Multifibre Multivezel DW ISO 105
Multifibre Multivezel DW ISO 105
Multifibre Multivezel DW ISO 105
Multifibre DW is used as the adjacent fabric in many of the ISO
105 colour fastness tests.
- Roll (10m) Multifibre Adjacent Fabric DW Stock Code: 702-500
- Box (250 pieces) Multifibre Adjacent Fabric DW 10 x 4cm (gimped edges) Stock Code: 702-520
- Box (200 pieces) Multifibre Adjacent Fabric DW 10 x 5cm (gimped edges) Stock Code: 702-521
- ISO 105-F10
- Our Multifibre DW is approved by Marks & Spencer, NEXT and many other retailers and leading organisations.
- The quality and continuing compliance of our Multifibre DW is controlled by an internal testing laboratory and by
0 an external UKAS accredited Test House.
- Exceptional stability – no fraying during use
- Even tension and low fault count – full utilisation of every roll
We also supply a complete range of American Multifibers, which comply with AATCC Test Methods.
In addition, we offer a full range of ‘single fibre’ Adjacent Fabrics: Acrylic, Cotton Limbric, Polyamide, Polyester,
Viscose Rayon and Wool.
The right is reserved to alter the specification or modify the appearance without notice. © James Heal TM 2011