Smartsynergies: The Magazine of The

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The Magazine of the

The Power of the WIRTGEN GROUP

Dear Employees, Partners, Customers,

and Friends,
n eventful and successful year for us is But SMARTSYNERGIES encompasses much more

A drawing to a close. Just like in previ-

ous years, we once again succeeded
in increasing revenues in 2018 – a new
than just our range of products. SMARTSYNERGIES
is also synonymous with customer service provided
by our worldwide sales and service companies and
record for the Wirtgen Group. I would like to take this our dealers. Not only can our customers purchase all
opportunity to thank the entire Wirtgen Group team of the products they need for their applications from
for their strong commitment. our subsidiaries, but more importantly, they also re-
ceive service for all of them from a single source. And
The Wirtgen Group and John Deere thanks to our SmartService, they don’t even have to
It has now been one year since the merger with John deal with it themselves – we carry out all of our main-
Deere became effective. From the very beginning, tenance services automatically so that their machin-
we wanted to make sure that this organizational ery remains in peak condition at all times.
change would have no impact on our close relation-
ship with customers. And we succeeded. Our cus- We also support this through the continuous ad-
tomer focus, which is reflected in our slogan “Close vancement and optimization of all of our products
to our customers,” has not changed – if anything, it based on feedback from real-world use. That’s why
has intensified over the past twelve months. INNOVATIONS are just as important a part of our
focus at bauma. Customers can look forward to see-
Among other measures, this has been the result of ing a number of new developments and enhance-
our efforts to continuously expand our sales and ser- ments that will make life on the construction site
vice infrastructure in order to be closer to our cus- easier for them. We don’t want to give away too much
tomers: we have established new offices for Wirtgen at this point, but we look forward to welcoming you
Limited and Wirtgen Bulgaria, added one additional all to bauma in Munich in April 2019.
service location in both China and India, and last but
not least, built a completely new facility for Benning- We would also like to take a moment to thank our
hoven that now offers the perfect conditions for the customers for the trust they have placed in us over
company’s future growth thanks to significantly ex- the past twelve months, and we look forward to con-
panded production capacities. At Wirtgen GmbH, tinuing our partnership in 2019 and beyond.
our expansion measures are still in full swing. Every-
thing is geared towards meeting the future needs of
our customers even faster and better. Best wishes,

At bauma China 2018, they had the chance to see

both John Deere’s and the Wirtgen Group’s product
ranges, which complement each other perfectly, to-
gether for the first time at a single booth. Irrespective
of this, however, the two companies’ separate distri- Domenic G. Ruccolo
bution channels will continue to exist.

Synergies Are the Foundation of Our

And this is exactly what we intend to show our cus-
tomers at bauma 2019 in Munich and during the
preparations for the trade show. This is why we have
our theme for bauma 2019. In this issue of FORUM,
you’ll discover how perfectly the Wirtgen Group’s
machines complement each other to carry out the
entire spectrum of road construction applications as
effectively and environmentally friendly as possible.

Benninghoven now operates

the world’s largest and most
state-of-the-art asphalt plant
46 production facility.

During road rehabilitation, 14

cold milling machines quickly
and accurately remove the dam-
aged surface layer.

A humanitarian project helps 62
handicapped children.

Short distances on the 28
site thanks to in-plant cold

30 42
FORUM The magazine for customers, employees, and friends of the Wirtgen Group
Publisher WIRTGEN GROUP, Branch of John Deere GmbH & Co. KG,
­Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2, D-53578 Windhagen,

56 E-mail:,

The Magazine of the

08 Strengthening the Foundation 42 Reliable Local Court of Mannheim, HRA 704371, VAT ID No.: DE 283 504 884
General Partner John Deere GmbH, limited liability company, Registered in:
Soil stabilization and compaction create the Construction site service.
­Luxembourg, Commercial Registry No. R.C.S. Luxembourg B 161281
­foundation for long-lasting roads and buildings. 46 State-of-the-Art Board of Managers Domenic Ruccolo, Rainer Otto, Markwart von Pentz, Christoph
14 Fast and Effective Benninghoven’s new main facility unlocks Wigger, Dr. Thomas Peuntner
Responsible for Content Michaela Adams, Phone: +49-2645-131-128,
Surface layer restoration – a suitable maintenance new ­prospects. Fax: +49 2645-131 499, Email:
The Power of the WIRTGEN GROUP
measure. 54 Trade Shows + Events Editorial Team Michaela Adams, Mario Linnemann, Michael Erner, Angelika Schüler,
Stella Richetti. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction and duplication prohibited with-
20 A Streamlined Solution 13 World premieres at bauma China.
out the editorial team’s written consent.
Paving thin layers hot is a cost-effective and environ- 58 Azubi Tech Days Production muehlhausmoers corporate communications gmbh
FORUM 56 reveals how mentally friendly solution. Synergies in learning for perfect results. Translation Wieners + Wieners GmbH, Ahrensburg
Printing Company Gebr. Kopp GmbH & Co.KG, Cologne
the Wirtgen Group’s 24 Green Road Rehabilitation Photos Bruno Amsellem/Signatures/laif (p. 64-65)
Recycling is becoming increasingly popular in road
product brands work to- rehabilitation. PEOPLE + INITIATIVES If you no longer wish to receive FORUM, simply
­unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to:
gether and the synergies 30 The Asphalt Cycle
Processing recycled asphalt conserves resources. 62 Giving Children A New Lease on Life
that can be achieved. 38 Getting Closer to Customers Treatment center in India helps children with FORUM DIGITAL
Wirtgen continues to expand its service infrastructure. ­disabilities. You can easily download the current issue in
66 Social Commitment PDF format or share Forum 56 with a friend by
The Wirtgen Group and John Deere are jointly scanning the QR code to the right.
committed to helping disadvantaged people.

The Wirtgen Group is the trendsetter when it comes to innovative road
­construction machinery – true. But how do the Wirtgen Group’s different
product brands work together? And how does this benefit customers?


Strengthening Surface and

Base Course
Surface Layer
Binder Course
Base Layer (Bituminous or CTB) Removal

the Foundation
Frost Protection Layer Subgrade

Roads and buildings built to stand the test of time require a foundation Road Bed Sub-Base
with a high bearing capacity. And this applies to every layer below the
road surface or structure, from the subgrade to frost protection and base
layers. Through soil stabilization and high-grade compaction, these layers
gain the necessary load-bearing capacity and can act as the foundation for
long-lasting roads and buildings. In short: building for the long term
begins with the soil.

oil stabilization is a systematic and simple method Compaction is what gives the soil the necessary load- INTERVIEW: DR. AXEL MÜHLHAUSEN

S of preparing soil. The first step is developing a

formula in advance on the basis of soil analyses.
This specifies which binding agent (lime, cement,
bearing capacity, because the compactors, through their con-
siderable weight combined with dynamic compaction, ensure
that the grains are shifted in the soil to form a dense and thus Load-Bearing And how can you ensure that the machines

for the Long

or a mixture of binding agents) is required in which proportions load-bearing granular structure. Typically, compactors and – compact the soil homogeneously?
to achieve the desired properties. depending on the requirements – pneumatic tyre rollers carry Hamm has developed the HCQ Navigator for this
Lime, cement, or mixed binding agents are distributed out this soil preparation work. They work hand in hand with purpose. This intelligent system shows where and
over the surface by binding agent spreaders. Soil stabilizers
thoroughly mix the binding agents with the soil – sometimes with
graders to ultimately create a level subgrade – the ideal
­foundation for long-lasting roads and buildings. Term how often the soil has been compacted and whether
the necessary level of compaction has been
and sometimes without the addition of water, depending on the The subgrade is also frequently covered with a frost pro- achieved. This also makes it very easy to document
requirements. The result is a soil mixture with high compressive tection layer. Impact crushers are an ideal tool for producing the Soil stabilization literally lays compaction by layer.
and shear strength; long-lasting water and frost resistance; and graded aggregates needed for this purpose. Special pavers are the foundation for long-lasting
long-term volume stability. This mixing process is carried out in available to lay the aggregate, and compaction is carried out by Where do you see synergies for customers?
layers up to a maximum thickness of 50 cm. This is how dams compactors or tandem rollers. roads and structures. All soil stabilization operations can be carried out
that can withstand enormous loads over the span of many years using Wirtgen, Hamm, and Streumaster machines as
– some of which are several meters high – and stable substruc- well as graders from John Deere. In this context, cus-
tures are built all over the world each and every day. Which factors need to be considered when it tomers can fully rely on the machines’ performance –
comes to soil stabilization? and on the product range being perfectly tailored to
There are two main criteria. The first is that the bind- the process. In addition, numerous special solutions
ing agent and, if necessary, the added water must be are available for all aspects of soil treatment, such
thoroughly and homogeneously mixed into the soil. as the S-Pack soil stabilizer for dust-free work, the
Second, the mixed materials must be compacted padfoot compactor for compacting soil with a high
thoroughly and uniformly. moisture content or the VC compactors with a tool
Soil stabilizers and tractor-towed stabilizers changing system and the binding agent spreaders
from Wirtgen are ideally suited for mixing the soil, from our system partner Streumaster. Last but not
because the tractor-towed stabilizers (WS series) and least, our local colleagues’ expertise, which includes
Cost savings Environmentally High load-bearing Prevents settlement Reduces water soil stabilizers (WR series) are equipped with power- thorough advice from our experts, also plays an im-
compared to soil friendly, as transports capacity – long-lasting permeability ful milling and mixing rotors to mix the existing soil. portant role.
replacement are eliminated foundations
They can also selectively add water via an injection
bar. Finally, a pressurized scraper screeds the mate-
rial evenly. This means that the machines produce a
level surface that can be optimally compacted by
Reduces sensitivity Various compaction
to frost control solutions available Which factors play a key role in compaction?
(Hamm and third parties)
Since the hydraulic binding agents can only be pro-
cessed for a limited period of time, the soil must be
compacted as soon as possible after mixing to stabi-
Products lize it. Depending on the soil composition, the bind-
ing agent, and the ambient temperature, you have
between 1.5 and 4 hours.

Does this mean that the compactors need to

work fast?
Yes. Compactors from Hamm are perfect for this job,
Hamm Hamm Compactor Wirtgen Streumaster offering not only the right operating weight and
Pneumatic Tyre Roller, Smooth or Padfoot Drum Soil Stabilizer, Binding Agent Spreader, working width but also the necessary performance Dr. Axel
HP Series (from 18 tons) e.g. WR 250i e.g. SW 16 MA
in other areas such as engine output, maneuverabil- Mühlhausen,
4 3 2 1 ity, and off-road capability. Hamm Product
In addition, the effective depth of compaction Manager for
is also important. Hamm’s heavy vibratory compac- Application
tors can effectively compact layers up to 50 cm deep. Engineering


When it comes to compaction, surface performance, precise
steering, and compaction force are critical to quality and cost-
effectiveness – all properties of Hamm’s heavy compactors.


Preventing Frost Damage

The frost protection layer keeps water from rising into the pavement, and
as a result, prevents frost damage to the surface layer. For this purpose, rock
is crushed and screened into graded aggregates, which are then laid and
compacted. The graded, compacted aggregates ensure that the layer is
sufficiently permeable to water and disrupts the soil’s capillarity.


Optimal material Cost-effective Special paver has low Outstanding compaction Optimized material
preparation by laying with pavers wear and tear performance consumption,
crushers because only as
much material is
used as is needed.


John Deere is a leading provider of construction equipment. With the

addition of the renowned Wirtgen Group products, we now offer a truly
comprehensive roadbuilding solution, from earthmoving and material
handling to paving and rehabilitation, in markets around the world.
Hamm, Kleemann Impact
Heavy Smooth-Drum Vögele Heavy-Duty Road Crusher, e.g. MR 130 Z See us together at Bauma in Munich.
Compactors Pavers EVO2
3 2 1


and Effective
Roads have to withstand heavy loads, which over time lead to
fatigue and deterioration and cause serious long-term damage. As
long as only the top layer of the road structure is affected, surface
layer rehabilitation is an appropriate maintenance measure.
The W 250i cold milling machine with 3.8 m milling
drum assembly accurately removes the damaged sur-
face layer in no time at all.

he focus of maintenance work is usually on improv- phalt mixing plants. Here, the components of the asphalt mixture

T ing surface quality. This includes keeping the sur-

face watertight and ensuring that drainage mea-
sures are effective so that no water on the road
are first weighed before they are mixed in batches in the asphalt
mixing plant according to a specific recipe. The batch produc-
tion process is very flexible, since the recipe of the mixture can
surface or along the edge of the road can cause damage such as be changed for each batch. This allows Benninghoven asphalt
ruts, potholes, fractures, and cracks on the asphalt surface. mixing plants to easily deliver material for various projects with-
Heavily trafficked roads are lifelines for the regions and in a tight time frame.
cities that are connected by them. This is why contractors and Ciber is the Wirtgen Group brand that specializes in con-
public authorities also have to consider the effects of construc- tinuous asphalt production and is available in Latin America,
tion sites on traffic and the economy when planning the main- Africa, Oceania, and Southeast Asia. In the continuous process,
tenance of important connecting roads. This is one reason why the production cycle runs without interruption and the asphalt
surface layer rehabilitation is so common in road maintenance – mixture is not produced in different batches.
because of the speed with which it can be completed.
Only an undamaged asphalt surface layer can fulfill its Everything Level – Even after Paving
role of preventing the penetration of surface water into the bi- In conventional asphalt paving, it is important to work continu-
tuminous surface layer and ensuring that the surface remains ously and to avoid the impacts that can be caused by trucks
safe to drive on for many years. This is why during surface layer connecting with the paver in order to transfer the asphalt mix-
rehabilitation, the damaged asphalt layer is removed and re- ture. Vögele pavers can meet both challenges in jobs ranging
placed with fresh hot mix asphalt (HMA). The challenge in this from highway construction to winding city streets. All of the
process is to only remove and replace the damaged layers of material conveying systems installed in the pavers are designed
the road structure – while at the same time obstructing traffic as for conveying and distributing large quantities of material, and
little as possible. As long as the road bed is not damaged, this the conveyors and augers are equipped with particularly pow-
is an adequate solution. erful, separate hydraulic drives.
As a specialist in paving base and surface layers, Vögele
Profile-Perfect Milling Lays the Foundation consistently leads the field. The “dash 3” generation of innova-
The maintenance process begins with the cold milling machine. tive, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective asphalt pavers
Its job is to remove the asphalt surface layer and lay a level base are based on state-of-the-art, easy-to-operate technology.
for the subsequent asphalt paving work. The removal of asphalt One highlight for surface layer rehabilitation is the Vögele
pavements via cold milling is unrivaled in terms of both logistics PaveDock Assistant, which significantly improves communica-
and speed of execution. As the market leader, Wirtgen offers the tion between the paver operator and the driver of the feed ve-
widest range of cold milling machines. The results of the milling hicle and ensures that the mix is fed to the paver safely and
operation play a pivotal role in determining the quality of the smoothly. In addition, every “dash 3” paver is powered by a mod-
new surface layer to be paved, its functional properties, and the ern, powerful, and extremely reliable diesel engine. It ensures
efficient and cost-effective completion of further construction that the pavers execute their paving operations precisely at the
work. During surface layer rehabilitation, the cold milling ma- defined pave speed. This precision has a significant impact on
chine prepares the surface perfectly so that the asphalt paver the cost-effectiveness of surface layer rehabilitation projects.
can begin to work next without the need for corrective measures.

Paving High-Quality Hot Mix Asphalt

After the milling work is completed, pavers lay a new surface
layer which is then compacted by compactors. The material of
choice for surface layer paving is HMA with the corresponding
specifications. Even if the binder layer was damaged during
milling, the surface layer generally consists of only one asphalt
layer, because paving different layers of material would require
more preparation and increased logistics, making it impossible
to complete the job quickly.
Asphalt consists of rock, filler (rock flour), and bitumen,
which are thermally processed into a material mixture at high
temperatures. This mixture can be produced either in batches Hamm following behind Vögele has proven to
or continuously in an asphalt mixing plant. Benninghoven is the be a successful approach to surface layer reha-
Wirtgen Group specialist for high-quality, batch-production as- bilitation and road construction in general.


The Perfect Surface Staying at the
The complete, uniform compaction of the asphalt surface is es-
sential to maximizing the performance of the newly paved as- Forefront
phalt. The purpose of compaction is to bond the asphalt-coated
aggregates together to achieve stability and resistance to de- How cold milling machines
formation (or rutting), while reducing the void content of the improve the overall quality
Rapid execution on site, Improved surface quality mixture and improving its durability.
minimal preparation, By paving with high-compaction screeds, the compactors and cost-effectiveness of road
simple logistics
moving behind the paver achieve the final density specified by rehabilitation.
the customer in fewer passes. In most cases, the road paver is
designed for either high compaction or fast speed, which affects
the number of passes required. The fast and high-grade com- Why is cold milling such an important part of
paction of the asphalt surface must be carried out by high-per- the rehabilitation process?
Can be completed Extends the service life of formance asphalt rollers while the asphalt is still hot (~160 °C to The condition of the milled surface has a major im-
with standard the road structure 100 °C). The ideal temperature range depends on the compo- pact on the quality of the new surface layers, their
sition of the mixture, the thickness of the pavement, and the type functional properties, and the cost-effectiveness and
of bitumen used. efficiency of further construction work. This means
Choosing the right compactor is an extremely important that in order to pave surface layers with a uniform
step. Hamm tandem rollers with vibration and oscillation guar- thickness and avoid the need to make cost-intensive
antee fast, cost-effective, and high-grade dynamic compaction. corrections by paving subsequent asphalt leveling
Tandem rollers with an oscillating and a vibrating drum are par- layers, it is important to achieve an even, true-to-pro-
ticularly suitable for achieving higher degrees of compaction file milling result.
than tandem vibratory rollers, and save time due to a lower
number of passes. In this case, one drum oscillates (tangential How do I achieve an even, true-to-profile
Wirtgen Cold Milling shear forces) while the other drum vibrates (vertical forces), milling result?
Machine, e.g. W 210i
which significantly increases the compaction effect. With the right cutting technology and precise level-
Working with reliable equipment is essential to achieving ing. Leveling aims to control the milling depth and
the high level of performance and speed required on the job milling slope automatically and as precisely as pos-
site. It is also critical that this maintenance activity is carried at sible, based on a reference line. In practice, copy ing speeds, and high milling drum speeds produce Berd Holl,
the right time before the road quality drops drastically. Then the milling by scanning a reference line is the standard a finer surface. Standard milling drums with a line Product Manager
Benninghoven pavement and asphalt base layer can remain untouched for method. But with the Wirtgen Multiplex leveling sys- spacing of 12 mm, 15 mm, or 18 mm are ideally suit- Cold Milling
Asphalt Mixing countless years. With the 360° machine solutions from the Wirt- tem in combination with a wide variety of sensors, ed for removing one or more layers and, at a medium Machines
Plant, e.g. ECO 3000 gen Group, the maintenance cycle can be efficiently closed so much more is possible than just copying. For exam- milling speed and medium milling drum speed, sub- Wirtgen
2 that one section of road’s milling, paving, and compaction pro- ple, three sensors on each side of the machine scan sequently ensure that the milled surface and the new
cesses can be carried out in the shortest possible time. the height along the same reference line at large layer bond well.
distances. Our Level Pro automatic leveling system
averages the three measured values to produce an What role do cold milling machines play in
extremely level milled surface that takes the specified asphalt recycling?
milling depth into account. This is an excellent way Thanks to modern machine technology, it’s possible
Vögele Wheeled to compensate for longitudinal unevenness. In addi- to remove the surface layer, binder course, and base
Paver, e.g. SUPER tion, it’s possible to create defined surface profiles – layer separately and recycle them separately. This
1803-3 e.g. predefined transverse tilts or crown profiles. increases the sustainability of the milled material
Completely new surface profiles can be created with recycling process. The removal of problematic build-
3D milling. ing materials is just as possible as the normal sepa-
ration of high-quality surface layers with a high bitu-
And how about the desired texture? men content. Homogeneously sorted milling means
The parameters milling drum line spacing, milling cost-effective recycling.
speed of the machine, and milling drum speed have
a significant influence on the geometric shape of the
Hamm Pneumatic Tyre Hamm Tandem Roller,
Roller, e.g. HP 280i e.g. HD+ 70i milled surface. While larger line spacings, higher
5 4 milling speeds, and low milling drum speeds pro-
duce a rougher surface, small line spacings, low mill-


A Streamlined
If only the top layer of a road is damaged, you don’t have to replace
the entire road surface. A particularly cost-effective and environmentally
friendly alternative is the process of “paving thin overlay hot onto a
sprayed seal.”

aving thin layers hot is perfect for of polymer-modified bitumen emulsion to seal the INTERVIEW: FRIEDHELM PAHLKE

P roads in need of rehabilitation that

only exhibit surface damage, a lack of
grip, or unevenness. This makes it pos-
base. At the same time, it paves a thin asphalt surface
layer just 1.2 to 2.0 cm thick.
A 50%
Oscillation Preferred
sible to significantly improve the surface properties
of a deteriorating road, such as grip, evenness, and Compaction is a major challenge when paving thin
noise reduction, over a longer period of time. layers hot, as it requires the layers to be compacted
First, cold milling machines with fine milling
drums are used to remove surface deformations and
uniformly but without causing surface unevenness.
Dynamic compaction with oscillation is ideal to pre- in Material
create an even, slightly roughened road surface. vent damage to the underlying cold layer during
compaction. Static compaction is another alternative,
Spray Paver Perfect for This Job but should be carried out without vibration.
This surface texture has the ideal properties to en-
sure an excellent bond with the thin layer of asphalt Cost-effective, reduces noise,
to be applied. The sub-base must be thoroughly and is environmentally friendly –
cleaned before further processing. A paver with a
built-in spray module is the preferred choice for pav- paving thin layers hot is impres-
ing thin layers hot. It automatically applies a tack coat sive on all levels.

What needs to be kept in mind when it

Benefits comes to this method?
One thing is certain – paving thin layers hot only
works if the base is sealed. It is important that the
emulsion is applied uniformly over the entire surface
50 % and that the emulsion film is not damaged, i.e. torn
open, before being covered with asphalt. Spray pav-
Economical use of Conserves resources, Uses up to 50% less Excellent grip Noise reduction ers are perfect for this. They make it possible to pave
materials cuts costs environmentally material, i.e. only 30 to the asphalt directly after the emulsion has been
friendly 50 kg/m² asphalt mixtures
sprayed on. This prevents the emulsion film from
form new surface layer
being “rolled up” by the tires of the transport vehi-
cles, the feeder, or the paver. The amount of emul-
sion can be precisely controlled. This is extremely
Products important because the amount of emulsion required
is highly dependent on the condition of the layer that
needs to be covered and the quality of the asphalt.
This is what Vögele’s spray paver technology does to be avoided. We recommend dynamic compaction Friedhelm
perfection. With Vögele’s spray pavers, you can set with oscillation or static compaction. We don’t rec- Pahlke,
spray rates from 0.3 kg/m² to over 1.6 kg/m². And this ommend using vibration. In order to retain the Head of Sales,
is exactly what counts in everyday use. noise-reducing properties of the mixture, pneumat- Germany, at
ic tyre rollers shouldn’t be used during final compac- Vögele
Wirtgen Cold Milling What role does the asphalt mixture play? tion. Admittedly, noise reduction is not quite as high
Machine with Fine Milling A major role. In 90% of the cases in Germany, the as with OPA (open-pored asphalt), but it is signifi-
Asphalt Mixing Plant,
Drum, e.g. W 250i e.g. ECO 3000 asphalt mix DSH-V 5 is used, an asphalt mixture that cantly higher than with classic, dense asphalt surface
1 2 lies between stone mastic asphalt and asphalt con- layers.
crete on the grading curve. It has a higher void con-
tent than conventional asphalt. The bituminous emul- What are the SmartSynergies benefits for the
sion is sprayed onto the surface to seal it beforehand. customer in this process?
Our customers benefit from the expert advice we
What needs to be kept in mind during final provide at our locations. Together, the Wirtgen
compaction? Group can supply perfectly compatible technologies
Hamm The binder accumulates artificially on the underside for this process’s entire value chain – from the cold
Oscillating Roller,
Vögele Spray Paver, of the asphalt layer. The asphalt mixture itself only milling machine with fine milling drum to the mixing
e.g. DV+ 90i VO contains enough binder to ensure that the surface of plant and spray paver to the right compaction tech-
SUPER 1800-3i SJ
4 the DSH-V layer doesn’t have to be roughened after nology. We are pioneers in all of these technologies,
paving, as is otherwise the case with all other rolled so our customers always receive leading products,
asphalt layers. The surface immediately exhibits the reliable service solutions, and expert application
necessary grip. Spreading sand on the surface should consulting from a single source.

COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING uring the cold in-place (or in-situ)

Green Road
recycling process, the reclaimed ma-
terial does not leave the construction
site at all, but is processed on the spot
and reused immediately. This not only eliminates the
need for trucks to make frequent trips to the process-

ing station, but also reduces construction times.

One Technology, Numerous Methods

As a pioneer in cold recycling, Wirtgen offers different
technologies and processes that can be used in ac-
cordance with the conditions on-site. The basic tech-
nology is the same for all cold recyclers, however: Cold recycling project in San Francisco, USA.
small quantities of cement are spread out ahead, the
Once the bearing capacity of the asphalt surface asphalt layer is granulated to the desired depth, the
layer has been compromised, the road structure granulate is mixed with the binding agent and water
as well as bitumen emulsion or foamed bitumen, then Environmental Protection
must be completely rehabilitated. The trend is repaved and compacted. & Cost Efficiency
currently moving towards environmentally friendly
The difference lies in the method of
and cost-effective solutions that involve recycling paving: Up to a 90%
the damaged road surface. • When using the Wirtgen cold recyclers of the CR
reduction in material transports

series, an asphalt paver is usually used. The ho-

Up to a 50%
mogeneous material prepared by the cold recy-
reduction in binding agents
cler is transferred directly to the asphalt paver’s
material hopper, where it is paved and pre-com-
Up to a 90%
reduction in resources consumed
• With the WR series of cold recyclers, an addition-
al paver is not required. Before compaction, the Up to a 100%
material is finely profiled by a grader (Page 28/29). reduction in
disposed materials
All cold recyclers are supplied by water and, if nec-
40 %
essary, emulsion or bitumen tank trucks driving
cost saving
ahead of them.

Construction Time

The Wirtgen cold recycler transfers the RAP directly to the

paver’s material hopper for paving. This is followed by Safety

Hamm HP 280i Hamm HD+ 140i Vögele Wirtgen Bitumen Water Streumaster
Pneumatic Tyre Tandem Roller SUPER 2000-3i Cold Recycler Binding Agent
Roller Paver W 240 CRi / W 380 CRi Spreader

The Preferred Binding Agent: Foamed INTERVIEW: MARTIN DIEKMANN

Foamed bitumen is manufactured by injecting small
amounts of water and air into heated bitumen under Environmen- What are the synergy effects for the Wirtgen

tally Friendly,
high pressure. The water then evaporates and causes Group’s customers?
the bitumen to foam up abruptly to between 15 and The Wirtgen Group subsidiaries not only offer com-
20 times its volume. The foam is then added directly plete, perfectly compatible machine technology
to the mixer via injection nozzles and thoroughly
blended into cold and moist aggregates. The quality Cost-Effective, from a single source, including the necessary labo-
ratory equipment for preliminary tests. We also offer

and Safe!
of the foamed bitumen is primarily defined by the our customers comprehensive application consult-
parameters “expansion” and “half-life.” This is because ing services and, in the case of major projects, expert
the greater the expansion and the longer the half-life, support during construction work from our applica-
the easier it is to process the foamed bitumen. Cold in-place recycling is tion experts. And anyone who wants to first become
familiar with the subject can participate in our train-
Asphalt Rehabilitation as a Moving currently very popular. ing programs. Our experts are happy to pass on their
Construction Site practical knowledge to our customers.
Cold recycling using foamed bitumen as a binding
agent has become an established method world- Why is cold in-place recycling so environmen-
wide that has already increasingly moved into the The cold recycling process carried out by tally friendly?
focus of road authorities and construction compa- a tank truck, WR 240 cold recycler, and First and foremost, because the material from the ex-
nies for the rehabilitation of roads and is already Hamm compactor leaves behind a stable isting road surface is recycled 100%. This drastically
being tendered as a standard procedure in some surface that can be opened to traffic with- reduces the amount of material that needs to be
countries. It makes it possible to produce flexible and out a new surface layer, if necessary. transported from or to landfills or quarries. Recycling
long-lasting layers. These create the perfect founda- also consumes significantly less total energy than all
tion for the final asphalt layer with reduced thickness. other rehabilitation options.
Foamed bitumen is produced from normal bitumen
at a temperature of approx. 175°C using state-of-the- In addition to being better for the environ-
art technology. In the in-situ design, microproces- SmartSynergies ment, it also cuts costs for ordering authority
sor-controlled injection systems built into the Wirt- Benefits: as well, correct?
gen CR series as well as the WR series of cold That’s right, it saves both transport and disposal
recyclers precisely inject the binding agent into the • Product solutions for the entire costs. But cold recycling offers further advantages.
aggregate. This means the project can be carried out value chain Recyclers achieve high production rates that signifi-
as a moving construction site. • Application consulting services cantly reduce construction times compared to most
for the entire process alternative rehabilitation methods.
Application Expertise Included • Perfectly compatible machine No wonder, then, that cold recycling has
In order to achieve perfect results, extensive prelim- technology long been established as a standard process in
inary analyses of the entire road surface and a thor- • Sales and service from a single many countries. It is the solution for the sustainable,
ough test of the suitability of the foamed bitumen source economical and rapid rehabilitation of old transport Martin
mix are required. Wirtgen not only offers the right • Cutting-edge technologies networks. And the need for rehabilitation is undoubt- Diekmann,
technology for this – customers around the world can • Future synergies: edly there. Product Manager
also take advantage of Wirtgen’s comprehensive technological advancements for Cold
range of consulting services at any time, and Wirtgen thanks to collaboration between Recycling at
experts and road construction engineers also pro- Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm, and Wirtgen
vide on-site assistance during customer projects. John Deere

Streumaster Water Bitumen Wirtgen

Binding Agent WR Cold Recycler Hamm John Deere Hamm Hamm
Spreader and Soil Stabilizer Compactors Grader Compactors Pneumatic Tyre

able part enters the crushing chamber. The metal part is divert- Example Application: Road Rehabilitation
ed and transported to the crusher discharge belt, which can be Even more machines from the Wirtgen Group can be combined
equipped with an optional magnetic separator. The electric or in road construction. During road rehabilitation, the layers in
permanent magnet attracts the metal part and throws it to the need of rehabilitation can be milled out with a Wirtgen milling
side so that the crushed concrete is fed into the secondary machine. The removed material is then transported by truck to
screening unit without reinforcement. the mixing site near the construction site. These materials are
The secondary screen sorts the crushed concrete into then processed in a Kleemann impact crusher at the mixing site.
different grain sizes. Oversized material is returned to the crush- The milled material is transported by a Deere excavator or wheel
er unit via the oversized material return belt in a closed loop. All loader to the crushing plant where it is crushed down to the
of the MOBIREX MR 130 Z EVO2’s functions can be controlled required aggregate size.
via the simple and intuitive SPECTIVE control concept. For ex- The cold recycling mixing plant is fed by a John Deere
ample, the crushing gap can easily be adjusted to the desired wheel loader or directly from the crusher. In the cold recycling
size via touch – even while the rotor is in operation. It couldn’t mixing plant, the recycled material is mixed with water and bind-
be any easier or safer. ing agents such as foamed bitumen, bitumen emulsion, or ce-
The concrete aggregate with the desired gradation is ment. The cold mix is then transported back to the construction
The cold recycling mixing plant and then fed into the Wirtgen KMA 220 via wheel loader or directly site, where it is paved using a Vögele paver. Last but not least,
crusher are set up in the immediate vicini- from the crusher. The cold recycling mixing plant mixes the con- the surface is compacted by a Hamm compactor. This is how the
ty of the construction site. crete with binding agents and water to produce a high-quality Wirtgen Group’s machines and plants complement each other
final product, e.g. for a hydraulically bonded base layer that can perfectly. Where one plant stops, the next begins its work – for
then be immediately used for repaving. Due to the mixing loca- perfect results from a single source.
COLD IN-PLANT RECYCLING tion in the immediate vicinity of the demolition site, not much
time passes between demolition and paving in the cold recy-

Crushers and Mixers On

cling process.

the Move
If the mixing plant is located too far away or the construction site doesn’t meet
the logistical requirements to conduct the entire recycling process in one pass,
cold in-plant recycling is often the perfect solution.

uring cold in-plant recycling, a mobile cold recy- The MOBIREX MR 130 Z EVO2 from Kleemann is perfect

Mobile machines, near Environmental protection Cost-effectiveness Short
cling mixing plant is set up near the construction for this job. The mobile impact crusher has an optimized inlet the construction site construction times
site. The materials to be recycled are brought to geometry for better feed characteristics. In addition, the crusher
this plant by truck, processed, and transported inlet flap, which can be raised hydraulically, and the upper crush- Products
back to the construction site by truck as a high-quality finished er impact swing arm prevent jamming at the entrance to the
product and directly used to pave the road surface. This ap- crusher unit. In addition, the continuous feed system via sensors
proach is popular in road construction, but is also possible in ensures that the crushing chamber is filled in an ideal manner.
demolition recycling. The process makes financial and environ- Overload protection shields the crushing unit from large
mental sense because the short distances between the construc- metal parts such as T-beams. Sensor-controlled hydraulic cylin-
tion site and the cold recycling mixing plant save time, money, ders allow the impact swing arm to move back when an unbreak-
Wirtgen Cold Milling Kleemann Impact Crusher, Wirtgen KMA 220i
and miles driven. Various machines and plants from the Wirtgen Machine, e.g. W 210i e.g. MR 130 Z EVO2 Cold Recycling Mixing Plant
Group work together during the cold in-plant recycling process. 1 2 3

Demolition Recycling
If a building is demolished, for example, the building’s concrete
can be recycled. Within this process, we can unlock synergies
between Kleemann and Wirtgen plants. First of all, the concrete
must be crushed. There is often a challenge to overcome in this
regard, however: reinforced concrete. With reinforced concrete, Hamm Pneumatic Tyre Roller, Hamm Tandem Roller, Vögele Paver, e.g. SUPER
you often don’t know exactly how hard the concrete is and how The MOBIREX MR 130 Z EVO2’s Continuous Feed System features e.g. HP 280i e.g. HD+ 140i VV 1803-3
much steel it contains. This can push many crushers to their limits. sensors that ensure the crushing chamber is filled in the ideal manner. 6 5 4


Asphalt Cycle
In industrially developed
countries, significantly more
roads are rehabilitated or
extended than completely new
roads are built. But what
happens to the old road

ecycling asphalt is an economic imperative in

R order to conserve natural resources. Using the

maximum amount of recycled asphalt not only
protects the environment, it also positively affects
RAP prices.
Benninghoven offers a wide range of “hot and cold” pro-
cessing technologies designed to produce the highest quality
RAP. The recycling components can also be individually custom-
ized and integrated to retrofit existing asphalt mixing plants.
The maximum theoretical amount of asphalt that can be
added depends largely on its grading curve – or, to put it an-
other way, on the quantity, size, and composition of its constit-
Benninghoven BA RPP
uents. As a result, one goal must be to align the grading curve 4000 asphalt mixing plant
of the crushed asphalt as closely as possible to the desired (hot gas generator with
grading curve of the final asphalt product. counterflow parallel
drum system)
This is where the MOBIREX MR 130 Z EVO2 mobile im-
pact crusher from Kleemann, equipped with a secondary
screening unit, comes in. The ability to flexibly adjust the rotor
speed and the crushing gap via a touch panel makes it possible
to achieve the desired grading curve.
First, however, the asphalt must be recovered by remov-
ing individual layers of the road structure. Cold milling machines
are perfect for this because they are capable of selectively mill-
ing these layers. As a result, it’s possible to remove the surface
layer, binder course, and base layer separately and recycle them

Hot Gas Generator with

90% Counterflow Parallel Drum
+x System

• More than 90% + x recycled

material can be added
• Highest possible rates of added
recycled material
• Material heated indirectly
• Lowest emission values
Cges < 50 mg/Nm³
• Total energy required to operate
the plant decreases
• RC material is already heated to
processing temperature (160°C)
through this process

The Max Bögl Group’s BA RPP 4000 at the Sengenthal site meets all
the requirements for the most sustainable operation possible. It forms
the backbone of many road construction sites in the Nuremberg
region of Germany.


Perfectly compatible Conserves Cost-effective Already meets

machine technology resources tomorrow’s require-
ments today


Wirtgen Cold
Milling Machine,
e.g. W 210i

Go with the +x

Making new roads
from old ones.
Ba Rpp 4000 Asphalt
How can I add as much recycled asphalt as The entire process is only possible by using a Dirk Auler, Mixing Plant
(Hot Gas Generator Kleemann MOBIREX
possible? hot gas generator, because direct firing would burn Product Trainer with Counterflow MR 130 Z EVO2
The best way would be to split the old asphalt back the recycled material and make it unusable. The at Benning- Parallel Drum 2
into its original constituents. The old asphalt can then burner, hot gas generator, drying drum, separating hoven System)
be reused in the mixing plant in accordance with the hood, and air circulation system are designed to 3
grading curve of the desired final product. We rec- work together perfectly.
ommend using the “hot gas generator with counter-
flow parallel drum system” for this process. This How else can I conserve resources when
makes it possible to achieve rates of 90% + X added mixing asphalt?
recycled asphalt. In general, asphalt production materials should be
stored in a dry place to protect stockpiles and feeder
How exactly does this work? belts from the rain. When recycling reclaimed as-
The recycled material is heated in a countercurrent. phalt, moisture reduction is an issue that begins as
This means that the material flows towards the heat early as the milling process. Wirtgen milling ma-
source in the drum. This allows higher material tem- chines cut water consumption by up to 20%, making
peratures to be achieved while at the same time re- the entire process more energy-efficient, because
ducing the exhaust gas temperature. The outlet the following rule applies: 1% less water in the source
temperature of 160°C corresponds to the further material equals one liter less heating oil required per
Hamm Hamm HP 280i Vögele Paver, e.g.
processing temperature, the exhaust gas tempera- ton of asphalt during further processing into RAP in Tandem Roller, Pneumatic Tyre Roller SUPER 1800-3
ture stands above the dew point, at approx. 100°C. Benninghoven asphalt mixing plants. e.g. DV+ 70i VV-S, (from 10 t) 4
One positive effect for the white material is that the HD+ 90i PH VO 5
material no longer has to be overheated, which leads 6
to a significant reduction in energy.
36 FORUM 56 | IN FOCUS 37

Our SMARTSYNERGIES offer the right solution for every challenge:

Cold Recycling
Environmentally friendly
From one source Cold In-Place Recycling
Top-quality results

Asphalt bearing capacity
of the asphalt
surface layer
Paving Thin Layers Hot

Cold In-Plant Recycling

Damage to road


Surface Layer Rehabilitation


Soil Stabilization

Damage to road

bearing capacity

The Asphalt Cycle

Frost Protection Layer

frost damage


Getting Closer
to Customers
The Wirtgen Group offers
best-in-class road and
mineral technology solutions
combined with outstanding,
personalized, on-site
customer service through 55
of its own sales and service
companies with over 100
locations worldwide.

ll in all, the Wirtgen Group has the Paul Holmes, CEO of Wirtgen Limited, ex-

A broadest range of products for road

construction and, as the market leader,
also the largest number of machines
plains that the new Wirtgen Group sales and service
company in Great Britain is pursuing the same goals:
“The company has grown strongly in recent years
in the field. This is primarily thanks to the expertise of and has created many new jobs through the intro-
the Wirtgen Group’s long-established sales and ser- duction of new products and services. With these
vice companies located around the globe, which offer expansions, we will continue to focus on ensuring
comprehensive service, excellent customer support, that we offer customers rapid response times and
and unparalleled application consulting. speedy solutions for all their needs.”
The experienced local teams are always fo- The Wirtgen Group’s local experts are commit-
cused on providing first-class support in line with the ted to keeping customers up to date on the latest
Wirtgen Group’s value proposition “Close to our developments. The application specialists provide
Customers.” “Each subsidiary is a reflection of the expert advice on every innovative technology and
entire organization, maintains direct and personal process such as cold recycling, InLine Pave, oscillation,
relationships with customers, and supports them with processing recycled material, or asphalt production.
comprehensive knowledge of our product range and The sales and service companies also offer assistance
an excellent local service infrastructure or financing when it comes to providing and implementing man-
solutions,” explains Frank G. Betzelt, Senior Vice Pres- agement solutions such as WITOS® FleetView, the
ident of the Wirtgen Group. Wirtgen Group’s own telematics solution. By working
hand-in-hand with the Wirtgen Group’s subsidiaries
A Partnership with Customers as partners, customers gain the ability to continuous-
Delivering a machine lays the foundation for a long- ly enhance their business activities and always take
term partnership between the customer and the advantage of the latest high-tech solutions.
Wirtgen Group. The Wirtgen Group has a well-struc-
tured organization in each market with local experts
for products, technologies, applications, and services The Wirtgen Group has its own
who are continuously trained and receive informa- experts in every market.
tion directly from the company’s main facilities. At the
same time, they are highly knowledgeable when it
comes to local conditions and can apply their exper-
tise to the specifications and distinctive characteris-
tics of their local market.
Whether in the repair shop, on the construc-
tion site, with a genuine spare parts service, or
through extensive training programs – the sales and
service companies always offer their customers tai-
lor-made and market-driven solutions. The customer
receives end-to-end support for their entire fleet
of machines from a single source, regardless of the
Wirtgen Group brand – Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm,
Kleemann, Benninghoven, or Ciber.

Expanding the Service Infrastructure

The Wirtgen Group continuously invests in the ex-
pansion and optimization of its local operations.The
most recent example is the construction of the new Genuine synergies: the Wirtgen Group’s
eighth Regional Headquarters in China, a three-story sales and service companies offer every-
office building with 3,591 m² of office space, plus thing from a single source. Experience from the
2,500 m² of hall space – for storage facilities, a repair field is continuously
shop, painting and washing facilities, and a training incorporated into
hall – on a 20,000 m² site that also offers further ex- the advancement of
pansion opportunities right from the outset. “We’re technologies and
investing to get even closer to our customers. This services.
center was built especially to serve customers in east-
ern China, and the focus here is on short response
times with fast service,” says Ulrich Reichert, CEO of
Wirtgen China.


At the Wirtgen Group, providing customers fast and
efficient support directly at their construction sites is a
top priority. Wirtgen Group customers can rely on a
comprehensive service network and on-site solutions to
ensure maximum machine availability.

GR li


C he

Part 3

Additional Customer
Support Topics:
Part 1: Workshop Service/FORUM 54
Part 2: Spare Parts Service/FORUM 55
Part 4: Applications Consulting
Part 5: Training
Part 6: Service Agreements

and special tools to simplify or speed up mainte-

nance work, whether it be carrying out preventive
inspections, ensuring operational safety, or putting
machines back on the road.
A precise diagnosis is the key to speeding
up the troubleshooting process. With WIDIAG, the
Wirtgen Group’s service diagnosis system, service
technicians can easily update software and quickly
diagnose machine malfunctions at the construction
site. The tool acts as an interface between man and
machine and makes it possible to perform specific
service diagnostics directly on site.
The Wirtgen Group’s maintenance experts
always need up-to-date, easily accessible informa-
tional material. Unsurprisingly, the Wirtgen Group
also makes this knowledge base available to its
customers. With WIDOS, the Wirtgen Group’s elec-
tronic documentation system, repair shop personnel,
Well-equipped service technicians, buyers, and technical managers
service vehicles for can access the key data for all of the products in the
fast on-site service. Wirtgen, Vögele, Hamm, and Kleemann model series.
This tool can be used, for example, to quickly and eas-
ily identify components and order them at the push Knowledgeable and
he Wirtgen Group itself has a history of a button. The digital documentation also includes rapid assistance

T as a service provider in road construc-

tion, which is why we are familiar with
the challenges that our customers
the complete Parts and More spare parts catalog;
operating instructions; electrical, hydraulic and hose
diagrams; machine data; and the safety manual.
makes day-to-day
work on the con-
struction site safer.
face on construction sites worldwide. This is why cus-
tomer support is so important to the Wirtgen Group.
Customers’ machines need to work. This is what our
entire service organization is focused on.
Should something go wrong, service techni- Proactive Maintenance
cians are quickly on site and get the machines up The Wirtgen Group continuously enhances its service
and running again. The Wirtgen Group has a dense solutions to prevent incidents from occurring in the
service network: 55 of its own subsidiaries with over first place. Customers can work with their local On-site solutions –
100 locations and more than 150 authorized dealers. You can rely on the service partner to create a maintenance plan that our service techni-
expertise of our schedules preventive maintenance at the right time cians are happy to
A Qualified Service Team field-tested service to keep machines in peak operating condition. Ad- help you – anywhere
Whether machines from Wirtgen, Vögele, and Hamm technicians. vanced telematics also set new standards in fleet and at any time.
or plants from Kleemann and Benninghoven – the management. WITOS FleetView, the telematics solu-
Wirtgen Group’s service technicians are regularly tion from the Wirtgen Group, supports fleet and
trained at the brand headquarters and know “their” service management for Wirtgen, Vögele, and Hamm
machines inside out. Equipped with special state-of- machines. WITOS FleetView offers a clear overview
the-art tools and the Wirtgen Group’s diagnostic of the customer’s machinery and facilitates mainte-
equipment, they ensure that malfunctions are quick- nance and diagnostic processes.
ly diagnosed and rectified and that the machines According to Markus Strunk, head of custom-
remain in top condition – from delivery throughout er support for Southern and Eastern Europe, Great
their entire service life. Britain and France at Wirtgen GmbH: “WITOS is cur-
To keep the worldwide subsidiaries and deal- rently the main tool, both for customers and for the
ers up to date on the latest machine developments, Wirtgen Group’s service team.” The system tracks all
each Wirtgen Group brand headquarters operates its of a machine’s essential functions such as engine
own training centers and offers comprehensive train- condition, fuel consumption, and load; all of this in-
ing programs that are constantly updated to reflect formation is transmitted via automated messages
current requirements. Customers also benefit from and customized reports. If maintenance is required,
this expertise, as Wirtgen Group subsidiaries also of- a notification is sent 50 hours in advance. “It’s a great
fer training programs for their customers’ repair shop planning tool that allows customers to work with their
personnel and machine operators. Wirtgen Group local partner to create an ideal maintenance plan,”
service technicians rely on high-quality equipment says Mr. Strunk.

One-Year Planning Stage
August 2016: Groundbreaking ceremony
April 2017: Cornerstone ceremony
Fall 2017: Topping-out ceremony
July 2018: Benninghoven moves into
new facility


Only one year and eleven months passed between the
groundbreaking ceremony and when the company moved in. As of
this past summer, Benninghoven operates the world’s largest and
most state-of-the-art production facility for asphalt mixing plants.
Efficient production processes now unlock new opportunities for
sustainable growth for the company.

“Where we used to he months before the first asphalt

have two locations,
the new production
situation now allows
T mixing plants produced entirely at
Benninghoven’s new main facility in
Wittlich were able to leave the factory
us to have the entire premises this fall were an exciting time for everyone
production chain involved. Months that will certainly be remembered.
under one roof. After all, planning, building, and moving into such a
From prefabrica- large facility with a total investment volume of 130
tion to shipping, million euros isn’t something that happens every day.
everything flows in
In the meantime, everything is now running at
a single process. As
full speed. In this context, the benefits of the new
a result, we will be
production facility are already having a positive im-
able to work faster
pact. Like, for example, the generous capacities that
and more efficiently.”
are perfectly designed for the dimensions of the
Dr. Heinrich Steins,
components of the asphalt mixing plants, some of
CEO of Benning-
which are up to 50 m high. Or switching production
of the asphalt mixing plants’ core components from
batch production to flow production. In addition, the
control loops for material staging have been rede-
fined. Work is now carried out in efficient processes
in accordance with the latest lean management
guidelines. To achieve this, the company completely
revised its method of processing data and intro- The generous capacities are perfectly designed to accommodate
duced SAP. Together with a number of new ma- the dimensions of the asphalt mixing plants’ components.
chines and plants that the company has invested in,
the new main facility offers production technology
for maximum precision. In other words, state-of-the- cilities that the Wirtgen Group has built over the leled surface technology also contributes to emission struction and to prepare for exams. Incidentally,
art premium mixing plant manufacturing “made in years. And it was also because of this long-term ex- protection. For this purpose, powder coating is used Benninghoven’s trainees were the first of around 800
Germany” – and in higher quantities than were pre- pertise that a particular emphasis was placed on almost exclusively. This means that the use of solvents employees to move into the new facility at the end
viously possible at the two old locations. working comfort, emission protection, and a pleasant has become almost completely unnecessary. The of July. And on September 22nd, the company held
working environment even during the early planning five-story office building was also planned with fore- the first event in the training workshop: an “Azubi
An Investment in the Future for the new Benninghoven facility. sight. An intelligent lighting system that reduces en- Day” with the slogan “Workplace of the Future.”
“The new facility is really something to be proud of. For example, the innovative layered ventila- ergy consumption provides pleasant light there. The
It is designed for longevity and sustainability and is tion system used in the 46,000 m2 production hall is system uses LEDs equipped with presence detectors Prepared for Sustainable Growth
an investment in the future,” explains Peter Heßler, highly efficient. It combines energy recovery, exhaust so that the light goes out when nobody is in the room. And with this new facility, Benninghoven is indeed
construction project manager at the Wirtgen Group. air purification, and fresh air conditioning in a single The facility’s new training workshop is also perfectly equipped for the future. This includes the
And he should know, seeing as how Mr. Heßler al- system – and provides clean air to the production extremely well equipped. The trainees now also have fact that all core components, from steel construction
ready has experience from four new production fa- floor at a comfortable temperature. A new, unparal- their own adjoining training room for classroom in- to the development of complex control systems,

“The safety and Designed for Sustainability

health of all our
employees was al- Innovative Ventilation Technology
ways our top priority Benninghoven develops and An innovative layered ventilation sys-
when designing our manufactures all of its core com- tem provides clean air to the produc-
workstations.” ponents in-house. tion floor at a comfortable tempera-
Oliver Fich, ture. It combines energy recovery,
Facility Manager, exhaust air purification, and fresh air
conditioning in a single system.
During the summer, the workstations
are cooled down to a pleasant tem-
perature at night by pulling in outside
The process heat generated by the
powder furnaces is either used to heat
“The new facility is the hall by means of air redistribution
designed for sustain- or is discharged from the hall and ex-
ability and longevity changed with cool air.
– an investment in The welding fumes generated at weld-
the future.” ing stations are automatically extract-
Heinrich Plein, ed or displaced by ventilating with
Production Engineer, clean air. This protects not only all the
Benninghoven welders, but also the surrounding
work areas from exposure.
With this innovative ventilation tech-
nology, Benninghoven has gone be-
yond the conventional technical stan-
dard when it comes to employee
“In response to The training workshop is well
increasing order equipped and also includes Modern Surface Technology
volume, the Wirtgen its own classroom. At the new facility, powder coating is
Group has invested used almost exclusively. The solvents
in a completely used in the old facility were almost
new facility at the completely eliminated.
Wittlich site, with the
long-term vision and Energy-Efficient, Air-Conditioned
goal of transforming
are developed and manufactured in-house. With Offices
Benninghoven into
unique innovations in the field of asphalt mixing and The air conditioning in the five-story
a leading global
combustion technology, the company has always office building is connected to the win-
been regarded as a trendsetter in the industry. At the dows. As soon as a window is opened,
Lars Henrich,
same time, quality is a top priority for the manufac- the air conditioning system in the cor-
Head of Marketing
turer with a long tradition. Whether a standard prod- responding room is switched off. This
uct or a specific customer request – Benninghoven reduces energy consumption.
offers the right system solution for every market re-
quirement. With this investment in its new main facil- LEDs with Presence Detection
ity, at Benninghoven all signs now point to growth. An intelligent lighting system ensures
The stages of expansion of the production facilities that the light goes out when nobody is
necessary for this were already taken into consider- in the room. This also reduces energy
ation when planning the new facility. consumption. Shading Concept

When the sun is shining, the blinds are
automatically lowered, which prevents
the building from heating up.

“Ultimately, the most FACTS AND FIGURES
important thing is Largest Single Investment in the History of

that thanks to our the Wirtgen Group
new production
facility, we can now
ship a product of
a higher quality to
the customer. After
all, it’s the only way
that we can achieve
future growth and
this is a basic re-
quirement that every
successful company
must meet.”
Dr. Heinrich Steins,
CEO of Benning-
Total investment: Approx. 130 million euros
Property size: 313,000 m²
Production facility: 46,000 m2
Five-story office building: 12,000 m2

Only one year and eleven months passed be-

tween the groundbreaking ceremony and when
the company moved in.

400,000 m3 of earth were moved, as the original

height difference of the building site was around
9 m.

125,000 tons of lime-cement mixture were added

to the soil for stabilization, with 2 Wirtgen soil
stabilizers and up to 6 Hamm compactors playing
the main roles.

During the final months of construction, up to 300

workers were busy working to get the new facility

800 employees have moved into the new facility

from the two old sites.

The generous capacities are perfectly designed for

the dimensions of the components of the asphalt
mixing plants, some of which are up to 50 m high.

Possible expansion stages for the growth-oriented

company were already taken into consideration
during planning.

Benninghoven manufactures
premium mixing plants using
production technology for
maximum precision.


The Wirtgen Group is unveiling 13 new products
for the Chinese market at bauma China 2018. A
total of 50 exhibits will showcase the innovative
technologies and premium products “made in

he application-oriented solutions for The new SUPER
earthworks, road construction, road 1600 L from Vögele
rehabilitation, and for processing has already proven
rock and recycled material help cus- itself during the
tomers complete projects cost-effectively and with rehabilitation of
outstanding quality. The Kleemann MOBICAT MC 120 Z PRO – low-maintenance the 104 National
and easy to transport. Highway in Yu Yao
Local Production According to German County.

Quality Standards
The Wirtgen Group has been manufacturing in China
for China according to German standards of quality
since 2004, and has done so in a completely new fa-
cility in Langfang – one of the most state-of-the-art of
its kind – since 2015. In addition to the construction Our customers can participate
equipment manufactured at the main German facili-
ties, some of the innovations in cold milling machines, in the large number of earth-
pavers, and compactors being exhibited at bauma
China were also manufactured in Langfang. The ma-
works, road construction, air-
chines are specially tailored to the requirements of port construction, and recy-
the local market. Longevity, cost-effectiveness, ease- The HD 30/35 series of compact rollers from
of-use, and low operating and maintenance costs are cling projects throughout the Hamm, which are manufactured locally in China, are
what make the local models stand out.
With eight of its own locations, two new ser-
country, and our innovative also brand new. They will be exhibited in Shanghai
together with other HD CompactLine tandem rollers
vice centers, and a dealer network of 35 partners, technologies ensure that the from Hamm. The tandem rollers from the 9 t class,
Wirtgen China has a close-knit and efficient sales and the HD+ 90 VO with oscillation, and the HD+ 90 VT
service network that now covers almost all of the projects can be completed combination roller are also new to the Chinese mar-
Chinese provinces. As a result, the Wirtgen Group
subsidiary in China is always close to the customer
easily and cost-effectively.” ket. For earthworks, Hamm is presenting the new 325
compactor with 25 t operating weight.
and can offer solutions from a single source. From Kleemann, both the MC 120 Z PRO
Ulrich Reichert, CEO of Wirtgen China. track-mounted jaw crusher and MCO 11 PRO cone
Innovations from the Product Brands crusher will be on display at bauma China for the first
Wirtgen has rounded off its new large milling ma- time. When it comes to ruggedness and efficiency,
chine series for the Asian market with the trade show the two PRO crushers are perfectly designed to meet
premieres of the W 195 and W 205. In addition, the John Deere will be exhibiting its products at the Wirtgen the demands of quarry work. Kleemann will also be
third and most powerful machine in the series, the Group’s booth for the first time. exhibiting the MS 953 EVO mobile screening plant
W 215, will be on display in Shanghai. The SP 64 slip- as a representative of the EVO product line, which is
form paver is another Wirtgen premiere for China. primarily known for its versatility and excellent trans-
The inset paver with a maximum paving width of port properties.
7.5m and a maximum paving thickness of 450mm
guarantees cost-effective and high-precision paving.
Vögele will be unveiling a special premiere:
the SUPER 1600 L, a rehabilitation pro for small to
large construction projects. In addition, Vögele will
be exhibiting the right machine for every job, from
the small SUPER 700-3 to the large SUPER 2100-3 L.
Highlights include the pavers from the Compact Class
and the tried-and-tested SUPER 1880 L and SUPER
1880-3 L pavers from the Universal Class. Vögele will
also be presenting the Big MultiPlex Ski sensor sys-
tem, which has been specially designed to meet the
specific demands in China and significantly increases High-performance compaction: the new Hamm Six-Pack Specially developed for Asian requirements: the new
quality and longitudinal evenness. for the Chinese market. W 195 and W 205 large milling machines from Wirtgen.


by the Book
At the 11th Azubi Techdays in Windhagen, trainees from Wirtgen,
Vögele, Hamm, Kleemann, and Benninghoven demonstrated how
team spirit and synergy effects within the corporate group can
quickly lead to perfect results.

A justifiably proud team after a successful job: in addition to the

69 second-year trainees from all five of the Wirtgen Group’s brand
headquarters, their trainers are also delighted with the outstanding
results and excellent team spirit.

he goal of the event was for the train- During the workshops, the focus was on

T ees to rehabilitate a road close to the

facility on their own initiative – and
also have lots of fun.
Benninghoven, among other things, so that the train-
ees were able to gain broad insights into asphalt
Dr. Günter Hähn, Senior Vice President Oper-
ations for the Wirtgen Group, welcomed the large Promoting Team Spirit
group of trainees, their trainers and supporting tech- On the third day, the trainees from Kleemann show-
nicians from all of the brand headquarters. “The Azu- cased their MOBICAT MC 100 Ri mobile jaw crusher
bi Techdays are an ideal opportunity for trainees from for recycling construction materials during a live
all of the Wirtgen Group’s brands to share their demonstration – “powerful, efficient, and simply im-
knowledge and familiarize themselves with the latest pressive” was the general verdict.
technologies and applications. As a result, they can And although not a part of the official agenda,
already become familiar with and exploit the syner- the opportunity to get to know the trainees from the
gies within the Wirtgen Group during their training,” other main facilities and learn about their training,
explained Dr. Hähn. discuss their experiences, and grow into the interdis-
After a brief summary of the upcoming days’ ciplinary collaboration live are all at least as import-
program by Boris Becker, head of vocational and ant. Everyone involved has worked hard, gained a lot
advanced training at Wirtgen GmbH, the first event of hands-on experience, and made new friends.
was a tour of Wirtgen GmbH’s facility. The Wirtgen Boris Becker, head of vocational and ad-
trainees themselves acted as the hosts, showing the vanced training at Wirtgen GmbH, summed up the
group around. Oliver Laible, a Vögele warehouse event: “During these three intensive days, each par-
logistics instructor, explains why: “It is important to ticipant plays an active role and has different respon-
us that the trainees from the site hosting the event 1. 2.
sibilities and jobs to fulfill. The trainees learn from
lead the factory tour. This is an important part of their their practical experience; share their knowledge of
learning process and gives them the opportunity to products, technologies, and processes; and develop
draw parallels with the other facilities and address 3. 1. Exposing the manhole covers: not only their own skills, but also the Wirtgen Group’s
the issues that are important to them.” a standard job for the W 50 Ri, team spirit.”
The hands-on activities began in the after- a challenge for the trainees
noon, initially for the Wirtgen and Hamm teams, with (for now). 2. The neighbors are
soil stabilization on a section of road that did not watching in awe – that’s what
have the necessary bearing capacity to be paved spurs them on. 3. Good work –
over with asphalt. First, the Wirtgen trainees granu- the surface is flat! 4. Patricia
lated the soil with a WR 200 without adding any Simic, an industrial technician
binding agents. Compaction was carried out by trainee at Wirtgen, has the
W 100 CFi under control.
trainees from Hamm using an H 7i soil compactor,
thus creating the foundation for asphalt paving on
the following day.

Trainees in Charge
The next day on the construction site began with the
removal of the damaged asphalt surface layer. The can easily and cost-effectively handle even the largest
trainees had two Wirtgen cold milling machines at paving jobs. This meant that paving the surface layer
their disposal for this purpose – on the one hand, the with a total of 220 tons of asphalt was indeed a chal-
W 100 CFi compact front loader, the smallest com- lenge for the trainees, but not for the paver.
pact milling machine in the product range, and on 4. The team from Hamm was able to use various
the other hand, the W 50 Ri, the most powerful articulated tandem rollers from the Compact Line for
half-meter cold milling machine, a rear loader that is compaction: in addition to the HD 14 VV and the
particularly suitable for milling work in confined HD 13 VV with two vibration drums each, they also
spaces. Since it wasn’t necessary to complete remove used the HD 12 VO with vibration and oscillation. The
the road surface, but instead “only” the surface layer rollers stand out due to their compact dimensions
to a depth of between 4 and 6 cm, the 180 meter and intuitive operation as well as their perfect com-
section was completed in no time at all and the baton paction performance, ensuring that the work was
was handed over to the trainees from Vögele. completed on the same evening. “It was impressive
They weren’t content to use only small ma- to see the different Wirtgen Group machines working
chines, but instead had a SUPER 2100-3i at their dis- together, one after the other, building on each other
posal, a Highway Class model with a maximum paving perfectly. Now we understand the road construction
width of up to 13 m and a paving capacity of up to process even better,” explained Linda Menzenbach,
1,100 t/h – a large paver of the new “dash 3” class that an office management trainee at Wirtgen GmbH.


Giving Children A
New Lease on Life
There is no advocacy group for people with disabilities in India. Every day
they experience neglect and exclusion. Supported by the “Children in Need”
charity group, an aid project is taking care of disabled children on the
subcontinent. The goal is to give them an opportunity to take care of
themselves as far as possible.

About 70 children now live in the Six-year-old Anisha (right) has learned to walk
therapy center. The aim is for them to and made friends. Her family is proud of their
gradually gain as much autonomy as daughter’s progress.

Pradesh. Her parents live off agriculture. The family

income is 2,500 Indian rupees per month, equal to
about 30 euros. Anisha was born with limb deformi-
ties. It quickly turned out that she also suffered from
a mental disability. Due to a lack of knowledge and
financial means, the girl never received appropriate
support or even encouragement. When Anisha was
little, her parents could easily take her with them to
their work in the fields. But since she never learned
to walk, transporting her became increasingly prob-
lematic. Eventually the parents locked her up in the
family hut alone during the day.
Like Anisha, most disabled children in the want to do is to expand pre-school and school edu- We here at “Children in Need” are also very
community of Sendhwa are neglected and grow up cation. We want the disabled girls and boys to rec- happy to have succeeded in improving the living
adhya Pradesh is one of the poorest isolated from society. ognize that they also have abilities and help them conditions of disabled children and their families in

M regions in India. According to esti-

mates, almost half of the population
there lives below the poverty line.
Much Has Already Been Achieved
Sister Julia and her team have dedicated themselves
find out which skills and talents they have hidden
inside them. In addition, we want to help them find
a way to gain recognition in society. But the parents’
such a lasting way within a short period of time.

People have to get by on less than 1.25 US dollars to these forgotten children. Back in 2009, she involvement also plays an important role in Sister
(around 1 euro) a day. More than 70 % live in villages launched an aid project with ten children, some of Julia’s work. The sisters organize special family coun-
and live from agriculture. They are either farmers with whom had multiple disabilities. When we here at seling camps. Above all, the parents must learn that Best regards,
tiny plots of land or day laborers. Agricultural wages “Children in Need” became aware of Sister Julia’s their children need appreciation, care, and love.
are extremely low and there is no work outside of the work, a total of 20 girls and boys between the ages In Anisha’s case, the whole family has bene-
harvest season. Families have little or no access to of 5 and 12 had already found a new home in their fited from our therapy center. By placing the daugh-
education or medical care. The situation is particular- “Snehasadan” therapy center. But the sisters’ finan- ter in the facility, her parents are able to carry out
ly dire for low castes and tribespeople (Adivasi). cial means were only enough for the bare necessities. their work. And what about Anisha? She learned to The “Children in Need”
The percentage of tribal communities in Mad- Although they had their own building, they lacked walk in Snehasadan and made friends. What is par- Charity Group
hya Pradesh is particularly high compared to the rest furniture, staff, and even clothing for the children ticularly meaningful to her is that her family is proud Gisela Wirtgen
of India. They are descendants of the indigenous under their care. of their daughter’s progress. (Chairwoman)
people. As industrialization progresses, they are be- The “Children in Need” charity group has now
ing driven off their land, losing their natural liveli- been supporting this aid project for over a year. The
hood and their cultural identity. Like the Adivasis, the situation at the therapy center has improved consid- THE “CHILDREN IN NEED” INITIATIVE
Dalits, as the “Untouchables” are called, are strug- erably since then. Approximately 70 children now live
gling to survive. Among these poorest of the poor,
women or families with disabled relatives, for exam-
in the facility. They were able to purchase bed linens,
cooking utensils, and much more. A lot has also im- YOU CAN ALSO HELP CHILDREN IN NEED!
ple, have a particularly difficult situation. proved when it comes to the children’s care. It’s not Our projects are designed to help over the long term. Every cent brings us one step closer to our goal!
There is no advocacy group for people with just about supervising the little ones anymore. Now
disabilities in India. They experience neglect, exclu- the objective is to help the girls and boys become as
sion, and even outright contempt on a daily basis. independent as possible. Little by little, they are Accounts for Donations The Organization
They live in complete dependence on their families. learning to dress themselves, wash, go to the bath- Sparkasse Neuwied was founded in 1983 on the initiative of Gisela Wirtgen,
But even within these families, they are discriminat- room, and eat on their own. Account Number: 012 022 752 operates on a voluntary and charitable basis for children
ed against when it comes to distributing the daily The goal of the project is to give the children Bank Identifier Code: 574 501 20 in need based on the idea of “helping people help
meals, for example. When a disabled child is born, the opportunity to take care of themselves as far as IBAN: DE87 5745 0120 0012 0227 52 themselves,” is not affiliated with any political party or
it is a social, financial, mental, and physical problem possible. A good diet, medical care, and appropriate SWIFT-BIC: MALADE51NWD religious denomination, and carries out aid projects in the

for the family. speech therapy, neurotherapy, and physiotherapy lay Philippines, India, and Brazil.

Anisha is six years old and lives with her par- the foundation for this. Raiffeisenbank Neustadt e.G.
IBAN: DE16 5706 9238 0100 0527 24 Further Information
ents and two older siblings in the village of Mohan- Today we can already see that the self-esteem
pura. Mohanpura is one of the 190 villages that form and self-confidence of extremely disadvantaged
the municipality of Sendhwa in the state of Madhya children have grown enormously. The next thing we


Can Help
The Wirtgen Group and John Deere are highly
regarded in the industry for their outstanding
customer support. Now both companies are teaming
up when it comes to their social activities. The goal:
to help the disadvantaged even more effectively.

iving children a new lease on life is her why they are such fans of the “Children in Need” char-

G calling. Since founding the “Kinder in

Not e.V.” charity group (“Children in
Need”) in 1983, Gisela Wirtgen has
ity group’s activities. Because of this, Mrs. Downing had
not come to Windhagen empty-handed, and with her
gift, surprised Gisela Wirtgen for the second time that
been tirelessly collecting donations for needy chil- day. The John Deere Foundation will namely match
dren, young people, and their families, in order to lay every donation made by Wirtgen Group employees
the foundation for them to have a better future. worldwide to the “Children in Need” charity group,
So when Wirtgen Group CEO Domenic Ruc- doubling every individual donation of up to 1000 eu-
colo presented her with a check for 100,000 euros, ros. “By combining the financial support of the Wirtgen Gisela Wirtgen, chairwoman of the “Children
she was almost speechless. “I am overwhelmed at Group’s employees with that of the John Deere Foun- in Need” charity group, is visibly moved upon
how the company and its employees continue to dation, we can help the “Children in Need” charity receiving the donation from Domenic Ruc-
support the charity group, even after the acquisition group’s aid projects more effectively together and even colo, CEO of the Wirtgen Group, and Mara
by John Deere,” she said. extend their reach,” said Mrs. Downing. Sovey Downing, President of the John Deere
The charity group’s approach is to “help peo- “The John Deere Foundation’s offer is a really Foundation.
ple help themselves,” and it is currently funding 47 great idea,” said Gisela Wirtgen, hoping for active par-
aid projects in Brazil, India, and the Philippines – and ticipation from the Wirtgen Group’s employees.

the Wirtgen Group’s employees have been there In the meantime, she has also decided that she
every step of the way. Whether through active in- would like to use the Wirtgen Group’s donation of
volvement in fundraising campaigns, sponsorships, 100,000 euros for an aid project in India that provides aid projects are currently being financed by the “Children
or financial donations – they stand behind “Children in Need” charity group (Aktionsgruppe „Kinder in Not“
care and assistance specifically for disabled children.
e.V.), which was founded by Gisela Wirtgen in 1983.
in Need” and Gisela Wirtgen one hundred percent. “The project was launched last year and the money is
One reason is because they know that every penny well spent there. The Wirtgen Group’s employees are
goes where it’s needed and that all of the aid proj- once again giving many people new hope,” said the The focus of the initiative’s activities is India: In addition to children from the
ects are carefully selected and effectively managed charity group’s chairwoman. on educating and providing vocational lowest classes, the initiative also sup-
training to children and young people – ports disabled girls and boys here.
by the chairwoman and her team.
because this is the first step towards a Brazil: Three day care centers act as a
self-sufficient life. The charitable organiza- symbol of hope for street children and
Wirtgen Group Employees Giving
tion is active in the following countries: children from HIV-positive families,
Many People New Hope The Philippines: Here, the aid projects among others.
Mara Sovey Downing, President of the John Deere are located in cemeteries and garbage
Foundation, made a special trip to Germany just to at- dumps, in urban slums, and poorly de-
tend the event. The US company also supports social veloped rural regions.
projects with its own charitable organization, which is

and INNOVATIONS at bauma 2019.

SAVE THE DATE: Visit us at bauma from April 8-14, 2019, and experience the SMARTSYNERGIES and INNOVA-
TIONS of the WIRTGEN GROUP. In 2019, we will be exhibiting together with our colleagues from JOHN DEERE in
Munich for the first time. The trade show booth is growing, but will remain at the same location. Like every year, you
will find us in the outdoor area at booth number FS 1011. We look forward to your visit.

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