Price Performance of IPOS in Indian Stock Market
Price Performance of IPOS in Indian Stock Market
Price Performance of IPOS in Indian Stock Market
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1 author:
Ravi Kiran
Thapar University
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School of Management and Social Sciences, India,
Thapar University, Patiala, India,
Abstract: The present study has been undertaken to gauge the underpricing in NSE in the short run periods,
i.e., from the listing day to the six months after the listing and for the long period. The results depict that the
presence of underpricing. The study also tries to analyze the influence of factors on IPOs pricing
performance. The results show that these factors viz. Subscription level, Issue size, Listing lead time and Age
influence the initial returns, i.e., R_Ret. of the listing day of the company.
Keywords: Initial Price Offer; India; Underpricing
1. Introduction
An initial public offering is the sale of a company’s stock to the public for the first time. The primary
impetus for an IPO is generally either to raise capital or to offer an exit strategy to some of the firms 73
existing owners, but a number of other motivations and considerations also influence a firm’s decision to
go public. This decision process illuminates a firm’s goals in issuing an IPO, which are important to
evaluate the potential reasons for the underpricing we observe. Start-up companies rarely have the
resources, history, or credibility to conduct an IPO. In fact, firms in the most incipient stage of
development generally rely entirely on personal loans, savings, family, and friends for their initial
financing. Even as a company begins to develop and show some signs of promise, it will rarely attempt a
public offering; instead, it will look to angel investors or venture capital. Angel investors are wealthy
individuals, often prior entrepreneurs, who will provide financing in exchange for equity in the company.
Venture capital comes from firms rather than individuals, but the principle is the same: investors offer
financing in return for a stake in the company. Both angel investors and venture capital firms frequently
take an active role in the company, advising management on the most of issues it faces. The initial
investors are naturally hesitant to provide all the funding upfront, and different private equity investors
target companies at different stages of growth. Thus, successful companies will typically undergo
multiple rounds of financing and will develop a base of investors that intend to eventually liquidate their
stakes. When investors decide it is time to cash in on their investment, they have three choices: sell their
equity to a larger or later-stage investment firm, sell the company to a larger company looking to make an
acquisition, or sell their equity in an initial public offering of the company. Similarly, when an “IPO-
ready” company requires additional financing, it has multiple options: pursue further equity financing
from the private market, issue debt, or conduct an IPO. So what prompts investors and the company to go
with the IPO option?
In addition to provide an immediate capital influx and mechanism through which existing owners can
cash in on their investment, there are other advantages of going public. Since the expectation is that a
liquid aftermarket will develop following the offering, firms conducting an IPO can expect to be in a
position to raise additional capital relatively easily and on favorable terms following the initial offering.
The increased liquidity also makes it possible for public companies to offer stock-based incentives and
compensation, which can help them attract and retain top employees and improve employee productivity.
Trading on an exchange also makes mergers and acquisitions easier since stock can be issued as part of
the deal. Due to increased visibility, companies going public may also experience an increase in prestige,
which can improve their credibility with suppliers and customers, resulting in better credit terms and more
pricing leverage. Even the increased scrutiny of public companies is not all bad since it usually allows the
company to issue debt at lower rates. The history of IPO mechanism can be traced back to period of CCI
regime i.e. Controller of Capital Issues. Prior to nineties all the public issues have to take the permission
of C.C.I. The latter determines all other aspects of the issue. The office of C.C.I. was abolished .In 1993
after the formation of SEBI during 1992. SEBI was honored to regulate all aspects of Capital market,
including primary market and IPO’s. IPO market has undergone a change with an introduction of fixed
price regime and has further advanced with implementation of Book Building process as a result of
Malegam Committee which was set up in1995.
There exist two main mechanisms in India for the sale of public issues.
i. Fixed Price Method. 74
offer and resells it to the public, thus guaranteeing the amount of money that will be raised; under a best
efforts agreement the underwriter sells as much of the security to the public as it can sell at the offering
price, but it does not guarantee the quantity. Underwriting contracts will also specify he underwriter fee
(typically 5%) and the “green shoe” option (allows the underwriter to increase the number of shares
offered, typically by 15%).After the details of the deal have been worked out, the underwriter files a
registration statement with the SEBI. This document provides details on the offering, as well as company
information, such as financial statements, management backgrounds, legal proceedings, and insider
Concept of Underpricing: Generally, it has been found that investors, who purchase IPO’s on the offering
day, experience high returns on the first trading day, indicating that these shares may have been priced at
the time of their offering to the public at values much below their intrinsic value. The phenomenon is
known as underpricing. Underpricing of issue represents the first day returns generated by the firm,
calculated as:
(Closing Price – Offer Price) /Offer Price
An issue is under (over) priced if the price received by the issuer in the primary market is lower (higher)
than the price of the same securities in the secondary market. ‘Underpricing of IPOs is a universal
phenomenon!’ Underpricing is ubiquitous but the amount of underpricing varies across countries. They
have contended that differences in underpricing might result from differences in institutional
arrangements. Making a firm public is significant turning point in the life of a firm with serious wealth
implications for the existing shareholders. The success of the public listing depends, among other factors,
on the ability to determine an offer price. This is a difficult process. Thus, if the firm’s shares are 75
overvalued, their sale to the public will fail; if it succeeds, it will entail a transfer of wealth from the new
shareholders to the old ones.
In case the new shares are undervalued the old shares will relinquish a claim on the firm’s cash flows at a
price below its fair value. To avoid certain uncertainties involved in the public sale of their securities,
firms retain underwriters who undertake the risk of pricing and selling the new securities. The conditions
under which new securities are offered to the public and the role of underwriter are both affected by the
regulatory and institutional environment of local IPO market.
2. Literature Review
The concept of Underpricing has been examined by earlier researchers. Some important studies are
discussed below:
Blum (1973) examined the issues of relative performance of the over-the-counter market with the initial
common stock offerings, underpricing, and the risk involved thereof covering a period from Jan 19, 1965
to June 30, 1970 with a random sample of 400 initial common stock offerings. The market returns and
risks associated with these 400 issues have been calculated for 16 time periods, ranging from one week to
one year after the offering date. The study suggests that the investment bankers have either underpriced or
pushed in the after-market those IPOs in which they held greatest financial interest.
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Ritter (1984) analysed the ‘hot issue’ market of 1980 by considering 1028 issues in 1977-82 period in the
U.S. The study calculated the initial percentage returns that were not adjusted for market movements. For
each month in the period January 1977 to December 1982, an equally weighted average initial return was
calculated by taking the simple arithmetic average of the initial returns of all unseasoned new issues
having offering dates in that calendar month. For the 1960-76 periods, a monthly time series of the
number of issues and average initial returns has been collected, allowing an analysis of the time series
behaviour of initial public offerings for the 23 years period i.e. for the 1960-82. The results of the study
depict that there has been 3 or 4 periods during 1960-82 in which monthly average initial returns on
unseasoned new issues has been extremely high for prolonged periods. During the hot issue market of
1980, for 15-month period the initial return is 48.4%, as compared to with the average initial return in the
period 16.3% of 1977-82 periods, the cold issue market. Tinic (1988) has developed and tested the
hypothesis that underpricing serves as a form of insurance against legal liabilities and the associated
damages to the reputation of both the investment bankers and the issuers. The researcher had divided the
sample size into two periods, the Pre-SEC period, i.e., from 1923 to1933 and the Post-SEC period, i.e.,
from 1966 to 1971. The study shows that in post SEC the prestigious investment bankers/ underwriters
had started to avoid underwriting speculative small issues. Moreover, in post SEC the magnitude of
underpricing had paled off in comparison to excess returns in pre SEC period.
Mauer and Senbet (1992) analyzed the role of secondary market in pricing and underpricing of IPOs. The
study considered 1002 IPOs during the period 1977- 1984. IPOs are above $ 1.5 million, underwritten and
subsequently traded on NASDAQ, AMEX or NYSE. The analysis is done with the use of Pearson
correlation coefficients calculated between initial returns, Dimon Beta, Residual risk, Offering size, age
and time of offering. They had argued that incomplete spanning of the primary issues in the secondary 76
market and limited investors access play an important role in the pricing of IPOs. The study reveals that
the IPO initial returns are positively related to IPO residual risk, negatively related to offering size and
company age, and are not related to systematic or beta risk.
Chemmanur (1993) presents an information-theoretic model of IPO pricing in which insiders sell stock, in
both the IPO and the secondary market, have costly private information about performance of the firm.
High value firms, which know that they are going to pool with the low-value firms, induced outsiders to
engage in information production by underpricing, which compensates outsiders for the cost of producing
information. So underpricing results from insiders inducing information production in order to have a
more precise valuation of their firm in secondary market. Jegadeesh, et al. (1993) had tested the signaling
model of underpricing from 1980 to1986. The study has included all IPOs of the given sample period but
it has considered only ‘firm commitment’ IPOs and has excluded the best effort offerings. The results
suggest a positive relation between IPO underpricing and the probability and size of subsequent seasoned
offering. But contrary to the basic implication of the signaling hypothesis, the evidence shows that issuers
do not have to rely on the costly underpricing mechanism to signal to the market information relevant for
future equity issues. Therefore the support for the signaling hypothesis as a major determinant of IPO
underpricing is weak.
Shah (1995) has analysed the stylized empirical regularities about India’s IPO market, via dataset of
2056, IPOs between time period of 1991-1995using a time series regression analysis. The empirical
Issue 4(30)/2011 ISSN: 1582-8859
findings of the research study highlight that the price at first listing was 105.6% above the offer price on
an average. Secondly, listing delay affects the IPO underpricing and is strongly related with the issue size.
And finally, Underpricing gently increases with offer price. Madhusoodanan and Thiripalraju (1997) also
examine the impact of the issue size on the extent of underpricing in these offerings and the performance
of the merchant bankers in pricing these issues. The study indicates that, in general, the underpricing in
the Indian IPOs in the short run is higher than the experiences of other countries. In the long-run too,
Indian offerings have given high returns compared to negative returns reported from other countries. The
study also reveals that none of the merchant bankers showed any better pricing capabilities.
Chen, et al. (2000) investigates the post-issue market performance of 277 A-share and 65 B share IPOs
listed on China’s new stock market during the period 1992-1995. The results highlight that A-share IPOs
are more severely underpriced than B-share IPOs during initial return period; and B-share IPOs
underperform for post three years period in the market. It is found that on an average both gross proceeds
and pre-IPO book value of equity is greater for B-share IPOs than for A-share IPOs. All the returns data
used in this study were adjusted for stock splits, stock dividends and rights offerings. They have
bifurcated the study into two parts for evaluating the aftermarket performance of IPOs, which are (i) the
initial returns, for the period of offering date to the Ist trading date (ii) the aftermarket period return, for
one, two and three years after IPOs.The results showed that the initial returns on A-shares are extremely
high and exceeded those reported in other countries. Aftermarket performance is positive in first year
after listing but thereafter returns declines. Lowry and Schwert (2000) analyzed the aggregate IPO market
activity and also have examined the initial returns at the firm level from 1960 to 1997.The statistical
measures being used in the study are mean, median, standard deviation and auto-correlations. The results
show that IPOs cycles occurs and has subsequent effect on returns and underperformance. Clustering of 77
IPOs happens in the market and is also associated with predictably different initial returns and the
information about the value of an IPO which is being available during registration period has an effect on
the prices and offering decisions of other firms.
Alwarez and Gonzalez (2001) analyzed all the IPOs in Spanish market during 1987-1997, with a sample
of 56 firms to provide evidence on initial underpricing and long run underperformance of IPOs. They
have used Buy and Hold Returns (BHR), Calendar time portfolios and the Fama and French three factor
Model for their analysis. The results of study show there exists long run underperformance when BHR are
used and not when mean calendar time returns are employed. Secondly the study also shows that neither
the characteristics of IPO i.e. IPO’s size, underwriters reputation nor those of the firm in the year prior to
going public have a statistically significant influence on the stock return of the firm three or five years
after going public. Gompers and Lerner (2001) analyzed the performance of nearly 3661 IPOs in the
United States from 1935 to 1975 for 5 years considering a Pre-NASDAQ period. The results display the
evidence of underperformance when event time buy and hold abnormal returns are used. However the
underperformance disappears when cumulative abnormal returns are used.
Ljungquist, et al. (2001) suggests a model of the pricing and other features of IPO process. The results of
the study show that there are three main empirical IPO ‘anomalies’ – underpricing, hot issue markets and
long run underperformance; and the emergence of hot markets result in increase in optimism of Sentiment
traders which causes IPO swings in the market. Ritter and Welch (2002) presents both theoretical and
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empirical evidence for short run and long run underperformance of IPOs and shows that the underpricing
is sensitive to methodology and to the time period being chosen. Second, Fama-French Multifactor
regressions could produce odd results.
Krishnamurti (2002) provides an evidence for the wide spread underpricing of Indian IPOs by analysing
386 IPOs in post liberalizing era, from the period July 1992 to Dec 1994.The empirical evidence confirms
the underpricing phenomenon in Indian Market by using Raw returns, Market Adjusted Returns. It also
analyzed the factors responsible for pervasive and persistent occurrence of underpricing in the IPO
market. The research findings highlight that underpricing comes down with increasing offer prices and
believed that the offer is the proxy for the size of the firm. Secondly smaller firms are more risky because
there exists a greater degree of information asymmetry between insiders of the firm and outside investors.
( a main reason considered for underpricing) The initial listing returns of IPOs are related to subscription
levels and raw returns. Market adjusted returns are strongly related with subscription levels. Underpricing
is due to the merchant bankers’ inability the extent of demand for the issue at the offer price. Large time
lags between setting up of the offer price and the offer opening date cause underpricing. In India, the lag
period is typically three to four months long. Adverse market movements during the time lag may create
mis-pricing. Singh (2003) has reported that Indian investors get very high returns up to a period of six
months and thereafter the returns declines. The long-term investors, who continue to hold their
investments for a period of two–three years, experience negative returns.
Yan and Cai (2003) analyze long run performance of 718 IPOs in Japanese over-the-counter market
(JASDAQ) from the period 1991-2001 to determine how the phenomenal market and operating
underperformance are intrinsically associated and mutually explicable by behavioral hypothesis. The
study analyzes the systematic over-optimism of market investors and managers at the time of IPO events 78
and uses the hypotheses of “Windows of Opportunity” and market timing. The performance measures
being used are post-issue long-run holding period stock returns (HPRs) for JASDAQ IPOs adjusted by
alternative benchmarks, along with profitability ratios; growth rates; M/B; P/E; and Tobin’s Q measures
of market expectations for potential earnings growth. The results shows that although median offer price
of JASDAQ IPOs are lower than non-JASDAQ by about 23%, the initial returns are higher by 26%,
which have shed light on the hypothesis of “leave more money under the table” in JASDAQ market. It
shows that the JASDAQ IPOs suffer homogeneous collapses not only in financial performance, but in
market expectation measures by M/B, P/E and Tobin’s Q as well. The results of this study show that the
continuing operating long run under-performance and explains that “Agency problem theory” is not
effective in explaining the long run operating underperformance of JASDAQ IPOs.
Pastor and Veronesi (2003) analyzed IPOs from the period Jan 1960 to Dec 2002 and observed 16 IPO
waves and used regression analysis for analyzing IPO performance. The researchers have used Market
Returns (MKT), Market Volatility (MVOL), and Aggregate M/B ratio and time series analysis. The study
presents a theoretical framework on different aspects such as IPO waves, Optimal IPO timing, and IPO
valuations. Empirical evidence shows that the results are inconsistent with the long run underperformance
of IPOs.
Vaidayanathan (2007) studies the price performance of IPOs in the NSE. The study has verified that the
demand generated for an issue during book building and the listing delay positively impact the first day
underpricing whereas the effect of money spent on the marketing of the IPO is insignificant. The study
considers the data from March 2004 to Oct 2006 and takes into account 55 companies for analysis. The
degree of underpricing in the sample is varying from -33.04% to 82.5% with a mean value of 22.62%.
There are only 27.27% which got listed at a discount to their offer price (i.e. overpricing of issues),
whereas 72.73% firms showed underpricing phenomenon. The average underpricing has gone down up to
22.62% during the period in context, as compared to 105.6% (reported by Shah, 1995) during the period
1991 to 1995, due to change in regulation whereby the allocations to informed investors are allowed,
which makes the market more efficient. There are a large number of firms (54.5%) in the sample which
give a negative return, unadjusted for market returns just one month after their listing, when at the same
time adjusted for market returns (more than 58% of the firms in the sample) give a negative return in a
period of one month. An investor would be better off by investing in index based mutual funds during the
period of the study rather than investing in IPOs if only a short term horizon of one month is considered.
One of the important and unique contributions of this study is that the aftermarket in India regards the
final offer price which has been set after book building as a credible signal for the firm’s underpricing.
Another finding of the study is that the returns form IPOs get diffused within one month of the listing of
the firms and on an average the gains in one month after listing are lesser than those of the market.
Kumar (2007) has analysed the long run as well as short run price performance with respect to the book
building process in India and has verified the presence of underpricing phenomenon in Indian IPOs up to
the time span of twenty four months from the date of listing. The study examines 156 firms (which issued
their IPOs through book building route on the NSE) over the period of 1999 to May 2007. The short run 79
performance has been analysed by applying the simple returns and market adjusted returns to capture the
market movements during the period between the offer closures to listing. The long run performance
analysis is done by studying the buy and hold adjusted returns (BHAR) and monthly market adjusted
returns (MMAR) at regular monthly intervals from the second day of their listing using Nifty. The
empirical evidence shows that 156 IPOs on an average got listed with 26.35% premium over the offer
price and the median premium of around 18%. The researcher has applied a regression technique which
shows that the offer to open returns explain the variation in offer to close returns to an extent of 80%.
Also cross sectional regression has been used with initial returns (dependent variable) and size, before
market condition, offer price quotient to explain underpricing (independent variable). The results suggest
that the larger the issue price, the lesser is the underpricing. If the general market conditions are
optimistic, the issue attracts more investors thus leading to higher premium in returns. The empirical
research of long run analysis shows that the IPOs give better performance up to two years but after that
they start underperforming and a comparison with international evidence shows the after-market
performance over three years period is -14.69%. An important finding of the paper is that with the
introduction of book building process in India the extent of IPO underpricing has gone down.
Janakiramanan (2007) has examined the evidence of the long run underperformance in the Indian market
using the data set of firms over the period of 2000-02, by using CAPM and three factor models as
benchmarks taking a sample of 116 companies from various industries. The sample of the study consists
of 116 IPOs issued by companies in the Indian market during the period 2000 -2001. The aftermarket
performance is taken for five years. The study total return, market adjusted abnormal return for short run
as well as for long run. The study employs the basic capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the Fama and
French three factor model and the average return model. The results for the three factor model imply a
greater positive return as compared to the CAPM in the long run. The results depict that the three factor
model may be better suited for explaining long-run underperformance. The long term performance of
these companies shows that investment in Indian IPOs provides positive abnormal return by the end of 60
days. The abnormal return is greater for investment in smaller companies to investment in larger
Khurshed, et al. (2008) has examined the timing and subscription pattern of different groups of investors’
viz. retail investors, QIB’s, NII’s dividing the study into two parts, the Pre-listing period and Post-listing
period underpricing. The sample period for the study is March 1999 to March 2008 and the sample size is
239 IPOs. The results indicate that subscription level of non-institutional investors and retail investors is
significantly influenced by the subscription pattern of qualified institutional buyers. Moreover, the
findings show that the transparency of the book-building process in Indian IPOs helps to nullify the
winner’s curse problem for the non-institutional and retail investors. Singh and Kumar (2008) have
analyzed short and long run underpricing of IPOs in the Indian Capital markets and propose a model of
underpricing taking oversubscription variables along with age and issue size. They have performed
industry wise analysis from the time period of Jan. 2006 to Oct.2006 by taking 116 IPOs. The study
shows that Indian Capital markets are found to follow industry specific waves. The sectors which are
performing well are more underpriced in short run as well as perform well in long run.
Objectives of the study 80
Although enough research has been done on pricing performance of IPOs, still there are certain gray
areas, which have drawn the researchers to conduct this study. More specifically, the study has been
designed to achieve the following objectives:
i. To measure the initial underpricing of IPOs in India from the date of offer to the
public to the date of their listing.
ii. To examine the extent of short run underpricing of IPOs in India
iii. To analyze the underpricing for the long run up to a period of 3 years.
iv. To analyze the factors influencing price performance of IPOs.
To achieve these objectives the following hypotheses have been proposed:
H1: There is no relation between age and pricing performance of the IPOs
H2: There is no relation between Issue size and pricing performance of the IPOs
H3 : There is no relation between Subscription level and pricing performance of the IPOs
H4: There is no relation between Listing Lead time and pricing performance of the IPOs
fulfilled, returns should be adjusted for changes in market conditions during this period. In most cases the
gap between the application closing date and the first day of trading would be very small and is likely to
have a negligible effect. But, in India this gap is quite long. During this period, a major change could
occur in market conditions and the observed premium (discount) measured by equation (i) could be
caused by a change in market conditions rather than initial mispricing. Therefore, the raw return estimated
by equation (i) has been adjusted for market return.
MAER= [(P1- P0/P0)- (M1-M0/M0)]*100……………………………………………………………….(ii)
Where MAER = Market adjusted excess return
M1 = Closing value of Market Index on the first trading day
M0 = Closing value of Market Index on the offer closing date.
Since for different companies, the time taken to list varies, so to normalize for this, annualized returns
will be calculated by multiplying Raw and MAER by the following factor.
Annualising Factor = 365/ Listing Lead Time……………………………………………………….(iii)
The returns for the different time period gaps considered is calculated by taking closing prices of the
given stock after the specified time gap (i.e. one week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1year, 2 year or 3
years) from the listing day. So the formula used in equation (i) is adjusted as follows:
R_Rett = [( Pt-P0/P0)*100]……………………………………………………………………………...(iv)
Where R_Ret.t = raw return of the stock at time t after listing day
Pt = closing price at time t
Po = closing price on Listing day
Similarly, the market adjusted excess returns are calculated for the given time periods, by using the
following formula
MAERt= [(Pt- P0/P0)- (Mt-M0/M0)]*100……………………………………………………………..4
Where MAER = Market adjusted excess return at the end of time period t
Mt = Closing value of the index at time period t
Mo = Closing value of the index on Listing day
The average of R_Rett values, for all securities gives the return on days ‘t’ for the sample. To examine the
short-run underpricing, another measure Wealth Relative (Index) has been calculated. The magnitude of
this measure is an indication of the performance of IPOs vis-à-vis
The market. A wealth relative of value greater than unity implies that IPOs outperformed the market in
that period, while a wealth relative below 1 indicates under-performance. When an IPO outperform the
market then that means that it has given higher returns than the market
Which implies that it was underpriced previously and when it gained it actual worth in the market it
outperformed the market in terms of returns. WRit for a sample of n stocks at time t is calculated using the
tumbled down to 7 IPOs amounting Rs. 1201.8 crores during 2001-02. But it was back to spring time
again by the end of 2004-05.
Thus, it can be concluded from table 1 that IPO market experienced boom during 1997-99 and recovery
during 1999-01. Things again looked down for 2001-03 but back to good times by the end of financial
year 2006-07& 2007-2008. Hence, IPO market in India presents an interesting case for study because of
its various nuances for a period 1992-05.
Table 1: Growth of IPO market in India
Amount (Rs Amount (Rs
Year No of IPOS Cr.) Year No of IPOS Cr.)
1991-92 158 724 2000-01 114 2722.38
1992-93 467 3673 2001-02 7 1201.8
1993-94 693 7650 2002-03 6 1038.68
1994-95 1231 9919 2003-04 14 1412
1995-96 1357 10924.1 2004-05 23 12382
1996-97 717 5958.6 2005-06 79 10936
1997-98 52 1047.52 2006-07 77 28504
1998-99 18 404.21 2007-08 85 42595
1999-2000 51 2719.04
100 94
90 Hot Issue Market
70 65
50 41
40 Cold Issue Market 36
30 20
20 9
10 2 2 2 5
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
No of IPOs
The overall returns obtained from the IPOs are shown in the table 2. The returns, thus, calculated are the
Raw Returns taken on the listing day, one week after listing day, one month after listing day, three
months after listing day and six months after listing day so as to analyze the price performance of the
IPOs in the short run. These returns are in turn compared with that of the market returns, which are
calculated by taking into consideration the S&P CNX Nifty Index (so as to represent the market behavior
during the exactly same time span).
As we can see from fig.II the R_Ret are quite high on the listing day and have fallen considerably over
the short run time period. Also, the MR_Ret are not showing so much variation like the R_Ret. These
returns show the extent of underpricing of the IPOs which generate returns to the investors on the first
trading day of price discovery. The returns fell down dramatically after one week from the listing day and
subsequently to compensate for the price appreciation and tend to normalize thereon. The maximum
R_ret from the IPOs that an investor can earn on the listing day is 6589.856 % whereas the minimum loss
is 88.9%. These figures itself shows the scope or the wide range for the profit. The higher end for the
profit is quite high as compared to losing end along with the overall raw return is approx. 12 times the
market raw return. Similarly, we can observe that the raw returns are 6times, 5 times, 3.5 times and 2.6
times the market raw returns on 1weak, 1 month, 3 months & 6 months after listing respectively. 86
In order to make returns obtained from the various IPOs more comparable the listing lead time has been
considered and the annualized raw returns both for the IPOs and the market have been calculated. The
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)/2011 ISSN: 1582-8859
inclusion of this factor provides a similar basis for the study of extent of underpricing in the IPOs by
nullifying the effect of the time taken or varying number of days taken by the companies for getting their
stocks listed thus annualized raw returns provide a better picture of the price performance of the IPOs and
the phenomenon of IPOs. In the short run the results highlight that there is a good difference of
annualized raw returns over the annualized market raw returns.
Fig. III. Comparison of Ann. R_Ret. and Ann. MR_ret.
The fig. III supports the phenomenon of excessively high annualized raw returns in the short run as
compared to the lesser amount of loss possibilities which are equivalent to that of normal market loss.
MAER or Market Adjusted Excess Return and Ann. MAER clearly define the excessive amount of 87
returns that goes into the pocket of an investor over and above the market returns. Moreover when we
consider Annualized MAER the effect of the varying listing delay gets nullified and the phenomenon of
underpricing reflects itself in the true manner. It is quite clear from the table 4 and fig.3
fig. that when we
simply take MAER the returns are so but when the Ann. MAER are considered then they simply surpass
the MAER and shows the scope of underpricing present in the market.
Table 4. Values of MAER and Ann. MAER
Max Min. Ann Max. Ann Min Ann
On the listing day 244 53.66 6603.34 -676.19 1011.47 133901.2 -11218.7
1 week after listing day 244 28.59 1005.66 -756.94 494.85 20392.64 -12558.4
1 Month after listing day 244 24.87 960.94 -904.97 438.51 19485.84 15014.37
3 Months after listing day 244 21.03 680.32 -861.33 387.68 13795.54 -14290.4
6 Months after listing day 244 20.21 561.91 -1006.84 391.27 11394.43 -16704.5
Wealth Relative: Wealth Relatives is an efficient measure to evaluate short run underpricing of IPOs. In
figure IV the values for the wealth relative index has been compared with the unity. The value greater
Issue 4(30)/2011 ISSN: 1582-8859
than unity shows that the IPOs have been underpriced. In case of the sample taken for study, the values
are greater than one and are highest on the listing day which implies that underpricing of IPOs had been
discovered on the first day of trading itself. Also the phenomenon of underpricing persisted in the short
run till six months after listing.
Fig. IV. Wealth Relative
Wealth Relative
6 6.88
2 3.12
2.63 2.3
On listing I week I month 3Months 6 Months
day After
Figure IV shows the percentage values of the extent of underpricing and it is evident that the IPOs
generated 689 %( approx) returns on the first day of listing and outperformed market index returns by
589%. Thereafter, they tended to normalize their returns and generated high returns for the investors all
through the short run time period. But what is worth noticing here is that though the returns remain quite 88
high in the short run but they show a declining trend which infers that the price behaviour tends to
normalize the returns so as to make the IPO generated returns equivalent to the market returns. These
returns actually normalize themselves along the market behaviour in the long run after the market players
have taken the fruits of underpricing. Thus, this measure verifies the high extent of underpricing present
in the IPO market in the short run.
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
244) 1 9 2 2 5 15 40 60 82 29
Mean 8.15 8.08 14.05 9.69 29.55 15.03 13.25 14.1 17 14.4
Median 8.15 6.24 14.05 9.69 12.42 15.7 10.7 12.1 2.84 12.1
Dev. - 4.33 8.5 4.33 42.16 10.97 13.15 7.89 15.2 12.1
Max. 8.15 16.74 20.07 12.76 103.82 35.55 73.43 36.7 100 66.9
Min, 8.15 4.93 8.03 6.62 4.05 1.05 0.32 0.39 2.32 2.29
From the above Table 5 and fig.fig.VI it is clearly shown that over the time period the mean age of
companies has declined. In other words, we can say that the young and middlemiddle-aged
aged companies are
coming to market more rigorously in the considered time period, except for the period 2003 in which the
mean age is high because of launch of IPO of Vardhman Acrylics Limited which is 103 years old.
Many research studies have empirically tested the relation between age and underpricing. The present
study highlight ( table 6) that age affects the underpricing significantly, which is also shown in table 8.
The highest returns are given by from the age group of 20 to30. The results highlight that with an increase
in age, the raww returns also increase though in the age group of more than 30 years the returns have
declined. It is due to the reason that the data variation in this group is significant as companies’ age is
ranging from 30 years to even 100 years.
Table 6. Initial Listing Returns of IPOs by Age
Raw Offer Lead Issue Ann.
Sample Av. Age Ret. MAER Price Time Size Raw Ret. MAER
N Years % % Rs Days Shares % %
242 All 23.85 21.56 211.19 27.8 318.28 444.5 711.8
79 A≤10 30.24 31.72 204.02 24.68 408 505.47 1644.22
117 10≤A≥20 76.09 68.62 230.06 226.49 205.57 1474.17 1949.59
Issue-Size and Price Performance:: Issue size is the offer size of a company i.e. the total no. of shares a
company is selling in their IPOs. According to SEBI guidelines the issue size that is being offered should
be disclosed in Red- Herring Prospectus. The overall mean issue size over the considered time t period
2008) is 445.16 .The maximum offer size is 8658.3 of NTPC (2004) and minimum is 13.71 of D- D
LINK (2001) with raw returns 21.85 and -48.85 respectively.
Table 7 shows the relation between underpricing with the Issue size. All the average raw returns and
mean MAER given by IPOs basis on Issue sizes are positive. From the Table 9, it is clearly shows that the
optimum issue size for an IPO is between 120 and 180 (lakh shares). With an increase in the issue size,
there is a gradual increase in raw returns. So from an investor point of view this is the optimum size to
invest in. For the last sample of the table i.e. above 240 lakh shares, the returns are high because of data
variation as it includes the shares ranging from 584.99 of PTC to 8658.3 of NTPC lakh shares. So the
variation is obvious. The correlation and regression value between the above two factors is 0.27 and R2 is
Subscription level and Price Performance: Subscription level of IPOs (Table 8) depicts the total demand 91
of the issue generated in market by investors’ viz. retail investors, NIIs and QIBs. Subscription level is
being calculated by dividing total demand (of the issue) by total offer size. The benchmark value of
subscription level is 1. If the subscription level value is less than 1 then the issue is undersubscribed and if
it is more than 1, it is over-subscribed.
Table 8. Initial Listing Returns of IPOs by Listing Lead Time
Sample Listing Lead Offer Lead Ann. Raw
Size Time Raw Ret. MAER Price Time Issue Size ret. Ann. MAER
N (no of days % % Rs Days Shares % %
221 15≤L ≥30 27.37 25.27 219.89 21.34 306.08 517.76 839.81
From the table 8 it is crystal clear that with an increase in subscription level there is a subsequent increase
in raw returns. This shows the clear correlation between the two indicating that the issues which are more
subscribed are bound to give significant positive raw returns indicating underpricing. The multiple R is
0.27 and R2 is .07 for these factors.
Listing Lead Time and Price Performance: Lead-time is the time lag between the closing date of the issue
and the time when it gets enlisted with the stock exchange. Different issues take different time spans for
listing. The listing delay in the sample used in the present study ranges between 18days to as many as 576
days and this lead-time averages at 27 days. So to scrutinize the effect of delay in IPO listing
performance, a cross-sectional analysis was made slicing the lead-time in three categories.
Table 9. Listing Lead Time over a considered Time Period
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
N ( 244) 9 2 3 5 15 40 60 82 29
Mean 54 46 16 17.2 33.4 32.9 30.13 22 21.7
Median 52 46 16 20 21 21 21 22 21
Dev. 15.8 2.8 2.8 5.2 50.9 77.7 50.3 2.3 2.3
Max. 92 48 18 22 217 512 352 36 27
Min. 42 44 14 11 13 17 16 17 17
Table 9 shows that the raw returns as well as market adjusted return estimated on the basis of number of
days for listing indicate that when the listing delay is between 15 to30 days, the returns are significantly
different from zero. 90% of IPOs are falling in the category of 15 to 30 of listing lead time. But the IPOs
which are falling in the range of less than and equal to 15 days are giving highest raw returns though they
are only 2%. So, the above analyses support the hypothesis that lower listing delays give better
performance though no. of firms chose to have listing delays of 15 to 30 days. The value of R is 0.15 and
R2 0.024
Fig. VII
VII. Mean Lead Listing Time
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
From the table 9 and Figure VII it can be concluded that the listing lead time has come down over a
period of time. The mean listing delays have declined from54 of year 2000 to 21.7 of year 2008. The
maximum and minimum has come down from 92 and42 to 27 and 17 respectively from 2000 to 2008.
It is generally observed in the equity market that IPOs would come to their intrinsic value in the long run
but there are various factors which also play an important role, like market sentiments of the considered
time period, global market trend etc. In my study there are 65 IPOs over a time period of 1999- 2005in the
long run analysis. Their returns have been calculated after 1, 2 and3 years respectively. In India there was
a Boom-Period during 2003- 2007, so the raw returns are greater than market returns even after 1, 2 and 3
years and have not come to their true value (so it is an exception in the taken time period due to market
sentiments). The above table explain the comparison of max. and min. R_Ret. and MR_Ret. It shows that
the max raw returns are very high compared to max. market returns and same is the case with min. raw
Comparison between Ann.R_Ret and Ann. MR_Ret:-Ann.. R_Ret represent the raw returns being
annualized in effect to nullify the impact of time taken by an IPO for getting on to the stock exchange
floor .While on the other day Ann MR_Ret shows the annualized raw returns for the same considered
time period of the market as to provide a comparable benchmark. When we compare the annualized
returns with annualized market raw returns we can clarify whether the IPO has given investor a better
return or not, for the considered time period in the same regulatory framework and market sentiments.
Table 11:- Comparative values of MAER and Ann. MAER
The table 11 depicts that an investor remains in the profit even after holding the equities for 3 years. The
highest annualized raw returns are made by IndiaBulls IPO for the successive three years. The maximum
return came in 2007 i.e. 74357.54(ann. Raw returns). Over the considered time period Ann. Raw returns
grow very fast as compared to market ann. raw returns.
Maximum and Minimum Ann. R_Ret and Ann. MR_Ret.: The max. and min. Ann. R_Ret & Ann.
MR_Ret. show the range of the data i.e. what can be the highest data range and lowest data range.
Moreover it also depicts by how many times a market can jump up to its higher end and slope down
towards its lower end and also the IPOs returns. The table 15 shows that Ann. R_Ret in both cases, i.e.,
max. and min. are fared well as compared to the Ann. MR_Ret. So, it can be concluded that an investor is
well off in the considered time period than market in the same time period. Comparison of MAER and
Ann. MAER: By studying the comparison, it can be explained that how much an investor can earn from
the market. By taking Ann. MAER, the effect of listing delays can be nullified and so underpricing can be
shown more clearly. However in the MAER, there is an effect of listing delays but in long run it has to be
wiped out to show the real picture.
The above results depict that after nullifying the effect of listing delays, the underpricing (Fig VIII and
IX) is shown more clearly. It is also shows the level of underpricing present in the market.
Fig. VIII. Wealth Relative
Wealth Relative
7 5.88
2.67 Series1
1.65 1.78 Series2
1 2 3 4
5. Conclusion
From the foregoing analysis, it can be concluded that underpricing is present in NSE. It can also be
concluded that underpricing is more severe in the short run periods, i.e., from the listing day to the six
months after the listing. However the long run IPOs tends to move to their intrinsic value or true value
wiping out much of the underpricing. The difference between the extents of underpricing in the two time
intervals is very much. For long time interval is taken up to 3 years from the day of the listing of the
company. It shows that if an investor buys and holds the equities, how much he is going to earn over the
considered time
me period. In addition to that an analysis of the influence of factors on IPOs pricing
performance has been done. The factors taken in to consideration are: Subscription level, Issue size,
Listing lead time and Age. The results show that these factors influence the initial returns, i.e., R_Ret. of
the listing day of the company.
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