Communication Protocol Ma510 PDF

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Modbus protocol function

Parameter Description Address Meaning of value
0003H:JOG forward
0004H:JOG reverse
Control mode 1000H W/R
0005H: stop
0006H:coast to stop
0007H:reseat fault
0008H:JOG stop
0001H:forward Running
0002H:reverce Running
Inverter status 1001H 0003H:standby R
0005H:statuse of inverter POFF
Communication setting range(-10000~10000)
The communication setting is the percentage of
the relative value (-100~100%)
If it is set as frequency source, The value is the W/R
percentage of the maximum frequency.
If it is set as PID (preset value or feedback
value), The value is the percentage of the PID.
Communication setting
PID setting
2001H W/R
Range 0~1000. 1000 means 100%.
PID feed back
2002H W/R
Range 0~1000. 1000 means 100%.
Setting value of torque
2003H W/R
Range -1000~1000. 1000 means 100%.
2004H Setting value of upper limit frequency W/R
3000H Output frequency R
3001H Reference frequency R
3002H DC bus voltage R
3003H Output voltage R
3004H Output current R
3005H Rotation speed R
3006H Output power R
Status parameters
3007H Output torque R
3008H PID preset value R
3009H PID feedback value R
300AH Input terminal status R
300BH Output terminal status R
300CH Input of AI1 R
300DH Input of AI2 R
300EH reserved R
300FH reserved R
3010H HDI frequency R
3011H reserved R
3012H Step no. of PLC or multi step R
3013H reserved R
3014H External counter input R
3015H Torque setting R
3016H Devise code R

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