Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness For Millennial Generation
Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness For Millennial Generation
Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness For Millennial Generation
Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang, Karawang, Indonesia
Sihabudin, Candra Zonyfar (2020). Social Media Marketing and Brand Awareness for Millennial
Generation. – Palarch’s Journal of Archaralogy of Egypt/Egyptogy 17(1), 131-140. ISSN 1567-214X
This research aims to find out strategies in building brand awareness with social media marketing on Instagram for
millennials. This research focuses on social media marketing that has been applied to the Il's Project brand which is
one of the local footwear brands in the city of Denpasar. Using a qualitative approach, with a descriptive analysis of
this study collecting data through interviews, observations, and documentation which is further analyzed by SWOT
analysis techniques comparing internal and external factors to determine the SWOT Matrix and IE Matrix for
strategy determination. The results showed Il's Project social media marketing was in quadrant 1 in the SWOT
Matrix, and cell 5 in the IE Matrix. The right strategy is to support an aggressive strategy and growth strategy,
namely, market penetration increased sales and profits, and increased marketing effectiveness on social media.
Social media was chosen as a marketing channel due to the high number of internet users
and current social media account owners, as well as the unlimited spread of information.
This phenomenon of the increasing number of Instagram users in Indonesia is following
what is written in CNBC Indonesia which says that Instagram can be Indonesia's favorite
social media, and Indonesia can become the biggest Instagram user in the Asia Pacific
because people are fond of visually rich platforms. In the field of fashion itself, according
to the Opus Creative Economy Outlook 2019 by the Indonesian Creative Economy
Agency (Bekraf), it was written that the importance of the role of fashion is evidenced
through its large contribution to the added value of the economy which makes it one of
the leading sub-sectors in the Creative Economy. Data from the Denpasar City
Cooperative and UMKM Office shows that the growth of the fashion industry in
Denpasar City continues to increase, seen from the increase in the number of the last few
years. One study titled "Social Media As A Tool Of Marketing And Creating Brand
Awareness" by (Balakrishnan et al., 2014) revealed that although social media is more
effective than some traditional advertising channels, social media cannot be implemented
separately without adding it to other forms from traditional advertising channels. The
implication is that social media alone cannot create brand awareness or even grow a
business. However, it has been operating since 2013 amid increasingly fierce competition
until now, since the beginning of its operation Il’s Project only uses one social media
platform to market its products using Instagram, but still can outperform its competitors
based on the number of followers. So the authors are interested in studying and
researching more deeply how marketing strategies with social media Instagram can be
applied now for a business.
A strategy is a means of achieving long-term goals. A strategy is a potential action that
requires decisions at the top management level and the company's enormous resources.
The strategy influences the long-term sustainability of a company, usually at least five
years, thus the strategy is oriented towards the future (Chen & Lin, 2019). The
understanding of strategy stated by ( Chang et al., 2015), 'strategy is a tool to achieve the
goal'. (Constantinides, 2014) also explains that the SWOT Analysis is the systematic
identification of various factors to formulate a company's strategy. This analysis is based
on the logic that can maximize strengths and opportunities, but simultaneously minimize
weaknesses and threats. The strategic decision-making process is always related to the
development of the company's mission, goals, strategies, and policies.
From the above definition, it can be concluded that the Strategy is a means used to
achieve company goals by considering current internal and external environmental
factors. In (Dahnil et al., 2014) explained that the modern channel on digital marketing
today refers to social media, which is a virtual community where each person can interact
with each other using his profile. Regarding consumers who are also social media users,
(De Vries et al., 2012) stated overall, the results of the study show that consumers are
more likely to use a social network and place higher importance on activity within it if
they find stronger social bonds with its members. .According to (Erdoğmuş & Cicek,
2012) content marketing is about giving information and influencing an audience with
good content to build awareness or change their perception of a brand. And according to
(Felix et al., 2017) content marketing is the creation of interesting, entertaining, and
useful information without a sales perspective, by sharing editorial content based on the
needs and voice of the target audience. So it can be predicted that social media marketing
is a product marketing activity on Instagram social media in sharing information in the
form of content to users of social media to raise awareness.
designed by or about a company, the company gets increased exposure to its brand often
in a highly relevant context. Furthermore, according to (Hanna et al., 2011), brand
exposure, customer engagement, and electronic word of mouth are factors that help to
evaluate the impact of social media on brand awareness. In ( Iankova et al., 2019) it is
said that brand awareness becomes a marketing strategy being the most important factor
in building consumer awareness to buy a product. Through consumer awareness of a
brand, potential customers can remember and know the brand and decide to make a
purchase, allowing consumers to only make purchases to one particular brand category.
(Kim & Ko, 2012) also explains, in the world of social media, every time someone uses
an application that is made or about a particular company, then the company will get
brand exposure. And by getting the brand exposure there will be more people or
application users who see about the brand. (Liu et al., 2019) also explains, Marketing
Funnel is the ideal process that your customers go through when they move from
someone who has the potential to become a real customer, which illustrates the idea that
each sale starts with a large number of potential customers, and ends with a small number
of people who made a purchase. Based on the literature, it can be concluded that Brand
awareness is the ability or ability of a potential buyer to recognize or recall Il's Project
The concept of millennial generation according to (Michaelidou et al., 2011) the book of
Millennial Generation Indonesia, the millennial is an Indonesian population born between
1980 and 2000. Compared to previous generations, millennials are more techno-friendly.
Not only that, the millennial generation is also identified with massive internet usage, for
example, is online shopping. This generation is the generation that involves technology in
all aspects of life. According to ( Seo & Park, 2018) in his book entitled Generations of
Indonesian Langgas Millennials, there are several advantages of the millennial
generation, namely wanting to be fast-paced, easily move jobs in a short time, creative,
dynamic, technology literate, close to social media, and so on. (Seo & Park, 2018), stated
that one of the characteristics of the millennial generation is "connected" which can be
interpreted that millennial generation is the generation that actively uses the internet and
social media. So, it can be said that millennial generation is a generation of people born
in 1980-2000, especially women who are also familiar and active as media users.
In this research, the determination of strategies in building brand awareness is carried out
using a qualitative approach. Researchers can examine marketing strategies in building
millennial generation brand awareness without manipulation of the interview results, data
analysis is inductive based on facts found in the field. In-depth interviews were
conducted with business actors as well as millennial consumers who are active as users of
social media as well as followers of Il's Project on Instagram who are willing to provide
all forms of information needed for this research. As mentioned in (Shareef et al., 2019)
which explains that SWOT Analysis is the systematic identification of various factors to
formulate a company's strategy. The process of data analysis in this study are:
All internal and external factors of the company are evaluated to be able to determine the
right strategy for the company with the Internal External Matrix (IE) shown in Figure 1.
The use of this model is to obtain a more detailed business strategy. The horizontal axis
on the IE matrix shows the total score of IFAS, while the vertical axis shows the score of
the EFAS. On the horizontal axis scores between 1.00 and 1.99 indicate a weak internal
position. A score of 2.00 to 2.99 indicates an average. A score of 3.00 to 4.00 indicates a
strong internal position. Likewise on the vertical axis which shows external influences
(Stephen, 2016). According to (Vance et al., 2009) the concept of the IE matrix can be
divided into three main areas that have different strategic implications.
1. First, the divisions included in cells I, II, and IV can be described as growing and
build. Intensive strategies (market penetration, market development, and product
development) or integrative strategies (backward integration, forward integration, and
horizontal integration) can be the most appropriate strategy for divisions in this cell.
2. Secondly, the divisions included in cells III, V, or VII can be managed in the best way
using a strategy of keeping and maintaining. The right strategy for this type is market
penetration and product development.
3. Third, the general recommendation given for divisions included in cells VI, VIII, and
IX is harvest or divestiture. Commonly used strategies are divestment strategy, conjugate
diversification strategy, and liquidation strategy.
Testing the validity of the data in this study uses the method of triangulation, which is the
method of checking the validity of data that utilizes something else in comparing the
results of interviews with research objects. Triangulation used in this study includes
source triangulation and technique triangulation.
Then the position determination is based on the IE (Internal External) matrix by using
the IFE (Internal Factors Evaluation) and EFE (External Factors Evaluation) matrix.
Internal factors can be seen as follows :
Testimonial content only last for 24 hours 0.1 3 0,3
No schedule for specific contet 0.09 2 0,18
No special management team for social media 0,09 2 0,18
Total Weakness Score 0,28 0,66
Total (Strength + Weakness) 1 2,95
Price Conpetition 0.14 2 0,28
Many similar product on the market 0.14 2 0,28
Corona virus pandemi 0,14 4 0,56
Total Threat Score 0,42 1,12
Total (Opportunity + Threat) 1 3,16
Furthermore, the determination of the strategy is based on the SWOT analysis, namely by
comparing the values in the IFE and EFE matrices, which results show that the strength
value is greater than the weaknesses and the opportunities are greater when compared to
threats, then the company is in quadrant 1 that supports aggressive strategies such as
picture below:
In quadrant 1 that supports an aggressive strategy that is the strategy derived from the
adjustment of the strength factor (strength) and the opportunity factor (opportunity)
company or S-O strategy are as follows:
Based on the calculation results in the IFE and EFE tables, the IFE score is 2.95 and the
EFE score is 3.16. When converted into an External Internal Matrix (IE) image, it is
located in cell II. According to (Vance et al., 2009) the strategy for companies in cell 2 is
by implementing a growth and development strategy. (Wang & Kim, 2017) states that if a
company is in a very attractive industry (cell 2), the aim is to increase sales and profits,
by utilizing the economic benefits of scale both in production and marketing. The right
strategy for marketing Il's Project brand today is also supported by a strategy from the
SWOT analysis, which is Market Penetration Strategy, Increasing Sales and Profit, and
Increasing Marketing Effectiveness in Social Media.
The high use of social media Instagram by millennials makes choosing Instagram as a
medium for marketing products and brands very appropriate. But the diversity of
products offered by the Il's Project brand also does not rule out the possibility for non-
millennial interest, this is what can be a consideration for expanding market penetration.
If marketing on social media is more focused on millennials, segment expansion can be
done by entering the marketplace to reach a wider market. (Zhu & Chen, 2015) also
added that market penetration is known as the growth method that has the lowest risk, but
has a positive side to build core competencies in a market so that it can enhance brand
reputation or can act as a brand leadership strategy. This is certainly appropriate when
applied by Il’s Project for business growth.
Increasing sales and profits is one alternative strategy for Il’s Project to support its
sustainable growth. Expansion to the marketplace as explained in the previous point can
also be an alternative that can directly increase sales and profits because of the wider
opening of opportunities for product sales in the market. In line with that, (Zonyfar et al.,
2020) also concluded that the benefits obtained from the existence of a marketplace can
reduce operational costs, broader product marketing, increase profits from the business.
Transactions that are not limited by time with the ease of the system in a marketplace that
has been automatically integrated can also facilitate sales transactions.
Various content such as endorsement content and testimonial content are the most
considered when marketing through social media. As well as this Il's Project brand,
which often collaborates with influencers for endorsement content. The importance of the
influencer's social media role is recognized by businesses as being very influential in the
introduction of products and brands and building brand awareness. (Zonyfar et al., 2020)
describes endorsements, namely people or characters that appear in advertisements to
communicate corporate products, be they celebrities, public figures, public figures, or
even ordinary people who can influence consumers' minds as preferences in making
purchasing decisions. In line with that, (Chang et al., 2015) states that the social influence
on online media from people who are "respected" can increase brand awareness.
Business actors are well aware that not only build brand awareness, testimonial content is
also very capable of building potential consumer trust. (Michaelidou et al., 2011) states
that there is a literature review that explains the electronic word of mouth as a strategy,
which refers to statements made by potential consumers, real consumers, and previous
consumers about a product via the internet. The results of the (Stephen, 2016) study also
explained in general, when there are customer testimonials, the readiness to make a
purchase will be higher if compared to sites without testimonials. However, the
appearance of testimonial content on Il's Project brand is still limited. Maximizing the use
of various Instagram features can be done by the Il’s Project brand concerning increasing
the effectiveness of testimonial content that previously could only be seen within a
limited period (only for 24 hours) by its followers. Utilization of the "highlight" feature
on Instagram can be used to summarize and display longer Stories and be displayed on
the profile page, which means the testimonial content shared on stories can be
summarized into 1 album on the profile page so that it can be accessed anytime by Il's
Project followers and prospective followers. All forms of content both in the form of
product reviews, stock updates, endorsements, and testimonials that are often shared on
Instagram should be shared consistently as mentioned in (Balakrishnan et al., 2014)which
explains the importance of content to be delivered consistently, and if the company fails
to deliver the content regularly, then there is a risk that consumers will forget the
company and the brand.
Based on the internal and external potentials of the subjects in this study which have also
been elaborated in the discussion using the SWOT analysis technique, this research
produces the following conclusions: (1) Internal factors that become weaknesses in
marketing on Instagram Il's Project social media, namely, testimonial content that is
displayed within a certain time and is limited (only 24 hours), the content has not been
scheduled and from the internal point of view the company does not have special
management to handle social media. Meanwhile, internal factors that become the strength
of Il's Project are, the business age is quite long, the social media has more followers than
its competitors, good product quality and affordable prices, and who have done marketing
with testimonial content and endorsement in collaboration with the influencer. (2)
External factors that influence marketing on Instagram social media for Il’s Project are
threatening that include price competition, many similar products on the market, and the
presence of a coronavirus pandemic. While, the external factors that become
opportunities are the development of various features on social media, especially
Instagram, the existence of consumer interest in fashion, the large number of Instagram
users, and the continued development of technology that can facilitate the marketing
process. (3) Based on the SWOT analysis carried out on internal and external factors of
Il's Project's social media marketing and the mapping process in the SWOT matrix, Il's
Project's marketing is in a position to support an aggressive strategy that is utilizing all
internal strengths it has to take advantage of existing opportunities. And according to the
mapping in the IE matrix, the company's current position is in the position of a growth
strategy with alternative strategies that can be done, namely by penetrating the market,
increasing sales and profits, and increasing marketing effectiveness on social media. (4)
There are an ongoing interest and demand in the field of fashion, technological
advancements, and the high growth in the number of social media users which are
currently used as the main opportunity in brand development. The presence of influencers
on social media is also a supporter in the event of a wider brand and product introduction
of the company and reaches more users of social media.
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