BSR 602: Construction Technology Ii (Tutorial) Name: Nur Atiqah Binti Mohamed Aseri Matric No: 2018222382 Group: AP229D5A

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Name: Nur Atiqah Binti Mohamed Aseri

Matric No: 2018222382
Group: AP229D5A

1. Discuss the main purpose of caissons

A caisson is a retaining, watertight structure used for example to work on the
foundations of a bridgr pier for the construction of a concrete dam or for the repair of
ships. It was a box-like structure commonly used in civil engineering projects where
work is being carried out in areas submerged in water. It is a prefabricated hollow box
or cylinder sunk into the ground to some desired depth and the filled with concrete thus
forming a foundation.
The main purpose of the caisson was as the foundation system of and the soils
beneath the building prevent the complex from moving vertically. When a load is placed
on soil, most soils settle which is will create a problem when the building settles but
utilities not. It also may cause to the building which can effect the the structuraal of
building such as crack.
The purpose of the caisson also was to reach the hard bearing stratum for
transferring the load coming on supports for bridge piers and building columns. It
important to have a good structure that can hod the load and will not affect the structure
of the bulding. Then, the caisson is to serves an impervious core wall of earth dams
when placed adjacent to each other.
The another purpose of the caisson is to provide an enclosure below water
levelfor installing machinery, pumps etc. The last one is to provide an access to deep
shaft or tunnel.

2. Explain the main characteristics of caissons

There are a few characteristic that can be found on the construction of caisson
which is a caisson is a permanent structure, which subsequently becomes the part of
the substructure. Once the caisson have been placed there is no movement to the
structure of the building. Usually it have been used for the construction of the bridge.
Caisson may be constructed on the dry river bed, launched and floated to the
site of work. Caison have been made completely by using IBS or traditional which is it
ease all the works on the site and make the structure become stronger. However it was
under the method that have been choosen to be apply on the construction od the
Caissons are preferred when work are amall and depth of water is more. Box
caisons are used for break waters and sea walls. By having the caisson, it will help
reduce from the water from the outside to enter and will help all the work in the site
become easy.

3. Elaborate one type of caisson. Support your answer with related diagrams and

There are many type of caisson that can be found in construction which is box
caissons, open caissons and pneumatic caissons.One of the type of caisson that have been
choose is Open Caisson.

An open caisson is a hollow structure with both an open top and bottom that is
designed to keep water out of a construction zone.Open caisson was similar to box caissons
except that they do not have a bottom face. Open caisson sides bottom edges are made sharp
and also during the digging and sinking the inside material is taken out. Usually the open
caisson are suitable for the use in the soft clays such as in river beds but not for where there
may be large obstructions.
A caisson may be made of wood, steel or concrete. An open caisson used to
penetrate the soil must be strong enough to withstand pressure from any hydraulic jacks that
may be used to force it downward into the ground. Soil excavated from the bottom of the
caisson is transported out the top for disposal. Once the excavation is complete, the caisson
may also become integrated into the final construction.

Therefore, open caisson permit excavation or other work to be carried out inside the
caisson. So the caisson will sink down into the soil as excavation proceeds. The section can
be added on top to increase height and the water inside the caissons will be pumped out to
permit dry work.

The open caisson was depending upon their shape, open caissons can be further classified as:

(i) Single wall open caisson

(ii) Cylindrical open caisson
(iii) Open caisson with dredging wells.

(i) Single wall open caisson:

This is a box type structure having no top or bottom (during construction) and mainly
consists of vertical walls. The method of construction of a typical single wall open caisson is
describe below. Wherever necessary the site is made dry by dewatering the area by adopting
suitable method (By constructing cofferdam, sheet piling etc.). A pit of suitable size and about
3 to 4 meter deep is excavated at the site where the caisson is to be sunk. The cutting edge is
then placed at the bottom of the pit. Above the cutting edge, the wall reinforcements are suitably
tied up and the shuttering for casting the concrete wall is erected. The caisson walls are then
concreted in lifts to a suitable height. When the freshly laid concrete has gained sufficient
strength, sinking operation is started.

The caisson sinks due to its own weight when the soil from the space inside s removed
by use of clam shell or any other method. As sinking proceeds, additional sections of the caisson
walls are successively cast. Sinking is stopped while each section is concreted and it is resumed
only after the concreted section has gained sufficient strength. When the caisson is sunk to the
required depth, its base is plugged by providing 15 to 45 m thick layer of concrete (concrete
seal). The concrete for the seal is placed by use of a tremie pipe or by a bottom dump bucket.
After the concrete seal has set, the water inside the caisson is pumped out and the empty space
is filled with sand, gravel or concrete.

The rate of sinking of the caisson is always slow because the downward moment of
the caisson is resisted by the skin friction of the ground on its walls. At times the skin friction
becomes so great that the caisson does not sink even after all the earth has been dredged out
from the inside clean down to the cutting edge. In such situations, sinking is resorted to by
loading the caisson with additional weights in the form of rails, ingots etc. which are removed

(ii) Cylindrical open caisson (well):

This may be defined as a cylindrical shell made up of timber, masonry, steel or

reinforced concrete shod with a cutting edge and which is sunk by excavating the soil within
the shell. The thickness of the caisson wall must be adequate so that when the inside soil is
dredged out, it sinks under its own weight. To facilitate sinking of the caisson water jets are
sometimes used around the sides which decrease the skin friction.

Cylindrical open caisson is also known as well caisson. This type of caisson is similar
in all respect to the single wall open caisson except that its wall is circular in plan. The method
of construction of well caisson is exactly similar to that of a single wall open caisson described
earlier. After the well is sunk to the desired depth its bottom is sealed with concrete. This type
of caisson is commonly adopted for providing foundation for bridges and other structures to be
built in rivers and waterways.

(iii) Open caisson with dredging wells:

This type of caisson has the distinction of being employed for the deepest foundation
for, bridge piers, abutments and other similar structures. The caisson in this case is rectangular
or square in plan and is further sub-divided into smaller sections from inside forming open
walls. The outside walls as well as the inside divider walls are normally made up of reinforced
concrete. The caisson is sunk by excavating soil through the wells by means of dredges.

After the caisson is sunk to the required depth, its base is plugged with a concrete seal
and the walls are filled with sand or concrete. From the point of view of control during sinking,
this type of caisson has definite advantage over the other types described earlier. In this case,
any tendency of the caisson to tilt or to drift from its position during the process of sinking, can
be checked by dredging the soil from the appropriate wells.

It can be extended up to large depths Since the placing of concrete is done for
concrete seal under water, it may not be

Cost of the construction is relatively less on If any obstruction of boulders or logs are
bed level or lower side encountered then progress of work become

Cleaning and inspection at the bottom of

caisson is very difficult and hence not


Lecturer Notes - Caissons

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