Orthodox Survival Guide PDF
Orthodox Survival Guide PDF
Orthodox Survival Guide PDF
Q: When I look in the mirror, all I do is Q: Sometimes I feel like people are judging
focus on everything I hate about myself. me because of how I look, even when I go to
What should I do? church! How do I deal with it?
A: If looking in the mirror is a negative A: No one is perfect…and most people (including
experience, next time think about saying those at church) are influenced by society’s
something positive about yourself instead, standards. Instead of getting upset, try a different
whether you believe it 100% or not. Try to approach. Be a role model through kindness,
think about one of your favorite features compassion, forgiveness, and being non-
instead of focusing on what you may consider judgmental toward others. It’s possible that your
faults or disappointments. If you are faced example of kindness to others, even though
with more serious issues of frustration, they might not be kind to you, could change
disappointment, and hate, please make sure their hearts and minds. Be strong and don’t let
to talk to a trusted individual who can lead negativity change how you respond to Christ’s
you in the right direction for guidance. greatest commandment to love one another!
Join Teens Against Bullying on Facebook:
Join the Don’t Stand By—Stand Up! Campaign:
Department of Health and Human Services: threatening or dangerous.
www.pacerteensagainstbullying.org what’s happening, especially if the situation is
National Bullying Prevention Center: parents, a teacher, or your parish priest know
Online Resources: yourself, it may not be safe. Let an adult, your
in that person’s life. Don’t try to take it on by
don’t ignore it! You can make a difference
If you or someone you know is being bullied,
Bullying is when someone uses physical force, You Have the Power! God is on YOUR Side!
insults, or threats to ignore or hold power over Even when it seems like everyone is against
someone else. It’s more common than you think. you, the Lord is always on your side. “Be
71% of students say that bullying is a problem strong and of good courage, do not fear or
at school, and 160,000 students miss school be in dread of them: for it is the Lord your
every day because they fear an attack. Some God who goes with you; he will not fail you or
people are also at a higher risk, like those with forsake you” (Deut. 31:6). This doesn’t mean
disabilities, those questioning their sexuality, and that bullying will go away if you ignore it. It
those with low self-esteem or poor social skills. means that God will give you the strength
Types of Bullying: Physical (using violence to to come forward. Do the right thing…saying
dominate another person); Verbal (using words something will help change your situation AND
to humiliate someone, usually in front of others); might help others who are also being bullied by
Social (spreading rumors, making someone feel the same person!
isolated or not included); Cyber (using digital
The Golden Rule
media to embarrass and make threats).
“Do unto others as you would have them do
Cyber bullying is especially damaging because unto you” (Matthew 7:12). Sound familiar?
the bully can remain anonymous, it can happen As early as elementary school, we are taught
at any hour, you can’t respond immediately, the Golden Rule which lays out the basics
and it can reach a large audience. Around half of respect and love for ourselves and others
of teens say they’ve been the victim of cyber (friends, strangers, classmates, family, etc.).
bullying, and 1 in 10 have had damaging pictures It is important to remember that we are
taken of them with cell phones. accountable to God every day for all of our
thoughts, words, and actions. Make it a priority
to think about the “Greatest Commandment”
from Christ, to love one another, with the
knowledge that hurtful words or actions can
have devastating consequences for others.
Publishing, 1996.
I, by George W. Grube, Light & Life
• What the Church Fathers Say, Volume
http://christianteens.about.com/od/ a trusted adult, or your parish priest.
• Take the Gossip Quiz: gossip and its consequences, speak to a friend,
gers-of-gossip If you or someone you know is dealing with
• The Dangers of Gossip:
Online Resources:
• Gossip is one of the oldest and most common If you don’t have something nice to say...
ways that people share (unproven) facts, Well, you know the rest. St. Paul asks the
usually about someone else’s personal life. same thing of us in his letter to the Ephesians,
• People of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures “Do not let any unwholesome talk come
use gossip as a form of communication, and out of your mouths, but only what is helpful
studies show that it helps us navigate through for building others up according to their
social situations. needs, that it may benefit those who listen”
(Ephesians 4:29).
• Research says that people are influenced by
gossip, even when it contradicts what they have
Don’t be the spark! Sometimes one careless
seen with their own eyes.
word can cause enormous pain and create
• While we are used to basing our decisions unnecessary problems, even if you weren’t
on unproven facts, like gossip or rumors, intentionally trying to hurt someone. St.
remember that information drifts further from the James says, “The tongue is a little member
truth as it travels from person to person. and boasts of great things. See how great
a forest a little fire kindles!” (James 3:5).
We can also find examples of this in the Old
Testament when Solomon writes, “Fire goes
out without wood, and quarrels disappear
when gossip stops” (Proverbs 26:20). Don’t
give gossip a place to live, because even
the smallest spark can start a great fire.
Unfortunately, it’s contagious!
Online Resources:
Handling the Transition, Not the Change: No Be Sober, Be Watchful (1 Peter 5:8)
matter how we prepare for a change in life, we Now more than ever, taking responsibility for
may not be fully prepared for the transitions those your actions is extremely important. Facing
changes bring about. Whether going to college, things like peer pressure, sex, and alcohol on
leaving home, or starting a new job, life changes your own will require character, discernment,
will constantly test you—how will you respond? and a clear understanding about the
Personal Freedom: Finding yourself with an consequences of your actions. Thinking about
enormous amount of freedom and free time how you will respond to difficult situations,
may leave you feeling lost and overwhelmed. including what you will say, is often the best
With so many decisions, extra time, and the way to prepare for encountering temptations.
added personal and financial responsibilities, Owning Your Faith
daily life can be difficult to navigate. Figuring out where God fits into your life after
Relationships: During any transition in life, our high school may involve standing up for what
relationships with family, friends, and God may you believe and sorting out essential questions
become strained because of added stress and about faith. With all of these new experiences,
the challenges of a new environment. Losing especially meeting people from different faith
touch with these connections can leave us backgrounds, taking the time to “relearn” the
feeling alone, both emotionally and spiritually. basics of Orthodoxy will help you better under-
stand your faith. The willingness to own your
faith, rather than simply inheriting it from your
parents, is a huge step in one’s spiritual journey.
Orthodox Christian, All the Time
Living as an Orthodox Christian should be
something you think about both on Sunday
mornings AND on Friday nights. You may even
DEALING WITH IT feel like you are leading a double life, conflicted
between who you are and who you would like
Plan your day, every day! Now it’s up to you to be. Challenge yourself to be an Orthodox
to make decisions about all aspects of your Christian all day, every day—not just when it’s
life—what time to wake up, making it to class convenient! Take some inspiration from St. Paul,
or work, remembering to pray. Make a “LIFE” who said this about his own spiritual dedication,
schedule. Planning ahead and knowing when “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer
and where you are going can keep you on I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20).
track, in both your personal AND spiritual life!
Maintaining Balance in Your Life
Know when to ask for help: Taking advantage Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally,
of help rather than trying to navigate on your and spiritually is an important aspect of
own can be the difference between failure and maintaining balance. Scripture says, “Look
success. Identifying the people in your life that carefully then how you walk, not as unwise
you trust and can listen to your doubts, fears, men but as wise, making the most of the time”
and questions is half the battle. (Eph. 5:15). When demands like exhaustion,
Find a “Family”: Finding friends with similar exams, and relationships require more of your
interests can provide you with the right support time, it can feel impossible to fulfill all of your
at the right time. The people that you surround commitments. Making time for prayer will help
yourself with, your new family, will greatly influ- reduce anxiety and keep you focused on your
ence your every day decisions. Choose wisely! connection with God.
Q: I’ve got so much going on: school, sports, Q: I’m stressed because I put things off until
work, friends, and that doesn’t even count the very last minute. Why do I keep doing that?
time with my family. How do I manage it all? A: Many people make themselves a victim of
A: All of these things are great, but sometimes procrastination. To relieve the stress, we turn to
they’re overwhelming, right? First, never be too things that entertain us: music, TV, surfing the
busy to pray—often times it’s the first thing we net—anything to keep us from thinking about
cut from our schedule. Prayer is time spent with something we’d rather not do. The problem is,
God, and even when we’re busy, it’s the one our “break” isn’t really restful because we’re just
thing we really need. Second, make a plan. This avoiding the problem. Later on, we’ll have to face
helps us get a handle on our long “to do” lists. up to whatever it is we’re putting off, and with
Lastly, ask for help! People that try to go it alone not as much time to do it. Sounds familiar—and
are often the most stressed. God, your family, stressful—I bet. Ask God for help and then face
your priest and your friends are all sources of up to the fear of tackling the hard things first and
support you can and should turn to. you’ll find yourself much less stressed.
Publications, 2002.
Book for Teens by Jim Burns, Ph.D., Servant
• Tough Problems, Real Solutions: A Q & A
priest, especially if the situation seems dangerous. by Sharon Scott, HRD press, 1997.
your parents, a school counselor, or your parish Peer Pressure Reversal for Teens and Preteens
wrong for you. Don’t hesitate to talk to a friend, • How to Say No and Keep Your Friends:
means that something about the situation is
that’s going on, even if your friends don’t, it Books:
gut. If you feel uncomfortable with something http://www.surfinthespirit.com/teens/
time dealing with peer pressure—listen to your • Christian Resources for Teens:
If you or someone you know is having a hard Online Resources
Peer pressure has a much greater impact on Some religions teach that God created us to
teen behavior than any other factor. It’s worth serve and love Him. Orthodox Christians believe
thinking about the role peer pressure plays in the opposite: we were created so that God
your life, since it probably plays a bigger part incould love us. We are the “apple of His eye,”
your decision making process than you think. the greatest of His creations. We read in Gen-
esis that when God created heaven and earth,
Not all peer pressure is bad. In fact, positive
light and darkness, plants and creatures, He
peer pressure is a great help. The only difference
“saw that it was good,” but when he created
between negative and positive peer pressure
man and woman, “it was very good.” What does
is the outcome: the positive kind helps us do
that mean to us? When we really understand
things that are good for us and others, while
how much God loves us, we don’t care so much
negative peer pressure pushes us into things
about anyone else’s approval or acceptance.
that hurt us.
We’re the most open to negative peer pressure
Giving in to negative peer pressure makes
when we forget how precious God has made
people feel worse about themselves. People
each one of us to be. Jesus taught us that if
often give in to negative peer pressure because
we hear His words and put them into practice,
they think they’ll feel better by pleasing their
we’re building our life on a good, solid foundation
friends, but it doesn’t work that way. Standing
(Luke 6:47).
up for yourself and doing what you feel is right
is the real way to feel better about yourself. Martyrs point the way. The history of the
Church is full of martyrs who did the right thing
in the face of powerful pressure to go down the
wrong path. Our saints are our heroes, showing
us how it’s done. St. George, the Three Holy
Youths, St. Demetrios, St. Christina and St. Marina
are just a few of the saints who, like you, faced
enormous pressure, but drew on the strength of
God to overcome adversity.
One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.
KNOW THE SIGNS St. Paul didn’t talk about apples, but he echoes
Wanting acceptance by one’s peers is completely this old saying when he writes: “Bad company
normal. Some people are easily influenced by corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
peer pressure because their self confidence is While we need to work on our ability to say
based on other people’s approval. Some signs “no” even when it’s hard to, we also need to be
that we might be too open to others’ influence honest about the influence our friends have on
include the following: us, and when necessary, distance ourselves
• Low self-esteem or lack of confidence. from that influence.
• Uncertainty about one’s place within their
Community in Christ. Resisting negative peer
group of friends.
pressure is hard, especially when we are alone
• No personal interests outside of one’s own in our decision. While we may feel isolated
peer group. from our friends, as Orthodox Christians,
• A feeling of isolation from peers and/or family. it’s encouraging to know that salvation is
• Lack of real ties to friends. granted through the Church, the community of
• A feeling that friends could turn on you. believers. We are never really alone!
Q: I’m not really into porn, I just get curious Q: Isn’t it better for me to watch porn than to
once in a while. Is that so bad? act on my desires in real life?
A: Our Church Fathers describe sin like a fire: A: Jesus said that when we lust after someone,
when it starts, it’s just a little spark. But that we’ve already sinned in our hearts. That doesn’t
little spark can start a raging wildfire. No one mean we can say “well, I’ve already done it in
plans on getting addicted to porn, but it happens my heart, so I might as well go do it for real.”
to lots of people, all of the time. If you’re not What we watch, hear, think and let into our hearts
addicted yet, that doesn’t mean you won’t be really matters. Our Church teaches us to guard
soon. And meanwhile, you’re filling your head our hearts like soldiers guard the gate to a king’s
and your heart with images of sex, and that’s castle. We are the temple of God Himself, and
not what God wants for us. So snuff out the we have to be vigilant in order to keep His Temple
spark. It’s a whole lot harder to put out a wildfire. pure, both body and soul.
• National Abstinence Clearinghouse:
• Relevant Magazine: https://www.relevant-
• True Love Waits: http://www.lifeway.com/tlw/
Case, Zondervan Publishing, 2003.
and attainable goals in your relationships.
Pam Stenzel, Rick Bundschuh and Steven
or your parish priest to help you set boundaries
Sexuality, Spirituality, and Self Respect by
sexual purity, speak to a friend, a trusted adult,
• Sex Has a Price Tag: Discussions about
If you or someone you know is struggling with
Bethany House Publishers, 2008.
Body, Mind, and Heart, by Jim Burns, Ph.D.,
• Accept Nothing Less: God’s Best for Your
When you hear, “everyone is doing it,” It’s important to remember who came up with
it’s not true. Less than half of all high school sex in the first place. Like all of His gifts to
students have sex before graduating. us, God provided us with the beautiful gift of
our sexuality, but not to use in whatever way
Setting boundaries. Statistics prove that if you
we like. He created it as a means of keeping
can set proper boundaries before a situation
married couples close to each other, and as the
arises in your relationship, more often than not,
means of continuing His creation (hence the
you will make the proper decision.
term: procreation). God’s commandments are
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) are a all given to us for OUR sake, not His.
big risk. No one who has sex plans on getting
an STD, but this year alone, one out of every • Jesus said that even looking at someone
four teenagers will be infected. lustfully is a sin. We should struggle for purity,
not only in our actions but in our minds and
The emotional attachment that accompanies hearts. A simple tip: when your eyes start to
sexual activity is too often understated. It wander, recite the Lord’s Prayer or the Jesus
often causes people to stay in bad relationships Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have
longer than they should. In addition, when the Mercy on Me, a Sinner.
relationship does finally come to an end, it can
• Everyone has sexual temptation. St. John
easily turn one’s life upside down because of
Cassian said that “only the lifeless are
the physical and emotional attachment to the
exempt from the battles of lust,” it’s part of
other person.
being a human being. We all have to deal
with this because it engulfs our everyday lives
on the internet, on TV, at movies, etc. The
question remains, how will you handle it?
• Modern society says we should “be ourselves”
and to do whatever we feel like, but Orthodox
Christianity teaches us that we are most
ourselves when we don’t allow temptation
to enslave us. While the struggle against
any sexual activity outside of marriage is
KNOW THE SIGNS a difficult one, those who wish to enter the
Sex affects your emotional wellbeing. Kingdom of Heaven enter by the narrow gate
Teens that are sexually active are more likely to (Matthew 7:13).
feel depressed and are significantly less likely • The Church provides us with the way to
to be happy. avoid all sins in the first place, through
Many teens who decide to have sex end up regular prayer, fasting (where we practice
wishing they hadn’t. The regret can play havoc saying “no” to ourselves), the services of
with one’s self-esteem and confidence. the Church, and the advice and support
of our Spiritual Fathers. The Church also
Think faith determines one’s actions? It’s gives us the cure if we’ve fallen into sin.
often just the opposite. While most Christian Confession is the Church’s way for us to
teens rely on their faith to keep them away from admit what we’ve done and experience
sexual temptation, those that have sex often try God’s forgiveness and love first-hand. It’s
to justify it by changing their beliefs and morality never too late to come back to God and
into thinking there’s nothing wrong with it. His Church.
Q: What does the Orthodox Church say Q: What should I do if a friend seems suicidal?
about committing suicide? A: Show your friend that you care by listening—
A: The Orthodox Church believes that we sometimes this is enough to lighten the load
are called as Christians to preserve life, just enough for them to carry on. Allow them to
and that we do not have the right to take experience God’s love through you by showing
away anyone’s life, including our own. sympathy, staying calm, and remaining non-
Suicide is very serious in the eyes of the judgemental. Don’t try to carry the burden by
Church because it doesn’t give a person the yourself. Urge them to get help as soon as
opportunity for repentance and confession. possible and get other friends, parents, and adults
As suicide and its consequences is such involved. If your friend is in immediate danger, get
a complex issue, the church addresses it help right away and call 911. Remember, if all
pastorally on a case by case basis. of your attempts fail, don’t blame yourself. If you
were close to the person, it might be helpful to
reach out to a suicide survivor support group.