Treasury Notes and Bonds

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Financial Instruments


1. Treasury Bills – issued by the Bureau of Treasury to raise funds and sold at a discount. Risk
- The market for treasury bill is deep = liquid.
- Buyer – Competitive Bidders
- Non-Competitive Bidders
- Book Entry Securities – Securities that does not have physical document.
2. Central Government Deposits – A deposit at the Central Bank.
- Risk Free.
- A deposit of a commercial bank at BSP for the purpose of satisfying
minimum reserved requirements.
- Total Reserves – Minimum Reserves = Excess Reserves
3. REPO – Repurchase Agreement – sale of securities with an immediate agreement to buy them
back on a specific future date at a slightly higher price.
- Overnight Loan
- Secured Loan
- Low Risk
- Collateralized Loan
4. Commercial Paper – A security that is issued by corporations or financial institutions
- Short Term and sold at a discount
- Direct Placement – it is the sale of securities without the help financial
- Back up line of credit
5. Negotiable Certificate of Deposit – a deposit at a depository institution usually a commercial
bank and can be bought and sold.
- Large in Denomination – size of the face value
- Typical buyer is institutional investor
- Typical seller is commercial bank
- Term Security – a security that matures a particular term.
- Bearer Instrument

6. Bankers’ Acceptance – the acceptance of responsibility to pay in case of default

- Very low risk.
- Guaranteed by the bank.

- A market where long-term securities are traded.
- A market where debt instruments/securities are traded.
- Where fixed-income instruments are traded.
- Bond Market
1. Treasury Notes and Bonds
- Long-term instrument
- Issued by the Government, particularly Bureau of Treasury.
- Coupon
- Tenor – time to mature of a financial instrument – 2 – 10 years
- High interest rate risk
2. Mortgages
- A loan secured by a real estate property.
3. Municipal bonds
- A bond issued by a local government.
4. Corporate Bonds
- Bonds issued by a corporation.
5. Finance Lease
- A loan for the purchase of an equipment.
- The lender is the owner of the purchased equipment.

- A market where equity instruments are traded
- Instruments of ownership
- Stock Market
6. Preferred Stocks/Preference shares
- The corporation guarantees a particular dividend payment.
- A class of ownership that has a higher claim on assets and earnings.
7. Common Stocks/Ordinary Shares
- As security that represents ownership in a corporation.
- Receives whatever assets remain after creditors, bondholders and preferred stockholders are

- Financial Institution that has the characteristics of a debt and equity at the same time.
8. Convertible Bonds
- Bonds with a characteristic that can be converted into a predetermined number of ordinary

1. Technology
- Webification – everything happens on the internet
2. Globalization
- Competition is global.
- More international transaction
- Interconnectedness
- Interdependence
3. Deregulation - Reregulation
- Lowering of regulations for the financial market
4. Competition
- Is a result of 3 things 1. Deregulation 2. Globalization 3. Technology
5. Complexity
- Since there is a competition in the market, adding more features to the instrument makes it
more complex.
6. Innovation
- Introducing a new product that meets the demand of the market.
7. Speed
- Fast moving market
8. Conglomerate
- Financial institution that offers a large number of services of different financial services
9. Derivatives
- Contract between two or more parties whose value is based on an agreed-upon underlying
financial asset or security or set of asset or index.
10. Speculation
- It is the purchase of a security with the hope that it will become more valuable in the near

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