M.K.Jayarajan Paper Cutting
M.K.Jayarajan Paper Cutting
M.K.Jayarajan Paper Cutting
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Children su ering from intellectual challenges are ‘socially invisible’ since there is a either a misconception or ignorance about the problems they are facing.
Thiruvananthapuram: At least nine lakh children in the state are estimated to su er from mild to severe intellectual disabilities like
mental retardation, autism, Asperger's syndrome, depression and learning disability. This nding, which reportedly reveals only a fraction
of the problem, is laid down in the report of the single-man M K Jayaraj Commission formed to study the problems faced by children
su ering from intellectual disabilities.
The commission has also recommended the formation of the State-level Apex Centre on Intellectual Challenge to tackle what it terms an
“invisible social problem" urgently. “The exact proportion of children su ering from brain-related damages is not known,” said M K
Jayaraj, the single-man commission and the principal of State Institute for the Mentally Challenged.
“Certain studies, however, show that the proportion of children with learning di culties alone is shocking,” he said. His report quotes a
study which has concluded that children with mild to profound learning di culty constitute 10 percent of the student community in the
Jayaraj, who did extensive consultation with child psychologists, notes in his report that there was an extraordinary increase in the
number of children showing problems like schizophrenia and anxiety disorder. “At least nine lakh children are su ering from brain-
related disorders in the state,” the report said.
The Jayaraj Commission report states that children su ering from intellectual challenges are “socially invisible”.
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9/29/2017 Nine lakh kids low in mental health in Kerala
“This is mainly because there is either misconception or plain ignorance about the problems faced by people with brain damage or other
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such intellectual disabilities,” the report states. As a consequence, the study notes, it is easy to exploit parents of such children. “Scienti c
tests have not proven that these conditions, especially damage to brain cells,(/)could be mitigated by treatment or medicines. Even so,
parents fall prey to fake claims of instant remedies,” the report notes. Auto Refresh Search (/search)
It is in this context that the report recommends the formation of the State-level Apex Centre on Intellectual Challenge. The centre will
head a comprehensive network of medical and training centres, and special schools in various parts of the state. The apex centre will
have four regional centres that will organise activities at the district, taluk and panchayat levels.
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