Cerebral Oranoids
Cerebral Oranoids
Cerebral Oranoids
Author manuscript
Cell Stem Cell. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 April 12.
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eTOC blurb
The growth and structural formation of the human cortex can be modeled in vitro using cerebral
organoids. In this article, Li, Muffat, and colleagues show that enhancing the PTEN-AKT
signaling pathway leads to the generation of human cerebral organoids that are expanded in size
and display surface folding.
An expansion of the cerebral neocortex is thought to be the foundation for the unique intellectual
abilities of humans. It has been suggested that an increase in the proliferative potential of neural
progenitors (NPs) underlies the expansion of the cortex and its convoluted appearance. Here we
show that increasing NP proliferation induces expansion and folding in an in vitro model of human
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corticogenesis. Deletion of PTEN stimulates proliferation and generates significantly larger and
Correspondence should be addressed to R.J. (jaenisch@wi.mit.edu).
Author Contributions
Y.L., J.M. and R.J. conceived the project, designed the experiments, interpreted results and wrote the paper with input from all authors.
A.O. participated in cell culture, sample preparation and data analysis. I.B. and L.G. provided Zika and Dengue viruses for the study
and participated in the design of the virus infection experiments. M.L., J.K. and M.S. advised on study design and helped establish the
organoid culture system.
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Li et al. Page 2
substantially folded cerebral organoids. This genetic modification allows sustained cell-cycle re-
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entry, expansion of the progenitor population, and delayed neuronal differentiation, all key
features of the developing human cortex. In contrast, Pten deletion in mouse organoids does not
lead to folding. Finally, we utilized the expanded cerebral organoids to show that infection with
Zika virus impairs cortical growth and folding. Our study provides new insights into the
mechanisms regulating the structure and organization of the human cortex.
Graphical Abstract
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Author Manuscript
A massive increase in the size of the human cerebral neocortex is accompanied by the
expansion of the cortical area, and the associated emergence of extensive cortical folding
(Bystron et al., 2008; Geschwind and Rakic, 2013; Sun and Hevner, 2014). In the developing
human cerebral cortex, radial glial cells, residing in both the ventricular zone (VZ) and the
later-formed sub-ventricular zone (SVZ), give rise to intermediate progenitors and ultimately
post-mitotic neurons (Lui et al., 2011; Rakic, 1988), following an inside-out pattern of
migration (Rakic, 1974). Compared to mice, the developing cortex of humans and other
gyrencephalic mammals harbor a larger VZ and SVZ, which are composed of substantially
more radial glial cells and intermediate progenitors (Hansen et al., 2010). Whether this
increase in NP population is directly responsible for the expansion of the human cortex, and
the evolutionary transformation of a smooth, unfolded cortex to a profoundly folded one
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remains mostly untested, in no small part due to the inaccessible nature of the developing
human cortex. However, recent advances in human pluripotent stem cell technology
(Takahashi et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007) and three-dimensional culture systems (Lancaster et
al., 2013; Sasai, 2013) have opened new avenues to investigate human cortical development.
Starting with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells, we
have recently reported the generation of cerebral organoids that self-organize into neuralized
structures resembling the early developing human cerebral cortex (Lancaster et al., 2013).
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These in vitro derived neural tissues recapitulate early stages of cortical formation, and
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display human-specific features such as the outer SVZ. Therefore human cerebral organoids
represent a novel method to investigate the molecular, cellular, and anatomical paradigms of
early human cortical development.
Cortical folding can be experimentally induced in the developing mouse brain by beta-
catenin over-expression (Chenn and Walsh, 2002), inhibition of apoptosis (Kuida et al.,
1998; Kuida et al., 1996), or modification of NP specific genes such as Trnp1 (Stahl et al.,
2013) and Arhgap11b (Florio et al., 2015), all likely via direct regulations of the
proliferation, survival and differentiation propensity of NPs. Differential regulation of NP
proliferation may also contribute to human specific cortical pattern formation (Bae et al.,
2014). Interestingly, multiple lines of evidence have converged to suggest a physiological
involvement of growth factor signaling in regulating human-specific cortical expansion and
folding. Introduction of FGF2 into developing mouse cortex leads to regional formation of
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gyri (Rash et al., 2013), and human fetal cortical transcriptome revealed progenitor specific
enrichment of PDGF-D (Lui et al., 2014). Existing human genetic evidence strongly
suggests that growth factor signaling, in particular through the PTEN-AKT cascade,
regulates human cortical formation. Pathological development of larger brain
(megalencephaly) and/or increased gyrification (polymicrogyria) have been linked to
mutations that activate the pathway, in genes such as AKT3, PTEN, PIK3CA, and PIK3R2
(DiLiberti, 1998; Lee et al., 2012; Marchese et al., 2014; Mirzaa et al., 2013; Poduri et al.,
2012; Riviere et al., 2012; Terrone et al., 2016). Conversely, mutations that impair growth
factor signaling have been linked to symptoms of human microcephaly (Boland et al., 2007;
Juanes et al., 2015). Genetically modified mice carrying corresponding mutations were
shown to mimic, but frequently to a lesser extent, aspects of the phenotypes displayed by
human patients. For example, while AKT3 activating mutations have been linked to human
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macrocephaly and polymicrogyria (Lee et al., 2012; Poduri et al., 2012), Akt3 mutant mice
with increased signaling activity displayed increased brain size, but otherwise normal
cortical patterning with no increase in gyrification (Tokuda et al., 2011). Similarly, Pten
mutant mice also displayed macrocephaly without increased gyrification (Groszer et al.,
2001; Kwon et al., 2006; Lehtinen et al., 2011). Such phenotypic difference may reflect
inherent species difference in signaling regulation, cellular response and anatomical
organization. Therefore the human genetic evidence strongly suggests an intrinsic and
possibly preferential dependence of human NPs on the growth factor signaling cascade.
In the present study we investigated the direct effect of enhancing human NP proliferation
on cortical formation in a 3D cerebral organoid system. We chose the PTEN gene because of
the human genetics evidence demonstrating its function in cortical development, and a
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substantial body of literature on its role in regulating progenitor cells of various lineages
(Hill and Wu, 2009). PTEN heterozygous loss-of-function mutations have been associated
with human macrocephaly (Butler et al., 2005; Marchese et al., 2014). In the current 3D
cerebral organoid system, PTEN homozygous mutation was adopted to drive the activation
of the PI3K-AKT pathway. Indeed, deletion of the PTEN gene increased AKT activity in
human NPs, promoted cell cycle re-entry and transiently delayed neuronal differentiation,
resulting in a marked expansion of the radial glia and intermediate progenitor population.
Both human and mouse organoids that lacked PTEN showed a significant increase in size
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but only human organoids displayed substantial surface folding. The degree of expansion
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and folding was regulated by further tuning the strength of AKT signaling with reduced
signaling resulting in smaller and smooth organoids, and increased signaling in larger and
more folded organoids. These findings lend support to the notion that an increase in the
proliferative potential of NPs contributes to the expansion of the human cerebral neocortex,
and the emergence of surface folding. Lastly, in light of the current global health emergency
regarding Zika virus (ZIKV), we applied the expanded cerebral organoid culture system to
investigate a possible link between ZIKV exposure and cortical malformation such as
microcephaly and lissencephaly.
PTEN deletion enhances growth factor-dependent proliferation in 2D cultured human
neural progenitors
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To disrupt the human PTEN gene, sgRNA was designed to target the first exon (Figure 1A),
mimicking a recently reported macrocephalic patient mutation (Figure S1A) (Marchese et
al., 2014). WIBR3, a previously well-characterized hESC line (Lengner et al., 2010) was
targeted to generate homozygous frameshift mutations using CRISPR/Cas9 (Figure 1A).
Absence of PTEN protein was confirmed by immuno-blotting (Figure 1B). Using the same
approach, two additional hESC lines (WIBR1, WIBR2) were also targeted to generate
mutant clones on these independent genetic backgrounds (Figure S1B–S1E, S1F–S1G).
PTEN and its downstream signaling pathway is involved in the regulation of proliferation,
differentiation and apoptosis of various stem/progenitor populations but little is known of its
function in the developing human brain. Analysis of the BrainSpan Atlas of the Developing
Human Brain revealed that PTEN expression is low in the VZ/SVZ, and high in the cortical
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plate where differentiated neurons reside, a pattern inversely correlated with progenitor
markers PAX6 and TBR2 (Figure S1H–S1K). Similarly, in vitro derived human NPs express
less PTEN compared to neurons, suggesting a possible physiological involvement during
normal human neural development (Figure S1L). In a 2D adherent culture system, PTEN
mutant human NPs displayed significantly higher growth rate in response to low bFGF (1–5
ng/ml, Figure 1C), and higher level of cell cycle re-entry as revealed by EdU pulse-chase
assay and Ki67 co-staining (Figure 1D–1E). Control and mutant NPs had similar
proliferation rates in the presence of high bFGF, or in the absence of bFGF (Figure 1E).
Enhanced proliferation of mutant NPs was also observed in response to low concentration of
PDGF-DD and IGF2, two growth factors implicated in regulating fetal cortical growth
(Lehtinen et al., 2011; Lui et al., 2014) (Figure S1N–S1O).
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weeks, these NPs underwent neuronal differentiation and generated a distinct layer of DCX+
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neurons located exclusively away from the ventricle, consistent with the apical-basal axis of
neural migration (Figure S2C). At 12 weeks and beyond, Nestin+ NPs had greatly
diminished and the organoids were mainly composed of differentiated neurons and glia
(Figure S2D–S2E). In wild-type human organoids, PTEN gene expression was lower at
earlier stages and increased as the organoids differentiated and matured (Figure S1M).
To compare organoid formation of PTEN mutant and isogenic control hESCs, equal
numbers of dissociated single cells were seeded to form embryoid bodies (EBs). Both
control and mutant WIBR3 hESCs generated EBs with comparable overall morphology after
1 week (Figure S3A). At 4 weeks, while control organoids were relatively spherical and
smooth, PTEN mutant organoids displayed markedly increased outgrowth of neuroepithelial
tissue, surrounding ventricle-like structures (Figure 1F). Neuroepithelial over-growth was
even more evident in mutant organoids at 6 and 8 weeks and led to a drastic increase in size
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and an overall folded surface (Figure 1F). To better visualize and quantify their 3D
morphology, we imaged the organoids on a light sheet fluorescent microscope (Figure 1G).
PTEN mutants displayed markedly increased surface area, overall volume, and reduced
sphericity compared to controls (Figure 1G–1I). The increase in volume and surface area
was separately validated on histological sections (Figure 1J, Figure S3B–S3C). Because the
increased surface area was often organized in continuous folds, we further demonstrate a
significant increase in folds density in mutant organoids (Figure 1K–1L). The expansion and
folding phenotype is fully penetrant and present in all WIBR3 PTEN mutant organoids
examined across multiple independent experiments (Figure S3D–S3E), as well as in PTEN
mutant organoids generated from WIBR1 and WIBR2 hESCs (Figure S4A–S4C).
We explored the potential difference between mouse and human cortical development by
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generating cerebral organoids from control and Pten mutant mESCs. CRISPR/Cas9 gene
targeting was used to disrupt the first exon of the Pten gene in V6.5 mESCs (Figure S4D–
S4E). Three controls and three homozygous frameshift mutants were selected, based on
genomic sequence and loss of full-length Pten protein (Figure 2A, Figure S4D). Equal
numbers of dissociated single mESCs were used to generate mouse organoids, following an
adapted protocol that utilizes similar media and culturing method as that for human
organoids (Eiraku et al., 2008; Lancaster et al., 2013). Compared to controls, Pten mutant
mouse organoids became progressively larger, but remained smooth throughout development
with no surface folds (Figure 2B–2C, Figure S4F). Imaging using a light sheet fluorescent
microscope and subsequent quantification demonstrated that Pten mutant mouse organoids
had increased overall volume but no change in sphericity compared to controls (Figure 2D–
2E). No detectable change in fold density was present in Pten mutant mouse organoids
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(Figure 2F).
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structures (Figure 3A), which expressed NP markers such as Nestin, Pax6 and Sox2 (Figure
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3B–2C). Because the original organoid culture condition provides minimal patterning cues
and relies on the intrinsic capacity of hESCs to differentiate into the neural lineage, the
majority of the organoids adopt a forebrain identity as shown by their expression of Pax6
(Figure 3B) and FoxG1 (Figure 7G), but markers of other brain regions can also be observed
(Figure S4G). To examine if organoid expansion and folding can occur from a brain region
specific cellular population, we pre-patterned the EBs specifically towards the dorsal
forebrain fate (Li et al., 2013). Treatment with dorsomorphin during the first 7 or 14 days of
culture promoted the generation of dorsal forebrain identity and suppressed markers of other
lineages (Figure 3E–3F, Figure S4H–S4I). At 6 weeks, pre-patterned control forebrain
organoids grew to similar shape and size as un-patterned organoids. Likewise, pre-patterned
PTEN mutant human forebrain organoids grew larger than controls, and developed complex
surface folds (Figure 3D, 3G, Figure S4J).
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In PTEN mutant human organoids, the increase in proliferation coincided with an expansion
of the NP pool, shown by qRT-PCR for radial glia and intermediate progenitor markers
PAX6, ARHGAP11B (Florio et al., 2015) and TBR2 (Figure 4C–4D, Figure S5I), and
immuno-staining for PAX6, SOX2 and TBR2 (Figure 4F–4G). Consistent with previous
observations, a population of Sox2+ NPs detach from the apical VZ in both control and
mutants, coinciding with the presence of outer radial glia marker HOPX (Figure 4G and 4J).
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Mutant human organoids harbored significantly more HOPX+ outer radial glial cells, where
they dispersed into the expanded neuroepithelium in the radial direction (Figure 4G–4I,
Figure S5J). Increased abundance of HOPX expression in PTEN mutant human organoids
was further confirmed by qRT-PCR (Figure 4E). Higher proportion of the VZ and outer SVZ
progenitors co-labeled with Ki67 in mutant organoids (Figure 4J–4K). Lastly, PTEN mutant
human organoids at 12 weeks had increased thickness of cortical neuroepithelium, further
supporting the observation of a radial expansion (Figure 4L). These findings demonstrate
that PTEN ablation led to expansion of the human NP pool in both VZ and SVZ.
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In contrast to PTEN mutant human organoids, Pten mutant mouse organoids, which were
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the increased proliferation in PTEN mutant human organoids was coupled with changes in
differentiation propensity. At 4 weeks neuronal differentiation was initiated in control
organoids and DCX+ neurons began to emerge (Figure 5A). In contrast, mutant organoids
contained predominantly Nestin+ NPs with few neurons (Figure 5A). qRT-PCR and
immuno-blotting confirmed mutant organoids had significantly reduced DCX RNA and
protein (Figure S6A–S6C). EdU pulse-chase experiment on 4-week-old organoids showed
mutants had significantly less cell cycle exit after 24 hours (Figure 5B–5C). A majority of
EdU+ cells in mutant organoids were Sox2+ NPs in contrast to controls where a substantial
fraction had become DCX+ (Figure 5D–5F). Similar finding of delayed neuronal
differentiation was seen in PTEN mutant human organoids on the WIBR1 and WIBR2
background (Figure S6D). In contrast, DCX+ or Ctip2+ neurons were already abundantly
present in 3-week-old mouse control and Pten mutant organoids (Figure 4N and Figure
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This delay in neuronal differentiation in PTEN mutant human organoids was transient and
gradually normalized. At 8 weeks, abundant DCX+ neurons were present, and the majority
of cells labeled with EdU at 4 weeks had assumed a neuronal phenotype in both controls and
mutants (Figure 5G–5H, Figure S6F and S6H). A small population of EdU+ cells co-
expressed HOPX and resided in the outer SVZ, suggesting their identity as outer radial glia
(Figure S6G and S6I). Transcriptional analysis of a panel of genes enriched in NPs and
neurons demonstrated reduced expression of neuronal markers in mutants at 4 weeks but
normalized expression over time at 10 and 16 weeks (Figure 5I–5K). At 12 weeks, both
control and mutant human organoids harbored outer radial glia cells, early and late-born
neurons that were organized in rudimentary inside-out pattern (Figure 5L–5N). In mature
control and mutant human organoids, differentiated neuronal cell types were predominant,
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and the level of proliferation was diminished (Figure 5K and Figure S5A). At these ages,
PTEN mutant organoids sustained a folded morphology, underlined by the presence of
folded cortical plates composed of differentiated neurons and glia (Figure 5O). We conclude
that a transient delay in differentiation allowed amplification of the NP pool and contributed
to the expansion and folding of the PTEN mutant human organoids.
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AKT activation mediates the expansion and folding of PTEN mutant human cerebral
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To confirm that PTEN deficiency was responsible for the phenotypes we transduced mutant
hESCs with a lentivirus vector encoding GFP or a PTEN-GFP fusion protein (Figure 6A–
6B) and generated organoids. At 6 weeks, while GFP-transduced mutant human organoids
were expanded and folded, PTEN-GFP transduced mutants formed smooth organoids
(Figure 6C, Figure S7A), and showed normalized level of proliferation and neuronal
differentiation (Figure S7B–S7D).
regulation of pAKT (Figure 6D and Figure S7F–S7I). In both control and mutants, pAKT-
positive staining was enriched in the VZ and co-localized with progenitor markers such as
Nestin, Sox2 and phospho-Vimentin (Figure 6D, Figure S7F–S7G). In mature human
organoids comprised of mostly differentiated neurons, pAKT level was reduced but can still
be detected with tyramide signal amplified immuno-staining as well as immuno-blotting
(Figure S7J and S7L). In 12-week-old organoids, acute exposure to exogenous BDNF
elicited rapid elevation in AKT signaling, suggesting scarcity of relevant neurotrophic
factors in the culture medium may contribute to the reduced baseline pAKT activity (Figure
S7K–S7L). This transient, and cell-type specific activation of AKT signaling in NPs echoed
the pattern of enhanced proliferation in PTEN mutant human organoids, and strongly
indicated that increased AKT signaling drove the expansion of NP pool, and consequently
the expansion and folding of cortical tissue.
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To directly investigate whether AKT activation was responsible for the expansion and
folding phenotypes, we treated developing PTEN mutant human organoids with GDC-0068
or MK-2206, known inhibitors of AKT activation. While both inhibitors at higher
concentration were deleterious for cellular growth and prevented the formation of viable
EBs, lower concentrations allowed generation of mutant human organoids with comparable
size and morphology as non-treated controls (Figure 6E), but blocked the formation of
expanded and folded organoids, accompanied by normalized proliferation and neural marker
gene expression (Figure 6E–6F, Figure S7M). Furthermore, a lentivirus-transduced
dominant negative form of AKT normalized proliferation and blocked the formation of
folded neuroepithelium in mutant organoids (Figure 6G–6J). In contrast, a constitutive active
form of AKT further enhanced proliferation as well as the expansion of neuroepithelium to
form organoids with even greater size and surface complexity than PTEN mutant alone
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(Figure 6G–6J). These findings demonstrate that AKT signaling exerts an essential, tunable
control on the expansion and folding of cortical neuroepithelium.
ZIKV infection impairs expansion and folding in PTEN mutant cerebral organoids
The generation of cerebral organoids with more complex, human-like structures enhances
our ability to model brain malformation due to genetic or environmental causes. To that end,
we applied our 3D culture system to study the consequence of ZIKV infection. Although the
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underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated, the recent outbreak of ZIKV in Central and
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ZIKV exposure during early pregnancy is correlated with risks of major brain malformation
such as microcephaly and lissencephaly. In organoids, ZIKV infection at the onset of surface
folding (day 19) leads to widespread initiation of apoptosis (Figure 7A–7B). At 10 days post
infection, ZIKV severely hampered organoid growth both in size and surface folding (Figure
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7C–7E). Cellular analysis revealed broad detection of viral envelope protein in infected
organoids, coinciding with marker of apoptosis (Figure 7C). In contrast, infection with equal
amount of Dengue virus did not trigger increased apoptosis or broad viral amplification
(Figure 7B–7C). Therefore ZIKV exposure at this early stage severely disrupted organoid
expansion and folding formation. We next examined the impact of ZIKV on 4-week-old
organoids, when neuronal differentiation is initiated in control organoids and delayed in
mutants (Figure 5A). While a low amount of ZIKV led to partial infection of control
organoids at this stage, PTEN mutant organoids displayed markedly increased susceptibility
to infection (Figure 7F–7G). Regions of organoid expansion and folding were amply
infected with ZIKV (Figure 7G) and correlated with increased apoptosis (Figure 7H) and
decreased proliferation (Figure 7I). Staining for activated caspase on whole mutant
organoids further demonstrate global increase of apoptosis 4 days after ZIKV exposure
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(Figure 7J). Together, these findings demonstrate the profound consequences of ZIKV
exposure during early neural development on the expansion and folding of the developing
cortex in vitro, and illustrate the strength of the genetically modified cerebral organoids
system in modeling complex structural malformations of the developing human brain.
Efforts in the investigation of human brain development have been hindered by a lack of
access to the fetal human brain. Given the substantial species difference between human and
the currently available model organisms pertinent to cortical morphology and function, it is
essential to develop an alternative, in vitro system that recapitulates key features of human
cortical formation. Here, using a genetically modified cerebral organoid system, we address
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vitro structural expansion are consistent with the radial unit hypothesis of neocortical
expansion (Rakic, 1988) suggesting that increased proliferation contributes to folding. We
envision future work to incorporate spatial and temporal-specific control of the PTEN-AKT
signaling pathway to drive NP proliferation in an inducible and reversible manner, allowing
the precise dissection of the contribution of tangential and radial expansion to cortical
expansion and folding.
The comparison of mouse and human organoids revealed a marked species difference in
their capacity of developing expanded and folded neural tissues. In contrast to the drastic
effects of PTEN deletion in human organoids, Pten mutant mouse organoids grew larger but
did not form surface folds, coinciding with a short window of enhanced proliferation and a
lack of outer SVZ. The smooth appearance of mouse Pten mutant organoids echoes the lack
of cortical folding in Pten mutant mouse brains, further indicating that features inherent to
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human NPs, such as the capacity of prolonged period of proliferation and the generation of
an outer radial glia population, may underlie human-specific cortical tissue expansion and
folding. Recent studies in mouse demonstrated that over-expression of ARHGAP11B, a
human-specific gene enriched in the NPs of the developing cortex, can endow mouse NPs
with enhanced proliferation, leading to the emergence of cortical folding (Florio et al.,
2015). These findings raise the possibility that further genetic engineering may shed light on
the mechanism and plasticity of mouse and human cortical development.
Our study highlights the essential role for the PTEN-AKT signaling pathway in regulating
human neural development. Gain and loss-of-function mutations of genes in this pathway
have been reported in patients with major brain malformation (Boland et al., 2007;
DiLiberti, 1998; Juanes et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2012; Marchese et al., 2014; Mirzaa et al.,
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2013; Poduri et al., 2012; Riviere et al., 2012; Terrone et al., 2016), suggesting a precise
level of AKT activity is pivotal to brain formation. Our study in human organoids
demonstrates that AKT activity is enriched in the NP population in both control and
mutants. Inhibition of AKT activity via pharmacological or genetic means results in smaller
sized organoids, reminiscent of microcephaly in patients with AKT heterozygous loss-of-
function mutation (Boland et al., 2007). We note that, unlike NPs, PTEN mutant mature
neurons within the organoids display less AKT activity. Acute stimulation with BDNF was
sufficient to increase AKT activity, suggesting the reduced basal AKT activity may stem
from the lack of neurotrophic growth factors in the current culture system. Future
investigation on the effects of AKT activation in response to various trophic factors in
mature human neurons could provide novel insight into normal and pathological neural
functions. Another limitation of the current culture system is that it inadequately reflects
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human fetal brain development, as it does not support the formation of folded non-mutant
human cerebral organoids. This is not surprising considering its historical origin from the
minimal culture media aimed at supporting the survival and differentiation of mouse NPs
and EBs (Eiraku et al., 2008). We found that activating the PTEN-AKT pathway, a central
signaling cascade downstream of various growth factors, is sufficient to induce folding.
Interestingly, embedding in extracellular matrix (matrigel) rich in growth factors spurs a
rapid yet transient phase of growth in both wild-type and mutant human organoids. Thus, it
is likely that a combination of physiologically relevant growth factors could induce folding
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also in wild-type human organoids. Further microfluidic and microfabrication designs can be
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implemented to improve oxygen and nutrient exchange, maintain tissue health and
homeostasis, and provide more faithful recapitulation of the in vivo developmental process.
In the current study, we utilized an isogenic genetic system to demonstrate that the cerebral
organoid system allows experimental manipulation of distinct, isolated driving forces of
cortical development such as proliferation. This experimental framework can be broadly
utilized to model other genetic and environmental factors that determine the size and shape
of a developing human cortex, and explore pathological cortical formation such as
microcephaly, macrocephaly, polymicrogyria, lissencephaly and double cortex syndrome.
We used this system to model microcephaly and lissencephaly resulting from ZIKV
exposure. Our findings revealed major organoid growth and folding defects due to ZIKV but
not Dengue virus exposure, indicating strong pathological difference between these two
closely related Flaviviruses.
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Further information and requests for reagents may be directed to, and will be fulfilled by the
corresponding author, Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch (jaenisch@wi.mit.edu).
Neural differentiation—Differentiation of hESCs to NPs in 2D adherent culture was
performed as previously described (Li et al., 2013). Confluent hESCs were passaged onto
matrigel-coated dishes using collagenase type IV, and cultured in mTeSR medium (Stem
Cell Technologies) containing dorsomorphin (2.5uM, Stemgent) for 1–3 days until near
confluent. To induce neural differentiation, increasing amounts of N2 media (25, 50, 75,
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100%) were added to the mTeSR medium every other day whilst maintaining 2.5uM
dorsomorphin. N2 medium contains 1X N2 supplement (Invitrogen), 50% DMEM/F12, 50%
Neurobasal, 0.075% Bovine serum albumin, and 2mM GlutaMAX (Life Technologies).
Cells were subsequently passaged with trypsin and cultured on matrigel-coated dishes in N2
media with the addition of 20ng/ml bFGF. Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) inhibitor
Y27632 (10uM, Stemgent) was added to the medium for the first 24 hours. NPs were
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expanded and maintained in N2 medium with 20ng/ml bFGF. All 2D culture experiments
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were subcloned into FUW-GFP vector to generate the FUW-DN-AKT and FUW-CA-AKT
lentivirus constructs. VSVG-coated lentiviruses were generated in HEK293 cells. Briefly,
HEK293 cells were transfected using X-tremeGENE 9 (Sigma), with a mixture of lentiviral
construct and second-generation packaging plasmids. Culture medium was changed 12
hours after and collected 96 hours after transfection. Virus-containing medium was filtered
through 0.45um filter and concentrated via ultracentrifugation. To transduce hESCs with
lentivirus, hESCs cultured on MEFs were first dissociated from MEFs using collagenase
type IV, and further dissociated using Trypsin/EDTA to generate single cells. hESCs were
plated onto matrigel-coated dishes and fed mTeSR medium containing 10uM ROCK
inhibitor Y27632, and lentivirus particles. hESCs were subsequently passaged as single cells
at clonal density to MEFs, and single clones were manually picked and expanded.
Expression of lentiviral-transgenes was evaluated using GFP fluorescent, quantitative RT-
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ZIKV and Dengue virus production and infection—ZIKV strain MR766 was
obtained from ATCC and expanded in Vero cells. Dengue virus serotype 2 strain 16681 was
expanded in C3/36 mosquito cells. To establish titered viral stocks, virus-containing cell
supernatants were harvested, and viral titer was determined by infecting Vero cells, followed
by quantitative flow cytometry analysis of Flavivirus envelope immuno-staining (Lambeth et
al., 2005) to calculate Vero cell infectious units. To infect cerebral organoids, the number of
cells on the surface was estimated from the diameter of the 3D organoid and was used to
calculate the amount of virus applied. An MOI of 1 based on Vero cell infectious units was
used for all experiments for ZIKV and Dengue virus (actual MOI for the entire organoid was
greatly less than 0.01). ZIKV or Dengue virus was added to culture medium and replaced
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with fresh medium 24 hours later. Organoids were analyzed 4 or 10 days post-infection.
ATP assay—Cell growth rate was measured using an ATP assay with the CellTiter-Glo
Luminescent kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Promega). NPs were plated in
matrigel-coated 96-well plates (black wall, clear bottom, Falcon) at 20,000 cells per well, in
the presence or absence of bFGF (0–20ng/ml), PDGF-DD (0–10ng/ml) or IGF2 (0–10ng/
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ml). ATP assay was performed on day 1 and day 3. Luminescence was recorded on a Tecan
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microplate reader.
EdU click-it assay—EdU (10uM, Life Technologies) was added to N2 medium for NPs,
or neural maturation medium for cerebral organoids for 2 hours, after which cells or tissues
were collected immediately, or washed with PBS and fed fresh medium until collection. N2
medium contained 1 or 20ng/ml of bFGF. EdU click-it assay was performed on fixed cells or
tissue sections per manufacture’s instruction (Invitrogen), followed by immuno-staining.
Histology and imaging—Cells and tissues were fixed with 4% (w/v) paraformaldehyde
in PBS. Frozen or paraffin sections were prepared from tissues (EBs and organoids).
Following membrane permeabilization with PBS containing 0.3% triton, cells and tissue
sections were blocked with 3% normal donkey serum. Primary antibodies were against
Brn2, Cleaved-caspase 3, Ctip2, Doublecortin, Flavivirus, FoxA2, FoxG1, GFAP, phospho-
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H3, HOPX, Ki67, Nkx2.2, NeuN, Nestin, PAX6, phospho-AKT, Satb2, Sox2, Tau, Tbr1,
Tbr2, TH, phospho-Vimentin, and visualized by secondary antibodies conjugated with Alexa
488, 568, 594, 647 (Life Technologies), followed by counter-staining with DAPI. Detailed
antibody information is described in Table S1. Tyramide Signal Amplification was
performed using TSA Plus Cyanine 3 System per manufacturer’s instruction (Perkin Elmer).
Detection of activated caspase 3/7 in live organoids was performed using a CellEvent
Caspase-3/7 Green Detection Reagent (ThermoFisher). Fluorescent images of immuno-
staining were captured on a Zeiss LSM-700 confocal microscope. Light-sheet fluorescent
microscopy was performed on Hoechst-stained organoids using a Zeiss Z.1 Lightsheet
microscope. Reconstruction of multi-view light sheet images was performed using ZEN
(Zeiss) and Imaris (Bitplane) softwares. Quantification of volume, surface area and
sphericity were performed using Imaris. Alternatively, stereological quantification was
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performed on every 5 section of organoids, stained with DAPI. The area of the organoid and
the length of the outline were measured to calculate volume and surface area. A Canny Edge
Detection plugin of ImageJ was used to measure folds density in images of Hoechst-stained
organoids, some were manually stitched from multiple images.
and GAPDH. Primer sequences are described in Table S2. Raw Ct values were normalized
to GAPDH. Heatmap visualization of quantitative PCR results was generated using gene-E
Protein purification and immuno-blotting—Total protein was extracted from cells and
tissues using RIPA lysis buffer (Millipore) containing 50mM Tris-HCL pH 7.4, 150mM
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NaCL, 0.25% deoxycholic acid 1% NP-40, 1mM EDTA, protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche),
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phosphotase inhibitor cocktail 2 and 3 (Sigma). Total protein from the supernatant was
measured using BCA protein assay (Pierce). Primary antibodies were against Actin, PTEN,
phospho-AKT, AKT, and visualized with HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, followed
by LumiGlo Chemiluminescent Kit (KPL) in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Detailed antibody information is described in Table S1. Membranes blotted for
phospho-proteins were stripped and re-probed with antibodies against total proteins.
Quantification of band intensity was performed using ImageJ. Values for phospho-proteins
were normalized to total proteins, and all others were normalized to Actin.
Analysis of BrainSpan data—Gene expression data was obtained from the BrainSpan
Prenatal LMD Microarray database, which contains transcriptional profiling of ~300 distinct
brain regions from human prenatal brain. Expression levels of genes of interest at week 15–
16 were aggregated according to top-level structure designation, and plotted based on z-
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Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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The authors thank Dongdong Fu, Raaji Alagappan, Tenzin Lungjangwa, Sean Corcoran, Laure Freland, and
Grisilda Bakiasi for technical support, Danielle Feldman and members of the Jaenisch lab for helpful discussions.
We thank Magdalena Renner for advice on cerebral organoid cultures, Wendy Salmon, Drs. Christian Cortes
Campos and Ryann Fame for help with light-sheet imaging, Dr. Bryan Luikart for PTEN-GFP plasmid and Dr.
Michael Robinson for AKT plasmids. Y.L. received funding from a Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship, an
International Rett Syndrome Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from
the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. J.M. received support from the European Leukodystrophy Association,
and a NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. A.O. was supported by
a Jerome and Florence Brill Graduate Student Fellowship. Work in the R.J. laboratory was supported by grants from
the Simons Foundation (SFARI 204106 and SFLIFE 286977), NIH grants HD 045022, R01-MH104610, R01-
NS088538, the ELA foundation, the Emerald foundation, Biogen and the Simons Center for the Social Brain at
MIT. Work in the L.G. laboratory was supported by NIH AI100190. R.J. is an advisor to Stemgent, a cofounder of
Fate Therapeutics and Fulcrum Therapeutics.
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• PTEN mutant human, but not mouse, cerebral organoids display surface
• Zika virus impairs the formation of expanded and folded human cerebral
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Figure 1. Induction of expansion and folding in PTEN mutant human cerebral organoids.
A-B) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeting of the human PTEN locus, sequences of mutant
WIBR3 hESC clones, and immuno-blotting for PTEN protein.
C) ATP assay on 2D adherent NP culture, showing enhanced proliferation in WIBR3 PTEN
mutants in the presence of low bFGF concentration.
D-E) Representative image of EdU-Ki67 co-staining in WIBR3 wild-type NPs cultured with
low bFGF (D), and quantification of cell cycle exit ratio (EdU+Ki67-/all EdU+). Low bFGF,
1ng/ml; high bFGF, 10ng/ml. Scale bars, 50um (top panel) and 10um (lower panels).
F-G) Representative bright field (F) and light sheet images (G) of control and PTEN mutant
WIBR3 cerebral organoids. Lower panels in (G) show the different angle view of the main
panels above. Scale bar, 1mm (F) and 500um (G).
H-I) Reconstructed models of control and mutant WIBR3 organoids, and quantification of
volume, surface area and sphericity. Scale bar, 1mm.
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J) Quantification of control and mutant WIBR3 organoids volume and surface area on
histological sections using stereological method.
K-L) Images and quantification of surface folds density in Hoechst-stained control and
mutant WIBR3 organoids at 6 weeks. Middle panels show higher magnification view of the
top panels. Lower panels show algorithmic tracing of surface folds via Canny Edge
Detection. Scale bar, 500um (upper panels), 100um (middle and lower panels).
Results are mean +/− SEM. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001. See also Figure S1, S2, S3, S4.
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Figure 3. PTEN deletion induces expansion and folding of forebrain neuroepithelia in human
cerebral organoids.
A-C) Immuno-staining for NPs using antibodies against Nestin (A), Pax6 (B), and Sox2 (C)
in control and mutant WIBR3 organoids at 4 weeks. Scale bars, 50um (A-B) and 20um (C).
D-G) Light sheet images and quantification of control and mutant WIBR3 organoids treated
with dorsomorphin for 14 days, demonstrating expansion and folding (D), increased folds
density (G), patterning towards the forebrain fate (E) at the preclusion of none forebrain
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lineages (F).
Results are mean +/− SEM. **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. See also Figure S4.
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neuroepithelium into 5 equal portions (bins), showing significantly more Sox2+ (H) and
Hopx+ cells (I) in PTEN mutant WIBR3 organoids in the expanded neuroepithelium. Scale
bar, 100um.
J-K) Representative images of Sox2, Hopx, Ki67 co-staining in a PTEN mutant WIBR3
organoid (J), and quantification showing increased proliferation of VZ/iSVZ as well as
oSVZ NPs in PTEN mutants compared to controls.
L) Total neuroepithelial thickness at 8 and 12 weeks in control and PTEN mutant WIBR3
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G-H) Immuno-staining for DCX and Nestin at 8 weeks. Scale bar, 200um.
I-K) Differential gene expression analyses by quantitative RT-PCR on control and mutant
WIBR3 organoids at 4, 10 and 16 weeks. Genes analyzed are representative of NPs (PAX6,
TBR2, HOPX), pan-neuronal markers (TUBB3, DCX, MAP2, RBFOX3), early-born
neurons (CTIP2, TBR1) and late-born neurons (BRN2, SATB2, CUX1, CUX2). Majority of
neuronal markers were transiently down-regulated in PTEN mutants at 4 weeks, but greatly
normalized at 16 weeks. Gene expressions are normalized to control-1 at each time point. P
value reflects controls vs. mutants.
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L-N) Immuno-staining for markers of outer radial glia (Hopx), early-born neurons (Tbr1 and
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Ctip2) and late-born neurons (Satb2 and Brn2) in control and mutant WIBR3 organoids at
12 weeks. Scale bars, 50um.
O) PTEN mutant WIBR3 organoids had folded cortical plate at 16 weeks. Images show
immuno-staining for markers of neurons (Ctip2) and astrocytes (GFAP). White dash lines
outline the cortical surface. Scale bars, 50um.
Results are mean +/− SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. See also Figure S6.
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Figure 6. PTEN-AKT signaling controls expansion and folding in human cerebral organoids.
A) Schematic overview depicting the strategy to rescue PTEN mutant WIBR3 hESCs via
lentivirus re-expression of PTEN.
B) Immuno-blotting for PTEN shows the presence of PTEN-GFP fusion protein in rescued
PTEN mutant WIBR3 hESCs.
C) Light sheet images of Hoechst-stained WIBR3 organoids at 6 weeks generated from
control, PTEN mutant, and PTEN-rescued hESCs. Scale bar, 500um.
D) Immuno-staining images of pAKT and Nestin, in control and mutant WIBR3 organoids.
Increased pAKT immuno-staining is present in mutants at 1.5 weeks, prior to the onset of
expansion and folding (upper panels). Increased pAKT signal concentrates in the Nestin+
NPs, and is highest at the apical surface. Scale bars, 100um (top panels), 20um (middle and
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lower panels).
E) Light sheet images of control and mutant WIBR3 organoids at 6 weeks, treated with AKT
inhibitors GDC-0068 (1uM) or MK-2206 (100nM). Scale bar, 500um.
F) Differential gene expression analyses by quantitative RT-PCR on control and mutant
WIBR3 organoids, treated with AKT inhibitors GDC-0068 (1uM) or MK-2206 (100nM).
Gene expressions are normalized to control-1. P value reflects controls vs. AKT inhibitor
treated mutants.
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G) Light sheet images of 6-week-old human organoids generated from PTEN mutant
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WIBR3 alone, or transduced with lentivirus encoding DN-AKT or CA-AKT. Scale bars,
H) Quantitative analysis of the density of surface folds in 6-week-old organoids from PTEN
mutant alone, or PTEN mutant transduced with DN-AKT or CA-AKT.
I-J) Representative images and quantification of Ki67 immuno-staining in 6-week-old
organoids from PTEN mutant alone, or PTEN mutant transduced with DN-AKT or CAAKT.
Scale bar, 20um.
Results are mean +/− SEM. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001. See also Figure S7.
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Figure 7. ZIKV infection impairs expansion and folding in human cerebral organoids.
A-B) Schematic diagram and light sheet images of PTEN mutant WIBR3 cerebral organoids
at day 23 (19+4 days) showing widespread caspase activity induced by ZIKV but not
Dengue virus. Scale bar, 500um.
C) Light sheet images and immuno-staining of mutant WIBR3 organoids at day 29 (19+10
days) shows reduced organoid size and increased apoptosis caused by ZIKV but not Dengue
virus. C-caspase 3, cleaved-caspase 3 as detected by immuno-staining. Scale bars, 500um
(upper) and 50um (lower).
D-E) Quantitative analysis of organoid at day 29 (19+10 days) shows reduced size (D) and
loss of surface folds density (E) upon ZIKV exposure.
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F-G) Schematic diagram, and representative images of immuno-staining for ZIKV infected
control and mutant WIBR3 organoids at day 34 (30+4 days). Scale bar, 200um.
H-I) Representative images of immuno-staining in mutant WIBR3 organoids show ZIKV
infection coincides with elevated apoptosis (cleaved-caspase 3) and reduced proliferation
(phosphorylated-H3). Scale bars, 50um.
J) Light sheet images show mutant WIBR3 organoids treated with ZIKV at day 30 displayed
widespread apoptosis, as revealed by whole-mount caspase activity staining. Scale bar,
Results are mean +/− SEM. ***p<0.001.
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See Table S1 This study N/A
Sequence-Based Reagents
Primers: see Table S2 This study N/A
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