Thin-Walled Structures: Tohid Ghanbari Ghazijahani, Hui Jiao, Damien Holloway
Thin-Walled Structures: Tohid Ghanbari Ghazijahani, Hui Jiao, Damien Holloway
Thin-Walled Structures: Tohid Ghanbari Ghazijahani, Hui Jiao, Damien Holloway
Thin-Walled Structures
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Article history: It has long been identified that stiffening of steel shells is one of the most effective ways of enhancing the
Received 10 July 2014 capacity of these structures. Stiffeners largely in the form of welded elements have been employed to
Received in revised form strengthen shell structures in which the stiffeners generally cover the whole length of the structure.
25 August 2014
In this research the effect of partial and full length stiffening of shells was studied in which the stiffeners
Accepted 25 August 2014
were attached without welding to avoid the adverse effect of the residual stresses. Furthermore, local
thickening of the shells by the same stiffening strips was investigated and the results were evaluated
Keywords: against the plain specimen. The effect of strengthening provided by local thickening was slightly less but
Thin steel shells comparable to that provided by the stiffeners.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
External pressure
Stiffeners (stringers)
Different strengthening methods
1. Introduction shells [5] and the effect of various types of geometric imperfec-
tions for the shells with similar D/t ratios were thoroughly
Cylindrical shells are present in a vast range of structural investigated [6–12].
elements, which are seen in a great many different industrial The effect of stiffeners in thin structures under uniform vacuum
applications. Such structures sometimes resist external pressure, was studied in two respective studies [13,14]. In Ref. [14], the
particularly in the offshore industry. In some cases, in contrast, effect of stiffeners was evaluated against thickening of the steel
internal evacuation pressure takes place due to discharge of liquid specimens. The capacity increase was determined for each
inside these structures. strengthening method. The effect of rings or ring-beams on the
A great deal of research has been conducted in regard to thin buckling behavior of tanks and silos were studied by Chen and
shells under external pressure. In some cases, modeled structures Rotter [15]. The effective length of shells with stiffeners was
were directly subjected to external pressure imposed from outside calculated theoretically in this research.
the surface of these structures whereas in some cases a vacuum is It should be mentioned that in most cases welding was utilized
applied such that the atmospheric pressure plays the role of to connect the stiffening elements. However, Barkey et al. per-
peripheral pressure. Since 1996, Showkati and his research collea- formed some tests on conical shell specimens in which epoxy
gues have conducted many studies in which a uniform external adhesive was employed to connect the stiffeners to the surface of
pressure was imposed through an internal vacuum. Some of these the shells [16]. In fact, this connection method helped the
investigations are outlined herein: the effect of boundary condi- structures have uniform material properties in comparison with
tion on shell structures was studied in Ref. [1], in which different the welded or soldered connections, in which a lot of residual
buckling modes were exhaustively discussed. Buckling and post- stress can affect the buckling behavior of such structures.
buckling of imperfect thin shells [2,3], and the effect of thickness In this study the authors used the same method of connection
variation on the buckling response of such structures under using epoxy in the present thin shells, which eventually resulted
vacuum [4] were also explored. In addition, the effect of load in a highly satisfactory connection both for longitudinal stiffeners
combination in the presence of the vacuum in long cylindrical (known as stringers) and thickeners. On the other hand, to the best
of the authors' knowledge, no other researchers have employed an
end plate attached to one end of the specimens to impose axial
stresses to the body of such structures subjected to a vacuum. It is
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 61 469 311 896.
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of interest that this geometry leads to a different collapse mode in (T. Ghanbari Ghazijahani). these structures which has not been reported yet. Note that
0263-8231/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
360 T. Ghanbari Ghazijahani et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 359–366
stiffened shells with an end plate are quite widespread in many these specimens. These plates were installed on an MTS machine
applications, in which the end plate takes the role of a cap in such such that the distance between the plates was easily adjustable in
cylindrical shell structures. the axial direction. The end edges of the specimens were covered
by the grooves such that a rotational restriction was applied to the
boundary regions. Accurately fabricated mild-steel specimens and
2. Details of the test rig stiffeners were used in these tests (see Table 1). A structural epoxy
adhesive “Spabond 345” was employed to connect the stiffeners.
2.1. Apparatus and specimens The area to be stiffened was carefully degreased and cleaned prior
to the connection of the stiffeners to reach a perfect connection
Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate the main features of the test apparatus (see Figs. 3–5).
and specimens used in this set of experiments. Two grooved end
plates were made in order to apply the boundary conditions in 2.2. Loading
Control valve
2.3. Measurments
Vacuum pump
Four LVDTs were used to measure the radial displacement of
four points on the specimens. These devices were placed at mid-
Fig. 1. Main features of the test rig.
height of each specimen at each quarter of the circumference in a
symmetrical manner between stiffeners. CEA-06-240UZ-120 strain
gauges (Micro-Measurements, Vishay Precision Group, Inc. USA)
were attached midway between the stiffeners to record the micro-
strain of the specimens.
Table 1
Specimens and stiffeners geometric specifications.
T. Ghanbari Ghazijahani et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 359–366 361
Fig. 3. (a) and (b) Full length stiffeners and (c) partial stiffeners connected to the specimen.
3.1.2. Fully stiffened shells partially stiffened ones. Nonetheless, a truncated conical shape
Fully stiffened specimens were quite stable relative to the was eventually seen for the collapsed specimens (see Figs. 8 and 9).
partially stiffened ones so that the initial buckling occurred in a The reason why this shape was observed is that the bottom plate
relatively more brittle manner. U-shaped yield lines were connected to the specimens–which was made of the same mate-
observed as the full length stiffeners (stringers) caused these rial–allowed the specimens to be dislocated from the groove due
specimens to be less able to shrink circumferentially than the to the existence of an axial loading imposed to the bottom plate.
362 T. Ghanbari Ghazijahani et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 359–366
Fig. 7. Buckled mode of two specimens with partial stiffeners, n¼ 4 (left) and n¼ 8 (right).
Fig. 10. Buckling progress in a typical section for a fully stiffened specimen.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Fig. 11. Buckling progress for the strengthened specimen with n¼ 8 (arrows show the deformation progress).
Fig. 12. Load versus radial displacement curves for partially stiffened specimens with 4 (left) and 6 stiffeners (right).
Fig. 13. Radial displacement for fully stiffened specimens with 6 (left) and 8 stiffeners (right).
edge as seen in Fig. 11. As the buckling waves deepened they after the formation of the entire lobes and collapse of the specimens.
encompassed some thickeners in the post-buckling phase of this In these specimens the initial buckling and overall buckling occurred
specimen. at the same time with the formation of the lobes simultaneously.
The post-buckling stage of the tests exhibited deepening of the
3.2. Load–displacement and strain curves buckled waves accompanied by relevant jumps on the load–displa-
cement curves (see Fig. 12).
Fig. 12 shows the radial displacement versus pressure for two For the fully stiffened specimens the post-buckling stage of
partially stiffened specimens. T1 through T4 specifies the four afore- loading was quite stable (see Fig. 13). The pressure was increased
mentioned LVDTs. It can be seen that the loading was interrupted further up to approximately 60 kPa after the buckling waves had
364 T. Ghanbari Ghazijahani et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 85 (2014) 359–366
Fig. 14. Radial displacement (left) and micro-strain values (right) for the thickened specimens (ECS.8 and ECS.9).
covered the entire specimen. Although the pressure rate was Table 2
rather high relative to the initial buckling capacity of the speci- Experimental buckling load for the present specimens.
mens, no air leakage took place, therefore, a stable post-buckling
Specimens Initial buckling Overall buckling Pstrengthened/ Difference
path is displayed in Fig. 13 for these two specimens. It should be (kPa) (kPa) Pplain (%)
noted that as the fully stiffened specimens were more stable at the
post-buckling stage in terms of deformations, the post-buckling ECS.1 12.6 12.6 1.00 0.0
path of the load–displacement curves for these specimens were ECS.2 15.6 15.6 1.24 23.8
ECS.3 17.4 17.4 1.38 38.1
more stable in comparison with the partially stiffened specimens ECS.4 14.8 17.6 1.17 17.5
(see Figs. 12 and 13). ECS.5 15.4 16.8 1.22 22.2
For the thickened specimens, two strain gauges were attached ECS.6 25.8 30.5 2.05 104.8
with S1 connected in a longitudinal direction and S2 in the ECS.7 25.1 25.1 1.99 99.2
ECS.8 22.3 27.8 1.77 77
circumferential direction. Fig. 14 shows the radial displacement
ECS.9 24.8 25.9 1.97 96.8
and the strain values for the two strengthened specimens with
local thickening.
6. Concluding remarks
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