Chapter 4: Result and Discussion 4.1 Flow of Inventory in PT PJB UBJO&M PLTU REMBANG
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion 4.1 Flow of Inventory in PT PJB UBJO&M PLTU REMBANG
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion 4.1 Flow of Inventory in PT PJB UBJO&M PLTU REMBANG
In the inventory department, has six employees that divided based on their task, one
person in the monitoring staff, four employees to process data, and one person as a supervisor.
Inventory is the part that will record all the materials needed by the company. The first process is
to receive data requests from the user; the user will register the request, and then it will be given
to monitoring staff. The requests will be entered into the system; from monitoring, the requested
file will be given to the Inventory Control Supervisor for inclusion to the SILOG (System Input
Logistic), which will be given a PR (Purchase Requisition) number, if the request does not have
a PR number. The request is not will be processed. After the supervisor, the request will be given
and distributed to four workers in the inventory to enter the request into the system, such as
cataloging, checking, changing catalogs, determining EEP (Engineering Estimated Price), and
others. These requests will be given to workers, according to the supervisor. After the request is
finished, all the data is taken care of. Then the request will be given to the inventory supervisor
to check whether the data processed is correct or not. If it is correct, the requested file will be
signed by a supervisor, then a logistics manager, and approved by the General Manager. If the
requested file has been signed, the request will then be given to the monitoring staff again. After
the monitoring process, the request will be given to the procurement department to process the
desired material.
PO (Purchase Order) is a request that will be used in the purchase of items has a price
value of 10 million and above. The process is carried out if the request is in the form of a PO,
then the process is as stated previously. A list of materials in the report is a list of materials in
Maximo or Ellipse; it can also be called a catalog. If this report does not include a cost value, it
means that the material is new. So do not have an average cost. Besides, this company also uses
a Framework Contract that is used in the case of work to be carried out repeatedly with precise
specifications. Still, the volume and time of the order cannot be determined yet. It can also be
used to bind the provision of consulting services within a specific time to provide assistance
where the time has not yet been determined. For material that the framework contract will be
easier to process than the material that does not have a framework contract.
In the company, the warehouse department is divided into three parts, namely:
4.2.1 Reception
At the reception, the warehouse staff receives physical material stock. Check
administrative requirements as required in the contract. Acceptance can be done partially, the
material stock is checked by the contract carried by the supplier who brings the stock
material orders to the warehouse by completing the administration as required in the contract.
The warehouse prints the Minutes of inspection of items to be signed by the item's inspector
team. The items inspection team checks the material stock, whether it matches the
description required in the contract. If the items received are by the order, minutes of receipt
of items are signed with the note: ACCEPTED. If the material items do not match the order,
the item's inspection team decides that minutes of receipt of items are signed with the note:
REJECTED. The material stock returned to the supplier; then, the warehouse staff enters the
The warehouse staff also places stock material in the warehouse according to the
storeroom and bin location listed at Maximo. The warehouse staff provides identification of
stock material by the item name and description listed at Maximo. Each month the reception
will ask the procurement department what material items will be ordered. If the supplier is
late sending the requested material, it will be reprimanded. Besides, this department will also
make an official report if the items ordered have arrived. This department will prepare a
If the user requires material items, the process starts from the Operation/Maintenance
technician/supervisor checking whether the requested item has been registered in the item
master. Then the Operation/Maintenance technician/supervisor submits the request for items
through the work plant material or material request. Approval of material demand by
Inventory control and warehouse check the item reservation list at Maximo. If the current
balance is greater than or equal to the reservation quantity, the warehouse prepares the
technician/supervisor just need to mention the WO number that requires the items. Inventory
control and warehouse print proof of items picking. Inventory control, warehouse, and
Inventory control and warehouse enter items collection transactions in the warehouse by the
signed packing slip. If the current balance is smaller than the quantity reservation, inventory
For the process of returning material items. The user carries the material to be
returned, completes the return form with information: the item number, description, quantity,
material condition (item can be used, the item cannot be used, repairable, and
unrepairable/waste). The warehouse staff reviews the return form provided by the user. The
user submits the material to be returned to the warehouse. Warehouse staff checks the
condition of material returned by the user, matched to the information contained in the return
form. If it matches the material with the information on the return form, the warehouse signs
the return form, and the form will be submitted to the user as evidence. Staff will enter the
return transaction to Maximo with a return type, and according to material conditions (item
4.2.3 Storage
This part will make the bin location for the storage of items. Then, if the item arrives,
it will be labeled to know the storage, specifications, and amount. Besides, this part also
monitors every item that exists. The amount will be calculated and matched with the system
(ellipse) whether or not the number of items is following the data in the ellipse. Then, if there
is an item that is not by the system, it will be questioned to the parties concerned. If the
system is down, manual data will be recorded, and then it will be informed to the inventory
in at least 2x24 hours. Then this storage section will also make and determine the place to
store material. For items whose return storage will be distinguished from items similar to
other items.
This company uses two software (systems) that will process the inputting of data for all
activities of items and services. Starting from inputting ROP-EOQ, inputting material data
(specifications, quantity, etc.), monitoring items. Both of the software have the same system; it is
just that why to use two software because the material for PLN and PJB are distinguished.
Ellipse is for processing and storing PJB data, while Maximo is for PLN data. Both of this
software will be a reference for monitoring all activities in PT PJB. Maximo is an Enterprise
Asset Management application that has functions for operation, maintenance, and disposal of
assets owned by a company. Maximo is not only used to maintain assets but has more features
than that.
The catalog is the naming of items that have specifications. So when a company wants to
restock items, in this catalog, the staff can see the specifications needed by the company. For
example, on a bolt, the bolt will be cataloged according to its forming material, size, color, brand
name, and so forth. The catalog will be stored in a web application (ellipse). If the item already
cataloged, the company wants to restock the item directly to the division to be processed
immediately. If the catalog is not yet registered, a catalog will be made on the material. Not all
catalogs are made; only items that are quickly used up will be cataloged so that it is quick to
process. Then, items that do not run out fast will not be cataloged. Catalogs that have been
registered can be changed if indeed the material or items needed are not appropriate. For
example, on the size, color, and brand. Well, if the material that has been cataloged will have a
catalog number to indicate if the material has been recorded to the system.
policies. For ROP-EOQ reports, will be made every six months or every semester. In the ROP-
EOQ report, there are four types of reports, namely the list of items based on ABC Analysis,
determine the ROP-EOQ based on the previous semester's data using estimation, for example,
the last semester required five oil drums. Then for the next semester, it is estimated that it
requires 5 or 7 oil drums by the agreement. So the calculation is not adjusted to the existing
formula. Then the determination of items by the ABC Analysis is determined when there is a
workshop/meeting with SCM members. The inventory have a task to find out why the items are
classified in categories A, B, or C because the user/staff knows what is done in the field and the
items needed. The ellipse will record its ROP-EOQ if the material is time to restock, a system
will display a warning to remind the users and inventory staff to make a request form for restock
In this company uses forecasting calculations for one year and uses data from previous
years. However, the supply of these items will still be fulfilled according to user requests. So the
company will do the forecasting in the form of funds. Then the inventory division and warehouse
division are interrelated. So they will work together, but the obstacle is sometimes inventory and
warehouse miss-communication or data incompatibility between the two. At present, this cannot
be handled because data collection is still done manually, and sometimes if someone needs an
item, the person is not to the user but goes directly to the warehouse. Which means that it has not
been entered into the software that governs it. It could be said if PT. PJB UBJO & M
REMBANG uses a pull system. Because the operation process will begin with a request from the
user to do the process. That can minimize the inventory so that there are not many items in the
warehouse. It will be a problem if the system and physical material in the warehouse have a
difference in items.