Defence Technology: Ernst-Christian Koch
Defence Technology: Ernst-Christian Koch
Defence Technology: Ernst-Christian Koch
Defence Technology
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Article history: Thermal batteries are unique direct current (DC) electrical power sources with long shelf live, high
Received 2 January 2019 reliability and higher power density than classical alkaline batteries. This paper gives a brief overview
Received in revised form into the working principle of thermal batteries and reviews the properties of zirconium/barium chromate
28 January 2019
(Zr/BaCrO4) pyrolant previously used as first fire and iron/potassium perchlorate (Fe/KClO4) pyrolant
Accepted 26 February 2019
(Heat), commonly applied as heating pellet in thermal batteries and its hazard properties. The review
Available online 1 March 2019
gives 64 references to the public domain. CAS-Nos. Zr: [7440-67-7], BaCrO4: [10294-40-3], Fe: [7439-89-
6], KClO4: [7778-74-7], Viton: [9011-17-0].
Barium chromate
CAS-Nos. Zr: [7440-67-7], BaCrO4: [10294-40-3], Fe: [7439-89-6], KClO4: [7778-74-7], Viton: [9011-17-0].
Heat-powder © 2019 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Iron license (
Molten salt
Potassium perchlorate
Thermal battery
1. Introduction and general design of thermal batteries price items with limited energy density.
Fig. 2 schematically depicts a typical thermal battery and its
Thermal batteries, also known as thermally activated batteries, components [3]. The cell assembly comprises an anode, the sepa-
thermal reserve batteries or molten salt batteries work in a similar rator with the immobilized electrolyte mixture, the cathode and a
way as regular alkaline batteries however, they contain a solid ionic pyrotechnic heating pellet. Depending on the cell voltage the bat-
as an electrolyte which does not conduct electricity at ambient tery typically contains a stack of several cells. While older battery
temperature and hence the battery does not undergo any kind of designs comprise an external lateral pyrotechnic ignition (fuse
deterioration and can have shelf lives in excess of 25 years. To strip) triggered by an electric match nowadays more commonly an
become activated these batteries require heat input to liquefy the electrical igniter fires down the central cavity of the cell stack to
electrolyte and become electrically conductive. Due to the very high ignite the pyrotechnic pellets [4]. This assembly is rigidly wrapped
electrical conductivity of molten salts thermal batteries provide in multiple layers of thermal insulation and firmly encased in an
higher power densities than classical batteries. Fig. 1 compares a airtight stainless-steel cylinder which bears glass-sealed electrical
thermal battery cell (LixSiy/FeS2) with ambient temperature battery output terminals and terminals for the electrical igniter.
systems Zn/AgO and Li/CF. Both long shelf life and high-power
density make thermal batteries ideal choice for ordnance systems 1.1. Anode material
such as missiles and guided munitions, however they are also high
Lithium is the element of choice for the anode in electro-
chemical applications due to its superior electrochemical potential
(Li/Liþ:- 3.04V) and its high specific Coulombic capacity, due to its
Though part VI Ref. [1] has appeared in 2007 Part V Ref. [2] was not published
low atomic weight and low density (r ¼ 0.534 g cm3). However,
until 2008.
E-mail address:
for practical reasons - as pure lithium has too low a melting point
URL: (mp: 180 C) - compounds such as, LiAl (mp: 700 C), Li13Si4 (mp:
Peer review under responsibility of China Ordnance Society. 722 C), Li7Si3 (mp: 752 C) are used as anode materialism also Li-
2214-9147/© 2019 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E.-C. Koch / Defence Technology 15 (2019) 254e263 255
Fig. 1. Comparison of power and energy density of thermal battery cell with common
ambient temperature cells. Fig. 3. Thermal decomposition of FeS2 NiS2 and CoS2 after Ref. [12].
rich borides also been explored as alternatives to both LiAl and and is a semiconductor in this temperature regime. Hence, cobal-
Li13Si4 [6,7]. Another common anode material is calcium which has t(II) sulfide (CoS2) is used to a greater extent in recent years in
a lower electrochemical potential than lithium but which also bears thermal batteries [11]. Though CoS2 is more expensive than FeS2 it
a higher melting point (mp: 845 C). Typical anodes in batteries are has a favourably higher decomposition temperature of ~650 C (see
not made from pure lithium but comprise about 2/3 of high melting Fig. 3) and exhibits near metal type conductivity at elevated tem-
lithium alloy, immobilized with 2/9 sponge iron powder and 1/9 peratures [12] (Table 1).
electrolyte premix, the latter containing up to 35 wt% MgO as The reactions upon discharge can be summarized by the
porous binder. following Eqs. (2)e(5). In case of cobalt(II) disulfide as the cathode
material a similar sequence is understood to occur [10].
1.2. Cathode
Table 1
Sulfide materials for cathode applications [13].
Similarly, as for the anode the cathode is not pure sulfide ma- 1.4. Thermal activation & discharge
terial but contains electrolyte and porous MgO as both binder and
wetting agent to improve interaction between the electrolyte and The first thermal battery was invented by German Georg Otto
the cathode. Erb in the 1940s and found mass use as a fuse battery in the A4
Another material investigated for thermal batteries is NiS2 ballistic missile. This battery - based on calcium/calcium chromate
which possesses an intermediate decomposition temperature but e did not require a pyrotechnic heating charge but harvested the
similar to FeS2 is a semiconductor too at high temperatures [14]. excess thermal energy provided by the rocket engine [19]. Similarly,
Table 1 displays important properties of sulfides used as cathode thermally activated cells bearing no pyrotechnics are in continuous
materials. use in borehole applications where high temperatures are
encountered. Apart from these applications the use of thermal
batteries in most missiles and projectiles requires an autonomous
1.3. Electrolytes heat source that can be triggered.
To activate thermal batteries pyrotechnic heating pellets are
Typical electrolytes used in molten salt batteries are binary and required which are integrated regularly in the stack of cells as is
ternary eutectics from alkali halide salts such as LiCl-KCl (mp: depicted in Fig. 1. Upon ignition the heat released causes the elec-
352 C) or LiF-LiCl-LiBr (mp: 445 C) [15]. With the binary electro- trolyte to liquefy and the battery starts operating.
lyte precipitation of LiK6Fe24S26Cl phase due to reaction of iron(IV) In order to function in the desired way these pyrotechnics have
sulfide with potassium chloride melt has been observed [16]. For to satisfy a number of requirements, these are:
mechanical stabilization of the molten electrolyte against spin, and
acceleration forces (upon function) it is blended with a binder such No or at least very little permanent gaseous products formation
as porous MgO that contains the molten electrolyte by capillary upon combustion to avoid pressurization of the cell.
forces. Typically, electrolytes comprise between 30 wt% e 35 wt% Upon combustion the composition must maintain its physical
MgO as binder [11]. Table 2 shows the conductivity, k, of various shape and should not melt at any stage.
molten salts in comparison with aqueous ionic solutions. The reacted compacted pellet must be a good electrical
The composition of typical thermal batteries and their perfor- conductor.
mance characteristics are given in Table 3. The reaction should not release excessive heat to avoid
destruction of either anode or cathode.
The reaction should initiate and proceed very rapidly.
Table 2
Electrical Conductivities of various ionic liquids [5,8,11,17,18].
The reaction products should not cause any detrimental reaction
with either anode or cathode.
Ionic liquid/mol% mp/ C k/U1 cm1
LiCl 610 5.83 (at 620 C) Reviews on thermal batteries and on various pyrotechnics, have
NaCl 801 4.17 (at 1000 C been written by Sheptunov [20] Almada et al. [21], Mosier-Boss
KCl 770 2.24 (at 800 C)
et al. [22] and Guidotti & Masset [3,7,10,12,15].
KI 681 1.30 (at 700 C)
LiCl-KCl (58.8/41.2) 354 1.69 (at 475 C)
LiCl-LiI (63/65) 368 3.88 (at 475 C) 2. Pyrotechnic compositions
LiF-LiCl-LiBr (21/23/56) 443 3.21 (at 475 C)
LiF-LiCl-LiBr-NaCl (15/13/62/10) 430 3.16 (at 500 C)
2.1. Igniter composition e zirconium/barium chromate - pyrolant
LiF-LiCl-LiBr-NaBr (15/22/53/10) 430 3.17 (at 500 C)
LiF-LiBr-LiI (13/34/53) 375 3.18 (at 500 C) and heat paper
CaF2 1423 3.56 (at 1550 C)
NaCl solution (1 mol/l H2O) n.a. 0.074 (at 20 C) A pyrotechnic system originally used as pyrotechnic pellet in
Saturated NaCl solution (~5 mol/l H2O) n.a. 0.214 (at 20 C) thermal batteries is the so-called “Heat paper”. Heat paper is a
LiCl solution (1 mol/l H2O) n.a. 0.063 (at 20 C)
glass-fibre substrate impregnated with a pyrolant based on Zr/
Table 3
Typical materials used in thermal battery systems [5,8,11].
Table 4
Enthalpy of Combustion of binary Zr/BaCrO4 mixtures, after Ref. [24].
Fig. 6. DTA of Zr/BaCrO4 (20/80) under Argon and at 40 K min1 heating rate, after ref.
Zr/wt% 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 [29].
Fig. 7. DSC of Zr/BaCrO4/Viton (57/38/5) under Argon at 20K$min1 heating rate after Fig. 8. Adiabatic Combustion temperature of Fe/KClO4 calculated with EKVI [28].
Ref. [30].
Table 6
Properties of NX-1000 iron powder after Ref. [38].
Table 7
Effect of pellet density on breaking strength for (88/12 Fe/KClO4) from Ref. [35].
The combustion rate of Heat pellets increases with temperature but does not vary with thickness of the pellet.
260 E.-C. Koch / Defence Technology 15 (2019) 254e263
Fig. 12. Effect of consolidation Force on density after Ref. [39]. Fig. 15. Influence of density on Burn rate of Two Heat pyrolants after Ref. [19].
Fig. 13. Effect of KClO4 particle size of burn rate and ignition energy for 88/12 IPP after
Ref. [35].
Fig. 16. Influence of density on Burn rate of Heat pyrolants after Ref. [36,40].
Fig. 14. Burn rate measurement setup. *DEB ¼ Depolarizer(CaCrO4), Electrolyte (LiCl-
KCl), Binder (SiO2).
Table 8
Properties of iron powders studied in Ref. [41].
Fig. 18. Electron micrographs of Goodfellow iron powder as quoted by Callaway et al. courtesy of International Pyrotechnics Society [41].
Table 9
Burn rate of consolidated Heat 84/16 as function of pyrolysis temperature [42]. Table 10
Kinetic parameters for (Fe/KClO4) Heat powder [43].
Preparation temperature/ C Burn rate/mm$s
x(Fe)/wt% 82 84 86 88
700 65
900 82 EA/kJ$mol1 215 217 223 228
1000 86 ln A 29.01 29.16 30 29.77
Table 11
Influence of storage conditions on ignition and calorific output.
Environment Exposure time Effect on Ignition Energy Ignition failures Effect on Burn rate Effect on Calorific Output
5. Summary
The author thanks the referees for pointing out errors and in-
a model to describe the combustion of Heat pellets and the consistencies and for sharing valuable information on cathode
temperature evolution of thermal battery stacks comprising reaction.
them [47].
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