Guidelines For Construction of Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) For Irrigation

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Guidelines for Construction of Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) for Irrigation

Article · March 2017


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S. S. Valunjkar
Government College of Engineering Maharashtra State


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Guidelines for Construction of Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) for

Mr. Sandesh B. Kulavmode1, Dr.S.S.Valunjkar2
1P.G. Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Karad, Maharashtra, India.
2Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Karad, Maharashtra, India.
Abstract- The objective of this paper is to highlighting the to net area irrigated by source from the year 2000-01 to
use of Pipe Distribution Network (PDN) instead of Canal 2011-12, it is observed that the major source of irrigation
Distribution Network (CDN) to increase the overall project is ground water. It was found that wells (considering all
efficiency of irrigation project and thereby reducing the types of wells viz. dug well, shallow tube-well, deep tube-
stresses due to water scarcity. In order to achieve maximum
well) contributed about 61 percent irrigation followed by
benefits from PDN, planning, designing, and construction of
it should be carefully done. This paper provides a guideline canals with 24 percent at all- India level during 2000-01 to
for planning, designing and construction of PDN system for 2011-12, which shows that on increasing the efficiency of
irrigation. It is recommended that PDN system could be existing canals the problems like ground water depletion
economical and feasible over conventional CDN and this and pumping cost can be tackled.
system is so flexible that it can be implemented as a new
scheme or used to convert the existing CDN. 1.2 Efficiency of Project
Keywords : Pipe Distribution Network (PDN), Canal
Distribution Network (CDN), Flow Velocity, Diameter of Pipe, Conventional irrigation methods are surface gravity open
Hydraulic Gradient Line (HGL). channel systems such as furrows, basin, border etc. with
field application efficiencies of 60 to 70 percent. The
1. INTRODUCTION Overall Project Efficiency (OPE) of such irrigation project,
at the design stage itself turns out in the range of 40 to 50
Government of India aims to increase the water use percent. But, in fact, due to various constraints the OPE
efficiency by 20 percent till the end of year 2017. Also as during operation is only 20 to 35 percent.
per Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority
(MWRRA) from the year 2019 onwards adoption of micro- 2. QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR PDN
irrigation for perennial crops is made compulsory.
Maharashtra Water and Irrigation Department reports, The pipeline distribution system shall be adopted when
current CCA of Maharashtra state is approximately 225 lacs there is
Hector (Ha). By considering the availability of surface
water and ground water, the total area irrigated by surface  Limited water availability and extensive
water is 85 lacs Ha and that of ground water is 41 lacs Ha. command.
Hence it is possible to irrigate total 126 lacs Ha, which
contributing just 56 percent of total CCA.  Steep, uneven and undulated topography where
canal system is uneconomical.
Demand of water for civilization and industrialization is
increasing at an alarming rate. This increase in demand  High losses due to evaporation, seepage and water
reduces the water availability for irrigation. To overcome thief.
this water scarcity, optimum utilization of irrigation water
 Adoption of advance techniques for future
is necessary which will help in irrigating maximum area
and for this purpose there is need to modernization of
existing conventional CDN system.  Farmer’s responses and acceptability.
1.1 Irrigation and its Sources  Need for Crop diversification.

Irrigation sector is the largest consumer of water as  Need of Controlled irrigation for crops like
more than 80 percent of available water resources in India orchards.
are being presently utilized for irrigation purpose. The
 Black cotton soil in the reach of canal.
main sources of irrigation in the country are canals, tanks
and wells including tube wells. Analyzing the data relating  Availability of adequate fund.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2356
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 When high returns are expected. iii. In general, the alignment of main line should be of
minimum length.
 Timely availability of material, labour, advanced
technology etc. iv. Similarly, criteria for deciding the layout of
laterals is, it should serve maximum area with
 The pipeline (gravity flow) is generally feasible in minimum length of pipe.
the case of sloping topography having ground
slopes steeper than 1 to 500. v. Each chak to be provided with a separate lateral
and considering the shape and size of chak sub-
3. BASIC LAYOUT OF PDN laterals to be provided according to need.

The basic layout of the PDN consists of a control head, a vi. Operation scheduling should be economical and
pipe distribution network and the hydrants. flexible from view point of irrigational
a. Control Head
The control head includes the necessary PDN
regulating valves (shut off, check valve, air valve)
placed 60 cm above ground surface, on a piece of The various design parameters such as flow velocity
galvanized steel threaded pipe, with tee outlet for through pipe, diameter of pipe, and hydraulic gradient line
taps and pressure gauge. This type of arrangement are discussed below
is also suitable for micro-irrigation systems.
5.1 Flow Velocity
b. Pipe Distribution Network
i. Due to low velocity of flow in the pipe network,
The main and sub-main pipelines (distribution
there is possibility of silt deposition. Hence the
network) can be of rigid PVC, buried underground.
Pipes such as HDPE, quick coupler light steel or general flow velocity should be between 0.8 to 1
the galvanized steel threaded pipes are used on m/sec in whole distribution system.
ground surface in hilly areas.
ii. In some exceptional cases for a section of smaller
c. Hydrants length the flow velocity of 0.6 m/sec. is also
The hydrants are raised on surface and equipped
with a gate valve (shut off valve), capable to iii. The flow velocity not to be increased beyond 1.5
deliver a flow to the manifold open ditches.
m/sec and less than 0.6 m/sec.
Manifold open ditches can be replaced by
attaching the portable light weight pipes (light
iv. When the pipe materials like PVC, PSC, or HDPE
steel, black polyethylene, quick couplers
aluminum, lay flat hose etc) to the hydrants, for are used in PDN the flow velocity can be
the final delivery. The irrigational water is increased to 1.8 m/sector for economical
discharged directly to the manifold open earth consideration but in this case pressure rating
channel from the hydrants and then this water is should be minimum of 4 kg/cm2.
diverted to the furrows, basins or strip borders
through open earth channel. v. Scouring arrangement should be provided in the
portion of pipe network where flow velocity is
below 0.6 m/sec.
i. In PDN system planning of Chak is an important
factor. It is observed that, the general chak size 5.2 Diameter of Pipe
should be in the range of 5 to 12 Ha, which can
vary according to project. i. A small diameter pipe may requires a lower initial
investment but fails to provide enough water to
ii. Nearly equitable water distribution to all outlets command area
and optimum cost are the two main objectives
kept in mind while finalizing the network ii. Similarly, a large diameter pipe involves high
architecture. initial investment and provides excess water to
one command area which will affect another.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2357
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

iii. Therefore, a selection of optimum conduit  At the point of change in alignment, to provide the
diameter for a particular fluid flow will be a vital stability to pipe network thrust block should be
economic decision. provided. Also in case of straight reach by
considering swelling pressure of soil anchor block
5.3 Hydraulic Gradient Line (HGL) to be provided at a suitable distance. The thrust
block and anchor block should be constructed in
i. Hydraulic gradient is the factor which controls the
flow of water through closed pipe network.
Following are the some important guidelines 5.5 Soil Data
while deciding the HGL.
The information such as soil specific characteristics,
ii. To ensure the adequate pressure and full flow compressibility, infiltration rate, soil classification, shear
condition at the start of main pipe line, minimum strength, texture of soil, existing groundwater table, soil PH
driving head of 1.2 m should be maintained at etc. regarding existing strata should be collected. Soil PH
intake chamber. can also affect the choice of material of pipe. PH less than 5
would prevent the use of iron and concrete pipe.
iii. Diameter of pipe is so selected that the effective
head i.e. (HGL-GL) should not be less than 0.6 m. 6. IMPORTANT ASPECTS AND GUIDELINES
However, in exceptional cases effective head to FOR PDN CONSTRUCTION
the extent 0.3 m may be allowed.
i. In low lying area where hydraulic gradient is
5.4 Installation Requirements more the flow can be controlled by reducing the
diameter of pipe or using valves.
The pipeline should be installed at sufficient depth below
the ground surface to provide protection from hazards ii. For pipe segment taken in consideration, minor
imposed by temperatures, or soil cracking. The losses due to bends, tees etc is taken as 10
requirements of a cover for various diameter pipes are percent of frictional losses.
shown in Table 1.
iii. Generally the diameter of air valves should be
Table - 1 : Requirement of Cover for Various Diameter of kept minimum 10 percent of the pipe diameter.
iv. Trash screens are used in the intake chamber to
Sr. Minimum Depth of prevent the entry of sand, silt, debris etc.
Diameter of pipe in mm
No. Cover in mm
v. The male-female joint with rubber packing in case
1 25 - 60 450 of R.C.C pipe should be water tight or else the
roots of trees may enter through the pipe joints
2 75-100 600 resulting in blocking of pipe.

3 for 125 mm or more 760 vi. PVC pipe may get brittle due to U.V. degradation
when exposed in sunlight for a longer duration.

vii. After laying the pipes, confirm the joint set and
 The pipe should be laid below the ground in such refill the surrounding portion of pipe with
way that at least 1.2 m of filling material is kept appropriate compaction to avoid the floating
over pipe so that it should not be disturbed with action of pipe due to seepage.
the farming operations and farming equipments.
 At summit locations, air vacuum relief valves to be
provided. Air vent to be provided at an interval of No pipeline shall leak if quality of pipeline and quality of
300 m and to be extended upto 0.6 m above HGL. joints are good. Pipeline leaks only when there is a
significant human negligence, in respect of construction
and operation. Some of the precautions are:

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2358
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

i. Use moist soil for the initial backfill after laying 9. ADVANTAGES OF PDN SYSTEM OVER CDN
the pipe. SYSTEM
ii. Minimize air circulation through a line when i. As almost entire system is buried, there is
laying pipe and when line is not in use. considerable saving in land acquisition cost.

iii. Avoid laying pipe in extremely hot, extremely cold ii. The losses due to seepage, evaporation, thefts can
or in wet weather. be avoided by implementation of PDN.

iv. Moreover when pipelines leak, the leaking water iii. By use of PDN, Part of un-command area can be
appears on the ground as a wet patch almost brought under irrigation.
immediately and can be repaired easily. Regular
inspection to attend to such eventualities is iv. Low maintenance cost- in PDN continuous
necessary. maintenance is not required as in case of earthen
v. Distribution chambers to be cleared for silt or
debris seasonally. v. Advanced technologies such as drip, sprinklers,
sub-surface irrigation system of irrigation can be
vi. Ball to be inserted for the silt clearance. implemented.

vii. Valve or outlet to be provided at the lowest level vi. Irrigation principle may be achieved by equitable
of the system to facilitate flushing. water supply from tail to head.

viii. Periodical flushing of the system is necessary. 10. LIMITATIONS OF PDN SYSTEM
8. SCOPE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PDN SYSTEM i. Great care in design and construction of PDN is
PDN can be used for major, medium, minor and lift
irrigation scheme. It is possible to implement this system ii. Silt must be removed from water before supplying
as a new scheme or in an existing scheme. If PDN is it to PDN.
implemented as a new project, it would be, easier to give
justice to the principles of PDN. While implementing PDN iii. High initial investment in pipeline- but in the long
system on existing scheme there could be following run pipelines are economical, due to saving in
alternatives as given in Table 2 water, labour, maintenance, land & permanence of
Table – 2 : Alternatives while Implementing PDN on
Existing CDN System
Alternative CDN PDN
Considering the scarcity of water, PDN system is
recommended for irrigation in command area. PDN system
1 Main canal, Only Field channel
Distributary, Minor saves water over conventional CDN system and should be
preferred where land cost is comparatively high and
Main canal and Minor and Field farmers are unwilling to handover their valuable land. The
Distributary channel pipe line distribution system would be more suitable for
implementation of modern techniques like sprinkler and
3 Main Canal Distributary, Minor drip irrigation etc. The planning and design of PDN should
and Field channel be carefully done so that maximum benefits of the system
can be utilized.

Therefore, it is recommended that PDN system could be

implemented to the ongoing Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS) as
pressure head is easily available and depending upon the

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2359
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

techno-economic feasibility this system can be used for

conversion of existing CDN in part or whole command area.


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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2360

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