This document discusses the failure of lifting wire ropes used on cargo ships and provides guidance on inspection and maintenance requirements. Key points:
1) There have been several incidents of crane wire rope failures which present safety risks. Common contributing factors include age, lack of maintenance, inadequate inspections, and failure to consider usage history.
2) Marine Order 32 outlines Australian requirements for maintaining and inspecting cargo handling equipment like crane wire ropes. It references international standards from the ILO.
3) Wire ropes must be properly inspected and maintained according to manufacturers' guidelines. They should not be used past 2.5 years or if in poor condition. Masters must notify authorities in the event of any failures.
This document discusses the failure of lifting wire ropes used on cargo ships and provides guidance on inspection and maintenance requirements. Key points:
1) There have been several incidents of crane wire rope failures which present safety risks. Common contributing factors include age, lack of maintenance, inadequate inspections, and failure to consider usage history.
2) Marine Order 32 outlines Australian requirements for maintaining and inspecting cargo handling equipment like crane wire ropes. It references international standards from the ILO.
3) Wire ropes must be properly inspected and maintained according to manufacturers' guidelines. They should not be used past 2.5 years or if in poor condition. Masters must notify authorities in the event of any failures.
This document discusses the failure of lifting wire ropes used on cargo ships and provides guidance on inspection and maintenance requirements. Key points:
1) There have been several incidents of crane wire rope failures which present safety risks. Common contributing factors include age, lack of maintenance, inadequate inspections, and failure to consider usage history.
2) Marine Order 32 outlines Australian requirements for maintaining and inspecting cargo handling equipment like crane wire ropes. It references international standards from the ILO.
3) Wire ropes must be properly inspected and maintained according to manufacturers' guidelines. They should not be used past 2.5 years or if in poor condition. Masters must notify authorities in the event of any failures.
This document discusses the failure of lifting wire ropes used on cargo ships and provides guidance on inspection and maintenance requirements. Key points:
1) There have been several incidents of crane wire rope failures which present safety risks. Common contributing factors include age, lack of maintenance, inadequate inspections, and failure to consider usage history.
2) Marine Order 32 outlines Australian requirements for maintaining and inspecting cargo handling equipment like crane wire ropes. It references international standards from the ILO.
3) Wire ropes must be properly inspected and maintained according to manufacturers' guidelines. They should not be used past 2.5 years or if in poor condition. Masters must notify authorities in the event of any failures.
Of great concern is the sudden failure of Purpose a crane wire rope under load, resulting in Ship operators, masters and crew are uncontrolled dropping of the load. reminded they have a responsibility to Analysis of incidents related to wire rope ensure the safe operation of lifting failure has identified a number of factors appliances and associated equipment. including:
To meet these responsibilities, ship • the age of the wire rope;
operators, masters and crew are urged to • inadequate care and maintenance; review and familiarise themselves with all the requirements of Marine Order 32. In • inadequate inspections to verify the order to ensure compliance with the condition of wires before use; and Marine Order and to ensure safe • failure to consider the usage history. operations, it is necessary to regularly inspect the condition of lifting appliances Marine Order 32 and associated equipment, including Marine Order 32 (Cargo handling crane wire ropes. equipment) 2011 (MO32), details Australian Note: Marine Order 32 (Cargo requirements for the maintenance, handling equipment) 2011 defines inspection and testing of cargo handling "lifting appliance" as "a stationary or equipment, including crane wire ropes. mobile cargo-handling appliance used MO32 gives effect to parts of the following on board a vessel for suspending, instruments of the International Labour raising or lowering or moving loads Organization (ILO) that apply to machinery, from one position to another while appliances and equipment that belong to a suspended or supported, including a vessel and are used for loading or crane, a derrick crane, a derrick, a unloading the vessel: cargo lift and a mechanical ramp". • Convention No. 27, Marking of Weight Concerns with crane wire ropes (Packages Transported by Vessels), 1929; AMSA has received a number of incident • Convention No. 152, Occupational reports involving crane wire ropes. These Safety and Health (Dock Work), 1979; incidents involved the failure of lifting wire ropes, improper securing of wire ropes • Recommendation No.160, and operator error. Such incidents Occupational Safety and Health (Dock present risks of serious injury, fatality Work), 1979; and and/or damage to the vessel. • ILO Code of Practice Safety and Health in Ports (the ILO Code), 2005.
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MO32 Schedule 4 provision 8.2 outlines Note: The ILO Code of Practice the requirements for the inspection of Safety and Health in Ports and wire ropes while Schedule 5 provision 2 referenced ISO standards contain outlines conditions that a wire rope used guidance on the upkeep of wire and in loading or unloading must comply with. fibre ropes, particularly ropes used with lifting and other cargo-handling Ship operators, masters and officers are equipment. urged to familiarise themselves with the requirements of MO32 and the associated Masters are reminded that a wire rope ILO instruments. should not be accepted for use on board unless it is accompanied by a certificate Guidance on the use, inspection stating that it has been manufactured to and maintenance of wire ropes a recognised national or international The ILO Code, MO32 and referenced standard and which gives details of its standards outline precautions in relation to construction, safe working load and the use of wire ropes. These precautions minimum breaking strain. include: Wire ropes should be regularly inspected a) All wire ropes should be of sound for loose or broken strands or internal material, of good construction and damage. It is recommended that special adequate strength for the service attention be paid to the condition of eye required and maintained in good splices. condition. In considering the care of wire ropes the b) Before use, all wire ropes should be manufacturer’s specified maintenance inspected and confirmed suitable for the and care requirements should be intended working load and equipment on complied with. Wire ropes used in lifting which they are to be used. appliances should be treated at regular intervals with suitable lubricant, which is c) All wire ropes used for load-bearing free from acid or alkali and is of a type purposes should be periodically recommended by the manufacturer. inspected. When breaking a wire rope out of storage d) When any wire rope has been and before it is rigged as part of a lifting lengthened, altered or repaired, it appliance, it should be thoroughly should be examined and tested before inspected for corrosion, broken strands or it is used again. other damage that may render it unsafe. The rope certification should also be e) When not in use, wire ropes should be examined to ensure it has not exceeded stowed under cover in clean, dry and any shelf-life, if one has been specified by well ventilated places and should not be the manufacturer. exposed to excessive heat, humidity or harmful chemicals. Any wire ropes on lifting appliances, intended to be used for cargo operations f) Care should be taken to avoid in an Australian port that: damaging or weakening a wire rope through: • have been in service in excess of 2.5 • excessive stress and strain; years, and/or • rubbing or chafing against sharp • appear in poor condition, and/or objects; • have been subject to particularly harsh • passing it through too small a operating conditions for an extended sheave or block; or period, • the formation of a kink in any rope should be inspected to ensure the lifting under strain. appliance is fit for use. It is recommended this be done by a competent person. Internet address for all current Marine Notices: Page 2 of 3 Actions in the event of a wire In making such assessment, the Master failure is advised that such inspections should be made by the ship’s Responsible Notification Person, or through engagement of a If, in connection with the loading or competent person as defined in section 6 unloading of a vessel covered by MO32, of MO32. a component of ‘material handling Where a failure occurs and an AMSA equipment’ (which includes lifting Inspector is satisfied that the material appliances), fails in operation, whether or handling equipment is defective, the not any person is injured because of the inspector may prohibit the use of the failure, the Master, on advice from the material handling equipment for loading person in charge, must notify AMSA, as or unloading a vessel. required by MO32. Failure to provide notice in accordance with MO32 may result in a fine. Following notification, an AMSA Surveyor may attend the vessel. Further action The Master is advised to cease cargo Gary Prosser operations until such time as the safety of Deputy Chief Executive Officer loading or unloading operations can be October 2015 confirmed. Issues that may be considered in making such an assessment are: Australian Maritime Safety Authority GPO Box 2181 • Safe Working Load or SWL of cargo CANBERRA ACT 2601 handling gear and weight of load intended to be lifted; File No. 2015/3854 • whether lifting appliances are being used in accordance with design specifications and/or manufacturer’s recommendations; • time in service of all wire ropes for each cargo lifting appliance that is intended to be used; • records of certification and test for wire ropes and lifting appliance, including testing of limits and safety devices; • whether the failure caused a shock loading to be exerted on the lifting appliance or otherwise caused damage to the lifting appliance or vessel; and • the condition of wire ropes on other cranes that are intended to be used.
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