Admit Letter For Online FOREIGN EXCHANGE FACILITIES FOR INDIVIDUALS Examination - Jan 2021 Candidate Details

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Admit Letter for Online FOREIGN EXCHANGE FACILITIES FOR INDIVIDUALS Examination - Jan 2021

Candidate Details

Membership / Registration No. : 510214788


PINCODE: 208014

Subject Name Medium Date Time@ Venue Code Exam Seat No.


ENGLISH 31-Jan-2021 10.00 AM 209402A 008

**(Refer display board at Test Venue)

@ Refer Reporting Time in the Important Instructions
#Candidates are advised to check Institute's Website, a day before the Examination Date, for any
Information/Notice or Change in Examination Venue.
Venue Code Venue Address#

in case of any queries regarding venue, please dial 1800 419 2929 and press option 7.(available on exam day
and previous day only). for all other queries email to
Please note that you need to appear for examination at the above mentioned venue only and will not be permitted from any
other venue
(Your Admit Letters consists of 4 pages which includes Important Instructions, COVID-19 Guidelines to be followed by the
candidates (Annexure I) and Self Declaration form (Annexure A). Kindly go through the instructions carefully, print both
pages and carry the same to the examination venue)
Login Credentials:

LOGIN ID : Your Membership/Registration No. as mentioned above.

Exam Password : J7BZKD



Activities & Timings Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3

Candidate Reporting at the venue of examination 9.30 12.00 2.30

Candidate Entry to computer Lab 9.30 to 9.45 12.00 to 12.15 2.30 to 2.45

Gate Closing 9.45 12.15 2.45

Candidate Login start time for sample test 9.50 12.20 2.50

Exam Start Time 10.00 12.30 3.00

Exam Close Time 12.00 2.30 5.00

a. Candidates are advised to report to the Examination Venue as per the timing mentioned above. No candidate/s will be permitted to enter the Examination Venue/hall after the gate
closing time for any reason whatsoever. Institute has instructed the examination conducting authorities of all the venues to strictly follow the timelines (CANDIDATE
b. No candidate will be permitted to leave the hall in the first 60 minutes from the scheduled start time of the examination.
a. Candidates are required to produce printed copy of admit letter along with Membership identity card or any other valid photo ID card (Aadhaar card/ Employer's card/PAN Card/Driving
License/Election voter's card/Passport etc.) at the examination venue
b. In the absence of printed copy of Admit Letter and Photo Identity Card, candidates will be denied permission to write Examination
c. Admit letter is valid only for the examination, date/s and centre/venue mentioned in the admit letter.
3.Frisking :
a. Examination conducting authorities may do the frisking of candidates before entry to the examination hall/venue, to ensure that candidates do not carry items like mobile phone, any
electronic/smart gadgets, other items which are not allowed in the examination hall. Candidates are required to co-operate with the examination conducting authorities. Candidates who do not
co-operate for frisking activity will be denied entry to the examination hall/venue.
4.Mobile Phones :
a. Mobile phones and other electronic/smart gadgets (except calculator as permissible) are not allowed in the examination hall. It is clarified that mere possession of mobile phone and other
electronic/smart gadgets in the examination hall whether in switch off mode or silent mode shall also be deemed to be resorting to adoption of unfair means in the examination.
b. Institute will not make any arrangement for safe keep of Mobile Phones, electronic/smart gadgets, bags or any other item pertaining to the candidates.
5.Use of calculator :
a. Candidates will be allowed to use battery operated portable calculator in the examination. The calculator can be of any type up to 8 functions i.e. (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division,
Percentage, Sq.-root, Tax+ and Tax -), 12 digits.
b. Attempt to use any other type of calculator not complying with the specifications indicated above or having more features than mentioned above shall tantamount to use of unfair means.
Scientific/Financial calculator is not allowed
6.Provisional Score Card/Result :
a. After submitting of the question paper provisional score card/result will be displayed on the computer screen. This Score card will be sent to the Candidate's email ID as
registered with the Institute. In addition to that, Score card can also be downloaded by the candidate from the Institute's website after 4 working days from the date of
b. Candidate can provide alternate email ID if he wishes to receive the score card on different email ID
c. For all Examinations printed result advices (original as well as duplicate) will not be issued but the same will be available on the Institute's website in printable form once the
results are declared. Candidates are requested to download the same
7.Rules, Penalities for Misconduct / Unfair Practices :
a. Candidates would be able to login to the system only with the password mentioned in the Admit Letter. This password should not be disclosed to others. Keep it safe to avoid the possible misuse
b. Candidates should ensure that they sign the Attendance Sheet.
c. Candidates are required to strictly follow all the instructions given by the examination conducting authority during the examination and adhere to Rules of the examination.
d. Candidates are not permitted to logout/switch-off the computer for the sake of going to washroom and if they log out/switch-off NO re-login, will be permitted. Further the candidates are advised
that the time taken for going to the washroom would be inclusive of the duration of two hours permitted to them to answer the question paper.
e. Candidates should not possess and / or use books, notes, periodicals, etc. in the examination hall at the time of examination / or use mathematical tables, slide rules, stencils etc. during the
f. Communication of any sort between candidates or with outsiders is not permitted and complete silence should be maintained during the examination
g. Copying answers from other candidates/other printed/Electronic material or permitting others to copy or consultation of any kind will attract the rules relating to unfair practices in the
h. No candidate shall impersonate others or allow others to impersonate himself/herself at the examination.
i. No candidate shall misbehave/argue with the Examination Conducting Authorities at the centre.
j. Candidates have to compulsory return any papers given including that given for rough work to invigilator.
k. If the examination could not commence on scheduled time or there is delay due to Failure of power, Technical snag of whatsoever nature or for any such reason having bearing upon the conduct
of examination; candidates have to :-
i. Wait till resumption of power supply/solving of technical snag.
ii. Take-up the examination at other venue arranged by the examination conducting authority.
iii. Follow instructions given by the examination conducting authority.
l. Candidates should not write Questions/Options etc. on the Admit Letter or use it like rough sheet. If Candidate is found doing so he/she shall be deemed to be resorting to adoption of unfair
means in the examination.
m. This examination is confidential. It is made available to the candidates solely for the purpose of assessing qualifications in the discipline referenced in the title of this
examination. Candidates are expressly prohibited from disclosing, publishing, reproducing, or transmitting the questions/options of the examinations, in whole or in part, in
any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the prior express written permission from IIBF. Candidates found doing so,
shall be considered as unlawful act and attract the rules relating to unfair practices.

Violation of any of the Rules / Instructions, misuse of the Admit Letter will be considered to be an act of serious misconduct and the Institute will take action as per the Rules of the examination,
which will also be reported to the employer of the candidate.



Guidelines to be followed by the candidates during the Examinations under COVID-19 Pandemic
1. As a precautionary measure against COVID-19, candidates should reach the exam centre before the reporting time mentioned
in the admit letter, to avoid any delay and crowding at the exam centre at the time of entry and to maintain social distancing
2. Candidates should bring the printed admit letter along with hard copy valid photo identity proof (in original) along with duly
completed Self Declaration Form given in Annexure – A
3. The Self-Declaration Form printed and duly completed should be submitted to the Invigilator
4. Candidates must maintain social distancing & wear mask starting from point of entry in the exam venue till the candidates exit
from the exam venue. Candidates must follow the guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India from
time to time relating to Covid-19 Pandemic
5. The body temperature of the candidates will be checked at the entranceof the exam venue using Thermal Gun and candidates
who are detected with high body temperature may not be allowed entry for the examination
6. Candidates will be frisked using a Handheld Metal Detector but no contact with the body would be ensured
7. Candidates need to maintain a space of at least 01 meter from each other at all the time after reporting to exam venue and
make use of Hand sanitizers and/or Hand Wash made available at the venue during the entire exam process and follow the
instructions provided by centre staff
8. Do NOT bring any prohibited items (electronic gadget, mobile phone, scientific/financial calculator, metal instrument or any
other unauthorized devices etc) to exam centre as there are no arrangements available for safe keeping of your belongings
9. Candidates are advised to use stairs instead of lifts to avoid any risk of contact at the Examination Centre
10 Candidates would NOT be provided with any blank A4 size sheets for rough work at the exam centre, to avoid any risk due to
. contact with an infected person. However, the candidates may use the online rough sheet on the exam screen to do any rough
work/ calculations during the examination
11 Please note that candidates would NOT be provided with any hard copy Scorecard printout at the exam venue, after the
. examination. The scorecard will only be sent over mail to the registered e-mail ID of the candidate's within 03 / 04 working
days from the exam date
12 After reporting to their respective desk, before start of exam, during exam and after completion of the exam, candidates must
. not leave their seats without the permission of the invigilator/centre staff. They must wait for the instructions
13 Candidates are required to co-operate with the examination conducting authorities for conducting the examination smoothly
. under COVID-19 Pandemic environment

(Duly filled Self-Declaration form to be submitted to the invigilator/centre staff)

In the interest of your well-being and that of everyone at the venue. I declare the following

1. I am not experiencing any of the below issues/symptoms:

Fever Sore throat/Runny Nose Cough

Body/Chest pain Breathlessness

2. I have not been in closed contact with a person suffering from Covid-19
3. I am not under mandatory quarantine
(Due to close contact with a person suffering with Covid-19)

Candidate Name :

Membership No :

Subject/Module Name. :

Date/Time of Exam :

Name of the Exam

Centre/Venue :

Exam City :

I may be subject to legal provisioning's/action's as applicable for hiding any facts on Covid-19
infections related to me and causing health hazards to others.

I acknowledge that the information given above is accurate, complete and to the best of my

Date :

Signature :

Mobile no :

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