Iwata2012 PDF
Iwata2012 PDF
Iwata2012 PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Water exchange in a black spruce forest on ice-rich permafrost in Interior Alaska was examined over
Received 22 June 2011 seven years to clarify its seasonal and interannual variations. Partitioning of available energy to latent
Received in revised form 9 February 2012 heat flux was strongly constrained by leaf area and thaw depth of the soil. Water balance on a monthly
Accepted 20 March 2012
timescale showed that evapotranspiration was greater than precipitation in the early growing season.
It is likely that evapotranspiration was supported by soil thawing and snowmelt water stored in micro-
topographic hollows during this period. Precipitation increased in the latter half of the growing season,
Eddy covariance
whereas evapotranspiration decreased along with a decrease in net radiation and the leaf maturation
Energy balance
and the senescence of understory deciduous vegetation. This resulted in an increase of stored water in
Seasonal freeze–thaw cycle the soil, which can be utilized by vegetation in the following growing season. The presence of ice-rich
Snowmelt permafrost helps the accumulation of water in the soil by blocking deep percolation of water. Cumulative
evapotranspiration during the snow-free period did not show noticeable interannual variability, in con-
trast to a significant variation in precipitation. Cumulative evapotranspiration was primarily controlled
by the available energy. Water resources for this black spruce forest remained sustainable under the
current climate due to net water gain in the late growing season, combined with the presence of ice-rich
permafrost. From a comparison to other black spruce forests with non-permafrost soil, we found that
whether ice-rich permafrost exits or not is an important factor for determining the magnitude in the
interannual variation of evapotranspiration in boreal forests.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0168-1923/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
108 H. Iwata et al. / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161 (2012) 107–115
regions. This lack is partly due to the severe environment that faces
continuous observation. In a long-term study in Siberia, Ohta et al. 1
(2008) discussed that trees use meltwater from the lower part of
the active layer during years with low precipitation (Sugimoto et al.,
2002) and that resulted in a small interannual variation of evapo- 0
transpiration in a larch forest on permafrost. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
In North American boreal forests, black spruce is the dominant 100
species (O’Connell et al., 2003; Chapin et al., 2006), especially in per- 80 2003
mafrost areas. However, many study sites in black spruce forests in 2004
Table 1
Percentage of data gap-filled. The numbers in parentheses for net radiation indicate the percentage during the snow-cover period. The numbers in parentheses for turbulent
fluxes indicate the percentage during nighttime (solar radiation <10 W m−2 ).
Air temperature 2 8 1 2 1 3 3
Relative humidity 2 10 1 2 1 0 0
Rainfall 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Net radiation 4 (3) 26 (10) 8 (7) 8 (6) 5 (5) 11 (10) 4 (3)
Soil heat flux 0 17 0 2 0 0 0
Turbulent flux
Sensible heat flux 66 (43) 66 (42) 37 (26) 68 (44) 62 (45) 59 (43) 58 (43)
Latent heat flux 74 (48) 78 (48) 82 (49) 74 (48) 67 (47) 67 (47) 66 (47)
points with ten measurements at each point. The snow depth was up to 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm; beginning of decline in LAI; and the
observed at three points. beginning of snow cover on the ground. The period of snowmelt
was determined as the days with a significant decrease in ˛H com-
2.3. Analysis pared to previous days during the snow cover period. The lengths
of intervals ranged from ten days (for the snowmelting period) to
2.3.1. Flux calculation five months (for the snow-cover period).
Turbulent fluxes were calculated with the eddy covariance
method for each half-hour period. Before calculation, data spikes 2.3.3. Calculation of bulk surface conductance
were removed (Vickers and Mahrt, 1997) and a rotation of the The bulk surface conductance (m s−1 ), gS , was calculated
sonic anemometer coordinate into a mean streamline coordinate by inverting the Penman–Monteith equation (Monteith, 1965;
was performed (Mahrt et al., 2000). The fixed streamline coordi- Monteith and Unsworth, 1990) as follows:
nate was used to prevent erroneous tilt angle correction due to low
1 1
H cp
wind speed, which prevails in the study site. The mean stream- = −1 + D, (2)
gS ga E E
line coordinate was determined for the entire observation period.
The calculated fluxes were corrected for high-frequency attenu- where is the slope of relation between saturation vapor pres-
ation due to sensor separation and line averaging (Horst, 1997; sure and air temperature (hPa K−1 ), is psychrometric constant
Massman, 2000), influence of water vapor on temperature mea- (hPa K−1 ), is air density (kg m−3 ), cp is specific heat capacity for
surement using the ultrasonic anemometer, and the effect of air constant pressure (J kg−1 K−1 ), D is vapor pressure deficit (hPa), and
density fluctuation on water vapor density measurement (Webb ga is aerodynamic conductance (m s−1 ), calculated as follows:
et al., 1980). For data selection, the data containing measurement
1 u
errors related to rain events and those exhibiting obvious non- = 2 + rb , (3)
stationarity were discarded before the analysis. Furthermore, data
ga u∗
when friction velocity (m s−1 ), u* , is smaller than 0.1 m s−1 were where u is mean horizontal wind speed (m s−1 ) and rb is additional
rejected for both daytime and nighttime. Below this u* threshold resistance (s m−1 ) for scalars relative to momentum calculated
value, the sum of sensible heat flux (W m−2 ), H, and latent heat flux using an empirical equation proposed by Thom (1972): rb =
(W m−2 ), E—where is latent heat for vaporization (J g−1 ) and E −2/3
6.3u∗ . It should be noted that the coefficient in Thom (1972)
is evapotranspiration (g m−2 s−1 )—was less than 50% of available
was determined for u* in cm s−1 . For the calculation of gS , only
energy (W m−2 ), A (defined below), on average.
data obtained at times when the canopy was dry were used. It was
assumed that the canopy became dry in 12 h after rainfall. Only
2.3.2. Energy balance and energy partitioning observed data were used for the calculation of gS , and gap-filled
In this study, available energy, A, was evaluated as follows: data described below were not used unless specified.
A = Rn − G − J, (1)
2.3.4. Gap-filling of data
where Rn is net radiation (W m−2 ), G is heat flux into the soil or snow For meteorological variables except for rainfall, small gaps such
(W m−2 ), and J is the sum of sensible and latent heat storage in the as 1 h were interpolated linearly. Larger gaps were filled using rela-
atmospheric column below the level of flux observation (W m−2 ). tionships between missing data and related data, if available. For
The storage term, J, was determined from the difference of mean air example, if air temperature at 8 m was missing and air tempera-
temperature and humidity for one 30-min mean from the previous ture at 4 m was available, the relationship between air temperature
one. at 8 m and 4 m was used to fill the gap. The relationships were
The closure ratio of energy balance, ˛, is often used to evaluate obtained from approximately seven-day data around the data gaps.
the accuracy of fluxes observed with the eddy covariance tech- The remaining gaps were filled with a mean diurnal cycle around
nique. To evaluate ˛ and energy partitioning of A between H and E data gaps. Rainfall data were filled using data obtained at the
(denoted as ˛H and ˛E , respectively), half-hourly H and E were Fairbanks Airport, which is 6 km from the observation site. Also,
plotted against half-hourly A. A linear function, y = ˛x + ˇ, was fit- precipitation as snow during winter was filled using airport data,
ted to the data, and then ˛H , ˇH and ˛E , ˇE were determined for since the precipitation gauge used in this study was for collecting
H and E, respectively (Malhi et al., 2002). ˛ was calculated as the rainfall data only. All gaps in atmospheric pressure data were filled
sum of ˛H and ˛E . linearly.
The analysis above was conducted for several intervals within a Net radiation is a large component in the energy balance Eq.
year, in order to examine the characteristics of seasonal variations (1). However, observation of net radiation was affected by snow
of ˛, ˛H , and ˛E . The intervals were determined according to physi- cover on the sensor itself after snowfall. Net radiation when the
cal and phenological events using snow depth, thaw depth, and LAI, sensor was covered with snow was estimated as follows. First, peri-
as follows: beginning of snowmelt; end of snowmelt; soil thawing ods with snow cover on the radiation sensors were detected as
110 H. Iwata et al. / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161 (2012) 107–115
20 20
0 0
deficit, D (hPa)
Ta ( oC) 10
30 1.0
content, SWC
(mm day )
20 SWC
0 0.0
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Fig. 2. Daily meteorological variables and soil water content, SWC, observed during the seven years.
periods of unreasonable albedo calculated from short-wave radi- was estimated as an average value obtained from the period before
ation. Second, incident short-wave radiation during sensor snow and after the data gap. Then E was estimated from the estimated
cover was estimated using reflected short-wave radiation and an ˛E , ˇE , and A.
albedo value observed a few days later when the snow on the sen- Generally, large amounts of data during nighttime were gap-
sor was removed. Third, net radiation during sensor snow cover filled (Table 1) due to suppressed turbulence conditions, which
was estimated from a relationship between net radiation and net may be common in a low-wind environment. To test the gap-
short-wave radiation obtained when the sensor was not covered filling strategy, half of the data were artificially removed from
with snow. Table 1 summarizes the percentage of data gap-filled. the snow-free period in 2009, and then gap-filled data were
Most micrometeorological data were obtained nearly continuously, compared to the original data. A linear regression analysis
with a few data gap percentages, except for 2004. Relatively many indicated that y = 1.00x + 0.53 (R2 = 0.94 and root mean square
data concerned with net radiation during the snow-cover period error, RMSE = 21.05 W m−2 ) and y = 0.98x + 0.13 (R2 = 0.81 and
were gap-filled, due to snow cover on the radiation sensor. RMSE = 17.45 W m−2 ) for H and E, respectively. This degree of
To obtain continuous flux data, gaps in H and E were filled using accuracy may also be achieved for large gaps as described above,
A and ˛H , ˛E , ˇH , and ˇE (Gu et al., 2005; Amiro et al., 2006a) provided that the parameters (˛H,E and ˇH,E ) are reasonable.
obtained in the analysis described in Section 2.3.2. In 2004, there
was a problem with the datalogger during DOY149–187, and both 3. Results
H and E were unavailable. To fill this gap, ˛H,E and ˇH,E dur-
ing this period were assumed to be equal to those in the same 3.1. Meteorological conditions over the observation period
period in 2003, since the moisture conditions during the corre-
sponding season in 2003 were similar to those in 2004. Then, H and During the seven-year observation period, large variations of
E were estimated from A and assumed ˛H,E and ˇH,E . In 2005, the meteorological conditions were observed (Fig. 2 and Table 2), espe-
infrared gas analyzer had a problem during DOY133–246, and E cially in rainfall. The years 2004 and 2009 were dry, with lower
was not available. For this period, ˛E was estimated as the differ- rainfall and a higher water vapor pressure deficit, D. Especially
ence between observed ˛H during the period and ˛ averaged for the dry conditions occurred in 2004, when there were 40 consecutive
growing season (0.80) over the entire observation period, and ˇE days, June 12 through July 21 (Table 3), with no measurable rainfall.
Table 2
Summary of meteorological conditions over the observation period. 1971–2000 mean data were obtained from the Alaska Climate Research Center
Year (Jan–Dec)
Net radiation (GJ m−2 y−1 ) 1.76 1.63 1.69 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.60 N/A
GDD with 5◦ C threshold (◦ C day) 898.6 1193.4 1105.9 1036.2 1240.9 945.5 1154.0 1048
Mean vapor pressure deficit (hPa) 3.08 3.51 3.28 2.93 3.28 2.79 3.51 N/A
Rainfall (mm) 223.1 124.1 237.1 203.2 273.6 224.5 167.8 N/A
Precipitation (mm) 303.1 198.7 279.4 238.4 326.2 317.2 254.2 262.6
Number of snow-free days 187 174 164 169 170 147 174 N/A
Snowfall (mm water equivalent winter−1 ) 61.9 80.2 89.1 37.0 32.6 73.1 98.1
H. Iwata et al. / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161 (2012) 107–115 111
Table 3
Coefficient of variation
since record keeping began in 1950 (Todd and Jewkes, 2006). In E /E po (b)
contrast, 2007 was a wet year, with higher rainfall. Even so, it was 0.8 P
warmer than average in that year, and net radiation was higher. The 0.6
years 2003 and 2008 were cooler, with an intermediate amount of
rainfall. In 2008, late snowmelt and an early beginning of snow 0.4
accumulation (Fig. 1) resulted in the least number of snow-free
3.2. Energy balance and partitioning 3 5 7 9
The closure ratios of energy balance, ˛, were obtained as
described in Section 2.3.2, and the ratios were typically close to 0.8 Fig. 4. Seasonal variation of (a) monthly evapotranspiration, E, normalized with
(Fig. 3a) for this site during the growing season. Around DOY110, ˛ potential evapotranspiration, Epo , and (b) coefficients of variation for precipitation,
decreased to 0.4 at the minimum. This is because absorbed energy P, and E/Epo .
was utilized to melt snow accumulated on the ground (Fig. 1), and
˛H was highly reduced (Fig. 3b). During mid-winter (approximately
from minute H and A during this period. In reality, it is expected
November through February), ˛ was more variable, but it tended
that ˛H and ˛E , during the coldest period in winter, do not change
to be greater than that for the growing season.
between years, due to the extreme cold at the observation site.
Latent heat used for snowmelt is an important component to the
Hence, all midwinter data were gathered, and a single pair of ˛H,E
energy balance in the forest. This energy was estimated from the
and ˇH,E was determined. These were then used to fill the data
snow water equivalent at the beginning of snowmelt and the latent
gaps for the entire midwinter period.
heat of fusion. The snow water equivalent was obtained from snow
After the snow melted, about two-thirds of A was partitioned
depth and its typical density during snowmelt observed at this site
into H in the early growing season. With increased thaw depth and
(250 kg m−3 ). The latent heat used for snowmelt was typically 40%
LAI (Fig. 1), more A was partitioned into E during the latter half of
of A, and inclusion of this energy pushed ˛ up to 0.9.
the growing season (July and August). The midday (11:00–15:00,
Although the calculated ˛H during midwinter tended to vary
local noon is 13:00) Bowen ratio was the lowest (1.1–1.4) in July,
between years, this may be related to errors in determining ˛H
when LAI was at a maximum. This value of minimum Bowen ratio is
similar to that observed in black spruce forests in Alaska (Liu et al.,
1.2 2005) and at lower latitude in Canada (Jarvis et al., 1997; Pattey
(a) et al., 1997). In the late growing season, the fraction partitioned to
1 E decreased, along with a decrease of LAI.
to exceed P. Maximum monthly E was observed in July for most
0.6 years. Typical daily maximum E was 2.5 mm day−1 . Thereafter, E
was lower than P, a difference which resulted in an increase of SWC
0.4 at the end of the growing season (Fig. 2).
0.2 The first half of the growing season (May and June) had low P,
and P increased in the latter half (July and August). This is a typ-
0 ical seasonal cycle of P in Interior Alaska (Shulski and Wendler,
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 2007). However, the distribution of P within a year varied between
DOY years. For example, the years 2003 and 2006 were typical of this
pattern, but 2004 had more P in May compared to other years,
Fig. 3. Seasonal variations of (a) the closure ratio of energy balance, ˛, (b) energy and P during the rest of the growing season was extremely low
partitioning of available energy to sensible heat, ˛H , and latent heat fluxes, ˛E . (Fig. 2). In contrast, the seasonal variation of E did not change
112 H. Iwata et al. / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161 (2012) 107–115
6.0 Jun
not show a clear correlation with soil water content, SWC (p = 0.13,
4.0 Aug Fig. 5c). The independence of midday gS from SWC may be due to
Sep the fact that SWC in this forest was generally high, and did not
2.0 influence the stomatal conductance strongly.
The maximum monthly average of midday gS was approxi-
0.0 mately 6 mm s−1 . This value is similar to that reported for black
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
spruce forests in Canada (Zha et al., 2010).
7.0 3.5. Annual water balance
gs (mm s )
During winter, air temperature was extremely low and net radi-
ation was small, resulting in small magnitude and interannual
4.0 y =-0.16 x+6.82 variation of E. So we concentrate on the snow-free period to exam-
3.0 R =0.34 ine cumulative E and its interannual variation.
p=0.02 In general, it is expected that cumulative E during the snow-
0 5 10 15 20 25 free period is affected by climate variability and duration of the
snow-free period. However, cumulative E at the site did not change
D (hPa) remarkably compared to P during the seven years (Fig. 6). The
7.0 cumulative E during the snow-free period ranged from 195.1 mm
y =3.60x +3.03 (c) to 233.6 mm (average of 210.9 mm with a coefficient of variation
gs (mm s )
Cumulative P
and E (mm)
50 2003 2004 2005 2006
100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250
Cumulative P
and E (mm) E E E
50 2007 2008 2009
100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250 100 150 200 250
of low-frequency transport and/or advection may be attributable plenty of available water in the soil. The fact that the correlation
to the part of the imperfect energy balance closure; however, their between E and A is high suggests that this may be true, since a
contributions are probably less than several percentages, according shortage of available water would result in lower partitioning of A
to the discussion above. to E and more scatter around the regression line.
R =0.91 during winter, and it supported vegetation growth in the next early
growing season.
It was reported by Ohta et al. (2008) that the interannual varia-
2 tion of E/Epo was controlled by SWC in a Siberian larch forest. The
y =0.17x +0.13 difference between our results and theirs may stem from a differ-
p<0.0001 ence in the amount of water in the soil at the two sites. In their site,
1 y =0.69x -3.99
R =0.60 maximum SWC was about 0.3, whereas the maximum SWC in this
p=0.001 black spruce forest was about 0.8 (Fig. 2). The shallow active layer
0 may have contributed to the higher water content at our study site,
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
-2 -1 and the soil may contain enough water even in low P conditions to
A (MJ m day )
supply water to the vegetation.
Fig. 7. The relationship between monthly average of daily available energy, A, and A black spruce forest on drier soil without permafrost in Alaska,
daily latent heat flux, E in fact, experienced larger variability of E in the early half of the
114 H. Iwata et al. / Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161 (2012) 107–115
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