Age of Chaucer One Mark
Age of Chaucer One Mark
Age of Chaucer One Mark
Ans: Chaucer
Ans: Knight
Ans: Prioress
Ans: Chaucer
Ans: Friar
Ans: Franklin
Ans: Astronomy
Ans: Dryden
Ans: April
Ans: 10
Ans: French
17) The young Squire who appears in the Canterbury Tales is the son of _______
20) A sailor appears in the prologue to Canterbury Tale. The sailor ship name was
Ans: Maudelayne
Ans: 5 times
Ans: 3 times
24) Which are the tales in “Canterbury Tales” were written in Prose?
Ans: Plowman
Ans: Two
32) Who proposed that every pilgrim should tell two stories?
Ans: No one
Ans: Morning
35) “Therefore he loved Gold in special”. The word ‘he’ refers to whom?
36) Number of pilgrims including the narration or in the prologue conterbury tales are
Ans: 30
37) How many completed tales are there in the Canterbury Tales?
Ans: 24
Ans: Palamon
44) Who are the three men searching for in the Pardoner’s Tale?
Ans: Death
Ans: Nicholas
46) Who gives the brand to the Nicholas?
Ans: Absolon
Ans: 24
59) Which pilgrim carries a brooch inscribed with Latin words meaning “Love Conquers All”?
Ans: The Man of Law’s Tale (Exile of Custance), the Clerk’s Tale (Ordeal of Griselda), and the
Physician’s Tale (Mercy killing of Virginia)
Ans: The Pardoner tries to sell indulgences to the pilgrims, after he has already told them that he
cheats people.
66) Who did Arcite who won the fight with Palamon die?
68) The characters John and Alayn appear in the story of _______
69) The Perkyn who drinks heavily and stays with his friend’s house and his wife who is a
prostitute appears in the tale of _________
71) The conversion of muslims to chrisitians takes place in the story of _________
72) What is the name of the mother of Sultan who is killed by her Sultan in the tale of the man
of Law?
Ans: Hermengyld
73) What is the name of the mother of Alla, the King of Northumberland who is killed by her
son Alla?
Ans: Donegild
Ans: Mauricius
78) The clerk of oxford had twenty books which were written by ________
Ans: Aristotle
Ans: Dryden
Ans: Dryden
81) Who says of Chaucer, “He must have been a man of most wonderful comprehensive soul?
Ans: Dryden
Ans: Dryden
83) Who called Chaucer as the father of our splendid English Poetry?
85) Who says of Chaucer, “He will be read far more generally than he is read now”