Topic 4 - (II)
Topic 4 - (II)
Topic 4 - (II)
1. To solve problems of laminar flow of Newtonians fluids in circular pipes.
Lecture Outline:
1. For Laminar Flow:
2. These equations say that for steady, laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in circular
a. The velocity is zero at the tube wall (r = ro)
b. The velocity is maximum at the center of the pipe (r = 0)
c. The pressure drop per unit length is independent of fluid density and is
proportional to the first power of the local velocity and the first
power of the viscosity.
d. The velocity – radius plot is a parabola – figure 6.5
3. Oil is transferring at a rate of 0.2 m3/min steadily from tank A to tank B through
900 m length and diameter 8 cm pipe. The oil has a density of 998 kg/m 3 and a
viscosity of 50 cP. The level of the free surfaces are the same in both tanks. Tank
B is vented to the atmosphere. What is the gauge pressure in tank A required to
produce this flow rate?