Sales & Operations Planning:: A Guide For The Supply Chain Leader
Sales & Operations Planning:: A Guide For The Supply Chain Leader
Sales & Operations Planning:: A Guide For The Supply Chain Leader
Founder and CEO
Supply Chain Insights, LLC
Regina Denman
Client Service Director
Chain Leader
5 9
out of balance
Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
7) 22
to balance the “S” and the “OP” in the evolution of your [primary] S&OP process (even if you call it
9, p. 13
In this report, we use past research and insights to provide a handbook for supply
chain leaders aligning teams and managing supply chains through the COVID-19
pandemic. To complete this report, we worked through four steps:
• Business User Interviews: We interviewed more than fifty business users and
followed their deployments through the 2019 calendar year.
Your trust is important to us. In our business, we are open and transparent about our
financial relationships and research processes. Also, we never share the names of
respondents or give attribution to the open comments collected in the research. This
research was 100% funded by the Supply Chain Insights team.
Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) results, when
done well, are unarguable. In normal business conditions,
the return on investment for S&OP implementation is
seven months. There is also a correlation between S&OP
maturity and value (Price-to-Tangible Book Value (PTBV)).
• Lack
What Is Sales
of Discipline on Focused Improvement: The
best processes start the cycle by reviewing customer
To drive value, process discipline within planning time • Tactical Horizon: The planning period of weeks and
months stretching from order/inventory matching
horizons matters. S&OP is a tactical process. What does
this mean? The focus of an S&OP planning process is to the planning of aggregate material contracts
on the mid-to-long range planning period, while S&OP and asset strategies. In this period, the focus is on
execution processes align operations within the shorter building a feasible plan by recognizing constraints in
duration of the order cycle and the slush period . Three the development of planned orders. There are two
common mistakes are: types of planning technologies—material and asset-
centric. The right technology is needed to produce a
within the slush period throwing the supply chain out • Operational Time Horizon/Slush Period: The
time horizon of order and inventory matching.
of balance.
Connecting supply chain planning to S&OP execution
line” and S&OP processes “above the line.” (The term “line”
Bel o w t h e Li n e P lanning
In Figure 2, we show an example of a company flow to consider financial input, but not tightly coupling
successfully building capabilities on both above the line finance and supply chain flows. While there is a need for
and below the line planning processes. The management cross-functional visibility of different types of forecasts,
team review (MT) in step 4 is based on a disciplined “integration” is a mistake.
FIGURE 2. An Example of Business Leader Working Above and Below the Line Planning Processes
1: Demand Review
-Sales Director-
Finance Integration
0: Business Building Gaps bs Business Targets 2: Supply Review
-Revenue Mgt.- Scenarios & Decisions -Supply Chain Dir.-
ONE Platform & Data Source
Rolling Forecasts
4: MT Review 3: Alignment
-General Manager- -Finance Director-
Monthly Cycle
Weekly Cycle
Demand and
Supply Meeting
MATTER The term Integrated Business Planning(IBP) is
often used interchangeably with the phrase S&OP.
The differences between S&OP and IBP are often a
What Is the Difference Between Integrated Business Planning nuance. For some organizations it is the connection
(IBP) and Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)? The term of sales, financial and supply chain planning to drive
Integrated Business Planning (IBP), introduced into the market a common plan, but for others it is S&OP maturity.
in 2005 by Oliver Wight, is bandied about by many consultants Here we define IBP as a more mature form of S&OP.
and technologists without a consistent definition. For some, it
is the connection of sales, finance, and supply chain processes,
while others view it as a more mature process variant of S&OP.
The difference is more than a nuance.
PLANNING LEVEL Customer/location data to Category or brand level An item at a shipping location.
enable the modeling of a ship- forecasting at a currency level. The modeling is a ship from
to-model definition. model.
TABLE 1. Commonalities and Differences Between Sales, Finance and Supply Chain Planning
cus Insid
rk Fo e-
o O
rk F i
oc u s O uts
Over the recent decade, S&OP effectiveness declined. Shown in We are continually surprised by the number of clients
Figure 4 is the aggregate sentiment of business leaders on the with flawed implementations. Successful S&OP
efficacy of S&OP processes in 2019 versus the performance programs require training and alignment of executive
of the same peer group in 2016. The reason for degradation? leadership. Change management is the linchpin.
For some, the decline is due to shifts in business—increase in
supply chain complexity, globalization, mergers & acquisition, Unless forced to act, organizations struggle to
and changes in business models-- but for most, it is the inability define goals, processes, and measurements to
to navigate the potholes and pitfalls of process evolution. overcome the barriers of functional excellence.
Overcoming this challenge requires alignment and
leadership. External consultants cannot bridge a
Satisfaction is Declining
gap in internal leadership.
FIGURE 4. Comparison of Perceived S&OP Processes in 2019 versus 2016
rate their
35% current
rate their state of
30% primary
Extremely effective, S&OP
process as
Extremely effective, 5%
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q11. When compared to your peer companies, how would you rate the effectiveness of your [primary]
S&OP process? SCALE: 1=Not at all effective, 5=Extremely effective
Q13: When you compare your current state of S&OP, how does it compare to the process three years
ago? SCALE: 1=Not at all effective, 5=Much more effective
*NOTE: Respondents answered for the S&OP process with which they are personally most familiar
Supply Chain Insights LLC Copyright © 2019, p. 10
Politics and Common Challenge with S&OP Implementation
The second largest gap is organizational alignment.
emotional issues undermine results. The
Difficulty getting to the right data in a timely fashion 58% Most Common
Degradation of Planning Engine Effectiveness Strategy Alignment
TABLE 2. Commonalities and Differences Between Sales, Finance and Supply Chain Planning
Report Definitions:
• Bullwhip: Amplification and distortion of demand across functional silos.
• Demand Sensing: The translation of sales within markets with zero latency and bullwhip.
• Harmonization: The translation of data across functions for elements like eaches,
equivalent units, item nomenclature, and location data.
• Orchestration: Bi-directional trade-offs of functional alternatives to develop the best plan.
• Planning Master Data: The elements that form the basis of the planning output. This
includes alternate sourcing, cycle times, conversion rates, cost profile data, and lead
• Synchronization: The bringing together of systems and processes operating with different
cycles and time horizons.
focus on budget compliance. As a result, the
organization met cost objectives, but failed in
the delivery of growth, inventory targets and
customer service. Five years later, no region is
clear on what good looks like in S&OP.
S&OP balance.
Process to Balance the “S”
P&L responsibility. In Figure 6, we share the current state of
and “OP”
a feasible supply plan because they were
only planning for segments of the plan.
FIGURE 6. Balance in S&OP
More focused More focused
between the
on the S on the OP
S and the OP
21% 36%
The process is out of Easily balancing plans horizontally The process is
balance with an between the sales/marketing teams out of balance with
emphasis on sales and the operations teams an emphasis on operations
and marketing (logistics, manufacturing, and
processes procurement)
out of balance
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q15. How would you rate your company’s ability to balance the “S” and the “OP” in the evolution of your [primary] S&OP process (even if you call it
something else)?
NOTE: Respondents answered for the S&OP process with which they are personally most familiar
FIGURE 7. Current State Product
of Organizational Alignment Development & Distribution
Team Alignment: Importance vs. Performance*
-18% -18% -14% -13%
-24% -23% -23% -21% -21% -20%
New Sales and Manufact'g Operations Finance & Sales & Marketing Sales & Marketing Finance & Sales and CSR
Product Operations & & IT Operations Finance & Finance Marketing & IT IT IT &
Dev't & Procuremt Operations
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q34. In your opinion, how important is it for each of the following pairs of teams to be aligned? SCALE: 1=Not at all important, 7=Extremely important
Q35. How aligned do you believe that these same pairs of teams actually are at your company? SCALE: 1=Not at all aligned, 7=Extremely aligned
*Showing those rating elements 5-7 on 7-point scale; CSR = Corporate social responsibility
results, supply chain planning needs to complete the cycle with a tie of planning to after-action reviews. Mature S&OP processes
manage the planning-to-execution cycle, making sure that there is a review of plan effectiveness each month.
The analysis of the plan requires analytics. To manage this cycle, companies need “what-if” analysis and technology that delivers
a feasible plan. Only 1/3 of companies with S&OP processes have these capabilities. The evolution of digital twin capabilities
ore Than Half
offers promise in S&OPReport Primary
execution for companies more mature S&OP Process
in process development.
Hardly execute
Monitor market
and adjust
22% execute S&OP
process most of the
time or more
Execute most of time
nearly 27%
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q16. After your [primary] S&OP process is generated, how well is it typically executed? Please pick
the one that describes it best.
NOTE: Respondents answered for the S&OP process with which they are personally most familiar
S&OP process maturity does not just happen. It requires leadership, focus, and a multi-year roadmap to guide the evolution.
In Table 3, we share the maturity model to support the building of outside-in processes that are bi-directional to orchestrate
demand and supply. With S&OP maturity, modeling increases to manage volume, mix, and financial impacts.
ALIGNMENT Functional focus. Functional: A "S" and/ Pieces of the organization Understanding of trade- Adapting the business
or "OP" focus. Lack of start to align, but there is offs and agreement to the market-to-market with
alignment between the "S" a lack of connection of the plan based on strategy. trading partners (demand
and the "OP." process to strategy. and supply) through S&P.
GOAL Functional metrics. Balance demand and Most cost-efficient plan. Maximize opportunity Maximize opportunity and
supply. by balancing customer minimize risk balancing
service growth and growth, customer service,
inventory. Return on Invested
Capital, and inventory.
CAPABILITY Recognition of the need Confusion on what is A clear understanding Ability to model a feasible What if capabilities
for an S&OP process is demand management. of demand flows and plan in different units of Mix modeling
just not sure what to do. constraints. measure—dollars, units, Visibility of unit of
equivalent units. measure, volume and
currency impacts.
Functional plans, but no Clear definition of
clear strategy. strategy. Alignment on “playbooks”
in the market.
MEASUREMENT A focus on functional Organizational metrics Functional metrics start to Balance of metric Connection of the
metrics with no clear emerge to tie action shift to reliability and the performance, risk balanced scorecard
organizational metrics. to strategy, but there corporation starts to align mitigation, and across the organization
is tension between cross-functional metrics opportunity assessment with a functional focus
functional and corporate tied to strategy. through what-if modeling. to the minimization of
metrics. waste and improvement
or reliability.
EXECUTION The focus is on the Planning capabilities What-if capabilities Playbooks based on what- The tactical S&OP plan is
urgent. Planning is poorly start to emerge but they emerge, but they are not if analysis with a close closely tied to execution in
understood and may not operate in a silo not connected to execution. connection to execution. a closed loop.
be valued. connected to execution.
REPORTING Functional reporting in Reporting to the CFO or Reporting through a Reporting through a Reports to a profit center
either sales or operations. the chief strategy officer. business unit center of business unit center of manager.
excellence to a senior excellence to a senior
business leader. business leader.
49% 49% 47% 48% 49% 44% 60%
-36% -33%
-39% -40%
Run what-if Manage Collaborate between Use technologies to Manage process Deliver role-based Deliver on corporate
analyses to opportunities and sales and determine the most flow views for social responsibility
determine risk analysis operations profitable plan individuals across goals
alternatives the company
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q19. How important is it for your company to do each of the following? SCALE: 1=Not at all important, 7=Very important
Q20. How well does your company perform in each of these same areas? SCALE: 1=Poor, 7=Excellent, 0=Not applicable
Showing those rating elements 5-7 on 7-point scale
disconnected, and out of sync with the business–spins o9, and OM Partners. The Kinaxis interface scored
endlessly. The lack of adequate supply chain planning the highest in testing, but the data model was not a
systems drives maverick behavior adding to the good fit for the company. OMP had the depth and
organizational change management issues. breadth of the solution but did not score as high on
The selection criteria, listed in the order of importance system usability. In contrast, o9 had an excellent user
to driving business value, is shared here: interface but lacked the breadth of the solution for
are two distinctly different, but equally important techniques. intelligence, and open source technologies. The
Define requirements for both. The strongest technologies for majority of buyers are late adopters and focused on
above-the-line visualization are Anaplan, Kinaxis, Logility and more traditional solutions.
o9 Solutions.
In selecting a solution, here are some recommendations development of software providers.
• Focus on Building Capabilities. A mistake many
Under normal conditions, S&OP processes have compelling value, but the pandemic ups the ante. Build a capabilities roadmap and
carefully deploy technology with the goal in mind. Aggressively attack the change management issues to move the organization past
functional silos and inside-out thinking.
The landscape of technology providers is confusing to most
buyers. To help, here we share the overviews of the thirty-one
Relative Solution Cost: While costs vary based
solutions most commonly discussed in client interactions.
on negotiations and market conditions, the
solutions operate within pricing bands. These
costs reflect total cost: software, technology and
COST: $$
Description: Founded in 1994 by Dr. Cyrus Hadavi,
currently CEO and Chairman of the Board, the
$: Under $200,000
company focuses on supply chain modeling. Los
$$: $201,000-$500,000
Angeles, CA, is the company’s headquarters. With
$$$: $501,000-$1,000,000
slightly more than 150 employees, Adexa has
$$$$: $1,001,000-$1,500,000
international offices across Canada, Asia, Europe, the
$$$$$: Greater than $1,501,000
Middle East, and Africa. Most client deployments are
in Asia and the United States.
Industry Fit: Strong in apparel and discrete With offices in Mountain View, CA, and Venture
manufacturing assembly supply modeling. Capital funding of over 85M$, the company has more
Strengths: The Company is a pioneer in the substantial domain expertise in analytics than supply
development of attribute-based forecasting chain management. The focus is on building cloud-
techniques and has deep supply modeling for based learning applications to move data quickly to
constraint-based planning for manufacturers. align corporations.
Considerations: While the Company touts “AI” on its Industry Fit: Product-based companies seeking
website, Adexa’s focus is a traditional APS footprint. to improve demand and supply matching through
There is early work on machine learning. With over pattern recognition and learning.
three decades of marketing and selling supply Strengths: Aera’s Cognitive Operating System™
chain software, the company struggles to grow. The leverages machine learning, natural language
company is more reliable in building software than processing, and enterprise domain expertise
marketing/sales and deployment. to deliver quick results to improve operational
alignment. The Skill Builder interface, introduced in
2. AERA TECHNOLOGY 2019, enables fast deployment on a cloud-based
WWW.AERATECHNOLOGY.COM release. The technology is ideal for S&OP execution.
COST: $$$$ Considerations: Aera is a compliment, but not a
Description: Founded in 2005 as FusionOps, Aera substitute for planning technologies. The deployment
Technology changed names in 2017. The company of Aera into core planning introduces nervousness
currently operates with slightly over 300 employees. into the planning cycle.
3. ANAPLAN Strengths: Strength is with the individuals in the
WWW.ANAPLAN.COM firm. The team has strong modeling capabilities of
COST: $$$$$ baseline demand based on exogenous data sets,
Description: Anaplan is pioneering positioning as the customer and product profiles.
leader in connected planning. When it comes to supply Considerations: is a newly launched company
chain planning, Anaplan is an analytics wannabe. with a few clients in North America. Consider to
Anaplan fundamentally lacks the understanding of improve demand processes to augment outcomes, but
supply chain planning requirements. Formed and not to replace existing systems.
funded by venture capitalists in 2011, the company
is now public with revenues higher than 340 Million. 5. ARKIEVA
Anaplan offers deep web-based visualization through WWW.ARKIEVA.COM
cloud-based analytics. This capability is useful for S&OP COST: $$
meeting visualization and limited “what-if modeling.” Industry Fit: Chemical and Process Distributors
The demand for the product is high, and the primary Description: The Company was founded in 1993 in
focus is to help the CFO connect financial insights North America by ex-DuPont executives. Branded
across functions. Deployments are primarily through initially as Supply Chain Consultants with product
over 170 third-party consultants mostly lacking the branding of Zemeter, the company rebranded to
understanding of supply chain planning requirements. Arkieva in 2011. Strength in optimization and ideal
Industry Fit: All for a mid-sized process chemical company. Primarily
Strengths: Easy to use and deploy. The product is an engineering-based company, the organization is
ideal for “above-the-line” deployments for companies stronger at building products than solution selling and
larger than 5B$ in revenues seeking the need to value delivery. The architecture lacks visualization
access data in disparate systems and improve capabilities to be a strong ‘above the line’ solution
visualization. for companies higher than 2B$—limited “what-if
Considerations: The product is so easy to deploy capabilities” and no demand sensing solution.
and configure that many companies end up with Strengths: Depth of optimization. Depth in inventory
multiple Anaplan silos. Ironically, while the company management and tactical supply modeling. Stronger
seeks to connect the enterprise, the lack of company at supply than demand modeling.
leadership and deployment methodologies leads to Considerations: Arkieva is a small company located
disconnected, automated silos. in Wilmington, DE, with a strategic relationship
with Solventure in Europe. Asian and European
4. ANTUIT.AI offices opened in the past five years. Implements
WWW.ANTUIT.AI most technology deployments, but implementation
COST: $$$$ methodologies are still evolving.
Description: Previously, a consulting company,
the team pivoted to building SaaS solutions 6. AVERCAST
targeting forecasting and revenue growth in 2018. WWW.AVERCAST.COM
management. The company focuses on unifying COST: $
the demand signal across the supply chain with an Description: When Demand Solutions sold to
emphasis on consumption-based demand sensing Logility in 2007, the Demand Solutions co-founder
planning using AI and machine learning. The Gene Averill founded Avercast. Since then, Avercast
company is backed by Goldman Sachs with over expanded to include twenty regional offices in 10
$50M investment. countries. In 2011, Avercast launched a cloud-based
Industry Fit: Consumer Products and Food/Beverage demand management platform designed to help
small to mid-size distribution-centric manufacturers. of E3 opened up the market for Blue Ridge to offer
Industry Fit: Ideal for a small distribution-centric a cloud-based alternative. Located in Atlanta, the
manufacturing company (less than 1B$) seeking company is regionally-focused, privately-held, and
a solution for demand management and inventory small with less than 100 employees.
replenishment. Private and relatively small with Industry Fit: Distribution-centric companies less than
under fifty employees. 1B$ in annual revenues.
Strengths: The solution depth is in demand Strengths: Combination of replenishment logic with
management to inventory modeling—ideal for a price automation to test demand shaping activities.
team with one-to-two modelers seeking an easy to The technology is ideal for a small retailer/distributor
deploy a solution. seeking an easy-to-use cloud-based solution for
Considerations: The solution is more robust in demand S&OP.
than supply. The technology is not a fit for a company Considerations: Deployments recommended for
larger than 1B$ with manufacturing or material organizations with less than five planners. It is not
constraints in either process or discrete industries. recommended for constraint-based modeling or
organizations with global footprints.
Description: Bluecrux’s roots are in consulting. COST: $$$$
Privately held, the company, located in Belgium & Description: Blue Yonder (JDA) is an industry
recently in the United States, has approximately 100 consolidator. In 1985, JDA was a retail ERP
employees. Their solution, “Lights Out Planning” provider. Over the last two decades, the company
introduced in 2017, uses machine learning to consolidated many technologies into its platform.
understand patterns in supply chain master data Notable acquisitions included Blue Yonder, E3,
(cycles, lead times, and conversion rates) and align i2 Technologies, Manugistics, and RedPrairie.
planning engines to supply-side shifts. Previously debt-laden and struggling to absorb
Industry Fit: Cross-industry application numerous platforms and changing leadership
Strengths: Strong use of machine learning to directions, the Blue Yonder development roadmap
improve outcomes and a good fit for executive over the past decade has had many starts and stops.
meeting visualization. The company has deep what- The business fundamentals focused on maximizing
if modeling to aid in playbook discovery for S&OP the return on investment of company maintenance
execution. revenues. The current company has more than
Considerations: Medium-sized European Company 5000 employees, with annual revenues of more than
with recently opened US offices. Should be 250$M. The Blue Yonder renaming in 2019 is an
considered for above the line planning since the attempt to breathe a breath of innovation into the
solution lacks tactical planning capabilities for supply company.
and demand planning to generate a feasible plan. Industry Fit: Retail, Manufacturers, and Distributors
Strengths: Breadth of the solution and employee
8. BLUE RIDGE expertise in supply chain planning. Companies
WWW.BLUERIDGEGLOBAL.COM currently using Blue Yonder have a great opportunity
COST: $$ to network with other companies using the solution.
Description: Blue Ridge’s cloud-native supply chain In addition, the Company has a strong base of strong
solutions were launched in 2007 to combine a system integrators. Sourcing strong Blue Yonder
data-driven replenishment engine along with price talent is not an issue.
optimization to improve distribution. JDA’s purchase Considerations: The Company has been slow
to innovate and lags the market in adopting new software deployment using remote/online capabilities
analytic techniques. The S&OP approaches mainly with a focus on 12-week go-live schedules.
build off of the acquired technologies. In addition, Considerations: Supply-centric capabilities for tactical
the company lacks demand sensing capabilities and supply planning and production scheduling is newer
innovation in S&OP execution. with fewer references. The solution is more regional
than global with few trained system integrators.
Description: Founded in 2004, Boardwalktech is COST: $$
designed for the spreadsheet user. The company Description: Founded in 1985, Logility purchased
uses a Digital Ledger platform adding security, Demand Solutions in 2011, allowing the company
data integrity, integration, analytics, and predictive to maintain a standalone operation with a focus
capabilities while still using Excel or a web/mobile UI. on mid-market distribution-centric process-based
Based in Silicon Valley with less than 100 employees, companies. Over the past five years, the company
Boardwalktech is a hidden gem in the S&OP focused on cloud-based delivery.
landscape. Small and client-focused, the company Industry Fit: Consumer nondurable manufacturers,
posted 4.9$M in revenues in 2019. food/beverage companies and distribution-centric
Industry Fit: All supply chains for companies with annual revenues
Strengths: Easy to deploy (“lift and shift”) and less than 1B$
designed for companies seeking currently using a Strengths: Tried and true mid-market solution with
spreadsheet-based solution. Ideal for a company just few bells and whistles. Stronger in demand than
starting on their S&OP journey. supply, the company’s product strength is in demand
Considerations: Structure contracts to avoid issues and inventory management.
with financial viability. In 2019, the company posted Considerations: Demand Solutions is stronger in the
its second consecutive year of reported losses. While US and Europe than in Asia. The product is ideal for
deployments are small requiring few support personnel, teams with fewer than five planners but is not a fit for
the Company has no system integrator relationships. a company with a larger planning team.
sensing capabilities with the E2open LDS and Considerations: Enterra is a small company with
MDS products, but the math is stronger than the deep capabilities requiring a strong project manager
architecture. Deploy as an augmentation strategy to guide the team through business process hurdles.
using alternative supply chain planning systems
of record. Lots of capabilities in-house, but the 15. FUTURMASTER
organization is still evolving. WWW.FUTURMASTER.COM
Considerations: The acquired suite is a strange mix COST: $$$
of discrete and process capabilities. The ICON-SCM Description: Founded in France in 1994, FuturMaster
suite layered on top of Steelwedge provides S&OP evolved a supply chain planning suite with a focus
capabilities for a make-to-order or a configure-to- on consumer-focused manufacturers. Currently,
order company. In contrast, the Terra Technology the company has 30M$ in annual revenues with 70
demand sensing suite is a uniquely positioned employees. Headquartered in Europe with offices
product for consumer process companies. The in Asia, the company works through a series of
original E2Open platform is primarily a procurement partners. Talent for United States projects creates
B2B platform. While the E2Open platform drives limitations on project scale and scope.
supplier collaboration, the S&OP functionality of Industry Fit:
Steelwedge is not connected to the traditional Strengths: The solution is a reliable traditional
functionality. The company is still digesting demand modeling tool without a lot of bells and
acquisitions, and the buyer should be wary of whistles. It is suitable for teams of less than twenty-
inconsistent data models and look and feel. Due to five users seeking to deploy a conventional approach.
the confusion, buy based on existing capabilities, not Considerations: With the evolution from a client-server
future product promises. architecture, the company has a tough time competing
against some more contemporary user interfaces.
14. ENTERRA SOLUTIONS Stronger in demand and supply, reference users report
WWW.ENTERRASOLUTIONS.COM issues in the scalability and depth of the supply solution.
COST: $$$$$
Description: Enterra Solutions focuses on building 16. GAINSYSTEMS
cognitive models for autonomous supply chains WWW.GAINSYSTEMS.COM
and solving tough supply chain problems through COST: $$$
multi-dimensional math. With a history in serving Description: GAINSystems, founded in 1971 by
the department of defense, Enterra extended William C. (Bill) Benton as an Operations Research
its solution to solving supply chain problems in and Management Consulting firm, slowly built
2010. The models are extensible and flexible, solutions based on a stochastic optimization
but require a system of record. Look at Enterra approach for manufacturing, distribution, and
as an augmentation strategy to drive greater maintenance and repair operations. Currently, the
insights. The company, located in Princeton, NJ, is company is private, located in Chicago, IL, with small
primarily a North American company with less than offices in Europe and Australia. Today, there are less
seventy employees and revenues less than 10M$. than seventy employees. Customers are primarily
Partnerships with Accenture and SAP. small Midwest distributors of service parts, discrete
Industry Fit: All industries assemblies, and home repair.
Strengths: Deep bench of analytic experts and data Industry Fit: Distributors of service parts, automotive
scientists that love to solve hairy supply chain problems, and appliance assemblies and do-it-yourself
but can be limited by a lack of industry experience. The suppliers to retail
company’s strength is in revenue optimization, baseline Strengths: Small no-nonsense Company with
forecasting, and demand sensing. strength in inventory optimization and baseline
demand management. With a focus on client delivery, Partnerships with Chainalytics and TietoEVRY.
Gains implements its solutions at most clients. Industry Fit: Process-intensive manufacturers less
Considerations: Not a fit for manufacturing than 1B$
optimization and what-if analysis of materials versus Strengths: Small Company focused on client
assets. Best fit for a North American deployment. satisfaction with a strong, easy to deploy supply
The scale and scope of a global implementation of chain scheduling capabilities. Flexibility in cloud-
a manufacturing client higher than 5B$ could tax the based deployment makes the solution easy to use
limited resources. for S&OP execution and closed-loop control between
planning and execution.
17. INFOR Considerations: Based in Europe, with most
WWW.INFOR.COM implementations in the European continent may be a
COST: $$$$$ limitation for companies seeking a global solution.
Description: Infor is an industry aggregator rolling
up over thirty supply chain solutions, this includes 19. JOHN GALT
Baan, Fygir, Marcom, Fygir, GTNexus, Predictix, and
SSA Global. Solution consolidation served as the Cost: $$
foundation to build the Infor S&OP product. With an Description: John Galt is privately-held and located
extensive focus on usability, the S&OP solution is in Dallas, TX, with offices in North America, Europe,
easier to use today than a decade ago but lacks the Australia and Africa. Founded in 1996, the company
depth of modeling of competitors. has less than 100 employees. There are two primary
Industry Fit: All industries solutions: Atlas Planning Platform and ForecastX
Strengths: Infor stretches over many industries with Wizard (an Excel plug-in). The Atlas system is a
many assets. Companies currently on the INFOR broader suite designed for the use by mid-size
platform can upgrade to the INFOR S&OP product manufacturing planning teams, while the ForecastX
easily. The global reach of the products coupled with technology focuses on helping the planner seeking to
investment in the user interface makes it an ideal use a spreadsheet with pre-defined data models.
system of record. Industry Fit: Distribution-centric companies less than 1B$
Considerations: With a lot of consolidation comes a Strengths: The Atlas product is an easy to use
plethora of assets, and as a result, there is almost no demand and inventory management software at a
problem that Infor cannot solve. The problem is that moderate price point. The John Galt solution is a
many of the developers and knowledge sources of value for companies only looking for distribution and
acquired solutions are no longer with the company. inventory management software.
The company, while global, lacks depth in supply Considerations: The Company is not a fit
chain understanding and experience. for companies seeking supply management
optimization—aligning and resolving asset and
18. I-PLAN material constraints. The Company is stronger in
WWW.IPLANWORLD.COM North America than other regions.
COST: $$
Descriptive: Small cloud-based Company with a 20. KINAXIS
comprehensive suite of products for managing
supply and demand matching. With fewer than Cost: $$$$
twenty-five employees and global revenues of less Description: Kinaxis grew over 27% in 2019 to
than 5M$, the founders are very hands-on in the 192M$ in revenue. An early leader in software as
business focused on client success. The solution a Service (SaaS), the company now drives over
is stronger in the areas of supply than demand. 60% of revenue from SaaS deployments (excluding
the most robust inventory management technology centers in the UK and Czech Republic with sales
to analyze the form and function of inventory and offices in the UK . In 2019, the company opened a
establish push/pull decoupling points. US office. Over the past five years, with the rise in
Considerations: The Company’s solution is more interest in DDMRP, the company scaled up for global
robust in demand than supply modeling. The deployments. The company is private with less than
solution is both comprehensive and narrow: many 50 employees
modules with less depth than competitor solutions Industry Fit: Material-centric manufacturers
in supply chain execution. As a result, the Logility Strengths: O8 is the most robust deployment of
solution is not a good fit for S&OP execution. The Demand-Driven Material Requirements Planning
company is more robust in the Americas than in (DDMRP) on the market and the solution is easy to
Europe and only recently accelerated Software as a deploy. Cloud-based and easy to use, the solution
Service (SaaS) deployments. is designed for the planner attempting to translate
demand to a supply base. The company has strong
23. MANHATTAN ASSOCIATES references that report high satisfaction with the
WWW>MANHATTANASSOCIATES.COM O8’s approach to deployment. O8 has a strong
COST: $$$$ relationship with Smart Chain in the UK.
Description: Manhattan is the market leader in retail Considerations: DDMRP is a fit for a limited
supply chain execution with strength in warehouse market. It is not a strong solution for process-based
management. The Company acquired Evant in companies with asset utilization constraints. The
2005. This acquisition—deeply rooted in distribution Company presence is limited in the US.
planning—is the foundation of the current solution for
S&OP. The functionality for retail planning overlays 25. O9 SOLUTIONS
the Manhattan retail planning solution. WWW.O9SOLUTIONS.COM
Industry Fit: Retail and Wholesale Distribution COST: $$$$
Strengths: The Company is a market leader in Description: Founded in 2009, o9’s solution is ideally
supply chain management. Conservative and cash- suited for tactical S&OP process management.
rich, it is financially sound and driven by customer The Graph-based technology platform makes
satisfaction. The solution is solid for demand deployment/implementation more straightforward
planning to inventory management, but lacks of the but does require greater clarity on solution design
depth of Logility (Optiant), LLamasoft, or ToolsGroup. from the leadership team to ensure success. The
The S&OP functionality is ideal for existing company has 592 employees with revenues of $70M.
clients wanting better visualization for executive Industry Fit: Cross-industry
visualization. The solution has global presence. Strengths: o9 is a powerful visualization technology
Opportunities: Expensive and slow-moving, to guide executive meetings and streamline
Manhattan is the ideal choice for a supply chain late discussions. The flexibility of the technology is a two-
adopter not looking for many bells and whistles or edged sword: it is great if the company is clear on
leading-edge innovation. how to deploy the technology, but a struggle if there
is a lack of deployment clarity.
24. O8SUPPLYCHAIN Considerations: The solution, while strong for
(PREVIOUSLY ORCHESTR8) automating the executive meeting cycle, is not suitable
WWW:O8SUPPLYCHAIN.COM for building a constraint-based feasible plan. The
COST: $$$ solution, while focused on revenue management/
Description: The Company founded in 2002, promotion planning, also is not as good at market
rebranded in 2019. With a strong presence in sensing as E2open or Enterra Solutions.
Europe, the company operates development
of S&OP software for manufacturers, distributors demand planning, and there is no solution for supply
and wholesalers. The company started building planning, S&OP execution, and “what-if” modeling.
supply chain planning in 1985 and offers over 35 Primarily an analytics company, the company lacks
years of experience in supply chain planning. With strong supply chain management expertise.
headquarters located in France, the company is
stronger in Europe than in the United States. 31. SAP
Industry Fit: Discrete manufacturing WWW.SAP.COM/INDEX.HTML
Strengths: The Companies solutions are a good COST: $$$$$
fit for the traditional buyer with a QAD backbone. Description: SAP, with the leading market share
If in Europe, QAD DynaSys offers a strong bench in supply chain planning, offers some of the most
of talented professionals. Stronger in supply than challenging products to deploy and use. The SAP
demand, the QAD DynaSys solution has all of the IBP solution on HANA is replacing the SAP APO
required functionality but few bells and whistles suite. This migration started at the start of 2011
(trade promotion software, baseline lift modeling, with a focus on phasing out APO deployments by
DDMRP, translation of the supply plan into 2025. Business user acceptance is mixed. The
manufacturing scheduling or a digital twin). SAP IBP solution is easier to use than APO but
Considerations: A solid partner in the supply chain often misses the mark on modeling capabilities.
space with a dependable solution, but moves slowly Also, the SAP CIF interface with the SAP IBP
and deliberately under the QAD umbrella. Stronger in solution is no longer a differentiator.
Europe than in North America. Industry Fit: All
Strengths: Global footprint with strong
30. SAS technology backbone for managing transactions
WWW.SAS.COM/EN_US/HOME.HTML and integration, SAP when clear on software
COST:$$$$$ requirements writes the world’s best code.
Description: Headquartered in Cary North Carolina Reference client report mixed reviews.
in the United States, SAS is a global company Initial implementations required substantial
with over 15,000 employees posting more than customization with elongation of calendars and
3B$ in annual revenues. With a deep background budgets, but by complying with standardization
in optimization and analytics, the company has mandates, the teams were able to automate their
multiple supply chain solutions to augment S&OP processes.
S&OP but lacks a full-suite of products for S&OP Considerations: The SAP solution is expensive
deployment. and 30-40% longer to deploy. Most deployments
Industry Fit: Retail, Apparel, Household require customized solutions increasing costs and
Nondurables, Food/Beverages risks of implementation. With a robust consulting
Strengths: SAS solutions designed for the more base, SAP is well-known by system integrators,
experienced demand management team provides most getting a commission on selling and
in-depth analysis of market trends. With solutions deploying the SAP solution.
in revenue management, assortment planning, and
demand management, the SAS solution aids the 32. SCA TECHNOLOGIES
study of baseline demand and the rationalization WWW.SCATECH.COM
of demand-shaping activities. The company also COST: $$$
has an inventory management solution, but it is Description: SCA Technology is a small
seldom deployed. and focused solution designed to help food
Considerations: The solution is only for the mature manufacturers manage reverse bill of material
user. The interface requires a deep understanding of S&OP processes. With a strong customer in
COST: $$$$
Description: ToolsGroup, incorporated in 1993,
has its US headquarters in Boston, MA with offices
in LATAM and Europe. The company’s strength is
demand forecasting and inventory optimization for
distribution-centric companies with intermittent
demand. The company started work on Machine
Learning for inventory optimization in 2018.
With global operations and a strong footprint in
Europe and North America, the team serves other
markets through a network of regional distribution
partners. As a result, the company is a better fit
regional versus a global company. The ToolsGroup
organization is less than 200 employees with R&D
offices in Italy.
Industry Fit: Distribution-centric industries
including consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, and
Wholesale Distribution.
Strengths: A strong solution for demand
forecasting & planning, demand sensing, inventory
optimization and replenishment planning. The
solution lacks manufacturing capabilities and
should be deployed only in companies that
are distribution-centric. The product is named
Service Optimizer 99+ (SO99+) with probabilistic
forecasting ideal for long-tail demand patterns.
ToolsGroup offers a strong demand sensing and
inventory capabilities.
Considerations: The solution began as an
optimizer for aftermarket parts and wholesale
Here we share insights on demographics from the The names of the respondents—both individuals and
supporting quantitative study. The participants in this companies participating in the study--are held in
research answered the surveys of their own free will. confidence. Here we share the demographics from the
There was no incentive to drive an improved response analysis to help the readers of this report gain a better
rate. LinkedIn followers composed the research panel. perspective on the results. In this section, we share
the demographics and additional charts to help the
reader to understand the research.
Don't know
S&OP Process
Five+ Definition:
19% A tactical planning
process to forecast sales
and plan operations.
Four 58% have Two+
S&OP Processes
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Sales & Operations Study (Mar-May, 2019)
Base: HAVE A S&OP PROCESS -- Total (n=107)
Q9r1: How many distinct S&OP processes does your company currently have?
Readers may gain added value by accessing previously RETHINKING SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYTICS
published reports on the SUPPLY CHAIN INSIGHTS
About Lora
Phone: O: +1 207.521.9176
M: +1 617.372.6921
Fax: 866-466-3350
About Supply Chain Insights LLC
Founded in February 2012, Supply Chain Insights LLC delivers independent,
the a
actionable, and objective advice for supply chain leaders. The company is dedicated
to research with the goal of helping companies gain first-mover advantage.
by 15
About Lora Cecere is a a
Lora Cecere (twitter ID @lcecere) is the Founder of Supply Chain Insights LLC and
is the author of popular enterprise software blog Supply Chain Shaman currently Matte
read by over 300,000 supply chain professionals. She writes as a Linkedin Influencer
and is a contributor for Forbes. Lora is an author of nine books including Bricks Sham
Matter in 2012 and Metrics that Matter in 2014.
Shaman’s Journal 2015
published in June 2016