Metabolism Lippincott's Q&A
Metabolism Lippincott's Q&A
Metabolism Lippincott's Q&A
Glycolysis and
Protein Structure
and Function
This chapter quizzes the student on the metabolic below. An enzyme that may be defective in this child
aspects of glycolysis and the synthesis of glucose, is which one of the following?
gluconeogenesis. Various aspects of diseases related
to carbohydrate metabolism are also reviewed in
this chapter.
Select the single best answer.
10 A 28-year-old male develops diabetes, as noted by con- 12 The synthesis of one mole of glucose from two moles of
stant, mildly elevated hyperglycemia. His father had lactate requires six moles of ATP. Which one of the follow-
similar symptoms at the same age as did his paternal ing steps requires ATP in the gluconeogenic pathway?
grandmother. This patient is not obese, does not have (A) Pyruvate kinase
hypertension, does not have dyslipidemia, and does not (B) Triosephosphate isomerase
have antibodies directed against islet cells. This altera- (C) Glucose-6-phosphatase
tion in glucose homeostasis may be due to a mutation in (D) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
which of the following enzymes?
(E) Phosphoglycerate kinase
(A) Pancreatic glucokinase
(B) Pancreatic hexokinase
(C) Liver glucokinase 13 An important product of the oxidation of the body’s
(D) Muscle hexokinase major energy source to provide energy for gluconeogen-
esis regulates which of the following key gluconeogenic
(E) Intestinal glucokinase
11 A 3-month-old girl with developing cataracts is shown (A) PEPCK
to contain a reducing sugar in her urine, but the glu- (B) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
cose oxidase test was negative. She has had no problems (C) Glucose-6-phosphatase
eating, and her growth curve is at the 60th percentile. (D) Pyruvate carboxylase
Fasting blood glucose tests show normal levels of circu- (E) Pyruvate kinase
lating glucose. A likely enzyme deficiency is which of
the following?
14 An individual with a BMI of 34 was advised by the
(A) Fructokinase physician to eat less and exercise more. The patient
(B) Hexokinase took this advice to an extreme, and has not eaten for
(C) Galactokinase 48 h. Which of the following best describes the patient’s
(D) Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase activity and phosphorylation state of the following key
(E) Aldolase liver enzymes?
Muscle Glucose
Liver PFK-2 Liver PFK-1 Uptake
(A) Active kinase Active kinase Increased
(B) Inactive kinase Active kinase Increased
(C) Active phosphatase Active kinase Increased
(D) Inactive phosphatase Active kinase Decreased
(E) Active kinase Inactive kinase Decreased
16 Streptococcus mutans, found in dental plaque, produces 19 Your 20-year-old male patient received a medical
acids from the metabolism of carbohydrates. Topical discharge from the US Army. He has had multiple
fluoride treatment in the dental office can slow the pro- episodes of lightheadedness, sweating, fatigue, tremor,
duction of acids, resulting in the accumulation of which and intense hunger. He had one seizure. During two
metabolite? of these episodes, his blood glucose was 40 mg/dL.
(A) Glucose-6-phosphate Which of the following tests could help you diagnose
(B) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate his problem?
(C) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (A) Fasting blood glucose
(D) 2-phosphoglycerate (B) HbA1c
(E) Phosphoenolpyruvate (C) Noncontrast CT scan of the abdomen
(D) Blood glucose and insulin levels measured while he
was symptomatic
17 After eating a meal containing carbohydrates, the mono- (E) Determining the presence of islet cell antibodies
saccharides must be absorbed from the intestinal lumen.
This transport is dependent on which of the following
enzymes? 20 Under conditions of hypoglycemia, the liver is not uti-
(A) Na+/H+ antiporter lizing glucose as an energy source due to which of the
(B) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase following?
(C) Hexokinase (A) A low Km for glucokinase
(D) Chloride transporter (B) A high Km for glucokinase
(E) Na+, K+ ATPase (C) An inhibited, phosphorylated PFK-1
(D) An activated, phosphorylated PFK-1
18 Skeletal muscle PFK-2 is not regulated by phospho- (E) A reduction of glucose transporters in the membrane
rylation, but heart muscle PFK-2 is. In the heart,
phosphorylation of PFK-2 leads to what effect?
(A) Enhanced production of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
(B) Reduced production of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate
(C) Degradation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
(D) Increased turnover of PFK-2
(E) Increased transcription of PFK-2
2-phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate
3-phosphoglycerate Pyruvate
2NADH + 2H+
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
Answer 2
Glucose Glycogen
Fructose Hexokinase
ADP Glucose 6- Glucose 1-
phosphate phosphate
Fructose 1-phosphate
Aldolase B Fructose 6-
Glyceraldehyde Fructose 1,6-phosphate
ATP Aldolase B (liver)
Triose kinase Aldolase A (muscle)
Lactate Pyruvate
Fatty acids
TCA cycle
Answer 7
8 The answer is C: Glycerol, lactate, and glutamine. The is a mutation in pancreatic glucokinase. MODY3 is a
woman has a BMI in the unhealthy range (15.7), indi- mutation in the transcription factor HNF1-α while
cating inadequate nutrient uptake. Since her nutrient MODY4 contains a mutation in insulin promoter factor
uptake is poor, most of the glucose present in her blood 1. MODY5 is a mutation in another transcription factor,
is derived from gluconeogenesis, as her glycogen stores HNF1-β. MODY6 is a mutation in neurogenic differen-
are most likely depleted. The substrates for gluconeo- tiation factor 1. MODY is not insulin resistance. There-
genesis are lactate (derived from red blood cell meta- fore, all the other aspects of insulin resistance syndrome
bolism), glycerol (from triglyceride degradation), and are not present (obesity, hypertension, and hypertrig-
amino acids derived from protein muscle degradation. lyceridemia). Since MODY is autosomal dominant, it
Glutamine is a glucogenic amino acid, and is also used can be traced through the family tree. It was thought
to transport nitrogen groups from the muscle to the liver at one time that the patient had to be young to present
for safe excretion via the urea cycle. Leucine is a strictly with this disorder, but patients up to age 50 have been
ketogenic amino acid (giving rise only to acetyl-CoA), reported. It is not type 1 diabetes mellitus as no islet
and leucine carbons cannot be used to make glucose cell antibodies are present. Glucokinase is acting as a
via gluconeogenesis. Fatty acids are also strictly keto- glucose sensor for the β-cell. A mutated, less sensitive
genic, and cannot be used for glucose production (fatty sensor leads to mildly elevated blood glucose levels.
acids give rise to acetyl-CoA, which cannot be used to
produce net glucose). Lysine is also a strictly ketogenic 11 The answer is C: Galactokinase. The child has non-
amino acid, and cannot be used for glucose production. classical galactosemia, a defect in galactokinase. With
Heme degradation gives rise to bilirubin, which cannot this disorder, galactose cannot be accumulated within
be further degraded, and none of the carbons of heme cells, and so it accumulates in the blood, spilling over
can be used for glucose production. to the urine. Because of its high level, the galactose can
enter the eye and be reduced to galactitol by aldose
reductase, trapping the galactitol within the eye. As
9 The answer is C: Salivary amylase. Starch blockers con- galactitol accumulates, an osmotic imbalance is created,
tain a natural inhibitor of salivary amylase, which will leading to cataract formation. However, since galactose-
block starch digestion in the mouth. The other amylase 1-phosphate is not accumulating (as occurs in classical
that digests starch, pancreatic amylase, would only be galactosemia, a defect in galactose-1-phosphate uridylyl
inhibited by the starch blocker if the inhibitor would transferase), the other effects seen with classical galac-
survive the conditions of the acidic stomach with- tosemia (hypoglycemia and neurological deficit) do not
out becoming denatured. There is no gastric amylase. occur. The sugar that is accumulating in the urine is
Intestinal enteropeptidase activates trypsinogen, which galactose, which contains an aldehyde, which gener-
is required for protein digestion, not starch digestion. ates a positive response in a reducing test. A defect in
Pancreatic lipase is required for dietary triglyceride fructokinase leads to fructosuria, a benign condition
digestion, and is not active toward starch. (fructose is not a substrate for aldose reductase, as it
is a ketose and not an aldose). A defect in hexokinase
10 The answer is A: Pancreatic glucokinase. The boy would lead to elevated glucose levels, and can lead to
has developed MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the sorbitol production in the lens of the eye, but the urine
young), and one variant of MODY is a mutated glucoki- reducing sugar test was negative for glucose. A defect in
nase (an inheritable disorder) such that the Km for glu- aldolase would lead to the intracellular accumulation
cose has increased, and insulin release only occurs when of metabolites, but not a great increase in circulating
hyperglycemia is present. Both an increase in ATP and galactose. Refer to the figure in the answer to question 3
NADPH are required for the pancreatic β-cell to release of this chapter for the pathway of galactose metabolism
insulin. When pancreatic glucokinase has an increased and the enzyme defects in both classical and nonclassi-
Km for glucose, ATP levels can only increase at greater cal galactosemia.
than normal levels of glucose. Thus, moderate hypergly-
cemia is not sufficient to induce insulin release. As insulin 12 The answer is E: Phosphoglycerate kinase. In glu-
release occurs from the pancreas, liver, muscle, or intes- coneogenesis, phosphoglycerate kinase catalyzes the
tinal hexokinase will not affect the process. The pancreas phosphorylation of 3-phosphoglycerate to 1,3-bispho-
does not express hexokinase, only glucokinase. MODY sphoglycerate, a step which requires ATP. The other two
is a monogenetic autosomal dominant disease of insulin steps requiring a high-energy phosphate bond in the
secretion. There are at least six amino acid substitutions conversion of pyruvate to glucose are pyruvate carboxy-
known in a number of different proteins. MODY1 is a lase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Fructose-
mutation in the transcription factor HNF4-α:∼ MODY2 1,6-bisphosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase are
enzymes that remove phosphates from substrates, isomerase catalyzes the conversion of dihydroxyacetone
releasing the phosphates as inorganic phosphate. They phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, without
do not require, nor generate, ATP. Pyruvate kinase is the involvement of a high-energy phosphate bond.
not utilized for gluconeogenesis, and triose phosphate These are shown in the pathway below.
glucose 6-phosphatase
Glucose 6-phosphate
Fructose 6-phosphate
fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
Dihydroxyacetone-P Glyceraldehyde-3-P
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
TCA Oxaloacetate
Amino cycle Amino
acids acids
carboxylase Pyruvate
13 The answer is D: Pyruvate carboxylase. The body’s induced phosphorylation of PFK-2, which activates
major energy source for gluconeogenesis is fatty acids, PFK-2 phosphatase activity, which converts fructose-2,
which are oxidized to acetyl-CoA, at which point acetyl- 6-bisphosphate to fructose-6-phosphate. Pyruvate kinase
CoA enters the TCA cycle to produce ATP. Acetyl-CoA activity, in the liver, is also reduced by phosphorylation
activates pyruvate carboxylase (and inhibits pyruvate by protein kinase A (which is activated by glucagon).
dehydrogenase), a key gluconeogenic enzyme. Acetyl- As blood glucose levels have dropped during the fast,
CoA does not regulate any of the other enzymes listed and the liver is exporting glucose, the concentration of
as potential answers (PEPCK is transcriptionally regu- glucose in the hepatocyte is not sufficient for glucoki-
lated by CREB; Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase is inhibited nase (which has a high Km) to phosphorylate glucose.
by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate; glucose-6-phosphatase is Glucokinase is not regulated by phosphorylation.
regulated by a regulatory protein; and pyruvate kinase
has both allosteric and covalent controls in the liver, but 15 The answer is A. Upon insulin release, the cAMP phos-
none involve acetyl-CoA). phodiesterase is activated, reducing cAMP levels in the
liver, thereby leading to inactivation of protein kinase A.
14 The answer is E. Under the conditions of a 48-h fast, the In addition, protein phosphatase 1 has become active and
liver is exporting glucose, and glycolysis will be inhibited. dephosphorylates the enzymes that were phosphorylated
PFK-1 activity is reduced due to a reduction of fructose- by protein kinase A. Therefore, PFK-2 is not phospho-
2,6-bisphosphate levels, brought about by glucagon- rylated, which leads to an active kinase activity and an
Fructose Glucose Galactose
Mucosal side
ATP epithelium
3 Na+
Fructose Glucose Na+
2 K+ 3 Na+
+ Pi 2 K+
Serosal side
To capillaries
18 The answer is A: Enhanced production of fructose-2, 19 The answer is D: Blood glucose and insulin levels
6-bisphosphate. When phosphorylated, heart PFK-2 measured while he was symptomatic. This patient
is activated to produce more fructose-2,6-bisphosphate probably has an insulinoma that releases insulin inap-
to stimulate heart PFK-1 and to increase the glycolytic propriately at any blood glucose level, which would
rate of the heart. Phosphorylation of heart PFK-2 can be lead to hypoglycemia. The released insulin would stim-
accomplished through the AMP-activated protein kinase ulate glucose uptake into the peripheral tissues (muscle
(when the heart is having trouble generating energy) and fat), and if the patient had not eaten, blood glucose
or in response to insulin (indicating that high levels of levels would rapidly fall. The insulin is also inhibiting
glucose are available for use). Phosphorylation of heart the liver from producing glucose, either from glyco-
PFK-2 does not affect its transcription or turnover rate, gen degradation or gluconeogenesis, which only com-
and also does not affect the degradation of fructose-1, pounds the problem. The hypoglycemia and resultant
6-bisphosphate. epinephrine release account for all of his symptoms.
To diagnose an insulinoma, a low blood glucose level 20 The answer is B: A high Km for glucokinase. The liver
and an inappropriately high insulin level during symp- expresses glucokinase, which has a high Km for glucose,
toms must be documented. A fasting blood glucose and particularly as compared to the Km for hexokinase. This
HbA1c could be perfectly normal and do not help in means that glucokinase will only phosphorylate glucose
making the diagnosis, as insulinomas do not necessar- when the intrahepatic glucose concentrations are high,
ily constantly secrete insulin; they do so episodically. and the intrahepatic levels of glucose only reach these
The presence of islet cell antibodies helps diagnose type levels after a meal. Under normal, fasting conditions,
1 diabetes mellitus, but not an insulinoma. A noncon- the concentration of blood glucose is lower than the Km
trast CT scan might be used to locate the position of the for glucokinase, and very little phosphorylation of glu-
insulinoma, but it is a very poor test even for location cose will occur. PFK-1 is not a phosphorylated enzyme,
and would only be attempted once the diagnosis was and glucagon does not stimulate an increase in glucose
confirmed. transporters in the liver.
TCA Cycle
and Oxidative
This chapter contains questions on the TCA cycle (A) Ethanol is converted to acetone, and the carbons
and oxidative phosphorylation, including questions are lost during exhalation
integrated with other aspects of metabolism. Meta- (B) Ethanol is lost directly in the urine
bolic diseases affecting aspects of the TCA cycle (C) Ethanol cannot enter the liver, where gluconeogen-
and oxidative phosphorylation are also covered esis predominantly occurs
in this chapter. (D) Ethanol’s carbons are lost as carbon dioxide before
a gluconeogenic precursor can be generated
QUESTIONS (E) Ethanol is converted to lysine, which is strictly a
ketogenic amino acid
Select the single best answer.
4 A family that had previously had a newborn boy die of
1 A chronic alcoholic, while out on a binge, became very
a metabolic disease has just given birth to another boy,
confused and forgetful. The police found the man and
small for gestational age, and with low Apgar scores. The
brought him to the emergency department. Upon exam-
child displayed spasms a few hours after birth. Blood
ination, he displayed nystagmus and ataxia. Which
analysis indicated extremely high levels of lactic acid.
enzyme is displaying reduced activity in his brain under
Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid showed elevated lactate
these conditions?
and pyruvate. Hyperalaninemia was also observed. The
(A) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase child died within 5 days of birth. The biochemical defect
(B) Isocitrate dehydrogenase in this child is most likely which of the following?
(C) α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (A) The E1 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
(D) Succinate dehydrogenase (B) The E2 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
(E) Malate dehydrogenase (C) The E3 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
(D) Citrate synthase
2 The energy yield from the complete oxidation of acetyl- (E) Malate dehydrogenase
CoA to carbon dioxide is which of the following in terms
of high-energy bonds formed? 5 A 3-month-old girl developed lactic acidemia.
(A) 6 Blood analysis also indicated elevated levels of pyru-
(B) 8 vate, α-ketoglutarate, and branched-chain amino
(C) 10 acids. A urinalysis showed elevated levels of lactate,
pyruvate, α-hydroxyisovalerate, α-ketoglutarate, and
(D) 12
α-hydroxybutyrate. A likely mutation in which of the
(E) 14
following proteins would lead to this clinical finding?
(A) The E1 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
3 Ethanol ingestion is incapable of supplying carbons (B) The E2 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
for gluconeogenesis. This is due to which of the fol- (C) The E3 subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase
lowing? (D) Citrate synthase
(E) Malate dehydrogenase
6 A human geneticist is studying two different families. In energy yield for the complete oxidation of citrate to six
one family, all of the children of a mildly affected mother carbon dioxides and water is which of the following?
display myoclonic epilepsy, developmental display, and (A) 15.0 moles of ATP per mole of citrate
abnormal muscle biopsy (ragged red fibers). In the other (B) 17.5 moles of ATP per mole of citrate
family, the three children of an affected woman endure (C) 20.0 moles of ATP per mole of citrate
strokelike episodes and a mitochondrial myopathy. (D) 22.5 moles of ATP per mole of citrate
The common link between these two diseases is which (E) 25.0 moles of ATP per mole of citrate
of the following?
(A) Mutations in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
11 You have been following a patient for several years, who
(B) Mutations in cytoplasmic tRNA
has recently become clinically depressed, and is eating
(C) Mutations in mitochondrial tRNA very little and drinking alcohol very heavily. He presents
(D) Mutations in malate dehydrogenase to you one day with noticeable swelling of the lower
(E) Mutations in pyruvate carboxylase legs, increased heart rate, lung congestion, and com-
plaints of shortness of breath with virtually any activity.
7 A toddler has been diagnosed with a mild case of Leigh These symptoms have come about due to which of the
syndrome. One possible treatment is which of the fol- following?
lowing? (A) Lack of energy to the nervous system due to niacin
(A) Increased carbohydrate diet deficiency
(B) Additional B6 in the diet (B) Heart has trouble generating energy due to niacin
(C) Decreased lipoamide in the diet deficiency
(D) Additional thiamine in the diet (C) Lack of energy to the nervous system due to B1 defi-
(E) Decreased fat diet ciency
(D) Lack of energy to the heart due to B1 deficiency
8 A patient was diagnosed with a mitochondrial DNA (E) Lack of TCA cycle activity in the kidneys, leading to
mutation that led to reduced complex I activity. This excessive water retention
patient would have difficulties in which of the following
electron transfers? 12 An 8-month-old girl was taken to the emergency
(A) Succinate to complex III department due to the onset of sudden seizures. The
(B) Cytochrome c to complex IV child had brittle hair, with some bald spots, and skin
(C) Coenzyme Q to complex III rashes. An ophthalmologist noted optic atrophy. Urinal-
(D) Malate to coenzyme Q ysis showed slightly elevated ketones and the presence
of other organic acids (such as propionate and lactate).
(E) Coenzyme Q to oxygen
Treatment of this child with which of the following can
successfully alleviate the problems?
9 A pair of farm workers in Mexico was spraying pesti-
(A) Thiamine
cide on crops when they both developed the following
(B) Niacin
severe symptoms: heavy, labored breathing, significantly
elevated temperature, and loss of consciousness. The (C) Riboflavin
pesticide contained an agent that interfered with oxi- (D) Carnitine
dative phosphorylation, which most closely resembled (E) Biotin
which of the following known inhibitors?
(A) Oligomycin 13 The refilling of TCA cycle intermediates is frequently
(B) Atractyloside dependant upon which of the following cofactors?
(C) Cyanide (A) Niacin
(D) Rotenone (B) Riboflavin
(E) Dinitrophenol (C) Carnitine
(D) Pyridoxal phosphate
10 A crazed friend of yours has gone on an orange juice, (E) Lipoate
fish, and vitamin pill diet. He tells you that the citric acid,
since it is a component of the TCA cycle, is always recy- 14 The concentration of TCA cycle intermediates can be
cled and does not count toward his caloric total each day. reduced under certain conditions. Consider a patient
You disagree, and inform him that citrate can, in addition who initiates taking barbiturates. During the initial
to having its carbons stored as glycogen or fat for later phase of his taking this drug, which TCA cycle interme-
use, produce energy for his daily metabolic needs. The diate is reduced in concentration?
2 = Succinate
(A) Inhibition of complex I
3 = Oligomycin 4
(B) Inhibition of complex II
4 = Cyanide
(C) Inhibition of complex III
(D) Inhibition of complex IV
3 B (E) Inhibition of the proton translocating ATPase
Acetyl CoA
Citrate synthase
Malate – –
Oxaloacetate CH2
– Aconitase
NADH Citrate COO–
HO CH + H+
Malate HO C H
Electron- COO–
H2O ATP transport Isocitrate
Fumarase chain
COO– Oxidative
phosphorylation NADH + H+
CH COO– dehydrogenase
+ H+ C O
Succinate –
CH2 COO α–Ketoglutarate
COO CH2 CoASH α-Ketoglutarate
Succinate GDP C O dehydrogenase
+ Pi
Succinate SCoA
Succinyl CoA
S Dihydrolipoyl DH
H S Lip E3 5
Answer 4: Mechanism of α-keto acid dehy- a-Keto FAD
CO2 trans Ac 4 NADH
drogenase complexes. R represents the por- acid DH
+ H+
tion of the α-keto acid that begins with the β SH
1 E1 2 E2 trans Ac
carbon. Three different subunits are required R Lip SH
for the reaction, E1 (α-keto acid decarboxy- O
C O trans Ac 3
lase), E2 (transacylase), and E3 (dihydrolipoyl a-Keto
dehydrogenase). TPP refers to the cofactor thi- COO– acid DH
Lip O
amine pyrophosphate. Lip refers to the cofac- CoASH
a-Keto acid TPP HS S C R
tor lipoic acid.
for various aspects of oxidative phosphorylation. 9 The answer is E: Dinitrophenol. The key is the elevation
These disorders are not due to mutations in nuclear in temperature. Dinitrophenol is an uncoupler of oxi-
encoded genes (which eliminates all of the other dation and phosphorylation in that uncouplers destroy
answers). the proton gradient across the membrane (thereby
inhibiting the synthesis of ATP) without blocking the
transfer of electrons through the electron transfer chain
7 The answer is D: Additional thiamine in the diet. Leigh to oxygen. The energy that should have been generated
syndrome can result from a deficiency of pyruvate in the form of a proton gradient is lost as heat, which
dehydrogenase (PDH) activity, leading to lactic acido- elevates the body temperature of the affected workers.
sis. In some cases, the enzyme has a reduced affinity Electron flow is also enhanced in the presence of an
for thiamine pyrophosphate, a required cofactor for uncoupler, so additional oxygen is required to allow
the enzyme. Adding thiamine to the diet may over- the chain to continue (hence the heavy breathing). The
come this deficiency by raising the concentration other agents added would have stopped electron trans-
of thiamine pyrophosphate such that it will bind to fer totally, which would not allow for an increase in
the altered enzyme. Increasing the carbohydrate in temperature, and would actually decrease the rate of
the diet will make the disease worse, as more pyru- breathing (since oxygen is no longer required for the
vate would be generated due to the increase in the nonfunctioning electron transfer chain). Atractyloside
glycolytic rate. Vitamin B6 does not play a role in gly- inhibits the ATP/ADP exchanger, and once there is no
colysis or the PDH reaction. Lipoamide is a required ADP in the mitochondrial matrix, electron flow will
cofactor for the PDH reaction, so reducing lipoam- stop due to the inability to synthesize ATP (normal
ide would have an adverse effect on the activity of coupling). Oligomycin works in a similar mechanism
PDH. Decreasing the fat content of the diet may be in that it blocks the ATP synthase, preventing ATP syn-
harmful, particularly if the calories are replaced as thesis, and, due to coupling, electron transfer through
carbohydrate. the chain. Rotenone blocks complex I transfer to coen-
zyme Q, which significantly reduces electron flow, and
will not lead to an increase in temperature.
8 The answer is D: Malate to coenzyme Q. Complex I
accepts electrons from NADH, and will transfer them to 10 The answer is D: 22.5 moles of ATP per mole of citrate.
coenzyme Q. Malate dehydrogenase will convert malate The following steps (see the figure on page 95) are
to oxaloacetate, generating NADH in the process. The required for the complete oxidation of citrate to car-
NADH will then donate electrons to complex I to ini- bon dioxide and water. First, citrate goes to isocitrate,
tiate electron transfer. Succinate donates electrons at which goes to α-ketoglutarate (this last step generates
complex II (via succinate dehydrogenase, a component carbon dioxide and NADH, which can give rise to 2.5
of complex II), which donates to coenzyme Q, thereby ATP). The α-ketoglutarate is further oxidized to suc-
bypassing complex I. Cytochrome c transfers electrons cinyl-CoA, plus carbon dioxide and NADH (this is the
from complex III to complex IV. Once electrons are car- second carbon released as CO2, and another 2.5 ATP).
ried by coenzyme Q, complex I is no longer required for Succinyl-CoA is converted to succinate, generating a
electron transfer to oxygen. These transfers are outlined GTP (at this point, five high-energy bonds have been
in the figure below. created, plus two carbons lost as carbon dioxide).
Intermembrane Glycerol
space 3-phosphate 4H+ 2H+
dehydrogenase Cyt c
CoQH2 CoQH2 Fe–S Cyt c1 CuA
Fe-S Cyt a
I Cyt b
CoQ II CoQ Cyt a3
Fe-S CuB
1/2 O2 + 2H+ H2O
NADH Succinate ETF: Q Cytochrome b–c1 Cytochrome c
dehydrogenase dehydrogenase oxidoreductase complex oxidase
Oxaloacetate PEP Pyruvate Acetyl-CoA
Answer 10: The pathway required for the complete oxidation of citrate to carbon dioxide and water.
linked to proteins). The hair and scalp problems have 14 The answer is C: Succinyl-CoA. Barbiturates are metabo-
been attributed to an inability to synthesize fatty acids lized via cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are induced
(as acetyl-CoA carboxylase is missing biotin). Since by their substrates. The induction of synthesis requires
pyruvate carboxylase is also inoperative (due to the that heme be synthesized, and the first step in heme
lack of biotin), gluconeogenesis is impaired, and ketone synthesis requires succinyl-CoA and glycine and occurs
bodies will be synthesized by the liver to compensate for within the mitochondrial matrix (see the figure below).
reduced glucose production. Priopionyl-CoA carboxy- Thus, succinyl-CoA levels can drop in the matrix during
lase is also impaired, leading to the elevated levels of pro- heme synthesis, and anaplerotic reactions are required
pionic acid. Since gluconeogenesis is impaired, excess to keep the cycle going.
pyruvate will be converted to lactate since it cannot be
converted to oxaloacetate. The optic atrophy may be due COO–
to an inability to synthesize fatty acids within the neurons
or a lack of energy due to reduced gluconeogenesis.
Cytosol Mitochondrion
2 NAD+ Malate Malate NAD+
Aspartate Aspartate
the lactate imbalance caused by metformin treatment. does not inhibit the TCA cycle, glycolysis, or dietary
Metformin does decrease the insulin resistance, but this protein absorption. These interactions are outlined in
does not increase lactate in the aerobic state. Metformin the figure below.
Metformin + TORC2 TORC2
Sequester in CREB
cytoplasm TORC2
TORC2 sequestration in the cytoplasm
after phosphorylation by the AMP-
Glucose Enhanced Increased activated protein kinase, which is acti-
export gluconeogenesis gluconeogenic
vated by metformin treatment. This
gene expression
leads to reduced synthesis of key glu-
Nuclear coneogenic enzymes, thereby reducing
membrane gluconeogenesis in the liver.
This chapter quizzes the student on various symptoms. At the pediatrician’s office, an inborn error
aspects of the synthesis and degradation of the of metabolism was considered, which could explain the
major carbohydrate storage molecule in the body. hypoglycemia. Which explanation is most likely?
Regulation of these processes is also key as is the (A) Fructose inhibition of the debranching enzyme
understanding of the multitude of diseases that (B) Galactose-1-phosphate inhibition of glycogen phos-
alter glycogen metabolism. phorylase
(C) Fructose-1-phosphate inhibition of glycogen phos-
QUESTIONS (D) Fructose-6-phosphate inhibition of glycogen phos-
Select the single best answer. phorylase
(E) Galactose inhibition of aldolase
1 A 3-month-old infant was brought to the pediatrician due
to muscle weakness (myopathy) and poor muscle tone 4 A 6-month-old infant was brought to the pediatri-
(hypotonia). Physical exam revealed an enlarged liver cian due to fussiness and a tender abdomen. The child
and heart, and heart failure. The infant had always fed seemed to do well until the time between feeding was
poorly, had failure to thrive, and had breathing problems. increased to more than 3 h. The baby always seemed
He also had trouble holding up his head. Blood work hungry and irritable if not fed frequently. Upon exami-
indicated early liver failure. A liver biopsy indicated that nation, hepatomegaly and enlarged kidneys were noted,
glycogen was present and of normal structure. A poten- and blood work showed fasting hypoglycemia. Subse-
tial defect in this child is which of the following? quent laboratory analysis demonstrated that in response
(A) Liver glycogen phosphorylase to a glucagon challenge, only about 10% of the normal
(B) Liver glycogen synthase amount of glucose was released into circulation, which
(C) Liver α-glucosidase significantly contributed to the fasting hypoglycemia.
(D) Liver debranching enzyme Which enzyme defect in the patient is the most likely?
(E) Liver branching enzyme (A) Glycogen synthase
(B) Branching enzyme
2 A 7-year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician due to (C) Debranching enzyme
severe exercise intolerance. In gym class, the boy has (D) Glucose-6-phosphatase
trouble with anaerobic activities. Laboratory tests showed (E) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
a lack of lactate production under such conditions. The
boy was eventually found to have a mutation in which 5 A 4-month-old infant is seen by the pediatrician for fail-
one of the following enzymes? ure to thrive. Examination shows distinct hepatosple-
(A) Liver glycogen phosphorylase nomegaly. Lab results show elevated transaminases and
(B) Liver PFK-1 bilirubin, suggestive of liver failure. The boy dies shortly
(C) Muscle PFK-1 thereafter, and upon autopsy, precipitated carbohydrate
(D) Muscle glucose-6-phosphatase was found throughout the liver. The boy most likely had
(E) Liver glucose-6-phosphatase a mutation in which of the following enzymes?
(A) Glycogen phosphorylase
3 A 3-month-old infant, when switched to a formula diet (B) Debranching enzyme
plus fruit juices, begins to vomit and displays severe (C) Glycogen synthase
hypoglycemia after eating. Removal of the fruit juices (D) β-glucosidase
from the diet seemed to reduce the severity of the (E) Branching enzyme
6 An inactivating mutation in which of the following pro- 11 Patients with von Gierke disease display hepatomegaly.
teins can lead to fasting hypoglycemia? Glycogen content in the liver is increased, relative to
(A) Liver PFK-1 normal, due to which of the following effects of glucose-
(B) Liver glucokinase 6-phosphate in these patients?
(C) Adenylate cyclase (A) Inhibition of phosphorylase a
(D) Galactokinase (B) Stimulation of phosphorylase b
(E) Fructokinase (C) Inhibition of glycogen synthase I
(D) Stimulation of glycogen synthase D
7 If the turnover number of all enzymes involved in gly- (E) Inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase kinase
cogen metabolic regulation and activity is 100 reac-
tions per second, how many glucose molecules could 12 The hyperuricemia observed in patients with von Gierke
be removed from glycogen in 1 s upon activation of one disease comes about due to which of the following?
molecule of protein kinase A (PKA)? (A) Glucose-6-phosphate inhibition of kidney tubule
(A) 100 absorption of urate
(B) 1,000 (B) Lactate inhibition of kidney tubule absorption of
(C) 10,000 urate
(D) 100,000 (C) Glucose-6-phosphate inhibition of glucose-6-
(E) 1,000,000 phosphate dehydrogenase activity
(D) Glucose-6-phosphate stimulation of glycogen syn-
8 An individual is taking a serene walk in the park when thase D
he spots an escaped alligator from the zoo. The individ- (E) Glucose-6-phosphate activation of amidophospho-
ual runs away as fast as he can. Glycogen degradation ribosyl transferase activity
is occurring to supply glycolysis with a substrate even
before epinephrine has reached the muscle. This is due
13 Consider the case of an athlete who has just completed
to which of the following?
a work out. At this point, the athlete consumes a sports
(A) Sudden decrease in blood glucose levels
drink, which contains a large amount of glucose, which
(B) Increase in sarcoplasmic calcium levels enters the circulation. Glycogen degradation is inhib-
(C) Insulin binding to muscle cell receptors ited in the liver under these conditions, prior to insulin
(D) Decline in ATP levels release, due to allosteric inhibition of which of the fol-
(E) Lactate production lowing enzymes?
(A) Glycogen synthase I
9 As the individual in the previous question continues to (B) Phosphorylase kinase a
run from the alligator, the muscle begins to import glu-
(C) Phosphorylase a
cose from the circulation. This occurs due to which of
(D) Protein phosphatase 1
the following?
(E) Adenylate kinase
(A) Insulin binding to muscle cells
(B) Epinephrine binding to muscle cells
(C) Glucagon binding to muscle cells 14 A muscle cell line has been developed with a nonfunc-
(D) Increase in intracellular AMP levels tional adenylate cyclase gene. Glycogen degradation can
be induced in this cell line via which of the following
(E) Increase in intracellular calcium levels
10 An 18-year-old man visits the doctor due to exercise (A) Addition of glucagon
intolerance. His muscles become stiff or weak during (B) Addition of epinephrine
exercise, and he sometimes cramps up. At times, his (C) Increase in intracellular magnesium
urine appears reddish-brown after exercise. An ischemic (D) Increase in intracellular AMP
forearm exercise test indicates very low lactate produc- (E) Increase in intracellular ADP
tion. A potential enzyme defect in this man is which of
the following?
15 A researcher created a liver cell line that displayed
(A) Muscle glycogen phosphorylase very low levels of glycogen. The glycogen that was
(B) Liver glycogen phosphorylase synthesized was of normal structure, but the overall lev-
(C) Liver PFK-1 els of glycogen were about 5% of normal. Which of the
(D) Muscle glucose-6-phosphatase following is a potential alteration in the cell line that
(E) Muscle GLUT4 transporters would lead to these results?
17 A woman with nonclassical galactosemia is consider- used to produce glycogen in the liver. Which one of
ing becoming pregnant and is concerned that she will the following liver enzymes is required for this conver-
be unable to synthesize lactose in order to breast-feed sion to occur?
her child. Her physician, who recalls her biochemistry, (A) α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
tells her this should not be a problem, and that she (B) Pyruvate carboxylase
will be able to synthesize lactose at the appropriate (C) Pyruvate kinase
time. This is true due to the presence of which of the (D) PFK-1
following? (E) Glucose-6-phosphatase
(A) Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase
(B) Phosphoglucomutase
(C) Fructokinase 20 Your patient is a marathon runner and has visited your
office to ask you about carbohydrate loading to increase
(D) Aldolase
his performance during a race. For a full week prior to
(E) Phosphohexose isomerase
a race, he eats three meals a day of pancakes, potatoes,
brown rice, and pasta and does not exercise at all. He
18 The energy required to store one molecule of glucose- has not noticed any success with this regimen. Which
6-phosphate as a portion of glycogen is which of the of the following answers best explains why he is getting
following? no benefit from his “carb loading”?
(A) One high-energy bond (A) Carbohydrate loading is a myth
(B) Two high-energy bonds (B) He is not depleting glycogen stores prior to
(C) Three high-energy bonds loading
(D) Four high-energy bonds (C) He is not on the carbohydrate loading diet long
(E) No high-energy bonds enough prior to the race
(D) He is eating the incorrect foods for carbohydrate
19 An individual has been eating a large number of loading
oranges during the winter months to protect against (E) He is too highly trained as an athlete for anything to
getting a cold. The excess carbons of citrate can be increase his performance
The catabolism of glycogen and an indication of some of the enzymes that are deficient in various glycogen storage diseases. Glycogen phospho-
rylase hydrolyzes the α-1,4 linkages in glycogen, releasing glucose-1-phosphate. The debranching enzyme transfers a small number of glucose
residues from branch points and adds them to a longer chain of sugars (reaction 1). The debranching enzyme also removes the α-1,6-linked
sugar at the original branch point (reaction 2). Once glucose-1-phosphate is converted to glucose-6-phosphate, glucose is released by the action
of glucose-6-phosphatase. A small proportion of glycogen is totally degraded within lysosomes by acid α-glucosidase.
3 The answer is C: Fructose-1-phosphate inhibition of A 25-month-old child with von Gierke disease. Note the hepatomegaly
glycogen phosphorylase. The child has hereditary and eruptive xanthomas on the arms and legs. The child is in the third
fructose intolerance, a defect in aldolase B activity in percentile for height and weight, indicating a failure to thrive.
the liver. This leads to an accumulation of fructose-1-
phosphate in the liver (and, as fructokinase has a high
Vmax, a large amount of fructose-1-phosphate accumu- 5 The answer is E: Branching enzyme. The child has a
lates). At high levels, fructose-1-phosphate, through lack of branching enzyme activity, another glycogen stor-
similarity in structure to glucose-1-phosphate, inhibits age disease, type IV (Andersen disease). In this case, the
glycogen phosphorylase activity, leading to hypoglyce- glycogen produced is a long, straight chain amylopectin,
mia (glycogen degradation is inhibited when blood glu- which has limited solubility, and precipitates in the liver
cose levels drop). The fructose is derived from the fruit (recall, the liver has the highest concentration of glycogen
juices introduced to the child’s diet. Fructose does not of all tissues). This leads to early liver failure (thus, the
inhibit debranching enzyme, and fructose-6-phosphate high bilirubin and transaminases in the serum) and death
has no effect on glycogen phosphorylase (recall, one of if a liver transplant is not performed. Defects in any of
the products of the glycogen phosphorylase reaction is the other enzymes listed would lead to a different clini-
glucose-1-phosphate, not glucose-6-phosphate). Galac- cal scenario. Lack of glycogen phosphorylase or synthase,
tose is found in lactose, which, while present in milk, is within the liver, would lead to fasting hypoglycemia, but
not found in fruit juice. not liver failure. Lack of these enzymes in the muscle
would lead to exercise intolerance but would not affect
blood glucose levels. Lack of α-glucosidase is Pompe dis-
4 The answer is D: Glucose-6-phosphatase. The child ease, which also leads to an early death, but is due to the
has Von Gierke disease, glycogen storage disease type lack of a lysosomal enzyme, and there is no glycogen pre-
I, a lack of glucose-6-phosphatase. In such a disorder, cipitation within the body of the liver. A lack of debranch-
glucose-6-phosphate, whether produced from glycogen ing activity is glycogen storage disease III, but would also
degradation or gluconeogenesis, cannot be dephospho- lead to fasting hypoglycemia, without glycogen precipita-
rylated for glucose export, and the liver cannot main- tion within the liver. A number of the glycogen storage
tain blood glucose levels. The small amount of glucose diseases are summarized in the figure on page 104.
Types of Glycogenoses
Type Glycogenosis Deficient enzyme Biochemical diagnosis Clinical symptoms
1 Hepatorenal g., Gierke glucose-6-phosphatase Normal glycogen; excessive Hypoglycemia, hyperlipemia,
disease amounts in liver and ketosis, hyperuricemia,
kidneys hepatomegaly, dwarfism
2 Generalized, malignant g.; ␣-1,4-glucosidase Normal glycogen, excessive in all Muscle hypotonia, heart
Pompe disease; organs failure, neurologic
cardiomegalia glycogenica symptoms, infant death
3 Hepatomuscular, benign g.; Amylo-1,6-glucosidase Abnormal glycogen, with short Hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia;
Cori disease, Forbes disease outer chains, in liver and mild course of disease
(with subvariants 3b through f) (more rarely) in muscles
4 Liver, cirrhotic, reticuloendothelial g.; ␣-1,4-glucan: Abnormal glycogen, with long Cirrhosis of the liver;
Anderson disease; amylopectinosis ␣-1,4-glucan- outer chains, in liver, spleen, hepatosplenomegaly
6-glycosyltransferase and lymph nodes
5 Muscular g., Mcardle-Schmid-Pearson ␣-glucanphosphorylase Normal glycogen, excessive Generalized myasthenia and
disease of the muscle amounts in muscle myalgia, myoglobinuria
6 Hepatic g., Hers disease ␣-glucanphosphorylase | Normal glycogen, excessive Hepatomegaly, relatively benign
of the liver amounts in liver
7 Muscular g.; Tarui disease Phosphofructokinase Normal glycogen, in the skeletal Muscle cramping,
of the muscle muscle myoglobinuria
8 Hepatic g.; X-chromosome Phosphorylase-b kinase Normal glycogen, in the liver Clinically mild manifestation,
inheritance of the liver hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia
6 The answer is C: Adenylate cyclase. If adenylate cyclase phosphorylase molecule can release 100 glucose residues
is defective, glucagon cannot initiate the activation of per second from glycogen, and since there are 10,000
glycogenolysis and inhibition of glycolysis in the liver active phosphorylase molecules, 1,000,000 molecules of
(cAMP levels will not increase, and PKA will stay inac- glucose are released per second once a single molecule
tive). Under such conditions, only the allosteric effec- of PKA has been activated. This is an example of cascade
tors in liver will be active, and there is no activator of amplification, in which an increase in activity of just one
glycogen phosphorylase b. When the hypoglycemia is molecule at the top of the cascade can result in a large
severe enough, epinephrine release, working through response further down the cascade.
its α-receptors, will activate phospholipase C, leading
to calcium release. The increased calcium can activate 8 The answer is B: Increase in sarcoplasmic calcium
phosphorylase kinase, which will activate phosphory- levels. When the individual begins to run away from
lase, but fasting hypoglycemia will still occur. Defects in the alligator, muscle contraction leads to calcium release
liver PFK-1 or glucokinase will not affect glycogenoly- from the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the sarcoplasm. This
sis or gluconeogenesis. Defects in liver galactokinase or increase in sarcoplasmic calcium binds to the calmodulin
fructokinase will not allow for metabolism of galactose subunit of phosphorylase kinase and activates the enzyme
or fructose, but do not affect the ability of the liver to in an allosteric manner, in the absence of any covalent
degrade glycogen, or perform gluconeogenesis from modification. The activated phosphorylase kinase will
other precursors. phosphorylate and activate glycogen phosphorylase,
which will initiate glycogen degradation. When epi-
7 The answer is E: 1,000,000. One active PKA can acti- nephrine reaches the muscle, phosphorylase kinase will
vate in 1 s 100 molecules of phosphorylase kinase. Each be fully activated via phosphorylation by PKA. The acti-
phosphorylase kinase can, in 1 s activate 100 molecules vation of glycogen degradation under these conditions
of glycogen phosphorylase (so at this point we have is not due to a decrease in blood glucose levels, insu-
100 times 100 active molecules of phosphorylase, or lin binding (insulin would not be released under these
10,000 active phosphorylase molecules). Each active conditions), a decline in ATP levels (the AMP-activated
Cell membrane
+ Cytoplasm
Muscle contraction
Answer 8: Regulation of glycogen Ca2+ + Calmodulin- Glycogen synthase
synthesis and degradation by cal- dependent (inactive)
protein kinase
cium in the muscle. Muscle con- Glycogen synthase
traction leads to calcium release (active)
Sarcoplasmic Ca2+-calmodulin
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, reticulum Glycogen
which binds to calmodulin, acti- phosphorylase a
Phosphorylase P
vating phosphorylase kinase, and (active)
leading to the inhibition of glyco- Glycogen
gen synthesis and the activation phosphorylase b
of glycogen degradation. (inactive)
protein kinase does not activate glycogen degradation), shown in the figure below, there are many glycogen
or lactate production, the end product of anaerobic particles present in the muscle cells just below the sar-
metabolism. The figure above shows the stimulation colemma, as the glycogen is not able to be degraded.
of glycogen degradation, working through calcium Muscle damage also results from vigorous exercise,
activation of the calmodulin subunit of phosphorylase releasing myoglobin into the circulation, which is what
kinase. leads to the reddish-brown urine after exercise. Altera-
tions in liver enzymes (phosphorylase or PFK-1) would
9 The answer is D: Increase in intracellular AMP levels. As not affect exercise tolerance in the muscle. Muscle does
AMP levels increase in the muscle due to the need for not contain glucose-6-phosphatase, and this problem
ATP for muscle contraction, and the activity of the ade- is not due to a lack of muscle GLUT4 transporters,
nylate kinase reaction, the AMP-activated protein kinase as the muscle cannot utilize stored, internal glucose
is turned on. One of the effects of the AMP-activated supplies.
protein kinase is to increase the number of GLUT4
transporters in the muscle membrane, in a process simi-
lar to the action of insulin. This enables muscle to take
up glucose efficiently from the circulation when inter-
nal energy levels are low. The ability of the muscle to
take up glucose under these conditions is not due to an
increase in epinephrine levels, an increase in sarcoplas-
mic calcium levels, or insulin binding to muscle cells.
Under conditions as described in the question, insu-
lin will not be present in the circulation to bind to the
muscle cells. As the muscle does not contain glucagon
receptors, there is no effect on muscle when glucagon is
present in the circulation.
11 The answer is D: Stimulation of glycogen synthase D. Gly- activate glycogen phosphorylase b; the allosteric activa-
cogen synthase D (the inactive, phosphorylated form) can tor is specific for AMP. The table below summarizes the
be allosterically activated by glucose-6-phosphate bind- allosteric interactions involved in glycogen metabolism.
ing to the enzyme. Glucose-6-phosphate will inhibit the
AMP-stimulation of muscle phosphorylase b, but does Form of enzyme Tissue Activator Inhibitor
not have any allosteric effect on the other enzymes listed Liver Already active Glucose
Phosphorylase a
(PFK-1, glucose-6-phosphatase, or GLUT4 transporters) Muscle Already active Creatine-
as answer choices for this problem. phosphate
Liver None None
Phosphorylase b
12 The answer is B: Lactate inhibition of kidney tubule Muscle AMP ATP, G6P
absorption of urate. Patients with von Gierke disease
display elevated levels of lactate, which interferes with Phosphorylase Liver and Ca2+ None
kinase b Muscle
the kidney’s ability to remove uric acid from the blood
and place it in the urine. This leads to hyperuricemia. The Glycogen Liver and Glucose-6- None
reason lactate levels are elevated is that the high glucose- synthase D Muscle phosphate
6-phosphate in the cell (recall, the defect in this disorder
is a lack of glucose-6-phosphatase activity) forces glyco-
lysis forward, producing pyruvate, which is converted to 15 The answer is D: An altered glycogenin with an
lactate in order to regenerate NAD+ to allow glycolysis to increased Km for UDPglucose. A reduction in over-
continue. Glucose-6-phosphate does not inhibit glucose- all glycogen synthesis suggests that the biosynthetic
6-phosphate dehydrogenase (that enzyme is regulated pathway is defective in some step. All glycogen
by the NADP+ levels), nor does it regulate a committed molecules have, at their core, a glycogenin protein
step of de novo purine synthesis, amidophosphoribosyl molecule, which autocatalyzes the addition of six
transferase (which is regulated by adenine and guanine glucose residues, using UDPglucose as the carbohy-
nucleotides). Glucose-6-phosphate does stimulate glyco- drate donor. This structure then provides the initial
gen synthase D, but that activation does not play a role primer required by glycogen synthase. If the Km for
in elevated urate levels. Glucose-6-phosphate does not UDPglucose is increased, the rate of formation of gly-
affect urate absorption within the kidney. cogen primers will be decreased, as the levels of UDP-
glucose may not be sufficient to allow glycogenin to
13 The answer is C: Phosphorylase a. The glucose in the self-prime. This would result in an overall reduction of
sports drink will bind to liver glycogen phosphorylase a glycogen levels within the cell. If a glycogen synthase
and inhibit its activity allosterically. Once the insulin sig- had a reduced Km for UDPglucose, then the enzyme
nal reaches the liver, phosphorylase a will be converted would be active at lower UDPglucose levels, and one
to the dephosphorylated phosphorylase b by activated would expect greater than normal glycogen synthesis.
phosphatases. There is no allosteric inhibitor for glyco- Phosphorylase kinase has as its substrate phosphory-
gen synthase I, or protein phosphatase 1 (which is regu- lase, not glycogen, so answer B is not correct. If the
lated by protein inhibitor 1). Adenylate kinase is not uridyl transferase had a reduced Km for a substrate,
regulated allosterically, and there is no allosteric inhibi- it would proceed at low substrate levels and would
tor of phosphorylase kinase a (the nonphosphorylated not give the resultant phenotype. And, if phosphory-
form can be activated by calcium). lase kinase had an increased Km for glycogen synthase,
then glycogen synthase would not be inactivated as
14 The answer is D: Increase in intracellular AMP. AMP
rapidly, and glycogen synthesis would be expected to
will activate muscle glycogen phosphorylase b allosteri-
continue under conditions where it should not, lead-
cally, allowing glycogen degradation to begin before any
ing to enhanced glycogen synthesis.
hormonal signal has reached the muscle. The addition
of epinephrine to the muscle requires activation of
adenylate cyclase to initiate glycogen degradation, and 16 The answer is E. Under fasting conditions, the liver
adenylate cyclase has been inactivated in this cell line. is exporting glucose, so the pathways of glycogenoly-
Muscle lacks glucagon receptors, so cannot respond to sis and gluconeogenesis will be active, while glycolysis
this hormone. An increase in intracellular calcium would will be inhibited (all due to the effects of glucagon and
lead to glycogen degradation (via activation of phos- activation of PKA). In glycolysis, PFK-2 is phosphory-
phorylase kinase b), but magnesium does not have the lated, activating its phosphatase activity, which leads to
same effect as calcium. Increases in ADP levels will not a reduction in fructose-2,6-bisphosphate levels. This
Answer 17
Glucose-6-phosphate Glucose-1-phosphate
Fructose-6-phosphate UDPGlucose
Dihydroxyacetone-P Glyceraldehyde-3-P
Glycerol Glycerol-3-P 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
Amino Oxaloacetate Amino
acids acids
carboxylase Pyruvate
Answer 19
19 The answer is A: a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. In other sources for energy to continue running. In the
order for citrate to be converted to glycogen, the citrate vernacular of the sport, when all the glycogen stores
must first be converted to oxaloacetate in the TCA cycle are exhausted, the runner “hits the wall.” This is usu-
(which requires the participation of α-ketoglutarate ally somewhere around mile 20. Research has shown
dehydrogenase). From oxaloacetate, PEP carboxyki- that proper “carb loading” prior to a race can increase
nase will convert this to PEP, which will go through body stores of glycogen and increase performance.
the gluconeogenic pathway up to glucose-6-phosphate. Though it is a small increase (1% to 2%), it has been
From there, G1P is produced, then UDPglucose, and documented repeatedly in research studies even in
finally incorporation of the glucose into glycogen. Pyru- highly trained athletes. Therefore, it is not a myth.
vate carboxylase, while being a gluconeogenic enzyme, To properly carbohydrate load, one must deplete gly-
converts pyruvate to OAA, which is not required in cogen stores with very vigorous exercise about 2 to
this series of reactions. PFK-1 and pyruvate kinase are 3 days prior to a race. This stimulates glycogen syn-
irreversible enzymes of glycolysis and are not used in thase which increases glycogen stores over the next
the gluconeogenic pathway. Glucose-6-phosphatase 2 to 3 days before it returns to baseline levels. This
removes the phosphate from G6P, which is not required is a critical step in the process of “overbuilding” gly-
when glycogen is being synthesized. See the figure cogen stores. This is the step the patient is not doing
above for the pathways. properly. Vigorous exercise cannot then be continued
during the 2 to 3 days of glycogen building or the
20 The answer is B: He is not depleting glycogen stores glycogen stores will be utilized. Pancakes, potatoes,
prior to loading. Marathon runners deplete their brown rice, and pasta are excellent sources of simple
stores of glycogen during a race and need to catabolize carbohydrates.
Fatty Acid
This chapter examines the students’ ability to (A) Carnitine acyltransferase I
integrate their knowledge of fatty acid metabolism (B) Carnitine acyltransferase II
with clinical problems and carbohydrate (C) Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
metabolism. (D) Enoyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(E) β-keto thiolase
QUESTIONS 5 A 3-month-old child had her first ear infection and was
Select the single best answer. feeding poorly due to the ear pain. One morning the parents
found the child in a nonresponsive state and rushed her
1 You prescribe ibuprofen to help reduce your patient’s to the emergency department. A blood glucose level was
inflammation. Which of the following pathways is 45 mg/dL, and upon receiving intravenous glucose the child
blocked as an anti-inflammatory mechanism of action became responsive. Further blood analysis displayed the
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? absence of ketone bodies, normal levels of acyl-carnitine,
(A) Prostaglandin synthesis and the presence of the following unusual carboxylic acids
(B) Thromboxane synthesis shown below. The enzymatic defect in this child is most
(C) Leukotriene synthesis likely in which of the following enzymes?
(D) All eicosanoid synthesis
(E) Arachidonic acid release from the membrane O– O–
2 You have an asthmatic patient who is already on an
inhaled steroid and albuterol, but is still having diffi- O– O–
culty. You add montelukast to her regimen. Montelukast C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 C
(Singulair) specifically blocks the product of which of
the following metabolic pathways?
(A) Fatty acyl-CoA synthetase
(A) Cyclooxygenase
(B) Carnitine translocase
(B) Lipoxygenase
(C) Carnitine acyltransferase I
(C) P450
(D) Carnitine acyltransferase II
(D) Cori cycle
(E) Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(E) TCA cycle
6 Regarding the child described in question 5, why were
3 Coconut palm tress cannot survive growing outdoors in
fasting blood glucose levels so low?
Kansas. Which of the following is the best explanation
(A) Acyl-carnitine inhibition of gluconeogenesis
for this finding?
(B) Dicarboxylic acid inhibition of gluconeogenesis
(A) Coconut/palm oil is a saturated fat
(C) Insufficient energy for gluconeogenesis
(B) Coconut/palm oil is a monounsaturated fat
(D) Dicarboxylic acid inhibition of glycogen phospho-
(C) Coconut/palm oil is a polyunsaturated fat
(D) Kansas soil is not sandy enough to support growth
(E) Reduction of red blood cell production of lactate for
(E) Kansas soil is too rocky to support growth
4 An inactivating mutation in the ETF:CoQ oxidoreductase 7 A 6-month-old child presents to the physician in a hypo-
will lead to an initial inhibition of which of the follow- tonic state. The child has previously had a number of
ing enzymes in fatty acid oxidation? hypoglycemic episodes, at which times blood glucose
levels were between 25 and 50 mg/dl. Blood work shows 12 A mouse model has been generated as an in vivo system
normal levels of ketone bodies (not elevated) during for studying fatty acid synthesis. An inactivating muta-
hypoglycemic episodes. Carnitine levels in the blood tion was created which led to the cessation of fatty acid
were, however, below normal. Free fatty acid levels were synthesis and death to the mice. This mutation is most
elevated in the blood, however acyl-carnitine levels were likely in which of the following proteins?
normal. Dicarboxylic acid levels were non-detectable in
(A) Carnitine acyl transferase I
the blood. A liver biopsy shows elevated levels of triglycer-
(B) Carnitine acyl transferase II
ide. A likely enzymatic defect is which of the following?
(C) Citrate translocase
(A) Carnitine acyltransferase I
(D) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
(B) Carnitine acyltransferase II
(E) Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(C) Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
(D) Hormone sensitive lipase
13 α-oxidation would be required for the complete oxida-
(E) Carnitine transporter tion of which of the following fatty acids?
Arachidonic acid
2 The answer is B: Lipoxygenase. Montelukast is a carbon–carbon double bond between carbons 2 and 3
leukotriene blocker. Leukotrienes are formed through of the fatty acyl-CoA, generating an FADH2 in the pro-
the lipoxygenase pathway and affect bronchoconstric- cess. The FADH2 then donates its electrons to the electron
tion and allergy pathways (see the figure in answer to transfer flavoprotein (ETF), which then transfers the elec-
question 1). The cyclooxygenase pathway produces trons to coenzyme Q (via the ETF:CoQ oxidoreductase).
prostaglandins and thromboxanes. The P450 pathway A lack of the oxidoreductase activity will lead to an
produces epoxides. The Cori cycle is related to gluco- accumulation of mitochondrial FADH2, depleting FAD
neogenesis (lactate transfer from the muscle to the liver), levels, and reducing the activity of the acyl-CoA dehy-
while the TCA cycle is utilized to oxidize acetyl-CoA to drogenases. The lack of FAD does not directly inhibit the
CO2 and H2O. β-ketothiolase or enoyl-CoA dehydrogenase steps, nor
does it affect the activity of the carnitine acyltransferases.
3 The answer is A: Coconut/palm oil is a saturated fat. The figure below shows the normal transport of elec-
Saturated fats do not liquefy until a much higher tem- trons from FADH2 to coenzyme Q when the FADH2 is
perature than that at which monounsaturated or polyun- generated by the acyl-CoA dehydrogenases.
saturated fats do (the melting temperature for saturated
fats is greater than that for unsaturated fats). Conversely,
saturated fats are solids at a higher temperature than CH2 CH2 C C
unsaturated fats and cannot exist in a liquid form at a Palmitoyl CoA Palmitoloyl CoA
lower temperature. Since the oil of a plant is its “lifeblood,”
at a lower temperature, a saturated oil would solidify and
the plant would die. Saturated oil plants cannot survive in
a temperate climate (Kansas) and need a tropical climate Acyl CoA DH Acyl CoA DH
of warm temperatures all year round. Only polyunsatu-
rated oil plants can survive in a temperate climate (corn,
flax, wheat, and canola). Monounsaturated oils need a
warmer climate, but not as warm as the tropics (olive, ETF ETF
peanut). Knowing where a plant grows gives a large clue
as to whether the oil will be saturated, monounsaturated,
or polyunsaturated. The difference in oil content between
plants appears to be an evolutionary process. Kansas soil ETF • QO ETF • QO
is very rich and supports growth of most plants.
5 The answer is E: Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. 7 The answer is E: Carnitine transporter. The child has a
The child has MCAD (medium-chain acyl-CoA dehy- mutation in the enzyme which transports carnitine into
drogenase) deficiency, an inability to completely oxi- liver and muscle cells, leading to a primary carnitine
dize fatty acids to carbon dioxide and water. With an deficiency. The carnitine stays in the blood and is even-
MCAD deficiency, gluconeogenesis is impaired due to a tually lost in the urine (the same carnitine transporter
lack of energy from fatty acid oxidation, and an inabil- is required to recover the carnitine from the urine in
ity to fully activate pyruvate carboxylase, as acetyl-CoA the kidney). Since the liver is carnitine deficient, ketone
activates pyruvate carboxylase, and acetyl-CoA pro- body production is minimal at all times, even during a
duction from fatty acid oxidation is greatly reduced. fast (thus, the lack of baseline ketone bodies in the cir-
In an attempt to generate more energy, medium-chain culation under these conditions). Fatty acids will rise in
fatty acids are oxidized at the ω ends to generate circulation, as they cannot be stored in the cells as acyl-
the dicarboxylic acids seen in the question (see the CoA. The liver shows evidence of triglyceride formation
figure below for an overview of ω oxidation). The as the acyl-CoA cannot be degraded, and acyl-CoA accu-
finding of such metabolites (dicarboxylic acids) in mulates within the cytoplasm, leading to triglyceride
the blood is diagnostic for MCAD deficiency. If there formation. A defect in carnitine acyl transferase 1 would
were mutations in any aspect of carnitine metabolism, lead to elevated levels of carnitine in the circulation. A
there would be no oxidation of fatty acids (the fatty defect in carnitine acyltransferase II would lead to ele-
acids would not be able to enter the mitochondria), vated levels of acyl-carnitine in the circulation (since the
and the dicarboxylic acids (which are byproducts of acyl group cannot be removed from the carnitine). The
fatty acid metabolism) would not be observed. Simi- lack of circulating dicarboxylic acids indicates that the
larly, a mutation in the fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (the defect is not in MCAD (medium-chain acyl-CoA dehy-
activating enzyme, converting a free fatty acid to an drogenase). A defect in hormone sensitive lipase would
acyl-CoA) would also result in a lack of fatty acid oxi- show a decrease in free fatty acid levels, rather than the
dation, as fatty acids are not able to enter the mito- increase observed in the patient.
chondria in their free (nonactivated) form.
8 The answer is B: acyl-carnitine. Primary carnitine defi-
O ciency is a lack of carnitine within the cell (such as a
mutation in the carnitine transporter); secondary carni-
CH3 (CH2)n C O–
tine deficiency occurs when the carnitine is sequestered
in the form of acyl-carnitine (the carnitine cannot be
removed from the acyl group, such as a defect in car-
nitine acyl transferase 2). Thus, elevated levels of acyl-
HO CH2 (CH2)n C O–
carnitine would be expected in a secondary carnitine
deficiency, but not in a primary carnitine deficiency.
In both types of carnitine deficiencies, fatty acid oxi-
dation is significantly reduced, so the levels of ketone
bodies, glucose, lactate, and fatty acids would be similar
under both conditions.
O C (CH2)n C O–
12 9 Linoleolyl CoA
Mitochondrial O 18
C cis–Δ9, cis–Δ12
matrix β α
CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 C~ SCoA Fatty SCoA
[total C=n] acyl CoA β oxidation
FAD (three spirals) 3 Acetyl CoA
acyl CoA
FAD (2H) ~1.5 ATP 4 3
O C cis–Δ3, cis–Δ6
β 2
CH3 CH2 CH CH C~ SCoA trans Δ2 Fatty
enoyl CoA enoyl CoA
enoyl CoA 4 2
1 SCoA
C trans–Δ2, cis–Δ6
β-Oxidation O
β One spiral of
CH3 CH2 CH CH2 C~ SCoA L-β-Hydroxy β oxidation
Acetyl CoA
acyl CoA and the first step
NAD+ of the second spiral
3 5 4
β-hydroxy acyl CoA 1 SCoA
NADH + H+ ~2.5 ATP C trans–Δ2, cis–Δ4
β NADPH + H+
CH3 CH2 C CH2 C~ SCoA β-Keto 2,4-dienoyl CoA
acyl CoA reductase NADP+
β-keto thiolase 5 3 1 O
C trans–Δ3
4 2 SCoA
CH3 CH2 C ~ SCoA + CH3 C~ SCoA enoyl CoA
[total C=(n–2)] Fatty acyl CoA Acetyl CoA
5 3 1 O
C trans–Δ2
4 2 SCoA
β oxidation
(four spirals)
5 Acetyl CoA
Answer 9: Panel A: The steps of β-oxidation. The four steps are repeated until an even-chain fatty acid is completely converted to acetyl-CoA.
The FAD(2H) and NADH are reoxidized by the electron-transport chain, producing ATP. Panel B: The additional reactions required for the oxida-
tion of unsaturated fatty acids. The two new enzymes required are the enoyl-CoA isomerase and the 2,4 dienoyl-CoA reductase.
yield one more ATP than the fatty acid with the unsatu- oxidation is reduced, and as the levels decrease, fatty acid
ration at position 6. An overview of the fatty acid oxi- oxidation will increase. If malonyl-CoA decarboxylase
dation spiral is shown above, along with the reactions were inactivated, malonyl-CoA levels would remain
required for the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. elevated, and fatty acid oxidation would be inhibited.
Inactivating mutations in either carnitine acyltransferase
10 The answer is E: acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2. An inactivat- 1 or 2 would lead to an inability to oxidize fatty acids, as
ing mutation in acetyl-CoA carboxylase would lead to an they would not enter the mitochondria. A defect in medi-
inability to produce malonyl-CoA, which regulates fatty um-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) would also
acid oxidation through an inhibition of carnitine acyl result in reduced fatty acid oxidation, as the initial step
transferase 1. As malonyl-CoA levels increase, fatty acid of the oxidation spiral would be inhibited once the fatty
Cytosolic NAD+ 14 The answer is A: Oxidation of very long chain fatty acids.
The child has Zellweger’s syndrome, an absence of per-
oxisomal enzyme activity. Of the pathways listed as
OAA Acetyl CoA Citrate OAA Acetyl CoA answers, only the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids
is a peroxisomal function. Fatty acid synthesis occurs
ADP + Pi
Citrate Citrate in the cytoplasm. Acetyl-CoA oxidation takes place in
the mitochondria. Glucose oxidation is a combination
Citrate leaving the mitochondria and delivering acetyl-CoA to the of glycolysis (cytoplasm) and the TCA cycle (mitochon-
cytoplasm for fatty acid synthesis. dria). Triglyceride synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm.
15 The answer is C: To reduce thromboxane synthesis. It is the thromboxane inhibition which reduces the risk
Thromboxane A2 release from platelets is an essential ele- of blood clots. Leukotrienes and lipoxins require the
ment of forming blood clots, and aspirin will block pros- enzyme lipoxygenase, which is not inhibited by aspirin.
taglandin, prostacyclin, and thromboxane synthesis. These pathways are outlined below.
Arachidonic acid
16 The answer is D: acyl-carnitine. With a carnitine defi- compared to being covalently bound to proteins). The
ciency, fatty acids cannot be added to carnitine, and formation of malonyl-CoA, via acetyl-CoA carboxylase,
acyl-carnitine would not be synthesized. With a car- requires biotin as a required cofactor (see the figure
nitine acyl-transferase 2 deficiency, the fatty acids are below). Citrate lyase, malic enzyme, acetyl transacylase
added to carnitine, but the acyl-carnitine cannot release (an activity of fatty acid synthase) and acyl carrier pro-
the acyl group within the mitochondria. This will lead to tein (another component of fatty acid synthase) do not
an accumulation of acylcarnitine, which will lead to an require biotin for their activity.
accumulation in the circulation. The end result of either
deficiency is a lack of fatty acid oxidation, such that O
ketone body levels would be minimal under both condi- CH3 C ~ SCoA
tions, and blood glucose levels would also be similar in
Acetyl CoA
either condition. Insulin release is not affected by either
deficiency, and carnitine levels, normally low, would not
be significantly modified in either deficiency. ATP
Acetyl CoA
ADP + Pi
17 The answer is C: COX-2 is specifically induced during carboxylase
20 The answer is D: Fatty acid transport into the mitochon- the affected individual, leading to severe hypoglycemia.
dria. The man had eaten the unripe fruit of the ackee Hypoglycin has no effect on fatty acid release from the
tree (from Jamaica). The unripened fruit contains the adipocyte, or fatty acid entry into liver cells. Fatty acid
toxin hypoglycin A, which will interfere with carnitine’s oxidation is not directly inhibited, nor does this toxin
ability to transport acyl-carnitine groups across the directly inhibit the complexes of the electron transport
inner mitochondrial membrane. This leads to a com- chain and the proton-translocating ATPase.
plete shutdown of fatty acid oxidation in all tissues in
HMP Shunt
Protein Structure
and Oxidative
This chapter covers questions related to the He dies that night in his sleep. This is due to which of
pentose phosphate shunt pathway and reactions the following?
that generate and protect against radical oxygen (A) Ethanol stimulating barbiturate absorption by the
species. Interactions of this pathway with other stomach
metabolic pathways are also emphasized. (B) Ethanol inhibition of a cytochrome P450 system
(C) Acetaldehyde reacting with the drug, creating a
QUESTIONS toxic compound
(D) Acetyl-CoA production leads to enhanced energy pro-
Select the single best answer.
duction, which synergizes with barbiturate action
1 A 52-year-old man has had bouts of alcohol abuse in (E) Ethanol’s dehydration effect leads to toxic concen-
his past. During his binges, he takes acetaminophen trations of the seizure medication in the blood
to help control some muscle pain. He then gets very
ill (nausea, vomiting, and right upper quadrant pain), 4 A chronic alcoholic presents to the emergency department
and is rushed to the emergency department. A potential with nystagmus, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema,
treatment for this patient’s symptoms is to take which of ataxia, and mental confusion. The physician orders a test
the following? to determine if there is a vitamin deficiency. An enzyme
(A) Aspirin used for such a test can be which of the following?
(B) A mercaptan (A) Transaldolase
(C) Rifampin (B) Aldolase
(D) Iron (C) Transketolase
(E) Vitamin C (D) β-ketothiolase
(E) Acetylcholine synthase
2 A 34-year-old man was prescribed barbiturates 6 months
ago for a seizure disorder. However, with time, the phy-
sician has had to increase his daily dosage to maintain 5 A researcher is studying the HMP shunt pathway in
the same therapeutic drug level. This is due to which of extracts of red blood cells, in the absence of NADP+, and
the following? in which PFK-1 has been chemically inactivated. Which
carbon substrates are required to generate ribose-5-
(A) Downregulation of drug receptors on the cell surface
phosphate in this system?
(B) Decreased absorption of the drug from the stomach
(A) Glucose-6-phosphate and sedoheptulose-7-phos-
(C) Increased synthesis of opposing neurotransmitters
(D) Induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes
(B) Glucose-6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
(E) Induction of targeted enzyme synthesis
(C) Fructose-6-phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-phos-
3 Considering the patient in question 2, one night, phate
the patient consumes a large amount of alcohol. He (D) Fructose-6-phosphate and pyruvate
continues to take his usual dose of seizure medication. (E) Glucose-6-phosphate and pyruvate
14 A researcher is studying cultured human hepatocytes Go phase of the cell cycle. Under such conditions,
and is examining the specific condition in which fatty what would be the activity state of the following
acid synthesis is activated, but the cell remains in the enzymes?
Glucose-6-phosphate Fructose-1,
dehydrogenase Transketolase Transaldolase 6-bisphosphatase
15 Individuals with a superactive glutathione reductase a healthier life style and replaced eggs and coffee for
will develop gout. This occurs due to which of the breakfast with fruit juices and whole-wheat toast. Within
following? 2 weeks of changing his diet, the man developed severe
(A) Activation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase muscle pain in his arms and shoulders. The muscle pain
(B) Inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase could be the result of which of the following?
(C) Activation of transketolase (A) Induction of a detoxifying cytochrome P450 system
(D) Activation of transaldolase (B) Inhibition of a detoxifying cytochrome P450 system
(E) Inhibition of transketolase (C) Increased mevalonate inhibiting actin/myosin inter-
16 Glucose-6-phosphate labeled in carbon 6 with 14C was (D) Increased mevalonate stabilizing actin/myosin inter-
added to a test tube with the enzymes phosphohexose actions
isomerase, PFK-1, aldolase, transketolase, and transal- (E) HMG-CoA stimulation of calcium efflux from the
dolase. ATP was also added to the test tube. At equilib- sarcoplasmic reticulum
rium, in which position would the radioactive label be
found in the newly produced ribose-5-phosphate? 19 A patient is recovering from acute respiratory distress
(A) 1 syndrome (ARDS). Which of the following is a major
(B) 2 antioxidant found in the fluid lining the bronchial
(C) 3 epithelium needed in high concentration for recovery
from ARDS?
(D) 4
(A) Glucuronic acid
(E) 5
(B) Pyruvate
17 Which one of the following disorders would lead to (C) Sorbitol
increased activity of the HMP shunt pathway? (D) Glycogen
(A) Glycogen phosphorylase deficiency (E) Glutathione
(B) Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
20 Which of the following biochemical pathways produces
(C) Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase deficiency
the antioxidant referred to in the previous question?
(D) Pyruvate kinase deficiency
(A) TCA cycle
(E) Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
(B) Glycolysis
18 A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with hypercholes- (C) γ-Glutamyl cycle
terolemia, for which he was prescribed a statin. After (D) HMP shunt
a month on medications, the patient decided to adopt (E) Polyol pathway
Kidney, Kidney,
urine UDP-glucuronyl Sulfo transferase urine
Glucuronate OH SO4
O cysteine O O
H + H
Glutathione Cell proteins
SG S-transferase S-protein
Mercaptouric NAPQI
acid (N-acetyl-p-
(toxic intermediate)
Kidney, urine
2 The answer is D: Induction of drug-metabolizing high levels of barbiturates being taken (due to the toler-
enzymes. Barbiturates are xenobiotics, and the body ance) are now toxic (the system that breaks down the
induces specific cytochrome P450 systems to help drug has been inhibited). Ethanol does not increase
detoxify and excrete the barbiturates. When the man absorption of the drug from the digestive tract, nor
first begins taking the drug, a low concentration of drug does acetaldehyde, ethanol’s oxidation product, react
is sufficient to exert a physiological effect, as the drug with barbiturates. Barbiturate action is not affected by
detoxifying system has not yet been induced. As the energy production (acetyl-CoA). The ethanol inhibition
detoxifying system is induced, however, higher concen- of cytochrome P450 systems is also not due to ethanol’s
trations of drug are required to have the same effect, dehydration effect.
as the rate of excretion of the drug is increased as the
detoxification system is induced. The “tolerance” to
drugs, in this case, is not due to downregulation of drug 4 The answer is C: Transketolase. The patient is experi-
receptors or decreased absorption of the drug from the encing the symptoms of vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency.
stomach. There is no induction of target gene expres- Ethanol blocks thiamine absorption from the gut, so in
sion, leading to enhanced drug action, nor are oppos- the United States, one will usually only see a B1 defi-
ing neurotransmitters expressed. The tolerance comes ciency in chronic alcoholics. One assay for B1 deficiency
about due to enhanced inactivation of the drug due to is to measure transketolase activity (which requires B1
the induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes. as an essential cofactor) in the presence and absence of
added B1. If the activity level increases when B1 is added,
3 The answer is B: Ethanol inhibition of a cytochrome P450 a vitamin deficiency is assumed. None of the other
system. Ethanol inhibits the drug detoxifying system enzymes listed (transaldolase, aldolase, β-ketothiolase,
for barbiturates; thus, in the presence of ethanol, the and acetylcholine synthase) require B1 as a cofactor,
and, thus, could not be used as a measure of B1 levels. occur. In addition, PFK-1 has been made nonfunctional,
A reaction catalyzed by transketolase is shown below such that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) cannot
(note the breakage of a carbon–carbon bond, and then be produced from either fructose-6-phosphate (F6P)
the synthesis of a carbon–carbon bond to generate the or glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). In order to generate
product of the reaction). ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) under these conditions,
both F6P and G3P need to be provided. These two
substrates will react, using transketolase as a substrate,
to generate erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) and xylulose-
CH2OH 5-phosphate (X5P, step 1 in the figure below). The X5P
will be epimerized to ribulose-5-phosphate (Ru5P, step
2 in the figure below), and then isomerized to R5P
HO C H (step 3 in the figure below). Glucose-6-phosphate can-
H C OH not be used as a substrate because it cannot be con-
CH2OPO3 2– verted to G3P (due to the block in PFK-1). Pyruvate
cannot be used as a substrate in extracts of red blood
Xylulose 5-phosphate
cells because such cells do not have pyruvate carboxy-
+ lase, so the pyruvate cannot be converted to either F6P
or G3P.
H C OH 3 Ribulose-5-P
epimerase epimerase
H C OH 3 isomerase
Thiamine Glyceraldehyde-3-P Sedoheptulose-7-P 1 reactions
pyrophosphate Transketolase
Erythrose-4-P transketolase
C Fructose-6-P Fructose-6-P Glyceraldehyde-3-P
CH2OPO3 2–
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 6 The answer is D: Xylulose-5-phosphate. In order for
+ ribose-5-phosphate to be converted to glucose-6-phos-
phate, the nonoxidative reactions of the HMP shunt
CH2OH pathway must be used (the oxidative steps are not revers-
C O ible reactions). In order for this to occur, the ribose-5-
phosphate is isomerized to ribulose-5-phosphate, which
is then epimerized to xylulose-5-phosphate (steps 1 and
2 in the figure on page 123). R5P and X5P then initi-
H C OH ate a series of reactions utilizing transketolase (step 3 in
H C OH the figure on page 123) and transaldolase (step 4 in the
figure on page 123) to generate fructose-6-phosphate,
CH2OPO3 2–
which can be isomerized to glucose-6-phosphate (step 5
Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate in the figure on page 123). Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
is also formed during this series of reactions, which
then goes back to fructose-6-phosphate production.
Pyruvate, oxaloacetate, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, and
5 The answer is C: Fructose-6-phosphate and glycer-
6-phosphogluconoate are not obligatory intermediates
aldehyde-3-phosphate. In the absence of NADP+,
in this conversion.
the oxidative steps of the HMP shunt pathway are
nonfunctional, so only the nonoxidative steps will
transketolase 3 Nonoxidative
Glyceraldehyde-3-P Sedoheptulose-7-P
transaldolase 4
Erythrose-4-P transketolase
7 The answer is B: Oxidative damage to red blood cell membranes from oxidative damage. In the presence
membranes. The man has glucose-6-phosphate of a strong oxidizing agent (the new drug the patient
dehydrogenase deficiency and is incapable of regen- was taking), the red cell membranes undergo oxidative
erating reduced glutathione to protect red blood cell damage and the red cell bursts, leading to hemolytic
anemia. This is all due to a lack of protective glutathi-
one in the membrane. As the red cell lacks a nucleus,
A – the cell cannot induce new gene synthesis. The drug the
patient was taking does not induce ion pores in red cell
CH2 Glycine
membranes or inhibit the HMP shunt pathway. It also
does not cause oxidative damage to bone marrow. The
C O drugs to avoid while prescribing for a patient with a
HS CH2 CH Cysteine G6PDH deficiency include primaquine, dapsone, nitro-
GSH HN furantoin, and sulfonylurea. The reduced (Panel A) and
oxidized (Panel B) forms of glutathione are indicated to
the side.
HCNH3+ 8 The answer is D: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
COO– Given the demographics of the patient’s ancestry (and
the need for obtaining an accurate history), and the
B – –
fact that the patient is a male, the patient may have
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (an
CH2 CH2 Glycine X-linked disorder). If a person with this enzyme defi-
HN HN ciency is given primaquine, which is a strong oxidiz-
C O C O ing agent, hemolytic anemia is likely to develop. If a
HC CH2 CH2 CH Cysteine physician suspects that a patient may have such an
enzymatic deficiency, it is imperative to check before
prescribing strong oxidizing agents to the patient,
C O C O or prescribe another antimalarial prophylaxis that is
CH2 CH2 not a strong oxidizing agent (such as tetracycline). If
CH2 Glutamate individuals were deficient in transketolase, pyruvate
dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, or
– glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, red cell
lysis would not occur. One should also recall that
the red cells lack mitochondria, so these cells do not
Answer 7: Panel A indicates reduced glutathione (GSH) while Panel contain pyruvate dehydrogenase or α-ketoglutarate
B indicates oxidized glutathione (GSSG). dehydrogenase.
transketolase 3 Nonoxidative
Glyceraldehyde-3-P Sedoheptulose-7-P
transaldolase 4
Erythrose-4-P transketolase
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
Answer 14
15 The answer is A: Activation of glucose-6-phosphate take place. In order for the nonoxidative reactions to
dehydrogenase. Glutathione reductase will utilize occur, the glucose-6-phosphate (G6P, labeled in the 6th
NADPH and reduce oxidized glutathione to reduced glu- position with 14C) must pass through glycolysis to pro-
tathione, generating NADP+. If Glutathione reductase is duce fructose-6-phosphate (F6P, labeled in the 6th posi-
superactive, NADP+ levels accumulate, which activates tion) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (labeled in the
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This will lead to 3rd position). Transketolase will allow these two com-
NADPH production via the oxidative reactions of the pounds to exchange carbons, which would generate
HMP shunt, along with ribulose-5-phosphate (Ru5P). erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P, labeled in the 4th position)
The Ru5P will lead to increased ribose-5-phosphate pro- and xylulose-5-phosphate (X5P, labeled in the 5th posi-
duction, increased 5′-phosphoribosyl 1′-pyrophosphate tion). The X5P can then go to ribulose-5-phosphate
(PRPP) production, and increased 5′-phosphoribosyl (Ru5P) and ribose-5-phosphate (R5P), labeled in the
1′-amine levels. This eventually leads to increased fifth positions. The E4P (labeled in the 4th position) can
purine production, in excess of what is required. The react with another molecule of F6P (labeled in the 6th
excess purines are converted to uric acid, and excess position) using transaldolase to generate sedoheptulose
uric acid will lead to gout. A superactive glutathione 7-phosphate (Se7P, labeled in the 7th position) and
reductase will not lead to an alteration in the activities glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P), labeled in the 3rd
of transketolase or transaldolase. position. Transketolase will then convert the Se7P and
G3P to R5P and X5P, both labeled in the 5th positions.
16 The answer is E: 5. Given the enzymes present, only The nonoxidative reactions can be seen, schematically,
the nonoxidative reactions of the HMP shunt would in the figure below.
3 Ribulose-5-P
2 2
epimerase isomerase epimerase
transketolase 3 Nonoxidative
Glyceraldehyde-3-P Sedoheptulose-7-P
transaldolase 4
Erythrose-4-P transketolase
γ-Glutamyl Glycine
ADP + Pi
Answer 20: In cells of the intestine and kidney, amino
acids can be transported across the cell membrane by
Cysteine ATP reacting with glutathione to form a γ-glutamyl amino
acid. The amino acid is released into the cell and glu-
γ-Glutamyl amino acid
tathione is resynthesized. However, the major role of
this cycle is glutathione synthesis because many tissues
5-Oxoproline Glutamate
lack the transpeptidase and 5-oxoprolinase activities.
Thus, the reactions performed by most cells include
the condensation of cysteine and glutamate to form
Amino ATP ADP + Pi γ-glutamylcysteine and then the condensation of
acid γ-glutamylcysteine with glycine to form glutathione.
Amino Acid
and the Urea Cycle
This chapter quizzes the student on amino acid most often results from a defect in which of the following
metabolism and products derived from amino acids. enzymes?
(A) Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Select the single best answer. (C) Dihydrofolate reductase
(D) Tyrosinase
1 Routine newborn screening identified a child with (E) Homogentisic acid oxidase
elevated levels of phenylpyruvate and phenyllactate in
the blood. Despite treating the child with a restricted 3 A newborn becomes lethargic and drowsy 24 h after
diet, evidence of developmental delay became apparent. birth. Blood analysis shows hyperammonemia, coupled
Supplementation with which of the following would be with orotic aciduria. This individual has an enzyme
beneficial to the child? deficiency that leads to an inability to directly produce
(A) Tyrosine which of the following?
(B) 5-hydroxytryptophan (A) Carbamoyl phosphate
(C) Melanin (B) Ornithine
(D) Phenylalanine (C) Citrulline
(E) Alanine (D) Argininosuccinate
(E) Arginine
2 A newborn has milky white skin, white hair, and red-
appearing eye color (see the figure below). This disorder
4 Considering the patient in question 3, orotic acid levels
are high in this patient due to which of the following?
(A) Elevated ammonia
(B) Elevated glutamine
(C) Bypassing carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
(D) Bypassing aspartate transcarbamoylase
(E) Inhibition of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
6 Parents bring their 6-year-old son to the pediatrician (reminiscent of Marfan syndrome patients), scoliosis,
due to the parents being concerned about “mental retar- pectus excavatum, displaced lens, and muscular hypo-
dation.” Blood work demonstrated a microcytic anemia tonia. Blood work is likely to show an elevation of which
and basophilic stippling. During the patient history, of the following metabolites?
it became apparent that the boy often stayed with his (A) Methionine
grandparents, who owned a 150-year-old apartment. (B) Phenylpyruvate
The boy admitted to eating paint chips from the radia- (C) Cysteine
tors in the apartment. The boy’s anemia is most likely (D) Fibrillin fragments
the result of which one of the following? (E) Homocystine
(A) Inhibition of iron transport
(B) Reduction of heme synthesis 11 Considering the patient described in the previous ques-
(C) Inhibition of the phosphatidyl inositol cycle tions, treatment with which of the following vitamins
(D) Blockage of reticulocyte DNA synthesis may be successful in controlling this disorder?
(E) Inhibition of β-globin gene expression (A) B1
(B) B2
7 Routine newborn screening identified a child with ele- (C) B3
vated levels of α-ketoacids of the branched-chain amino (D) B6
acids. A certain subset of such children will respond well (E) B12
to which of the following vitamin supplementation?
(A) Niacin 12 A 13-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital due to
(B) Riboflavin flank and urinary pain. Analysis demonstrates the pres-
(C) B12 ence of kidney stones. The stones were composed of
(D) B6 calcium oxalate. Family history revealed that the boy’s
(E) Thiamine father and mother had had similar problems. Oxalate
accumulation arises in this patient due to difficulty in
8 Another routine newborn screening identified a child metabolizing which of the following?
with elevated levels of the branched-chain amino acids (A) Alanine
and their α-ketoacid derivatives. In addition, the child (B) Leucine
also exhibited lactic acidosis. Which enzyme listed below (C) Lysine
would you expect to be negatively affected (reduced (D) Glyoxylate
activity) by this disorder? (E) Glycine
(A) α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
(B) Isocitrate dehydrogenase 13 An 18-year-old boy was brought to the hospital by his
(C) Malate dehydrogenase mother due to a sudden onset of flank pain in his left
(D) Succinate dehydrogenase side, radiating toward his pubic area. His urine was
(E) Acetyl-CoA carboxylase reddish-brown in color, and a urinalysis showed the
presence of many red blood cells. When his urine was
9 A Russian child, 5 years old, was brought to the pedia- acidified with acetic acid, clusters of flat, hexagonal
trician for developmental delay. Blood analysis showed transparent crystals were noted. A radiograph of the
elevated levels of phenylalanine, phenyllactate, and abdomen showed radio-opaque stones in both kidneys.
phenylpyruvate. The developmental delay, in this con- The boy eventually passed a stone whose major com-
dition, has been hypothesized to occur due to which of ponent was identified as cystine. A suggestion for treat-
the following? ment is which of the following?
(A) Acidosis due to elevated phenyllactate (A) Increased ethanol consumption
(B) Lack of tyrosine, now an essential amino acid (B) Restriction of dietary methionine
(C) Inhibition of hydroxylating enzymes due to accu- (C) Utilize drugs that acidify the urine
mulation of phenylalanine (D) Restrict dietary glycine
(D) Lack of large, neutral amino acids in the brain (E) Prescribe diuretics
(E) Inhibition of neuronal glycolysis by phenylpyruvate
14 You have an elderly patient with a history of heart
10 A 12-year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician because attacks (MIs) and strokes (CVAs). Blood work indi-
of behavioral problems noted by the parents. Upon cates an elevated homocysteine level, which is reduced
examination, the physician notices brittle and coarse by the patient taking pharmacological doses of pyri-
hair, red patches on the skin, long, thin arms and legs doxamine. An enzyme that would benefit from such
NAD+ Phenylalanine
O H O2
Dihydropteridine Phenylalanine
reductase hydroxylase
NADH + H+ +
Quinonoid dihydrobiopterin
2 The answer is D: Tyrosinase. The child has albinism, a 3 The answer is C: Citrulline. The child has ornithine tran-
lack of pigment in the skin cells, which is produced by scarbamoylase (OTC) deficiency, and cannot condense
melanocytes. Melanocyte tyrosinase (a different isozyme carbamoyl phosphate with ornithine to produce citrul-
than the neuronal tyrosinase that produces DOPA for line (see the figure on page 131). The excess carbamoyl
catecholamine biosynthesis) is defective in albinism. The phosphate produced leaks into the cytoplasm where it
DOPA produced is then used for pigment production. bypasses the regulated enzyme of de novo pyrimidine
A lack of phenylalanine hydroxylase leads to PKU. A lack production, leading to excess orotic acid. Thus, in an
of dihydrofolate reductase is most likely a lethal event as OTC defect, carbamoyl phosphate can be produced, but
there are no reported cases of a lack of this enzyme. Tetra- citrulline cannot. Since citrulline cannot be produced,
hydrofolate is not required for the conversion of tyrosine the later products of the urea cycle (argininosuccinate
to DOPA in melanocytes. NADPH oxidase generates and arginine) are also produced at lower levels than nor-
superoxide, which is not part of this pathway. Homogen- mal, which is an indirect effect due to the inability to
tisic acid is part of the phenylalanine and tyrosine degra- produce citrulline.
dation pathways, and is not involved in albinism.
CO2 + H2O Cytosol
– + NH2
HCO3 + NH4
Urea C O NH2
2 ATP Carbamoyl 5 CH2 NH
synthetase I Arginase CH2
2 ADP 1
+ Pi CH2 H C NH2
O O H C NH2 Arginine
Ornithine 4 CH
Carbamoyl Ornithine Argininosuccinate COOH
2 Ornithine lyase
phosphate transcarbamoylase Fumarate
Pi C O
H C NH2 3
COOH Argininosuccinate
COOH synthetase COOH
Citrulline Argininosuccinate
Answer 3: The urea cycle. Reaction 2 is defective in the disease described in this case.
4 The answer is C: Bypassing carbamoyl phosphate syn- CPS-II, and while glutamine is also elevated, and is a
thetase II (CPS-II). The rate-limiting step for de novo substrate of CPS-II, higher glutamine concentrations
pyrimidine synthesis is carbamoyl phosphate synthetase will not overcome enzyme inhibition by its allosteric
II (CPS-II), which produces carbamoyl phosphate in the inhibitor, UTP. Aspartate transcarbamoylase is the regu-
cytoplasm (see the figure on page 132). In an OTC defi- lated step of pyrimidine biosynthesis in many prokary-
ciency, the carbamoyl phosphate produced in the mito- otic cells, but not in humans. This step is necessary for
chondria leaks into the cytoplasm, leading to orotic acid pyrimidines to be synthesized starting with carbam-
synthesis as the regulated step of the pathway is being oyl phosphate. CPS-I is a mitochondrial enzyme not
bypassed. The elevated ammonia is not a substrate of involved in pyrimidine production.
−O C C H (Glycine)
Hippuric acid
SCoA NH (excreted)
Glutamine PI O− O−
S Dihydrolipoyl DH
H S Lip E3 5
Answer 8: Mechanism of α-keto acid dehy- α-Keto FAD
CO2 trans Ac 4 NADH
drogenase complexes. R represents the portion acid DH
+ H+
of the α-keto acid that begins with the β car- SH
1 E1 2 E2 trans Ac
bon. Three different subunits are required for R Lip SH
the reaction: E1 (α-ketoacid decarboxylase), O
C O trans Ac 3
E2 (transacylase), and E3 (dihydrolipoyl dehy- α-Keto
drogenase). TPP refers to the cofactor thiamine COO– acid DH
Lip O
pyrophosphate. Lip refers to the cofactor lipoic CoASH
α-Keto acid TPP HS S C R
9 The answer is D: Lack of large, neutral amino acids in is a diagnostic marker for PKU, but it is not relevant
the brain. The child has PKU. The elevated pheny- for homocysteine production or degradation. Fibrillin
lalanine levels in the blood are saturating the large, is mutated in Marfan syndrome, but this disorder is not
neutral amino acid transport protein in the nervous Marfan syndrome.
system (L-system), preventing other substrates from
entering the brain (such as tryptophan, tyrosine,
lysine, and leucine). This alters the ability of the 11 The answer is D: B6. Cystathionine β-synthase is a B6
brain to synthesize proteins, and leads to neurologi- requiring enzyme (the reaction is a β-elimination of
cal problems. Providing large amounts of these large, the serine hydroxyl group, followed by a β-addition of
neutral amino acids prevents saturation of the system homocysteine to serine; both types of reactions require
by phenylalanine, and can be used as a treatment, the participation of B6). In some mutations, the affin-
along with restricted phenylalanine diet, for children ity of the cofactor for the enzyme has been reduced, so
with this disorder. (See J Inherit Metab Dis. 2006 significantly increasing the concentration of the cofactor
Dec;29(6):732–738.) The developmental delay does will allow the reaction to proceed. The enzyme does not
not appear to be due to acidosis, lack of tyrosine, an require the assistance of B1, B2, B3 (niacin), or B12 to cata-
inhibition of hydroxylating enzymes, or inhibition of lyze the reaction.
neuronal glycolysis.
12 The answer is D: Glyoxylate. The boy has primary
10 The answer is E: Homocystine. The boy is exhibiting oxaluria type I, an autosomal recessive trait, which is
the symptoms of homocystinuria, usually caused by a defect in a transaminase that converts glyoxylate to
a defect in cystathionine β-synthase. Cystathionine glycine. If this transaminase is defective, glyoxylate will
β-synthase will condense homocysteine with serine to accumulate. The glyoxylate will then be oxidized to
form cystathionine. An inability to catalyze this reaction oxalate, which, in the presence of calcium, will precipi-
will lead to an accumulation of homocysteine, which will tate and form stones in the kidney. The metabolic path-
oxidize to form homocystine. The elevated serine can be way for glycine being converted to glyoxylate is shown
metabolized back into the glycolytic pathway. Methion- below, and the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is
ine will not increase in blood as the homocysteine pro- the D-amino acid oxidase. Alanine, leucine, and lysine
duced is converted into homocystine. Phenylpyruvate metabolism do not give rise to oxalate.
+ O–
Serine H
hydroxymethyl O2
transferase NH4
D-amino acid
Serine oxidase Oxalate
COO– –
FH4 N 5,N 10–CH2–FH4 COO
Glycine Transaminase Glyoxylate TPP
– COO–
FH4 NAD+ Pyruvate Alanine
N 5,N 10–CH2–FH4 NADH
Glycine CO2 + H2O
+ cleavage CH2
CO2 enzyme
α -Keto- COO–
glutarate α-Hydroxy-
Answer 12
N 5,N 10-methylene-FH4 Glycine OH
2 FH4
PPi, Pi
NAD+ 1 Methionine
N 5-methyl-FH4 B12 C
Dimethyl glycine Homogentisate
Betaine R
R CH3 Alcaptonuria Homogentisate oxidase
B6 S-adenosyl homocysteine
3 Adenosine
Tyrosinemia I Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
α-Ketobutyrate, NH3 – –
Fumarate Acetoacetate
of the hepatocytes, leading to complete liver failure. The or phenylalanine. The figure below indicates the
yellowing of the eyes (jaundice, due to accumulated biosynthetic pathway of DOPA and the catecholamines.
bilirubin) is a result of liver failure. None of the other
amino acids listed (alanine, tryptophan, histidine, and Phenylalanine
lysine) contribute to the formation of intermediates of phe BH4
the phenylalanine and tyrosine degradative pathways. hydroxylase
16 The answer is A: Tryptophan. Most drugs used to treat CH O–
depression do so by elevating serotonin levels, and CH2 C
serotonin is derived from tryptophan (see the figure O
below). Tyrosine is the precursor for catecholamines, L–Tyrosine
while glutamate is the precursor of GABA. Histidine is tyrosine BH4
the precursor for histamine, while glycine itself acts as a hydroxylase BH2
neurotransmitter in the brain.
CH2 CH NH3 Nicotinamide moiety CH O–
– of NAD(P) CH2 C
O2 BH4 dopa
tryptophan hydroxylase decarboxylase CO2
HO +
CH2 CH NH3 Neurons HO
N CH2 NH+3
5-Hydroxytryptophan Dopamine
PLP CO2 DOPA decarboxylase dopamine Cu2+
HO +
Vitamin C
Serotonin CH NH+3
18 The answer is D: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA). producing epinephrine or norepinephrine (the VMAs
This patient has the classic presentation of a carci- are degradation products of these neurotransmitters,
noid tumor. This type of tumor secretes serotonin that also seen in the figure below). The symptoms do not
causes these classic symptoms. The breakdown prod- match a pheochromocytoma, particularly due to the
uct of serotonin is 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA, lack of increase in heart rate or blood pressure. Dop-
see the figure below). Elevated levels of 5-HIAA in the amine is depleted in Parkinson disease, not in this
urine confirms a high level of serotonin and the diag- condition. Cortisol levels would be high in Cushing
nosis of a carcinoid. VMA and/or catechols would syndrome, but not under these conditions.
be elevated if the patient had a pheochromocytoma
O2 BH4
tryptophan hydroxylase MAO SAM COMT
HO +
Oxidation +
PLP CO2 DOPA decarboxylase
HO +
N NH3 O Oxidation
Serotonin COMT
5-hydroxyindole- OH
NADH 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid
O (Vanillylmandelic acid, VMA)
CH2 C O–
acetic acid (5-HIAA)
Panel A shows the generation of 5-HIAA from serotonin degradation, while panel B indicates the generation of VMA from catecholamine
19 The answer is B: Tyramine. Tyramine is a degradation and excessive norepinephrine release does not occur.
product of tyrosine (decarboxylated tyrosine), which, However, if a patient is taking a monoamine oxidase
when elevated, will lead to norepinephrine release. inhibitor (MAOI), it is possible that tyramine does not
Tyramine is found in red wine and aged foods such as get degraded appropriately. MAOIs which covalently
certain cheeses. When ingested, tyramine is degraded modify (as opposed to being competitive inhibitors)
by monoamine oxidase to a harmless compound, the enzyme are very useful medications for atypical
depression that is unresponsive to other modalities. heme precursors in skin cells that are easily converted
Unfortunately, MAOIs have multiple interactions with to radical form by the energy in sunlight, and which
many other medications and foods. A high tyramine severely damage the cell. The drug the boy is taking
level leads to a greatly elevated blood pressure due to is metabolized via a cytochrome P450 system, which
the release of norepinephrine. Patients on MAOIs need is induced when the drug first enters the circulation.
to avoid foods high in tyramine, such as cheeses (aged Induction of P450 systems induces the synthesis of
and processed), red wine, caviar, brewer’s yeast, miso heme, leading to increased concentrations of the
soup, dried herring, and aged meats. MAOIs have no heme intermediates and an increased sensitivity to
effect on glycoproteins or cholesterol. the effects of these intermediates as induced by sun-
light. The anemia is due to reduced heme levels in
20 The answer is E: Heme synthesis. The boy has por- the red blood cells. This disorder is not due to defects
phyria, a reduced ability to synthesize heme. The in DNA repair, glycogen metabolism, or fatty acid
supersensitivity to the sun is due to the presence of metabolism.
This chapter quizzes the reader on the biological (A) Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
roles of phospholipids, sphingolipids, and glycosa- (B) Palmitate containing ceramide
minoglycans. Diseases relating to these large (C) Sphingosine
molecules will be the focus of this chapter. (D) Sphingomyelin
(E) Diacylglycerol
Select the single best answer. 4 Considering the case in the previous question, the major
function of the suspension utilized to improve breath-
1 A patient presents with rapidly progressive weakness of ing is which of the following?
the lower extremities, loss of deep tendon reflexes, respi- (A) To allow oxygen exchange with red blood cells
ratory distress, and autonomic dysfunction following a (B) To facilitate carbon dioxide extraction from red
flulike illness. This disease is an autoimmune inflamma- blood cells
tory reaction to tissue made up chiefly of which of the
(C) To reduce surface tension at the air–water interface
following chemical structures?
(D) To stabilize the structure of lung cells
(A) High-density lipoproteins
(E) To facilitate blood flow through the lung
(B) Elastin
(C) Sphingolipids
(D) Glycoproteins 5 A 9-month-old child is taken to the pediatrician for leth-
(E) Glycogen argy and poor feeding. The physician notes a cherry-red
spot in the child’s retina. The baby seemed fine for the
2 The above patient is in the recovery phase of her illness. first three to six months, then began to have problems
She wants to “naturally” help her body recover using swallowing, overreacted to loud sounds, seemed to have
dietary methods. Which of the following foods is best in problems with her vision, and began losing muscle mass
providing the chemicals needed to regrow the affected and strength. Measurements of which two metabolites is
tissues? critical to correctly diagnose this disorder?
(A) Soybeans (A) GM2 and globoside
(B) Calves’ liver (B) GM2 and GM3
(C) Pork kidney (C) GM1 and globoside
(D) Green leafy vegetables (D) GM1 and GM2
(E) Potatoes (E) Globoside and sphingomyelin
3 A newborn infant had trouble breathing at birth. The 6 Considering the child described in the previous ques-
infant was 3 months premature. The physicians treated tion, a diagnosis of Sandhoff disease was made. This
the infant with a solution, which was directly injected results in a loss of which of the following enzymatic
into the lungs. Within seconds, the infant responded activities?
with much improved breathing. A major component of (A) Hexosaminidase A and Hexosaminidase C
this solution is which one of the following? (B) Hexosaminidase B and Hexosaminidase C
(C) Hexosaminidase A and Hexosaminidase B
(D) Hexosaminidase A and sphingomyelinase
(E) Hexosaminidase B and sphingomyelinase
7 Considering the child described in the last two questions, (A) Galactosylceramide
multiple enzymatic activities are lost. This is due to (B) Sulfatide
which of the following? (C) Glucosylceramide
(A) A common operon for the two genes contains a (D) Sphingomyelin
mutation in the promoter region (E) Ceramide
(B) An inactivating mutation in an activator for the lost
enzymatic activities
10 The sphingolipidoses, as a class, are most similar to
(C) A transcriptional activator is inactivated which one of the following disorders?
(D) A common mutated subunit is present in the mul- (A) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
tiple activities
(B) von Gierke disease
(E) A transcriptional repressor is activated
(C) Zellweger syndrome
8 A 4-month-old infant is brought to the pediatrician for a (D) MELAS
variety of problems. The child is frequently irritable, small (E) I-cell disease
for age, vomits frequently, and displays hypotonia, as well
as hyperesthesia (auditory, tactile, and visual). Liver and 11 A child has been diagnosed with Tay–Sachs disease, in
spleen size are normal. As the child ages, his condition which a particular lipid accumulates within the lyso-
worsens, with rapid psychomotor deterioration, seizures, somes. The component of this lipid which cannot be
and blindness. This disorder is caused by an accumula- removed in the lysosome is which of the following?
tion of which of the following in neuronal lysosomes?
(A) Ceramide
(A) Galactosylceramide
(B) Sphingosine
(B) Sulfatide
(C) Fatty acid
(C) Glucosylceramide
(D) Glucose
(D) Sphingomyelin
(E) N-acetylgalactosamine
(E) Ceramide
9 A 6-month-old boy is brought to the pediatrician due 12 A depressed patient is prescribed lithium by his psy-
to a large stomach. The doctor noticed splenomegaly, chiatrist. The effect of lithium is to block the generation
with no pain. The boy was always tired and had anemia. of which of the following?
The boy also has thrombocytopenia and bruises easily. (A) Diacylglycerol
X-rays show a deformity of the distal femur, as shown (B) Inositol trisphosphate
below. This disorder is caused by an accumulation of (C) Inositol bisphosphate
which of the following in macrophage lysosomes? (D) Inositol phosphate
(E) Inositol
ANSWERS the type II cells within the lung have not yet begun
synthesizing surfactant, so the application of surfactant
1 The answer is C: Sphingolipids. This patient has the to the baby will allow this compound to be present until
classic symptoms of Guillain–Barré syndrome which is the type II cells begin their synthesis of this complex.
an inflammatory autoimmune neuritis wherein T-cells The major phospholipid in surfactant is dipalmitoyl
formed in response to a viral illness mistakenly attack phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), and it is complexed with
the myelin sheath of peripheral nerves. The myelin a number of small proteins (surfactant proteins A, B,
sheaths are composed primarily of sphingolipids and and C). While small amounts of sphingomyelin may be
phospholipids and do not contain high-density lipo- present in surfactant, DPPC is the major component.
proteins, elastin, glycogen, or a significant level of gly- The structure of DPPC is shown below.
coprotein. A view of demyelination is shown below.
Dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine,
the major component of lung surfactant
Axon of
nerve fiber
disease (GM
Lactosyl XXX
7 The answer is D: A common mutated subunit is present in degrading ceramide leads to Farber disease, a defect in
in the multiple activities. The hexosaminidase A gene ceramidase. Farber disease is similar to Krabbe disease,
encodes the hex A protein, and the hexosaminidase but often presents with hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.
B gene encodes the hex B protein. Hexosaminidase A See Table 16.1 in the next answer for a summary of all
activity requires a complex of hex A and hex B proteins; the sphingolipidoses and the material that accumulates
hexosaminidase B activity only requires a complex of within the lysosomes. Additionally, the figure associated
hex B proteins. Tay–Sachs disease is a defect in the hex with the answer to question 6 of this chapter depicts the
A protein, affecting only hex A activity. Sandhoff disease metabolic blocks of the sphingolipidoses.
is a defect in the hex B protein, which affects both hex
A and hex B activity, due to the sharing of a common 9 The answer is C: Glucosylceramide. The child has a form
subunit between the two proteins. hex A and hex B are of Gaucher disease, which is a defect in a glucosidase
not in an operon (which is only operative in bacteria); in which removes glucose from glucosylceramide. The
fact, the genes are on different chromosomes. There is an accumulation of glucosylcerebroside in the lysosomes
activating protein for hex A activity, but not hex B activ- leads to the observed symptoms. Defects in degrad-
ity (a loss of the activating protein is known as Sandhoff ing galactosylceramide lead to Krabbe disease, which
activator disease, with symptoms very similar to Tay– does not result in hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. A
Sachs disease). There are no mutations in transcriptional defect in degrading sulfatide leads to metachromatic
control proteins (either an activator or inhibitor) in Tay– leukodystrophy, which has different symptoms than
Sachs or Sandhoff disease. The interactions of the hex A what the child is experiencing. A defect in the degrada-
and hex B proteins are shown in the figure below. tion of sphingomyelin leads to Niemann–Pick disease,
with a different set of symptoms than that seen with
Sandhoff activator protein Gaucher disease. A defect in degrading ceramide leads
+ to Farber disease, a defect in ceramidase, with more
severe symptoms than those observed in Gaucher dis-
hexosaminidase A (α2 β2) ease. Table 16-1 summarizes the sphingolipidoses, the
Block in Sandhoff disease enzyme defect, and the material that accumulates. Uti-
Block in Tay–Sachs disease lize this table with the figure associated with the answer
GM2 Ceramide Glc Gal NAcGal to question 6 of this chapter for a thorough understand-
ing of the consequences of the sphingolipidoses.
Sialic acid
10 The answer is E: I-cell disease. The sphingolipidoses
Hexosaminidase A or B ( β4) and I-cell disease are both lysosomal storage diseases,
Block in Sandhoff disease whereas the other disorders listed do not involve
lysosomal dysfunction. Mitochondrial myopathy,
Globoside ceramide Glc Gal Gal NAcGal
encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke (MELAS) is a
Substrate specificities of hexosaminidase A and B, and the function mitochondrial disorder, and Zellweger’s is a disorder of
of the activator protein. Defects in the β-subunit inactivate both hex peroxisomal biogenesis. G6PDH (glucose-6-phosphate
A and hex B activities, leading to GM2 and globoside accumulation. dehydrogenase) deficiency and von Gierke disease are
A defect in Sandhoff activator protein also leads to GM2 accumulation, single gene mutations which do not alter lysosomal
as hex A activity is reduced. Defects in the α-subunit only inactivate function (although type II glycogen storage disease,
hex A activity, such that hex B activity toward globoside is unaffected. Pompe disease, is a lysosomal storage disease).
Glc, glucose; Gal, galactose; NAcGal, N-acetylgalactosamine.
11 The answer is E: N-acetylgalactosamine. Tay–Sachs is
8 The answer is A: Galactosylceramide. The child has a defect in hexosaminidase A, which removes the ter-
Krabbe disease, a mutation in a galactosidase, which minal N-acetylgalactosamine residue from ganglioside
cannot remove galactose from galactose cerebroside GM2, producing the free sugar and GM3. Hexosamini-
(an inability to break the bond between galactose and dase A does not cleave glucose, ceramide, sphingosine,
ceramide). The buildup of galactose–ceramide leads to or the fatty acyl component of ceramide from GM2; it is
the neuronal and muscle damage seen in the child. An specific for N-acetylgalactosamine.
inability to degrade a sulfatide would lead to metachro-
matic leukodystropy, which has very different symptoms 12 The answer is E: Inositol. Lithium primarily inhibits
than Krabbe disease. An inability to degrade glucosyl- the phosphatase which converts inositol phosphate to
ceramide leads to Gaucher disease, again, with a very free inositol, thereby disrupting the phosphatidylinositol
different disease progression than that seen with Krabbe cycle, leading to increased levels of the intermediates of
disease. A defect in the degradation of sphingomyelin the cycle, which are often signaling molecules. Lithium
leads to Niemann–Pick disease, with a different set of does not affect the generation of diacylglycerol, inosi-
symptoms than that seen with Krabbe disease. A defect tol trisphosphate (IP3), inositol bisphosphate (IP2), or
inositol phosphate (IP); it affects just the conversion of phosphatidylinositol cycle). As such, it must face
IP to free inositol and a phosphate. the cytoplasm of the cell such that when the inositol
phosphate derivatives are produced, such as IP3, they
13 The answer is C: To mark cells for recognition by outside can move to their target receptors to elicit a cellular
systems. By having different phospholipid composi- response. Inositol contains six hydroxyl groups and
tions of the inner and outer leaflets of membranes, one is a very hydrophilic molecule. Inositol’s structure is
can utilize phospholipid head groups (which face the quite different from glucose (there is no carbonyl group
aqueous phase of their leaflet) as markers for “inside” in inositol), so it is unlikely that glucose and inositol
and “outside” the membrane structure. For example, the would compete for binding to the same receptors. Phos-
exposure of phosphatidyl serine on the “outside” of red phatidylinositol does not bind to phosphatidylserine in
blood cells as is seen in spur cell anemia is a signal for the inner leaflet of membranes. Inositol also does not
the removal of the cells from circulation by the spleen, interact with the actin cytoskeleton.
as the serine residue should be facing the “inside” of the
red blood cell. Spur cells are large red blood cells cov- 15 The answer is B: Hydrogen and ionic bonds. The
ered with spikelike projections from preferential over- high concentration of negative charges provided by
expansion of outer membrane components, leading to a the proteoglycans attracts cations that create a high
spurlike shape. Movement of the phospholipid is a sig- osmotic pressure within cartilage, drawing water into
nal of cell aging. The melting temperature of the mem- this specialized connective tissue and placing the col-
brane is better determined by the fatty acid composition lagen network under tension. The water remains due
of the phospholipids, not the head group composition. to hydrogen bond formation with the proteoglycans. At
Not all phospholipids are represented in all membranes equilibrium, the resulting tension balances the swell-
(for example, cardiolipin is found almost exclusively in ing pressure caused by the proteoglycans. Cartilage can
the mitochondria). Assymetric phospholipid compo- thus withstand the compressive load of weight bearing
sitions do not distinguish one organelle from another and then re-expand to it previous dimensions when that
(that is primarily due to protein content), and assymetry load is relieved. Disulfide bonds and covalent bonds do
in phospholipid composition may promote fusion (ves- not play a role in proteoglycan stabilization of joints.
icles need to bud from and fuse with other membranes,
particularly in the Golgi apparatus). 16 The answer is D: Glucosamine. While aspirin and
acetaminophen may provide short-term relief, the
14 The answer is C: Phosphatidylinositol acts as a sub- use of glucosamine may help to rebuild the pro-
strate for intracellular processes. Phosphatidylinositol teoglycan layer in the knees, reducing the osteoar-
is used as the substrate to provide signaling mol- thritis (although medical studies are controversial
ecules in response to the appropriate stimuli (the concerning the use of glucosamine and glucosamine
sulfate, in terms of providing relief from joint pain). inclusion of glucosamine derivatives in three of the five
Sphingomyelin and inositol are not important compo- repeating disaccharide units.
nents of the cartilage in joints. Proteoglycans contain
long carbohydrate chains, which consist of repeat-
ing disaccharide units (see the figure below). Note the 17 The answer is C: Lysosomal hydrolases. In I-cell disease,
the lysosomal hydrolases are mistargeted and are excreted
from cells into the circulation. As the pH of the blood is
Hyaluronate above 7 and the pH optimum of these enzymes is around
COO– CH2OH 5, there is no activity of the hydrolases in blood. In Hurler
H H H H syndrome, a defect in the degradation of mucopolysac-
charides, there is an accumulation of dermatan and hepa-
OH H H O HO H H ran sulfate in the urine, but not in the blood. Short-chain
dicarboxylic acids are produced with a defect in medium
chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and cytochrome c release
Glucuronic β( N-acetyl-
into the cytoplasm of cells from mitochondria is the sig-
acid glucosamine
nal to initiate apoptosis.
– 18 The answer is A: Phospholipids and proteins. The
O O woman is experiencing the symptoms of multiple sclero-
H H O HO H O sis, a demyelinating disease. In this disorder, the myelin
OH H H H H H sheath around nerves degenerates, eventually interfer-
ing with nerve conduction due to a lack of insulation
H OH H NHCOCH3 (see the figure below for a schematic representation of
Glucuronic β( N-acetyl- the myelin sheath in the central nervous system). The
acid galactosamine myelin sheath is composed primarily of phospholipids
and proteins. Triacylglycerol and gangliosides are not
Heparin found in the sheath.
Iduronic α( Glucosamine
Keratan sulfate
Galactose β( N-acetyl-
glucosamine Oligodendroglial
Cytoplasm of Node of
Glucuronic β( N-acetyl- oligodendroglial cell Ranvier Mitochondrion
acid galactosamine
The oligodendroglial cells synthesize the myelin sheath found sur-
Repeating disaccharide units found in glycosaminoglycans. rounding the neurons in the central nervous system.
19 The answer is B: Phospholipids. The woman has primary 20 The answer is B: Glycosaminoglycans. Fluoroquinolones
antiphospholipid syndrome (Hughes syndrome), in have been associated with spontaneous tendon rupture
which the body produces antibodies against its own yielding the classic histopathologic findings as described
phospholipids and protein/phospholipid complexes in the case. Other risk factors for Achilles tendon rup-
(the major one being an anticardiolipin antibody). These ture include steroid injections into the tendon, gout,
antibodies will bind to proteins involved in coagulation rheumatoid arthritis, and renal transplantation. During
and increase the risk of blood clots. Antibodies directed tendon degeneration, glycosaminoglycan synthesis is
against cytochrome c, DNA, RNA splicing proteins increased in the extracellular matrix material of the ten-
(which occurs in SLE), or ribosomes are not observed don. Cholesterol, HDL, and triglyceride have no func-
in this disorder. tion in the tendon rupture. In addition, sphingosine is
also not found in the extracellular matrix of the tendon.
Lipid Metabolism
This chapter quizzes the student on the flow molecular defect in this patient is present in which of
and storage of lipids (primarily cholesterol and the following proteins?
triglyceride) throughout the body. (A) HMG-CoA reductase
(B) AMP-activated protein kinase
QUESTIONS (C) Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase
Select the single best answer.
(D) ABC1
(E) Cholesterol ester transfer protein
1 You have a patient whose blood work indicates high
total cholesterol and elevated liver enzymes. You 5 Current American Heart Association Guidelines indicate
place him on cholestyramine to lower his cholesterol. that an adult male should have HDL levels equal to or
Cholestyramine acts to lower cholesterol by inhibiting greater than 40 mg/dL. A necessary enzyme contribut-
which of the following enzymes/pathways? ing to HDL’s protective effect is which of the following?
(A) HMG-CoA reductase (A) CETP
(B) Hepatic cholesterol synthesis (B) LCAT
(C) Release of bile salts from the gall bladder (C) ACAT
(D) Enterohepatic circulation reabsorption of bile salts (D) AMP-activated protein kinase
(E) The production of chylomicrons (E) Protein kinase A
2 You have placed a patient on Pravachol pravastatin to 6 Many clinical labs report lipid values using a calculated
reduce her cholesterol. This class of drugs is effective value for LDL. This calculation estimates the cholesterol
due to a direct inhibition of which of the following? content in which of the following particles under fasting
(A) Medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD)
(B) HMG-CoA synthase
(C) HMG-CoA reductase
(D) Carnitine acyltransferase 1 (CAT-1)
(E) Citrate lyase
(E) Chylomicron
3 A knockout mouse was created in which the ability to 7 Statins are ineffective in lowering cholesterol levels in
create conjugated bile salts was greatly impaired. The individuals with homozygous familial hypercholester-
net result of this mutation in a mouse fed a normal diet olemia due to which of the following?
is which of the following?
(A) HMG-CoA reductase is resistant to statins
(A) Steatorrhea
(B) Statins cannot enter the liver cells
(B) Elevated levels of chylomicrons
(C) LDL receptors are nonfunctional
(C) Deficiency of B vitamins
(D) Reverse cholesterol transport is inoperative in these
(D) Reduced pH in the intestinal lumen patients
(E) Reduced secretion of pancreatic zymogens (E) LCAT is resistant to statin action
4 A patient has enlarged orange tonsils, hepatosplenom- 8 You see a patient who has steatorrhea, with very low lev-
egaly, loss of sensation in hands and feet, and cloud- els of chylomicrons and VLDL in the circulation. Circu-
ing of the corneas. His HDL levels are 18 mg/dL. The lating triglyceride levels are extremely low. Examination
(A) Increased activity of ACAT within the foam cell indicated a substantial increase in the level of lipoprotein
(B) Increased activity of LCAT within the foam cell (a). Such a result would suggest which of the following?
(C) Constant SR-A1 expression on the cell surface (A) Substantially reduced risk for cardiovascular com-
(D) Upregulation of HMG-CoA reductase plications
(E) Increased activity of the LDL receptor (B) No change in risk for cardiovascular complications
(C) Increased risk for cardiovascular complications
18 A patient, 45-year-old male, BMI of 25, has had a his- (D) Increased platelet count
tory of elevated cholesterol (~300 mg/dL), with normal (E) Decreased platelet count
triglyceride levels (~125 mg /dL), and HDL levels
(48 mg /dL). Treatment with statins has reduced his
serum cholesterol to 180 mg /dL. The patient’s father 20 A 16-year-old male presents to you with xanthomas on
had a similar history and died of a heart attack at age 48. the extensor tendons of the hand and Achilles tendon
A potential mutation in this patient would be in which and arthritis of the knees. He has had one previous
of the following proteins? heart attack, despite normal cholesterol levels. Further
(A) LCAT analysis of his serum showed greatly elevated levels of
(B) CETP plant sterols. The molecular defect in this patient is most
(C) ABC1 likely in which of the following proteins?
(D) Apo B100 (A) Apo B100
(E) LDL receptor (B) Apo B48
(C) ABC1
19 A patient sees his or her physician for continuing treat- (D) ABCG5
ment of hypercholesterolemia. Recent blood work has (E) MTTP
2NADPH + 2H+
Bile reductase BY STATINS
Pancreas Stomach CoA-SH
bladder C O–
Common CH2
bile duct
Enterohepatic CH2
carrying CH2OH
bile salts
5% 3 The answer is A: Steatorrhea. The primary reason for
Feces synthesizing conjugated bile acids is to lower the pKa of
the acid, so that a higher percentage of the acid will be
2 The answer is C: HMG-CoA reductase. The first ionized in the intestine. The greater a bile acid is ionized,
stage of cholesterol synthesis leads to the produc- the more efficient the emulsification is for the digestion
tion of the intermediate mevalonate. Two molecules of the triglyceride. Without conjugation with glycine or
of acetyl-CoA condense to form acetoacetyl-CoA taurine, the pKa of the bile salts is about 6.0; at a pH of
which condenses with another acetyl-CoA to form 6.0, only 50% of the bile salts will be ionized in the intes-
β-hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA). HMG- tinal lumen, which would produce inefficient triglyceride
CoA synthase catalyses this step. Next, HMG-CoA digestion, and the triglyceride content of the stool would
reductase catalyzes the reduction of HMG-CoA increase. By reducing the pKa to 4.0 (conjugated with
to mevalonate. Statins (the class of drugs to which glycine) or 2.0 (conjugated with taurine), greater than
pravastatin belongs) directly inhibit HMG-CoA 99% of the bile acids will be ionized, and triglyceride
reductase, so mevalonate cannot be formed and cho- digestion will be maximal. If an inability to conjugate the
lesterol synthesis cannot continue. Statins do not bile acids leads to inefficient triglyceride digestion, then
inhibit the enzymes MCAD (required for fatty acid intestinal chylomicron formation will be reduced, not
elevated (due to reduction of lipid uptake into the entero- acids will not affect the pH of the intestinal lumen, nor
cyte). Transport of the water soluble B vitamins into the will it affect the secretion of zymogens from the pancreas
intestinal cells is not dependent on lipid digestion, as is to the intestine. The reactions involved in the conjuga-
fat-soluble vitamin absorption. The conjugation of bile tion of the bile acids are shown below.
Cholic acid
Cholyl CoA
pKa 6
+ +
C SO3– C
Taurocholic acid Glycocholic acid
pKa 2 pKa 4
4 The answer is D: ABC1. The patient has Tangier disease, 5 The answer is B: LCAT. HDL is protective, in part, due
which is a defect in the ATP-binding cassette protein 1 to its ability to remove excess cholesterol from cell mem-
(ABC1), a transporter in cell membranes which allows branes and return it to the liver. In order to accomplish
cholesterol efflux from the membrane into the HDL par- this, the cholesterol, after transport to the HDL particle
ticle. Once inside the HDL particle, the cholesterol is via the participation of ABC1, needs to be trapped within
trapped through esterification into a cholesterol ester. the core of the HDL particle, and this is accomplished by
The HDL particle can then return the cholesterol to the esterification and converting the cholesterol to a choles-
liver for further recycling. The defect in the patient is terol ester. LCAT (lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase) is
not in HMG-CoA reductase (required for the biosynthe- the enzyme that creates a cholesterol ester. The reaction,
sis of cholesterol), the AMP-activated kinase (a regula- on page 153, is the transfer of a fatty acid from phos-
tor of HMG-CoA reductase), LCAT (lecithin-cholesterol phatidyl choline (lecithin) to cholesterol, creating the
acyltransferase, the enzyme which esterifies cholesterol cholesterol ester and lysophosphatidyl choline. ACAT
in the HDL particle), or CETP (cholesterol ester trans- (acyl-CoA cholesterol acyl transferase) creates choles-
fer protein, a protein which exchanges HDL cholesterol terol esters in cells, but not in the HDL particles. CETP
esters for VLDL triglyceride). exchanges HDL cholesterol esters for VLDL triglyceride.
LCAT Receptor-mediated
R2 C O
Cholesterol ester Golgi
O Lysosome
Cholesterol Amino acids
HC OH Fatty acids
LDL receptor
O synthesis
+ Cholesterol
HC O P O CH2CH2N(CH3)3 ester droplet
Nucleus Endoplasmic
Lysolecithin reticulum
chylomicrons or VLDL. A schematic of MTTP action of insulin, LPL levels are low, and the particles have a
is shown below. longer half-life in circulation due to the reduced rate of
digestion, which contributes to hypertriglyceridemia. If
ER Lumen there were reduced synthesis of VLDL, triglycerides in
the circulation would be reduced, not increased. Insulin
Apo B-48 ApoB Larger does not alter the rate of apolipoprotein CII production.
particle ApoB To Golgi The release of insulin decreases fatty acid oxidation
particle for maturation
MTP MTP and secretion (promoting fatty acid synthesis), but if increased fatty
acid oxidation did occur, then triglycerides would not
LIPID TG accumulate in the circulation. Insulin also does not alter
Ribosome Cytoplasm the synthesis of apolipoprotein B100 in the liver, which
is required for VLDL synthesis.
A model of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) action.
MTTP is required to transfer lipid to apo B48 as it is synthesized, and 10 The answer is C: Apo CII. A lack of apolipoprotein
to transfer lipid from the cytoplasm to the lumen of the endoplasmic CII would mean that lipoprotein lipase could not be
reticulum as the particle (chylomicrons in the intestine, and VLDL in activated, and the triglyceride in both chylomicrons and
the liver) is being synthesized. VLDL would be unable to be digested. This would lead to
elevated levels of these particles, and a very high serum
triglyceride level. Since VLDL is not being converted to
9 The answer is D: Reduced secretion of LPL. Insulin IDL or LDL cholesterol levels are not elevated. Defects in
release stimulates the secretion of lipoprotein lipase either apo B100 or apo B48 would lead to a loss of either
(LPL) from fat and muscle cells such that the capillaries VLDL or chylomicrons, which is not observed. A defect
infiltrating these tissues have the lipase bound to extra- in pancreatic lipase would lead to steatorrhea, as the
cellular matrix material. Then, as the triglyceride-rich dietary triglycerides would not be able to be digested. A
particles move through the tissues, they bind to LPL defect in LCAT would affect HDL metabolism, but not
via apolipoprotein CII, and the triglyceride is digested triglyceride metabolism. An overview of the functions of
and the fatty acids used by the tissues. In the absence the lipoproteins is presented in Table 17-1.
Apo A-1 Intestine, liver 28,016 HDL (chylomicrons) Activates LCAT; structural component
of HDL
Apo A-II Liver 17,414 HDL (chylomicrons) Unknown
Apo A-IV Intestine 46,465 HDL (chylomicrons) Unknown
Apo B-48 Intestine 264,000 Chylomicrons Assembly and secretion of chylomi-
crons from small bowel
Apo B-100 Liver 540,000 VLDL, IDL, LDL VLDL assembly and secretion;
structural protein of VLDL, IDL, and
LDL; ligand for LDL receptor
Apo C-1 Liver 6,630 Chylomicrons, VLDL, Unknown; may inhibit hepatic uptake
IDL, HDL of chylomicron and VLDL remnants
Apo C-II Liver 8,900 Chylomicrons, VLDL, Cofactor activator of lipoprotein lipase
Apo C-III Liver 8,800 Chylomicrons, VLDL, Inhibitor of LPL; may inhibit hepatic
IDL, HDL uptake of chylomicrons and VLDL
Apo E Liver 34,145 Chylomicron remnants, Ligand for binding of several lipopro-
VLDL, IDL, HDL teins to the LDL receptor, to the LDL
receptor-related protein (LRP) and
possibly to a separate apo-E receptor
Apo(a) Liver Lipoprotein “little” Unknown
a (Lp(a))
11 The answer is D: Secretin. Secretin is released from the 13 The answer is C: Apolipoprotein E. The patient has dys-
intestine when food enters, and it signals the pancreas betalipoproteinemia, a mutation in apolipoprotein E,
to release a watery mixture of bicarbonate into the intes- such that the patient exhibits the rare E2 form instead
tine, in order to help neutralize the acid present from of the normal E3 form. Apolipoprotein E has affinity for
the digestion that occurred in the stomach. If the pH the LDL receptor and the LDL receptor-related protein
of the intestinal lumen is too low, the bile salts will not and, as such, is important for chylomicron remnant and
be ionized, and emulsification of the dietary fats will be IDL uptake from the circulation by the liver. With the
inefficient, as will be the formation of mixed micelles to homozygous E2 form, binding of the particles to their
allow intestinal absorption of fat components. Digestion receptors is weak, and the particles circulate longer than
of carbohydrates and protein is not dependant on bile normal, contributing to the high cholesterol and triglyc-
salt ionization. A loss of cholecystokinin would result eride levels seen in the circulation. Only about 10% of
in no pancreatic zymogens being secreted, and there the individuals who are homozygous for E2 will develop
would be no digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, or this condition, and in those, obesity (BMI of 34) is a key
lipids within the intestine. A lack of insulin secretion, factor which links the condition to the mutation. This
or glucagon secretion, does not affect digestion in the disorder is not a problem with lipoprotein lipase (LPL)
intestinal lumen. Cortisol secretion also does not alter digesting triglycerides from particles, so neither LPL nor
intestinal digestion of nutrients. apo CII is defective. As both chylomicrons and VLDL
are produced, it is not a defect in either apo B48 or B100
12 The answer is B: Oxidized LDL. Oxidized LDL is taken production or function.
up by macrophages, which eventually turn into foam
cells in the development of an atherosclerotic plaque. 14 The answer is B: Coenzyme Q. Coenzyme Q is derived
The higher one’s LDL levels are, the more likely that from isoprene units, which are produced in the path-
oxidized LDL will form, leading to plaque formation. way of cholesterol biosynthesis, after the HMG-CoA
The receptor which recognizes and takes up oxidized reductase step. If HMG-CoA reductase is inhibited (as
LDL, SR-A1, is not downregulated, so the macrophage it is by statins), then the production of the isoprenes is
has an unlimited capacity to take up and store the oxi- also reduced, and both Coenzyme Q and dolichol lev-
dized LDL. Plaque formation does not occur due to els could become limiting. The biosynthesis of heme,
elevated levels of nonoxidized LDL, HDL of any form, ketone bodies, glycogen, or dihydrobiopterin is not
or triglycerides. A cartoon depiction of a normal and an dependent on isoprene units.
atherosclerotic artery is shown below.
Atherosclerosis: The consequence of
high cholesterol
15 The answer is B: To reduce circulating choles-
terol levels. Phytosterols interfere with cholesterol
absorption in the intestine (through blockage of choles-
terol incorporation into the mixed micelles, which are
When the level of
cholesterol in the
necessary for intestinal epithelial cells to absorb dietary
Outer bloodstream is cholesterol), thereby leading to a reduction in circulat-
layer normal, arterial
walls remain ing cholesterol levels. The phytosterols do not interfere
smooth and with the biosynthesis of cholesterol, nor do they alter
the secretion of insulin. Phytosterols are also not capa-
ble of altering the rate of fatty acid biosynthesis, nor do
Lining they affect circulating triglyceride levels. The effect of
phytosterols is specific for the inhibition of cholesterol
layer absorption from the intestine.
in the intestine. Table 17-2 summarizes the action of heart attacks are common in such patients before the
cholesterol lowering drugs. age of 50. This condition is treated with statins, which
reduce endogenous cholesterol synthesis, thereby lead-
17 The answer is C: Constant SR-A1 expression on the cell ing to an upregulation of LDL receptors, which allows
surface. The macrophages take up oxidized LDL for normal LDL uptake from the circulation. Muta-
using a scavenger receptor, SR-A1, which is not down- tions in LCAT (familial LCAT deficiency) are rare and
regulated. This allows the receptor to remain on the cell do not often lead to premature atherosclerotic disease
surface and to constantly import oxidized LDL into the (although some exceptions are noted), but do lead to
cell. The high levels of cholesterol in the foam cells is kidney and corneal damage due to large amounts of
not due to a change in activity of ACAT or LCAT (which unesterified cholesterol present in those tissues. HDL
is found in HDL particles), nor is there upregulation level in these individuals is usually less than 10 mg/
of HMG-CoA reductase (which would produce more dL, which is not observed in our patient. Mutations in
endogenous cholesterol, which is unlikely since the cell CETP (cholesterol ester transfer protein) lead to eleva-
is filled with cholesterol and cholesterol esters). Mac- tions in HDL levels and would not be responsive to
rophages do not use the LDL receptor for importing statin action. Mutations in ABC1 lead to Tangier dis-
oxidized LDL. ease, which would lead to a reduction in HDL levels,
which is not seen in this patient. A deficiency in apo
18 The answer is E: LDL receptor. The patient is heterozy- B100 would impair VLDL synthesis and would actu-
gous for a mutation in the LDL receptor (familial hyper- ally reduce circulating LDL levels since there is less
cholesterolemia). This condition leads to elevated LDL VLDL present to be converted to LDL. The diagram on
levels since there are insufficient receptors available page 157 depicts potential problems which result from
to remove LDL from the circulation. If left untreated, defects in the LDL receptor.
Position 13
Increased blood
p Mutation of cholesterol and
gene 19p13 atherosclerosis
Coronary artery
q atherosclerosis
with coronary
occlusion and
Chromosome 19 Defective lipoprotein receptor; myocardial infarction
cannot capture cholesterol for
excretion into bile
with aortic aneurysm
19 The answer is C: Increased risk for cardiovascular complica- the bile duct, where they will be released along with
tions. Lipoprotein (a) is an LDL particle with a covalently the bile during fat digestion. In the absence of activity
linked apoprotein A (linked to apoprotein B100) attached of either ABCG5 or ABCG8, the phytosterols are pack-
to the particle. The presence of this unusual lipoprotein aged into chylomicrons and are eventually delivered to
particle has been positively correlated with the presence the liver, where they are packaged into VLDL. While
of heart disease. The role of this particle is unknown, but human cells cannot utilize phytosterols, their increased
may be related to coagulation, since apoprotein A resem- presence interferes with the synthesis of cholesterol and
bles plasminogen in structure. Lp (a) levels do not regu- the normal cholesterol recycling within the affected
late the levels of platelets in the circulation. patient. Patients with this disorder develop premature
coronary artery disease. It has been hypothesized that
20 The answer is D: ABCG5. The patient has sitoster- the high levels of plant sterols in the circulating lipopro-
olemia, an accumulation of plant sterols (phytosterols) tein particles accelerate the deposition of these sterols in
in cells and tissues. Under normal conditions, phy- the walls of the arteries, promoting atherosclerosis. This
tosterols can diffuse into the epithelial cells, but they disorder is not due to mutations in either apo B100 or
are actively transported back into the intestinal lumen apo B48, as both VLDL and chylomicrons are synthe-
by an ABC-cassette (ATP-binding) containing protein, sized normally in the patient. The defect is not in ABC1,
ABCG5 (the other protein responsible for phytosterol as the patient does not display the symptoms of Tangier
efflux is ABCG8).Those sterols which make it to the disease. The defect is also not in MTTP, as a defect in
liver are exported by the same proteins in the liver to that protein leads to abetalipoproteinemia.
Purine Structure
and Function
The questions in this chapter will test ones (A) Adenine
knowledge concerning de novo and salvage (B) Thymine
pathways related to nucleotide metabolism, as (C) Uracil
well as the relevance of these pathways to human (D) Cytosine
disease, and the treatment of human disease. (E) Ribose-5-phosphate
15 A 6-month-old boy was brought to the pediatrician due to 19 The primary route of carbon entry into the tetrahydro-
frequent bacterial and viral infections. Blood work shows folate (THF) pool is via the serine hydroxymethyl trans-
the complete absence of B and T cells. Radiographic anal- ferase reaction. Which of the following is required to
ysis shows a greatly reduced thymic shadow. Treatment of convert that initial form of the THF into the form that
the child with a stabilized protein reverses the deficien- can donate carbons to de novo purine synthesis?
cies. This protein has which of the following activities? (A) Glycine
(A) Converts IMP to XMP (B) FAD
(B) Converts adenine to AMP (C) Water
(C) Converts guanine to GMP (D) B12
(D) Converts adenosine to inosine (E) B6
(E) Converts guanosine to inosine
20 Many anticancer drugs are given to patients in their
16 Concerning the patient in the previous questions, which nucleoside form, rather than the nucleotide form.
metabolite will accumulate in the blood cells? Which enzyme below will be required in the conversion
(A) dUTP of deoxyguanosine to dGTP?
(B) dCTP (A) Pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase
(C) dATP (B) Deoxyguanosine kinase
(D) dGTP (C) Ribonucleotide reductase
(E) dTTP (D) Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
(E) 5′-nucleotidase
17 Concerning the patient discussed in the last two ques-
tions, one possible reason for the lack of immune cells
is inhibition of which of the following enzymes?
(B) Purine nucleoside phosphorylase
(C) Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
(D) Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
(E) Ribonucleotide reductase
Guanosine Inosine
Pi Pi dihydrofolate reductase
4 The answer is B: Thymidylate synthase. 5-fluorouracil is a 6 The answer is C: Orotate. The child has hereditary
thymine analog (thymine is 5-methyl uracil), which, after orotic aciduria, a mutation in the UMP synthase that
activation in the cells to F-dUMP, binds tightly to thymi- leads to orotic acid accumulation in the urine (see the
dylate synthase and blocks the enzyme from converting figure below). Treatment with uridine bypasses the
dUMP to dTMP (see the figure below). By blocking thy- block and allows UTP, CTP, and dTTP synthesis. Uri-
midine synthesis, cells can no longer synthesize DNA and dine treatment also has the beneficial effect of blocking
will not replicate. 5-FU has no direct effect on dihydro-
folate reductase, amidophosphoribosyl transferase, PRPP –
synthase, or UMP synthase. The figure also indicates the C
effect of methotrexate on dihydrofolate reductase.
+H N
3 COO–
O Aspartate
Carbamoyl Pi
5-Fluorouracil O O
HN thymidylate synthase HN
C CH –
N 5,N 10- H
Deoxyribose-P Methylene FH4 Deoxyribose-P
FH2 aspartate
dihydrofolate reductase
5 The answer is A: PRPP. The patient has von Gierke Orotic acid
disease, a lack of glucose-6-phosphatase activity. When (orotate)
this individual tries to produce glucose for export in Orotate
the liver, glucose-6-phosphate accumulates, which phosphoribosyl-
transferase PPi
then goes through either glycolysis (generating lac-
tate) or the HMP shunt pathway, producing excess O
ribose-5-phosphate. The excess ribose-5-phosphate is
converted to PRPP, which then stimulates the amido- HN
phosphoribosyl transferase reaction (the rate-limiting
step of purine production) to produce 5′-phosphoribo- O N COO–
syl 1′-amine. This last reaction occurs because under R-5- P
normal cellular conditions, the concentrations of PRPP OMP
and glutamine are significantly below the Km values for
amidophosphoribosyl transferase. Any cellular pertur- Orotidine 5´-P
bation that increases PRPP levels, then, will increase CO2
the rate of the reaction, producing purines that are not
required by the cell. This leads to degradation of the
excess purines, producing urate and leading to gout. HN 3
The lactic acidosis associated with von Gierke disease 2 6
also blocks the transport of urate from the blood into O N
the urine, which contributes to the elevated uric acid R-5- P
levels seen in these patients. Von Gierke disease does
not lead to elevated glutamine, ATP, NADH, or dTTP
levels. Block in hereditary orotic aciduria