Energy Systems Integration: ESIF Plugs Utility-Scale Hardware Into Simulated Grids To Assess Integration Effects

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ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION ESI optimizes the design and performance of electrical,

thermal, fuel, and water pathways at all scales.

ESIF Plugs Utility-Scale How PHIL Simulation Works

Hardware into Simulated Grids At the ESIF, PHIL simulation places hardware
systems and software models together to test
to Assess Integration Effects components at full power. In this diagram, a solar
At NREL’s Energy Systems Integration photovoltaic (PV) inverter—which converts the
direct current (DC) power produced by a PV array
Facility (ESIF), integrated, megawatt-
into usable alternating current (AC) electricity
scale power hardware-in-the-loop for the grid—is the hardware under test in a PHIL
(PHIL) capability allows researchers simulation. A software model simulates the electric
and manufacturers to test new energy distribution circuit, and the hardware connects to a
particular point—often referred to as the point
technologies at full power in real-time
of common coupling (PCC)—in this circuit. A
simulations—safely evaluating component real-time simulator runs the software model and
and system performance and reliability the communication interface between the software
before going to market. and hardware.

Hardware-in-the-loop simulation is not a new

Software | Simulated

concept, but adding the unique, megawatt-scale Recloser

power capacity of the ESIF takes energy systems
integration research to another level. Hardware-
~ R
in-the-loop simulation seamlessly integrates Distribution Circuit
physical hardware and software models in a
The Loop
single closed-loop simulation—and PHIL does
this at full power. By using software to simulate

the actual electric distribution circuit, PHIL testing

ensures new, innovative hardware works with
the utility system at actual load levels before it is
integrated in the system. Researchers can mirror CONTROLLER

real-world conditions and evaluate complex

PV - ~ Power
interconnection scenarios, all while in a controlled ~ Sensor Amplifier
laboratory setting—posing no risk to electric PV Array PV Inverter
utilities or their customers.
Manufacturers can use this capability at the ESIF
to test advanced device controls and functionality The PV inverter receives DC power input from a
and verify their efficacy and reliability at full (real or simulated) PV array, and converts it into
power—and determine whether their integration AC electricity. This AC output is absorbed by the
changes the landscape of the utility system. With power amplifier (which models the physical PCC
this knowledge, manufacturers learn how to design that the inverter would connect to in the field),
their technologies to seamlessly integrate with measured via a current sensor, and converted to a
the system, and utilities and investors gain the digital value. This current value is then injected into
confidence to support integrating them—helping us the simulated distribution circuit at the PCC. This
move toward wide-scale clean energy deployment. current injection will cause changes in voltages and

NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
ENERGY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION ESI optimizes the design and performance of electrical,
thermal, fuel, and water pathways at all scales.

currents in the distribution circuit model,

which will in turn cause a response from
the distribution model and its integral
components—such as modeled homes,
buildings, or utility voltage regulation
devices. The model’s resulting PCC voltage
is then converted from its digital value and
transmitted as a voltage command to the
power amplifier.
Tests using PHIL are easily repeatable,
and the simulation is extremely flexible.
Other “plug-and-play” elements—whether
they be electric, thermal, fuels, or data
components—can be added and subtracted
at different points in the simulation loop
to show their separate and integrated Testing of Advanced Energy’s 500-kilowatt inverter at the ESIF. Still from U.S. Department of Energy video
effects. Multiple simulations can occur
simultaneously, in real time—so countless
interconnection scenarios can be evaluated. Ultimately, this kind of testing will bridge
Power hardware-in-the-loop can even the gap from current levels of solar grid Making the Connection:
model sophisticated communications integration to high penetration deployment The Research Electrical
between devices within a simulated by giving utilities the confidence that this Distribution Bus
system. advanced hardware not only functions as Central to the ESIF’s “plug-and-play”
intended—but also provides added benefit PHIL capability is the Research Electrical
PHIL at Play: Advanced Energy to the grid. NREL’s work with Advanced Distribution Bus (REDB), the electrical
Tests Inverter at the ESIF Energy is just one example of how industry backbone that interconnects many of the
is leveraging the unique capabilities of the ESIF laboratories. The REDB functions as a
Industry has already begun to take power integration circuit capable of utilizing
ESIF to test new hardware and make sure
advantage of the ESIF’s PHIL capability. multiple AC and DC buses that connect
that it all works together in tomorrow’s grid multiple sources of energy, interconnecting
In 2013, NREL researchers worked
of the future. laboratories and experiments to test and
with industry partner Advanced Energy
simulate equipment.
to complete preliminary testing of its
500-kilowatt PV inverter’s advanced Partner With Us
grid support features. This year, NREL Manufacturers, utilities, microgrid
researchers plan to take this work to the operators, and other research organizations National Renewable Energy Laboratory
next level by testing the same inverter can partner with NREL to take advantage 15013 Denver West Parkway
when connected to a simulated real-world of the ESIF’s unique PHIL capability. Visit Golden, CO 80401
electric distribution system using PHIL for 303-275-3000 •
techniques. This will allow for evaluation more information.
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S.
of the inverter’s advanced features and their
Department of Energy, Office of Energy
impact on an electric distribution system
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated
prior to field deployment on an actual by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
distribution system.
NREL/FS-5B00-61260 • April 2014

Front page photography (from the top): photo

Illustration by Raymond David, NREL 19498; Dennis
Schroeder, NREL 26586; Dennis Schroeder, NREL
24358-C; Dennis Schroeder, NREL 19931; Kenny
Gruchalla, NREL 25944; Dennis Schroeder, NREL 28858

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