TestNew12Repair IntEncylopediaofHousingandHome
TestNew12Repair IntEncylopediaofHousingandHome
TestNew12Repair IntEncylopediaofHousingandHome
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1 author:
A. Straub
Delft University of Technology
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International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
Maintenance and Repair 187
generally lack any proficiency, but have (in principal) full Maintenance and Improvement
control on usage and care. Small landlords in the private
rented sector and condominium owners take a middle Maintenance means the neutralisation of the loss of per
position, with limited control on usage and care and often formance of a building, to the extent that this loss of
lacking professional maintenance support. performance is acceptable. Whether this loss of perfor
Social and institutional landlords maintain and improve mance is ‘acceptable’ or not depends, in turn, on the
their stock in a regularly planned way. The outcome of demands set by the owner and/or the user. Over a period
maintaining the quality of dwellings might be a ‘combina of time, the gap between the standards demanded by the
tion’ of residential (customer) satisfaction, liveability of the owner and/or user and those provided by the building is
neighbourhood, ecological sustainability, and preservation likely to widen, as shown in Figure 1. However, the
of the value of the built assets. For homeowners, housing is representation is a very simplified one as, in reality, the
an investment and consumption good. From a maintenance relationship between the growth of residents’ requirements
and repair perspective, housing as a consumption good and the deterioration of the performances of a building
seems much more important than as an investment good. (dwelling) is usually nonlinear. Moreover, cleaning activ
Owners are in general aware of the main disrepair pro ities may slow down the deterioration in performance.
blems; however, maintenance and repair is often neglected. Acceptable performance loss and the implementation
A forward planning of maintenance and repair is almost of appropriate maintenance activities depend on legal
nonexistent. There is lack of awareness about the impor requirements, technical and functional motives, environ
tance of maintenance and repair and financial and mental motives, and financial means. Housing
organisational constraints to work away maintenance back management organisations may apply different perfor
logs. Improving the functioning and comfort of a dwelling mance levels to different target groups (such as the
rather than needed technical maintenance to maintain the elderly or students) identified in the asset management,
initial performance capacity is a far greater motivation to assuming that the maintenance policy is related to their
carry out improvements. strategic asset management.
Construction activities for new buildings involve replace Technical construction legislation sets the lower limits
ment and additional building. On the contrary, technical for the housing quality level. In any case, dwellings have
(property) management relates to construction activities to satisfy the minimal requirement of national legal stan
for the existing building stock, that is, the distinctive dards for the existing housing stock. Legal standards
activities of maintenance and improvement. comprise responsibilities for the owners to provide
New construction in most Western countries has faded healthy conditions, construction and fire safety, energy
down below an annual production of 1% of the existing performance, and proper working of installations for the
stock, and often well below. Parallel to this, the ageing supply of water, gas, and electricity, sanitation, space
existing stock draws growing attention. The construction heating, and heating water. Building regulations are
market is facing the shift from new built to improvement enforced by local authorities building control officers.
and the delivering of maintenance services during the Obviously, owner-occupiers are responsible for the
service lives of houses. quality of their home. In the case of housing providers
User requirements
Original Standard
Figure 1 The distinction between maintenance and improvement.
Adapted from Wordsworth P (2001) Lee’s Building Maintenance Management, 4th edn. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science.
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
188 Maintenance and Repair
and tenants, the tenants often have some responsibilities, organisations that use public funds. Moreover, national
addressed in the national private law or the rent contract. public procurement rules apply under the European
threshold for public entities in, for example, Belgium
and France. The fundamental principle of public pro
Decent Homes Standard
curement rules is that the contracts with a budget higher
Each of the devolved administrations in the United than a defined threshold must be opened to a nation-wide
Kingdom has a national housing quality standard: the or EU-wide tender. Key questions are then the extent to
Decent Homes Standard in England and Northern which maintenance jobs reach the thresholds and whether
Ireland, the Welsh Housing Quality Standard in Wales, the maintenance constitutes works or services. While the
and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard in Scotland. methods of tendering for these categories are largely the
The Decent Homes Standard is a technical standard same, different thresholds are involved, meaning that a
for public housing introduced by the UK government in shift in the application of procedures and regulations may
2000, which aimed to provide a minimum standard of occur. Regular planned maintenance, void repairs, and
housing conditions for all those who are housed in the response maintenance in the dwelling may all be consid
public sector – that is, council housing and housing asso ered to be ‘services’, unlike major maintenance and
ciations. The criteria for the standard are as follows: refurbishment, which may be considered to be ‘works’.
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
Maintenance and Repair 189
Predetermined Condition-based
maintenance maintenance
maintenance at their own dwelling, and in case of multi maintenance planning, and procurement of the maintenance
family dwellings, the common parts of the building. work are key processes in condition-based maintenance.
Moreover residents are directly involved in reactive main Not all (sub)processes are shown in Figure 3. For instance,
tenance (emergency and reactive day-to-day repairs) in the budgeting and budget control are left out.
request of repairs and the set of appointments. Data collected during a condition survey on-site are
Often separate departments of housing management needed for strategic policy-making to underpin the long-
organisations are responsible for construction and main term maintenance cost expectations and for maintenance
tenance. In addition, most organisations have separate planning by the maintenance staff.
departments for planned maintenance and for response The short-term maintenance planning leads to main
maintenance and void work. tenance projects that have to be executed in the following
The strategic asset management and maintenance pol year(s). The goals of the housing management organisa
icy of a housing management organisation should be tion and the characteristics of maintenance services
based on objective, reliable information about the perfor
mance of housing estates, dwellings, and building
components. Data are required on the technical state of
building components, the housing quality (e.g., services,
kitchen), the environmental quality (e.g., use of materials,
energy use, water use, kind of heating system), adaptabil
ity for changes in housing and environmental quality, and Condition
assessment Inspection report
the realised costs for maintenance and improvements.
Property managers may use a selection of relevant main
tenance data for policy-making. Long-term
Planning and
calculation maintenance
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
190 Maintenance and Repair
determine the used procurement methods. Generally, a performance of building components is measured indir
distinction can be made between a prescriptive and a ectly by assessing visual defects. This is done by
nonprescriptive method. Traditionally, housing providers performing a defect assessment. The defect assessment is
tendering maintenance services use a prescriptive, called condition assessment if a rating scale is being used.
detailed specification of the work to be performed. The use of condition marks of building components
Performance-based specification is an alternative to tra makes the technical status transferable between building
ditional prescriptive specifications for maintenance. inspectors and property managers. Property managers can
After the procurement process, the work is carried out exercise control over maintenance performance levels
by an external maintenance contractor or by direct and maintenance costs. It also makes the technical status
labour, followed by a final acceptation inspection. The transferable between the maintenance department and
process will start all over again with an inventory of the the department and employees involved in setting up
building components or with a condition assessment. the asset management.
Defect Extent/intensity
Condition Assessment (classification of
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
Maintenance and Repair 191
information one could not formulate maintenance activ performance loss, the appropriating maintenance activ
ities and estimate costs. Subsequently, the inspector passes ities, and the needed financial means. Input for the
through the following condition parameters: importance of planning and calculation phase and also the prioritising
defects, intensity of defects, and extent of defects. The phase of condition-based maintenance are the available
extent and the intensity of a defect combined with the budget for maintenance (per building estate) and the
importance of the defect lead to a condition mark, probably desirable quality. In general terms, housing management
with a defect score as an intermediary product. organisations use three quality levels: a basic level, a
The importance of the defect indicates to what extent lower level if a technical intervention of the housing
it influences the functioning of building components. The estate (e.g., refurbishment) in the near future is foreseen,
Dutch Standard for Condition Assessment classifies the and a higher level that is based on the position of the
importance of defects of distinct building components housing estate on the housing market.
into minor, serious, and critical. Critical defects signifi The maintenance planning can be adjusted to one of
cantly threaten the function of the building component. these levels through setting requirements for the type of
Serious defects are gradually damaging the performance maintenance activities, the use of materials and the main
of building components, for example, defects in the mate tenance activity cycles, and by setting priorities.
rial surface. Defects to the finishing, for example, coatings, Insufficient budget means priority setting of maintenance
are classified as minor defects. We give an example of the activities. Maintenance activities can be distinguished
defect list for window frames, door frames, windows, and according to the type (cleaning, repair, and replacement),
doors (see Table 2). Important to notice is the fact that for the part of the building component to which an activity
finishing coats a separate defect list exists. applies, the specification of materials, the quantity of the
work, the frequency of short cyclical preventive mainte
nance actions, and the character of an activity (preventive
Planning and Calculation of Maintenance or corrective).
The planning and calculation of maintenance activities
Formulating maintenance performance levels in planned can occur on the basis of standardised performance levels:
maintenance means deliberating about the maximum the (minimum) condition of building components after
Table 2 Defect list: window frames, door frames, windows, and doors (Dutch Standard for Condition Assessment)
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
192 Maintenance and Repair
executing maintenance work, for example, by setting a management organisation has to specify performance
lower limit in a condition rating scale and thereby setting requirements for its housing estates. Then the require
norms for the maximum performance loss. Maintenance ments are specified at the operational level based on
managers are able to do so by forecasting the condition functional statements of the building components, for
status of building components after executing mainte example, construction safety, aesthetic performance, and
nance activities, dealing with more and less acceptable energy saving. The performance requirements and the
remaining defects. maintenance budget and exploitation period that apply
To perform efficiently and effectively, the perfor to each housing estate are input for the maintenance
mance of a building component after executing contractor. The contractor develops maintenance strate
maintenance work should be clear. However, general gies within the constraints of performance criteria,
knowledge about maintenance activities and performance maintenance budget, and exploitation period. Initially,
recovery is scarce. After an integral replacement of the contractors need to assess the condition status of the
component, the condition status will be as new. In case of building components to diagnose the causes of deteriora
partial replacements and repairs, the condition gap and tion and the climate conditions to make recommendations
the performance recovery before and after execution of on the likely success and performance of remedial mea
the maintenance activity are indistinct. The new condi sures. The remedial measures are set down in
tion depends on the solved defects at that particular maintenance scenarios and activity plans, presenting net
moment of time. Cleaning and repainting of surfaces present values of life cycle costs and performance criteria.
does not influence the technical performance of sub The result of maintenance is indicated as the perfor
strates. The degradation will just process more mance of building components. A performance-based
gradually. Nevertheless, the aesthetic performance of a maintenance partnership can be based on the minimum
surface improves. Through a functional material modifi performance of building components. To verify the
cation of the building component performance alterations results, a minimum percentage of measurements, taken
take place: the characteristics of the building component at random, should meet the performance criteria. Criteria
change and the original performance capacity increases. are expressed in the properties of defects, such as size,
The short-term maintenance planning leads to main percentage, and intensity. Long-term agreements should
tenance projects that have to be executed in the include performance criteria at the start (completion of
following year(s). Condition assessments are not meant work) and at the end of the contract period. In a perfor
for short-term maintenance planning and drawing up mance-based partnership, the contractors themselves
technical specifications. Supplementary information, measure the achieved performance after completion of
for example, the precise location of the defects and the work and report to the housing management organi
causes of defects to take adequate maintenance actions, sation. The housing management organisation assesses
is needed in the phase of preparing procurement and the completion of the work and the performance mea
execution of remedial work. surements undertaken by the contractors. The contractor
is made responsible for the performance of the building
components during a certain period. This implies that the
Maintenance Procurement contractor periodically monitors the degradation pro
cesses of building components using performance
Maintenance work is being executed based upon a pre measurements and reports on the agreed performance
scriptive technical specification or a performance-based criteria to the housing management organisation.
specification. A technical prescriptive specification means
that the throughput of the maintenance contractor is
being described, not the result of the maintenance work. Maintenance Supply
Housing management organisations procure the majority
of planned maintenance projects traditionally through a The supply market for homeowners’ maintenance differs
process of soliciting three to five competitive bids and a lot from the supply marker for professional housing
choosing the lowest one. providers. In the first place a lot of maintenance work is
Performance-based specification is an alternative to done by the homeowners themselves, served by the do-it
traditional prescriptive specifications for maintenance. yourself market. The illegal ‘black’ market is also quite
The performance-based approach means that mainte important. Next, homeowners face problems in selecting
nance contractors no longer act as suppliers of reputable builders. Often, the professional market work
maintenance work capacity but as active participants in ing for homeowners is far from professional, lacking the
the overall maintenance process. They give advice on needed skills and competences.
maintenance strategies, maintenance scenarios, perfor Housing management organisations will carry out the
mance specifications, and activities. First the housing maintenance work by direct labour organisations
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
Maintenance and Repair 193
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
Author's personal copy
194 Maintenance and Repair
Further Reading Straub A (2009) Dutch Standard for Condition Assessment of Buildings.
Structural Survey 27(1): 23–35.
CEN (2001) EN 13306 Maintenance Terminology. Brussels: CEN. Van Mossel JH (2008) The Purchasing of Maintenance Service Delivery
Chanter B and Swallow P (2007) Building Maintenance Management, in the Dutch Social Housing Sector. Delft, the Netherlands: IOS
2nd edn. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. Press.
ISO 15686 (2000) Buildings and Constructed Assets – Service Life Van Mossel JH and Straub A (2007) Procurement of Dutch housing
Planning. Geneva: ISO. associations’ technical management services: A decision
Straub A (2002) Strategic technical management of housing stock: framework. Property Management 25(5): 487–501.
Lessons from Dutch housing associations. Building Research and Wordsworth P (2001) Lee’s Building Maintenance Management, 4th
Information 30(5): 372–381. edn. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science.
Straub A (2007) Performance-based maintenance partnering: A
promising concept. Journal of Facilities Management 5(2): 129–142.
International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012, Vol. 4, 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-047163-1.00523-3
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