Universal Turing Machine

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Automata Theory Universal Turing Machine

Universal Turing Machine:

A Turing machine is created to execute a specific algorithm. If we have a Turing

machine for computing one function , then for computing different function or doing some other
calculation, a different TM will be required. Originally electronic computers were limited in a
similar way , and changing the computation to be performed , requires rewriting the machine.

A Turing machine can, simulate a computer that had been loaded with an arbitrary
program . I.e. A – TM can be used as a “stored program computer ” taking its program as well as
data from one or more tapes on which it is placed .
Modern computer are completely flexible in which the task it performs is to execute the
instructions stored in its memory , and can represent an algorithm for computation . Turing
describes a “Universal Computing Machine ” that can be defined as:
Definition : A Universal Turing machine Tu is a TM whose input consist of program and a
data set for the program to process. The program takes the from of a string specifying some other
(special – purpose) TM T1 and the data set is second string w interpreted as input to T1. Tu then
simulates the processing of w by T1.

Encoding of TM:
For the representation of any arbitrary TM T1, and an input string w over an arbitrary alphabet
as strings e(T1) , e(w) over some fixed alphabet , a notational system should be formulated .
Encoding the TM T1 and input string w in to e (T1) and e (w) , it must not destroy any
information , for the encoding of TM , we use the alphabet {0,1} although the TM may have a
much larger alphabet .
For encoding , we start by assigning positive integers to each state , each tape symbol and
each of three directions S,L and R in the TM we want to encode. We assume two fixed infinite
sets Q = { q1,q2,…………} and S = { a1, a2, ………} so that for any TM
T1 = (Q1 , Σ, Γ, δ , q 0 , B, F ) , we have Q1 ⊆ Q and Γ ⊆ S .
Hence once we have a subscript attached to every possible state and tape symbols, we can
represent a state or a symbol by a string of 0’s of the appropriate length. 1’s are used as
The Encoding Function e
First, associate to each tape symbol, to each state and to each of the three directions , a string of
0’s. Let
s(B) = 0
s(ai) = 0i+1 for each ai ∈ S
s(qi) = 0 for each qi ∈ S
s(S) = 0
s(L) = 00
s(R) = 000
Then each move of TM , described by formula
δ ( q, a ) = ( p, b, D ) is encoded as
e(m) =s(q)1s(a)1s(p)1s(b)1s(D)1
and for any TM T, with initial state q, T is encoded as:
e(T ) = s (q )1e(m1 )1e(m2 )1...................1e(mk )1

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Automata Theory Universal Turing Machine
Where m1 , m2 ,.........mk are the distinct moves of T arranged in some arbitrary order.
Finally, any string w = w1 w2 w3 ............wk , for each wk ∈ S is encoded as:
e( w) = 1s ( w1 )1s ( w2 )1...................1s ( wk )1
♦ -The 1 at beginning of e(w) included so that a composite string of the form e(T)e(w),
there is no doubt for the stoppage of e(T) since separated by three 1’s. Since no valid
code for TM contains three 1’s in a row, we can be sure that the first occurrence of 111
separates the code for TM T1and input w.
♦ Also encoding of s(a) of a symbol a ∈ S is different from the encoding e(a) of the one
character string a.
♦ There may be any possible codes for a TM T1. The codes for the TM for n transitions
may be listed in any of n! orders.

An Example: Let TM T is given as:

T = ({q1 , q 2 , q 3 }, {a, b}, {a, b, B}, δ , q1 , B, F )
where δ is defined by the following moves.
m1 = δ (q1 , b) = (q3 , a, R)
m2 = δ (q3 , a) = (q1 , b, R)
m3 = δ ( q 3 , b ) = ( q 2 , a , R )
m 4 = δ ( q 3 , B ) = ( q 3 , b, L )

Encoding :
s(q1 ) = 000

s(q 2 ) = 0000
s (q3 ) = 00000
s(a1 ) = 00 considering a1 = a and a2 = b
s(a 2 ) = 000
s( B) = 0
s(S ) = 0
s ( L) = 00
s ( R ) = 000

Now e(m1 ) = s (q1 )1s (b)1s (q3 )1s (a)1s ( R)1 = 000100010000010010001

e(m2 ) = s (q3 )1s (a)1s (q1 )1s (b)1s ( R)1 = 000001001000100010001

e(m3 ) = s (q3 )1s (b)1s (q 2 )1s (a )1s ( R)1 = 0000010001000010010001

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Automata Theory Universal Turing Machine
e(m4 ) = s (q3 )1s ( B)1s (q3 )1s (b)1s ( L)1 = 000001010000010001001

Now The code for T will be:

e(T ) = s (q1 )1e(m1 )1e(m2 )1e(m3 )1e(m4 )1

for this machine the input (T,w) where w= ab , the code will be,

e(w) = 1s(a)1s(b)1 = 10010001

Code for (T,W) is:

Universal Languages:
The universal language Lu is the set of binary strings that encode a pair (M,w)
where M is a TM with binary input alphabet, and w is a string in (0+1)*, such that w
is in L(M).
In other words, the languages that is accepted by universal TM is called universal
A universal TM U can be described as a multi-tape Turing machine in which the
transitions of M are stored initially on the first tape along with string w. The second
tape holds the simulated tape of M in the format same as the code of M. Third tape of
U holds the state of M, with suitable encoding as in figure below.

Finite Control

M w

Tape of M 001000010010001………………….

State of M 000…..


A Sketch of Universal TM

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Automata Theory Universal Turing Machine

The Operation of Universal Turing Machine U can be described as:

1. Examine the input to make sure that the code for M is valid code for some TM. If
not, U halts without accepting. Any invalid codes represents TM with no moves.
2. Initialize the second tape to contain the input w in encoded form ( simulated tape
of M)
3. Place code of q1 (the start state of M) on the third tape and move the head of U’s
second tape to the first simulated cell.
4. To simulate a move of M , U searches on its first tape for a transition
0i10j10k10l10m1 such that 0i is the state on tape 3, 0j is the tape symbol of M that
begins at the position on tape 2 scanned by U. This transition is the one move of
U should:
a. Change the contents of tape 3 to 0k, i.e. simulate the state change of M
b. Replace 0j on tape 2 by 0l i.e. change the tape symbol of M. If more or less
space is needed( j ≠ l) use scratch tape and shifting over technique as:
i) Copy onto a scratch tape the entire nonblank tape to the right of where
new value goes
ii) Write the new value using the correct amount of space for that value.
iii) Recopy the scratch tape onto tape 2 , immediately to the right of new
c. Move head on tape 2 to the position of the next 1 to the left or right or
stationary. If m=1 (stationary), if m=2 (move left ) and if m=3(move right) .
Thus U simulates the one move of M.
5. If M has no transition that matches the simulated state and tape symbol, no
transition found . So M halts hence U halts likewise.
6. If M enters its accepting state, then U accepts.

The Halting Problem:

The halting problem for a TM M , H( M ) is defined as the set of input w such that M halts
given input w, regardless of whether or not M accepts w . so, the halting problem is the set of
pairs ( M, w) such that w is in H( M ).
The halting problem is related to the membership problem of RE languages . For a given TM
M and given string w, instead of asking M accepts w, it asks whether M halts on input w. We
abbreviate the problem Halts as :
Halts : Given a TM M and a string w, does M halt on input w ?
The domain of this problem is to be taken as the set of all Turing machines and all w; that is, we
are looking for a single Turing machine that , given the description of and arbitrary TM and w,
will predict whether or not the computation of TM applied to w halt. We can not find the answer
by simulating the action of TM on w, say by performing it on universal Turing machine, because
there is no limit on the length of computation. If TM enters an infinite loop, then no matter how
long we wait, we can never be sure that TM is in fact in a loop. It may be simple case of very
long computation .

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