A Study On "Employee Job Satisfaction"
A Study On "Employee Job Satisfaction"
A Study On "Employee Job Satisfaction"
Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a
relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person
were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent. There are a variety of
factors that can influence a person’s level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors
include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system
within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social
relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the
job generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements).
The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job
satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to
enhance job satisfaction and performance methods include job rotation, job enlargement
and job enrichment. Other influences on satisfaction include the management style and
culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job
satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations.
The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees
report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities,
variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers.
Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation. It is more if an attitude, an internal state of
the person concerned. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of
Job satisfaction is an individual’s emotional reaction to the job itself. It is his attitude
“Job satisfaction does not seem to reduce absence, turnover and perhaps accident rates”.
-Robert L. Kahn
“Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job: the difference between the
amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.”
-P. Robbins
Job satisfaction defines as “The amount of over all positive affect (or feeling) that
“Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you
like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job
By Andrew J DuBrins,
Job satisfaction is one part of life satisfaction. The environment influences the job.
Similarly, since a job is important part of life, job satisfaction influences one’s general
Life satisfaction. Manager may need to monitor not only the job and immediate work
environment but also their employees attitudes towards other part of life.
Human life has become very complex and completed in now-a-days. In modern society
the needs and requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing. When
the people are ever increasing and ever changing, when the peoples needs are not fulfilled
they become dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are likely to contribute very little for any
purpose. Job satisfaction of industrial workers us very important for the industry to
function successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects, employers can be
should be provided with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction. Any
business can achieve success and peace only when the problem of satisfaction and
and dealing with them scientific investigation serves the purpose to solve the human
a) Pay.
b) The work itself.
c) Promotion
e) Working condition.
f) Supervision.
fulfilling so many needs. Money facilities the obtaining of food, shelter, and clothing and
provides the means to enjoy valued leisure interest outside of work. Moreover, pay can
serve as symbol of achievement and a source of recognition. Employees often see pay as
a reflection of organization. Fringe benefits have not been found to have strong influence
In the course of this work the researcher identify some key factors that will help identify
the effect of employees job satisfaction on organizational productivity in union bank
Nigeria Plc. Enugu.
To find out if the existence of job satisfaction the selected organization effects
the organizational productivity.
Therefore the researcher will center on the above identified problems and other
factor, which might be discovered in the course of the investigation based on the
effect of employees job satisfaction on organizational productivity view to identifying
issues and prospect as the affects.
The objective of the study is to find out the satisfaction level of employee in BAJAJ
To find that whether the employees are satisfied or not.
To find that they are satisfied with their job profile or not.
To study the relationship between the personal factors of the Employee (Income,
Under the need-fulfillment theory it is believed that a person is satisfied if he gets what
he wants & the more he wants something or the more important it is to him, the more
satisfied he is when he gets it & the more dissatisfied he is when he does not get it. Needs
may be need for personal achievement, social achievement & for influence.
Desires for personal career development, improvement in one's own life standards, better
education & prospects for children & desire for improving one's own work performance.
A drive for some kind of collective success is relation to some standards of excellence. It
A desire to influence other people & surroundings environment. In the works situation, it
means to have power status & being important as reflected in initiative taking and
participation in decision making. In summary, this theory tell us that job satisfaction is a
The scope of the study is very vital. Not only the Human Resource department can use the facts
and figures of the study but also the marketing and sales department can take benefits from the
The marketing department can use the figures indicating that they are putting their efforts to plan
Some customers have the complaints or facing problems regarding the job. So the personnel
department can use the information to make efforts to avoid such complaints.
For any study there must be data for analysis purpose. Without data there is no means of
study. Data collection plays an important role in any study. It can be collected from various
sources. I have collected the data from two sources which are given below:
1. Primary Data
Personal Investigation
Observation Method
2. Secondary Data
Magazines etc.
Websites like BAJAJ ALLIANZ LIFE INSURANCE official site, some other
Data collected is based on questionnaire.
Some respondents hesitated to give the actual situation; they feared that
The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the
Important aspects of the work itself that influence job satisfaction are variety and
control over work methods and work place. In general, job with a moderate amount of
variety produce the most job satisfaction. Jobs with too little variety cause workers to feel
bored and fatigue. Jobs with too much variety and stimulation cause workers to feel
content and pay. Jobs that are at the higher level of an organization usually provide
workers with more freedom, more challenging work assignments and high salary.
employee who participates in decision that affect their job, display a much higher level of
individual employees. The working groups also serve as a social support system of
employees. People often used their co-workers as sounding board for their problem of as
a source of comfort.
The employees desire good working condition because they lead to greater physical
comfort. The working conditions are important to employees because they can influence
life outside of work. If people are require to work long hours and / or overtime, they will
have very little felt for their families, friends and recreation outside work.
While analyzing the various determinants of job satisfaction, we have to keep in mind
that: all individuals do no derive the same degree of satisfaction though they perform the
same job in the same job environment and at the same time. Therefore, it appears that
besides the nature of job and job environment, there are individual variables which affect
job satisfaction. Thus, all those factors which provide a fit among individual variables,
nature of job, and situational variables determine the degree of job satisfaction. Let us see
Individual factors:
Individuals have certain expectations from their jobs. If their expectations are met from
the jobs, they feel satisfied. These expectations are based on an individual’s level of
Level of education:
satisfaction. For example, several studies have found negative correlation between the
level of education, particularly higher level of education, and job satisfaction. The
possible reason for this phenomenon may be that highly educated persons have very high
expectations from their jobs which remain unsatisfied. In their case, Peter’s principle
which suggests that every individual tries to reach his level of incompetence, applies
more quickly.
Individuals experience different degree of job satisfaction at different stages of their life.
Job satisfaction is high at the initial stage, gets gradually reduced, starts rising upto
certain stage, and finally dips to a low degree. The possible reasons for this phenomenon
are like this. When individuals join an organization, they may have some unrealistic
assumptions about what they are going to drive from their work. These assumptions make
them more satisfied. However, when these assumptions fall short of reality, job
satisfaction goes down. It starts rising again as the people start to assess the jobs in right
perspective and correct their assumptions. At the last, particularly at the fag end of the
career, job satisfaction goes down because of fear of retirement and future outcome.
Other factors:
Besides the above two factors, there are other individual factors which affect job
satisfaction. If an individual does not have favourable social and family life, he may not
feel happy at the workplace. Similarly, other personal problems associated with him may
affect his level of job satisfaction. Personal problems associated with him may affect his
Nature of job:
Nature of job determines job satisfaction which is in the form of occupation level and job
Occupation level:
Higher level jobs provide more satisfaction as compared to lower levels. This happens
because high level jobs carry prestige and status in the society which itself becomes
Job content:
Job content refers to the intrinsic value of the job which depends on the requirement of
skills for performing it, and the degree of responsibility and growth it offers. A higher
content of these factors provides higher satisfaction. For example, a routine and repetitive
lesser satisfaction; the degree of satisfaction progressively increases in job rotation, job
Situational variables:
Situational variables related to job satisfaction lie in organizational context – formal and
organization. Some of the important factors which affect job important factors which
1. Working conditions:
workplace and associated facilities for performing the job determine job satisfaction.
These work in two ways. First, these provide means job performance. Second, provision
of these conditions affects the individual’s perception about the organization. If these
2. Supervision:
The type of supervision affects job satisfaction as in each type of supervision; the degree
more concern for people which is perceived favourably by them and provides them more
the job and people become secondary. This situation decreases job satisfaction
3. Equitable rewards:
The type of linkage that is provided between job performance and rewards determines the
degree of job satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on the job performance
considerations other than the job performance, it affects job satisfaction adversely.
4. Opportunity:
It is true that individuals seek satisfaction in their jobs in the context of job nature and
work environment by they also attach importance to opportunities for promotion that
these job offer. If the present job offers opportunity of promotion is lacking, it reduces
Effect of Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction has a variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an
mental health. Since job satisfaction is a type of mental feeling, its favourableness or
unfavour falseness affects the individual psychologically which ultimately affects his
physical health?
For example, Lawler has pointed out that drug abuse, alcoholism and mental and physical
health result from psychologically harmful jobs. Further, since a job is an important part
of life, job satisfaction influences general life satisfaction. The result is that there is
spillover effect which occurs in both directions between job and life satisfaction.
Bajaj Finsev
Associate Company of Bajaj incorporated on 30th April 2007.
Net profit as on 31-03-2008 Rs 4395 Lakh capital Base as on 31-03-2008 Rs 7234
Headquartered in Munich, Germany, established in 1890 has over 119 years of
Insurance experience.
One of the world's biggest insurers, Allianz SE offers a range of insurance
products and services -- including life, health, and property/casualty coverage for
individuals and businesses -- through some 100 subsidiaries and affiliates
operating all over the globe.
In addition to selling insurance, Allianz provides retail and institutional asset
management services through Allianz Global Investors and private equity
investment through Allianz Capital Partners. Other brands include Euler Hermes,
Fireman's Fund, and Mondial, all property insurance subsidiaries. Allianz has
transformed itself into a Societas Europaea, a joint stock company that operates
under European Union rules.
Worldwide 2nd by Gross Written Premiums – Rs 4,77,930 Cr (Euro 89 billion)
3rd largest Assets Under Management (AUM) & largest amongst Insurance cos. -
AUM of Rs 50,096,199 Cr (Euro 764621 million)
11th largest corporation in the world
50 % of global business from Life Insurance, close to 60 million lives insured
Presence in more than More than 70 countries, 182865 employees worldwide
Provide Insurance to almost half of the Fortune 500 cos..
Allianz Insurance Management Asia Pacific
Austria Australia
Belarus Brunei
Belgium Greece
Hungary China
Bermuda Hong Kong
Brazil Ireland
Italy India
Bulgaria Indonesia
Burkina Faso Lebanon
Liechtenstei Japan
Cameroon Laos
n Slovenia
Canada Malaysia
Luxembourg South Africa
Central African New Zealand
Mexico Spain
Rep. Pakistan
Morocco Sweden
Chile Philippines
Namibia Switzerland
Croatia Singapore
Netherlands Tunisia
Cyprus South Korea
Norway Turkey
Czech Republic South Pacific
Peru Ukraine
Denmark Islands
Poland United Arab
Egypt Taiwan
Portugal Emirates
Estonia Thailand
Russia United Kingdom
France Vietnam
Senegal USA
Slovakia Uzbekistan
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited is one of the private insurance companies
in India. Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance is a union between Allianz SE, one of the largest
Insurance Company and Bajaj Finserv. (Recently demerged from Bajaj Auto.). Bajaj
Auto Limited is 74% shared holder in the company with the remaining 26% being held
by Allianz SE.
On 2001, the Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance was given the IRDA (Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority) certification of Registration for conducting the Life
Insurance business (which also included the Health Insurance business) in the country.
Bajaj Allianz India is headquartered in Pune. The company has its offices in 200 towns
all over India.
Allianz SE is a leading insurance conglomerate globally and one of the largest asset
managers in the world, managing assets worth over a Trillion (Over INR. 55, 00,000
Crores). Allianz SE has over 115 years of financial experience and is present in over 70
countries around the world.
At Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, customer delight is our guiding principle. Our business
philosophy is to ensure excellent insurance and investment solutions by offering
customized products, supported by the best technology.
Financial services arm's profit rises to Rs 42 crore
BS Reporter / Mumbai July 16, 2009, 0:40 IST
Bajaj Finserv, the financial services arm of the Bajaj Group, posted a net profit of Rs 42
crore for the quarter ended June 30, 2009. It had posted a loss of Rs 36 crore in the
corresponding period last year.
The group’s life insurance arm, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company, was the biggest
contributor to the firm’s income. Bajaj Allianz has posted a profit of Rs 68 crore in the
June quarter. In the year-ago quarter, it had posted a loss of Rs 3 crore.Gross written
premium for the quarter rose 40 per cent to Rs 2,001 crore as against Rs 1,847 crore in
the corresponding period last year. Renewal premium, too, increased to Rs 1,423 crore as
against Rs 1,018 crore in the quarter ended June 30, 2008. However, new business
premium fell 42.28 per cent to Rs 577 crore
Think service – service, service – continuous improvement.
Make The future – be flexible & be aware of competitors. Manage the
business like a corner shop – customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction
ensuring cash flow.
Mr. Kamesh Goyal Mr.Sashi Rajesh
Country Manager Krishnan Viswanathan Mr. Sanjay Jain
CEO CIO C.F.O. Head,
Mr. Rahul Bajaj (Chairman)
Dr. Werner Zedelius
Mr. Sanjay Asher
Mr. Niraj Bajaj
Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj
Mr. Heinz Dollberg
Mr. Ranjit Gupta
Mr. S. H. Khan
Mr. Suraj Mehta
Mr. Dietmar Raich
Mr. Manu Tandon
Mr. Kamesh Goyal (Alternate Director to Dr. Werner Zedelius)
Branch Address: Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Shalimar Towers, TC-57N Vibhuti Khand
Gomtinagar, Lucknow-226010.
Telephone: (+91 522) 6450751
Head Office Address:
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited
GE Plaza, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune-411006 Maharashtra
Table No: 1
Working hours are convenient for me
Strongly agree 34
Agree 32
Disagree 13
Strongly disagree 3
80 agree
20 strongly disagree
0 Total
From the above chart and table it is clearly evident that 34% of the respondents strongly
agree that working hours are convenient from them and 32% agree with that and 18%
neither agree nor disagree and 13% disagree with the working hours and 3% are strongly
Table No: 2
I'm happy with my work place
Strongly agree 30
Agree 39
Neither agree nor disagree 18
Disagree 8
Strongly disagree 5
Chart 2
Strongly agree
80 Agree
20 strongly disagree
percent Total
From the above table it is clear that 30% respondents strongly agree and 39% respondents
agree that they are happy with their work place only 13% disagreed and 18% have no
Table No: 3
I feel i have too much work to do
strongly agree 7
Agree 9
Neither agree nor disagree 25
Disagree 37
Strongly disagree 22
Chart 3
strongly agree
80 Agree
20 strongly disagree
From the above table it is quite clear that the work load is not high, 37% of the respondents
disagreed with the question” I feel I have too much work” and another 22% strongly disagreed,
18% admits they have too much work and 23% have no idea towards this question.
Table No: 4
Safety measures provided by the company
strongly agree 28
Agree 31
Neither agree nor disagree 24
Disagree 11
Strongly disagree 6
80 Agree
20 strongly disagree
0 Total
From the above table it is evident that the safety measures provided by the organizations
are good as 28 and 31% of the respondents agree with that and only 11& 6% disagreed
My relationship with my supervisor is cordial
strongly agree 30
Agree 41
Neither agree nor disagree 16
Disagree 6
Strongly disagree 7
80 Agree
20 strongly disagree
0 Total
From the above table it is clear that relationship between employees and their supervisors
are cordial because 30% of respondents strongly agreed to it and 41% agreed to it and
only 13% disagreed and 16% of respondents have neither agreed nor disagreed.
From the study, the researcher has come to know that most of the respondents have
job satisfaction; the management has taken the best efforts to maintain cordial
relationship with the employees. Due to the working conditions prevailing in this
company, job satisfaction of each respondent seems to be the maximum. From the study,
I have come to know that most of the employees were satisfied with the welfare measures
provided by BAJAJ ALLIANZ The employees of BAJAJ ALLIANZ get more benefits
The respondents are satisfied with the environment and nature of work
The respondent’s relationship with the superiors and colleagues are quite
The Parking facilities provided by the organization are not good that’s
In the organization most of employees are satisfied with all the facilities provided by
company. But there are some employees also who are not satisfied with the company.
Because if employee is not satisfied than the he is not able to give his 100% to his work
and the productivity of employee decrease. So management should try to satisfied his
employees because employees are the assets of the company not a liabilities.
Ashwathapa K., Human Resource Management (third edition), Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Designation……………..
Ques1- Working hours are convenient for me-
1 strongly agree 2 agree 3 neither agree nor disagree 4 disagree 5 strongly disagree