Ahadith e Qudsi

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Hadith 18: Give in charity and find 

Allah with him

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

َّ‫ت أَن‬َ ْ‫ِين َقا َل أَ َما َعلِم‬ َ ‫ت َربُّ ْال َعالَم‬ َ ‫ك َوأَ ْن‬
َ ‫ْف أَعُو ُد‬ َ ‫ت َفلَ ْم َتع ُْدنِي َقا َل َيا َربِّ َكي‬ ُ ْ‫إِنَّ هَّللا َ َع َّز َو َج َّل َيقُو ُل َي ْو َم ْالقِ َيا َم ِة َيا اب َْن آ َد َم َم ِرض‬
‫ُك‬ ْ
َ ‫ْف أط ِعم‬ ُ َ ‫ك َفلَ ْم ُتط ِع ْمنِي َقا َل َيا َربِّ َو َكي‬ ْ ْ
َ ‫ك لَ ْو ع ُْد َت ُه لَ َو َج ْد َتنِي عِ ْن َدهُ َيا اب َْن آ َد َم اسْ َتط َعمْ ُت‬ َ ‫ت أَ َّن‬َ ‫ض َفلَ ْم َتع ُْدهُ أَ َما َعلِ ْم‬َ ‫َع ْبدِي فُاَل ًنا َم ِر‬
‫ت َذل َِك عِ ْندِي َيا اب َْن آدَ َم‬ َ ‫ك لَ ْو أَ ْط َعمْ َت ُه لَ َو َج ْد‬ َ َّ
‫ن‬ َ ‫أ‬ َ
‫ت‬ ْ
‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬
َِ َ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬َ ‫أ‬ ‫ه‬
ُ ْ
‫م‬ ‫ع‬‫ط‬ْ
ِ ْ ُ
‫ت‬ ‫م‬َ ‫ل‬ َ
‫ف‬ ٌ‫ن‬ ‫اَل‬ ُ ‫ف‬ ‫ِي‬
‫د‬ ْ
‫ب‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ك‬
َ َ َ َ ‫م‬‫ع‬ ‫ط‬ْ َ
‫ت‬ ْ‫اس‬ ‫ه‬ُ َّ
‫ن‬ َ ‫أ‬ َ
‫ت‬ ْ
‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ا‬ ‫م‬َ
ِ َ َ َ َ ‫ت َربُّ ْال َعالَم‬
‫أ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ َ
‫ق‬ ‫ِين‬ َ ‫َوأَ ْن‬
‫ت‬َ ‫ك لَ ْو َس َق ْي َت ُه َو َج ْد‬ َ ُ
َ ‫ك َع ْبدِي فاَل نٌ َفلَ ْم َتسْ قِ ِه أ َما إِ َّن‬ ْ
َ ‫ت َربُّ ال َعالَم‬
َ ‫ِين َقا َل اسْ َتسْ َقا‬ ْ َ
َ ‫ك َوأن‬ َ ‫ْف أسْ قِي‬َ َ ‫ك َفلَ ْم َتسْ قِنِي َقا َل َيا َربِّ َكي‬ ُ
َ ‫اسْ َتسْ َق ْيت‬
‫ك عِ ْندِي‬ َ ِ‫َذل‬

Allah the Exalted will say on the Day of Resurrection: O son of Adam, I was sick
but you did not visit me. He will say: O my Lord, how can I visit you when you are
the Lord of the worlds? Allah will say: Did you not know that my servant was sick
and you did not visit him, and had you visited him you would have found me with
him? O son of Adam, I asked you for food but you did not feed me. He will say:
My Lord, how can I feed you when you are the Lord of the worlds? Allah will say:
Did you not know that my servant asked you for food but you did not feed him,
and had you fed him you would have found me with him? O son of Adam, I asked
you for drink but you did not provide for me. He will say: My Lord, how can I give
you drink when you are the Lord of the worlds? Allah will say: My servant asked
you for a drink but you did not provide for him, and had you given it to him you
would have found me with him.

Source: Sahih Muslim 2569, Grade: Sahih


Hadith 19: Condemnation of arrogance

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

ِ ‫از َعنِي َوا ِح ًدا ِم ْن ُه َما َق َذ ْف ُت ُه فِي ال َّن‬

‫ار‬ ِ ‫َقا َل هَّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َّل ْال ِكب ِْر َيا ُء ِردَائِي َو ْال َع َظ َم ُة إِ َز‬
َ ‫اري َف َمنْ َن‬

Allah the Almighty said: Pride is my cloak and greatness is my garment, so

whoever competes with me regarding these two will be thrown into the Hellfire.

Source: Sunan Abu Dawud 4090, Grade: Sahih 

Fear none but Allah

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri  reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,

‫اَل َيحْ قِرْ أَ َح ُد ُك ْم َن ْف َس ُه‬

Let not one of you belittle himself.

They said, “O Messenger of Allah, how can any one of us belittle himself?” The Prophet said:

ِ ‫ك أَنْ َتقُو َل فِي َك َذا َو َك َذا َف َيقُو ُل َخ ْش َي ُة ال َّن‬

‫اس َف َيقُو ُل‬ َ ‫َي َرى أَمْ رً ا هَّلِل ِ َعلَ ْي ِه فِي ِه َم َقا ٌل ُث َّم اَل َيقُو ُل فِي ِه َف َيقُو ُل هَّللا ُ َع َّز َو َج َّل لَ ُه َي ْو َم ْالقِ َيا َم ِة َما َم َن َع‬
‫َّاي ُك ْنتَ أَ َح َّق أَنْ َت ْخ َشى‬ َ ‫َفإِي‬

He finds a matter regarding Allah about which he should speak up but he does not. Allah
the Exalted will say to him on the Day of Resurrection: What prevented you from
speaking up about such a matter? He will say: It was out of fear of the people. Allah will
say: Rather, it is I who deserved to be feared.

Source: Sunan Ibn Majah 4008, Grade: Hasan

Hadith 23: The virtue of love for the sake of Allah

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

‫ُّون ِب َجاَل لِي ْال َي ْو َم أُظِ لُّ ُه ْم فِي ظِ لِّي َي ْو َم اَل ظِ َّل إِاَّل ظِ لِّي‬
َ ‫أَي َْن ْال ُم َت َحاب‬

Verily, Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who love each other for
the sake of my glory? Today, I will shelter them in my shade on a day when there is no
shade but mine.

Source: Sahih Muslim 2566, Grade: Sahih

Hadith 25: The loyal friends of Allah

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

‫ت َعلَ ْي ِه َو َما َي َزا ُل َع ْبدِي‬ ُ ْ‫ب إِلَيَّ َع ْبدِي ِب َشيْ ٍء أَ َحبَّ إِلَيَّ ِممَّا ا ْف َت َرض‬ َ َّ‫ب َو َما َت َقر‬ ِ ْ‫ًًّيا َف َق ْد آ َذ ْن ُت ُه ِب ْال َحر‬vwِ‫إِنَّ هَّللا َ َقا َل َمنْ َعا َدى لِي َول‬
َّ َّ َّ
‫ص َرهُ الذِي ُيبْصِ ُر ِب ِه َو َي َدهُ التِي َيبْطِ شُ ِب َها َو ِرجْ لَ ُه التِي‬ َّ
َ ‫ت َسم َْع ُه الذِي َيسْ َم ُع ِب ِه َو َب‬ ُ ‫َي َت َقرَّ بُ إِلَيَّ ِبال َّن َواف ِِل َح َّتى أ ُ ِح َّب ُه َفإِ َذا أَحْ َب ْب ُت ُه ُك ْن‬
‫ت‬َ ‫ِن َي ْك َرهُ ْال َم ْو‬
ِ ‫س ْالم ُْؤم‬ ِ ‫ت َعنْ َشيْ ٍء أَ َنا َفاعِ لُ ُه َت َر ُّددِي َعنْ َن ْف‬ ُ ‫َي ْمشِ ي ِب َها َوإِنْ َسأَلَنِي أَل ُعْ طِ َي َّن ُه َولَئِنْ اسْ َت َع َاذنِي أَل ُعِ ي َذ َّن ُه َو َما َت َرد َّْد‬
‫َوأَ َنا أَ ْك َرهُ َم َسا َء َت ُه‬

Allah Almighty said: Whoever shows hostility to a friend of mine, then I have
declared war upon him. My servant does not grow closer to me with anything
more beloved to me than the duties I have imposed upon him. My servant
continues to draw near me with extra works until I love him. When I love him, I am
his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hands with
which he strikes, and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask something
from me, I would surely give it to him. If he were to ask me for refuge, I would
surely grant it to him. I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul
of the believer, for he hates death and I hate to disappoint him.

Source: Sahih Bukhari 6137, Grade: Sahih

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