Financial Statement

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The objective of this lesson is not so much a how to do it; but, to inform, introduce, and

make you aware of the basic financial statements.

Let's start this lesson by reviewing a few definitions.

Financial Statements are summary accounting reports prepared periodically to inform the
owner, creditors, and other interested parties as to the financial condition and operating
results of the business. The four basic financial statements or reports are:

Balance Sheet-The financial statement which shows the amount and nature of business
assets, liabilities, and owner's equity as of a specific point in time. It is also known as a
Statement Of Financial Position or a Statement Of Financial Condition.

Income Statement-The financial statement that summarizes revenues and expenses for a
specific period of time, usually a month or a year. This statement is also called a Profit and
Loss Statement or an Operating Statement.

Capital Statement-The financial report that summarizes all the changes in owner's equity
that occurred during a specific period.

Statement of Changes in Financial Position-The financial statement that reports the

sources and uses of cash or working capital for a specific period of time, normally a year.

The Balance Sheet

A Balance Sheet is simply a picture of a business at a specific point in

time, usually the end of the month or year. By analyzing and
reviewing this financial statement the current financial "health" of a
business can be determined. The balance sheet is derived from our
accounting equation and is a formal representation of our

Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity.

If you recall, in an earlier lesson we learned that this equation is also

called the Balance Sheet Equation.

The categories and format of the Balance Sheet are based on what are called Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). These principles are the rules established so that
every business prepares their financial statements the same way.

Formal Definition:The properties used in the operation or investment activities of a

Informal Definition:All the good stuff a business has (anything with value). The goodies.

Additional Explanation: The good stuff includes tangible and intangible stuff. Tangible stuff
you can physical see and touch such as vehicles, equipment and buildings. Intangible stuff
is like pieces of paper (sales invoices) representing loans to your customers where they
promise to pay you later for your services or product. Examples of assets that many
individuals have are cars, houses, boats, furniture, TV's, and appliances. Some examples of
business type assets are cash, accounts receivable, notes receivable, inventory, land, and

Assets are listed based on how quickly they can be converted into cash which is called
liquidity. In other words, they're ranked. The asset most easily converted into cash is listed
first followed by the next easiest and so on. Of course since cash is already cash it's the first
asset listed.

Formal Definition:Claims by creditors to the property (assets) of a business until they are

Informal Definition:Other's claims to the business's stuff. Amounts the business owes to

Additional Explanation: Usually one of a business's biggest liabilities (hopefully they are not
past due) is to suppliers where they have bought goods and services and charged them.
This is similar to us going out and buying a TV and charging it on our credit card. Our credit
card bill is a liability. Another good personal example is a home mortgage. Very few people
actually own their own home. The bank has a claim against the home which is called a
mortgage. This mortgage is another example of a personal liability. Some examples of
business liabilities are accounts payable, notes payable, and mortgages payable.

Liabilities are listed in the order of how soon they have to be paid. In other words, the
liabilities that need to be paid first are also listed first.

Owner's Equity (Capital)

Formal Definition:The owner's rights to the property (assets) of the business; also called
proprietorship and net worth.

Informal Definition:What the business owes the owner. The good stuff left for the owner
assuming all liabilities (amounts owed) have been paid.

Additional Explanation:Owner's Equity represents the owner's claim to the good stuff
(assets). Most people are familiar with the term equity because it is so often used with
lenders wanting to loan individuals money based on their home equity. Home equity can be
thought of as the amount of money an owner would receive if he/she sold their house and
paid off any mortgage (loan) on the property.

Owner's equity (or net worth or capital ) is increased by money or property contributed and
any profits earned and decreased by owner withdrawals and losses.

All Balance Sheets contain the same categories of assets, liabilities, and owner's equity.

If you look below at our Balance Sheet for ABC Mowing you can readily see that there are
three main sections, assets, liabilities, and owner's equity just like the accounting equation.
The major sections of a balance sheet are the heading, the assets, the liabilities, and the
owner's equity. The heading contains the name of the company, the title of the statement,
and the date of the statement.
Interactive Links are provided in this Balance Sheet.
 Click on the Underlined ABC Capital Amount to see the amount
transferred from the Capital Statement.
 Click on the Underlined Account Name (Item) in the Balance Sheet
to see the amount in the Trial Balance that was used as an aid in
preparing the Balance Sheet.

ABC Mowing
Balance Sheet
As Of December 31, xxxx
Assets Liabilities
Cash $5,080 Accounts Payable 2,060
1,600 Notes Payable 10,000
Office Supplies 100    
12,500 Total Liabilities 12,060
  Owner's Equity
  ABC Capital 7,220
Total Liabilities &
Total Assets $19,280 $19,280

This layout is called the account form. In this form the major categories are presented side
by side.

Another layout sometimes used is called the report form. In this form the major categories
are stacked on top of each other. An example of the report form follows.

ABC Mowing
Balance Sheet
As Of December 31, xxxx
Cash $5,080  
Accounts Receivable 1,600  
Office Supplies 100  
Mowing Equipment 12,500  
   Total Assets   $19,280
Accounts Payable $2,060  
Notes Payable-Bank 10,000  
   Total Liabilities   $12,060
Owner's Equity
ABC Capital   $7,220
   Total Liabilities & Equity   $19,280

The Income Statement

The Income Statement is a formal financial statement that summarizes a

company's operations (revenues and expenses) for a specific period of time
usually a month or year.

A fiscal year is the period used for calculating annual (yearly) financial
statements. While a large number of businesses use the calendar year
(January-December) as their fiscal year, a business can elect to use any
other twelve month period such as June-May as their fiscal year.

The categories and format(s) of the Income Statement also follow the rules
known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and contains
specific revenue and expense categories.
The following types of accounts are used to prepare the Income Statement.

Revenue (Also Called Income)

Formal Definition:The gross increase in owner's equity resulting from the operations and
other activities of the business.

Informal Definition:Amounts a business earns by selling services and products. Amounts

billed to customers for services and/or products.

Expense (Also Called Cost)

Formal Definition:Decrease in owner's equity resulting from the cost of goods, fixed assets,
and services and supplies consumed in the operations of a business.

Informal Definition:The costs of doing business. The stuff we used and had to pay for or
charge to run our business.

Additional Explanation: Some examples of business expenses are office supplies, salaries &
wages, advertising, building rental, and utilities.

Hopefully a business earns a profit called net income (revenues are larger than expenses).
If however, expenses are larger than revenues a net loss results.

The major sections of an income statement are the heading, the revenue section, the
expense section, and the final calculation of a profit or loss. The heading should contain the
name of the company, the title of the statement, and the period covered by the statement.

An Income Statement is just a formal summary of "Mom Capital's "Kids" Revenue and

The Income Statement for ABC Mowing is presented below.

Interactive Links are provided in this Income Statement.
 Click On the Underlined Net Income Amount to see the
amount transferred to the Capital Statement .
 Click on the Underlined Account Name (Item) in the Income
Statement to see the amount in the Trial Balance that was used as
an aid in preparing the Income Statement.

ABC Mowing
Income Statement
For The Period Ending December 31, xxxx
Revenue from operations $1,205
Advertising Expense $225  
Mulch Expense 160  
   Total Expenses $385
Net Income $820

Note: In the real world an income statement would have many more expense categories
than the two types illustrated in our simple example. Some additional expenses that
would normally be included are:

 Office Supplies Used

 Telephone
 Building/Office Rent
 Utilities
 Depreciation Expense
 Maintenance and Repairs
 Interest Expense
 Memberships
 Donations
 Bank Fees and Charges
 Salaries & Wages
 Employment Taxes
 Equipment Rental
 Contract Labor
 Professional Fees
 Travel
 Entertainment
 Any other type that your business incurs

Our Income Statement or what is sometimes also referred to as a Profit and Loss Statement
was prepared for a service type of business. Businesses that are retailers, wholesalers, or
manufacturers that sell products have a special section included in their income statement
called Cost Of Goods Sold. This section computes the Cost Of The Goods Sold that were
either purchased and sold or manufactured and sold. In retailing and wholesaling,
computing the cost of goods sold during the accounting period involves beginning and
ending inventories. In manufacturing it involves finished-goods inventories, raw materials
inventories and goods-in-process inventories.

The Capital Statement

The next financial statement, the capital statement, is prepared to report all the changes in
owner's equity that occurred over a period of time usually a month or year. The major
sections of the statement are the heading, the owner's capital balance at the beginning of
the period, the increases and decreases during the period , and the calculated ending

What do you think affects "Mom" (Owner's Equity) ? Of course her "kids" (revenue,
expense, and draws) and any capital contributed to the business by the owner. We learned
earlier that the activities of the "kids" revenue and expense are summarized in the Income
Statement. This net income or loss is presented on a line in the Capital Statement. All the
owner withdrawals (kid draws) is also presented on a line in the statement.

The capital statement serves as the bridge between the income statement and balance
sheet. It uses the net income/loss from the income statement in addition to the owner's
investments and withdrawal to determine the Owner's Capital balance shown on the balance

Let's illustrate this statement with a simple equation.

Ending Owner's Equity = Beginning Equity + Additional Capital Contributed +
Profit or - Loss - Draws
Interactive Links are provided in this Capital Statement.
 Click on the Underlined Ending Capital Amount to see the the
amount transferred to the Balance Sheet
 Click on the Underlined Net Income Amount to see the amount
transferred from the Income Statement.
 Click on the Underlined Capital Beginning Description to see the
amount that was transferred from the Trial Balance.
 Click on the Underlined Less Withdrawals to see the amount that
was transferred from the Trial Balance.
ABC Mowing
Capital Statement
For The Period Ending December 31, xxxx
Capital Beginning $7500
Capital Contributed 0 
Net Income 820  
Less withdrawals 1,100  
Decrease in capital 280
Ending Capital $7,220

How The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Capital Statement

Are Related.
If you compare the owner's equity (owner's claim to assets) for two year end balance
sheets, the difference (increase or decrease) is explained by the Income Statement and
Capital Statement. Remember, revenues increase equity; capital contributed to the business
increases equity; expenses decrease equity; and owner's draws decrease equity.

Statement Of Changes in Financial Position

The last financial statement, the statement of changes in financial

position, is prepared to report all the changes in cash or working
capital that occurred over a period of time usually a month or year.

The working capital form of the statement explains the increase or decrease in working
capital for a period.
Note:Working capital is the difference between current assets and current liabilities
(Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities).
As you might expect, the cash form of the statement explains the increase or decrease in
cash for a period. The statement is often called the Sources and Uses of Cash Statement
when cash is used as the basis for preparing the statement.

Since more and more of the accounting regulatory agencies are promoting using cash
instead of working capital as the basis for preparing this statement, our example statement
will also use cash.

The major sections of the statement are the heading, a section for reporting the increases in
cash (resources provided by), a section for reporting the decreases in cash (resources
applied to), and a summary of the change in cash (increase/decrease) for the period.

If the business was in operation in the previous year, the prior year balance sheet along
with the current year balance sheet and current year income statement is needed in order
to prepare the statement. Additional analysis of some of the accounts may also be needed.

Our example assumes that ABC Mowing's prior year balance sheet is as follows:

ABC Mowing
Balance Sheet
As Of December 31, xxxx (Prior Year)
Cash $6,400  
Accounts Receivable 600  
Mowing Equipment 2,500  
   Total Assets   $9,500
Accounts Payable $2,000  
   Total Liabilities   $2,000
Owner's Equity
ABC Capital   $7,500
   Total Liabilities & Equity   $9,500

Using the above prior year balance sheet along with the current year balance sheet and
income statement we prepared the following Statement Of Changes in Financial Position:

Summary of how to prepare the statement:

 The first step is determining the cash provided or used by operations and begins with the
operating income for the period.
 Adjustments are made to the income for revenue or expenses items that did not provide
or use cash.
 Additional adjustments are made for all current and noncurrent accounts and are
recorded as addition or subtractions depending upon their effect on cash based on their
beginning of the year and end of the year balances.
ABC Mowing
Statement Of Changes in Financial Position (Cash)
As Of December 31, xxxx (Current Year)
Sources of cash:
Financing from bank loan $10,0000  
Total sources  $10,000
Uses of cash:
Income from
Increase in accounts
60 $880    
Increase in supplies
Increase in accounts
1000 1,100    
Cash used by operations 220  
Payment of owner's draws 1,100  
Acquisition of equipment 10,000  
Total uses 11,320
Decrease in cash $1,320
Change in cash balance:
Cash balance, December 31, xxxx (Current
Cash balance, December 31, xxxx (Prior
Decrease in cash $1,320

Notes To The Financial Statements

Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of the
statements and are required by Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles. Notes to financial statements,sometimes referred to as
footnotes, are used to provide additional information about a
business's financial condition and methods used at arriving at the
amounts presented in the financial statements.

These notes contain important information about such things as the accounting methods
used for recording and reporting transactions, any pending lawsuits or regulations that may
affect the business, and other information that should be disclosed in order to properly
analyze and evaluate the financial condition of the business.

Where Do You Get The Information used to prepare these formal financial
statements ?

A Trial Balance/Worksheet that we discussed in Lesson 5 is prepared from the General

Ledger. The balances listed on this worksheet are listed in the order of the accounting
equation. Asset balances are listed first; followed by Liabilities; and then Owner's Equity
("Ma Capital"); and finally her "kids" Revenues and Expenses.

Once you have a Trial Balance it's simply a matter of transferring the amounts from the
Trial Balance to use to prepare the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Capital Financial
Statements. Add in the prior year's balance sheet and you have the information needed for
preparing the Statement of Changes in Financial Position (cash).

ABC Mowing's Trial Balance at the end of December

Interactive Links are provided in this Trial Balance.
 Click on the Underlined Account Name in the Trial Balance to be
taken to the amounts transferred to the Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, or Capital Statement.

Debit Credit
Account Account Type
Balances Balances
Asset Accounts
Cash 5080   Balance Sheet
Accounts Receivable 1600   Balance Sheet
100   Balance Sheet
Mowing Equipment 12500   Balance Sheet
Liability Accounts
Accounts Payable   2060 Balance Sheet
Note Payable-Bank   10000 Balance Sheet
Equity Accounts
Owner's Capital   7500 Balance Sheet
Owner's Draws 1100   Balance Sheet
Revenue Accounts
Mowing Revenue   1205
Expense Accounts
Mulch Expense 160  
Advertising Expense 225  
Totals 20765 20765  

It should be apparent that by having the information from the General Ledger and the Trial
Balance one can readily prepare the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Capital financial

The Trial Balance/Worksheet normally contains additional columns for adjusting and closing
entries. Briefly, closing entries transfer (close) the balances in the General Ledger's
individual revenue, expense, and drawing account(s) to the owner's capital account at the
end of a period (usually year end) which results in the same General Ledger Capital Account
ending balance as contained in the Capital Statement. This Ending Capital balance becomes
the new Beginning Capital Balance for the new year. All the revenues, expense, and drawing
account balances are reset to zero so that their balances will only represent transaction
amounts (increases and decreases to owner's equity) in the new year.

Due to the fact that this is an introductory tutorial, adjusting and closing entry detail
illustrations, discussions, and examples are reserved for a more advanced tutorial. Adjusting
and Closing entries are discussed and illustrated in my So, you want to learn
Bookkeeping! - Special Journals Tutorial.

The Good News

While these financial statements were prepared from just a very few transactions, my goal
was to introduce you to what formal financial statements are needed and what's involved in
preparing them even though the bookkeeper might not be required or responsible for
preparing them. Many businesses have their accountant or CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
prepare or review their financial statements. Even if the bookkeeper does not prepare them,
they're still a key ingredient in properly analyzing and recording the transactions that are
summarized in these statements.

Another plus, nowadays, good accounting or bookkeeping software will automatically

generate these statements. While this is great, we still need to be aware of that ole saying
"GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out".
Are we there yet ?
Analyzing Financial Performance

While preparing financial statements is critical to the success of a business, it's only half the
battle. In order for a business to fully benefit the financial information needs to be analyzed
and compared. A few tools used are comparing past performance with current performance
and comparing how the business stacks up against its competitors or similar businesses.

While the Financial Statements presented in this lesson are simplified versions of the "real"
world and were compiled from only a few financial transactions, the concepts and methods
used are the same as you would use for a business with a multitude of transactions.

So you know - things do change !

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) are currently working on a joint project called the Financial
Statement Presentation Project which, if the recommendations are adopted, will change the
current formats of the Financial Statements. Basically, the financial information will be
organized into groupings that will reflect the results of the operating, investing, and
financing activities of a business.

Is this the last time under that darn light ? I'm not telling. You never know what
lies in store for you in the final review lesson. See what you now about Financial

Financial Statements

Now's not the time for nail biting. You've made it this far
and have only one lesson left in order to complete the

Yes, if you need one, you can take a break before moving
on to the final lesson.

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