A Workflow For The Dynamic Analysis of F PDF
A Workflow For The Dynamic Analysis of F PDF
A Workflow For The Dynamic Analysis of F PDF
The behaviour of freight cars comprising three piece bogies can be simulated using multibody dynamics, providing a valid alternative to
costly physical testing. Simpack is a general, multibody dynamics simulation software with dedicated functionality for rail applications. This
paper details the development of a standard freight car model within Simpack, that leverages a number of Simpack’s advanced rail
capabilities. The model includes a variety of friction wedge arrangements, a secondary spring suspension system and numerous contacts.
Freight Car Assessment Scenario
Model Set-up which then dissipated at a speed of 101 km/hr. Figure 3
A hierarchy of substructures were used to create a realistic shows the lateral oscillations of both the front and back
freight car model where a substructure is a smaller, bogies while hunting.
embedded, Simpack model. Substructures help to avoid
redundancy in large models since repeated substructures
can reference a single Simpack model. Load cases can be
similarly implemented as a substructure to easily create
multiple assessment scenarios. Figure 1 describes the
substructures employed in the freight car model and their
constituent components.
The freight car model comprised 122 degrees of freedom, Freight Car Model Load Case
220 contact points, 28 springs, 2 bushing connections and
rail-wheel contact – while avoiding using a single
constraint. The interactions between components were
incorporated using a combination of force elements, like the
contact, friction and spring elements, and relative degrees
of freedom. By avoiding constraints and using relative
Bogie Model Car Body
degrees of freedom, a recursive formulation could then be
employed which enabled efficient and robust analyses.
The motion of the car along the track is dynamically guided
by the rail-wheel contact using rail-specific wheelset
component. Kalker’s simplified theory with a coefficient of
friction of 0.4 for dry conditions is used to define the rail- (a) Sideframe, (b) wheelset,
wheel interaction. An AS60kg/m rail profile is used in (c) advanced friction wedge, Figure 3: Lateral oscillations during Hunting Load Case
conjunction with a worn wheel profile as specified in (d) bolster, (e) axle box,
(f) spring nest
Section 3 of the ROA Manual. Bogie Components Conclusion and future advancement
During development of the freight car model, three different Simpack is a general, multibody dynamics simulation
friction wedge models were created increasing complexity. software that is well suited to railway vehicle dynamics
The most simplistic friction wedge model utilizes the force problems owing to the specialised and robust functionality
equations documented by Klauser (2004). The most (a) (b) of the dedicated Simpack Rail module. These capabilities
advanced wedge model features the wedges as discrete were exploited to create a robust – and adaptable – model
bodies – possessing both mass and inertia – and includes of a typical freight car in Australia. The freight car model
20 discrete points of contact between the friction wedge, features here employed substructures to efficiently build a
bolster and side frame. (d) large complex system that incorporated a series of
(c) universal contact points and force elements to model the
Simulating dynamic behaviour
interactions between the friction wedge and bolster, axle
Particular assessment scenarios are created by pairing the box and side frame, and bolster and car. The dynamic
freight car model with different load cases. For example, an (e) behaviour demonstrated by the model, when AS 7509.2
empty wagon with worn conditions can be paired with a load cases were applied, are consistent with reality.
Base Ride Acceleration or Hunting Load Case. (f) The general-purpose nature of Simpack means a myriad of
In the Base Ride scenario, an base acceleration load case additional capabilities are available to further evolve the
dictated by AS 7509.2 is used, which features track Figure 1: Freight car model set-up model features here. Capabilities as surface – to – surface
irregularities corresponding to a FRA Class 4 track and a contact could be used to
single force element which drives the train at constant realistically simulate the
velocity of 88 km/hr. The track irregularities are applied as complex behaviour of a
lateral and vertical excitations, and were generated in friction wedges. Flexibile
Simpack using a power spectral density function. The track bodies and beams could
excitations start at 200 m into the track line to allow the car also be incorporated to
to reach steady state prior to the disturbance. Figure 2 simulate warping of the
describes the lateral and vertical excitations of the front bolster or flexure of a track.
bogie while traversing an irregular track. Such advanced capabilities
As a second example, the same Freight Car Model – empty can be applied to individual
with worn wheels – is paired with a Hunting Load Case. An components, substructures
empty car was run along an ideal track 5 km in length with or whole models for robust
an initial speed of 200 km/h that was decelerated to 0km/h. and efficient analyses at all
An initial lateral disturbance in the track induced hunting stages of design.
Figure 2: Latera/Vertical accelerations of front bogie during Base Ride Acceleration Load Case
Klauser, P. E. 2004. Modeling friction wedges, part 1: the state-of-the-art. Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 13-20 November 2014, California, USA.