MAT 461/561: 3.3 Special Matrices: Announcements
MAT 461/561: 3.3 Special Matrices: Announcements
MAT 461/561: 3.3 Special Matrices: Announcements
3 Special Matrices
James V. Lambers
Homework 1 graded (those who turned it in :P), see grade and comments in Canvas gradebook
Practice Midterm Exam: on Lectures page, with solution
Two parts: part 1: 5 “regular” problems, and part 2: “Lightning round”, conceptual questions, like
“Concept Check” (∼10 questions)
Wednesday, Feb 19: review
Special Matrices
For a general system Ax = b, A n × n and invertible, can ALWAYS use Gaussian elimination with
pivoting (LU Decomposition), followed by forward and back substitution, but is it the best way to
Banded Matrices
A banded matrix is a matrix for which all nonzero entries occupy a “band” around the main
• A has upper bandwidth p if aij = 0 whenever j − i > p.
• A has lower bandwidth q if aij = 0 whenever i − j > q.
• The bandwidth of A (number of diagonals with nonzero entries) is p + q + 1.
• We say A is banded if bandwidth < 2n − 1
• If p = q = 1, then A is tridiagonal. If p = q = 2, A is pentadiagonal
• If q = 0, p = 1, then A is upper bidiagonal.
What happens when we perform Gaussian elimination (no pivoting) on a banded matrix?
Example with lower bandwidth 1, upper bandwidth 2:
× × × 0 0
× × × × 0
A= 0 × × × ×
× × ×
0 0
0 0 0 × ×
Eliminate a21 :
× × × 0 0
0 × × × 0
A= 0 × × × ×
× × ×
0 0
0 0 0 × ×
Eliminate a32 :
× × × 0 0
0 × × × 0
A= 0 0 × × ×
× × ×
0 0
0 0 0 × ×
Eliminate a43 and a54 :
× × × 0 0
0 × × × 0
A= 0 0 × × ×
× ×
0 0 0
0 0 0 0 ×
• In each column, only need to eliminate q entries (lower bandwidth), so in the LU Decompo-
sition, L has lower bandwidth q
• Each row operation only affects p entries (upper bandwidth), so U has upper bandwidth p
• Total amount of flops: n − 1 columns, at most q entries to eliminate per column, so O(nq)
row operations, each costing p flops, so total work is O(npq).
for j = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 do
mj+1,j = aj+1,j /ajj
aj+1,j+1 = aj+1,j+1 − mj+1,j aj,j+1
end for
Forward Substitution:
for i = 1, 2, . . . , n do
yi = bi − `i,i−1 yi−1
end for
Back Substitution:
for i = n, n − 1, . . . , 1 do
xi = yi − ui,i+1 xi+1
xi = xi /uii
end for
Banded matrices should NOT be stored as 2-D arrays (because of storage of zero entries). Instead,
we can store them as vectors, one per diagonal. Tridiagonal case: use `i for subdiagonal, ui for
superdiagonal, di for main diagonal
Vector storage:
Gaussian Elimination:
for j = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 do
`j = `j /dj
dj+1 = dj+1 − `j uj
end for
Forward Substitution:
y1 = b1
for i = 2, . . . , n do
yi = bi − `i−1 yi−1
end for
Back Substitution:
xn = yn /dn
for i = n − 1, . . . , 1 do
xi = yi − ui xi+1
xi = xi /di
end for
Problem: Pivoting! Because it can destroy the banded structure, leading to what is called “fill-
in” (introduction of nonzero entries outside the band). Can try other pivoting strategies, such as
requiring |mij | ≤ L instead of 1
Symmetric Matrices
A real matrix n × n A is symmetric if A = AT . Example:
1 2 3
A= 2 4 5
3 5 6
A = LDM T ,
where both L and M are unit lower triangular. Now let A be symmetric. Then
AT = M DLT = LDM T = A.
DLT M −T = M −1 LD
Because (AB)T = B T AT , this becomes
D(M −1 L)T = M −1 LD
The left side is upper triangular, the right side lower. Therefore M −1 L is diagonal, because D is.
Therefore M −1 L = I and M = L, so A = LDLT .
To solve Ax = b with A symmetric, can compute A = LDLT , and then solve:
1. Ly = b (forward substitution)
2. Dz = y (divisions)
3. LT x = z (back substitution)
It’s better to use A = LDLT than A = LU when A is symmetric because the symmetry leads to
the algorithm taking 13 n3 flops!
What about pivoting? If A is symmetric, P A is not! However, P AP T is symmetric and we have
If A is SPD, can compute A = LDLT and not need to pivot, but we can also compute the Cholesky
where G is lower triangular and has positive diagonal entries. It exists if and only if A is SPD. To
solve Ax = b, perform: A = GGT , Gy = b (forw sub), GT x = y (back sub). Cost: 13 n3 flops.
Note that if A is SPD,
and therefore G = LD1/2 . For this reason, LDLT is called “square-root-free Cholesky”. Note that
in some texts, A = RT R where R = GT is upper triangular. Matlab: use chol function.
9 −3 3 9 g11 0 0 0 g11 g21 g31 g41
−3 17 −1 −7 g21 g22 0 0 0 g22 g32 g42
A= = = GGT
3 −1 17 15 g31 g32 g33 0 0 0 g33 g43
9 −7 15 44 g41 g42 g43 g44 0 0 0 g44
Filled in:
9 −3 3 9 3 0 0 0 3 −1 1 3
−3 17 −1 −7 −1 4 0 0 0 4 0 −1
A= = = GGT
3 −1 17 15 1 0 4 0 0 0 4 3
9 −7 15 44 3 −1 3 5 0 0 0 5
Then we have
a11 = 9 = g11
g11 = a11 = 3
a21 = −3 = g11 g21
g21 = a21 /g11 = −1
a31 = 3 = g11 g31
g31 = a31 /g11 = 1
a41 = 9 = g11 g41
g41 = a41 /g11 = 3
2 2
a22 = 17 = g21 + g22
q q
g22 = 2 =
a22 − g21 17 − (−1)2 = 4
a32 = −1 = g31 g21 + g32 g22
g32 = (a32 − g31 g21 )/g22 = (−1 − (1)(−1))/4 = 0
a42 = −7 = g41 g21 + g42 g22
g42 = (a42 − g41 g21 )/g22 = (−7 − 3(−1))/4 = −1
2 2 2
a33 = 17 = g31 + g32 + g33
q p
g33 = 2 − g2 =
a33 − g31 17 − 12 − 02 = 4
a43 = 15 = g41 g31 + g42 g32 + g43 g33
g43 = (a43 − g41 g31 − g42 g32 )/g33 = (15 − 3(1) − 0)/4 = 3
2 2 2 2
a44 = 44 = g41 + g42 + g43 + g44
q q
g44 = a44 − 2
g41 − 2
g42 − 2
g43 = 44 − 32 − (−1)2 − 32 = 5
These formulas can also be obtained from the matrix product formula:
n min(i,j)
aij = (gik )(GT )kj = gik gjk
k=1 k=1
Homework Questions
3.2.11 and 3.2.20: When returning L and U stored in A, to check:
>> U=triu(A)
>> L=eye(size(A))+tril(A,-1)
>> L*U-A
Instead of storing a permutation matrix P , create a vector p=1:n and then swap elements of p
whenever swapping rows of A. Then, to solve Ly = P b, use b(p) for P b.