Lebanon Electricity Tarriffs 2012

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Lebanon Electricity Tariffs

Electricité du Liban

Low Tension
Street lighting, public establishments, free
Industry, craftsmen, agriculture,
Lighting, home and commercial use medical care centers, hospitals, mosques,
water treatment and pumping stations
churches, cinemas, charity groups, hotels

Tariff Tariff Tariff

Slab in kWh
in LBP/kWh in LBP/kWh in LBP/kWh

1 - 100 35 140 115

101 - 200 55 140 115

201 - 300 55 140 115

301 - 400 80 140 115

401 - 500 120 140 115

over 500 200 140 115

Medium Tension High Tension

Industry, craftsmen, agriculture Other subscribers All subscribers

Tariff Tariff Tariff Tariff Tariff

in LBP/kWh in LBP/kVARh in LBP/kWh in LBP/kVARh in LBP/kWh
(Active Energy) (Reverse Energy) (Active Energy) (Reverse Energy) (Active Energy)

130 50 140 50 115

Summer Season (April 1 - September 30) Winter Season (October 1 - March 31)

Tariff Tariff
in LBP/kWh in LBP/kWh

Night Rate Night Rate

(from 00:00 to 07:00)
80 (from 00:00 to 07:00)
Day Rate Day Rate
112 112
(from 07:00 to 18:30) (from 07:00 to 16:30)
Peak Rate Peak Rate
320 320
(from 18:30 to 21:30) (from 16:30 to 20:30)
Day Rate Day Rate
112 112
(from 21:30 to 23:00) (from 20:30 to 23:00)
Night Rate Night Rate
80 80
(from 23:00 to 24:00) (from 23:00 to 24:00)

Disclaimer: The tariffs provided here are attributable to the competent authority or utility cited above and are assumed to be accurate at the time of posting. This information was
assembled by us as a service to our customers, but has not been independently verified or confirmed.

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