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Primergy Serverview Suite: Integration Module V1.4 For Altiris Deployment Server

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PRIMERGY ServerView Suite

Integration Module V1.4 for Altiris Deployment Server

DOS Tools Documentation

October 2007 Edition

© Copyright Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH 2007

All hardware and software names used are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar

methods, in part or in whole, are reserved.
Offenders will be liable for damages.
All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or
design, are reserved.
Delivery subject to availability. Right of technical modification reserved.
1 Preface ......................................................................................................1

2 Integration Module ....................................................................................3

2.1 About This Guide ........................................................................................3
2.2 Target Audience..........................................................................................3
2.3 Safety Notes ...............................................................................................3
2.4 Notational Conventions ...............................................................................4

3 DOS Utilities..............................................................................................5
3.1 BIOS Configuration .....................................................................................7
3.1.1 SAVECMOS ...............................................................................................7
3.2 RAID Configuration ................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 ACU ......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 CFGIR...................................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 FTSETUP ................................................................................................. 15
3.2.4 HYPERCFG.............................................................................................. 18
3.2.5 LPSETUP ................................................................................................. 21
3.2.6 MEGALITE ............................................................................................... 24
3.2.7 MEGACLI ................................................................................................. 28
3.2.8 MEGADCLI............................................................................................... 30
3.2.9 RAIDSEL.................................................................................................. 32
3.2.10 SX4SETUP............................................................................................... 34
3.3 System Identification and Management Controller Configuration................. 36
3.3.1 SPMAN .................................................................................................... 36
3.3.2 IPMIVIEW ................................................................................................. 39
3.3.3 PCIVIEW .................................................................................................. 42
3.3.4 RSBS2MAN.............................................................................................. 43
3.4 Helper Tools ............................................................................................. 46
3.4.1 CTRIDENT ............................................................................................... 46
3.4.2 DISKPREP ............................................................................................... 48
3.4.3 ERRLEV................................................................................................... 51
3.5 Restrictions............................................................................................... 52

DOS Tools Documentation

1 Preface
The PRIMERGY Integration Module (PIM) is a collection of DOS- based tools and sample
jobs for Altiris Deployment Server (Altiris DS). It is intended to enable users to configure
and install and manage PRIMERGY servers using Altiris DS.
This document describes all supported DOS tools for the PRIMERGY Integration Module.
For information about the PRIMERGY Integration Module DOS itself please refer to the
PRIMERGY Integration Module DOS User Guide.
For more information about the Altiris Deployment Solution please refer to the Altiris
Deployment Solution User's Guide at:

DOS Tools Documentation 1

2 Integration Module

2.1 About This Guide

This user guide is intended as a reference for using the PRIMERGY Integration Module
with the Altiris DS for managing and deploying PRIMERGY servers.

2.2 Target Audience

This guide is targeted at experienced administrators who are familiar with the servers of
the PRIMERGY family from Fujitsu Siemens Computers and Altiris Deployment Server.

2.3 Safety Notes

Improper use of the tools and sample jobs can result in loss of critical data.
Because of the potential risk of data loss, only experienced individuals should
use the modules sample jobs. Before using the jobs, you must take all
necessary precautions to ensure that mission-critical systems remain online if a
failure occurs.

DOS Tools Documentation 3

Integration Module

2.4 Notational Conventions

The following notational conventions are used in this manual:

Typewriter text Indicates elements of the syntax that must be entered exactly
as shown in the ’Syntax’ section.

Italics Indicates variables, arguments or file names

[] Indicates an optional entry (an option or argument enclosed in

square brackets may be specified), i.e. the entry is not

| Indicates an alternative option (none, one or more of several

options or arguments can be specified).

… Indicates that one or more options or arguments can be

specified several times.

Bold Used for highlighting in the text.

"Quotes" Indicates cross-references to other chapters or manuals.

Warning sign indicating that your health, the correct

functioning of your system, or the security of your data may be
at risk if you ignore the information given at this point.

Indicates additional information, notes and hints.

4 DOS Tools Documentation

3 DOS Utilities
This chapter describes the DOS utilities provided and how to use the utilities in a scripting
environment for server deployment.

Utilities marked (*) are unsupported;
Unsupported utilities are part of this release for the benefit of supporting
individual customer setups. Each utility is provided as is. These utilities are not
guaranteed to work in all possible configurations and must be thoroughly
tested before being used in mission critical environments.

* BIOS configuration


* RAID configuration


DOS Tools Documentation 5

DOS Utilities

* System identification and RSB configuration


* Helper tools


6 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

3.1 BIOS Configuration

SAVECMOS can be used to save the BIOS configuration of a PRIMERGY reference
system and to apply the same configuration to a PRIMERGY target system.
In the context of PRIMERGY server deployment, this utility is primarily used to change
the boot sequence of the target PRIMERGY system during the configuration and
installation process. Syntax

SAVECMOS.EXE <no_argument>
SAVECMOS.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-save Save the BIOS configurations to the configuration file named by

SAVECMOS itself.

-restore Restores the BIOS configurations using a configuration file.

SAVECMOS will check the correct board and BIOS version. If they
match the information stored in the configuration file, SAVECMOS
will restore the BIOS configuration from the file.

-compare SAVECMOS compares the system board information and BIOS

version with the information stored in the configuration file. If they
match, SAVECMOS compares the contents of the NVRAMs with
those of the file. If the NVRAM contents are different from those of
the configuration file, SAVECMOS will report an error.

-force This option forces an existing configuration file to be overwritten,

DOS Tools Documentation 7

DOS Utilities

e.g. when SAVECMOS was already invoked on the same system

This argument can only be used together with the ’-save’ argument.

-path= Specify an alternative path for the configuration file.

This argument can only be used together with the ' -save' or ' -
restore’ arguments.

-? Display help screen.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation. Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully.

1 Command line argument error.

If SAVECMOS reads an unknown command line argument, it will stop
executing. View command line output for more information.

2 a) Configuration file could not be accessed.

b) If a) is not true, this error indicates that BIOS and board version do
not match information stored in configuration file

3 BIOS version and/or board information in configuration file differs from

actual BIOS and/or system board data (when used with the ’-compare’
argument). Configuration File

The configuration file of the SAVECMOS utility contains information on the board and
BIOS and the contents of the NVRAM. It is binary-coded and has the extension ’.SCS’
(SaveCMOS Storage).

8 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

The configuration file name is generated by SAVECMOS and is unique for a board/BIOS
version. Note that the name of the storage file should not be changed. Editing and
manipulation of this file is strongly discouraged. Important Notes

Each BIOS configuration file is valid only for the BIOS version it was created from. Use
the ’-compare’ argument of SAVECMOS to see if the configuration file matches your
system’s BIOS version.
For new server deployment it is recommended that you create reference BIOS
configuration files from your new PRIMERGY systems before using these configuration
files to configure the BIOS of other target systems with the same BIOS installed.
SAVECMOS is not applicable for TX/RX600 S1/S2/S3 systems.

DOS Tools Documentation 9

DOS Utilities

3.2 RAID Configuration

3.2.1 ACU
ACU is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to PRIMERGY
Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported controllers. Syntax

ACU.EXE <no_argument>
ACU.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

/R [drive:][path] In record mode, the ACU scans the controller's current array
<filename> and channel configurations and writes the array configurations
to <filename>.

/P [drive:][path] In playback mode, the ACU reads the contents of the

<filename> configuration file <filename> and creates arrays and configures
channel settings based on the properties defined in <filename>.

/C <number> Optional argument. <number> specifies a controller number.

/L [drive:][path] Optional log file name. ACU records its activity and any errors it
<filename> encounters in the log file. If no argument ’/L’ is specified, ACU
displays any status and errors on the screen.

-? Display help screen.

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

10 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully.

1 No controller found.

2 Syntax or logical error in the configuration file.

3 Unable to open file. ACU was unable to open the specified script or log

4 Error in the command line parameters.

5 Unable to read system configuration from the specified controller.

6 No drives detected.

7 Specified drive not found in system.

8 Specified array size smaller than the minimum size allowed for this

9 Specified array size larger than the maximum size allowed for this

10 Number of drives does not match the array type.

11 Unable to initialise one or more disk drives.

12 Error occurred while creating array.

13 Attempt to assign more than the maximum number of spare drives

allowed for the specified array.

14 Insufficient memory to run the application.

15 Incorrect controller number.

16 Controller not responding.

17 Build/Verify/Clear failed.

100 You ran ACU and made changes. ACU exited with no errors (success)
and a reboot is required.

DOS Tools Documentation 11

DOS Utilities Configuration File

The configuration file can hold the current array configuration of a system’s controller.
When ACU is called with the ’/P’ option (playback mode), the configuration file is used to
configure a new controller with the same array configuration.
The following keywords should be used in the configuration file.

Array Indicates the start of an array definition block. It accepts an optional

Example: Array=”MyArray”

Drives Specifies the disk drives used in creating the array.

Example: Drives=0:0:0,0:1:0,0:2:0

Type Indicates the type of array to create.

Possible values: Volume / RAID0 / RAID1 / RAID5 / RAID10 / RAID50

Read Cache Indicates whether read caching is enabled for this array.
Possible values: Yes / No

Size Specifies the size of the array.

Use ‘Maximum’ for maximal possible size

Stripe Size Specifies the stripe size in kilobytes.

Possible values: 16 / 32 / 64

Write Cache Indicates whether write caching is enabled for this array.
Possible values: Yes / No

End Indicates the end of an array definition block.

For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

12 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

3.2.2 CFGIR
CFGIR is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

CFGIR.EXE <no_argument>
CFGIR.EXE <controller #> <command> <parameters> Arguments

Argument Description

<controller#> DISPLAY Display information about controller


<controller#> DEFAULTS Delete controller configuration.

<controller#> CREATE <type> <size> Create an IR volume.

<ID> …
Possible Values:
<type>: IM | IME.
<size>: size in MB or MAX
<ID> …: SCSI of all required disks

<controller #> <command> Display command specific help.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

DOS Tools Documentation 13

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 SUCCESS: command completed successfully.

1 FAILURE: bad command line arguments or operational failure. Important Notes

Controllers which can be configured with CFGIR only support one volume per controller.
Only IM and IME volumes are supported.
If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

14 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

FTSETUP is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

FTSETUP.EXE <no_argument>
FTSETUP.EXE argument [argument ... ] Arguments

Argument Description

-o -f [drive:][path] Saves the array configuration to the configuration file

<filename> <filename>.

-I -f [drive:][path] Restores the array configuration using the configuration file

<filename> while deleting existing array configurations. Initiates by default
a foreground initialisation of the RAID array if it is a RAID 1 or

-p Display array/disk information.

-? Display help screen.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-sensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

DOS Tools Documentation 15

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully

1 Array already exists

2 Open & read file error

3 Parse configuration file error

4 Parse command line error

10 No hard disk connected

12 Clear array configuration error

13 Create array error Configuration File

The array configuration can be saved in an ASCII-coded text file. Examples for
configuration files are listed below.
Example 1: RAID1 array with 2 disks and maximum size

16 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

Example 2: RAID0 array with 2 disks and 64KB stripe size and maximum size.
[ARRAY8] Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

DOS Tools Documentation 17

DOS Utilities

HYPERCFG is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

HYPERCFG.EXE <no_argument>
HYPERCFG.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

/Ea Erase configuration.

/C<controller #> Specify controller.

If not defined, the first available controller is used.

/L /b<filename> Log configuration to specified file.

/@ /b<filename> Configures RAID from specified file.

/b<filename> Specifies file to read from or write to.

/S Executes in Silent mode.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

18 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0x00 No error.

0x06 Array not formed due to inadequate drives. This error occurs if
adequate drives are not present for raid to be configured.

0x0A Hard disk(s) not found. This error occurs when required hard disks are
not found.

0x0B Raid controller timed out on read/write. Possible reasons are damaged
HDD, invalid drive is specified.

0x0D Error Opening Array Information file. Configuration file specified could
not be opened.

0x0E Array information file format incorrect. Possible reasons, missing

fields/wrong information in file.

0x10 Error Opening Log file. Log file name/path may be wrong/invalid.

0x12 Array not formed as required drives not found. This error occurs if
required drives are not found.

0x13 Array not formed, excess drives found. This error occurs when more
than two drives present in /! command.

0x16 Invalid configuration present. This error occurs when no raid

configuration is present and command is issued.

0x17 Configuration mismatch in drives. This error occurs when the

configuration info in all drives do not match. Occurs with /T command.

0x18 Error reading file.

0x19 Error writing file.

0x21 Physical Drive Rebuild Failed.

0x22 Check Consistency Failed.

0x23 No FreeArray Info Available.

DOS Tools Documentation 19

DOS Utilities

0x24 Physical Drive Rebuild Aborted.

0x25 Check Consistency Aborted.

0x26 Ld Initialisation Aborted.

0x27 Failed to connect spy.

0x28 Logical drive deletion failed.

0x1A Warning! Truncating file. This error occurs when the file dumped to a
sector is greater than 512 bytes.

0x1B Raid BIOS not found. Occurs with /V command if raid bios is not found.

0x1C Feature not available in IDE drive. Error occurs if the /P or /M command
is used on drives that do not support this feature, or invalid parameters
are specified. Configuration File

The configuration file can obtain the current array configuration of a PRIMERGY system’s
array controller which can subsequently be used to configure another array controller of
the same type with the same array configuration in a PRIMERGY target system.
The configuration file of the HYPERCFG utility is in binary format. Editing and
manipulation of this file is strongly discouraged. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

20 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

LPSETUP is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

LPSETUP.EXE <no_argument>
LPSETUP.EXE argument [argument ... ] Arguments

Argument Description

-o -f [drive:][path] Saves the array configuration to the configuration file

<filename> <filename>.

-I -f [drive:][path] Restores the array configuration using the configuration file

<filename> and initiates by default a foreground build if it is a RAID 1 or

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-sensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation. Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully

1 Error and command failed

Other Error

DOS Tools Documentation 21

DOS Utilities Configuration File

The array configuration can be saved in an ASCII-coded text file. Examples for
configuration files are listed below.
Example 1: RAID1 array with 2 disks and maximum size
Example 2: RAID0 array with 2 disks and 64KB stripe size and maximum size.

22 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).
LPSETUP performs an implicit reboot after configuration.

DOS Tools Documentation 23

DOS Utilities

MEGALITE is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

MEGALITE.EXE <no_argument>
MEGALITE.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

AllAdpInfo -F<filename> Print information about all adapters present in the

system (upto 12) into the given file (in simple text

-READCONFIG - Read configuration data from given controller and

A<controller#> -F<filename> save it in binary form in the given file in overwrite

-WRITECONFIG - Read configuration from given file and save it on given

A<controller#> -F<filename> controller, if possible. It also sets the Logical

-help Prints help information of options.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

24 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description


1 EXITERR_INVPARM: Invalid parameter is specified at command line.

2 EXITERR_INVOPTION: Invalid option – not supported.

3 EXITERR_INVHA: Invalid adapter number given.

4 EXITERR_INVFWTYPE: Unsupported firmware type.

5 EXITERR_FWTYP_MISMATCH: Mismatch in firmware type.

6 EXITERR_DISALLOW_IN_RECONST: requested operation is

disallowed during reconstruction.

7 EXITERR_NOADP: no adapter found.

8 SYSINIT: initialisation of program error - it may be due to program

could not complete initialisation operation during card detection phase.

9 EXITERR_MULTIDEFINITION: if a parameter is defined more than

once - such as filename adapter number.

10 EXITERR_MISSING_PARM: if some desired parameter for a given

option is not given then the program exits with this code.

16 EXITERR_INVSPANDEPTH: invalid span depth specified in logical


17 EXITERR_INVSTRPSZ: invalid stripe size in logical drive.

18 EXITERR_INVRAID: invalid RAID in Idrv.

19 EXITERR_RAIDSTRP_MISMATCH: RAID level vs #stripes mismatch

in Idrv.

20 EXITERR_INVLDSTAT: invalid status field in Idrv.

21 EXITERR_RDPOLICY: invalid read policy.

22 EXITERR_WRPOLICY: invalid write policy.

DOS Tools Documentation 25

DOS Utilities

23 EXITERR_CACHEPOLICY: invalid cache policy.

24 EXITERR_INV_CHTARG: invalid channel/target specified in physical

drive information (part of logical drive).

25 EXITERR_INVBOOTLDNO: invalid BootDrive specified.

26 EXITERR_INVLDNO: invalid number of logical drive field in the

configuration data.

27 EXITERR_INVSTRP: invalid #stripes in Idrv.

32 EXITERR_FINVCKSUM: file has invalid CheckSum Data.

33 EXITERR_FOPEN: file open error.

34 EXITERR_FREAD: file read error.

35 EXITERR_FWRITE: file write error.

36 EXITERR__F_INVSIGN: file signature wrong (typically during


37 EXITERR__F_INVFILE: invalid file data – flagged when no special

details are wanted to be told about write config data.

48 EXITERR__DEV_IN_2SPAN: device defined in more than 1-span in

config data.

49 EXITERR_DEV_IN_2DEVS: same device is defined in more than 1-

DEVICE[] in config data.

50 EXITERR_INV_DEVTYP: wrong device type in DEVICE[i].type.

51 EXITERR_INV_DEVSZ: wrong device size DEVICE[i].size.

52 EXITERR_INV_DEVSTAT: device status field DEVICE[i].status has

wrong value

53 EXITERR_ROMBDEV_IN_CFG: ROMB device is specified in

configuration data.

54 EXITERR__BUSY: firmware is busy at initialisation/consistency

checking/background initialisation/rebuild/reconstruction. Utility checks
the firmware state before write configuration and returns this error, if
firmware is in such busy state.

64 EXITERR_ENQERR: enquiry command failed.

26 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

65 EXITERR_WRCFG: WriteConfig cmd failed.

66 EXITERR_RDCFG: ReadConfig cmd failed

67 EXITERR_ABORTBICC: Abort BI/CC cmd failed. Configuration File

The configuration file of the MEGALITE utility is in binary format. Editing and manipulation
of this file is strongly discouraged.
The name of the configuration file and the file extension can be chosen freely. It is
recommended that you use ’.BIN’ as the file extension. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

DOS Tools Documentation 27

DOS Utilities

MEGACLI is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

MEGACLI.EXE <no_argument>
MEGACLI.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-cfgDsply -a<controller#> Print information about all adapters present in the


-cfgSave -a<controller#> - Read configuration data from given controller and

f<filename> save it in binary form in the given file in overwrite

-cfgRestore -a<controller#> - Read configuration from given file and save it on

f<filename> given controller, if possible.

-cfgLdAdd - Configure array of type <raid> with specified disks.

Example: -cfgLdAdd -r1[0:0,0:1] -a0

-help Prints help information of options.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

28 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Success.

Other Error. Configuration File

The configuration file of the MEGACLI utility is in binary format. Editing and manipulation
of this file is strongly discouraged.
The name of the configuration file and the file extension can be chosen freely. It is
recommended that you use ’.BIN’ as the file extension. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

DOS Tools Documentation 29

DOS Utilities

MEGADCLI is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

MEGADCLI.EXE <no_argument>
MEGADCLI.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-cfgDsply -a<controller#> Print information about all adapters present in the


-cfgSave -a<controller#> - Read configuration data from given controller and

f<filename> save it in binary form in the given file in overwrite

-cfgRestore -a<controller#> - Read configuration from given file and save it on

f<filename> given controller, if possible.

-cfgLdAdd - Configure array of type <raid> with specified disks.

Example: -cfgLdAdd -r1[0:0,0:1] -a0

-help Prints help information of options.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

30 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Success.

Other Error. Configuration File

The configuration file of the MEGADCLI utility is in binary format. Editing and
manipulation of this file is strongly discouraged.
The name of the configuration file and the file extension can be chosen freely. It is
recommended that you use ’.BIN’ as the file extension. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

DOS Tools Documentation 31

DOS Utilities

RAIDSEL is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

RAIDSEL.EXE <no_argument>
RAIDSEL.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

save <filename> Save the RAID configuration to a file.

-F loadB Load/create and build a RAID configuration based on the options

<filename> specified in the file.

-D <ID> Delete array or logical drive.

Options: <ID>: 'd<Ctrl>b<Bus>t<Target>l<LUN>'.
Examples: RAIDSEL.EXE -D d0b0t0l0
Note: All logical arrays and drives need to be specified

-d <number> Specify the card/controller <number> to be operated on. If you do

not specify anything, the default setting (’0’) will be used.

-L all List all information in all HostRAID/SCSI channels.

-? Display help screen.

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-sensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

32 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully

1 An error occurred. View command line output for more information

2 Command line syntax error

3 Invalid parameter following the argument

4 SCSI BIOS error Configuration File

The RAID array configuration can be saved in an ASCII-coded text file with any file
Editing and manipulation of the configuration file is strongly discouraged. Important Notes

Only if the array controller runs in RAID mode (array controller BIOS setting) can
RAIDSEL save and restore array configurations.
If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).

DOS Tools Documentation 33

DOS Utilities

3.2.10 SX4SETUP
SX4SETUP is a command-line-based array controller management utility. Refer to
PRIMERGY Integration Module Documentation Chapter 9 for information on supported
controllers. Syntax

SX4SETUP.EXE <no_argument>
SX4SETUP.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-b Backup current configuration to file.

-r Read backup file and restore configuration.

-c Clear configuration before set array.

-f <filename> Specify filename.

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-insensitive.
For more information please refer to the OEM tool documentation.

34 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 ok

1 Array already exists.

2 Open and read file error.

3 Parse script file error.

4 Parse command line error.

5 No controller found.

10 No hard disk connected.

12 Clear array configuration error.

13 Create array error. Configuration File

The configuration file can contain the current array configuration of a PRIMERGY
system’s array controller which can subsequently be used to configure another array
controller of the same type with the same array configuration in a PRIMERGY target
The configuration file of the SX4SETUP utility is in binary format.
Editing and manipulation of this file is strongly discouraged. Important Notes

If this utility is used to configure disks that have already been used, it is recommended
that you delete existing partition information using standard DOS utilities (e.g. fdisk).
Please note that capturing a configuration using the -o option necessitates using the -i
option to write the configuration. Using the -b option for backing up a configuration
requires using -r for restoring the configuration.

DOS Tools Documentation 35

DOS Utilities

3.3 System Identification and Management

Controller Configuration

3.3.1 SPMAN
SPMAN is a command-line-based management utility for FSC's Remote Service Board
(RSB). Syntax
SPMAN.EXE <no_argument>
SPMAN.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-ini Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

settings to the RSB. Expects the configuration file (e.g. ’SP.INI’)
to be located in the current working directory.

-ini=[drive:][path] Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

<filename> settings to the RSB. Reads the configuration file (e.g. ’SP.INI’)
from the specified file location.

-product The chassis ID PROM is read and "Product Name" and "YB
number" is extracted and set to environment variables

-? Display help screen

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-insensitive.

36 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 No error. Command completed successfully.

255 An error occurred. View command line output for more information. Configuration File

The configuration file of the SPMAN utility contains, among other information, the network
settings of the Remote Service Board 1. It is an ASCII-coded text file. The file name
extension is ’.INI’.
Configuration file structure:
• Variables are assigned and set this way: VARIABLE=VALUE
• Only one variable - value pair per line
• Comments only work for lines. Use a semicolon as first character in a line.
• ‘Empty’ variables are not allowed. Delete them or comment them out with a
leading semicolon.
• Blank lines are allowed

DOS Tools Documentation 37

DOS Utilities

Examples for variables:

Variable Value

IPAddress Sets the IP address of the Copernicus/RSB LAN device.

Example: IPAddress=

IPSubnetMask Sets the IP subnet mask of the Copernicus/RSB LAN device.

Example: IPSubnetMask=

IPGateway Sets the gateway IP address.

Example: IPGateway=

IPSpeed Sets the LAN device speed.

Values: AutoNegotiate·/ 100MbpsFullDuplex·/ 100MbpsHalfDuplex·/
10MbpsFullDuplex·/ 10MbpsHalfDuplex
Example: IPSpeed=AutoNegotiate

IPDHCP Enables or disables the use of a DHCP server.

Values: Disabled / Enabled
Example: IPDHCP=Disabled

IPUseDNS Enables or disables the use of a DNS server.

Value: ·Disabled·/ Enabled
Example: IPUseDNS=Disabled

IPDNSServer Sets the IP address of the first DNS server.

Example: IPDNSServer=

IPDNSServer2 Sets the IP address of the second DNS server.

Example: IPDNSServer2=

IPMACAddress Sets the MAC address of the Copernicus/RSB LAN device.

Example: IPMACAddress=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
Variables and values are case-sensitive.

38 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

IPMIVIEW is a command-line-based management utility for IPMI-compliant Baseboard
Management Controllers (BMC). Syntax

IPMIVIEW.EXE <no_argument>
IPMIVIEW.EXE argument Arguments

Argument Description

-product The chassis ID PROM is read and ’Product Name’ and ’YB
number’ is extracted and set to the environment variables

-ini Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

settings to the RSB. Expects the configuration file (e.g. ’SP.INI’)
to be located in the current working directory.
The configuration file must be modified to include the network
settings of the RSB (IP address, network mask, DHCP address,

-ini=[drive:][path] Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

<filename> settings to the RSB. Reads the configuration file (e.g. ’SP.INI’)
from the specified file location.
The configuration file must be modified to include the network
settings of the RSB (IP address, network mask, DHCP address,

-? Displays a help screen.

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-insensitive.

DOS Tools Documentation 39

DOS Utilities Return Values

IMPIVIEW can set the environment variables ’BMC’ and ’BLADEID’.

If a known BMC has been identified, environment variable ’BMC’ is always set.
If running on PRIMERGY BX300 or BX600 systems, environment variable
’BLADEID=1...20’ is automatically set. This identifies the CPU blade on which IPMIVIEW
is running.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully.

Other An error occurred. View command line output for more information. Configuration File

The configuration file of the IPMIVIEW utility contains, among other information, the
network settings of the Baseboard Management Controller. It is an ASCII-coded text file.
The file name extension is ’.INI’.
See IPMIVIEW_MASTER.INI for all possible values.
Configuration file structure:
• Variables are assigned and set this way: VARIABLE=VALUE
• Only one variable - value pair per line
• Comments only work for lines. Use a semicolon as first character in a line.
• ‘Empty’ variables are not allowed. Delete them or comment them out with a
leading semicolon.
• Blank lines are allowed

40 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

Examples for variables:

Variable Value

IPAddress Sets the IP address of the BMC.

Example: IPAddress=

SubnetMask Sets the IP subnet mask of the BMC.

Example: IPSubnetMask=

DefaultGatewayAdress Sets the gateway IP address.

Example: DefaultGatewayAddress =

DefaultGatewayMACAdress Sets the gateway IP address.

Example:DefaultGatewayMACAddress =
Variables and values are case-sensitive.

DOS Tools Documentation 41

DOS Utilities

PCIVIEW is a command-line-based management utility used to identify and locate PCI
devices. PCIVIEW scans the whole PCI bus system and the PCI configuration space of
every present device for various information of the device. To translate the PCI device
information into readable names the control file ADAPTER.INI will be used (if present). Syntax

PCIVIEW.EXE <no_argument>
PCIVIEW.EXE argument Arguments

Argument Description

-SCD Scans the PCI bus is and stores all information in PCIVIEW.SCD in
INI file format.

-SCF As -SCD but outputs more detailed information into PCIVIEW.SCD.

-SCX Scans the PCI bus is and stores all information in PCIVIEW.TXT in
list format.

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-insensitive. Return Values

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully.

Other An error occurred. View command line output for more information.

42 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

3.3.4 RSBS2MAN
RSBS2MAN is a command-line-based RSB management utility. RSBS2MAN can be
used to configure the Remote Service Board S2 or S2 LP of a PRIMERGY target system
according to a configuration file. Syntax

RSBS2MAN.EXE <no_argument>
RSBS2MAN.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

Argument Description

-ini Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

settings to the RSB S2/S2 LP. Expects the configuration file
(e.g. ’RSBS2MAN.INI’) to be located in the current working

-ini=[drive:][path] Reads the configuration file and applies the configuration

<filename> settings to the RSB S2/S2 LP. Reads the configuration file (e.g.
’RSBS2MAN.INI’) from the specified file location.

-product The chassis ID PROM is read and "Product Name" and "YB
number" is extracted and set to environment variables

-? Display help screen

<no_argument> An interactive menu-based dialog is started.

All arguments are case-insensitive.

DOS Tools Documentation 43

DOS Utilities Return values

Environment variables: None.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully.

Other An error occurred. View command line output for more information. Configuration File

The configuration file of the RSBS2MAN utility contains, among other information, the
network settings of the Remote Service Board S2/S2 LP. It is an ACSII-coded text filed.
The file name extension is ’.INI’ (e.g. ’RSBS2MAN.INI’).
For configuring the network settings of the Remote Service Board S2/S2 LP as part or
server deployment, only the network section of the configuration file should be modified.
Configuration file structure:
• Variables are assigned and set this way: VARIABLE=VALUE
• Only one variable - value pair per line
• Comments only work for lines. Use a semicolon as first character in a line.
• ‘Empty’ variables are not allowed. Delete them or comment them out with a
leading semicolon.
• Blank lines are allowed

44 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

Examples for variables:

Variable Value

IP_ADDRESS Sets the IP address of the Copernicus/RSB LAN device.

Example: IP_ADDRESS =

NETMASK Sets the IP subnet mask of the Copernicus/RSB LAN device.

Example: NETMASK =

GATEWAY Sets the gateway IP address.

Example: GATEWAY =

LAN_SPEED Sets the LAN device speed.

Values: AutoNeg | 10Mbs | 100MbsHalfDuplex | 100MbsFullDuplex
Example: LAN_SPEED =AutoNeg

DHCP Enables or disables the use of a DHCP server.

Values: Disabled / Enabled
Example: DHCP =Disabled
Variables and values are case-sensitive.

DOS Tools Documentation 45

DOS Utilities

3.4 Helper Tools

CTRIDENT is a command-line-based utility for scanning the PCI bus. The utility
compares the controllers on the PCI bus against a configuration file.
CTRIDENT can be used for looping through all controllers on the PCI bus. The result of
the comparison is stored in two environment variables, TOOLNAME and CTRLINDX.
These variables are also used as starting point for the next comparison. Syntax

CTRIDENT.EXE –findnext >NUL Arguments
The following functions have been tested and are supported for use during server

Argument Description

-findnext Finds the next controller on the PCI bus which matches the rule set
defined in CTRIDENT.CFG.

-debug outputs debug information

<no_argument> Prints tool version.

All arguments are case-insensitive.

46 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return values

Environment variables: TOOLNAME, CTRLINDX.

Error Code Description

0 Command completed successfully. TOOLNAME and CTRLINDX are

set to next controller when called with argument ‘-findnext’.

1 No more controllers found.

Other An error occurred. See command line output for more information. Configuration File

CTRIDENT uses a configuration file to sort controllers into categories. The configuration
file is called CTRIDENT.CFG and needs to be located beside the tool.
The configuration file setup is similar to the INI-file format and is structured into sections
with controller-value-pairs, where controllers are identified by VendorID, DeviceID,
SubsystemVendorID, SubsystemID and RevisionID.
All IDs except RevisionID need to be specified with 4 digits, RevisionID is specified with 2
digits. FFFF or FF in the specification is ignored.
VID1_DID1_SVI1_SDI1_R1="Controller Name"
1000_0030_FFFF_FFFF_FF="LSI Logic 1030 Ultra320"
If the comparision is a hit, TOOLNAME is set to SectionName and CTRLINDX is set to
the number of found controllers for this section.

DOS Tools Documentation 47

DOS Utilities

DISKPREP is a command-line-based utility for creating the service partition son the
system disk of PRIMERGY servers. This service partition is used by various online
diagnostic utilities, service utilities, firmware and driver update functions supported by the
GlobalFlash utility, which is part of FSC’s server management software. Syntax

DISKPREP.EXE <no_argument>
DISKPREP.EXE argument [argument ...] Arguments

The following functions have been tested and are supported for use during server

Argument Description

/D:<hd_number> Use disk drive <hd_number>

/S Create a service partition.

/N Do not copy MS-DOS files.

Note: This argument is necessary when used on FreeDOS.
GlobalFlash will initialise the ServicePartion with FreeDOS on first
Do not use when deploying on MS-DOS.

/V:<name> Use <name> as the volume label name when creating the service
Note: This argument is optional.

/v Output more information

<no_argument> Display help screen.

All arguments are case-sensitive.

48 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities Return Values

Environment variables: None.

Values for status of disk operation:

Error Code Description

0 No Error. Command completed successfully.

1 Invalid function in AH or invalid parameter

2 Address mark not found

3 Disk write-protected

4 Sector not found/read error

5 1. Reset failed (hard disk)

2. Data did not verify correctly (TI Professional PC)

6 Disk changed (floppy)

7 Drive parameter activity failed (hard disk)

8 DMA overrun

9 Data boundary error (attempted DMA across 64K boundary or >80h


10 Bad sector detected (hard disk)

11 Bad track detected (hard disk)

12 Unsupported track or invalid media

13 Invalid number of sectors on format (PS/2 hard disk)

14 Control data address mark detected (hard disk)

15 DMA arbitration level out of range (hard disk)

16 Uncorrectable CRC or ECC error on read

17 Data ECC corrected (hard disk)

32 Controller failure

49 No media in drive (IBM/MS INT 13 extensions)

DOS Tools Documentation 49

DOS Utilities

50 Incorrect drive type stored in CMOS (Compaq)

64 Seek failed

128 Timeout (not ready)

170 Drive not ready (hard disk)

176 Volume not locked in drive (INT 13 extensions)

177 Volume locked in drive (INT 13 extensions)

178 Volume not removable (INT 13 extensions)

179 Volume in use (INT 13 extensions)

180 Lock count exceeded (INT 13 extensions)

181 Valid eject request failed (INT 13 extensions)

187 Undefined error (hard disk)

204 Write fault (hard disk)

224 Status register error (hard disk)

255 Sense operation failed (hard disk) Important Notes

It is recommended that you use DISKPREP instead of other partitioning tools otherwise
the proper functioning of GlobalFlash cannot be guaranteed.
On FreeDOS the argument ‘/N’ is mandatory. On MS-DOS do not use the argument ‘/N’
to create a fully initialised MS-DOS-based service partition.
The following restrictions for creation of the service partition apply:
• It must lie within the first 2GB of the disk drive,
• It must lie within the first 1024 cylinders of the disk drive,
• It must have a size of at least 150MB, and
• It must be a primary partition.

50 DOS Tools Documentation

DOS Utilities

3.4.3 ERRLEV
ERRLEV is a command-line-based utility for setting or resetting the DOS error level. Syntax

ERRLEV.EXE [<value>] Arguments

Argument Description

<value> Set the DOS error level to <value>.

<no_argument> Reset the DOS error level (set to 0). Return values

Either the argument <value> or 0.

DOS Tools Documentation 51

DOS Utilities

3.5 Restrictions


• Saving and restoring of RAID Controller settings is not supported. Only controller
configurations can be saved and restored.
• On systems with mixed Intel Pro1000 and Intel Pro100 LAN adapters, only the Intel
Pro1000 driver can be used for building the MS Network Client.

Array configuration

• LPSETUP implicitly initiates a reboot.

• When saving RAID configurations with LPSETUP and FTSETUP, existing partition
tables are copied as well. This causes conflicts on the target system during
unattended installation.
Hint: Save the RAID configuration on the reference system with no partition created
to avoid this problem.
• When using SX4SETUP it is strongly recommended to use the –b / -r switch
combination to backup and restore array configurations.
• On Adaptec U320 controllers (RAIDSEL), restoring the RAID configuration is
implicitly followed by a foreground initialization.


• – SAVECMOS does not work on RX/TX600 S2/S3.

52 DOS Tools Documentation

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