Ubuntu 18
Ubuntu 18
Ubuntu 18
UBUNTU distribution
DEBIAN operating system
18.04 LTS
Ver. 20201113
Twitter @LaoYa14
Table of Contents
Page Contents
3 Introduction
General Information about Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
4 Ubuntu instructions
Ubuntu 16.04 → 18.04 differences
Presentation of Ubuntu Desktop, Pre-installed applications
Some thoughts before going on / Structure of the File System
Litle tips
52 Appendix
gThumb image viewer / editor / sorting images, naming images
Reduce the size of the images
Self-defined Screenshot area, Image Scanning
Renaming storage media ( USB / Card )
Ubuntu installation, Create a bootable Ubuntu USB stick
Ubuntutor web page
A couple of years ago I found out that my old XP Windows laptop was too old. I bought a
small one, HP Stream Laptop (2 GB of RAM and 34 GB hard drive) and Windows 10. After
installation, the free memory space was about 6 GB.
I had followed the development of Ubuntu, and I tested Ubuntu from the usb stick. Eventually I
made a decision and copied Windows 10 from my laptop to a usb stick and I installed Ubuntu.
The entire installation with Libre Office took about 9 GB. After installation, the free memory
space was about 25 GB.
This English-language guide includes a separate text file. The text of the guide is numbered
and the same numbering is in the text file. The text file is easily translated by Google
Translator into any language, which allows you to read the text of the guide in all languages.
Intro from PC Magazin Ubuntu 18.04
Feedback: comment@ubuntutor.com I look forward to your comments and suggestions for improvement ;-)
General Information about Ubuntu
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Getting Started
There seem to be a lot of Linux operating systems; which operating system do I choose?
The programs that a home user needs are email, web browser, pdf file viewer, video and
music playback software as well as, office program including spreadsheet, word
processing and presentation graphics. Today, cloud services, web calls and other social
media programs are also often needed.
Although Linux has many different operating systems, the above mentioned programs can
be found in all these systems and look the same. In this sense, the home user can choose
any operating system.
There are plenty of tutorials of Ubuntu, as well as a very useful forum where you get
advice very quickly.
The previously mentioned utilities are similar in appearance on the screen, whether you
are running Windows or Ubuntu. Ubuntu does not need antivirus protection. The firewall
has also been built inside Linux itself.
Ubuntu with all its programs is free.
Ubuntu needs much less memory compared to Windows.
When you start using Ubuntu instead of Windows, perhaps the most significant difference
is the directory / folder structures. These differences are presented in this guide.
Ubuntu is updated annually and the so-called ”Long-term support” (5 years) versions are
published every two years with the symbol of year and month and the letters LTS (long-
term support). For example, version 18.04 LTS has been released in April 2018 and will be
supported until 2023.
Hint. If you have an old computer with Windows XP or Vista, you can install Ubuntu Mate.
Ubuntu Mate is exellent with an old PC like XP or Vista.
You can work with XP or with Ubuntu Mate, and Mate can use files from the XP area.
Very useful! And you can use this guide with Mate too!
Hint! You can easily check out the Linux distro at Manjaro, which works with a web browser.
Ubuntu instructions
Here you can ask if you have
problems. You get the answers very
Useful and quick help!
6. LibreOffice documentation
https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/ 5
Try and find the command ;-)
3. The same applications are now used on computers, tablets and phones.
Because of this, menu commands are not convenient and new solutions
have to be developed.
The solutions are slightly different for different applications, unfortunately.
Ubuntu 16.4 → 18.4 differences
2.Mode menus
- network connection
- keyboard language
- bluetooth
- email
- battery
- sound control
- basic settings
4.All applications can be found here and some of the basic settings 7
Presentation of Ubuntu Desktop
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Visual overview of GNOME
3.System Information
- network connections
- bluetooth, wifi
- battery charge / network
4. Directories / Folders and files - the volume of the sound
- directories, files - calendar
- additional memory / devices - system preferences
10.Tip: You can zoom in to the smaller or larger screen by pressing ctrl and scrolling with your
Pre-installed applications
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Start applications
1.Two pages. Go by
srolling or by
clicking on points
You'll see apps
Some thoughts before going on
Ubuntu works in a little different way than Windows. This guide presents the differences.
If the computer processor works hard, the screen may dim for a while.
When the workload gets easier, the screen brightens again.
Ubuntu does not always show the hourglass even though the computer is working.
This is a bit embarrassing. Wait patiently and be cautious in such a situation.
Sometimes the hourglass (or rotating arrow) may be hidden behind the active window,
so it is not noticeable.
When your computer updates the program, be patient. Click Details to see the update,
otherwise you do not know what is going to happen.
If the mouse does not move for a long time, the computer has apparently stopped
for some reason.
The index and file structure differ substantially from the corresponding structure in
Ubuntu does not use letters to mark different memories (A, C etc.).
External memories (CD, DVD, USB sticks, SD cards, etc.) can be found under
their own names.
Clicking this symbol will disconnect a separate memory (eg USB, SD card)
off the computer. Wait until a message appears on the screen to remove the memory!
1. If you are copying or moving multiple files, or updating or installing a program, you may
not know if anything is happening on your computer?
In this case, the program progress bar may be hidden under the window.
There are also sections on the Ubuntu screen that show the progress of the event.
The icons may show a line that is not easily noticed.
Click on the icon for more information!
8. Loading ISO-file
Presentation of Folder / Directory Structure
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Files, folders & search
3.Desktop is
"Home screen"
4. 31 GB VOLUME is a USB Stick.
32 GB VOLUME is a memory card.
Ubuntu 18.04 L... is your PC.
Presentation of Folder / Directory Structure
1.Home folder
is the subfolder, where
all your data is.
2.Media folder
is the subfolder, where
all external files are:
- usb stick and hard drive
- sd card
- cd and dvd disc
5.USB / SD can only be renamed if you format it (where all old data is deleted!).
Attention! You can name your disc with the Discs program! See attachement.
Files Application (Nautilus) hidden commands
1. Click name or symbol or with mouse putton
USB 14
SD Card
Files Application (Nautilus)
1.Click! You will see 2.Folders are shown here. 3.NB! There is no menu bar in the Files
the Files application. Red Activated Folder. (Nautilus) app!
Use the touch pad to touch with two fingers!
Or with the mouse the right click.
5.Side panel.
Here are the various memory media attached to the computer,
such as computer mass storage, USB sticks, SD cards, CDs / DVDs, etc.
6.How to operate with the mouse 7.How to operate with the touch pad
With left or right button With one finger (left or right button or in
Click the midle of touch pad)
Click click Click
Click and press and move Click click
Press a letter and move mouse Click and press and move
With mouse scroll button With two fingers at the same time
Scroll Click
Press and scroll Click click
Cllick and press and move
8. If you move the cursor quickly, the cursor will move a longer distance
Files Application (Nautilus)
1.Click Files! You will see Files.
2.Click on the right the Files!
You will see a menu
3.Displays subfolders!
Triangle in front of the folder.
The tree structure!
4.My liking!
5.Choose according
to your needs
Presentation / Files application.
6.Displays subfolders!
Triangle in front of the folder.
The tree structure!
8.Two tabs
Home and Desktop
9.Three tabs
Basic Settings / Folder Properties
1. Folder path. NB! This works
well if there are no triangles in front of the folders.
That is, no wood structure. 2.Click right and you see Properties
6.You can change the size 7.You can also change the size
of the icons by pressing of the icons and see the size
ctrl and + or ctrl and – buttons in %
several times.
Presentation of Folder / Folder Properties
3.Click Properties
with the mouse
If you
of the PC, these are not
essential things.
Different working areas
1.There are different "work areas" in Ubuntu, which are briefly presented here.
Workspaces = collects different app windows in the same workspace and other app windows
in another workspace
2.Different workspaces
Windows = app windows in the same workspace. Maybe the most used way
3.Different windows
4.Different tabs
5.You should try these different methods 6.In many apps, the work area can be divided
to get acquainted with them. into many tabs, such as with a spreadsheet
5.Three windows
three dots
3.If you move two windows to the right and left edge
of the screen, you get two half-size windows side by side.
File handling with mouse
4.Within the same memory (eg hard drive) Different memory (hard drive and USB)
two open windows + mouse two open windows + mouse
Move a file with mouse+shift = move Move a file with mouse+shift = move
Move a file with mouse + ctrl = copy Move a file with mouse + ctrl = copy
6.Same storage (Home), two windows, file Document, copy / move to folder
”Pictures”, observe icon (arrow or +)
7.In linking (Hyperlinks), the file or folder itself remains in the original location, but another
location is made with an icon that can be clicked into the file or folder itself.
The link on this icon has a curved arrow.
8.Drag the file/folder to the desired location while pressing Alt. When
you release the mouse button, a window appears, where you can
choose either move, copy or link.
File handling with commands
1.Let's look at the same things with menu commands.
2.You can see the menus by clicking the right button of the mouse or by selecting Edit from the
menu bar.
There are commands that are confusing. Note that the commands
Copy and Copy To… (with 3 dots) have different functions.
Click !
Click !
3.Use this to define the location of the icons; left, bottom, right
Presentation of basic settings
Presentation of basic settings
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Universal access
1. You can change these regional settings later! 2.Again it is worth trying,
which setting feels the best.
Try it !
Presentation of basic settings
Presentation of basic settings
! Try it!
Presentation of basic settings
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Sound, video & pictures
Try it!
Presentation of basic settings
! !
1.Power Saving,
you should define it
for your own needs.
2.Power Button,
you should define it
for your own needs.
Presentation of basic settings
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Hardware & drivers
Presentation of basic settings
4.Options to move
the image with two fingers
5.Note that the touch pad can be taped at the edges (left / right) or at the center
of the touch pad. Double-click to override the border of the primary button 35
Presentation of basic settings
Presentation of basic settings
Presentation of basic settings
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Log out, power off or switch users
3.Password is important!
Click !
Introduction to Ubuntu Basic Settings, Part 2
Introduction to Ubuntu Basic Settings, Part 2
Command Prompt (Terminal)
1.The command line is one of the most powerful tools in the Linux system.
If you have a problem and ask a Linux specialist, he will usually start by telling you
what to do in the command line.
2. In this guide, I have not referred to the command line, because it is unfamiliar to the beginner.
However, it is good to understand the basics of the mysterious command line.
Installed apps
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Install & remove software
If you are planning to install a new app
1. Compare different applications. Which would seem best suited to your needs.
3. If you find the manual for the app, examine it. You can get good tips and ideas.
1. Now you can properly explore the features and functions of the app
- if you collect a lot of data with the app, do you think the app will slow down?
- can you divide the data into sections if needed so that the app works smoothly and
the files are not too large.
- can you transfer older data to another storage medium.
3. If you are replacing a computer, whether the app and data are successfully
implemented on a new machine.
4. If the app fails, for example, it will no longer work after the update, can you access
your own data files with another app.
5. Practice using the app first with training material, allowing you to figure out the features
of the app and learn about its details.
6. Plan the use of the application (nomenclature, folder structures, backup, etc.).
7. When the job seems to work, start the actual use of the app.
Good luck!
8. If you are unsatisfied with the app, you can easily delete it and look for a better app.
In Ubuntu and Linux, this is easy. The apps are packages.
Presentation of some apps
LibreOffice Writer
LibreOffice manual
LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Impress
2.Automatic sharpening
Presentation of some apps
Links, nice reading for rainy days
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Get more help
Ubuntu forum
Ubuntu Desktop Guide
Linux wiki
Using Ubuntu Linux
Ubuntu help
Deja Dup Backup 1
2.Makes a backup
9. DejaDub tells you when to make a copy. Insert the USU-media and click on the DejaDub
icon to start copying.
https://www.howtogeek.com/108869/how-to-back-up-ubuntu-the-easy-way-with-dj-dup/ 49
Deja Dup Backup 2
1. DejaDub can restore individual files or folders if they have been
backed up by DejaDub.
When you back up your data, "Revert to Previous Version...” will 2. If you want to restore
appear in the menu”. the entire backup, click
"Restore ..." and then
Deja Dup first installs itself.
0. Remember to take backups! Here are some ideas about backing up.
1. Take a copy of the HOME folder to a memory stick or USB hard drive. Before that,
check the size of the HOME folder, and check the free space in the backup memory storage.
You can change the backup HOME folder name slightly by adding the backup date to the name
to find the latest backup, eg, 20180305 HOME.
NOTE! The HOME folder also contains hidden files, such as Firefox bookmarks and
Thunderbird emails and email addresses.
2.Keep the Ubuntu installation usb stick. Then it's easy to reinstall Ubuntu.
a. Install Ubuntu first and then
b. Restore your own files with Deja Dup.
4.You should prepare for this by making a Boot-Repair bootable usb stick using Windows.
1. Go to the link page
2. According to the instructions, copy the Boot-Repair iso file
3. Install Rufus (it's easier to do with Windows)
4. Make Boot-Repair bootable usb stick
5. Put the usb stick on the problem computer and boot
6. Boot-Repair will most likely repair the bug and Ubuntu is again available.
7. No user files in this operation will be lost.
On the following pages are new additions, which I have attached to this guide.
3. Image processing
1. Collect the images in the same folder, copy them, don't move, for security
2. Sort images by time of capture (metadata)
3. Rename images (Number order)
4. Select the best images for the new folder
5. Handle images (Crop, Improve)
picture tools
the list
gThumb image editor - Editing images 1.2
gThumb image editing software - sorting images 1.3
Press F2
Instructions here
Gthumb - Reduce the size of the images
3. Select tools
4. Select
Resize Images…
Self-defined printscreen area
Look Ubuntu Desktop Guide: Tips & tricks
You can define the area you want to copy! Convenient feature!
Bring the icon to the bar!
Image Scanning
Renaming storage media (USB / Card) 2.2
New name
16.04-> 1. Start the "Discs" program
2.Prepare a USB stick for you to try Ubuntu See next pages for instructions
(or CD)
The experiment does not permanently
3.Try Ubuntu with a USB stick change anything on your machine. If the
experiment fails, your machine may be too
4.You decide to install Ubuntu A good decision!
First, check out the Ubuntu Forums so you
can ask for advice.
5.Do you also keep Windows? When booting, you can choose either
Windows or Ubuntu.
6.Back up your files and make Backup your files, emails, web links, etc!
reinstalling files! Also do a Windows Reinstall usb stick.
7.Perform the initial installation If you are unsure of your skills, install as
as recommended. recommended.
8.Explore and use Ubuntu. Please read this guide for details.
9.Change the settings as needed, Check out the Linux distros guide and help
or explore new distros. on the web.
You are becoming a Linux expert.
Create a bootable Ubuntu USB stick 4.2
Windows computer.
0.Work on a Windows computer!
1. Go to https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop.
2. Select "Download Ubuntu 18.04 LTS" .
3. When downloading a program, you get an ISO file for your computer.
4. Start downloading Rufus from its web site. Install it by double-clicking the file you downloaded.
5. Insert a blank min 2 GT-usb stick into the computer.
6. Open Rufus.
7. Select USB stick
Create a bootable USB stick on Ubuntu 4.3
Ubuntu computer.
When you succeed here, you will see a menu (make sure you do not mess
with the bios settings) from where to select the USB stick as the startup device and
start the micro.
13. After that, Ubuntu should start up (it happens slowly because all the information is
downloaded from a USB stick.
14. Choose "Try Ubuntu" in the menu.