11 Lucky Lines

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© 2015, All Rights Reserved First edition by Bobby Rio (TSB Magazine, LLC)
and Rob Judge (Date Hotter Girls, LLC) © 2015, All Right Reserved
I ntro duct i o n
N ormally, I’d say: lines suck. I say that out of frustration
as a dating instructor. All too often guys look for some
magic line that will make all their problems with women dis-
appear. Sadly, no such line exists. (Trust me, I looked!)

Improving your love and sex life requires more than the
simple memorization of a few words. To get better with
women you need to become a better man. But…some-
times I have step down from the soapbox and open up the

That’s why this report shares SPECIFICS. Sure, these “lines”

won’t transform you into some super stud or make you an
instant heartthrob. However, sprinkling in a well-articulat-
ed witticism can create some positive momentum during
an interaction or a date.

It could be that one little push that ignites an entire rela-

tionship. Who knows? I’m not here to tell you how or why
to use these lines; I’m just here to give you the damn lines.

That said, please note: THESE LINES WILL ONLY WORK IF

thinks you’re using a line, you lose. (Hence why cliche pick-
up lines like, “You from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only
ten I see…hur-dur-dur” are terrible.)

So, without further adieu, let’s get to the 7 “lucky” lines…

♠♥ 3 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#11 T o f l i rt w i th a g i r l you j u s t m et
(After she introduces her-
self by telling you her
name) “Oh man, [her name]
is such a ‘cute girl name.’
It’s on my top 5 list of ‘hot
names for a girl’.”

C omplimenting a girl’s name is an excellent way of

establishing a flirty vibe. (It’s also VERY easy and
consistent to do!) What’s great about this line is you’re
not directly saying she’s cute, but, at the same time,
you’re paying her a playful, flirty compliment that’s also
a bit of a challenge. Most women will want to know the
other 4 “hot girl names” on your list.

PTRO IP : Don’t tell her. (At least not right away.)


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#10 Turning the conversation sexual
[While smiling] “How
many times did you read
50 Shades of Grey?”

Y ou can thank the author of the BDSM novel

50 Shades of Grey for improving your sex life!
That’s because most women you meet will be familiar
with—if not a fan of—the book and movie. While the
content of 50 Shades is extremely graphic, since it’s be-
come part of pop culture, most women won’t get of-
fended if you “accuse” them of being an avid reader of
the book. In fact, most will enjoy it (while you enjoy the
sexual direction the conversation takes).


♠♥ 5 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#9 B o nd i ng w ith her
“Ah, I can tell you’re
[positive quality] (e.g., smart,
witty)… I might have to
make you my new partner-

O ften overlooked in men’s dating advice, making

a woman feel unique is crucial to attracting her.
As she develops feelings for you, she’s hoping you’re
also noticing her positive qualities. Therefore, once you
have a good vibe established, get in the habit of compli-
menting a woman on one of her unique, positive quali-
ties, such as her sense of humor or intelligence. Better
yet, do it in a way that creates a feeling of “us against
the world” and the bond she feels will be even stron-
ger. That’s why adding the “partners-in-crime” part (or
whatever “us against the world” word or phrase you
prefer) works so well. Try it and see for yourself why
this line made our “top 11” list!

PT RO IP : Don’t bullshit on her “positive quality.” Pay

attention and compliment on her on a quality she
seems proud of or seems she’s show off.

♠♥ 6 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#8 “s u g gesti ve ” m u tu a l inves tm ent
“Let’s make a deal…I’ll [do
something she wants/ex-
pects] (e.g., buy a round of
drinks) if you tell me a se-
cret. But it can’t be a boring
secret, like that you have a
crush on Drake…”

T here’s nothing wrong with doing what a woman

wants/expects BUT ONLY AFTER she earns it. For ex-
ample, buying a girl a drink right away is a chump move.
When a guy offers to buy a girl a drink right off the bar,
she will probably lose respect for him (and thus, feel
no attraction) as she’s being “rewarded” even though
she’s contributed nothing: no time, effort, attention,
ect. (If you’ve tried this approach, you probably know
it’s a waste of your time and money.) However, if she’s
flirting with you and THEN you offer to buy a round of
drinks, it’s almost always a good idea. So by making a
“deal,” you get a “return on your investment” when of-
fering to do something nice or generous. Furthermore,
asking her to reveal a “secret” has suggestive under-
tones, and so sets up a healthy sexual dynamic.

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#7 E s ta b l i s h i ng t o uch ea rly on
[Hold out your hand] “In
America [or whatever coun-
try you’re from], we have
this magical little thing
called a handshake. Here, let
me show you, it goes some-
thing like this...”

S ometimes you approach a girl and…she gives you

nothing. She answers you with one-word answers—
or worse—nothing at all. Often guys panic in these situ-
ations and quickly walk off with their tail between their
legs. A lot of the time, the best way to turn this seem-
ingly hopeless situation around is by establishing some
form of physical contact. This line comes off innocent
while opening the door to some low-risk physical con-
tact between you and her. Often getting a girl to warm
up to you is as simple as a “touch” of ironic humor.

PTRO IP : As our buddy Chris (a.k.a., 60 Years of

Challenge) explains in our Unlock Her Legs course,
don’t just withdraw your hand from the handsake;
instead, let it “linger” until she pulls her hand away.

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♠♥ 8 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#6 M aki ng a n a cti vi t y m or e enticing
[A proposed activity or
date] “[e.g., getting coffee at
your favorite local coffee-
shop] is so amazing it tran-
scends transcendence. I have
to show you! it will blow
your mind!”

W hen proposing an activity or date it’s helps to

over-sell it in a way that’s both humorous and in-
triguing. In other words: make it sound fun! For exam-
ple, don’t say, “I know this dessert spot that has great
milkshakes. Wanna go?” Instead, inject fun into the
invitation by saying something like, “I know a dessert
place with milkshakes so incredibly delicious, words can
hardly convey the life-altering gustatory experience. All
I can say for now is it transcends transcendence! I have
to take you to this dessert mecca! Are you free Thurs-
day?” If you’re wondering why “overselling” works, ask
yourself: Which milkshake would want to try? A “great
milkshake” or the “so incredibly, life-changing delicious
milkshake that transcends transcendence”? (Exactly.)

♠♥ 9 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#5 W hen a ppro a ch i ng a new g irl
“There you are! I’ve been
looking for you all night.”

H ere’s some non-conventional wisdom I’ve learned

about women: often the riskiest way to begin an in-
teraction with a woman is actually the safest. It’s what
the poetics were talking about when they said, “For-
tune favors the bold.” Accordingly, you’re much bet-
ter off with a “bold” opening line rather than asking a
question or saying “hi.” Telling a girl you’ve never met
that you’ve “been looking for [her] all night” probably
seems risky and boldness. And that’s why it works!

PTRO IP : Be ready when she asks “Huh? Looking for

me? Why?”

XTRA RO IP : A great response to “why?” is, “Be-
cause you look a lot like my future girlfriend.”


♠♥ 10 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#4 C o m pl i m ent ing her
“Normally I’d be on my
best behavior, acting like
a perfect gentlemen, but
you’re too cute. You’re mak-
ing me misbehave!”

W anna know what makes a compliment attrac-

tive? Create sexual tension by adding an element
of “push/pull.” If you’ve ever given a woman a generic
compliment like, “You’re beautiful” and the conversa-
tion become awkward (or maybe even fizzled out), it’s
because you extinguished the sexual tension. Don’t do
that! It’s perfectly okay to give a woman a compliment
(the “pull”), but you also want to maintain sexual ten-
sion (the “push”). By “blaming” her for your “misbe-
havior,” you deliver a compliment that both pushes
and pulls: “Normally I’d be on my best behavior, acting
like a perfect gentlemen, but you’re too cute (PULL).
You’re making me misbehave (PUSH)!”


♠♥ 11 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#3 p l ay fu l ly ch a l leng ing her
“Lemme see your
dance moves.”

M ost guys act spineless around women, which is

VERY unattractive. In fact, acting spineless is why
guys end up in “the friend zone.” It’s time to man up,
man! Now, I’m NOT advocating you intentionally put
a woman down or insult her, HOWEVER you SHOULD
challenge her (playfully). This ensures she’s as invested
in the interaction as you are. One of the simplest ways
to do that is “dare” her to do something, like showing
off her “dance moves.”


♠♥ 12 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#2 C hang i ng t h e co nvers ation topic
“Let’s save that conver-
sation for [another time]
(e.g., our first date), for
now I want to know […]
(e.g., your favorite animal).”

I t took me a while to figure this out, but women LIKE

IT when you re-direct the conversation to fun, flirty
topics. (Even if she brought up the boring conversation
topic!) Whenever a boring or weird conversation topic
comes up, and you can feel the sexual tension/flirting
dying down, it’s up to YOU to get the conversation back
on track, with something more fun. This line does just


♠♥ 13 11 luckylines to use in the company of hot women
#1 Seed anticipation for a Future Date
“I’ll tell you [in a ro-
mantic setting] (e.g., over a
glass of wine/cup
of coffee)”

C reating intrigue and anticipation is a huge part of

ALL these lines. We’ve all heard that women like
“mysterious” men, yet so many guys tell a woman ev-
erything she wants to know right away. If a woman
asks you a question—especially something she’s inter-
ested in knowing—use it to your (dating) advantage by
holding out on her! For example, I have a friend who’s
an attorney and whenever he’s messaging with a girl
on Tinder, and she asks what he does, he tells her he’s
an attorney. Most women want to know more, asking,
“What sort of law do you practice?” He greatly “I can’t
answer that That’s an answer best explained over a
glass of wine.”


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