B2-1 (T&H 1) PDF
B2-1 (T&H 1) PDF
B2-1 (T&H 1) PDF
Lab Report
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Introduction • Unable to generate a • Adequately generate • Student capable to generate a
(10 marks) complete theoretical formula theoretical formula with small complete theoretical formula
i.e. only writing the final errors. from the beginning.
formula. • Make some but tolerable • All relevant engineering
• Make many errors in errors in applications of principles and concepts are
applications of engineering engineering principles and accurately and comprehensively
principles and concepts. concepts. demonstrated and applied.
2. Experimental • Unable to produce and • Adequately produce an • Student capable to produce a
Procedure appropriate procedure to run appropriate procedure to run detailed procedure to run the
(10 marks) the experiment. the experiment i.e. missing experiment.
• Having no objective(s). steps in procedure. • Objective clearly defined.
Would not allow experiment • Having objective(s). Would Would allow experiments to
to achieve any goals. allow experiment to achieve achieve goals.
most goals.
3. Data / result and • Unable to present • Adequately present • Students capable to articulate
Sample Calculation experimental result using experimental result using experimental result using
(20 marks) appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts, appropriate tables, charts,
graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation graphs or other presentation
formats. formats. formats.
4. Discussion and • Unable to relate theoretical • Adequately relate theoretical • Students capable to relate
Conclusion analysis with experimental analysis with experimental theoretical analysis with
(20 marks) result and their practical result and their practical experimental result and their
implication. implication. practical implication.
• Unable to come out a clear • Conclusion is not clear, but • Student capable to express a
and understandable yet, understandable in such clear and concise conclusion.
conclusion. manner.
Assessment Rubric: Writing Performance Level. 20 marks
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Poor Acceptable Excellent
1. Structure • Paragraphs are poorly • Paragraphs are usually well • All paragraphs are well
(5marks) organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is organized; use of sections is
illogical and hinders logical and generally allows logical and allows easy
document navigation. easy document navigation. navigation through the
2. Graphics, figures, • Figures, tables and equations • Some figures, tables and • All figures, tables and equations
tables and equations. are not clearly or logically equations are logically are clearly and logically
(5marks) identified and fail to support identified and adequately identified and strongly support
the text. support the text. the text.
3. Mechanics • Sentences are poorly written; • Sentences are generally well • Sentences are well written; there
(5marks) numerous incorrect word written; a few incorrect word are no incorrect word choices
choices and errors in choices and errors in grammar, and the text is free of errors in
grammar, punctuation and punctuation and spelling. grammar, punctuation and
spelling. spelling.
4. Formatting and • Report is formatted poorly • Formatting of the report is • Formatting of the report is
references and lacks a quality cover genarally consistent and professional and includes a
(5marks) page and index. adequate,includes a quality professional cover page and
• Fails to correctly report any cover page and index. index.
sources or to utilize • Most sources are correctly • All sources are correctly
appropriate citation forms. reported; appropriate citation reported; appropriate citation
forms are genarally utilized. forms are utilized thoughout.
Tel: 03-55435190 Fax: 03-55435160
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Experiment’s Title:
Prepared by:
No Technical Report Course Outcome FULL MARK GIVEN MARK
1 Introduction CO2 10
2 C02 10
Data/result/sample of
3 CO2 20
Discussion and
4 CO2 20
TOTAL 60 /60
No Writing Performance Course Outcome FULL MARK GIVEN MARK
1 Structure CO3 5
2 Graphics/Figures/Tabl C03 5
3 Mechanics CO3 5
Formatting and
4 CO3 5
TOTAL 20 /20
TOTAL 80 /80
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 2
6.0 RESULT......................................................................................................................... 6
No Process: ............................................................................................................................ 7
8.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 33
Air-conditioning is a system that able to change the properties of air to suit the requirements
of the users in an indoor space. In Malaysia, air-conditioning unit is a must have in any
office or house in order to give comfortability and increase the worker productivity. Air-
conditioning change the air properties by using and undergoing certain thermo dynamic
processes. Basic processes that involved are steam humidification (moisture adding),
sensible heating (temperature increasing) and cooling plus dehumidification (lowering the
temperature of the air and its moisture). At certain time, two or more processes were needed
in order to reach the required air properties for the user. Every component inside the air-
conditioning has its of function and some components contributes in treating the air. The
Computer Linked Air Conditioning Laboratory Unit (P.A. Hilton) were used inside the lab
in order to gain more understanding on how air treatment happens inside an air conditioning
system. Psychometrics chart were also used to determine the properties of the treated air.
The objectives of this experiment are is to observe and also understand the changes in air
properties when it is treated in the basic air-conditioning unit.
Air conditioning can be described as an air treatment to regulate its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness and delivery to satisfy conditional room requirements at the same time. The word
"climate conditioning" relates to air ventilation. Each air conditioning device uses air-
treatment equipment.
The assembly normally contains a heating element for changing the temperature and
humidity of the indoor season. Many air conditioning devices employ a vapour compression
cooling device to transfer the heat inside to an appropriate heat sink, for example outside
the home. Vapor compression cooling systems take a loop in which the coolant is
continually vaporised, squeezed, liquefied and dispersed in a sealed system. A compressor
is used as a pump, pressurises and circulates the refrigerant through the device. The
pressurised coolant is liquefied in the condenser, releasing gas. Coolant moves through an
expansion system to an evaporator where it melts and spreads through a mist that absorbs
Simple Heating & Cooling
- For basic heating and cooling the level of humidity is unchanged, since no humidity
is introduced or eliminated into the air stream. The specific humidity at the inlet and
outlet therefore remains equal
- Heating Method: The air stream runs into a vent and travels through resistance
wires (heaters). Heat is applied to the air stream, which raises the dry bulb
- Cooling Method: The air stream flows into the cooling belt (cooling system
evaporator tubes). The warm air flow moves to the colder cooler vapour, and dry
bulb temperatures decrease
Steam Humidification
- Steam Humidification Processes: Low relative humidity (air dry) is created, since
humidity is constant, but the optimum potential for humidity absorption (mg) rises
with a rise in temperature. If the moisturiser is steam, extra heating happens (T3 >
T2). The stream would be partly cooled if water is sprayed (T3 < T2)
Cooling & Dehumidification
- Dehumidification is the method of elimination by condensation of excess water in
fresh air. This is accomplished by adjusting the cooling mechanism. The air can
cool for a longer duration before it hits its saturation stage. Additional cooling in
the saturation condition (100% relative humidity) induces part of the moisture
condensation in the air.
The suction fan had been left running and the master Menu is displayed on the screen and
then the unit had been started. The process data displayed on a schematic layout of the
system which refer to Programme 1. While, on psychrometric chart displayed the properties
of the treated air which refer to Programme 2.
a) None process – The initial properties of the air were reviewed when it enters the
air-conditioning unit, the psychrometric chart and the data was printed out.
b) Sensible heating –
i) 1 kW pre-heater was switched on for 5 minutes. Then, the data and
psychrometric chart was printed out.
ii) Next, the 0.5 kW re-heater was switched on for 5 minutes too. The data
and psychrometric chart were printed out.
iii) The temperature rise of the air at the exit in this process were evaluated.
c) Steam humidification – All the water heaters was switched on first and the water
boiled. The switch was set to 3 Kw of heat for 5 minutes to maintain the steam when
it is produced. Then, the data and psychrometric chart has been printed out. Besides,
the amount of steam introduced, the change in relative humidity and the
corresponding rise of temperature was calculated.
d) Cooling and dehumidification – The compressor of the refrigeration system was
switched on. The air let be cooled until it becomes 20℃ to 20℃ (stable
temperature) and left for 5 minutes. Next, the data and psychrometric chart was
printed out. Therefore, the heat rate and the amount of moisture removed from the
air were calculated. After that, the time and the rate of condensation (100ml) from
the beginning of the cooling process were measured. Lastly, it was compared with
the analysis.
Figure 1: Schematics diagram of the system.
No Process:
2. Data from psychometric chart (Plot T1 and T2 and its relative humidity)
Relative Humidity, Ø1 = 79.361% = 0.79361
𝑝𝑔 = 3.804𝑘𝑃𝑎
3. Analysis by calculation:
Ø1 = 𝑝𝑣1/𝑝𝑔
𝑃𝑣 = 0.79361 × 3.804𝑘𝑃𝑎
= 3.0189 𝑘𝑃𝑎
4. Specific Humidity,
𝜔1 = 0.622𝑃𝑣1 / 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 – 𝑃𝑣1 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 101.325 𝑘𝑃𝑎)
(101.325𝑘 − 3.0189𝑘)
= 0.0191 𝑘𝑔𝑣/𝑘𝑔𝑎
5. Enthalpy,
ℎ1 = 𝐶𝑝𝑇1 + 𝜔1ℎ𝑔 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑔 = 2501.3 + 1.82𝑇1)
= (1.005 × 28.1) + 0.0145(2501.3 + 1.82(28.1))
= 76.9921 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝑎
Sensible Heating:
2. Data from psychometric chart (Plot T3 and T4 and its relative humidity)
Relative Humidity, Ø2 = 44.361% = 0.4436
𝑝𝑔 = 7.227𝑘𝑃𝑎
3. Analysis by calculation:
Ø2 = 𝑝𝑣2/𝑝𝑔
𝑃𝑣2 = 0.4436 × 7.227𝑘𝑃𝑎
= 3.206 𝑘𝑃𝑎
4. Specific Humidity,
𝜔2 = 0.622𝑃𝑣2 / 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 – 𝑃𝑣2 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 101.325 𝑘𝑃𝑎)
(101.325𝑘 − 3.206𝑘)
= 0.0203 𝑘𝑔𝑣/𝑘𝑔𝑎
5. Enthalpy,
ℎ2 = 𝐶𝑝𝑇3 + 𝜔2ℎ𝑔 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑔 = 2501.3 + 1.82𝑇3 )
= (1.005 × 39.6) + 0.0203 (2501.3 + 1.82(39.6))
= 92.037 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝑎
Steam Humidification:
2. Data from psychometric chart (Plot T5 and T6 and its relative humidity)
Relative Humidity,Ø3 = 95.111% = 0.9511
𝑝𝑔 = 4.599𝑘𝑃𝑎
3. Analysis by calculation:
Ø3 = 𝑝𝑣3/𝑝𝑔
𝑃𝑣3 = 0.9511 × 4.599𝑘
= 4.3741 𝑘𝑃𝑎
4. Specific Humidity,
𝜔3 = 0.622𝑃𝑣3 / 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 – 𝑃𝑣3 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 101.325 𝑘𝑃𝑎)
(101.325𝑘 − 4.3741𝑘)
= 0.02806 𝑘𝑔𝑣/𝑘𝑔𝑎
5. Enthalpy,
ℎ3 = 𝐶𝑝𝑇5 + 𝜔3ℎ𝑔 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑔 = 2501.3 + 1.82𝑇5 )
= (1.005 × 31.4) + 0.0377(2501.3 + 1.82(31.4))
= 128.0105 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝑎
6. From conservation of mass,Ma
Dry air, ṁa1= ṁa2= ṁa3=ṁa
Water vapour, ṁv2+ ṁf3= ṁv3
Mass flow rate of steam injector, ṁf3 = ṁa3 (ω3-ω2)
= 0.2136(0.02806 -0.0203)
= 1.657536 × 10-3 kg/s
Cooling and dehumidification:
2. Data from psychometric chart (Plot T7 and T8 and its relative humidity)
Relative Humidity, Ø4=66.278% = 0.66278
𝑝𝑔 = 2.038𝑘𝑃𝑎
3. Analysis by calculation:
Ø4 = 𝑝𝑣4/𝑝𝑔
𝑃𝑣4 = 0.66278 × 2.038
= 1.3507 𝑘𝑃𝑎
4. Specific Humidity,
𝜔4 = 0.622𝑃𝑣4 / 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 – 𝑃𝑣4 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 101.325 𝑘𝑃𝑎)
(101.325𝑘 − 1.3507𝑘)
= 8.4035 × 10−3 𝑘𝑔𝑣/𝑘𝑔𝑎
5. Enthalpy,
ℎ4 = 𝐶𝑝𝑇7 + 𝜔4ℎ𝑔 (𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑔 = 2501.3 + 1.82𝑇7 )
= (1.005 × 17.8) + (8.4035 × 10−3 )(2501.3 + 1.82(17.8))
= 39.1809 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝑎
✓ Conservation of energy, ṁa1h1=Qout+ṁa4h4+mωhω (where ṁa1 = ṁa4 = ṁa)
Qout = ṁa (h1- h4) – mω (hf)
Qout = 0.2136(76.9921-39.1809) - (2.2848 × 10-3)(74.7045)
= 7.905 kW
a) Problems and results obtained by the factors that contributes to the air property changes
for each process problems.
i. No Process
From the result that were recorded, it shows that the dry bulb thermometer (T1) is
28.1 higher than the wet bulb thermometer (T2) with temperature of 25.2. This is
because the wet bulb thermometer was covered in wet cloth. Wet cloth has moisture
in it where it evaporates and reduces the temperature that is recorded. While for dry
bulb it is higher temperature because it recorded the ambient temperature of the air
that enters the blower. For other thermometer, wet and dry both only slightly
different temperature, either its increase, constant or decrease just a bit. This
happens because there was no process occur in this session, neither the steam
injector, evaporator nor air heater were turned on. This can be concluded as initial
condition and no assumptions can be made.
ii. Sensible Heating
When the 1kW heater as well as 0.5kW preheater were turned on, the temperature
that were recorded increase significantly from the no process. This is because the
heater increases the temperature of the air that flow inside the system. But, at the
end of the system, the thermometer for both wet and dry recorded the temperature
of the air drops linearly. This is because there are some energy loses when the heated
air moves along the ducting. In order to prevent this happens, the air must be heated
at certain temperature or higher so the air that will come out from the orifice will
reached the required temperature that is needed.
iii. Steam Humidification
In this process, the steam injector was turned on and the system were supplied with
steam that is high temperature. Based on the recorded temperature, it can be seen
that the wet bulb thermometer recorded higher temperature than the previous
process, sensible heating and the dry bulb temperature records lower. This is
because the steam was captured by the wet cloth of the wet bulb temperature and
increase the moisture temperature while for the dry bulb, the steam just passing on
it. The air that was come out from the orifice will have high moisture because of
the steam addition in the system.
b) The schematic of a modem air-conditioning system and its function of the main devices.
In the modem air conditioning, condenser, evaporator, compressor and expansion valve are
its main devices. First, evaporator function is to exchange heat between outside air with the
refrigerant. This will make the room cooler because the refrigerant temperature is lower
than the ambient temperature. Second, the function of the compressor where it compresses
the refrigerant and change its properties where its boiling point change to lower boiling
point. During this compression, the temperature of the refrigerant also increases
significantly so the pressure different between the ambient air is high and more heat
exchanger can occur when the refrigerant is in the condenser. So, the function of the
condenser is to exchange between the refrigerant and the ambient air. Blower fan were also
used to increase the heat exchange process and refrigerant also changed its properties from
high pressure vapor into high pressure liquid. Last main devices are expansion valve, where
its function to decrease the pressure of the refrigerant. The change of pressure in the
refrigerant changes its properties where it become really low in temperature before going
into the evaporator.
From the image above, it shows how the arrangement of air conditioning system in
automotive. The air conditioning system in the automotive still have the same main
component as the system for the buildings. Its still needed the essential components such
as condenser, evaporator, compressor, and expansion valve. For compressor it will be
powered up by crankshaft that were connected to the engine by belt drive.
Compressor will increase the refrigerant were in gets to high pressure
and enables the refrigerant to flow through condenser for heat
exchanges. This high-pressure refrigerant will have higher
temperature than the ambient temperature when going through the
condenser. High pressure also changes the condensation point for the
For the conclusion, this experiment was successfully because the objective of this
experiment was achieved. The air properties can be seen it changes when different variables
were added. For an example, for steam humidification, the air that were come out has really
high humidity because of the steam that were added inside the system. While for the cooling
and dehumidification, the air output has low humidity and lower temperature compared to
other processes. In addition, air properties can be changed by using different kind of air
treatment system inside the air conditioning. Air conditioning system that have air
treatment can provide any kind of air properties so it can fulfill the user needs. This can
result in comfortability and high productivity for humans.
1) Answer all the problems in experimental, and discuss the results obtained by explaining the
factors that contributes to the air property changes for each process problems.
No Process
Based on the results, we can see that there are no temperature variations, since there is
no component. While the first data is still important, the value is just a reading taken from the
surrounding condition. At the moment, however, we cannot presume and do require additional
data from other variable to see explicitly the relationship between both variables.
Sensible Heating
We tested during the sensible heating process that the temperature improves the
readings of this process to no trial. The distinction between these two experiments is that in a
sensible heating experiment we use pre-heating and re-heating to heat the air, but nothing
unusual has been made in any method experiment. The use of 1 kW pre-heaters and 0.5 kW re-
heaters is gradually the temperature factor. In principle, both pre-heat and reheat simply
increase the air temperature, since both of them supply heat to the air. Unfortunately, during
air passage to the outlet, certain temperature drops still occur. To solve this issue, the air needs
to be heated to a certain degree to reach the temperature we like. Therefore, the variations in
the air property can be shown that the air is hotter at this point. That is why the heat air flows
out of the device followed by the cooler air first while the air conditioning system is turned on.
Steam Humidification
During the procedure, the air passed through the boiling water portion to create steam
would increase the temperature, while the steam will sustain full humidity. In addition,
increased moisture capability may react with the rise in temperature. This is why the
temperature in State 2 increases relative to State 1. 3kw of heat turned on to hold the steam
after the steam has been generated. This is because, with this process, the element that leads to
the transformation in air property is the current temperature at a greater value to ensure that the
vapour level is preserved and the air property is converted into steam.
On the basis of our results, the value of the readings collected is absolutely smaller than
in previous processes. The compressor of the cooling system is triggered at this stage and the
air is cooled to 18 ° C to 20 ° C (stable temperature). That is why all read temperatures are
lower as the cooling and dehumidification phase is involved. The cooled air flows and the room
temperature colds. The factor which contributes to the air characteristic change for this process
is due to the use of the compressor, which in a way reduces the temperature of the air and
creates a cool air flow out of the device.
2) Find the schematic of a modern air-conditioning system with advanced air treatment
processes and explain the function of the main devices.
Device Function
Compressor To compact the refrigerant from low
temperature pressure to high temperature
3) Explain with suitable diagrams the operation and arrangements in an automotive air-
conditioning unit.
Components Operations
Condenser Like a mini-radiator, which is normally
installed right next to the main radiator on
the front of the vehicle. The condenser also
In the course of this experiment we should assume that the experiment is successful
when we accomplish our goal of detecting and recognising the changes in the air properties as
they are handled in an essential air conditioning device. We realised that the air properties
continue to change depending on the sort of operation we do. Any kind of process that is no
process, sensible heating, steam humidification, cooling and dehumidification has its own
effect and is the reason why this is achieved. With these data and findings, we will research air
conditioning in. But a mistake must also be avoided in order to achieve the same results.
a) No process : In this section, the temperature in this system does not changed where
temperature is 25°C to 28.1°C. This is because no process occurs in this section. There
is no factor contributes to change the air property changes in this process. We, conclude
that all the value readings recorded at temperature in and out are all in the room
Heating process : After the experiment is conducted, we clearly can take the reading
temperature at fan inlet for 1 kW with 28.7°C (dry) and 25.3°C (wet). After steady
condition is achieved, the temperature was raised to 39.6°C (dry) and 28.6°C (wet).
Based on this experiment, the temperature increase is not consistent because of the
factor that contributes to heating process. The air temperature reached to maximum
value of 39.6°C (dry) and 28.6.°C (wet) but the relative humidity value slightly down
compare to relative humidity at fan inlet.
Steam humidification process : For this section, the water vapor or moisture are added
to the air without changing the temperature. The temperature still has changed after
humidification process that decreased and increased. Based on the theoretical,
humidification process does not affect the temperature but in experiment, the
temperature still changed. The value of air humidity in this section also has changed
but in controlled value. Thus, the percentage error between theoretical and the
experiment data also in controlled value.
Cooling process : Based on the experiment, at this section, the compressor of
refrigerator system is switched on and the process called cooling process. By referring
to the result, we can determined that the temperature of air decreasing from 39.6°C
(dry) and 28.6°C (wet) to 29.1°C (dry) and 27°C (wet) respectively. The data proved
that the cooling process decrease temperature value. The air relative humidity is
increasing . This shows that the moisture is increasing upon cooling process.
Dehumidification : Dehumidification is a psychometric process where the water is
removes from the air as the air temperature falls below the dew point temperature. The
air relative humidity decreased from 95.11% to 66.28%. This shows us that moisture
percentage in the air drop in dehumidification process. In addition, the temperature of
the air is increased from 27°C to 40.8°C. This prove that temperature different involves
in dehumidification process.
The major components of the automotive air conditioning system are compressor, an
evaporator, a condenser and an expansion valve. The function of compressor is continuing on
cycles and off to meet the cooling requirement of the passenger compartment. This compressor
connected with magnetic clutch which given power to the compressor. Then, the expansion
valve controls the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator. The evaporator is the heat exchanger
that removes heat from the inside of the vehicle. The expansion valve has a capillary tube with
a thermal bulb that controls how far open or closed it is. The thermal bulb and the internal
pressure of the refrigerant balance to control just the exact amount of refrigerant needed. Vapor
refrigerant leaving the evaporator is compressed to a relatively high pressure and temperature
by the compressor. Next, the refrigerant passes through the condenser, where the refrigerant
condenses and there is heat transfer from the refrigerant to the air flow across the condenser.
Finally, the refrigerant enters the expansion valve and expands to the evaporator pressure.
From the experiment, we can enhance our knowledge regarding the air conditioning system.
After the experiment was conducted, the main is heat and moisture in the air-conditioning
system. Air conditioning is the cooling of indoor air for thermal comfort. In a broader sense,
the term can refer to any form of cooling, heating, ventilation, or disinfection that modifies the
condition of air. An air conditioner is an appliance, system, or machine designed to stabilize
the air temperature and humidity within an area (used for cooling as well as heating depending
on the air properties at a given time), typically using a refrigeration cycle but sometimes using
evaporation, commonly for comfort cooling in buildings and motor vehicles.
a) Answer all the problems in the experimental and discuss the results obtained
by explaining the factors that contributes to the air property changes for each
process problems
i. No process
Since there is no process running on this test, there are no big changes of
temperature recorded in this process. All the value of temperature readings
obtained at this stage is all in the range of room temperature. This is because
there are no main factors that contributes to the increasing or decreasing of
air temperature and also air properties. The factors that may contributes to
the air temperature and properties may include all of the components on the
air conditioning system such as heater, compressor, condenser and others.
There are no components running on this process except the air blower. The
relative humidity on this process is quite high, which mean the moisture
content in the air is high because temperature is proportional to the
Device Function
Compressor To compress the refrigerant from the low
pressure, low temperature to high pressure,
high temperature.
Condenser A condenser is a component that turns heated
and pressurized refrigerant vapour into a cool
liquid. This conditioned liquid runs through
the air conditioning system and helps cool
the indoor temperatures. It also soaks up the
heat from the room and transports it back to
Expansion Valve It removes pressure from the liquid
refrigerant to allow expansion or change the
state from liquid to a vapour in evaporator.
The high-pressure liquid refrigerant enters in
quite situation and leaves it in cold situation.
Orifice within the valve does not remove heat
but only reduces the pressure.
Evaporator It absorbed heat from the surrounding air and
produced cooled air.
Components Operations
Condenser A miniature radiator, usually mounted at the front of the car right
next to the big radiator. Sometimes the condenser will have its
own electric cooling fan and the hot, compressed air passes
through the condenser then it gets cooler. As it cools, it then turn
into a liquid.
Drier A drier is used to extract the moisture from the refrigerant.
Sometimes it referred as dehydrator. It is necessary to remove
moisture from the system otherwise it may cause freezing inside
the tube. This will affect the flow of refrigerant to be block. When
in contact with oil in the system, the moisture can also induce the
formation of acids and sludge.
Evaporator The evaporator is mounted inside the vehicles. The main function
of the evaporator is to absorb the surrounding heat. A secondary
function of the evaporator is as system for dehumidification. The
air moisture is condensed into its surface as a warmer air flow the
aluminum fins of the cooler evaporator coil.so dust and pollen
passing can cling to the wet surface and drain out to the outsides.
Expansion valve Expansion valves are devices used to control the refrigerant flow
in a refrigeration system. They help to facilitate the change of
higher pressure of liquid refrigerant in the condensing unit to
lower pressure gas refrigerant in the evaporator.
Compressor Take the refrigerant (gas) and pressurize it to cool the ambient air.
It's driven by the belt of the engine. The compressor also has an
electrically operated clutch that turns the compressor on and off
when you need more fresh air.
For the conclusion, the experiment that had been conducted are sucsessful. All the objectives
that had been stated are achieved. Air properties is changed base on the type of process that
had been run. Each prosess such as no process, steam humudification, sensible heat, cooling
and dehumudification have their own result of air properties. The air properties vary depends
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890 | Thermodynamics
Saturated water—Temperature table
Specific volume, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Entropy,
m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg · K
Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat.
Temp., press., liquid, vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor,
T °C Psat kPa vf vg uf ufg ug hf hfg hg sf sfg sg
0.01 0.6117 0.001000 206.00 0.000 2374.9 2374.9 0.001 2500.9 2500.9 0.0000 9.1556 9.1556
5 0.8725 0.001000 147.03 21.019 2360.8 2381.8 21.020 2489.1 2510.1 0.0763 8.9487 9.0249
10 1.2281 0.001000 106.32 42.020 2346.6 2388.7 42.022 2477.2 2519.2 0.1511 8.7488 8.8999
15 1.7057 0.001001 77.885 62.980 2332.5 2395.5 62.982 2465.4 2528.3 0.2245 8.5559 8.7803
20 2.3392 0.001002 57.762 83.913 2318.4 2402.3 83.915 2453.5 2537.4 0.2965 8.3696 8.6661
25 3.1698 0.001003 43.340 104.83 2304.3 2409.1 104.83 2441.7 2546.5 0.3672 8.1895 8.5567
30 4.2469 0.001004 32.879 125.73 2290.2 2415.9 125.74 2429.8 2555.6 0.4368 8.0152 8.4520
35 5.6291 0.001006 25.205 146.63 2276.0 2422.7 146.64 2417.9 2564.6 0.5051 7.8466 8.3517
40 7.3851 0.001008 19.515 167.53 2261.9 2429.4 167.53 2406.0 2573.5 0.5724 7.6832 8.2556
45 9.5953 0.001010 15.251 188.43 2247.7 2436.1 188.44 2394.0 2582.4 0.6386 7.5247 8.1633
50 12.352 0.001012 12.026 209.33 2233.4 2442.7 209.34 2382.0 2591.3 0.7038 7.3710 8.0748
55 15.763 0.001015 9.5639 230.24 2219.1 2449.3 230.26 2369.8 2600.1 0.7680 7.2218 7.9898
60 19.947 0.001017 7.6670 251.16 2204.7 2455.9 251.18 2357.7 2608.8 0.8313 7.0769 7.9082
65 25.043 0.001020 6.1935 272.09 2190.3 2462.4 272.12 2345.4 2617.5 0.8937 6.9360 7.8296
70 31.202 0.001023 5.0396 293.04 2175.8 2468.9 293.07 2333.0 2626.1 0.9551 6.7989 7.7540
75 38.597 0.001026 4.1291 313.99 2161.3 2475.3 314.03 2320.6 2634.6 1.0158 6.6655 7.6812
80 47.416 0.001029 3.4053 334.97 2146.6 2481.6 335.02 2308.0 2643.0 1.0756 6.5355 7.6111
85 57.868 0.001032 2.8261 355.96 2131.9 2487.8 356.02 2295.3 2651.4 1.1346 6.4089 7.5435
90 70.183 0.001036 2.3593 376.97 2117.0 2494.0 377.04 2282.5 2659.6 1.1929 6.2853 7.4782
95 84.609 0.001040 1.9808 398.00 2102.0 2500.1 398.09 2269.6 2667.6 1.2504 6.1647 7.4151
100 101.42 0.001043 1.6720 419.06 2087.0 2506.0 419.17 2256.4 2675.6 1.3072 6.0470 7.3542
105 120.90 0.001047 1.4186 440.15 2071.8 2511.9 440.28 2243.1 2683.4 1.3634 5.9319 7.2952
110 143.38 0.001052 1.2094 461.27 2056.4 2517.7 461.42 2229.7 2691.1 1.4188 5.8193 7.2382
115 169.18 0.001056 1.0360 482.42 2040.9 2523.3 482.59 2216.0 2698.6 1.4737 5.7092 7.1829
120 198.67 0.001060 0.89133 503.60 2025.3 2528.9 503.81 2202.1 2706.0 1.5279 5.6013 7.1292
125 232.23 0.001065 0.77012 524.83 2009.5 2534.3 525.07 2188.1 2713.1 1.5816 5.4956 7.0771
130 270.28 0.001070 0.66808 546.10 1993.4 2539.5 546.38 2173.7 2720.1 1.6346 5.3919 7.0265
135 313.22 0.001075 0.58179 567.41 1977.3 2544.7 567.75 2159.1 2726.9 1.6872 5.2901 6.9773
140 361.53 0.001080 0.50850 588.77 1960.9 2549.6 589.16 2144.3 2733.5 1.7392 5.1901 6.9294
145 415.68 0.001085 0.44600 610.19 1944.2 2554.4 610.64 2129.2 2739.8 1.7908 5.0919 6.8827
150 476.16 0.001091 0.39248 631.66 1927.4 2559.1 632.18 2113.8 2745.9 1.8418 4.9953 6.8371
155 543.49 0.001096 0.34648 653.19 1910.3 2563.5 653.79 2098.0 2751.8 1.8924 4.9002 6.7927
160 618.23 0.001102 0.30680 674.79 1893.0 2567.8 675.47 2082.0 2757.5 1.9426 4.8066 6.7492
165 700.93 0.001108 0.27244 696.46 1875.4 2571.9 697.24 2065.6 2762.8 1.9923 4.7143 6.7067
170 792.18 0.001114 0.24260 718.20 1857.5 2575.7 719.08 2048.8 2767.9 2.0417 4.6233 6.6650
175 892.60 0.001121 0.21659 740.02 1839.4 2579.4 741.02 2031.7 2772.7 2.0906 4.5335 6.6242
180 1002.8 0.001127 0.19384 761.92 1820.9 2582.8 763.05 2014.2 2777.2 2.1392 4.4448 6.5841
185 1123.5 0.001134 0.17390 783.91 1802.1 2586.0 785.19 1996.2 2781.4 2.1875 4.3572 6.5447
190 1255.2 0.001141 0.15636 806.00 1783.0 2589.0 807.43 1977.9 2785.3 2.2355 4.2705 6.5059
195 1398.8 0.001149 0.14089 828.18 1763.6 2591.7 829.78 1959.0 2788.8 2.2831 4.1847 6.4678
200 1554.9 0.001157 0.12721 850.46 1743.7 2594.2 852.26 1939.8 2792.0 2.3305 4.0997 6.4302
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Appendix 1 | 891
Saturated water—Temperature table (Continued)
Specific volume, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Entropy,
m3/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg kJ/kg · K
Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat. Sat.
Temp., press., liquid, vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor, liquid, Evap., vapor,
T °C Psat kPa vf vg uf ufg ug hf hfg hg sf sfg sg
205 1724.3 0.001164 0.11508 872.86 1723.5 2596.4 874.87 1920.0 2794.8 2.3776 4.0154 6.3930
210 1907.7 0.001173 0.10429 895.38 1702.9 2598.3 897.61 1899.7 2797.3 2.4245 3.9318 6.3563
215 2105.9 0.001181 0.094680 918.02 1681.9 2599.9 920.50 1878.8 2799.3 2.4712 3.8489 6.3200
220 2319.6 0.001190 0.086094 940.79 1660.5 2601.3 943.55 1857.4 2801.0 2.5176 3.7664 6.2840
225 2549.7 0.001199 0.078405 963.70 1638.6 2602.3 966.76 1835.4 2802.2 2.5639 3.6844 6.2483
230 2797.1 0.001209 0.071505 986.76 1616.1 2602.9 990.14 1812.8 2802.9 2.6100 3.6028 6.2128
235 3062.6 0.001219 0.065300 1010.0 1593.2 2603.2 1013.7 1789.5 2803.2 2.6560 3.5216 6.1775
240 3347.0 0.001229 0.059707 1033.4 1569.8 2603.1 1037.5 1765.5 2803.0 2.7018 3.4405 6.1424
245 3651.2 0.001240 0.054656 1056.9 1545.7 2602.7 1061.5 1740.8 2802.2 2.7476 3.3596 6.1072
250 3976.2 0.001252 0.050085 1080.7 1521.1 2601.8 1085.7 1715.3 2801.0 2.7933 3.2788 6.0721
255 4322.9 0.001263 0.045941 1104.7 1495.8 2600.5 1110.1 1689.0 2799.1 2.8390 3.1979 6.0369
260 4692.3 0.001276 0.042175 1128.8 1469.9 2598.7 1134.8 1661.8 2796.6 2.8847 3.1169 6.0017
265 5085.3 0.001289 0.038748 1153.3 1443.2 2596.5 1159.8 1633.7 2793.5 2.9304 3.0358 5.9662
270 5503.0 0.001303 0.035622 1177.9 1415.7 2593.7 1185.1 1604.6 2789.7 2.9762 2.9542 5.9305
275 5946.4 0.001317 0.032767 1202.9 1387.4 2590.3 1210.7 1574.5 2785.2 3.0221 2.8723 5.8944
280 6416.6 0.001333 0.030153 1228.2 1358.2 2586.4 1236.7 1543.2 2779.9 3.0681 2.7898 5.8579
285 6914.6 0.001349 0.027756 1253.7 1328.1 2581.8 1263.1 1510.7 2773.7 3.1144 2.7066 5.8210
290 7441.8 0.001366 0.025554 1279.7 1296.9 2576.5 1289.8 1476.9 2766.7 3.1608 2.6225 5.7834
295 7999.0 0.001384 0.023528 1306.0 1264.5 2570.5 1317.1 1441.6 2758.7 3.2076 2.5374 5.7450
300 8587.9 0.001404 0.021659 1332.7 1230.9 2563.6 1344.8 1404.8 2749.6 3.2548 2.4511 5.7059
305 9209.4 0.001425 0.019932 1360.0 1195.9 2555.8 1373.1 1366.3 2739.4 3.3024 2.3633 5.6657
310 9865.0 0.001447 0.018333 1387.7 1159.3 2547.1 1402.0 1325.9 2727.9 3.3506 2.2737 5.6243
315 10,556 0.001472 0.016849 1416.1 1121.1 2537.2 1431.6 1283.4 2715.0 3.3994 2.1821 5.5816
320 11,284 0.001499 0.015470 1445.1 1080.9 2526.0 1462.0 1238.5 2700.6 3.4491 2.0881 5.5372
325 12,051 0.001528 0.014183 1475.0 1038.5 2513.4 1493.4 1191.0 2684.3 3.4998 1.9911 5.4908
330 12,858 0.001560 0.012979 1505.7 993.5 2499.2 1525.8 1140.3 2666.0 3.5516 1.8906 5.4422
335 13,707 0.001597 0.011848 1537.5 945.5 2483.0 1559.4 1086.0 2645.4 3.6050 1.7857 5.3907
340 14,601 0.001638 0.010783 1570.7 893.8 2464.5 1594.6 1027.4 2622.0 3.6602 1.6756 5.3358
345 15,541 0.001685 0.009772 1605.5 837.7 2443.2 1631.7 963.4 2595.1 3.7179 1.5585 5.2765
350 16,529 0.001741 0.008806 1642.4 775.9 2418.3 1671.2 892.7 2563.9 3.7788 1.4326 5.2114
355 17,570 0.001808 0.007872 1682.2 706.4 2388.6 1714.0 812.9 2526.9 3.8442 1.2942 5.1384
360 18,666 0.001895 0.006950 1726.2 625.7 2351.9 1761.5 720.1 2481.6 3.9165 1.1373 5.0537
365 19,822 0.002015 0.006009 1777.2 526.4 2303.6 1817.2 605.5 2422.7 4.0004 0.9489 4.9493
370 21,044 0.002217 0.004953 1844.5 385.6 2230.1 1891.2 443.1 2334.3 4.1119 0.6890 4.8009
373.95 22,064 0.003106 0.003106 2015.7 0 2015.7 2084.3 0 2084.3 4.4070 0 4.4070
Source: Tables A–4 through A–8 are generated using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software developed by S. A. Klein and F. L. Alvarado. The
routine used in calculations is the highly accurate Steam_IAPWS, which incorporates the 1995 Formulation for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary
Water Substance for General and Scientific Use, issued by The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS). This formulation
replaces the 1984 formulation of Haar, Gallagher, and Kell (NBS/NRC Steam Tables, Hemisphere Publishing Co., 1984), which is also available in EES
as the routine STEAM. The new formulation is based on the correlations of Saul and Wagner (J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 16, 893, 1987) with modifica-
tions to adjust to the International Temperature Scale of 1990. The modifications are described by Wagner and Pruss (J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 22,
783, 1993). The properties of ice are based on Hyland and Wexler, “Formulations for the Thermodynamic Properties of the Saturated Phases of H2O
from 173.15 K to 473.15 K,” ASHRAE Trans., Part 2A, Paper 2793, 1983.