A. t ranscription-activation domain
B. D
NA-binding domain
C. kinase domain
A. t hey contain about 60 amino acids.
A. z inc fingers
B. g
lutamine-rich regions
C. bZIP motifs
D. bHLH motif
4. One effect of mutation or deleting the activation domain of a transcriptional activator would be
A. r eduction in the binding of TFIIA.
E. r eduction in the binding TFIID and binding of the activator to DNA, without activating
5. Which of the following is a target site for GAL4?
A. U
B. C
E. C
A. c ontains six cysteines
D. contains a-helix
A. i ts hormone ligand then moving to the nucleus.
A. l eucine zipper
B. h
elix-loop-helix regions
C. zinc fingers
A. T
he activator binds to an enhancer, changing the supercoiling state of the DNA and opening
up the promoter to general transcription factors.
B. T
he activator binds to an enhancer, slides along the DNA until it encounters the promoter, and
activates transcription.
C. An activator binds to an enhancer, creating loops in the DNA, which leads to the interaction of
proteins at the promoter and activation of transcription.
D. An activator binds to an enhancer and a downstream segment to form a loop, which causes
the protein to track toward the promoter and activate transcription.
E. A
ll of the choices explanations are possible.
10. Which of the following effects is possible if LEF1 were omitted from an in vitro transcription assay
that you were conducting to look at the expression of the TCRα gene?
A. n
o transcription
B. l ow levels of transcription
E. n o transcription, low levels of transcription, and lack of bending in the promoter DNA are all
possible outcomes.
A. s hield genes from activation by blocking enhancer activity.
B. b
lock gene activity by binding the operator regions.
C. block the coding region of genes, preventing transcription.
D. shield genes from activation by blocking enhancer activity and block gene activity by binding
the operator regions.
E. b lock gene activity by binding the operator regions and block the coding region of genes,
preventing transcription.
12. Which of the following approaches would you use to loosen the interaction of the histones with
DNA in an extract that you have prepared?
A. m
ethylate the DNA
B. m
ethylate the histone
C. acetylate the histones
E. p
hosphorylate the DNA
13. Predict the effect of the addition of excess acetyltansferase to in vitro transcription assay.
A. I t will likely loosen the interaction of histone with DNA.
B. I t will lead to a tighter association of histone with DNA, resulting in reduced transcription.
14. What is the most likely outcome of ubiquitination of a transcription activator such as CREB?
A. I t will be stimulated to bind to corepressors.
15. An experiment is planned to look at the effect of blocking the thyroid hormone receptor. Which of
the following is a good technique to employ?
A. p
B. m
C. ubiquitination
D. sumoylation
E. a
ll of the choices are correct.
16. One way to prevent the activation of certain cells by a growth factor is to
A. b
lock phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor.
B. b
lock dimerization of the receptor.
C. block phosphorylation on the extracellular domain.
D. block phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor and block dimerization of the
E. b
lock phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor and block phosphorylation on
the extracellular domain.
17. Predict the effect of blocking GTPase activity by a mutant lacking the GAP gene. Which of the
following would be a possible outcome if cells in this mutant are treated with a growth factor?
A. a
sustained level of transduction
B. d
ramatically reduced interaction of the growth factor with the receptor
C. inactivation of MEK
E. i nactivation of Elk
18. In the Ras-Raf signaling pathway, MEK phosphorylates the protein kinase ERK to activate it.
What does activated ERK do?
A. p
hosphorylate a variety of cytoplasmic proteins
B. m
ove into the nucleus
C. phosphorylate and activate several activators in the nucleus
E. a
ll of the above
20. An enhanceosome is a nucleoprotein complex containing a collection of activators.
True False
21. Heterodimers are sometimes found in the dimerization domain of transcription activators.
True False
22. An example of DNA-binding protein that contains a zinc finger motif is Gal4.
True False
23. Nuclear receptors interact with endocrine-signaling molecules.
True False
24. Nuclear receptors interact with steroids and other hormones form complexes that bind to
hormone response elements in the cytoplasm.
True False
25. Glucocorticoid response elements are enhancers that bind to a receptor-glucocorticod complex.
True False
26. Type II receptors reside in the cytoplasm where they bind to hormone ligands.
True False
27. The DNA-binding and activation domains of activator proteins are independent molecules.
True False
28. Transcription activators help to boost transcription by recruiting RNA polymerase to promoters.
True False
29. Experimental evidence has shown that it is necessary for the promoter and the enhancer to be on
the same chromosome in order to function together.
True False
30. Many genes have more than one activator-binding site, so that they respond to multiple stimuli
and establish fine control of gene expression.
True False
31. Some insulators have both insulator and barrier activity.
True False
12 Key
1. Which of the following are typical features of transcriptional activators?
A. transcription-activation domain
B. DNA-binding domain
C. kinase domain
A. they contain about 60 amino acids.
A. zinc fingers
B. glutamine-rich regions
C. bZIP motifs
D. bHLH motif
4. One effect of mutation or deleting the activation domain of a transcriptional activator would
A. reduction in the binding of TFIIA.
E. reduction in the binding TFIID and binding of the activator to DNA, without activating
A. contains six cysteines
D. contains a-helix
A. its hormone ligand then moving to the nucleus.
B. its hormone ligand protein partner and then moving to the nucleus.
A. leucine zipper
B. helix-loop-helix regions
C. zinc fingers
A. The activator binds to an enhancer, changing the supercoiling state of the DNA and
opening up the promoter to general transcription factors.
B. The activator binds to an enhancer, slides along the DNA until it encounters the promoter,
and activates transcription.
C. An activator binds to an enhancer, creating loops in the DNA, which leads to the interaction
of proteins at the promoter and activation of transcription.
D. An activator binds to an enhancer and a downstream segment to form a loop, which causes
the protein to track toward the promoter and activate transcription.
E. All of the choices explanations are possible.
10. Which of the following effects is possible if LEF1 were omitted from an in vitro transcription
assay that you were conducting to look at the expression of the TCRα gene?
A. no transcription
E. no transcription, low levels of transcription, and lack of bending in the promoter DNA are all
possible outcomes.
A. shield genes from activation by blocking enhancer activity.
D. shield genes from activation by blocking enhancer activity and block gene activity by
binding the operator regions.
E. block gene activity by binding the operator regions and block the coding region of genes,
preventing transcription.
A. methylate the DNA
13. Predict the effect of the addition of excess acetyltansferase to in vitro transcription assay.
A. It will likely loosen the interaction of histone with DNA.
B. It will lead to a tighter association of histone with DNA, resulting in reduced transcription.
A. It will be stimulated to bind to corepressors.
A. phosphorylation
B. methylation
C. ubiquitination
D. sumoylation
16. One way to prevent the activation of certain cells by a growth factor is to
A. block phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor.
D. block phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor and block dimerization of
the receptor.
E. block phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor and block phosphorylation
on the extracellular domain.
A. a sustained level of transduction
C. inactivation of MEK
E. inactivation of Elk
A. phosphorylate a variety of cytoplasmic proteins
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.01
Weaver - Chapter 12 #19
20. An enhanceosome is a nucleoprotein complex containing a collection of activators.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.05
Weaver - Chapter 12 #20
21. Heterodimers are sometimes found in the dimerization domain of transcription activators.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.03
Weaver - Chapter 12 #21
22. An example of DNA-binding protein that contains a zinc finger motif is Gal4.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.05
Weaver - Chapter 12 #22
23. Nuclear receptors interact with endocrine-signaling molecules.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.02
Weaver - Chapter 12 #23
24. Nuclear receptors interact with steroids and other hormones form complexes that bind to
hormone response elements in the cytoplasm.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.02
Weaver - Chapter 12 #24
25. Glucocorticoid response elements are enhancers that bind to a receptor-glucocorticod
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.02
Weaver - Chapter 12 #25
26. Type II receptors reside in the cytoplasm where they bind to hormone ligands.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 12.02
Weaver - Chapter 12 #26
27. The DNA-binding and activation domains of activator proteins are independent molecules.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.03
Weaver - Chapter 12 #27
28. Transcription activators help to boost transcription by recruiting RNA polymerase to
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.01
Weaver - Chapter 12 #28
29. Experimental evidence has shown that it is necessary for the promoter and the enhancer to be
on the same chromosome in order to function together.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 12.05
Weaver - Chapter 12 #29
30. Many genes have more than one activator-binding site, so that they respond to multiple stimuli
and establish fine control of gene expression.
Blooms Level: 1. Remember
Section: 12.01
Weaver - Chapter 12 #30
31. Some insulators have both insulator and barrier activity.
Blooms Level: 2. Understand
Section: 12.06
Weaver - Chapter 12 #31
12 Summary
Category # of Questions
Blooms Level: 1. Remember 15
Blooms Level: 2. Understand 8
Blooms Level: 3. Apply 3
Blooms Level: 4. Analyze 1
Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate 4
Section: 12.01 4
Section: 12.02 10
Section: 12.03 3
Section: 12.05 6
Section: 12.06 8
Weaver - Chapter 12 31