Exodus 1 6 Bible Studies Sample
Exodus 1 6 Bible Studies Sample
Exodus 1 6 Bible Studies Sample
God every day for a year
You wouldn’t plan to climb a high and challenging mountain without
taking a skilled guide with you. It’s the same with the Bible. Everyone
needs a little help, especially when we’re talking about understanding with every day for a year
difficult passages and applying them to contemporary living.
Here is some of the best writing in Encounter with God over the past
four years - providing a stimulating, in-depth approach to Bible reading.
Writers include: Dennis Lennon, Alastair Campbell, John Taylor
Encounter with
every day for a year
ËxHSLIPJy9 6706z
97811 85999
85999 670
670 6
T he Bible can be understood in many ways. It is, of course, the
inspired and living Word of God, our primary authority on all
questions of faith and Christian lifestyle. It is our mission
statement and our vision, our insight into the will of God for us. It
is also a collection of writings of vastly different styles written over
a period of many hundreds of years. Simply reading the Bible is
enough to change people’s lives, yet who would say they could not
benefit from new insights into its stories, adventures, prayers
and prophecies?
Bible reading notes help readers place each book of the Bible in its
historical, cultural and biblical context and give guidance on how
we may respond to God’s Word in our daily lives. Published by
Scripture Union every three months, Encounter with God offers daily
notes on every book of the Bible: our syllabus covers the New
Testament in four years and the Old Testament in six.
Encounter with God: every day for a year represents some of the best
writing produced for our Bible reading notes over the last four
years. Our international team of writers, which includes top schol-
ars, and well-known Bible expositors and pastors, have drawn on
their learning and practical experience to trace the story of our
In Exodus we learn how God delivered his people from bondage in
Egypt; chapters 1–39 of Isaiah include prophecies concerning the
coming of the promised Messiah; the Gospels of Luke and John
portray the life and ministry of Jesus, while Ephesians and
Hebrews spell out the significance of his death and resurrection for
believers. Other books fill out the picture and give us a taste of the
varied literary genres the Bible contains.
We do hope you will encounter God in his Word over the next year
in the company of our gifted writers.
If you would like to know more about Scripture Union, or would like to subscribe to
Encounter with God, please contact us at www.scriptureunion.org.uk or write to us
at 207/209 Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK2 2EB.
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Exodus 1–6 Richard Harvey 009
6–18 Dennis Lennon 020
19–24 Desmond Alexander 039
The Writers
Dr T Desmond Alexander is currently Director of Christian
Training for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. He is author of From
Paradise to the Promised Land (Paternoster); The Servant King (IVP), and
The Pentateuch (Paternoster).
Rt Rev Michael Baughen is the retired Bishop of Chester and a
former Rector of All Souls Langham Place. He is the author of a
number of books including The Prayer Principle and Your Marriage.
Rev Merryl Blair is Lecturer in Old Testament studies at Churches
of Christ Theological College, Melbourne.
Rev Dr Alastair Campbell was until recently pastor of the
Kathmandu International Christian Church. Before that he taught
the New Testament at Spurgeon’s College in London.
Dr Andrew Clark is commissioning editor of Encounter with God.
He previously taught in Bible colleges in Hong Kong as an OMF mis-
sionary. He is the author of Parallel Lives, a study of literary parallels
between characters in the book of Acts.
Rev Ian Coffey is a preacher, teacher and writer. He is Senior
Minister at Mutley Baptist Church, Plymouth, and also leader of the
Spring Harvest leadership team.
Ken Edgecombe is a freelance writer and editor. His latest book, on
adolescent faith, is Will they or won’t they? (SU). He is a former
National Director of Scripture Union in New Zealand.
Rev Dr Dick France is an Anglican clergyman and New Testament
teacher. Now retired, he is the former principal of Wycliffe Hall,
Oxford. He has written a number of books including the Tyndale
commentary on Matthew.
Rev John Fieldsend is an Anglican clergyman and a Messianic Jew.
He was born in Czechoslovakia. Now retired, he was previously
director of the Centre for Biblical and Hebraic Studies.
Rev Paul Goodliff is Baptist Union General Superintendent for the
Central region of England. He tutors in pastoral counselling for St
John’s College Extension Studies, and is author of the book Care in a
confused climate.
John Grayston is Director of Bible Ministries for Scripture Union in
England and Wales. He enjoys skiing.
Richard Harvey lectures at All Nations Christian College. He has
an MA in Hebrew and Jewish studies, and was formerly the UK
director of Jews for Jesus.
Dr Pauline Hoggarth is International Bible Ministries Co-ordina-
tor for Scripture Union. Her interests include cooking, gardening,
cinema, and conversation.
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Peter Kimber was until recently Chief Executive and Team Leader
of Scripture Union in England and Wales. Now retired in Edinburgh,
he enjoys golf.
Whitney Kuniholm is the President of Scripture Union in the USA.
He has written a number of books in the area of personal and group
Bible study.
Jonathan Lamb is Associate General Secretary of the International
Fellowship of Evangelical Students, with special responsibility for
Europe. He is a member of the Council of the Evangelical Alliance
and the Keswick Convention.
Rev Dennis Lennon was previously Evangelism Adviser to the
Anglican Diocese of Sheffield. He is married to Sonja and his books
include Weak enough for God to use (SU).
Rev Hans Lindholm is pastor of Lötenkryken, Uppsala, and chair
of Scripture Union in Sweden. Formerly he was General Secretary of
the Swedish IFES-affiliated movement.
Rosemary Linton teaches Christian Spirituality at All Nations
Christian College. A native of Northern Ireland, she taught
missionaries’ children in the Philippines for nine years.
Evelyn Miranda-Feliciano is a best-selling Filipina Christian writer
and a lecturer with the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and
Culture (ISACC).
Rev Dr Steve Motyer is Lecturer in New Testament and
Hermeneutics at London Bible College. He enjoys cycling and
gardening and the company of his teenage children, and is the
author of several books including The Bible with Pleasure (IVP).
Rev Howard Peskett is Vice-Principal at Trinity College, Bristol.
Formerly Research Director of OMF, his publications include Trusting
God in Troubled Times and Isaiah (SU Lifebuilder guide).
Rev Ross Pilkinton is a former Scripture Union worker in New
Zealand. Until recently he lived in Nepal, where he and his wife
Marcelle ran a missionary guest house. He also had pastoral responsi-
bilities with the International Nepal Fellowship.
Morris Stuart serves as pastor of the Truth and Liberation Concern
Community Church in Melbourne’s Outer Eastern suburbs.
Rt Rev John B Taylor is the former Bishop of St Albans, and a
writer on the Old Testament. He is also Honorary Assistant Bishop in
the Diocese of Ely and the Diocese of Europe.
Grace Thomlinson is involved in Christian resource production
and community learning at World Vision, Australia. She has lectured
on Christian Ethics and the Old Testament, and shares music min-
istry with her husband Geoffrey.
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Exodus 1–6
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Lessons for us
As Christians we have much to learn from Exodus. Not only
did God go to even greater lengths to rescue his people, the
church, from slavery to sin, but in Jesus – the Lamb of God
who also was sent to die at Passover – one greater than
Moses came in weakness and humanity, to reveal the power
and love of God.
It is not enough to rely on the witness of previous genera-
tions, or on our own early experience of God’s love. We
need to encounter daily the reality of God. We may face
difficulties today in our life, our work, our health or our
relationships, but this should not cause us to lose hope. We
have in Jesus the strong assurance of God’s presence with
us, and his ability to bring us through our difficulties.
Jewish tradition speaks of the suffering of the slaves, and
reminds us that they looked forward to the promises of God
that would one day be fulfilled: even the most bitter form
of slavery is made sweet with the promise of redemption.
The book of Exodus reveals God in his power, his choosing
of Israel and his instructions to them. It shows the need for
redemption and forgiveness of sin. It teaches us that God is
faithful to his promises, and will provide deliverance from
bondage – whether bondage in Egypt or bondage to sin – to
those that trust in the ‘blood of the Lamb’. As we follow
Moses from his birth to his challenge to Pharaoh to let the
people go, we see the hand of God in all aspects of the story.
We, like Moses, are called to serve a redeeming God.
Richard Harvey
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God’s preparations
Day 2
Looking back, we can see that God has prepared us for the
situations we find ourselves in today. Think of examples
of this in your own life.
Exodus 2:1–10
God has a special task for each one of us. What is God calling you
to today?
It’s wise to take a guide
God every day for a year
You wouldn’t plan to climb a high and challenging mountain without
taking a skilled guide with you. It’s the same with the Bible. Everyone
needs a little help, especially when we’re talking about understanding with every day for a year
difficult passages and applying them to contemporary living.
Here is some of the best writing in Encounter with God over the past
four years - providing a stimulating, in-depth approach to Bible reading.
Writers include: Dennis Lennon, Alastair Campbell, John Taylor
Encounter with
every day for a year
ËxHSLIPJy9 6706z
97811 85999
85999 670
670 6