: first, physical removal of the ammonia by
dialysis or some form of hemofiltration; second, reversal of the catabolic state
through caloric supple- mentation and, in extreme cases, hormonal suppression
(glucose/insulin drip); and third, pharmacologic scavenging of excess nitrogen (Box
6). These measures should be pursued in parallel as quickly as possible.
The extracorporeal clearance of ammonia should be considered regardless of
ammonia level if the affected individual is grossly encephalopathic, or the increase
in ammonia is rapid or refractory to medical therapy. Central venous access should
be established at once and dialysis or rapid hemofiltration begun immediately at the
highest available flow rate. Dialysis is very effective for the removal of ammonia and
the clearance depends on the flow through the dialysis circuit.18,19 Given the risk of
dialysis in a newborn, consideration should be given to arteriovenous or venovenous
hemofiltration with a variable speed bypass pump in the circuit. If possible, access to
hemofiltration should be maintained until the child is stabilized and the catabolic state
is reversed. Some individuals may experience a rebound in plasma ammonia levels
and may require additional rounds of dialysis. This effect may be attenuated by con-
verting the affected individual to continuous renal replacement therapy after the initial
period of intermittent dialysis. Most affected individuals will have a slight increase in
ammonia after dialysis, because removal by scavengers and the liver will not be as
effective. This slight increase usually does not necessitate repeat dialysis. With
more aggressive reintroduction of protein, the author has seen a reduction in this
rebound effect.
The importance of the management of the catabolic state cannot be overstressed.
Because the catabolism of protein stores is often the triggering event for
hyperammo- nemia, the affected child will continue to produce ammonia and will not
stabilize until the catabolic state is reversed. Fluids, dextrose, and intravenous lipid
emulsion should be given to blunt the catabolic process. Most affected individuals
are dehydrated at initial presentation owing to poor fluid intake. The affected
individuals should be assessed for dehydration and fluids replaced. Because these
individuals suffer from
Box 5
Treatment team and organization

● Metabolic specialist
○ Coordinate treatment and management
● Intensive care team
○ Assist with physiologic support
○ Ventilator management
○ Sedation and pain management
● Nephrologist or dialysis team
○ Manage dialysis
○ Manage renal complications
● Surgical team
○ Large-bore catheter placement
○ Liver biopsy as necessary
○ Gastrostomy tube placement (if indicated)
● Pharmacy staff
○ Formulate nitrogen scavenging drugs
○ Cross-check dosing orders in complex management
● Laboratory staff
○ Analyze large volume of ammonia samples in acute phase
○ Analyze amino acids and other specialty laboratory tests
● Nursing staff
○ Execute complex and rapidly changing management plan
○ Closely monitor for signs of deterioration or change
● Nutritionist
○ Maximize caloric intake with neutral nitrogen balance
○ Educate family in management of complex very low-protein diet
● Social work
○ Rapidly identify resources for complex outpatient treatment regimen
○ Work with families in highly stressful clinical situation
● Genetic counselor
○ Educate family in genetics of rare metabolic disease
○ Identify other family members at potential risk (ornithine transcarbamylase particularly)
○ Ensure proper samples are obtained for future prenatal testing
○ Contact research and diagnostic centers for genetic testing

Box 6
Emergency management at first symptoms

Fluids, dextrose, and intralipid to mitigate catabolism and typical dehydration (attempt
80 cal/kg/d).
Antibiotics and septic workup to treat potential triggering events or primary sepsis (continue
through treatment course). A spinal tap should probably be avoided pending imaging.
Contact and possible transport to treatment-capable institute as soon as possible.
Remove protein from intake (by mouth or total parenteral nutrition).
Establish central venous access.

Provide physiologic support (pressors, buffering agents, etc). (Renal output is critical to long-
term success).
Stabilize airway; cerebral edema may result in sudden respiratory arrest.
cerebral edema, care should be taken to avoid fluid overload. The nitrogen
scavenging drugs are usually administered in a large volume of fluid, which should
be taken into consideration. A regimen of 80 to 120 kcal/kg/d is a reasonable goal.
The administra- tion of insulin is useful, but also requires experience, and should be
reserved for the sickest individuals. At the same time, protein must be temporarily
removed from intake (by mouth or total parenteral nutrition), for no longer than 12 to
24 hours. Refeeding the affected individuals as soon as practicable is useful,
because more calories can be administered this way. The use of essential amino
acid formulations in feeding can reduce the amount of protein necessary to meet
basic needs, and should be strongly considered within the first 24 hours of
admission. In lieu of introducing food into the gut, parenteral nutrition containing
only essential amino acids as a nitrogen source can be used. Delivery through the
gastrointestinal tract is the preferred method. These individuals have not shown
themselves to be more prone to necrotizing enterocolitis. Emergency pharmacologic
management with intravenous ammonia scavengers is initiated as soon as possible
using the drug combination sodium phenylacetate and sodium benzoate, ideally
while the dialysis is being arranged and the diagnostic workup is under way. These
2 agents are used in combination to trap nitrogen in excretable forms. Sodium
benzoate combines with glycine to make hippurate, and so- dium phenylacetate
combines with glutamine to make phenacetylglutamine, which are excreted by the
kidneys (or removed in the dialysate).20,21 The body replaces these amino acids using
excess nitrogen. It is suspected that the removal of glutamine by phenylacetate has
the additional benefit of removing a compound suspected of having a major role in
the neurotoxicity of these disorders.2,4,22,23 Currently, administering a second loading
dose to the affected individual after the initial phase is not recommen-
ded, because there is toxicity associated with overdose.
Arginine must also be administered continuously intravenously in the acute phase
of treatment of UCDs. Supplementation of arginine serves to replace arginine not
pro- duced by the urea cycle (in addition to the partial cycle function it can stimulate)
and prevents its deficiency from causing additional protein catabolism. Because argi-
nine is the precursor for NO production, it is worth considering reducing the arginine
dose if the affected individual develops vasodilation and hypotension. Before diag-
nostic confirmation, affected individuals should be also started on the NAG analog
carbamyl glutamate, because this agent may be effective in NAGS deficiency, some
cases of CPS1 deficiency, and in the organic acidemias.
Table 2 lists doses for the acute management of these individuals according to the
diagnosis at the time of treatment (information extracted from the US Food and Drug
Administration package insert). Owing to the potential for toxicity (lethal in extreme
cases) of these drugs, consultation with an experienced metabolic physician is
recom- mended before initiating treatment.24 A resource for finding these physicians
and other treatment suggestions is found in the home page for this web site at: http://
After the initial loading phase and dialysis, the dose should be converted to the main-
tenance doses of the ammonia scavengers listed in the manufacturer’s packaging insert
(see Table 2). If the exact enzyme defect is known, the amount of arginine administered
can be adjusted downward. If chronic therapy is warranted, the affected individual can
then be switched to the oral prodrug of phenylacetate, sodium phenylbutyrate, or the
pre-prodrug glycerol phenylbutyrate, which has a slower release and no taste. The
drug insert packaging should be consulted for proper dosing. The usual total daily
dose of phenylbutyrate tablets or powder for individuals with UCDs is 450 to 600 mg/
kg/d in individuals weighing less than 20 kg, or 9.9 to 13.0 g/m2/d in larger individuals.
The tablets or powder are to be taken in equally divided amounts with each meal or

Table 2 M
Sodium phenylacetate and sodium benzoate dosage and administration e
Components of Infusion Solution Dosage Provided
Sodium Phenylacetate Arginine HCl Dextrose Sodium
Affected Individual Population and Sodium Benzoate Injection, 10% Injection, 10% Phenylacetate Sodium Benzoate Arginine HCl
Neonates to young children
Deficiency 250 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 200 mg/kg
Loading dose (90 min) 2.5 (mL/kg) 2.0 mL/kg ≤25 mL/kg 250 mg/kg/24 h 250 mg/kg/24 h 200 mg/kg/24 h

Maintenance dose 2.5 mL/kg/24 h 2.0 mL/kg/24 h ≤ 25

250 mg/kg 250 mg/kg 600 mg/kg
250 mg/kg/24 h 250 mg/kg/24 h 600 mg/kg/24 h
Unknown, ASD and ASL deficiency
Loading dose (90 min) 2.5 mL/kg 6.0 mL/kg ≤25 mL/kg
Maintenance dose 2.5 mL/kg/24 h 6.0 mL/kg/24 h ≤25 mL/kg
5.5 g/m2 5.5 g/m2 200 mg/kg
Older children and adults 5.5 g/m2/24 h 5.5 g/m2/24 h 200 mg/kg/24 h
NAGS, CPS, and OTC deficiency
Loading dose (90 min) 55 mL/m2 2.0 mL/kg ≤25 mL/kg 5.5 g/m2 5.5 g/m2 600 mg/kg
Maintenance Dose 55 mL/m2/24 h 2.0 mL/kg/24 h ≤25 mL/kg 5.5 g/m2/24 h 5.5 g/m2/24 h 600 mg/kg/24 h
Unknown, ASD and ASL deficiency
Loading dose (90 min) 55 mL/m2 6.0 mL/kg ≤25 mL/kg
Maintenance dose 55 mL/m2/24 h 6.0 mL/kg/24 h ≤25 mL/kg

Abbreviations: ASL, argininosuccinate lyase; CPS, carbamyl phosphate synthetase; NAGS, N-acetyl glutamate synthetase; OTC, ornithine transcarbamylase.
Inborn Errors of Metabolism with Hyperammonemia 24

feeding (ie, 3 to 6 times per day). Citrulline supplementation is recommended for individ-
uals diagnosed with deficiency of NAGS, CPS1, or OTC. The daily recommended dose
0.17 g/kg/d or 3.8 g/m2/d. Arginine supplementation is needed for individuals diagnosed
with deficiency of ASS1; arginine (free base) daily intake is recommended at 0.25 to 0.3
g/ kg/d. In individuals with NAGS, the use of carbamyl glutamate has been
demonstrated to be very effective,25 and is approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration for this dis- order. The package insert should be consulted for dosing.
In all instances, intensive care treatment has to be meticulous. Ventilator or
circula- tory support may be required, in addition to anticonvulsive medications to
control sei- zures. Sedation or head cooling to reduce cerebral activity could be of
benefit to these individuals, but has not been fully clinically evaluated for efficacy.
Antibiotic therapy and evaluation for sepsis is recommended because sepsis is an
important consider- ation in the primary presentation and, if present, may lead to
further catabolism. Elec- trolytes and acid–base balance are to be checked every 6
hours during the initial phase of treatment. The use of osmotic agents such as
mannitol is not felt to be effec- tive in treating the cerebral edema from
hyperammonemia, because this condition is not thought to be osmotic in nature. In
canines, opening the blood–brain barrier with mannitol resulted in cerebral edema by
promoting the entry of ammonia into the brain fluid compartment.26,27 Other measures
include physiologic support (pressors, buff- ering agents to maintain pH and buffer
arginine HCl, etc) and maintenance of renal output, particularly if ammonia
scavengers are being used. Finally, it is imperative to reassess continuation of care
after the initial phase of treatment.
Intravenous steroids should be avoided, because they promote catabolism. Val-
proic acid is also contraindicated because it may impair urea cycle function.
A rapid response to the hyperammonemia is indispensable for a good outcome.28
Acute symptomatology centers around cerebral edema, disruptions in neurochem-
istry, and pressure on the brainstem. The resulting decrease in cerebral blood flow
plus prolonged seizures, when they occur, are poor prognostic factors. In adults,
because the sutures of the skull are fused, sensitivity to hyperammonemia seems to
be considerably greater than in children.29 Thus, treatment should be aggressive
and intensified at a lower ammonia concentration than in children.
Cerebral studies should be conducted to determine the efficacy of treatment and
whether continuation is warranted. Electroencephalography should be performed to
assess both cerebral function and evidence of seizure activity, which may be
noncon- vulsive. If available, cerebral blood flow as determined by MRI can be used
to establish if venous stasis has occurred from cerebral edema. Magnetic resonance
spectros- copy may also be useful during the diagnostic stage. Evaluation of brain
stem function and higher cortical function are useful to assess outcome. In the
authors’ experience, the appearance of the MRI in the postacute phase may be
worse than what is seen in the long-term clinical outcome. Finally, the decision for
continuation is based on base- line neurologic status, duration of coma, and potential
for recovery, as well as whether the affected individual is a candidate for
transplantation. In severe UCDs, early liver transplantation has become routine.
Criteria for transplantation are, of course, linked back to neurologic status, duration
of coma, and availability of donor organs. Diag- nostic samples of DNA, liver, and
skin should be obtained because they can be central in family counseling and future
treatment issues.


Every effort should be made to avoid triggering events. It is imperative to prevent or

244 Summar & Mew

quickly interrupt a catabolic state at an early stage of impending decompensation

during subsequent illnesses or surgeries, as well as during any event resulting in sig-
nificant bleeding or tissue damage. Because this conditions usually happens at
home, it is essential to educate the family about how to react adequately. All affected
individ- uals should carry an emergency card or bracelet containing essential
information and phone numbers, as well as instructions on emergency measures.
Every affected per- son should relate to physicians and a hospital with a dedicated
team of metabolic spe- cialists who can be reached at any time. For vacations, it is
usually prudent to enquire about metabolic services in the respective destination.
Long-term diet modification with nutritional oversight is often necessary in individ-
uals with chronic episodes of hyperammonemia, and should be done only in collabo-
ration with a metabolic dietitian. Individuals with urea cycle defects should also avoid
dehydration, an especially common occurrence among adults in connection with
alcohol intake, hiking, and airline flights. Not all affected adults who recover from a
hyperammonemic episode require chronic nitrogen scavengers, but they ought to
be considered because many of these individuals can become more brittle as time
goes on. Recommended evaluations for individuals with UCDs are listed in Box 7.
Should psychiatric problems occur over the long term, caregivers should be alert to
the possibility of hyperammonemia. In addition, many individuals with UCDs, in
particular OTC deficiency and citrullinemia type 2, have presented with mental
Clinical observations of individuals with ASL deficiency demonstrate a high inci-
dence of chronic progressive cirrhosis with eventual fibrosis of the liver. This finding
is not commonly seen in the other UCDs and studies are underway to better
determine the exact pathophysiology. It is important to provide genetic counseling in
order to assess risk to other family members.

Box 7
Recommended evaluations for individuals with UCD

During initial presentation:

Head ultrasound
Brain MRI (upon stabilization of acute hyperammonemia) Hearing screen at discharge
Vision screen at discharge
Long term management:
Developmental testing
Echocardiogram every 2 years to evaluate for pulmonary hypertension (for argininosuccinate synthase and argininosuccinate lyase deficienc
Annual abdominal ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein after age 20
Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry scan (every 5 years, starting at age 10)
Routine clinic visits

Nutrition evaluation to include

Growth parameters
Dietary history
Biochemical analysis
Amino acid profile Pre-albumin Vitamin D (yearly)

UCDs present the physician with one of the most emergent and intellectually chal-
lenging scenarios they are likely to encounter. With optimized teamwork, rapid
response, and early diagnosis, affected individuals can have a good outcome. The
ex- perts in the Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium, which is sponsored by the
National In- stitutes of Health, are an excellent resource when confronting a newly
affected individual, and the UCDC web site is an excellent place to start.


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