LSST: From Science Drivers To Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
LSST: From Science Drivers To Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
LSST: From Science Drivers To Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
LSST: from Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
Željko Ivezić,1 Steven M. Kahn,2, 3 J. Anthony Tyson,4 Bob Abel,5 Emily Acosta,2 Robyn Allsman,2
David Alonso,6 Yusra AlSayyad,7 Scott F. Anderson,1 John Andrew,2 James Roger P. Angel,8
George Z. Angeli,9 Reza Ansari,10 Pierre Antilogus,11 Constanza Araujo,2 Robert Armstrong,7
Kirk T. Arndt,6 Pierre Astier,11 Éric Aubourg,12 Nicole Auza,2 Tim S. Axelrod,8 Deborah J. Bard,13
Jeff D. Barr,2 Aurelian Barrau,14 James G. Bartlett,12 Amanda E. Bauer,2 Brian J. Bauman,15
Sylvain Baumont,16, 11 Andrew C. Becker,1 Jacek Becla,13 Cristina Beldica,17 Steve Bellavia,18
Federica B. Bianco,19, 20 Rahul Biswas,21 Guillaume Blanc,10, 22 Jonathan Blazek,23, 24 Roger D. Blandford,3
Josh S. Bloom,25 Joanne Bogart,3 Tim W. Bond,13 Anders W. Borgland,13 Kirk Borne,26 James F. Bosch,7
arXiv:0805.2366v5 [astro-ph] 23 May 2018
Lucianne Walkowicz,77, 78 Brian Walsh,18 Christopher W. Walter,79 Daniel L. Wang,13 Shin-Yawn Wang,35
Michael Warner,60 Oliver Wiecha,2 Beth Willman,2, 8 Scott E. Winters,15 David Wittman,4 Sidney C. Wolff,2
W. Michael Wood-Vasey,80 Xiuqin Wu,35 Bo Xin,2 Peter Yoachim,1 and Hu Zhan81
1 University of Washington, Dept. of Astronomy, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195
2 LSST Project Office, 950 N. Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719
3 Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
4 Physics Department, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
5 Olympic College, 1600 Chester Ave., Bremerton, WA 98337-1699
6 Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH, UK
7 Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
8 Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona, 933 N Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 85721
9 Giant Magellan Telescope Organization (GMTO), 465 N. Halstead Street, Suite 250, Pasadena, CA 91107
10 Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire, CNRS/IN2P3, Université de Paris-Sud, B.P. 34, 91898 Orsay Cedex, France
11 Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, 4
cedex, France
15 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550
16 Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7585, LPNHE, F-75005, Paris, France
17 NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana, IL 61801
18 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973
19 Center for Urban Science & Progress, New York University, Brooklyn, NY 11021
20 Center for Cosmology & Particle Physics, New York University, New York, 10012
21 Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Physics, Stockholm University, SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
22 Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, F-75013 Paris, France
23 Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
24 Institute of Physics, Laboratory of Astrophysics, École Polytechnique Fedèrale de Lausanne (EPFL), Observatoire de Sauverny, 1290
Versoix, Switzerland
25 Astronomy Department, University of California, 601 Campbell Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
26 School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
27 Université Grenoble-Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS/IN2P3 Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules, 9
Montpellier, France
37 Cook Astronomical Consulting, 220 Duxbury CT, San Ramon, CA 94583, USA
38 Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA 98225
39 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, 525 Northwestern Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47907
40 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
41 Department of Physics, Harvard University, 17 Oxford St, Cambridge MA 02138
42 Astronomical Institute, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic
43 Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218
44 Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
45 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
46 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden St., Cambridge MA 02138
47 Astronomy Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 3
CA 95064
68 Las Cumbres Observatory, 6740 Cortona Dr. Suite 102, Santa Barbara, CA 93117
69 Department of Astrophysics/IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands
70 Gemini Observatory, Northern Operations Center, 670 North A’ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
71 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN 37044
72 Belldex IT Consulting, Tucson, AZ 85742
73 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The John Hopkins University, 3701 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218
74 University of Illinois, Physics and Astronomy Departments, 1110 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801
75 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northern Arizona University, PO Box 6010, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA
76 Saint Vincent College, Department of Physics, 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650
77 Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540
78 The Adler Planetarium, 1300 South Lakeshore Ave, Chicago, IL 60605, USA
79 Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708
80 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, 3941 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh PA 15260
81 Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 20A Datun Road,
Major advances in our understanding of the Universe frequently arise from dramatic improvements
in our ability to accurately measure astronomical quantities. Aided by rapid progress in information
technology, current sky surveys are changing the way we view and study the Universe. Next-generation
surveys will maintain this revolutionary progress. We describe here the most ambitious survey currently
planned in the optical, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). A vast array of science will be
enabled by a single wide-deep-fast sky survey, and LSST will have unique survey capability in the
faint time domain. The LSST design is driven by four main science themes: probing dark energy and
dark matter, taking an inventory of the Solar System, exploring the transient optical sky, and mapping
the Milky Way. LSST will be a large, wide-field ground-based system designed to obtain repeated
images covering the sky visible from Cerro Pachón in northern Chile. The telescope will have an 8.4
m (6.5 m effective) primary mirror, a 9.6 deg2 field of view, and a 3.2 Gigapixel camera. The standard
observing sequence will consist of pairs of 15-second exposures in a given field, with two such visits in
each pointing in a given night to identify and constrain the orbits of asteroids. With these repeats,
the LSST system is capable of imaging about 10,000 square degrees of sky in a single filter in three
clear nights. The typical 5σ point-source depth in a single visit in r will be ∼ 24.5 (AB). The system
is designed to yield high image quality as well as superb astrometric and photometric accuracy. The
project is in the construction phase and will begin regular survey operations by 2022. The survey area
4 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
will be contained within 30,000 deg2 with δ < +34.5◦ , and will be imaged multiple times in six bands,
ugrizy, covering the wavelength range 320–1050 nm. About 90% of the observing time will be devoted
to a deep-wide-fast survey mode which will uniformly observe a 18,000 deg2 region about 800 times
(summed over all six bands) during the anticipated 10 years of operations, and will yield a coadded
map to r ∼ 27.5. These data will result in databases including 20 billion galaxies and a similar number
of stars, and will serve the majority of the primary science programs. The remaining 10% of the
observing time will be allocated to special projects such as a Very Deep and Fast time domain survey,
whose details are currently under discussion. We illustrate how the LSST science drivers led to these
choices of system parameters, and describe the expected data products and their characteristics. The
goal is to make LSST data products including a relational database of about 32 trillion observations
of 40 billion objects available to the public and scientists around the world – everyone will be able to
view and study a high-definition color movie of the deep Universe.
Keywords: astronomical data bases: atlases, catalogs, surveys — Solar System — stars — the Galaxy
— galaxies — cosmology
ter initial tests with a commissioning camera and full 90% of the observing time will be devoted to a deep-
commissioning with the main camera, the ten year sky wide-fast (main) survey mode. The working paradigm
survey is projected to begin in 2022. is that all scientific investigations will utilize a common
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overall sum- database constructed from an optimized observing pro-
mary of the main LSST science drivers and how they gram (the main survey mode), such as that discussed in
led to the current system design parameters (§ 2), to § 3.1. Here we briefly describe these science goals and
describe the anticipated data products (§ 3), and to pro- the most challenging requirements for the telescope and
vide a few examples of the science programs that LSST instrument that are derived from those goals, which will
will enable (§ 4). The community involvement is dis- inform the overall system design decisions discussed be-
cussed in § 5, and broad educational and societal im- low. For a more detailed discussion, we refer the reader
pacts of the project in § 6. Concluding remarks are pre- to the LSST Science Requirements Document (Ivezić
sented in § 7. This publication will be maintained at the & The LSST Science Collaboration 2011), the LSST site3 , and will also be available from the LSST Science Book (LSST Science Collaboration et al. 2009,
website ( The latest arXiv version hereafter SciBook), and links to technical papers and
of this paper should be consulted and referenced for the presentations at
most up-to-date information about the LSST system.
2.1. The Main Science Drivers
The main science drivers are used to optimize various
system parameters. Ultimately, in this high-dimensional
The most important characteristic that determines parameter space, there is a manifold defined by the to-
the speed at which a system can survey a given sky area tal project cost. The science drivers must both justify
to a given flux limit (i.e., its depth) is its étendue (or this cost, as well as provide guidance on how to opti-
grasp), the product of its primary mirror area and the mize various parameters while staying within the cost
angular area of its field of view (for a given set of ob- envelope.
serving conditions, such as seeing and sky brightness). Here we summarize the dozen or so most important
The effective étendue for LSST will be greater than 300 interlocking constraints on data and system properties
m2 deg2 , which is more than an order of magnitude placed by the four main science themes:
larger than that of any existing facility. For example,
the SDSS, with its 2.5-m telescope (Gunn et al. 2006) 1. The depth of a single visit to a given field;
and a camera with 30 imaging CCDs (Gunn et al. 1998),
2. Image quality;
has an effective étendue of only 5.9 m2 deg2 .
The range of scientific investigations which will be en- 3. Photometric accuracy;
abled by such a dramatic improvement in survey capa-
bility is extremely broad. Guided by the community- 4. Astrometric accuracy;
wide input assembled in the report of the Science Work- 5. Optimal exposure time;
ing Group of the LSST in 2004 (Science Working Group
of the LSST & Strauss 2004), the LSST is designed to 6. The filter complement;
achieve goals set by four main science themes:
7. The distribution of revisit times (i.e., the cadence
1. Probing Dark Energy and Dark Matter; of observations), including the survey lifetime;
2. Taking an Inventory of the Solar System; 8. The total number of visits to a given area of sky;
3. Exploring the Transient Optical Sky; 9. The coadded survey depth;
4. Mapping the Milky Way. 10. The distribution of visits on the sky, and the total
sky coverage;
Each of these four themes itself encompasses a vari-
ety of analyses, with varying sensitivity to instrumental 11. The distribution of visits per filter; and
and system parameters. These themes fully exercise the
technical capabilities of the system, such as photomet- 12. Parameters characterizing data processing and
ric and astrometric accuracy and image quality. About data access (such as the maximum time allowed
after each exposure to report transient sources,
and the maximum allowed software contribution
3 to measurement errors).
6 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
We present a detailed discussion of how these science- Weak lensing (WL) techniques can be used to map the
driven data properties are transformed to system pa- distribution of mass as a function of redshift and thereby
rameters below. trace the history of both the expansion of the Uni-
verse and the growth of structure (e.g., Hu & Tegmark
2.1.1. Probing Dark Energy and Dark Matter 1999; for recent reviews see Kilbinger 2015; Mandel-
baum 2017). Measurements of cosmic shear as a func-
Current models of cosmology require the existence of
tion of redshift allow determination of angular distances
both dark matter and dark energy to match observa-
versus cosmic time, providing multiple independent con-
tional constraints (Riess et al. 2007; Komatsu et al. 2009;
straints on the nature of dark energy. These investiga-
Percival et al. 2010; LSST Dark Energy Science Col-
tions require deep wide-area multi-color imaging with
laboration 2012; Weinberg et al. 2015), and references
stringent requirements on shear systematics in at least
therein). Dark energy affects the cosmic history of both
two bands, and excellent photometry in at least five
the Hubble expansion and mass clustering. Distinguish-
bands to measure photometric redshifts (a requirement
ing competing models for the physical nature of dark en-
shared with LSS, and indeed all extragalactic science
ergy, or alternative explanations involving modifications
drivers). The strongest constraints on the LSST im-
of the General Theory of Relativity, will require percent
age quality arise from this science program. In order
level measurements of both the cosmic expansion and
to control systematic errors in shear measurement, the
the growth of dark matter structure as a function of
desired depth must be achieved with many short expo-
redshift. Any given cosmological probe is sensitive to,
sures (allowing for systematics in the measurement of
and thus constrains degenerate combinations of, several
galaxy shapes related to the PSF and telescope point-
cosmological and astrophysical/systematic parameters.
ing to be diagnosed and removed). Detailed simula-
Therefore the most robust cosmological constraints are
tions of weak lensing techniques show that imaging over
the result of using interlocking combinations of probes.
∼ 20, 000 deg2 to a 5σ point-source depth of rAB ∼ 27.5
The most powerful probes include weak gravitational
gives adequate signal to measure shapes for of order 2
lens cosmic shear (WL), galaxy clustering and baryon
billion galaxies for weak lensing. These numbers are
acoustic oscillations (LSS), the mass function and clus-
adequate to reach Stage IV goals for dark energy, as de-
tering of clusters of galaxies, time delays in lensed quasar
fined by the Dark Energy Task Force (Albrecht et al.
and supernova systems (SL), and photometry of type
2006). This depth, and the corresponding deep sur-
Ia supernovae (SN) – all as functions of redshift. Us-
face brightness limit, optimize the number of galaxies
ing the cosmic microwave background fluctuations as
with measured shapes in ground-based seeing, and al-
the normalization, the combination of these probes can
low their detection in significant numbers to beyond a
yield the needed precision to distinguish among mod-
redshift of two. Analyzing these data will require sophis-
els of dark energy (see e.g., Zhan 2006, and references
ticated data processing techniques. For example, rather
therein). The challenge is to turn this available precision
than simply coadding all images in a given region of sky,
into accuracy, by careful modeling and marginalization
the individual exposures, each with their own PSF and
over a variety of systematic effects (see e.g., Krause &
noise characteristics, should be analyzed simultaneously
Eifler 2017).
to optimally measure the shapes of galaxies (Tyson et al.
Meanwhile, there are a number of astrophysical probes
2008; Jee & Tyson 2011).
of the fundamental properties of dark matter worth ex-
Type Ia supernovae provided the first robust evidence
ploring, including, for example, weak and strong lensing
that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating (Riess
observations of the mass distribution in galaxies and iso-
et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999). To fully exploit
lated and merging clusters, in conjunction with dynami-
the supernova science potential, light curves sampled in
cal and X-ray observations (see e.g., Dawson et al. 2012;
multiple bands every few days over the course of a few
Newman et al. 2013; Rocha et al. 2013), the numbers
months are required. This is essential to search for sys-
and gamma-ray emission from dwarf satellite galaxies
tematic differences in supernova populations (e.g., due
(see e.g., Hargis et al. 2014; Drlica-Wagner et al. 2015),
to differing progenitor channels) which may masquerade
the subtle perturbations of stellar streams in the Milky
as cosmological effects, as well as to determine photo-
Way halo by dark matter substructure (Belokurov &
metric redshifts from the supernovae themselves. Unlike
Koposov 2016), and massive compact halo object mi-
other cosmological probes, even a single object gives in-
crolensing (Alcock et al. 2001).
formation on the relationship between redshift and dis-
Three of the primary Dark Energy probes, WL, LSS
tance. Thus a large number of SN across the sky allows
and SN, provide unique and independent constraints on
one to search for any dependence of dark energy prop-
the LSST system design (SciBook Ch. 11–15).
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 7
erties on direction, which would be an indicator of new The small-body populations in the Solar System,
physics. The results from this method can be compared such as asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and
with similar measures of anisotropy from the combina- comets, are remnants of its early assembly. The history
tion of WL and LSS (Zhan et al. 2009). Given the ex- of accretion, collisional grinding, and perturbation by
pected SN flux distribution at the redshifts where dark existing and vanished giant planets is preserved in the
energy is important, the single visit depth should be at orbital elements and size distributions of those objects.
least r ∼ 24. Good image quality is required to separate Cataloging the orbital parameters, size distributions,
SN photometrically from their host galaxies. Observa- colors and light curves of these small-body populations
tions in at least five photometric bands will allow proper requires a large number of observations in multiple fil-
K-corrected light curves to be measured over a range ters, and will lead to insights into planetary formation
of redshift. Carrying out these K-corrections requires and evolution by providing the basis and constraints
that the calibration of the relative offsets in photomet- for new theoretical models. In addition, collisions in the
ric zero points between filters and the system response main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter still occur,
functions, especially near the edges of bandpasses, be and occasionally eject objects on orbits that may place
accurate to about 1% (Wood-Vasey et al. 2007), sim- them on a collision course with Earth. Studying the
ilar to the requirements from photometric redshifts of properties of main belt asteroids at sub-kilometer sizes
galaxies. Deeper data (r > 26) for small areas of the is important for linking the near-Earth Object (NEO)
sky can extend the discovery of SN to a mean redshift population with its source in the main belt. About 20%
of 0.7 (from ∼ 0.5 for the main survey), with some ob- of NEOs, the potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs),
jects beyond z ∼1 (Garnavich et al. 2004; Pinto et al. are in orbits that pass sufficiently close to Earth’s orbit,
2004, SciBook Ch. 11). The added statistical leverage on to within 0.05 AU, that perturbations on time scales
the “pre-acceleration” era (z & 1) would improve con- of a century can lead to the possibility of collision. In
straints on the properties of dark energy as a function December 2005, the U.S. Congress directed5 NASA to
of redshift. implement a survey that would catalog 90% of NEOs
Finally, there will be powerful cross checks and com- with diameters larger than 140 meters by 2020.
plementarities with other planned or proposed surveys, Discovering and linking objects in the Solar System
such as Euclid (Laureijs et al. 2011) and WFIRST moving with a wide range of apparent velocities (from
(Spergel et al. 2015), which will provide wide-field several degrees per day for NEOs to a few arc seconds
optical-IR imaging from space; DESI (Levi et al. 2013) per day for the most distant TNOs) places strong con-
and PFS (Takada et al. 2014), which will measure spec- straints on the cadence of observations, requiring closely
troscopic BAO with millions of galaxies; and SKA4 spaced pairs of observations (two or preferably three
(radio). Large survey volumes are key to probing dy- times per lunation) in order to link detections unam-
namical dark energy models (with sub-horizon dark biguously and derive orbits (SciBook Ch. 5). Individual
energy clustering or anisotropic stresses). The cross- exposures should be shorter than about 30 seconds to
correlation of the three-dimensional mass distribution – minimize the effects of trailing for the majority of mov-
as probed by neutral hydrogen in CHIME (Newburgh ing objects. The images must be well sampled to en-
et al. 2014), HIRAX (Newburgh et al. 2016) or SKA, able accurate astrometry, with absolute accuracy of at
or galaxies in DESI and PFS – with the gravitational least 0.1 arcsec in order to measure orbital parameters
growth probed by tomographic shear in LSST will be a of TNOs with enough precision to constrain theoreti-
complementary way to constrain dark energy properties cal models and enable prediction of occultations. The
beyond simply characterizing its equation of state and photometry should be better than 1–2% to measure as-
to test the underlying theory of gravity. Current and fu- teroids’ colors and thus determine their types. The dif-
ture ground-based CMB experiments, such as Advanced ferent filters should be observed over a short time span
ACT (De Bernardis et al. 2016), SPT-3G (Benson et al. to reduce apparent variations in color due to changes in
2014), Simons Observatory, and CMB Stage-4 (Abaza- observing geometry, but should be repeated over many
jian et al. 2016), will also offer invaluable opportunities lunations in order to determine phase curves and allow
for cross-correlations with secondary CMB anisotropies. shape modeling.
The Congressional mandate can be fulfilled with a
2.1.2. Taking an Inventory of the Solar System 10-meter-class telescope equipped with a multi-gigapixel
camera, and a sophisticated and robust data processing to detect the parallax microlensing signal of intermedi-
system (Ivezić et al. 2007a). The images should reach a ate mass black holes and measure their masses (Gould
depth of at least 24.5 (5σ for point sources) in the r band 1992). It would open the possibility of discovering popu-
to reach high completeness down to the 140 m mandate lations of binaries and planets via transits (e.g., Beaulieu
for NEOs. Such an instrument would probe the ∼100 et al. 2006; Drake et al. 2010; Choi et al. 2013; Batista
m size range at main-belt distances, and discover rare et al. 2014), as well as obtaining spectra of lensed stars
distant TNOs such as Sedna (Brown et al. 2004) and in distant galaxies.
2012 VP113 (Trujillo & Sheppard 2014). A deep and persistent survey will discover precursors
of explosive and eruptive transients, generate large sam-
2.1.3. Exploring the Transient Optical Sky ples of transients whose study has thus far been limited
by small sample size (e.g., different subtypes of core col-
Recent surveys have shown the power of measuring
lapse SN, Bianco et al. 2014.)
variability of celestial sources for studying gravitational
Time series ranging between one minute and ten years
lensing, searching for supernovae, determining the phys-
cadence should be probed over a significant fraction
ical properties of gamma-ray burst sources, discovering
of the sky. The survey’s cadence will be sufficient,
gravitational wave counterparts, probing the structure
combined with the large coverage, to serendipitously
of active galactic nuclei, studying variable star popula-
catch very short-lived events, such as eclipses in ultra-
tions, discovering exoplanets, and many other subjects
compact double degenerate binary systems (Anderson
at the forefront of astrophysics (SciBook Ch. 8; Law
et al. 2005), to constrain the properties of fast faint tran-
et al. 2009; Djorgovski et al. 2012; Rowe et al. 2014).
sients (such as optical flashes associated with gamma-
Time-domain science has diverse requirements for
ray bursts; Bloom et al. 2008), to detect electromag-
transient and variable phenomena that are physically
netic counterparts to gravitational wave sources (Nis-
and phenomenologically heterogeneous. It requires large
sanke et al. 2013; Scolnic et al. 2018) and to further con-
area coverage to enhance the probability of detecting
strain the properties of new classes of transients discov-
rare events; good image quality to enable differencing of
ered by programs such as the Deep Lens Survey (Becker
images, especially in crowded fields; good time sampling,
et al. 2004), the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
necessary to distinguish different types of variables and
(Drake et al. 2009), the Palomar Transient Factory (Law
to infer their properties (e.g., determining the intrinsic
et al. 2009), and the Zwicky Transient Factory (Bellm
peak luminosity of Type Ia supernovae requires measur-
2014). Observations over a decade will enable the study
ing their light curve shape); accurate color information
of long period variables, intermediate mass black holes,
to classify variable objects; long term persistent obser-
and quasars (Kaspi et al. 2007; MacLeod et al. 2010;
vations to characterize slow-evolving transients (e.g.,
Graham et al. 2014; Chapline & Frampton 2016).
tidal disruption events, super luminous supernovae at
The next frontier in this field will require measuring
high redshift, and luminous blue variables); and rapid
the colors of fast transients, and probing variability at
data reduction, classification, and reporting to the com-
faint magnitudes. Classification of transients in close-
munity to allow immediate follow-up with spectroscopy,
to-real time will require access to the full photometric
further optical photometry, and imaging in other wave-
history of the objects, both before and after the transient
event (e.g., Mahabal et al. 2011).
Wide area, dense temporal coverage to deep limiting
magnitudes will enable the discovery and analysis of rare
2.1.4. Mapping the Milky Way
and exotic objects such as neutron stars and black hole
binaries, novae and stellar flares, gamma-ray bursts and A major challenge in extragalactic cosmology today
X-ray flashes, active galactic nuclei, stellar disruptions concerns the formation of structure on sub-galactic
by black holes (Bloom et al. 2011; Gezari et al. 2012), scales, where baryon physics becomes important, and
and possibly new classes of transients, such as binary the nature of dark matter may manifest itself in ob-
mergers of supermassive black holes (Shields & Bonning servable ways (e.g. Weinberg et al. 2015). The Milky
2008), chaotic eruptions on stellar surfaces (Arnett & Way and its environment provide a unique dataset for
Meakin 2011), and, further yet, completely unexpected understanding the detailed processes that shape galaxy
phenomena. formation and for testing the small-scale predictions of
Such a survey would likely detect microlensing by stars our standard cosmological model. New insights into
and compact objects in the Milky Way, but also in the the nature and evolution of the Milky Way will re-
Local Group and perhaps beyond (de Jong et al. 2008). quire wide-field surveys to constrain its structure and
Given the duration of the LSST it will also be possible accretion history. Further insights into the stellar pop-
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 9
ity across the sky of 10 mmag and band-to-band 9. The coadded survey depth should reach r ∼ 27.5,
calibration errors not larger than 5 mmag. These with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in other bands
requirements are driven by the need for high pho- to address both extragalactic and Galactic science
tometric redshift accuracy, the separation of stellar drivers.
populations, detection of low-amplitude variable
objects (such as eclipsing planetary systems), and 10. The distribution of visits per filter should en-
the search for systematic effects in type Ia super- able accurate photometric redshifts, separation of
nova light curves. stellar populations, and sufficient depth to en-
able detection of faint extremely red sources (e.g.,
4. Astrometric precision should maintain the limit brown dwarfs and high-redshift quasars). Detailed
set by the atmosphere, of about 10 mas per visit simulations of photometric redshift uncertainties
at the bright end (on scales below 20 arcmin). This suggest roughly similar number of visits among
precision is driven by the desire to achieve a proper bandpasses (but because the system throughput
motion accuracy of 0.2 mas yr−1 and parallax ac- and atmospheric properties are wavelength depen-
curacy of 1.0 mas over the course of a 10-year sur- dent, the achieved depths are different in different
vey (see § 3.2.3). bands). The adopted time allocation (see Table 1)
5. The single visit exposure time should be less than includes a slight preference to the r and i bands
about a minute to prevent trailing of fast moving because of their dominant role in star/galaxy sep-
objects and to aid control of various systematic aration and weak lensing measurements.
effects induced by the atmosphere. It should be
11. The distribution of visits on the sky should ex-
longer than ∼20 seconds to avoid significant effi-
tend over at least ∼18,000 deg2 to obtain the re-
ciency losses due to finite readout, slew time, and
quired number of galaxies for WL studies, with
read noise. As described above, we are planning
attention paid to include “special” regions such as
to split each visit into two exposures.
the Ecliptic and Galactic planes, and the Large
6. The filter complement should include at least six and Small Magellanic Clouds (if in the Southern
filters in the wavelength range limited by atmo- Hemisphere). For comparison, the full area that
spheric absorption and silicon detection efficiency can be observed at airmass less than 2.0 from any
(320–1050 nm), with roughly rectangular filters mid-latitude site is about 30,000 deg2 .
and no large gaps in the coverage, in order to
enable robust and accurate photometric redshifts 12. Data processing, data products and data access
and stellar typing. An SDSS-like u band (Fukugita should result in data products that approach the
et al. 1996) is extremely important for separating statistical uncertainties in the raw data; i.e., the
low-redshift quasars from hot stars, and for es- processing must be close to optimal. To enable
timating the metallicities of F/G main sequence fast and efficient response to transient sources, the
stars. A bandpass with an effective wavelength processing latency for variable sources should be
of about 1 micron would enable studies of sub- less than a minute, with a robust and accurate
stellar objects, high-redshift quasars (to redshifts preliminary characterization
of ∼7.5), and regions of the Galaxy that are ob- of all reported variables.
scured by interstellar dust.
Remarkably, even with these joint requirements, none
7. The revisit time distribution should enable deter-
of the individual science programs is severely over-
mination of orbits of Solar System objects and
designed, i.e., despite their significant scientific diver-
sample SN light curves every few days, while ac-
sity, these programs are highly compatible in terms of
commodating constraints set by proper motion
desired data characteristics. Indeed, any one of the four
and trigonometric parallax measurements.
main science drivers could be removed, and the remain-
8. The total number of visits of any given area of sky, ing three would still yield very similar requirements for
when accounting for all filters, should be of the most system parameters. As a result, the LSST system
order of 1,000, as mandated by WL science, the can adopt a highly efficient survey strategy in which
search for NEOs, and proper motion and trigono- a single dataset serves most science programs (instead
metric parallax measurements. Studies of tran- of science-specific surveys executed in series). One can
sient sources also benefit from a large number of view this project as massively parallel astrophysics. The
visits. vast majority (about 90%) of the observing time will be
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 11
Table 1. The LSST Baseline Design and Survey Parameters delivered image quality be dominated by atmospheric
seeing at the chosen site (Cerro Pachón in Northern
Quantity Baseline Design Specification Chile). A larger field-of-view would lead to unaccept-
Optical Config. 3-mirror modified Paul-Baker able deterioration of the image quality. This constraint
Mount Config. Alt-azimuth leaves the primary mirror diameter and survey lifetime
Final f-ratio, aperture f/1.234, 8.4 m as free parameters. The adopted survey lifetime of 10
Field of view, étendue 9.6 deg2 , 319 m2 deg2 years is a compromise between a shorter time that leads
Plate Scale 50.9 µm/arcsec (0.2” pix) to an excessively large and expensive mirror (15 m for
Pixel count 3.2 Gigapix a 3 year survey and 12 m for a 5 year survey) and not
Wavelength Coverage 320 – 1050 nm, ugrizy as effective proper motion measurements, and a smaller
Single visit depths, designa 23.9, 25.0, 24.7, 24.0, 23.3, 22.1 telescope that would require more time to complete the
Single visit depths, min.b 23.4, 24.6, 24.3, 23.6, 22.9, 21.7 survey, with the associated increase in operations cost.
Mean number of visitsc 56, 80, 184, 184, 160, 160
The primary mirror size is a function of the required
survey depth and the desired sky coverage. By and
Final (coadded) depthsd 26.1, 27.4, 27.5, 26.8, 26.1, 24.9
large, the anticipated science outcome scales with the
a Design specification from the Science Requirements Document
number of detected sources. For practically all astro-
(SRD; Ivezić & The LSST Science Collaboration 2011) for 5σ nomical source populations, in order to maximize the
depths for point sources in the ugrizy bands, respectively. The
number of detected sources, it is more advantageous to
listed values are expressed on the AB magnitude scale, and cor-
respond to point sources and fiducial zenith observations (about
maximize the area first, and then the detection depth7 .
0.2 mag loss of depth is expected for realistic airmass distribu- For this reason, the sky area for the main survey is max-
tions, see Table 2 for more details). imized to its practical limit, 18,000 deg2 , determined by
b Minimum specification from the Science Requirements Docu- the requirement to avoid airmasses less than 1.5, which
ment for 5σ depths.
would substantially deteriorate the image quality and
the survey depth (see eq. 6).
c An illustration of the distribution of the number of visits as a
With the adopted field-of-view area, the sky cover-
function of bandpass, taken from Table 24 in the SRD.
age and the survey lifetime fixed, the primary mirror
d Idealized depth of coadded images, based on design specification diameter is fully driven by the required survey depth.
for 5σ depth and the number of visits in the penultimate row There are two depth requirements: the final (coadded)
(taken from Table 24 in the SRD). survey depth, r ∼ 27.5, and the depth of a single visit,
r ∼ 24.5. The two requirements are compatible if the
number of visits is several hundred per band, which is
in good agreement with independent science-driven re-
devoted to a deep-wide-fast survey mode of the sort we quirements on the latter.
have just described, with the remaining 10% allocated The required coadded survey depth provides a direct
to special programs which will also address multiple sci- constraint, independent of the details of survey execu-
ence goals. Before describing these surveys in detail, we tion such as the exposure time per visit, on the minimum
discuss the main system parameters. effective primary mirror diameter of 6.4 m, as illustrated
in Fig. 2.
2.2. The Main System Design Parameters 2.2.2. The Optimal Exposure Time
Given the minimum science-driven constraints on the The single visit depth depends on both the primary
data properties listed in the previous section, we now mirror diameter and the chosen exposure time, tvis . In
discuss how they are translated into constraints on the turn, the exposure time determines the time interval
main system design parameters: the aperture size, the to revisit a given sky position and the total number of
survey lifetime, the optimal exposure time, and the filter
7 If the total exposure time is doubled and used to double the
2.2.1. The Aperture Size survey area, the number of sources increases by a factor of two.
If the survey area is kept fixed, the increased exposure time will
The product of the system’s étendue and the survey result in ∼0.4 mag deeper data (see eq. 6). For cumulative source
lifetime, for given observing conditions, determines the counts described by log(N ) = C + k ∗ m, the number of sources
will increase by more than a factor of two only if k > 0.75. Apart
sky area that can be surveyed to a given depth. The from z < 2 quasars, practically all populations have k at most 0.6
LSST field-of-view area is maximized to its practical (the Euclidean value), and faint stars and galaxies have k < 0.5.
limit, ∼10 deg2 , determined by the requirement that the For more details, please see Nemiroff (2003).
12 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
10 deg2
tvis Asky
n= days,
10 sec 10, 000 deg2 AFOV
where two visits per night are assumed (required
for efficient detection of Solar System objects, see
below), and the losses for realistic observing condi-
tions have been taken into account (with the aid of
the Operations Simulator described below). Sci-
ence drivers such as supernova light curves and Figure 2. The coadded depth in the r band (AB magni-
moving objects in the Solar System require that tudes) vs. the effective aperture and the survey lifetime. It
n < 4 days, or equivalently tvis < 40 seconds for is assumed that 22% of the total observing time (corrected
for weather and other losses) is allocated for the r band, and
the nominal values of Asky and AF OV .
that the ratio of the surveyed sky area to the field-of-view
area is 2,000.
• The number of visits to a given position on the sky,
Nvisit , with losses for realistic observing conditions
taken into account, is given by Taking these constraints simultaneously into account,
as summarized in Fig. 3, yielded the following reference
3000 T
Nvisit = . (2)
n 10 yr 1. A primary mirror effective diameter of ∼6.5 m.
The requirement Nvisit > 800 again implies that With the adopted optical design, described below,
n < 4 and tvis < 40 seconds if the survey lifetime, this effective diameter corresponds to a geometri-
T is about 10 years. cal diameter of ∼8 m. Motivated by characteristics
of the existing equipment at the Steward Mirror
• These three requirements place a firm upper limit Laboratory, which fabricated the primary mirror,
on the optimal visit exposure time of tvis < 40 the adopted geometrical diameter is set to 8.4 m.
seconds. Surveying efficiency (the ratio of open- 2. A visit exposure time of 30 seconds (using two 15
shutter time to the total time spent per visit) con- second exposures to efficiently reject cosmic rays;
siderations place a lower limit on tvis due to fi- the possibility of a single exposure per visit, to im-
nite detector read-out and telescope slew time (the prove observing efficiency, will be investigated dur-
longest acceptable read-out time is set to 2 sec- ing the commissioning phase), yielding = 77%.
onds, the shutter open-and-close time is 2 seconds,
and the slew and settle time is set to 5 seconds, in- 3. A revisit time of 3 days on average for 10,000 deg2
cluding the read-out time for the second exposure of sky, with two visits per night.
in a visit):
To summarize, the chosen primary mirror diameter is
= . (3) the minimum diameter that simultaneously satisfies the
tvis + 9 sec depth (r ∼ 24.5 for single visit and r ∼ 27.5 for coadded
To maintain efficiency losses below ∼30% (i.e., at depth) and cadence (revisit time of 3–4 days, with 30
least below the limit set by the weather patterns), seconds per visit) constraints described above.
and to minimize the read noise impact, tvis > 20
2.3. System Design Trade-offs
seconds is required.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 13
1.0 5.5
0.8 u g r z y
Flux (ergs/cm2/s/Angstrom)
Throughput (0-1)
0.2 2.0
0.0300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1.0
5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (Angstrom)
Figure 4. The LSST bandpasses. The vertical axis shows Figure 5. An example of determination of the atmospheric
the total throughput. The computation includes the atmo- opacity by simultaneously fitting a three-parameter stellar
spheric transmission (assuming an airmass of 1.2, dotted model SED (Kurucz 1979) and six physical parameters of
line), optics, and the detector sensitivity. a sophisticated atmospheric model (MODTRAN, Anderson
et al. 1999) to an observed F-type stellar spectrum (Fλ ). The
black line is the observed spectrum and the red line is the
ing photometric redshifts of galaxies (Budavári et al.
best fit. Note that the atmospheric water feature around
2003), separation of stellar populations (Lenz et al. 1998; 0.9–1.0 µm is exquisitely well fit. The components of the
Helmi et al. 2003), and photometric selection of quasars best-fit atmospheric opacity are shown in Fig. 6. Adapted
(Richards et al. 2002; Ross et al. 2012). The extension of from Burke et al. (2010).
the SDSS system to longer wavelengths (the y band at
∼1 micron) is driven by the increased effective redshift
range achievable with the LSST due to deeper imag-
ing, the desire to study sub-stellar objects, high-redshift
quasars, and regions of the Galaxy that are obscured by
interstellar dust, and the scientific opportunity enabled
by modern CCDs with high quantum efficiency in the
near infrared.
The chosen filter complement corresponds to a design
“sweet spot”. We have investigated the possibility of
replacing the ugrizy system with a filter complement
that includes only five filters. For example, each filter
width could be increased by 20% over the same wave-
length range (neither a shorter wavelength range, nor
gaps in the wavelength coverage are desirable options),
but this option is not satisfactory. Placing the red edge
of the u band blueward of the Balmer break allows op-
timal separation of stars and quasars, and the telluric
water absorption feature at 9500 Å effectively defines the
Figure 6. The components of the best-fit atmospheric opac-
blue edge of the y band. Of the remaining four filters
ity used to model the observed stellar spectrum shown in
(griz), the g band is already quite wide. As a last op- Fig. 5. The atmosphere model (MODTRAN, Anderson et al.
tion, the riz bands could be redesigned as two wider 1999) includes six components: water vapor (blue), oxy-
bands. However, this option is also undesirable because gen and other trace molecules (green), ozone (red), Rayleigh
the r and i bands are the primary bands for weak lensing scattering (cyan), a gray term with a transmission of 0.989
studies and for star/galaxy separation, and chromatic (not shown) and an aerosol contribution proportional to λ−1
atmospheric refraction would worsen the point spread and extinction of 1.3% at λ=0.675 µm (not shown). The
black line shows all six components combined. Adapted from
function for a wider bandpass.
Burke et al. (2010).
2.5. The Calibration Methods
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 15
Precise determination of the point spread function bration from the task of assigning absolute optical flux
across each image, accurate photometric and astromet- to celestial objects.
ric calibration, and continuous monitoring of system Celestial sources will be used to refine the internal
performance and observing conditions will be needed to photometric system and to monitor stability and uni-
reach the full potential of the LSST mission. Extensive formity of the photometric data. We expect to use Gaia
precursor data including the SDSS dataset and our own Collaboration et al. (2016) photometry, utilising the BP
data obtained using telescopes close to the LSST site of and RP photometric measurements as well as the G
Cerro Pachón (e.g., the SOAR and Gemini South tele- magnitudes; for a subset of stars (e.g. F-subdwarfs)
scopes), as well as telescopes of similar aperture (e.g., we expect to be able to transfer this rigid photomet-
Subaru), indicate that the photometric and astrometric ric system above the atmosphere to objects observed
accuracy will be limited not by our instrumentation or by LSST. There will be >100 main-sequence stars with
software, but rather by atmospheric effects. 17 < r < 20 per detector (14×14 arcmin2 ) even at
The overall photometric calibration philosophy (Stubbs high Galactic latitudes. Standardization of photomet-
& Tonry 2006) is to measure explicitly, at 1 nm resolu- ric scales will be achieved through direct observation of
tion, the instrumental sensitivity as a function of wave- stars with well-understood spectral energy distributions
length using light from a monochromatic source injected (SEDs), in conjunction with the in-dome calibration sys-
into the telescope pupil. The dose of delivered photons tem and the atmospheric transmission spectra.
is measured using a calibration photodiode whose quan- Astrometric calibration will be based on the results
tum efficiency is known to high accuracy. In addition, from the Gaia mission (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016),
the LSST system will explicitly measure the atmospheric which will provide numerous high-accuracy astrometric
transmission spectrum associated with each image ac- standards in every LSST field.
quired. A dedicated 1.2-meter auxiliary calibration
telescope will obtain spectra of standard stars in LSST 2.6. The LSST Reference Design
fields, calibrating the atmospheric throughput as a func- We briefly describe the reference design for the main
tion of wavelength (Stubbs et al. 2007, see Figs. 5 and LSST system components. Detailed discussion of the
6). The LSST auxiliary telescope will take data at lower flow-down from science requirements to system design
spectral resolution (R ∼ 150) but wider spectral cov- parameters, and extensive system engineering analysis
erage (340nm — 1.05µm) than shown in these figures, can be found in the LSST Science Book (Ch. 2–3).
using a slitless spectrograph and an LSST corner-raft
CCD. Celestial spectrophotometric standard stars can 2.6.1. Telescope and Site
be used as a separate means of photometric calibration,
The large LSST étendue is achieved in a novel three-
albeit only through the comparison of band-integrated
mirror design (modified Paul-Baker Mersenne-Schmidt
fluxes with synthetic photometry calculations.
system; Angel et al. 2000) with a very fast f /1.234 beam.
A similar calibration process has been undertaken by
The optical design has been optimized to yield a large
the Dark Energy Survey (DES) team, which has been
field of view (9.6 deg2 ), with seeing-limited image qual-
approaching a calibration precision of 5 mmag (Burke
ity, across a wide wavelength band (320–1050 nm). In-
et al. 2018).
cident light is collected by an annular primary mirror,
SDSS, PS1, and DES data taken in good photomet-
having an outer diameter of 8.4 m and inner diameter
ric conditions have approached the LSST requirement of
of 5.0 m, creating an effective filled aperture of ∼6.4 m
1% photometric calibration (Padmanabhan et al. 2008;
in diameter once vignetting is taken into account. The
Schlafly et al. 2012; Burke et al. 2018), although mea-
collected light is reflected to a 3.4 m convex secondary,
surements with ground-based telescopes typically pro-
then onto a 5 m concave tertiary, and finally into the
duce data with errors a factor of two or so larger. Anal-
three refractive lenses of the camera (see Fig. 7). In
ysis of repeated SDSS scans obtained in varying ob-
broad terms, the primary-secondary mirror pair acts as
serving conditions demonstrates that data obtained in
a beam condenser, while the aspheric portion of the sec-
non-photometric conditions can also be calibrated with
ondary and tertiary mirror acts as a Schmidt camera.
sufficient accuracy (Ivezić et al. 2007b), as long as high-
The three-element refractive optics of the camera cor-
quality photometric data also exist in the region. The
rect for the chromatic aberrations induced by the ne-
LSST calibration plan builds on this experience gained
cessity of a thick dewar window and flatten the focal
from the SDSS and other surveys.
surface. During design optimization, the primary and
The planned calibration process decouples the estab-
tertiary mirror surfaces were placed such that the pri-
lishment of a stable and uniform internal relative cali-
mary’s inner diameter coincides with the tertiary’s outer
16 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
tal stresses on the telescope. The primary-tertiary mir- rect. We thank E. Mamajek for pointing out this error to us.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 17
Figure 14. The LSST data flow from the mountain facilities in Chile to the data access center and processing center in the
U.S., and the satellite processing center in France.
Archiving Facility at the National Center for Supercom- necessary data access and orchestration middleware, as
puting Applications (NCSA) in Champaign-Urbana, IL; well as the database and user interface components.
and the Satellite Processing Facility at CC-IN2P3 in Algorithm development for the LSST software builds
Lyon, France. All real-time data processing and half on the expertise and experience of prior large astronom-
the data release product processing will take place at ical surveys (including SDSS, Pan-STARRS, DES, Su-
the Data Processing and Archiving Facility, which will perMACHO, ESSENCE, DLS, CFHTLS, and UKIDSS).
also serve as the Data Access Center for the US commu- The pipelines written for these surveys have demon-
nity. The other half of the data release processing will strated that it is possible to carry out largely au-
be done at CC-IN2P3, which will also have the role of tonomous data reduction of large datasets, automated
“Long-term Storage” facility. detection of sources and objects, and the extraction
The data will be transported between the centers over of scientifically useful characteristics of those objects.
existing and new high-speed optical fiber links from While firmly footed in this prior history, the LSST soft-
South America to the U.S. (see Fig. 14). The data pro- ware stack has largely been written anew, for reasons
cessing center demands stable, well-tested technology to of performance, extendability, and maintainability. All
ensure smooth operations. Hence, while LSST is mak- LSST codes have been designed and implemented follow-
ing a novel use of advances in information technology, ing software engineering best practices, including mod-
it is not pushing the expected technology to the limit, ularity, clear definition of interfaces, continuous integra-
reducing the overall risk to the project. tion, utilization of unit testing, and a single set of doc-
umentation and coding standards (Jenness et al. 2018).
2.6.4. The LSST software stack The primary implementation language is Python and,
where necessary for performance reasons, C++13 .
The LSST Software Stack is the data processing and
The LSST data management software has been proto-
analysis system developed by the LSST Project to en-
typed for over eight years. Besides processing simulated
able LSST survey data reduction and delivery. It com-
prises all science pipelines needed to accomplish LSST
data processing tasks (e.g., calibration, single frame 13 All components implemented in C++ have been wrapped and
processing, coaddition, image differencing, multi-epoch exposed as Python modules to the rest of the system. Typical
users should not have to work directly with the C++ layer.
measurement, asteroid orbit determination, etc.), the
20 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
to the required level of fidelity, that the data manage- the correlation between, for example, seasonal weather
ment software can extract the appropriate astrophysical patterns and observing conditions at any given point on
signals, and that this can be achieved with sufficient effi- the sky. In addition, down time for observatory mainte-
ciency such that the telescope can complete its primary nance is also included.
objectives within a ten-year survey. The signal-to-noise ratio of each observation is deter-
Realizing these objectives requires that the project mined using a sky background model which includes the
can characterize the performance of the LSST includ- dark sky brightness in each filter, the effects of seeing
ing the performance of the opto-mechanical systems, and atmospheric transparency, and a detailed model for
the response of the detectors and their electronics, and scattered light from the Moon and/or twilight at each
the capabilities of the analysis software. A simulation observation (Yoachim et al. 2016). The time taken to
framework provides such a capability; delivering a vir- move from one observation to the next is given by a de-
tual prototype LSST against which design decisions, op- tailed model of the camera, telescope, and dome. It in-
timizations (including descoping), and trade studies can cludes such effects as the acceleration/deceleration pro-
be evaluated (Connolly et al. 2014). files employed in moving the telescope, the dome, and
The framework underlying the LSST simulations is the wind screen, the time needed to damp vibrations ex-
designed to be extensible and scalable (i.e., capable of cited by each slew, cable wrap, the time taken for active
being run on a single processor or across many-thousand optics lock and correction as a function of slew distance,
core compute clusters). It comprises four primary com- and the time for filter changes and focal plane readout.
ponents: a simulation of the survey scheduler (§ 2.7.1), Observations are scheduled by a ranking algorithm.
databases of simulated astrophysical catalogs of stars, After a given exposure, all possible next observations
galaxies, quasars and Solar System objects (§ 2.7.2), a are assigned a score which depends upon their locations,
system for generating observations based on the point- times, and filters according to a set of scientific require-
ing of the telescope, and a system for generating realistic ments which can vary with time and location. For ex-
LSST images of a given area of sky (§ 2.7.3). Compu- ample, if an ecliptic field has been observed in the r
tationally intensive routines are written in C/C++ with band, the score for another r-band observation of the
the overall framework and database interactions using same field will initially be quite low, but it will rise in
P ython. The purpose of this design is to enable the time to peak about an hour after the first observation,
generation of a wide range of data products for use by and decline thereafter. This algorithm results in obser-
the collaboration; from all-sky catalogs used in simula- vations being acquired as pairs roughly an hour apart,
tions of the LSST calibration pipeline, to studies of the which enables efficient association of NEO detections.
impact of survey cadence on recovering variability, to To ensure uniform sky coverage, fields with fewer previ-
simulated images of a single LSST focal plane. ous observations will be scored more highly than those
which have already been observed more frequently.
2.7.1. The LSST Operations Simulator Once all possible next observations have been scored
for scientific priority, their scores are modified according
The LSST Operations Simulator (Delgado et al. 2014)
to observing conditions (e.g., seeing, airmass, and sky
was developed to enable a detailed quantitative analysis
brightness) and to criteria such as slew time to move
of the various science tradeoffs described in this paper.
from the current position, time required to change fil-
It contains detailed models of site conditions, hardware
ters, etc. The highest-ranked observation is then per-
and software performance, and an algorithm for schedul-
formed, and the cycle repeats. The result of a simulator
ing observations which will, eventually, drive the largely
run is a detailed history of which locations on the sky
robotic observatory. Observing conditions include a
were observed when, in what filter, and with what sky
model for seeing derived from an extensive body of on-
background, seeing and other observing conditions. It
site MASS/DIMM (Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor
takes a few days to produce a decade-long simulation
and Differential Image Motion Monitor) measurements
using an average PC.
obtained during site selection and characterization (see
Results of the simulated surveys can be visualized
Fig. 1). It not only reproduces the observed seeing dis-
and analyzed using a Python-based package called the
tribution, but includes the auto-correlation spectrum of
Metrics Analysis Framework (MAF; Jones et al. 2014).
seeing with time over intervals from minutes to seasons.
MAF provides tools to analyze the properties of a survey
Weather data are taken from ten years of hourly mea-
(e.g. the distribution of airmasses) through the creation
surements at nearby Cerro Tololo. Thus the simulator
of functions or metrics that are applied to OpSim out-
correctly represents the variation of limiting magnitude
puts. These metrics can express the expected technical
between pairs of observations used to detect NEOs and
22 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
performance of the survey, such as the number of visits assigned to each star using the three-dimensional Galac-
per field or the integrated depth after 10 years, as well tic model of Amôres & Lépine (2005). To provide con-
as the science capabilities or a survey, such as the num- sistency with the modeling of extragalactic fluxes in the
ber of supernovae detected or the number of supernovae simulations, the dust model in the Milky Way integrated
with sufficient observations to have a well-characterized to 100 kpc is re-normalized to match the Schlegel et al.
light curve. (1998) dust maps.
Galaxy catalogs are derived from the Millennium sim-
2.7.2. Catalog Generation ulations of De Lucia et al. (2006). These models ex-
tend pure dark matter N-body simulations to include
The simulated astronomical catalogs (CatSim; Con-
gas cooling, star formation, supernovae and AGN, and
nolly et al. 2014) are stored in an SQL database. This
are designed to reproduce the observed colors, luminosi-
base catalog is queried using sequences of observations
ties, and clustering of galaxies as a function of redshift.
derived from the Operations Simulator. Each simulated
To generate the LSST simulated catalogs, a light cone,
pointing provides a position and time of the observa-
covering redshifts 0 < z < 6, was constructed from 58
tion together with the appropriate sky conditions (e.g.,
simulation snapshots 500 h−1 Mpc on a side. This light
seeing, moon phase and angle, sky brightness and sky
cone extends to a depth of approximately r = 28 and
transparency). Positions of sources are propagated to
covers a 4.5◦ ×4.5◦ footprint on the sky. Replicating this
the time of observation (including proper motions for
catalog across the sky simulates the full LSST footprint.
stars and orbits for Solar System sources). Magnitudes
As with the stellar catalog, an SED is fit to the colors
and source counts are derived using the atmospheric and
of each source using Bruzual & Charlot (2003) spectral
filter response functions appropriate for the airmass of
synthesis models. These fits are undertaken separately
the observation and after applying corrections for source
for the bulge and disk components and, for the disk,
variability. The resulting catalogs are then formatted to
include inclination-dependent reddening. Morphologies
be output to users, or to be fed into an image simulator.
are modeled using two Sérsic profiles. The bulge-to-disk
The current version of the LSST simulation framework
ratio and disk scale lengths are taken from De Lucia
incorporates galaxies derived from an N-body simulation
et al. (2006). Half-light radii for bulges are estimated
of a ΛCDM cosmology, quasars/AGNs, stars that match
using the empirical absolute-magnitude vs. half-light
the observed stellar distributions within our Galaxy, as-
radius relation given by González et al. (2009). Compar-
teroids generated from simulations of our Solar Sys-
isons between the redshift and number-magnitude dis-
tem, and a 3-D model for Galactic extinction. Stel-
tributions of the simulated catalogs with those derived
lar sources are based on the Galactic structure models
from deep imaging and spectroscopic surveys showed
of Jurić et al. (2008) and include thin-disk, thick-disk,
that the De Lucia et al. (2006) models under-predict
and halo star components. The distribution and col-
the density of sources at faint magnitudes and high red-
ors of the stars match those observed by SDSS. Each
shifts. To correct for these effects, sources are cloned in
star in the simulation is matched to a template spectral
magnitude and redshift space until their densities reflect
energy distribution (SED). Kurucz (1993) model spec-
the average observed properties.
tra are used to represent main-sequence F, G, and K
Quasar/AGN catalogs are generated using the Bon-
stars as well as RGB stars, blue horizontal branch stars,
giorno et al. (2007) luminosity function for MB < −15.
and RR Lyrae variables. SEDs for white dwarf stars
Their observed SEDs are generated using a composite
are taken from Bergeron et al. (1995). SEDs for M,
rest-frame spectrum derived from SDSS data by Vanden
L, and T dwarfs are generated from a combination of
Berk et al. (2001). The host galaxy is selected to have
spectral models and stacks of spectra from the SDSS
the closest match to the preferred stellar mass and color
(e.g., Cushing et al. 2005; Bochanski et al. 2007; Burrows
at the AGN’s redshift, following the results from Xue
et al. 2006; Pettersen & Hawley 1989; Kowalski et al.
et al. (2010). Each galaxy hosts at most one AGN, and
2010). The adopted metallicity for each star is based on
no explicit distinction is made between low-luminosity
a model from Ivezić et al. (2008), and proper motions
AGN and quasars that dramatically outshine their host
are based on the kinematic model of Bond et al. (2010).
galaxies. The light curve for each AGN is generated
Light curve templates are assigned to a subset of the
using a damped random walk model and prescriptions
stellar population so that variability may also be simu-
given by MacLeod et al. (2010).
lated. This assignment and variability are matched to
Asteroids are simulated using the Solar System mod-
variability trends observed by the Kepler satellite, and
els of Grav et al. (2007). They include: Near Earth Ob-
augmented by simulated distributions of RR-Lyrae and
jects (NEOs), Main Belt Asteroids, the Trojans of Mars,
Cepheids. For Galactic reddening, a value of E(B−V ) is
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 23
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, Trans Neptunian niques in a fast ray-tracing algorithm and all optical
Objects, and Centaurs. Spectral energy distributions surfaces include a spectrum of perturbations based on
are assigned using the C and S type asteroids of DeMeo design tolerances. Each optic moves according to its
et al. (2009). Positions for the 11 million asteroids in the six degrees of freedom within tolerances specified by
simulation are stored within the base catalog (sampled the LSST system. Fast techniques for finding intercepts
once per night for the ten year duration of the LSST sur- on the aspheric surface and altering the trajectory of
vey). We generate accurate ephemerides of all asteroids a photon by reflection or wavelength-dependent refrac-
falling within a given LSST point using the OpenOrb tion have been implemented to optimize the efficiency of
software package (Granvik et al. 2009). With typically the simulated images. Wavelength and angle-dependent
8000 sources per LSST field of view, this procedure sig- transmission functions are incorporated within each of
nificantly reduces the computational resources required these techniques, including simulation of the telescope
to simulate asteroid ephemerides. spider.
Both GalSim and PhoSim model the propagation of
2.7.3. Image Simulations photons through the silicon of the detector. The conver-
sion probability, refraction as a function of wavelength
The framework described above provides a parametrized
and temperature, and charge diffusion within the sili-
view of the sky above the atmosphere. Images are sim-
con are modeled for all photons. Photons are pixelated
ulated using two packages: GalSim (Rowe et al. 2015),
and the readout process simulated including blooming,
and Phosim (Peterson et al. 2015). Galsim is a modu-
charge saturation, charge transfer inefficiency, gain and
lar and open-source package that provides a library for
offsets, hot pixels and columns, the dependence of the
simulating stars and galaxies through a range of modern
image size on intensity (a.k.a. the “brighter-fatter” ef-
astronomical telescopes. Point-spread-functions (PSFs)
fect), and QE variations.
are treated as either analytic functions or modeled from
An example of a simulated LSST image using PhoSim
ray-traced optics. Convolutions by the PSF can be
is shown in Fig. 17.
applied to parameterized galaxy profiles (e.g. Sérsic
profiles) or to directly observed images. Operations are 3. ANTICIPATED DATA PRODUCTS AND THEIR
applied in Fourier space to enable an effective trade-off CHARACTERISTICS
between speed of simulation and accuracy. GalSim is
written in C++ with a Python API and is integrated The LSST observing strategy is designed to maximize
within the LSST CatSim framework. the scientific throughput by minimizing slew and other
Phosim is an open-source package that simulates im- downtime and by making appropriate choices of the fil-
ages by drawing photons from the spectral energy dis- ter bands given the real-time weather conditions. Using
tribution of each source (scaled to the appropriate flux simulated surveys produced with the Operations Sim-
density based on the apparent magnitude of a source and ulator described in § 2.7.1, we illustrate predictions of
accounting for the spatial distribution of light for ex- LSST performance with two examples.
tended sources). Each photon is ray-traced through the
atmosphere, telescope and camera to generate a CCD 3.1. The Baseline LSST Surveys
image. The atmosphere is modeled using a Taylor frozen The fundamental basis of the LSST concept is to scan
screen approximation (with the atmosphere described the sky deep, wide, and fast, and to obtain a dataset that
by six layers). The density fluctuations within these simultaneously satisfies the majority of the science goals.
screens are described by a Kolmogorov spectrum with We present here a specific realization, the so-called “uni-
an outer scale (typically 10 m to 200 m). All screens versal cadence”, which yields the main deep-wide-fast
move during an exposure, with velocities derived from survey and meets our core science goals. However, at
NOAA measurements of the wind velocities above the this writing, there is a vigorous discussion of cadence
LSST site in Chile. Typical velocities are on the order plans in the LSST community, exploring variants and
of 20 m s−1 , and are found to have a seasonable de- alternatives that enhance various specific science pro-
pendence that is modeled when generating the screens. grams, while maintaining the science requirements de-
Each photon’s trajectory is altered due to refraction as scribed in the SRD.
it passes through each screen. The main deep-wide-fast survey will use about 90%
After the atmospheric refraction, the photons in of the observing time. The remaining 10% of the ob-
PhoSim are reflected and refracted by the optical sur- serving time will be used to obtain improved coverage
faces within the telescope and camera. The mirrors of parameter space such as very deep (r ∼ 26) obser-
and lenses are simulated using geometric optics tech- vations, observations with very short revisit times (∼1
24 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
Figure 17. A simulated image of a single LSST CCD using PhoSim (covering a 13.3 × 13.3 arcmin2 region of the sky). The
image is a color composite (Lupton et al. 2004) from a set of 30 second gri visits.
minute), and observations of “special” regions such as visits separated by 15–60 minutes. This strategy will
the Ecliptic plane, Galactic plane, and the Large and provide motion vectors to link detections of moving ob-
Small Magellanic Clouds. jects in the Solar System, and fine-time sampling for
3.1.1. The Main Deep-Wide-Fast Survey and its measuring short-period variability. The ranking criteria
extensions also ensure that the visits to each field are widely dis-
tributed in position angle on the sky and rotation angle
The observing strategy for the main survey will be
of the camera in order to minimize systematic effects in
optimized for the homogeneity of depth and number of
galaxy shape determination.
visits. In times of good seeing and at low airmass, pref-
The universal cadence provides most of LSST’s power
erence is given to r-band and i-band observations. As
for detecting Near Earth Objects (NEO) and Kuiper
often as possible, each field will be observed twice, with
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 25
main survey visits are coadded, they would extend the Table 2. The Parameters From Eqs. 5 and 6
depth to r ∼ 28.
This data set would be excellent for a wide variety u g r i z y
of science programs. The individual sequences would be msky 22.99 22.26 21.20 20.48 19.60 18.61
sensitive to 1% variability on sub-minute time scales, al- θb 0.81 0.77 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.68
lowing discovery of planetary eclipses and of interstellar θef f c 0.92 0.87 0.83 0.80 0.78 0.76
scintillation effects, expected when the light of a back- γd 0.038 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
ground star propagates through a turbulent gas medium km e 0.491 0.213 0.126 0.096 0.069 0.170
(Moniez 2003; Habibi et al. 2011). If these fields were Cm f 23.09 24.42 24.44 24.32 24.16 23.73
selected at Galactic latitudes of |b| ∼ 30 deg, they would m5 g 23.78 24.81 24.35 23.92 23.34 22.45
include about 10 million stars with r < 21 observed with ∆Cm ∞h
0.62 0.18 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.04
signal-to-noise ratio above 100 in each visit. When sub- ∆Cm (2)i 0.23 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02
sequences from a given night were coadded, they would ∆m5 j 0.21 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.14
provide dense time sampling to a faint limit of r ∼ 26.5 a
and would enable deep searches for SN, trans-Neptunian The expected median zenith sky brightness at Cerro
objects, and other faint transient, moving and variable Pachón (AB mag arcsec−2 ).
sources. For example, the SN sample would be extended The expected delivered median zenith seeing (FWHM, arc-
to redshifts of z ∼ 1.2, with more densely sampled light sec). The seeing approximately scales with airmass, X, as
curves than obtained from the universal cadence. Such X 0.6 .
sequences would also serve as excellent tests of our pho- The effective zenith seeing (arcsec) used for m5 computa-
tometric calibration procedures. tion.
The LSST has already selected four distant extra- The band-dependent parameter from Eq. 5.
galactic survey fields14 that the project guarantees to e
Adopted atmospheric extinction.
observe as Deep Drilling Fields with deeper coverage and f
more frequent temporal sampling than provided by the The band-dependent parameter from Eq. 6.
standard LSST observing pattern. These fields (Elias The typical 5σ depth for point sources at zenith, assuming
S1, XMM-LSS, Extended Chandra Deep Field-South, exposure time of 2×15 sec, and observing conditions as
and COSMOS) are well-studied survey fields with sub- listed. For larger airmass the 5σ depth is brighter; see the
stantial existing multiwavelength coverage and other bottom row.
positive attributes. These four fields are only the first The loss of depth due to instrumental noise (assuming 9 e−
chosen for deep-drilling observations. The project plans per pixel and readout, and two readouts per visit).
a community call for white papers suggesting additional i
Additive correction to Cm when exposure time is doubled
deep drilling fields and other specialized observing ca- from its fiducial value to 60 sec.
dences. j The loss of depth at airmass of X = 1.2 due to seeing
3.2. Detailed Analysis of Simulated Surveys degradation and increased atmospheric extinction.
teroid belt, and 0.46 mag for v = 1.0 deg. day−1 , typical
0.4 0.4
of PHAs passing near Earth. PHAs are characterized by
their “absolute magnitude” H, i.e., their apparent mag- 0.2 0.2
nitude if they were placed 1 AU from both the Sun and 0.0 0.0
the Earth, with a phase angle of 0◦ . For a given albedo, 2015 2020 2025
2030 2035 2015 2020 2025
2030 2035
Table 3. The expected proper motion, par- vatory (Monet et al. 2003). The expected proper motion
allax and accuracy for a 10-year long baseline and parallax errors for a 10-year long baseline survey, as
survey. a function of apparent magnitude, are summarized in
Table 3. Blue stars (e.g., F/G stars) fainter than r ∼ 23
r σxy a σπ b σµ c σ1 d σC e
will have about 50% larger proper motion and parallax
mag mas mas mas/yr mag mag errors than given in the table due to decreased numbers
21 11 0.6 0.2 0.01 0.005 of z and y band detections. The impact on red stars is
22 15 0.8 0.3 0.02 0.005 smaller due to a relatively small number of observations
23 31 1.3 0.5 0.04 0.006 in the u and g bands, but extremely red objects, such
24 74 2.9 1.0 0.10 0.009 as L and T dwarfs, will definitely have larger errors, de-
pending on details of their spectral energy distributions.
a Typical astrometric accuracy (rms per coor-
After the first three years of the survey, the proper mo-
dinate per visit). tion errors will be about five times as large, and parallax
b Parallax accuracy for 10-year long survey. errors will be about twice as large, as the values given in
c Proper motion accuracy for 10-year long Table 3; the errors scale as t−3/2 and t−1/2 , respectively.
survey. This error behavior is a strong independent argument for
d Photometric error for a single visit (two 15- a survey lifetime of at least 10 years (c.f. § 2).
For comparison with Table 3, the SDSS-POSS proper
second exposures).
motion measurements have an accuracy of ∼5 mas yr−1
e Photometric error for coadded observations
per coordinate at r = 20 (Munn et al. 2004). Gaia is
(see Table 1). expected to deliver parallax errors of 0.3 mas and proper
motion errors of 0.2 mas yr−1 at its faint end at r ∼
20 (Perryman et al. 2001). Hence, LSST will smoothly
extend Gaia’s error vs. magnitude curve 4 magnitudes
HSC data from the Subaru telescope reduced with the fainter (for illustration, see fig. 21 in Ivezić et al. 2012).
LSST software stack indicate that systematic errors of
10 mas on spatial scales of several arcminutes are real- 3.3. Data Products and Archive Services
istic even at this stage of maturity of the code; results Data collected by the LSST telescope and camera will
reported by DES (Bernstein et al. 2017) indicate as- be automatically processed to data products – catalogs,
trometric residuals of ∼ 7 mas for 30 s exposures in a alerts, and reduced images – by the LSST Data Manage-
4m, with scope for further improvements from denser ment system (§ 2.6.3). These products are designed to
astrometric standard grids. Even a drift-scanning sur- enable a large majority of LSST science cases, without
vey such as SDSS delivers uncorrelated systematic errors the need to work directly with the raw pixels. We give
(dominated by seeing effects) at the level of 20-30 mas a high-level overview of the LSST data products here;
(measured from repeated scans; Pier et al. 2003); the further details may be found in the LSST Data Products
expected image quality for LSST will be twice as good Definition Document (Jurić et al. 2017b).
as for SDSS. Furthermore, there are close to 1000 galax- Two major categories of data products will be pro-
ies per sensor with r < 22, which will provide exquisite duced and delivered by LSST DM:
control of systematic astrometric errors as a function of
magnitude, color and other parameters, and thus enable • Prompt products17 , designed to support the
absolute proper motion measurements. discovery, characterization, and rapid follow-up of
Given the observing sequence for each sky position in time-dependent phenomena (“transient science”).
the main survey as produced by the Operations Simula- These will be generated continuously every ob-
tor (§ 2.7.1), we generate a time sequence of mock astro- serving night, by detecting and characterizing
metric measurements, with random and statistical errors sources in images differenced against deep tem-
modeled as described above. The astrometric transfor- plates. They will include alerts to objects that
mations for a given CCD and exposure, and proper mo-
tion and parallax for all the stars from a given CCD, are 17 Historically, these have been referred to as “Level 1 Data
simultaneously solved for using an iterative algorithm. Products”, but going forward we prefer to use the more descrip-
The astrometric transformations from pixel to sky co- tive Prompt Products designation. Note that the old terminology
ordinates are modeled using low-order polynomials and is still in use in present-day LSST documents and code; new and
updated documents will gradually transition to the new, descrip-
standard techniques developed at the U.S. Naval Obser- tive, nomenclature used in this paper.
30 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
were newly discovered, or have changed bright- on suitable linear combinations of input images
ness or position at a statistically significant level. (with careful propagation of PSFs and noise). An
The alerts to such events will be published within extended source model – a constrained linear com-
60 seconds of observation; we expect several mil- bination of two Sérsic profiles – and a point source
lion alerts per night. model with proper motion – will generally be fit-
ted to each detected object20 .
In addition to transient science, the prompt prod-
ucts will support discovery and follow-up of ob- Secondly, for the extended source model fits, the
jects in the Solar System. Objects with motions LSST will characterize and store the shape of the
sufficient to cause trailing in a single exposure will associated likelihood surface (and the posterior),
be identified and flagged as such when the alerts and not just the maximum likelihood values and
are broadcast. Those that are not trailed will be covariances. The characterization will be accom-
identified and linked based on their motion from plished by sampling, with up to ∼200 (indepen-
observation to observation, over a period of a few dent) likelihood samples retained for each object.
days. Their orbits as derived by MOPS will be For storage cost reasons, these samples may be
published within 24 hours of identification. The retained only for those bands of greatest interest
efficiency of linking (and thus the completeness of for weak lensing studies.
the resulting orbit catalog) will depend on the fi-
nal observing cadence chosen for LSST, as well as As described in § 3.1.2, approximately 10% of the ob-
the performance of the linking algorithm (§ 3.2.2). serving time will be devoted to mini-surveys that do not
follow the LSST baseline cadence. The data products for
• Data release products18 are designed to enable these programs will be generated using the same process-
systematics- and flux-limited science, and will be ing system and will be released on the same timescale
made available in annual Data Releases19 . These as the rest of the survey; any specialized processing that
will include the (reduced and raw) single-epoch these require will be the responsibility of the community.
images, deep coadds of the observed sky, cata- While a large majority of science cases will be ad-
logs of objects detected in LSST data, catalogs of equately served by prompt and data release products,
sources (the detections and measurements of ob- more specialized investigations may benefit from cus-
jects on individual visits), and catalogs of “forced tom, user-created, products derived from the LSST
sources” (measurements of flux on individual vis- data. These could be new catalogs created by sim-
its at locations where objects were detected by ple post-processing of the LSST data release catalogs,
LSST or other surveys). LSST data releases will entirely new data products generated by running cus-
also include fully reprocessed prompt products, tom code on raw LSST imaging data, or something in-
as well as all metadata and software necessary between. We will make it possible for the end-users to
for the end-user to reproduce any aspect of LSST create (or use) such user-generated21 products at the
data release processing. LSST Data Facility, using the services offered within the
LSST Science Platform (§ 3.3.1).
A noteworthy aspect of LSST data release pro-
cessing is that it will largely rely on multi-epoch 3.3.1. The LSST Science Platform
model fitting, or MultiFit, to perform near-
optimal characterization of object properties. The LSST Science Platform (Jurić et al. 2017a) repre-
That is, while the coadds will be used to per- sents LSST’s vision for a large-scale astronomical data
form object detection, the measurement of their archive that can enable effective research with datasets
properties will be performed by simultaneously of LSST size and complexity. It builds on recent trends
fitting (PSF-convolved) models to all single-epoch in remote data analysis, and practical experiences in the
observations. It is not yet clear to what extent we astronomical context gathered by projects such as the
will be able to make some of these measurements JHU SciServer (Raddick et al. 2017), Gaia GAVIP (Vagg
et al. 2016), or NOAO Datalab (Fitzpatrick et al. 2016).
18 These have been referred to as “Level 2 Data Products” in
the past; as with their “Level 1” counterparts, we will use the 20 For performance reasons, it is likely that only the point source
more descriptive nomenclature going forward. model will be fitted in the most crowded regions of the Galactic
19 The first-year data will probably be split into two data re- plane.
leases. 21 Formerly known as “Level 3 Data Products”.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 31
The LSST Science Platform will be a set of web appli- served for the LSST Science Platform needs, and to be
cations (portals) and services through which the users shared by all LSST DAC users. Based on the current
will access the LSST data products and, if desired, con- plans and technology projections, these equate to ap-
duct remote analyses or create user generated products. proximately 2,400 cores, 4 PB of file storage, and 3 PB
The platform makes this possible through three user- of database storage at the beginning of LSST operations
facing aspects: (in 2022).
• The web Portal, designed to provide the essen-
tial data access and visualization services through
a simple-to-use website. It will enable querying The design and optimization of the LSST system
and browsing of the available datasets in ways the leverages its unique capability to scan a large sky area
users are accustomed to at archives such as IRSA, to a faint flux limit in a short amount of time. The
MAST, or the SDSS archive. main product of the LSST system will be a multi-color
ugrizy image of about half the sky to unprecedented
• The JupyterLab aspect, that will provide a
depth (r ∼ 27.5). For a comparison, one of the best
Jupyter22 Notebook-like interface and is geared to-
analogous contemporary datasets is that of SDSS, which
wards enabling next-to-the-data remote analysis.
provides ugriz images of about a quarter of the sky to
A large suite of commonly used astronomical soft-
r ∼ 22.5, with twice as large seeing (see Figs. 20 and 21).
ware, including the LSST software stack (§ 2.6.4),
A major advantage of LSST is the fact that this deep sky
will be made available through this interface. The
map will be produced by taking hundreds of shorter ex-
user experience will be nearly identical to working
posures (see Table 1). Each sky position within the main
with Jupyter notebooks locally, except that com-
survey area will be observed close to 1000 times, with
putation and analysis will occur with resources
time scales spanning seven orders of magnitude (from
provided at the LSST Data Access Center. This
30 sec to 10 years), and produce roughly thirty trillion
is an implementation of the “bringing computa-
photometric measures of celestial sources.
tion to the data” paradigm: rather than imposing
It is not possible to predict all the science that LSST
the burden of downloading, storing, and process-
data will enable. We now briefly discuss a few projects
ing (potentially large) subsets of LSST data at
to give a flavor of anticipated studies, organized by the
their home institutions, we make it possible for
four science themes that drive the LSST design (al-
the users to bring their codes and perform anal-
though some projects span more than one theme). For
yses at the LSST DAC. This reduces the barrier
an in-depth discussion of LSST science cases, we refer
to entry and shortens the path to science for the
the reader to the LSST Science Book, and more special-
LSST science community.
ized documents discussing cosmology (LSST Dark En-
• The Web API aspect will expose the LSST DAC ergy Science Collaboration 2012; Zhan & Tyson 2018),
services to other software tools and services us- galaxy science (Robertson et al. 2017), and synergy with
ing commonly accepted formats and protocols23 . other ground-based and space-based facilities (Najita
This interface will open the possibility for remote et al. 2016; Jain et al. 2015; Rhodes et al. 2017).
access and analysis of the LSST data set using
applications that the users are already comfort- 4.1. Probing Dark Energy and Dark Matter
able with such as TOPCAT (Taylor 2005), or li- A unique aspect of LSST as a probe of dark energy
braries such as Astropy (Astropy Collaboration and dark matter is the use of multiple cross-checking
et al. 2013; Jenness et al. 2016). Furthermore, the probes that reach unprecedented precision (see Fig. 22).
offered APIs will allow for federation with other Any given probe constrains degenerate combinations of
astronomical archives, bringing added value to the cosmological parameters, and each probe is affected by
LSST dataset. different systematics, thus the combination of probes al-
Approximately 10% of the total budget for the LSST lows systematics to be calibrated and for degeneracies
Data Facility compute and storage capacity has been re- to be broken. Dark energy manifests itself in two ways.
The first is the relationship between redshift and dis-
tance (the Hubble diagram), or equivalently the expan-
sion rate of the Universe as a function of cosmic time.
For example, industry-standard protocols such as WebDAV
may be used to expose file data, or Virtual Observatory protocols The second is the rate at which matter clusters with
such as TAP and SIAP may be used for access to catalogs and time. Structure formation involves a balance between
images respectively. gravitational attraction of matter over-densities and the
32 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
Figure 20. A comparison of ∼ 7.5 × 7.5 arcmin2 images of Figure 21. A comparison of angular resolution for 20 × 20
the same area of sky (centered on α=9h 200 4700 and δ=30◦ arcsec2 images obtained by the SDSS (top, median seeing
80 1200 ) obtained by the SDSS (top, r < 22.5) and the Deep of 1.5 arcsec) and expected from LSST (bottom, seeing of
Lens Survey (bottom, r < 24.5). These are gri composites, 0.7 arcsec). The images show a lensed SDSS quasar (SDSS
colorized following Lupton et al. (2004). The depth gain for J1332+0347, Morokuma et al. 2007); the bottom image was
the bottom image is mostly due to the lower surface bright- taken with Suprime-cam at Subaru. Adapted from Bland-
ness limit, which is also responsible for the apparent increase ford & LSST Strong Lensing Science Collaboration (2007).
of galaxy sizes. LSST will obtain ∼100 gri color images to
the same depth (∼200 for the riz composites) of each point
over half the Celestial sphere (18,000 deg2 , equivalent to 1.15 rapid expansion of the background. Thus, quantifying
million ∼ 7.5 × 7.5 arcmin2 regions), and with better seeing. the rate of growth of structures from early times until
After their coaddition, the final image will be another ∼ 3 the present provides additional tests of the energy con-
mag deeper (a faint limit of r = 27.5 for point sources). tents of the Universe and their interactions.
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 33
deg2 LSST main survey footprint, allowing dif- mass function on small scales (Dalal & Kochanek
ferent probes of the large scale structure of the 2002).
low redshift universe. This sample of supernovae
can be used as a tracer of large scale structure • The abundance of galaxy clusters as a function of
by directly probing the gravitational potential of mass and redshift is sensitive to cosmological pa-
structure through inferences of their peculiar ve- rameters (SciBook, Ch. 13; von der Linden et al.
locities (Gordon et al. 2007; Bhattacharya et al. 2014). LSST will produce a large catalog of clus-
2011; Howlett et al. 2017), weak lensing of super- ters detected through their member galaxy popu-
nova brightnesses (Dodelson & Vallinotto 2006; lation to redshift z ∼ 1.2. In addition, LSST will
Quartin et al. 2014; Macaulay et al. 2017; Scov- identify optical counterparts and provide deep op-
acricchi et al. 2017), and the local bulk flow (Riess tical imaging for clusters detected in other wave-
2000; Dai et al. 2011; Turnbull et al. 2012; Feindt bands (e.g., Staniszewski et al. 2009).
et al. 2013; Huterer et al. 2015), as well as low red-
• The clustering properties of those same galaxy
shift constraints on the isotropy of the universe
clusters will also be used to constrain cosmologi-
(Antoniou & Perivolaropoulos 2010; Colin et al.
cal parameters (Mo et al. 1996; Mana et al. 2013),
2011; Campanelli et al. 2011; Cai et al. 2013; Ja-
to marginalize over uncertainties in the mass-
vanmardi et al. 2015). The rapidly sampled deep
observable relation and photometric redshift un-
drilling fields, possibly coadded over short time
certainties (Oguri & Takada 2011), and to con-
scales, will yield well-sampled light curves of tens
strain the effects of super-sample covariance in
of thousands of supernovae to redshifts peaking
the two-point functions of WL and LSS (Hu &
around z ∼ 0.7 and reaching beyond a redshift of
Kravtsov 2003; Takada & Spergel 2014).
1.0, limited by the systematics related to the limits
of our astrophysical understanding of supernovae • LSST will discover several hundred galaxy clusters
populations and relative photometric calibration. that produce multiple-image lenses of background
In addition to the usual use of Type Ia supernovae objects. Cluster mass reconstruction based on the
to probe the redshift-distance relation to high red- multiple image positions can probe the cluster in-
shift, the luminosities will be magnified by lensing ner mass profile, and can provide a separate test of
from foreground structure, a correlation which can cosmology, especially in cases with strongly lensed
be probed with these data. The ultimate promise background objects at different redshift (Porciani
of such supernova surveys will be linked to the ob- & Madau 2000; Oguri & Kawano 2003).
serving strategy employed by the LSST.
• Time delays of galaxy-scale lensed quasars will al-
• Cosmological analyses can be carried out using SN, low one to measure Hubble’s constant (e.g., Suyu
WL, and LSS in subsets of the LSST data in differ- et al. 2010; Bonvin et al. 2017) in hundreds of sys-
ent regions of the sky, testing fundamental cosmo- tems; sub-percent level precision in H(z) should be
logical assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy achievable (Coe & Moustakas 2009; Treu & Mar-
(e.g., Zhan et al. 2009). shall 2016), providing a further independent dark
• The shape of the power spectrum of dark matter energy probe. LSST will also discover between
fluctuations measured by LSST weak lensing will 500 and 1000 strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae
constrain the sum of neutrino masses with an ac- (Goldstein & Nugent 2017; Goldstein et al. 2017),
curacy of 0.04 eV or better (Cooray 1999; Song which will provide hundreds of additional high-
& Knox 2004; Hannestad et al. 2006). Given the quality time delays. Time delays for quasars mul-
current constraints on neutrino mass mixing, this tiply lensed by clusters as a function of redshift are
is at the level to determine whether there is an an independent test of dark energy (Kundić et al.
inverted neutrino mass hierarchy, a fundamental 1997). The natural timescale (many months to
question in particle physics. years) is well matched to the LSST survey (Oguri
& Marshall 2010).
• Tens of thousands of galaxy-galaxy lenses will pro-
vide the needed statistics to probe dark matter • Standard sirens are a new cosmological probe,
halo profiles and substructure (e.g., Mandelbaum demonstrated by the recent discovery of a binary
et al. 2006; Vegetti et al. 2012). The image fluxes neutron star merger by LIGO with an electromag-
in several thousand well-measured strongly lensed netic counterpart (Abbott et al. 2017a), which was
quasars will enable constraints of the dark matter used to constrain the Hubble parameter to roughly
36 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
Figure 25. The LSST detection limits for distant Solar Sys- • Probing the inventory and frequency of interstel-
tem objects as a function of distance. Moving objects with lar asteroids/comets. The recent Pan-STARRS1
diameters as small as 100 m in the main asteroid belt and discovery of the interstellar object 1I/2017 U1
100 km in the Kuiper Belt (TNOs) will be detected in indi- (‘Oumuamua) (Bacci et al. 2017) has shown the
vidual visits, depending on the albedo. Specialized deeper
power of large, complete all-sky surveys to unearth
observations (see § 3.1.2) will detect TNOs as small as 10
km. Adapted from Jones et al. (2007). rare and exciting classes of objects. LSST will be
some three magnitudes more sensitive than cur-
rent NEO surveys (like Pan-STARRS1), and will
will have detailed six-band high-resolution images
cover more sky more often. Therefore, LSST is
extending to low surface brightness, in multiple
likely to find more interstellar objects, and more
points through their orbits, allowing detailed stud-
frequently. Estimates from Cook et al. (2016), En-
ies of activity as a function of distance from the
gelhardt et al. (2017), and Trilling et al. (2017)
Sun (Lowry et al. 1999; A’Hearn 2004). LSST
suggest that LSST will increase the number of
will discover an unprecedentedly large number of
such rare objects by an order of magnitude which,
comets with typically 50 observations per object
among other outcomes, will help constrain the fre-
spread throughout their orbits during the 10-year
quency and properties of planetary system forma-
survey, and will help us to constrain models of
tion in the solar neighborhood.
the origin of comets (Solontoi 2010; Silsbee &
Tremaine 2016). Combining the CN production 4.3. Exploring the Transient Optical Sky
rates determined from observations in the u band-
pass, as a proxy for overall gas activity, with the Time domain science will greatly benefit from LSST’s
non-volatile production rate calculated from the unique capability to simultaneously provide large area
continuum-sensitive r, i, and z bands allows for coverage, dense temporal coverage, accurate color infor-
the determination of the gas-to-dust ratio. The re- mation, good image quality, and rapid data reduction
lationship between the gas-to-dust ratio in comets and classification. Since LSST extends time-volume-
and their dynamical class (and places of forma- color space 50-100 times over current surveys (e.g., Djor-
tion) is a fundamental, and still unresolved, ques- govski et al. 2013) it will facilitate new population and
tion in cometary science (see e.g., A’Hearn et al. statistical studies and also the discovery of new classes of
1995; Bockelée-Morvan & Biver 2017). objects. LSST data products will enable many projects
• Searching for objects with perihelia out to several
hundred AU. For example, an object like Sedna • Discovery and characterization of thousands of hot
(Brown et al. 2004) would be detectable at 130 AU. Jupiters in exoplanetary systems via the transit
This will result in a much larger, well-understood method (Wright et al. 2012). LSST will extend
sample of inner Oort Cloud objects like Sedna and the extrasolar planet census to larger distances
38 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
leveraged for cosmology improving constraints on • Optical identification of transients and variables
w and Ωm (Scovacricchi et al. 2016). detected in other electromagnetic wavebands,
from gamma rays to radio. Examples include
• Studies of optical bursters (those varying faster optical and gamma ray variability in blazars (Ho-
than 1 mag hr−1 ) to r ∼ 25 mag. vatta et al. 2014), radio transients associated with
tidal disruption flares (Giannios & Metzger 2011),
• Detection and measurement of gamma-ray burst and radio counterparts to supernovae and GRBs
afterglows and transients (e.g., Zhang & Mészáros (Gal-Yam et al. 2006). Deep optical observations
2004; Zhang et al. 2006; Kann et al. 2010) to high with LSST may also help illuminate the nature
redshift (∼7.5). of fast radio bursts (FRBs, Lorimer et al. 2007;
Thornton et al. 2013).
• Large scale studies of stellar tidal disruptions by
nuclear supermassive black holes (e.g., Evans &
Kochanek 1989; Gezari et al. 2008; Strubbe & • Optical identification of counterparts to non-
Quataert 2009; Bloom et al. 2011; Gezari 2012; electromagnetic sources, such as gravitational
Komossa 2015), as well as binary supermassive waves (GW) and neutrino events (LIGO24 , ICE-
black holes in the in-spiral phase (e.g., Cuadra CUBE25 ). LSST’s unique ability to characterize
et al. 2009; Coughlin et al. 2017a). Persistent ob- the faint variable sky over large areas will be
servations leading to complete lightcurves (other important for the detection of GW associated
than the seasonal gaps) of long duration events sources, with an estimate of ∼ 7 discoveries per
like TDEs. Measurements of rates as function of year (Scolnic et al. 2018). The power of the Ad-
galaxy type, redshift, and level of nuclear activity. vanced LIGO (aLIGO)/Virgo26 experiment has
An assessment of the diversity of these events in led to the discovery of four GW events in less
terms of total power, effective temperature, and than a year. The binary neutron star merger
jet launching efficiency. event GW170817 was accompanied by emission
detected across the entire electromagnetic spec-
• A study of quasar variability using accurate, mul- trum (Abbott et al. 2017a). The optical/NIR
ticolor light curves for a few million quasars, lead- emission had two distinct components, a blue
ing to constraints on the accretion physics and emission (which peaked and then faded away on a
nuclear environments (de Vries et al. 2003; Van- time scale of a few days) and a redder component
den Berk et al. 2004; MacLeod et al. 2010; Jiang that persisted for ∼ 15 days. This longer-lasting
et al. 2017). Relations between quasar variabil- component arose from the radioactive decay of
ity properties and luminosity, redshift, rest-frame heavy elements synthesized during the NS merger,
wavelength, time scale, color, radio-jet emission, a “kilonova” (AT 2017gfo). While both these
black-hole mass, and Eddington-normalized lumi- components had been predicted (Metzger 2017),
nosity will be defined with massive statistics, in- the ∼ 100 kilonova sample that LSST is expected
cluding the potential to detect rare but important to generate will enable comparative studies of
events such as jet flares and obscuration events. these transients, allowing us to understand how
Microlensing events will also be monitored in the the presence and relative luminosity of the two
∼4000 gravitationally-lensed quasars discovered components varies to the properties of the binary
by LSST and used to measure the spatial struc- system (e.g., mass) and its remnant. Furthermore,
ture of quasar accretion disks. LSST will be important for identifying the optical
transient corresponding to LIGO events in the first
• The superb continuum light curves of AGN will
place, eliminating false positives (Nissanke et al.
enable economical “piggyback” reverberation-
2013; Metzger & Berger 2012; Cowperthwaite &
mapping efforts using spectroscopy of emission
Berger 2015; Coughlin et al. 2017b). At 24th mag,
lines (e.g., Chelouche & Daniel 2012; Shen et al.
rejecting thousands of false positives from other
2015; Grier et al. 2017). These results will
new transients appearing during the imaging of
greatly broaden the luminosity-redshift plane of
reverberation-mapped AGNs with black-hole mass
estimates. For LSST data alone, the inter-band 24
continuum lags will provide useful structural in-
40 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
20 kpc
SDSS spatial map
Figure 28. The median metallicity map for 2.5 mil- Figure 29. A predicted spatial distribution of stars out
lion main-sequence F-type stars within 10 kpc from the Sun to 150 kpc from the center of the Milky Way, from Bul-
(adapted from Ivezić et al. 2008). The metallicity is esti- lock & Johnston (2005). LSST will resolve main sequence
mated using u − g and g − r colors measured by SDSS. The turnoff stars out to 300 kpc, ten times more volume than
position and size of the mapped region, relative to the rest of shown here, enabling a high-fidelity spatial map over the en-
the Milky Way, is illustrated in the top right corner, where tire observed virial volume. (Note that this is significantly
the same map is scaled and overlaid on an image of the An- larger than the 100 kpc probed by metallicity measurements
dromeda galaxy. The gradient of the median metallicity is in Figure 28, which is limited by the depth of the u-band
essentially parallel to the Z axis, except in the Monoceros observations.) Overlaid on this prediction is the observed
stream region, as marked. LSST will extend this map out to SDSS stellar number density map based on main sequence
100 kpc, using a sample of over 100 million main-sequence F stars with 0.10 < r − i < 0.15 (Jurić et al. 2008). This map
stars. extends up to ∼ 20 kpc from the Sun, with the white box
showing a scale of 20 kpc across and the left side aligned with
each cluster vary as a function of radius, from the core to the Galactic center. The revolutionary Galaxy map provided
beyond the tidal radius. Fainter remnant white dwarfs by SDSS is only complete to ∼40 kpc, or only ∼1% of the
virial volume. However, the outermost reaches of the stel-
will be uncovered in both open and globular clusters (the
lar halo are predicted to bear the most unique signatures of
nearest of which are all in the South), thereby providing our Galaxy’s formation (Johnston et al. 2008; Cooper et al.
a crucial link to the properties of the now evolved stars 2010). LSST will be the only survey capable of fully testing
in each system. such predictions.
In summary, the LSST data will revolutionize studies
of the Milky Way and the entire Local Group. We list • Deep and highly accurate color-magnitude dia-
a few specific Galactic science programs that LSST will grams for over half of the known globular clus-
enable: ters, including tangential velocities from proper
motion measurements (An et al. 2008; Casetti-
• High-resolution studies of the distribution of stars
Dinescu et al. 2007).
in the outer halo in the six-dimensional space
spanned by position, metallicity and proper mo- • Mapping the metallicity, kinematics and spatial
tions (e.g., Girard et al. 2006; Bell et al. 2008; profile of the Saggitarius dwarf tidal stream (e.g.,
Jurić et al. 2008; Ivezić et al. 2008; Bond et al. Ibata et al. 2001; Majewski et al. 2003; Law et al.
2010). 2005; Belokurov et al. 2014) and the Magellanic
stream (Zaritsky et al. 2004).
• The most complete search possible for halo
streams, Galaxy satellites and intra-Local Group • The measurement of the internal motions of Milky
stars (e.g. Belokurov et al. 2007a; Walsh et al. Way dwarf galaxies via proper motions, thereby
2009; Bochanski et al. 2014). constraining their density profiles and possibly the
42 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
(LIGO) has now detected ultracompact binaries and publicly available astronomical data sets. The SDSS
black-hole mergers through the gravitational wave out- has published a series of large incremental data releases
bursts that are emitted during the final stages of such via a sophisticated database, roughly once per year, to-
events. LSST will aid studies of the electromagnetic gether with a paper describing the content of each data
signal that accompanies the gravitational wave emis- release, and extensive on-line documentation giving in-
sion, thereby providing an accurate position on the sky structions on downloading the catalogs and image data
for the system, which is crucial for subsequent obser- (see The overwhelming majority
vations. LSST will also add new value to the archives of the almost 8000 refereed papers based on SDSS data
for billion-dollar class space missions such as Chandra, to date have been written by scientists from outside the
XMM-Newton, Spitzer, Herschel, Euclid, and WFIRST, project, and include many of the most high-profile re-
because deep optical multi-color data will enable mas- sults that have come from the survey.
sive photometric studies of sources from these missions. Nevertheless, it is clear that many of the highest pri-
All areas of the sky – whether by design or by serendip- ority LSST science investigations will require organized
ity – in which past, present, or future multiwavelength teams of professionals working together to optimize sci-
surveys overlap with LSST sky coverage, will be fur- ence analyses and to assess the importance of system-
ther promoted by LSST investigations to become “opti- atic uncertainties on the derived results. To meet this
cal plus multiwavelength Selected Areas”. Last but not need, a number of science collaborations have been es-
least, the huge samples of various astronomical source tablished in core science areas. For example, the LSST
populations will yield extremely rare objects for inves- Dark Energy Science Collaboration includes members
tigations by powerful facilities such as JWST (Gardner with interests in the study of dark energy and related
et al. 2006) and the next generation of 20–40 meter tele- topics in fundamental physics with LSST data. As of the
scopes. time of this contribution, there are over 800 participants
In summary, the diversity of science enabled by LSST in these collaborations. The science collaborations are
will be unparalleled, extending from the physics of grav- listed on the LSST web page, together with a description
ity and the early Universe to the properties of “killer” of the application process for each one. All those at US
asteroids. While there are other projects that aim to and Chilean institutions, as well as named individuals
address some of the same science goals, no other project from institutions in other countries which have signed
matches this diversity and LSST’s potential impact on Memoranda of Agreement to contribute to LSST opera-
society in general. tions costs are eligible to apply. As described in §§ 2.6.3
and 3.3, LSST will make available substantial computa-
5. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT tional resources to the science community to carry out
their analyses; the system has been sized accordingly.
LSST has been conceived as a public facility: the
As we design our observing strategies, we are actively
database that it will produce, and the associated ob-
seeking and implementing input by the LSST science
ject catalogs that are generated from that database,
community. The LSST science collaborations in partic-
will be made available with no proprietary period to
ular have helped develop the LSST science case and con-
the U.S. and Chilean scientific communities, as well as
tinue to provide advice on how to optimize their science
to those international partners who contribute to oper-
with choices in cadence, software, and data systems. A
ations funding. As described in § 6, data will also be
recent example is the publication of a document enti-
made available to the general public for educational and
tled “Science-Driven Optimization of the LSST Observ-
outreach activities. The LSST data management sys-
ing Strategy” LSST Science Collaboration et al. (2017),
tem (§ 3.3) will provide user-friendly tools to access this
a living document that quantifies the science returns in
database, support user-initiated queries and data explo-
different areas for different observing cadence. The ca-
ration, and carry out scientific analyses on the data, us-
dence will continue to be refined, with input from the
ing LSST computers either at the archive facility or at
science collaborations, during the commissioning, and
the data access centers. We expect that many, perhaps
the observing strategy will be regularly reviewed, with
even the majority, of LSST discoveries will come from
flexibility built in, during operations.
research astronomers with no formal affiliation to the
The Science Advisory Committee (SAC), chaired by
project, from students, and from interested amateurs,
Michael Strauss, provides a formal, and two-way, con-
intrigued by the accessibility to the Universe that this
nection to the external science community served by
facility uniquely provides.
LSST. This committee takes responsibility for policy
The SDSS provides a good example for how the scien-
questions facing the project and also deals with tech-
tific community can be effective in working with large,
46 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
nical topics of interest to both the science community evant science content. Science notebooks will also ac-
and the LSST Project. The SAC minutes and notes are commodate access to LSST data for lifelong learners and
available publicly. Current members on this committee anyone that visits the portal.
are: T. Anguita (Andrés Bello, Chile), R. Bean (Cor- Anyone around the world will be able to participate
nell), W.N. Brandt (Penn State), J. Kalirai (STScI), in a variety of citizen science projects that use LSST
M. Kasliwal (Caltech), D. Kirkby (UC Irvine), C. Liu data. The EPO Team will work with the Zooniverse to
(Staten Island), A. Mainzer (JPL), R. Malhotra (U develop the Project Builder to include tools specifically
Arizona), N. Padilla (U. Católica de Chile), J. Simon designed to utilize LSST data, allowing LSST principal
(Carnegie), A. Slosar (Brookhaven), M. Strauss (Prince- investigators to create any number of projects to help
ton), L. Walkowicz (Adler), and R. Wechsler (Stanford). them accomplish their science goals. EPO anticipates
that the number of citizen science projects in the as-
6. EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIETAL IMPACTS tronomy field will increase dramatically when LSST is
operational, giving a whole new generation of citizen sci-
The impact and enduring societal significance of
entists the opportunity to deepen their engagement with
LSST will exceed its direct contributions to advances in
astronomy using authentic data from LSST.
physics and astronomy. LSST is uniquely positioned to
LSST EPO will produce and maintain a digital library
have high impact with the interested public, planetar-
of multimedia assets including images, video clips, and
iums and science centers, and citizen science projects,
3D models. Multimedia assets will be aligned to stan-
as well as middle school through university educational
dards such as IMERSA Dome Master and Astronomy
programs. LSST will contribute to the national goals
Visualization Metadata, when applicable, allowing full
of enhancing science literacy and increasing the global
flexibility for adoption by content creators at planetari-
competitiveness of the US science and technology work-
ums and science centers. We will also follow the Inter-
force. Engaging the public in LSST activities has been
national Planetarium Society’s Data2Dome standard, to
part of the project design from the beginning.
maximize the number of platforms that can use our as-
The mission of LSST’s Education and Public Out-
reach (EPO) program is to provide worldwide access to a
The LSST EPO program will rely on a cloud-based
subset of LSST data through accessible and engaging on-
EPO Data Center (EDC) to handle the unique needs of
line experiences so anyone can explore the universe and
the EPO audiences. These needs include, for example,
be part of the discovery process. To do this, LSST EPO
a fast and smooth browsing experience on mobile de-
will facilitate a pathway from entry-level exploration of
vices, and the need to handle inevitable spikes and lulls
astronomical imagery and information to more sophisti-
in visitor traffic and data transfers. As such, the EDC
cated interaction with LSST data using tools similar to
will follow best practices popularized by cloud comput-
what professional astronomers use for their work.
ing, leveraging on-demand computing and auto-scalable
A dynamic, immersive web portal will enable mem-
architecture. Remaining agile and relevant during the
bers of the public to explore color images of the full
full lifetime of Operations by adjusting to technology
LSST sky, examine objects in more detail, view events
trends and education priorities is an important part of
from the nightly alert stream, learn more about LSST
the LSST EPO design process.
science topics and discoveries, and investigate scientific
LSST EPO is committed to engaging with diverse au-
questions that excite them using real LSST data in on-
diences and is undertaking a multi-faceted approach to
line science notebooks. The portal will also link to nu-
reaching diverse individuals. LSST EPO is planning
merous citizen science projects using LSST data.
to partner with at least five organizations serving 1)
LSST data can become a key part of classrooms em-
women/girls, 2) individuals from traditionally underrep-
phasizing student-centered research in middle school,
resented groups in STEM, and 3) individuals in low so-
high school, and undergraduate settings. Using online
cioeconomic communities. Representatives from these
science notebooks, teachers will be able to bring real
organizations will be key stakeholders of the EPO pro-
LSST telescope data into their classrooms without hav-
gram, helping to shape deliverables and a culturally re-
ing to download, install, and maintain software locally.
sponsive program evaluation. Furthermore, these rela-
Educational investigations will be designed to support
tionships will allow for co-creation of EPO deliverables
key aspects of the Next-Generation Science Standards
to help ensure materials are accessible to, of interest to,
(NGSS) in the USA, and goals of the Explora pro-
and relevant to diverse populations.
gram through CONICYT in Chile. Educators will be
LSST EPO is breaking new ground in bringing astro-
supported through professional development that offers
nomical data to the public in a timely, engaging, and
training on the online notebook technology and also rel-
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 47
easy-to-use way. It is not unreasonable to anticipate in Astronomy (AURA) has formal responsibility for the
tens of millions of public users browsing the LSST sky, LSST project since 2011. At this writing, the project is
exploring discoveries as they are broadcast, and mon- near the peak of the construction effort, and is preparing
itoring objects of interest. Results of EPO’s ongoing for the transition to commissioning and operations.
evaluation will be made publicly available, allowing us The construction cost of LSST is being borne by the
to share lessons learned, insights, and program impacts US National Science Foundation, the Department of En-
with the larger science EPO community. ergy, generous contributions from several private foun-
dations and institutions, and the member institutions of
7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS the LSST Corporation. The LSST budget includes a sig-
nificant Education and Public Outreach program (§ 6).
Until recently, most astronomical investigations have
The U.S. Department of Energy is supporting the cost
focused on small samples of cosmic sources or individ-
of constructing the camera. LSST has high visibility in
ual objects. Over the past few decades, however, ad-
the high-energy physics community, both at universities
vances in technology have made it possible to move be-
and government laboratories. The telescope will see first
yond the traditional observational paradigm and to un-
light with a commissioning camera in late 2019, and the
dertake large-scale sky surveys, such as SDSS, 2MASS,
project is scheduled to begin regular survey operations
GALEX, Gaia, and others. This observational progress,
by 2022.
based on a synergy of advances in telescope construc-
The LSST survey will open a movie-like window on
tion, detectors, and above all, information technology,
objects that change brightness, or move, on timescales
has had a dramatic impact on nearly all fields of astron-
ranging from 10 seconds to 10 years. The survey will
omy, many areas of fundamental physics, and society in
have a raw data rate of about 15 TB per night (about
general. The LSST builds on the experience of these sur-
the same as one complete Sloan Digital Sky Survey per
veys and addresses the broad goals stated in several na-
night), and will collect about 60 PB of data over its life-
tionally endorsed reports by the U.S. National Academy
time, resulting in an incredibly rich and extensive public
of Sciences. The 2010 report “New Worlds, New Hori-
archive that will be a treasure trove for breakthroughs in
zons in Astronomy and Astrophysics” by the Commit-
many areas of astronomy and physics. About 20 billion
tee for a Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics
galaxies and a similar number of stars will be detected
ranked LSST as its top priority for large ground-based
– for the first time in history, the number of cataloged
programs. The LSST will be unique: the combination
celestial objects will exceed the number of living people!
of large aperture and large field of view, coupled with
About a thousand observations of each position across
the needed computation power and database technology,
half of the Celestial Sphere will represent the greatest
will enable simultaneously fast and wide and deep imag-
movie of all time.
ing of the sky, addressing in one sky survey the broad
Alerts of transient, variable, and moving objects will
scientific community’s needs in both the time domain
be issued worldwide within 60 seconds of detection. An
and deep universe.
extensive public outreach program will provide a new
The realization of the LSST involves extraordinary en-
view of the sky to curious minds of all ages worldwide.
gineering and technological challenges: the fabrication
We are working with prospective foreign partners to
of large, high-precision optics; construction of a huge,
make all of the LSST science data more broadly available
highly-integrated array of sensitive, wide-band imaging
worldwide. As of 2017, 34 institutions from 23 countries
sensors; and the operation of a data management facility
have signed Memoranda of Agreement to contribute sig-
handling tens of terabytes of data each day. The design,
nificantly to the LSST operating costs, in exchange for
development and construction effort has been underway
participation in the science collaborations and data ac-
since 2006 and will continue through the onset of full
cess. The software which processes the pixels and cre-
survey operations. This work involves hundreds of per-
ates the LSST database is open source. LSST will be
sonnel at institutions all over the US, Chile, and the rest
a significant milestone in the globalization of the infor-
of the world.
mation revolution. The vast relational database of 32
In December 2013, LSST passed the NSF Final De-
trillion observations of 40 billion objects will be mined
sign Review for construction, and in May 2014 the Na-
for the unexpected and used for precision experiments
tional Science Board approved the project. The pri-
in astrophysics. LSST will be in some sense an inter-
mary/tertiary mirror was cast in 2008, and the polished
net telescope: the ultimate network peripheral device
mirror was completed in 2015. In 2014 LSST transi-
to explore the Universe, and a shared resource for all
tioned from the design and development phase to con-
struction, and the Associated Universities for Research
48 Ivezić, Kahn, Tyson, Abel, Acosta, Allsman, Alonso, AlSayyad, Anderson, et al.
This material is based upon work supported in part Laboratory. Additional LSST funding comes from pri-
by the National Science Foundation through Coopera- vate donations, grants to universities, and in-kind sup-
tive Agreement 1258333 managed by the Association of port from LSSTC Institutional Members.
Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), and
Facility: LSST
the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-
AC02-76SF00515 with the SLAC National Accelerator
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