Implementation of The Contensou-Erismann Model of
Implementation of The Contensou-Erismann Model of
Implementation of The Contensou-Erismann Model of
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2 authors, including:
Ivan I. Kosenko
Moscow Aviation Institute
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ivan I. Kosenko on 25 December 2014.
axes respectively, see Figure 1, Pxyz is the contact lo- where vM/P (x, y) = [ω ω, r(x, y)], and r(x, y) = xi + yj is
cal coordinate frame oriented such that the x-axis is the current point M(x, y) radius vector within the con-
directed along the ellipse semi-major axis. All three tact spot, see Figure 1. The ellipse central point rela-
values: N, a, and b supposed already computed by the tive slip velocity vP is represented as follows
Hertz algorithm [3].
vP = v β = vw, α = cos ψ, β = sin ψ,
exception of the cases of a = 0 and ωz = 0, we can After the value c = c∗ needed has been computed then
avoid use the set-valued functions being able to apply to find the values A, B, C mentioned above we should
the procedures of classical calculus. calculate complete elliptic integrals of the first and sec-
The approximate model under construction here has ond kind using theta-functions [14]. First of all for any
several differences from a piece-wise linear approxi- c∗ ∈ [0, 1) one can use the expansion
mation built up in the paper [1]:
Figure 7: The contact indicators evolution. Some fragments zoomed in and rescaled.
of the wood with Young’s modulus E = 9.1·109 N/m2 . elastic forces, changes. Then the contact spot changes
If we suppose the Poisson ratios as 0.3 then an effec- also, and so for its radius. Thus the top really under-
tive Young’s modulus has to be E∗ = 5 · 109 N/m2 just goes the vertical microvibrations. And, as one can see
as in [19]. The dry friction coefficient supposed to be from the above simplified model, the drilling friction
equal to the value f = 0.3. torque also changes causing in general a consequences
The top center of mass supposed resting at initial in- for the top motion.
stant of motion. Besides the top itself, more accurately In the model under development here we consider an
its larger ball, assumed without any initial penetration unrestricted contact problem that is the normal force is
with the horizontal surface. The smaller ball is located computed from the Hertz (or V. G. Vil’ke) model with
on the upper hemisphere of the larger ball, and ini- addition of some nonlinear viscous term. Simultane-
tially the top axis of symmetry bends w. r. t. verti- ously the contact area is computed too. Then all the
cal by the angle θ0 = 0.1rad. Initial angular velocity data have been gotten are used to calculate the tangent
ω0 = 180s−1 is the same as in [19] and directed along force and the drilling friction torque in frames of the
axis of the top symmetry. simplified Contensou model.
Note that in [19] contact problem is interpreted as Remarkably, a computational experiment showed the
usual in so to speak “restricted” sense: the contact top revolution from “feet”, the larger ball in contact, to
area supposed constant and predefined corresponding “head”, the smaller ball in contact, scenario obtained
to the normal force of the static equilibrium. This as- in [19] using another approach to the problem, based
sumption concerns the contacts for both the balls with on the set-valued functions calculus, repeated in our
the same contact area radius. Actually, while motion model with a high degree of accuracy. One can get
the normal reaction force, being implemented here by an access to the paper [19] visiting, for instance, the
one of the authors Home Page, see [21]. Graph in into the modulated pulse decreasing afterwards. One
Figure 6 illustrates well the Tippe-Top revolution pro- can match the problem parameters such that the pulse
cess: similar to [19] it shows the θ(t) angle evolution. amplitude will grow and the top can start to bounce
If we compare this plot with one from [19] then soon over the floor thus distorting all the following dynami-
the complete identity can be observed. The only dif- cal predictions of its revolution. In the upper subfigure
ference is that in Figure 6 one can find additional vi- we can observe also the change of the balls at contact,
brations of small amplitude evidently existing due to before the instant of time = 2 seconds. Then for the
elastic compliance in direction normal to the contact case of the smaller ball contacting the floor we observe
area. Similar identity show the curves of the contact the larger depth of penetration. Indeed, in this case we
indicators for the balls the top composed of and the have a smaller area of the contact spot.
horizontal surface, see Figure 7. The indicator for the The bottom subfigure reflects the revolution process
pair (larger ball, floor) marked by the solid line while inself. Here the whole graph zoomed in vicinity of the
the (smaller ball, floor) contact indicator pictured as a time instant of 1.825 seconds, and we see that the rev-
dashed curve. olution process is implemented by two attempts: two
Really an indicators are the distances between an op- times the solid humps alternate the dashed ones. Thus
posite points for the surfaces being tracked for contact. first time the Tippe-Top “head” touches the floor then
The indicator is strictly positive if contact is absent. it once more is forced to loose a contact temporarily,
Otherwise it is less than (if the bodies are in a state and only then the head–floor contact becomes perma-
of mutual penetration) or equal to (if the bodies touch nent. The right subfigure illustrates the depth of pen-
one another exactly at one point) zero. Let us describe etration for the larger and smaller balls by the vertical
the Figure 7 in more details. Initially the top smaller rescaling over the same interval as for the bottom sub-
ball is out of contact, and corresponding indicator is figure.
positive, dashed curve. But other indicator is not equal In addition, yet another verification procedure has
to zero. Instead it is negative, see the vertically scaled been performed, this time using the results of the pa-
subfigure at the upper edge of Figure 7. Here at the per [10] (one can access the paper [10] using the Sci-
very left side we see that initially indicator set to be of enceDirect on-line library [22]). Namely, exact for-
the zero value. Then the penetration develops and the mulae for the friction force and for the drilling fric-
whole top sinks into the floor by very small depth un- tion torque, case (a), were applied to the top dynamics
til the vertical quasi-equilibrium is reached. After that computer model implemented on Modelica language
we can observe the vertical micro-oscillations develop in frame of the unrestricted, in sense mentioned above,
the case (a) while the dashed one represents the case
(b). A values of the contact spot eccentricity squared
appeared to be constant equal to 0.687 in the case (a)
and 0.643 in the case (b).
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