Nallusamy 2017 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 225 012283 PDF
Nallusamy 2017 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 225 012283 PDF
Nallusamy 2017 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 225 012283 PDF
To cite this article: S. Nallusamy et al 2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 225 012283 - Mechanical properties evaluation of single
and hybrid composites polyester
reinforced bamboo, PALF and coir fiber
T Rihayat, S Suryani, T Fauzi et al.
Abstract: The main objective of this research article is to assess the mechanical properties and
fracture analysis of bone and sea shell powders independently integrated with coir fiber polymer
composites. The specimen was fabricated with coir fiber at various dimensions of coir fiber like
diameter, length, content and mesh size of the powder. Tensile, compressive, flexural and impact
tests were conducted in the prepared composite materials as per the techniques of ASTM standard.
The fracture faces were explored with the help of SEM images. From the final results it was
concluded that the sea shell powder composite provides good tensile and flexural strength than
bone powder composite, while bone powder composite material gives good compressive and
impact strength than sea shell powder composite material.
Keywords: Composite, Mechanical Properties, Coir Fiber, Bone and Sea Shell Powder,
Composite materials play an vital role in the area of engineering applications due to the ease in
making multifaceted shape of materials and their high tensile and compressive strength [1]-[3]. A
mixture of more than two materials differing in form or composition on a macro scale is called as
composite materials, which exhibits better characteristics than that of the individual material [4]-
[6]. In general, there are two phases in a composite such as reinforcing phase and matrix phase.
Reinforcing materials are used to carry the loads and material matrix is used to join and transmit
the load to fibers. In recent days the composites based on polymer are mostly utilized because of
their superior mechanical properties as compared with other composites [7], [8]. Due to extensive
appliances of polymer composites, it is very much encouraging to study on the deployment of
local cheap renewable sources of fiber and fillers available for polymer matrix composite (PMC)
manufacturing [9]-[11]. Fillers are simply increase the bulk volume which results in reduction of
price are called as extender fillers at the same time as those which enhance the mechanical
properties, mainly tensile strength are termed as reinforcing fillers. Several million metric tons of
fillers and reinforcements are used annually by the plastic industry. In plastics the usage of these
addictives is likely to rise with the introduction of improved compounding agents that permit the
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ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
use of high filler/ reinforcement content [12], [13]. An experimental analysis was carried out on
the heat transfer of nanofluids using carbon nanotubes and the results reveals that the addition of
carbon nanotube to the E- Glass fiber composites increased the flexural properties [14]. An
analysis was carried on erosion in fibre and particulate filled PMCs with the new concepts of
strength improvement [15]. In general, particles have more strength which acts as a reinforcement
in PMCs. In these laminations, 75µm sized composite gives better results when compared to
other size of particles content composites [16]-[18]. Based on the above mentioned factors this
work was taken up to develop a coir fiber based hybrid composite using sea shell powder (SSP)
and bone powder (BP) as filling agent. The composites were prepared with different layers and
the mechanical properties of the BP mixed composite and SSP added coir fiber composite were
studied with ASTM standards and SEM.
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
mould. The set of connections was kept in the dry place for 24 hours. The curing product was
taken away from the mould after 24 hours. At last, the PMC was fabricated. Two types of
laminates were prepared with the below mentioned % of weight, BP and coir fiber with 15% of
weight each and polyester resin composite with 70% of weight. Similarly coir fiber and coconut
shell powder with 15% of weight each and polyester resin composite with 70% of weight were
prepared. Finally, the laminate was cut by the cutter machine in various shapes and sizes
according to the test standards.
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
Fig. 3 Average Values of Flexural Strength Fig. 4 Average Values of Impact Strength
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
layer are oriented 90◦ to the first order lamellae in the inner and outer layers. Each first-order
lamella in turn is composed of parallel rows of second-order lamellae, which are oriented 45◦ to
the first-order lamellae. The second-order lamellae are further subdivided into third-order
lamellae. The basic building blocks are the third order lath-shaped aragonite crystals with internal
twins. In particular, in the middle layer the second-order lamellae are alternating the first-order
lamellae by 90◦ rotation. As far as the field stress is increased on the fracture specimen, a white
region appears and progressively increases in size. This whitening is an indication of tablet
sliding and inelastic deformations, with the voids left by tablet separation scattering light (this
phenomenon is similar to stress whitening associated with crazing in polymers). In the literature
dealing with fracture mechanics, such as inelastic region is referred to as the process zone. Fig. 5
to Fig. 12 shows the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of fractured surfaces of BP
based composite as well as SSP based composite after the mechanical testing.
Fig. 5 SEM Image of BP Based Composite Fig. 6 SEM Image of SSP Based Composite
After the tensile test was carried out the SEM image of BP based composite was clearly
identified and shown in Fig. 5. Similarly for SSP based composite the SEM image after tensile
test was carried out and given in Fig. 6. From the SEM images it was clearly noticed that the
composite particles and coir fiber were integrated with the PMC material. When these two
composite materials were compared, the coir fiber was pulled out in more amounts from the BP
based composite material during the tensile test hence there was a decrease in tensile strength of
the BP based composite. Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows the SEM images of BP and SSP based
composites after compressive test respectively. In general, bone material has more strength when
compared with sea shell. Consequently BP based composite material offers good strength in
compressive than the SSP based composite material.
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
Fig. 7 SEM Image of BP Based Composite Fig. 8 SEM Image of SSP Based Composite
Flexural test SEM images of BP and SSP based composite materials are illustrated in Fig. 9 and
Fig. 10 respectively. It was found that the coir fiber was pulled out from the composite material in
BP based composite after the flexural test was done, but in the composite with SSP no blow holes
were identified. Hence it was concluded that the composite with SSP provides better results over
the composite material with BP during the flexural testing.
Fig. 9 SEM Image of BP Based Composite Fig. 10 SEM Image of SSP Based Composite
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
Fig. 11 SEM Image of BP Based Composite Fig. 12 SEM Image of SSP Based Composite
Similarly SEM images of BP based composite material and SSP based composite material after
impact test is illustrated in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 respectively. It was observed that the coir fiber was
pulled out from the matrix material in the SSP based composites after the impact test. In the BP
based composites, there was no pull out of fiber from the matrix and hence, fibers get expanded
and rupture. So the impact strength was high in BP based composite material compared with SSP
composite material.
Based on the above experimental analysis of BP and SSP added coir fiber composite material,
the following conclusions were made.
From the results it was found that the SSP filled coir fiber composite provides better results
when compared to BP filled coir fiber polyester composite when subjected to tensile and
flexural test.
Similarly it was observed that the BP filled coir fiber polyester composite provides better
results when compared to SSP filled coir fiber composite when subjected to compressive and
impact test.
The fracture surfaces were analyzed through SEM images and the same results obtained
through mechanical properties were observed.
The research may be extended through similar characteristics related to performance evaluation
of composite materials with appropriate techniques.
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
ICMAEM-2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225 (2017) 012283 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/225/1/012283
Mrs. R. Suganthini Rekha obtained her B.E. (ECE) from Madras University
in 2003 and M.E. (Product Design and Development) from Anna University,
Chennai in 2007. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering at Dr. M.G.R. Educational and
Research Institute, Chennai from 2012 onwards. She is doing research in the
area of manufacturing lead time reduction and composite materials.
Mr. A. Karthikeyan obtained his B.E. (Mech.) from Sri Balaji Chockalingam
Engineering College in 2010 and M.E. (Engineering Design) from St. Peter’s
University, Chennai in 2013. He is working as Assistant Professor, Dr. M.G.R.
Polytechnic College, Tamilnadu. Currently, he is engaged in research on wear
testing of different composite materials in Mechanical Engineering Department
at Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, Chennai from 2015 onwards.