Aims & Scope: Human & Experimental Toxicology Human & Experimental Toxicology
Aims & Scope: Human & Experimental Toxicology Human & Experimental Toxicology
Aims & Scope: Human & Experimental Toxicology Human & Experimental Toxicology
Aims & Scope
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Professor Kai Savolainen Human & Experimental Toxicology (ISSN 0960-3271 print; Human and Experimental Toxicology (HET), an international peer reviewed journal, is dedicated to publishing
Human & Experimental Toxicology Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, preclinical and clinical original research papers and in-depth reviews that comprehensively cover studies of
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New Technologies and Risks, Topeliuksenkatu 41 aA,
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New techniques for assessing potential toxicity, including molecular and systems biology
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