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Msrit 2 Syllabus

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Academic Year 2020– 2021


III & IV Semester B. E.


(Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU)

About the Institute:
Dr. M. S. Ramaiah a philanthropist, founded ‘Gokula Education Foundation’ in
1962 with an objective of serving the society. M S Ramaiah Institute of
Technology (MSRIT) was established under the aegis of this foundation in the
same year, creating a landmark in technical education in India. MSRIT offers 13
UG programs and 15 PG programs. All these programs are approved by AICTE.
All the UG programs & 09 PG programs are accredited by National Board of
Accreditation (NBA). The institute is accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC in
2014. University Grants Commission (UGC) & Visvesvaraya Technological
University (VTU) have conferred Autonomous Status to MSRIT for both UG and
PG Programs till the year 2029. The institute is a participant to the Technical
Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP), an initiative of the
Government of India. The institute has 380 competent faculty out of which 60%
are doctorates. Some of the distinguished features of MSRIT are: State of the art
laboratories, individual computing facility to all faculty members, all research
departments active with sponsored funded projects and more than 300 scholars
pursuing Ph.D. To promote research culture, the institute has established Centre
of Excellence for Imaging Technologies, Centre for Advanced Materials
Technology & Schneider Centre of Excellence. M S Ramaiah Institute of
Technology has obtained “Scimago Institutions Rankings” All India Rank
65 & world ranking 578 for the year 2020.
The Centre for Advanced Training and Continuing Education (CATCE), and
Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) have been set up on campus to
incubate startups. M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology secured All India Rank
8th for the year 2020 for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation
Achievements (ARIIA), an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource
Development(MHRD), Govt. of India. MSRIT has a strong Placement and
Training department with a committed team, a good Mentoring/Proctorial
system, a fully equipped Sports department, large air-conditioned library with
good collection of book volumes and subscription to International and National
Journals. The Digital Library subscribes to online e-journals from Elsevier
Science Direct, IEEE, Taylor & Francis, Springer Link, etc. MSRIT is a member
of DELNET, CMTI and VTU E-Library Consortium. MSRIT has a modern
auditorium and several hi-tech conference halls with video conferencing
facilities. It has excellent hostel facilities for boys and girls. MSRIT Alumni have
distinguished themselves by occupying high positions in India and abroad and are
in touch with the institute through an active Alumni Association.
As per the National Institutional Ranking Framework, MHRD, Government
of India, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology has achieved 59 th rank
among 1071 top Engineering institutions of India for the year 2020 and 1 st
rank amongst Engineering colleges(VTU) in Karnataka.

About the Department:
Information Science and Engineering department is established in the year 1992 with
an objective of producing high-quality professionals to meet the demands of the
emerging field of Information Science and Engineering. Department also started
M.Tech program in Software Engineering in the year 2004 and has been recognized
as R&D center by VTU in 2012. The department is accredited by the NBA in 2001,
2004, 2010, 2015 and reaccredited in 2018 under Tier-1 till 2021. Department has
highly qualified and motivated faculty members and well equipped state of the art
laboratories. All faculty members are involved in research and technical papers
publications in reputed journals, conferences across the world. Strong collaboration
with industries and high profile institutions is in place for curriculum updates, more
hands on training, practical’s, project based learning, EPICS, expert lectures, partial
course deliveries by industry experts and student interns to enhance the skills in
emerging areas to keep an inclusive and diverse academic environment. Department
is successfully conducting seminars, conferences and workshops for students and
academicians in the emerging areas of Information Technology. Introduced EPICS in

senior projects. Some of the laboratories have also been set up in collaboration with
industries such as Intel, Microsoft, Apple, SECO, Honeywell, EMC 2, NVIDIA, IBM,
Green Sense Werks, Tech Machinery Labs, Sesovera Tech Pvt. Ltd., and Ramaiah
Medical College (Emergency department). Also, an echo system is built to initiate
start-ups at the department level along with the mentorship. All the above potential
activities have led to high profile placements, motivation to become an entrepreneur,
and encouragement for higher learning.

To be an Institution of International Eminence, renowned for imparting quality
technical education, cutting edge research and innovation to meet global socio
economic needs
MSRIT shall meet the global socio-economic needs through

 Imparting quality technical education by nurturing a conducive learning

environment through continuous improvement and customization

 Establishing research clusters in emerging areas in collaboration with

globally reputed organizations

 Establishing innovative skills development, techno-entrepreneurial activities

and consultancy for socio-economic needs

We at MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology strive to deliver comprehensive,
continually enhanced, global quality technical and management education
through an established Quality Management System complemented by the
synergistic interaction of the stake holders concerned


To evolve as an outstanding education and research center of Information Technology
to create high quality Engineering Professionals for the betterment of Society


 To provide a conducive environment that offers well balanced Information
Technology education and research.
 To provide training and practical experience in fundamentals and emerging
 To nurture creativity for overall personality development.


PEO1: Become competent Information Technology professionals with continuous

progress in career or learning.
PEO2: Enhance the skills in developing computing systems using modern tools and
PEO3: Function effectively as professionals in a team environment or individually.


PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and
analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions
using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet
the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and
demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as

a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as,
being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these
to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and
in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation
and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.


PSO1: Problem Solving Skills, ability to understand and analyze the Information
Technology problems and develop computer programs.
PSO2: Applied Engineering Skills, ability to apply standard practices and
strategies in Software Development.
PSO3: Communication and Higher Learning, ability to exchange knowledge and
Continue learning advances in the field of Information Technology.

Semester wise Credit Breakdown for B E Degree Curriculum
Batch 2018-22

Semester First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth
Course Category

Basic Sciences (BSC) 9 8 4 4 25

Engineering Sciences (ESC) 11 10 21

Humanities, Social Sciences and

2 3 3 8
Management (HSMC)

Professional Courses – Core (PCC) 21 21 15 11 10 78

Professional Courses– Elective (PEC) 3 3 6 3 15

Other Open Elective Courses (OEC) 3 3 6

Project Work (PROJ), Internship

4 1 17 22

Total Credits 20 20 25 25 24 21 20 20 175


Sl. Course Credits

Course Name Category Contact Hours
No. Code L T P Total
1. IS31 Engineering Mathematics - III BS 3 1 0 4 5
2. IS32 Computer Organization and Architecture PC-C 4 0 0 4 4
3. IS33 Discrete Mathematical Structures PC-C 3 1 0 4 4
4. IS34 Data Communications PC-C 3 0 0 3 3
5. IS35 Data Structures PC-C 4 0 0 4 4
6. IS36 Object Oriented Programming with Java PC-C 4 0 0 4 4
7. ISL37 Data Structures Lab PC-C 0 0 1 1 1
8. ISL38 Object Oriented Programming with Java Lab PC-C 0 0 1 1 1
9. AM31* Additional Mathematics - I BSC 3 0 0 0 03
Total 24 2 2 25 28

* Non Credit Mandatory Course L – Lecture (one hour) T - Tutorial (Two hours) P - Practical (Two hours)

1. The Non Credit Mandatory Course, Additional Mathematics – I is prescribed for III Semester Lateral Entry Diploma students
admitted to III Semester of BE Program. The student shall register for this course along with other III semester courses. The
students shall attend classes for the course during the semester and complete all formalities of attendance and CIE to appear for
SEE. This Course shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the course shall be mandatory for the award
of the degree.
2. AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to BE program (For more details refer to Chapter 6,
AICTE, Activity Point Program, Model Internship Guidelines):
Every regular student, who is admitted to the 4 year degree program, is required to earn 100 activity points in addition to the total credits earned
for the program. Students entering 4 years Degree Program through lateral entry are required to earn 75 activity points in addition to the total
credits earned for the program. The activity points earned by the student shall be reflected on the students 8th Semester grade card. The activities
to earn the points can be spread over the duration of the course. However, minimum prescribed duration should be fulfilled. Activity Points (non-
credit) have no effect on SGPA/CGPA and shall not be considered for vertical progression.
Incase student fail to earn the prescribed activity points, Eight semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points.
Students shall be eligible for the award of degree only after the release of the Eight Semester grade card.


Sl. Course Credits
Course Name Category Contact Hours
No. Code L T P Total
1. IS41 Engineering Mathematics - IV BS 3 1 0 4 5
2. IS42 Operating Systems PC-C 3 0 0 3 3
3. IS43 Operations Research PC-C 3 1 0 4 4
4. IS44 Finite Automata and Formal Languages PC-C 3 1 0 4 4
5. IS45 Design and Analysis of Algorithms PC-C 4 0 0 4 4
6. IS46 Microcontrollers PC-C 4 0 0 4 4
7. ISL47 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab PC-C 0 0 1 1 1
8. ISL48 Microcontrollers Lab PC-C 0 0 1 1 1
9. AM41* Additional Mathematics - II BSC 3 0 0 0 03
Total 23 3 2 25 28

* Non Credit Mandatory Course L – Lecture (one hour) T - Tutorial (Two hours) P - Practical (Two hours)

1. The Non Credit Mandatory Course, Additional Mathematics – II is prescribed for IV Semester Lateral Entry Diploma students
admitted to BE Program. The student shall register for this course along with other IV semester courses. The
students shall attend classes for the course during the semester and complete all formalities of attendance and CIE to appear for
SEE. This Course shall not be considered for vertical progression, but completion of the course shall be mandatory for the award
of the degree.
2. AICTE Activity Points to be earned by students admitted to BE program (For more details refer to Chapter 6,
AICTE, Activity Point Program, Model Internship Guidelines):
Every regular student, who is admitted to the 4 year degree program, is required to earn 100 activity points in addition to the total credits earned for the
program. Students entering 4 years Degree Program through lateral entry are required to earn 75 activity points in addition to the total credits earned for
the program. The activity points earned by the student shall be reflected on the students 8th Semester grade card. The activities to earn the points can be
spread over the duration of the course. However, minimum prescribed duration should be fulfilled. Activity Points (non-credit) have no effect on
SGPA/CGPA and shall not be considered for vertical progression.
Incase student fail to earn the prescribed activity points, Eight semester Grade Card shall be issued only after earning the required activity Points.
Students shall be eligible for the award of degree only after the release of the Eight Semester grade card.

III Semester


Course Code: IS31 Credit:3:1:0
Prerequisite: Calculus Contact Hours:42L+14T
Course Coordinator: Dr. M. Girinath Reddy & Dr. Nancy Samuel

Course Content:

Numerical Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Method of false position,
Newton - Raphson method.
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Taylor series method, Euler and
modified Euler method, fourth order Runge-Kutta method.
Statistics: Curve fitting by the method of least squares, fitting linear, quadratic and geometric
curves, Correlation and Regression.

Linear Algebra I: Elementary transformations on a matrix, Echelon form of a matrix, Rank of a
matrix, Consistency of system of linear equations, Gauss elimination and Gauss – Seidel method to
solve system of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a matrix, Rayleigh power
method to determine the dominant Eigen value of a matrix, Diagonalization of square matrices,
Solution of system of ODEs using matrix method.

Linear Algebra II: Symmetric matrices, Orthogonal diagonalization and Quadratic forms, Vector
Spaces, Linear combination and span, Linearly independent and dependent vectors, Basis and
dimension, Linear transformations, Composition of matrix transformations, Rotation about the
origin, Dilation, Contraction and Reflection, Kernel and range, Change of basis.

Fourier series: Convergence and divergence of infinite series of positive terms. Periodic functions,
Dirichlet’s conditions, Fourier series of periodic functions of period 2π and arbitrary period, Half
range Fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis.

Fourier Transforms: Infinite Fourier transform, Fourier sine and cosine transform, Properties,
Inverse transform.
Z-Transforms: Limitations of Fourier transforms and need of wavelet transforms. Definition,
Standard Z-transforms, Single sided and double sided, Linearity property, Damping rule, Shifting
property, Initial and final value theorem, Inverse Z-transform, Application of Z-transform to solve
difference equations.

Text Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig-Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Wiley-India publishers- 10th edition-
2. B.S.Grewal - Higher Engineering Mathematics - Khanna Publishers – 44th edition-2017.

1. David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay and Judi J. Mc. Donald – Linear Algebra and its Applications –
Pearson – 5th edition – 2015
2. Peter V. O’Neil – Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Thomson Brooks/Cole – 7th edition –
3. Gareth Williams – Linear Algebra with Applications, Jones and Bartlett Press – 9th edition –
4. Christian Blatter – Wavelets, CRC Press –Published – 2018.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the Course, students will be able to-
1. Apply numerical techniques to solve engineering problems and fit a least squares curve
to the given data. (PO-1, 2) (PSO-2)
2. Test the system of linear equations for consistency and solve system of ODE’s using matrix
method. (PO-1, 2) (PSO-2)
3. Diagonalize a given matrix orthogonally and find kernel and range of a linear transformation.
(PO-1, 2) (PSO-2)
4. Construct the Fourier series expansion of a function/tabulated data. (PO-1, 2) (PSO-2)
5. Evaluate Fourier transforms and use Z-transforms to solve difference equations.
(PO-1, 2) (PSO-2)

Course Code: IS32 Credit: 4:0:0
Prerequisite: Basic Electronics Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari Patil

Course Content:

Introduction: Basics of Computer Organization and Architecture, the general functions and
structure of a digital computer, Performance Issues, Basic Measures of Computer Performance and
Benchmark Principles.
Computer System Components: A Top-Level View of Computer Functions, interconnection structures
and Bus Interconnection

Computer Memory System Overview: Cache Memory Principles, Terminology and Definitions of
Internal memory and External Memory Types
Input and Output Device: I/O Modules, Programmed I/O, Interrupt-Driven I/O, Direct Memory Access,
External Interconnection Standards

The Arithmetic and Logic Unit: Integer and Floating-Point Representation and Integer and
Floating point Arithmetic operations, Combinational and Sequential Circuits.

The Central Processing Unit: Machine Instruction Characteristics, Terminology and definitions of
types of Operands and Operations, Addressing Modes, Processor and Register organization,
instruction cycle.

Multiple Processor Organizations: A Taxonomy of Parallel Processor Architectures, Symmetric
Multiprocessors, Cache Coherence and the MESI protocol, Multithreading and Chip Multiprocessors
The Control Unit: The Control Unit Operations - Micro-operations, Control of the Processor,
Hardwired Implementation, basic concepts of Microprogrammed Control

Text Book:
1. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing for Performance”, 10e,
Pearson, 2016.

1. Patterson D. A., Hennessy J. L., “Computer Organization and Design”, Morgan Kaufmann, 5e,
2. M. Murdocca& V. Heuring, “Computer Architecture and Organization: An integrated Approach”,
Wiley, 2007.

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to -
1. Describe the general functions and structure of a digital computer and the concept of
interconnection within a computer system. (PO-1,2,7,12) (PSO-1,2,3)
2. Discuss the main characteristics of computer memory systems and I/O systems. (PO-1, 2, 12)
(PSO-1, 2)
3. Discuss Arithmetic Logic Unit implementation concepts including combinational circuits,
sequential circuits and programmable logic devices. (PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2)
4. Describe the internal structure and functioning of Central Processing Unit including instruction
execution. (PO-1,2,4,5,10) (PSO-3)
5. Describe modern computer architectures and discuss how micro-operations are organized to
control processor functions. (PO-1,2,5,12) (PSO-1,2,3)

Course Code: IS33 Credit: 3:1:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours:42L+14T
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Prathima M N

Course Content:

Fundamentals: Sets and subsets, operations on sets, Sequences. Logic: Propositions and Logical
Operations, Conditional statements, Methods of proof, Mathematical Induction.

Counting: Permutations and combinations, Pigeonhole Principle, Recurrence relations. Relations
and Digraphs: Product sets and partitions, Relations and digraphs, Paths in relations and
digraphs, Properties of relations, Equivalence relations, Operations on relations, Transitive closure
and Warshall’s algorithm

Functions: Types of Functions, Functions for computer science, Permutation functions, Order
relations and structures: Partially ordered sets, Extremal elements of partially ordered sets,

Graphs: Graphs and graph models, Graph terminology and special types of graphs, Representing
graphs and graph isomorphism, connectivity, Euler and Hamilton paths.


Semigroups and Groups: Binary operations revisited: Tables, Semigroups: Sub semigroup,
Submonoid, Isomorphism, Homomorphism, Group.
Mathematical structures: Rings, Fields and Fermat’s little theorem.

Tutorial Sessions:
1. Problems solving based on sets, operation on sets.
2. Representation of different formulae in Sequence and identifying regular expressions.
3. Performing different operations using Logical operators and verifying different statements using
Mathematical induction.
4. Problems on counting techniques.
5. Working out problems in Relations and digraph.
6. Problems related to operations on relations, transitive closure and Warshall’s algorithm.
7. Identify types of Functions, Functions for Computer Science.
8. Usage of Partially ordered relations and structures in terms of Hasse diagram and Topological
9. Identify Hasse diagram represent lattices and Usage of types of lattices.
10. Terminologies in graphs and their models.
11. Problems related to Euler, Hamilton paths/circuits, semigroups.
12. Verifying different properties representing Group.
13. Problems on other mathematical structures.
14. Identifying noise in coding of binary information and detection of errors.

Text Books:
1. Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures,
6th edition, PHI (all topics except graphs).
2. Kenneth H Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its applications, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-

1. Ralph P.Grimaldi, B.V Ramana, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, Fifth edition.
2. J.P.Trembly, R. Manohar, Discrete mathematical structures with applications to Computer
Science , McGraw Hill
3. Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, Pearson Education Asia

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Apply the properties of set theory and logical reasoning to verify the correctness of
mathematical statements.(PO-1,2)(PSO-1)
2. Employ the notation of relation and principle of counting in problem solving.
3. Illustrate the concepts of functions, partially ordered sets, lattices for computer science.
4. Apply the concepts of graphs theory in computing problems. (PO-1,2,3)(PSO-1)
5. Apply the concepts of groups for understanding mathematical structures. (PO-1,2)(PSO-1)

Course Code: IS34 Credit: 3:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Suresh Kumar K R

Course Content:

Data communication Fundamentals: Introduction, components, Data Representation, Data Flow;
Networks – Network criteria, Physical Structures, Network Models, Categories of networks;
Protocols, Standards, Standards organization; The Internet – Brief history, Internet today; Network
Models -Layered tasks; The OSI model – Layered architecture, Peer-to-Peer Process,
Encapsulation; Layers in the OSI model; TCP/IP Protocol suite; Addressing.

Digital Transmission Fundamentals (with problems to solve): Analog & Digital data, Analog
& Digital signals (basics); Transmission Impairment – Attenuation, Distortion and Noise; Data rate
limits – Nyquist Bit Rate, Shannon Capacity; Performance, Digital Transmission (with problems
to solve): Digital-to-Digital conversion - Line coding, Line coding schemes (unipolar, polar,
bipolar); Analog-to-Digital conversion - PCM.

Error detection & correction(with problems to solve): Introduction, Block coding, Linear Block
codes, Cyclic codes – CRC, Polynomials, Checksum, Datalink control: Framing, Flow& error
control, Protocols, Noiseless channels (Simplest Protocol, Stop-and-wait protocol); Noisy channels
(Stop-and-wait ARQ, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ, Piggybacking).

HDLC – Transfer modes, frames: Point-to-Point Protocol – Framing, transition phases; Multiple
Access: Random Access (Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA), Controlled Access
(Reservation, Polling, Token Passing), Channelization (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)

Wired LANs: IEEE standards; Standard Ethernet; Wireless LANs: IEEE802.11 Architecture,
MAC sublayer, addressing mechanism, Bluetooth and its architecture; Connecting devices,
Backbone networks, Virtual LANs

Text Book:
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Fourth Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2006.

1. Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks –Fundamental Concepts
and Key architectures, Second Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2004.
2. Wayne Tomasi, Introduction to Data Communications and Networking, Pearson Education,

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-

1. Distinguish different communication models / protocol stacks (OSI & TCP/IP) and analyze
the usage of appropriate network topology for a given scenario. (PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1,2)
2. Handle the issues associated with digital data signals and solve the problems on data
transmission by measuring the performance parameters. (PO-1, 2) (PSO-1, 2)
3. Apply different error detection, error correction as well as flow control strategies to solve
error and flow control issues induced during data communication. (PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-2)
4. Use the different strategies of multiple access to achieve better network efficiency and
analyze the network performance. (PO-1, 2) (PSO-1, 2)
5. Illustrate the IEEE standards for wired, wireless LANs and their connecting devices.
(PO-3, 10) (PSO-2)

Course Code: IS35 Credit: 4:0:0
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Dr. Mydhili K Nair

Course Content:

Introduction to Data Structures: Definition – Basic Concepts on Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Trees
and Linked Lists.
Introduction to File Structures, Comparing Data Structures with File Structures, Short history of
file structure design, Differentiating between Physical files and logical files
Recursion: Recursive definition and processes using Stacks and Trees, Examples – Factorial,
Tower of Hanoi;
The Linked List: Memory allocation functions, Representation and implementation of operations
(Insertion, Deletion and Search) of Singly, Doubly and Circular Linked Lists, Comparing the
dynamic and array implementation of lists, Implementation of Header Nodes

The Stack: Definition, Representation, Basic operations of stack(PUSH and POP) and its
implementation, Applications of stack : Conversion from Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix
expression; The Queues: Definition, Representation, Primitive operations of queue and its
implementation; Types of Queues: Circular queues and Priority queues;

Applications: Implementation of stack and queue using lists; Trees: Binary Trees, Binary Tree
Representations, Representing Lists as Binary trees, Trees and their applications; Binary Search

B-Tree: Searching, Insertion and Deletion; B+ Tree: Searching, Insertion and Deletion; Hashing,
Hash Function, Collision, Probability of Collision, Collision handling techniques, Progressive
Overflow, Buckets, Chained Progressive Overflow

Text Books:
1. Aaron M. Tanenbaum, YedidyahLangsam and Moshe J. Augenstein, “Data Structures
Using C”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2009.
2. Michael J. Folk, Bill Zoellick and Greg Riccardi, “File Structures-An Object Oriented
Approach with C++”, Pearson Education, 2004

1. Horowitz and Sahani. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, 2 nd Edition, Galgotia Publication
PvtLtd., New Delhi, 2011
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg,”Computer Science A Structured
Programming Approach using C”, Second Edition, Thomson Publications, 2007.
3. R. Kruse, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education, 2 nd Edition,

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-

1. Explain the working principle of data structures, their applications and figure out which data
structure is best suited for a given problem statement.(PO-1, 2, 3, 6, 7) (PSO- 1, 2)
2. Describe the concept of static & dynamic memory allocation, Linked List as a data structure for
dynamic memory allocation and learn their design and implementation. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 6, 7)
(PSO- 1, 2)
3. Develop and implement the basic data structures namely Stacks, Queues, Trees, Linked Lists
and their various variants. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) (PSO- 1, 2)
4. Develop Stack and Queues using the linear data structure linked lists, Design and develop non-
linear data structures such as Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 6, 7)
(PSO- 1, 2)
5. Appreciate the need for file structures such as B-Trees and B+ Trees, learn the basics of
operating them and describe concepts such as hashing and its various techniques. (PO- 1, 2, 3,
6, 7) (PSO- 1, 2)

Course Code: IS36 Credit: 4:0:0
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Koushik S

Course Content:

Control Statements: Java’s Selection Statements, if, switch, Iteration Statements, while, do-while,
for, the For-Each Version of the for Loop, Nested Loops, Jump Statements, Using break, Using
Introducing Classes: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, A Closer Look at new, Assigning
Object Reference Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, The
this Keyword, Instance Variable Hiding, Garbage Collection, The finalize( ) Method, A Stack Class.
UML Notations for Classes and Objects.

A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors, Using
Objects as Parameters, A Closer Look at Argument Passing, Returning Objects, Recursion,
Introducing Access Control, Understanding static, Introducing final, Arrays Revisited, Introducing
Nested and Inner Classes, Exploring the String Class, Using Command-Line Arguments, Varargs:
Variable-Length Arguments. Inheritance: Inheritance Basics, Using super, Creating a Multilevel
Hierarchy, When Constructors Are Executed, Method Overriding. UML Notations for Inheritance,
Composition and Aggregation

Inheritance: Dynamic Method Dispatch, Why Overridden Methods? Using Abstract Classes, Using
final with Inheritance, The Object Class. Packages and Interfaces: Packages, Access Protection,
Importing Packages, Interfaces, Defining an Interfaces, Default Interface Methods, Use static
Methods in an Interface, Final Thoughts on Packages and Interfaces. UML Notations for Packages
and Interfaces

Exception Handling: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions,
Using try and catch, multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally.
Exception Handling: Java’s Built-in exceptions, Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses,
Chained Exceptions, Three Recently Added Exception Features, Using Exceptions.

Type Wrappers: Character, Boolean, Numeric type wrappers. Autoboxing: Autoboxing and
Methods, Autoboxing / Unboxing occur in expressions, Autoboxing/Unboxing Boolean and
Character values, Autoboxing / Unboxing helps prevents errors.
The Collections Framework: Collections Overview, The Collection Interfaces: the collection
interface, the List interface, the Set interface. The Collection Classes: The ArrayList Class, The
LinkedList Class, The HashSet Class. Accessing a Collection via an Iterator -Using an Iterator, The
For-Each Alternative to Iterators.

Text Books:
1. Herbert Schildt, “Java: The Complete Reference”, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Michael Blaha, James Rambaugh, “Object-Oriented Modeling and Analysis with UML”,
Pearson, 2nd Edition, 1st Impression

1. E. Balagurusamy; Programming with Java, McGraw-Hill; Sixth edition.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Write programs using Java-specific programming constructs and Object Oriented way of
programming through Classes and Objects. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO- 1, 2)
2. Design solutions to real-world problems using UML Notations for Classes, Objects,
Inheritance, Composition and Aggregation. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO- 1, 2)
3. Write programs using concepts using dynamic memory dispatch concept of inheritance,
packages and interfaces. (PO- 1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO- 1, 2)
4. Apply the concepts of Exception Handling nuances to solve a given real-world problem.
(PO- 1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO- 1, 2)
5. Use the Java’s Collection framework to solve computing real-world problems.
(PO- 1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO- 1, 2)

Course Code: ISL37 Credit: 0:0:1
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing Contact Hours: 14P
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Shruthi G

Laboratory Experiments:

Part - A
Implement the following experiments:
1. Primitive operations on Stacks using arrays.
2. Primitive operations on Linear Queue using arrays.
3. Evaluation of a valid Postfix expression using stacks.
4. Implement the following using recursion
a) Tower of Hanoi
b) Binary search
c) GCD
5. Circular queue using arrays.
6. Stack using Singly Linked List.
7. Queues using Singly Linked List.
8. To reverse a given Singly Linked List.
9. Implement the following using Circular Linked List.
a) Stack
b) Queues
10. Creation and display of Binary Search Tree.

Part - B
Implement the following experiments:
1. Conversion of a valid Infix expression to Postfix Expression using stacks. Program should
support for both parenthesized and parenthesize free expressions with the operators: +, -, *,
/, %(Remainder),
^(Power) and alphanumeric operands.
2. Priority queue using arrays.
3. Singly Linked List with the following operations:
a. Inserting a node( Any desired position)
b. Deleting a node (Any desired position)
c. Display
4. Circular Linked List with the following operations:
a. Inserting a node( Any desired position)
b. Deleting a node (Any desired position)
c. Display
5. Doubly Linked List with the following operations:
a. Inserting a node( Any desired position)
b. Deleting a node (Any desired position)
c. Display
6. Represent and evaluate a given Polynomial using Singly Linked List.
7. To insert a given element into an ordered Doubly Linked List.
8. To delete every second node from Singly Linked list.
9. Binary Tree operations:

a. Creation
b. Traversal(Inorder, Preorder and Postorder)
10. Creation of Expression tree and evaluate it.

1. Aaron M. Tanenbaum, YedidyahLangsam and Moshe J. Augenstein, “Data Structures
Using C”.
2. Horowitz and Sahani. “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg, “Computer Science A Structured
Programming Approach using C”, Second Edition, Thomson Publications.
4. R. Kruse, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-

1. Design and implement the concepts of data structures. (PO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12) (PSO – 1, 2)
2. Demonstrate the working principle of different types of data structures and their
applications. (PO – 1, 3, 10) (PSO – 1, 3)
3. Analyze the results and produce substantial written documentation. (PO – 1, 4, 10, 12)
PSO – (1, 2 ,3)

Course Code: ISL38 Credit: 0:0:1
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing Laboratory Contact Hours: 14P
Course Coordinator: Mr. S R Mani Sekhar


1. Write Java programs

a. To print Fibonacci series without using recursion and using recursion.(concept of
loops, data types)
b. To check prime numbers.
c. To sort an array elements using bubble sort algorithm.

2. Create a class called account with the data members(Accno – integer, name String,
Phone_No: integer, balance_amt:float), and following methods :
a. getinput() to get input from the user
b. Deposit() method which takes the amount to be deposited in to his/her account and
do the calculation.
c. Withdraw() method which gets the amount to be withdrawn from his/her account.
d. Print the appropriate results.

3. Define a Stack class to implement the stack data structure. Include constructors to perform
initialization, method push to push an element into the stack, method pop to remove an
element from the stack and display method to display the elements of the stack.

4. Define a class Complex with data members as two real numbers, constructors for
initialization these numbers, methods to add, subtract and multiply 2 complex numbers.

5. Write a java program to read 2 matrices and place the product in a third matrix. Use
constructors and suitable methods.

6. Write a java program to work with strings.

a. Extract a portion of the string and print it. Variable m indicates the amount of
characters to be extracted from the string starting from the nth position.
b. Read a text and count all the occurrences of a particular word.
c. Replace a substring in the given string.
d. Rearrange the string and rewrite in alphabetical order.
e. Compare two strings ignoring case.
f. Concatenate two strings.

7. Create a Personal class to hold the personal details of a person such as name, age, education,
salary-(0basic, da, hra), years of experience, number of loans and loan amount. Write
constructors to assign values to the data members. Include an
a. isEligible() method to indicate whether the person is eligible for loan,
b. taxPay() method to indicate the amount of tax to be paid,
c. isEligiblePromotion() to indicate whether the person is eligible for a promotion.
d. Display () method to display the details.
Enter the details of n employees and indicate their eligibility and the tax to be paid.

8. Create a Circle class with following members.
A data member that stores the radius of a circle.
A constructor function with an argument that initializes the radius
A function that computes and returns area of a circle
Create two derived classes Sector and Segment that inherit the Circle class. Both classes
inherit radius and the function that returns the circle’s area from Circle.
In addition to the members inherited from Circle, Sector and Segment have some specific
members as follows:
1. A data member that stores the control angle of a sector (in radians)
2. A constructor function with arguments that initialize radius and angle
3. A function that computes and returns the area of a sector
1. A data member that stores the length of a segment in a circle
2. A constructor function with arguments that initialize radius and length
3. A function that computes and returns the area of a segment
Create the main () function to instantiate an object of each class and then call appropriate
member functions to compute and return the area of a circle, sector and segment.
Note :Area_of_circle = pi * r 2
Area_of_Sector=(1/2) r 2 *θ
Area_of_segment= r2 *((r-h)/r) – (r-h) (2rh-h2)1/2 Where r is the radius of a circle, θ is the
central angle of a sector in radians, h is the length of a segment and ((r-h)/r) is in radians.

9. Write a Java Program that does the following related to Inheritance:

a. Create an abstract class called Vehicle which contains the
‘year_of_manufacture’ data member and two abstract methods ‘getData()’ and
‘putData()’ with a constructor.
b. Create two derived classes “TwoWheeler” and “FourWheeler” and implement
the abstract methods. Make “FourWheeler” as final class.
c. Create class ‘MyTwoWheeler’ which is a sub-class of “TwoWheeler” and
demonstrate the use of super keyword to initialize data members of

10. Define an interface ‘Department’ with methods to readdata() and printdata(),

print_number_designations(), number_research_consultancy_projs(). Define a ‘Faculty’
class with members name, designation, age, years of experience, joining_date and
a. In package ISE define the ‘ISE_department’ class that implements the
‘Department’ interface, accepts n faculty details and define all the methods.
Raise a user defined exception ‘AgeException’ if the age of the faculty is > 58.
b. In the default package define a ‘MainClass’ which uses the methods of the
above classes and also displays those faculty details whose years of experience
is greater than or equal to 20.

11. Write a Java Program that does the following related to Packages and Interfaces , Exception
a. Create an interface Student which gets the name and branch of a student.
b. Create a package called ‘StudentPackage’ which has a user-defined class
c. If a student registers above 30 credits for the semester, the method should throw
a user-defined exception called ‘CreditLimit’ and display an appropriate

d. Create another package called ‘ResultPackage’ which displays the grade for the
subject registered for particular semester and the SGPA . If SGPA is above 10
then throws an InvalidSGPA user-defined exception.
e. In the StudentPackage , collect the marks of all the subjects in 4 semesters and
calculate SGPA and CGPA.
12. a. Write a java program to implement queues of Strings using an ArrayList class of the
Collection framework.
b. Create a linked list of names (String type). Use an Iterator to traverse through the list and
print those names whose length is < 5.

Text Book:

1. Herbert Schildt, “Java: The Complete Reference”, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to -
1. Design and develop programs using Java-specific programming constructs. (PO-1, 2, 3, 5)
(PSO-1, 2)
2. Design solutions to variety of problems using Classes and Objects. (PO-2, 3, 4, 5)
(PSO-1, 2)
3. Design, reuse and develop solutions using the concepts of Inheritance, Packages and
Interfaces. (PO-2, 3, 4,5) (PSO-1, 2)
4. Identify exceptions in a program and handle them. (PO-2, 3, 4, 5) (PSO-1, 2)
5. Use the collection framework to solve real world problems.(PO-2, 3, 4, 5)(PSO-1, 2)

Course Code: AM31 Credit: 0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours:40
Course Coordinator: Mr. Azghar Pasha B

Course content:

Differential Calculus: Successive differentiation, nth derivatives of some standard functions,
Leibnitz theorem, Polar curves. Angle between the radius vector and the tangent, angle between
curves, length of the perpendicular from pole to the tangent, pedal equations. Taylor’s and
Maclaurin’s expansions.

Integral Calculus: Introduction, Reduction formula, Reduction formula for ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑛 𝑥 𝑑𝑥, Reduction
formula for ∫ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑛 𝑥 𝑑𝑥, Reduction formula for ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑚 𝑥 𝑑𝑥, Evaluation of double and triple

Vector Algebra: Scalar and vectors. Vector addition and subtraction. Multiplication of vectors (Dot
and Cross products). Scalar and vector triple product-simple problems. Vector functions of a single
variable. Derivative of a vector function, geometrical interpretation. Velocity and acceleration.

Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar field, directional derivative,
divergence of a vector field, solenoidal vector, curl of a vector, irrotational vector,Laplace’s
operator. Vector identities connected with gradient, divergence and curl.

First Order Differential Equations: Solution of first order and first degree differential equations,
variable separable methods, homogeneous equations, linear and Bernoulli’s equations, exact
differential equations.

Text Book:
1. B.S. Grewal – Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 44 thedition, 2017.
2. Erwin Kreyszig –Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley publication, 10th edition, 2015.

1. H.K. Dass – Higher Engineering Mathematics – S Chand Publications - 1998.
2. B.V. Ramana – Engineering Mathematics – Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co. Ltd. – New
Delhi – 2008.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Find the length of the perpendicular from pole to tangent and determine the series
expansion of differentiable functions (PO-1, 2)
2. Evaluate multiple integrals (PO-1, 2)
3. Analyze and solve problems related to Vector Algebra. (PO-1, 2)
4. Apply vector differentiation to identify solenoidal and irrotational vectors. (PO-1, 2)
5. Solve the first order and first degree ordinary differential equations. (PO-1, 2)

IV Semester

Course Code: IS41 Credit: 3:1:0
Prerequisite: Calculus & Probability Contact Hours:42L+14T
Course Coordinator: Dr. M. Girinath Reddy & Dr. Nancy Samuel

Course Content:

Finite Differences and Interpolation: Forward and backward differences, Interpolation, Newton-
Gregory Forward and Backward Interpolation formulae, Lagrange’s interpolation formula and
Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula (no proof).
Numerical Differentiation and Numerical Integration: Derivatives using Newton-Gregory
forward and backward interpolation formulae, Newton-Cotes quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule,
Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, Simpson’s 3/8th rule.

Random Variables: Random Variables (Discrete and Continuous), Probability density function,
Cumulative distribution function, Mean, Variance, Moment generating function.
Probability Distributions: Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, Uniform distribution,
Exponential distribution, Gamma distribution and Normal distribution.

Joint probability distribution: Joint probability distribution (both discrete and continuous),
Conditional probability, Conditional expectation, Simulation of random variable.
Stochastic Processes: Introduction, Classification of stochastic processes, Discrete time processes,
Stationary, Ergodicity, Autocorrelation, Power spectral density.

Markov Chain: Probability Vectors, Stochastic matrices, Regular stochastic matrices, Markov
chains, Higher transition probabilities, Stationary distribution of Regular Markov chains and
absorbing states, Markov and Poisson processes.
Queuing theory: Introduction, Symbolic representation of a queuing model, Single server Poisson
queuing model with infinite capacity (M/M/1 :  /FIFO), when  n   and  n   (   ) ,
Performance measures of the model, Single server Poisson queuing model with finite capacity
(M/M/S : N/FIFO), Performance measures of the model, Derivations of difference equations and
expressions for Ls , Lq , Ws , Wq of M/M/1 queuing model with finite and infinite capacity,
Multiple server Poisson queuing model with infinite capacity (M/M/S :  /FIFO), when  n   for
all n , (  S ) , Multiple server Poisson queuing model with finite capacity (M/M/S : N/FIFO),
Introduction to M/G/1 queuing model.

Sampling and Statistical Inference: Sampling distributions, Concepts of standard error and
confidence interval, Central Limit Theorem, Type-1 and Type-2 errors, Level of significance, One
tailed and two tailed tests, Z-test: for single mean, for single proportion, for difference between
means, Student’s t –test: for single mean, for difference between two means, F – test: for equality of
two variances, Chi-square test: for goodness of fit, for independence of attributes.

Text Books:

1. R.E. Walpole, R. H. Myers, R. S. L. Myers and K. Ye – Probability and Statistics for

Engineers and Scientists – Pearson Education – Delhi – 9th edition – 2012.
2. B.S.Grewal - Higher Engineering Mathematics - Khanna Publishers – 44th edition-2017.
3. T. Veerarajan- Probability, Statistics and Random processes – Tata McGraw-Hill Education
– 3rd edition -2017.

1. Erwin Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Wiley-India publishers- 10th edition-
2. Sheldon M. Ross – Probability models for Computer Science – Academic Press – 2009.
3. Murray R Spiegel, John Schiller & R. Alu Srinivasan – Probability and Statistics –
Schaum’s outlines -4th edition-2012.
4. Kishor S. Trivedi – Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science
Applications – John Wiley & Sons – 2nd edition – 2008.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-

1. Find functional values, derivatives, areas and volumes numerically from a given data.
(PO – 1,2) (PSO-2)
2. Analyze the given random data and its probability distributions. (PO – 1,2) (PSO-2)
3. Calculate the marginal and conditional distributions of bivariate random variables
and determine the parameters of stationary random processes. (PO – 1,2) (PSO-2)
4. Use Markov chain in prediction of future events and in queuing models. (PO – 1,2)
( PSO-2).
5. Choose an appropriate test of significance and make inference about the population from a
sample. (PO-1,2 & PSO-2)

Course Code: IS42 Credits: 3:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: :42L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Sandeep B L

Course Content:

Introduction: Operating System Structure, Operating System Operations, Process Management,
Memory Management, Storage Management, Protection and Security; Process Concept: Process
Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Interprocess Communication; Process Scheduling: Scheduling
Criteria, Scheduling algorithms Multiple processor scheduler.

Synchronization: The Critical Section Problem, Hardware and software solution for critical section
problem, Synchronization Scheduling Algorithms, Mutex locks, Semaphores, Classical Problems of
Synchronization, Monitors, Synchronization Examples; Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock
Characterization, Methods for handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance and
detection, Recovery from Deadlock.

Memory Management Strategies: Background, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation,
Paging, Structure of Page Table, Segmentation; Virtual Memory Management: Background,
Demand Paging, Copy on Write, Page Replacement, Allocation of frames, Allocating Kernel

File System: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection; Implementing File
Systems: File System Structure, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation
Methods, Free Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery; Secondary-Storage
Structure: Disk structure, Disk Attachment, Disk Scheduling Methods, Disk management, Swap-
Space Management.

System Protection: Goals of Protection, Principle of Protection, Access Matrix, Domain of
Protection, Access Matrix and its implementation, Case Study on The Linux System: Design
Principles, Kernel Modules, Process Management, Scheduling, Memory Management File Systems,
Inter process Communication. Case Studies on Linux and Macintosh.

Text Book:
3. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B Galvin, Gerg Gagne, Operating Systems Concepts, 9 th Edition,
2016 India Edition, Wiley Publications.

3. Dhananjay M Dhamdhere, Operating Systems: A Concept-Based Approach, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2012.
4. Tanenbaum A. S., Modern Operating Systems, 3/e, Pearson Education, 2008

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Discuss operating system concepts and analyze CPU scheduling algorithms. (PO- 1,2,3)
2. Describe the various methods for accessing shared data and handling deadlocks.
(PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2,3)
3. Employ the techniques for memory management during process execution and describe
the file system and secondary storage structure. (PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2,3)
4. Describe the file system and secondary storage structure. (PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2,3)
5. Articulate the need for information protection mechanisms in OS and understand the
working of modern operating system. (PO –1,2) (PSO-1,2,3)

Course Code: IS43 Credit: 3:1:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42L+14T
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Shruthi G

Course Content:

Introduction to Operations Research (OR) and Linear Programming (LP): OR Models, Solving
the OR Model, Phases of an OR Study; Modeling with Linear Programming (LP), Two-variable LP
Model, Graphical LP solution, Solution of a Maximization/Minimization Model; Computer solution
with Excel Solver; LP Model in Equation Form, Transition from Graphical to Algebraic Solution;

The Simplex Method: The Simplex Method, Special cases in the Simplex Method, Degeneracy,
Alternative optima, Unbounded solutions, Non-existing solutions; Artificial Variable Techniques:
Two Phase Method,Big-M method; TORA Tool

Duality and Game Theory: Introduction: Concept of Duality; Definition of Primal-Dual Problems;
General Rules forConverting any Primal into its Dual; Introduction to Dual Simplex Method;
Computational Procedure of Dual Simplex Method; Illustrative Examples. Introduction of Game
Theory, Characteristics of Games Theory; Minimax (Maximin) Criterion and Optimal Strategy;
Saddle Point, Optimal Strategies and the value of game; Solution of Games with Saddle Point(s);
Rectangular Games without Saddle Point; Arithmetic Method for (2x2) Games, Gambit tool for
Game theory.

Project Management by PERT-CPM: Introduction, Applications of PERT/CPM Techniques,
Basic Steps inPERT/CPM Techniques; Network Diagram Representation, Rules for Drawing
Network Diagram, LabelingFulkerson’s ‘I-J’ Rule; Time Estimates and Critical Path in Network
Analysis; Project Evaluation and Review Technique, TORA tool.

Transportation and Assignment Problems: Mathematical Formulation of transportation problem
(TP); Matrix Form of TP; Feasible Solution, Basic Feasible Solution and Optimum Solution;
Tabular Representation; Special Structure of Transportation Table and their Problems; Initial Basic
Feasible Solution to TP; Moving Towards Optimality; Degeneracy in TP; Unbalanced TP;
Mathematical Formulation of Assignment Problem (AP); Fundamental Theorems; Hungarian
Method for AP; TORA tool.

Tutorial Exercises:
1. Problems on Formulation of Linear Programming Problems,
2. Problems on Graphical Solutions to Linear Programming Problems
3. Problems on Simplex Method
4. Problems on special cases in simplex method
5. Problems on Two Phase Method
6. Problems on Big-M Method
7. Problems on Dual Simplex Method
8. Problems on CPM

9. Problems on PERT
10. Problems on Game theory
11. Problems on Transportation Problems
12. Problems on Assignment Problems

Text Books:

1. Operations Research: An Introduction – Hamdy A Taha – 9th Edition, Pearson Education,

India, 2011.
2. Operations Research – S.D. Sharma – 16th Edition, KNRN Publications, 2009.


1. Introduction to Operations Research – Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman – 9th

Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,2009

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1 Formulate and solve linear programming model using graphical method.(PO-1, 2,3,5,12)
(PSO- 1, 2)
2 Solve a linear programming model using simplex methods (PO-1, 2, 3, 5) (PSO-1, 2)
3 Apply game theory to model, analyze and solve real-world problems. (PO-1, 2, 3, 5,6,7)
(PSO-1, 2)
4 Analyze a project network using PERT and CPM techniques. (PO-1, 2, 3, 5,6,7) (PSO-1, 2)
5 Solve Transportation and assignment problems. (PO-1, 2, 3, 5,6,7) (PSO-1, 2 )

Course Code: IS44 Credit: 3:1:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 42L+14T
Course Coordinator: Mr. Mani Sekhar S R

Course Content:

Finite Automata and Regular Expressions: Introduction to Finite Automata: The central
concepts of Automata theory, Deterministic finite automata, Nondeterministic finite automata, An
application of finite automata, Finite automata with Epsilon-transitions

Regular Languages, Properties of Regular Languages: Regular expressions; Finite Automata
and Regular Expressions, Regular languages: Proving languages not to be regular languages,
Closure properties of regular languages, Equivalence and minimization of automata

Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context free grammars, Parse trees: Constructing
parse trees, The yield of a parse tree, Applications, Ambiguity in grammars and Languages,
Normal forms for CFGs; The pumping lemma for CFGs

Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context-Free Languages: Closure properties of CFLs,
Definition of the Pushdown automata: The languages of a PDA, Equivalence of PDA‟s and
CFG‟s, Deterministic Pushdown Automata.

Introduction to Turing Machine: Problems that Computers cannot solve, The turning machine:
Programming techniques for Turning Machines, Extensions to the basic Turning Machines, Turing
Machine and Computers.

Tutorial Contents:
 Problems on design of Deterministic Finite Automata.
 Problems on design of Non- Deterministic Finite Automata.
 Problems on Equivalence of DFA and NFA.
 Formulating Regular Expressions for given Regular Languages.
 Problems on Converting Finite Automata to Regular Expressions and vice versa.
 Problems on Minimization of DFA.
 Proving languages not to be regular using pumping lemma for regular languages.
 Problems on constructing Context free grammar given a context free language.
 Proving languages not to be context free using pumping lemma for context free languages.
 Problems on finding Ambiguity in grammars and Languages
 Problems on Simplification of Context-Free Grammars.
 Problems on design of Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Push Down Automata.
 Problems on Equivalence of CFG and PDA.
 Problems on design of Turing Machine.

Text Book:
1. John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.Ullman: Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computation, 3rd Edition, Pearson education, 2014.

1. John C Martin: Introduction to Languages and Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Describe the basic concepts of automata theory and design the Finite State Models.
((PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1)
2. Formulate Regular Expression for Finite Automata and vice versa((PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1)
3. Design Context Free Grammar (CFG) in various Normal Forms and discuss their
Applications. ((PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1)
4. Design and Convert N-Push Down Automata and D-Push Down Automata for CFG and
vice versa. ((PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1)
5. Design Turing Machine for a given language and discuss its variants. ((PO-1, 2, 3)

Course Code: IS45 Credit: 4:0:0
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing & Data Structures Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mrs. Deepthi K

Course Content:


Introduction: Notion of Algorithm, Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving, Important

Problem Types. Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: Analysis Framework,
Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes, Mathematical analysis of Non-Recursive and
Recursive algorithms.


Brute Force: Selection Sort and Bubble Sort, Divide and Conquer: Merge Sort, Quick Sort,
Analysis of Binary Search and Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms. Space and Time Trade-offs:
Input Enhancement in String Matching: Horspool's Algorithm.


Dynamic Programming: Warshall’s and Floyd's Algorithms, The Knapsack Problem and Memory
Functions. Greedy Technique: Prim’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
Huffman Trees.


Decrease and Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Topological
Sorting, Decrease-by-a-Constant-Factor Algorithms: Fake-Coin Problem, Josephus Problem,
Variable-Size-Decrease: The Game of Nim. Transform and Conquer: Balanced Search Trees.


Transform and Conquer: Heaps and Heapsort. Limitations of Algorithm Power: P, NP and NP-
Complete Problems. Coping with the Limitations of Algorithm Power: Backtracking (n-Queens
Problem) Branch-and-Bound (Travelling Salesman Problem), Approximation Algorithms for NP-
hard Problems.

Text Book:
1. AnanyLevitin ,”Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms” , 2nd Edition ,
Pearson Education, 2007.

1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal L. Rivest, Clifford Stein Introduction to
Algorithms, 2ndEdition, PHI, 2006.
2. Computer Algorithms, Horowitz E. Sahni S, Rajasekaran S, Galgotia Publications, 2001.

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Describe the fundamentals of algorithms, problem types and standard algorithm design
techniques. (PO-1, 2) (PSO- 1, 2)
2. Develop algorithms using standard algorithm design techniques to solve computational
problems. (PO-1, 2, 3) (PSO-1, 2)
3. Analyze the efficiency of algorithms through mathematical analysis.(PO-1, 2) (PSO-1)
4. Apply algorithms and design techniques to solve computational problems. (PO-1, 2, 3)
(PSO-1, 2)
5. Identify intractable problems and deal with the limitations of algorithm power. (PO – 1, 2)
(PSO-1, 2)

Course Code: IS46 Credit: 4:0:0
Prerequisite: Computer Organization and Architecture Contact Hours: 56L
Course Coordinator: Mr. Prashanth Kambli

Course content:


ARM Embedded Systems, RISC design philosophy, ARM design philosophy, Introduction to
Embedded systems, Design of Embedded Systems, Applications, Embedded processors, Operating
System, Connectivity.

Internal Components of System-on-chip, General Microprocessor UNIT-, MCU PIN diagram,

Timers and Counters, Pulse width modulator.

Serial Communication, Direct Memory Access, Semiconductor Memory, Designing Low power
systems, BUS architecture.

Embedded Systems – the Software, Endian-ness, Data Alignment and Memory Banks, Peripheral
I/O and Memory Mapped I/O, Load Store Architecture, Stack, FLAGS, Integrated Development
Environment, Debugging.

The Architecture of ARM 7, History of ARM, ARM 7 architecture, Interrupts and Exceptions,
ARM7 pipeline, Advanced Features.

Assembly Programming of ARM7, Embedded program development, ARM7 Instruction set.

Assembly Language Programming, Accessing Memory, Programming of ARM7 using C, ARM7

Architecture of ARM Cortex-M, Cortex-M Processors, Cortex-M0, Modes and States,
Programming Model, Memory Model, Nested Vector Interrupt Controller, Power management
using sleep modes.

Text Books:
1. Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer's Guide -
Designing and Optimizing System Software”, Elsevier Publication 2012.
2. Lyla B Das, “Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing of Low-power Procesors – ARM7,
Cortex-M”, Cenegage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2017.

1. Kris Schindler, “Introduction to Microprocessor Based Systems using the ARM Processor”,
Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2013

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to -
1. Make decisions about relevant embedded processor and choose an operating system and
connectivity for a given application (PO-1,2) (PSO-1)
2. Describe the building blocks that contribute to the software aspects of embedded system
design. (PO-1,2) (PSO-1)
3. Explain ARM7 architecture, interrupt structure and pipeline. (PO-1,2) (PSO-1,2)
4. Write ARM7 assembly code for a given problem (PO-1,2,3,4) (PSO-1,2)
5. Differentiate between versions of Cortex-M processors in terms of architecture, memory
model and interrupt structure (PO-1,2,12) (PSO-3)

Course Code: ISL47 Credit: 0:0:1
Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Computing & Data Structures Contact Hours: 14P
Course Coordinator: Dr. Megha P Arakeri

1. Sort a given set of elements using Bubble Sort/Selection Sort and determine the time
required to sort the elements. Plot a graph of number of elements versus time taken.
Specify the time efficiency class of this algorithm.
2. Sort a given set of elements using Merge Sort method and determine the time required to
sort the elements. Plot a graph of number of elements versus time taken. Specify the time
efficiency class of this algorithm.
3. Sort a given set of elements using Quick Sort method and determine the time required sort
the elements. Plot a graph of number of elements versus time taken. Specify the time
efficiency class of this algorithm.
4. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS. Give the
trace of this algorithm.
5. Sort a given set of elements using the Heap Sort method and determine the time required to
sort the elements. Plot a graph of number of elements versus time taken. Specify the time
efficiency class of this algorithm.
6. Implement Horspool algorithm for String Matching. Give the trace of this algorithm.
7. Compute the transitive closure of a given directed graph using Warshall's algorithm. Give
the trace of this algorithm.
8. Implement Floyd’s algorithm for the All-Pairs- Shortest-Paths problem. Give the trace of
this algorithm.
9. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using dynamic programming. Give the trace of
this algorithm.
10. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s/Kruskal’s
algorithm. Give the trace of this algorithm.
11. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices
Dijkstra's algorithm. Give the trace of this algorithm.
12. Implement N-Queen's problem using Back Tracking. Give the trace of this algorithm.

Text Book:
1. AnanyLevitin,”Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms”, 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education, 2007.

1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronal L. Rivest, Clifford Stein Introduction to
Algorithms, 2ndEdition, PHI, 2006.
2. Computer Algorithms, Horowitz E. Sahni S, Rajasekaran S, GalgotiaPublications, 2001.

Course Outcomes (COs):
At the end of the course, students will be able to –
1. Implement the algorithms based on various design techniques. (PO-1,2,3,4,9,10)
2. Analyze the efficiency of various algorithms. (PO-1,2,4,9,10)(PSO-1)
3. Produce substantial written documentation. (PO-9,10)(PSO-3)

Course Code: ISL48 Credit: 0:0 :1
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours: 14P
Course Coordinator: Mr. Prashanth Kambli


1. Familiarizing the Keil MicrovisionV IDE

a. Create a project, Edit an ASM file, Build, and Debug. Observe Disassembly window, Register and
Memory contents in Step mode and in Run Mode.
b. Execute a sample ARM Assembly Language Program to add two numbers in registers and store the
sum in a register.

2. ARM Assembly Language Programming Practice using Keil MicrovisionV # I

a. ALP to add first 5 natural numbers. Store sum in register.
b. ALP to add first 10 odd numbers. Store sum in register.
c. ALP to compute sum of 5 terms of an arithmetic progression. First term is 3, common difference is
7. Store sum in register.
d. ALP to compute sum of squares of 5 numbers starting from 1. Write and use procedure SQU. Store
sum in register.

3. ARM Assembly Language Programming Practice using Keil MicrovisionV # II

a. ALP to add the first n even numbers. Store the result in a memory location.
b. ALP to generate a geometric progression with a limit n. Display the results in memory.

4. ARM ALP # I
a. ALP to find the arithmetic progression with a=3, d=7.
b. ALP to find the sum of cubes of the first n natural numbers.

a. ALP to count the number of zeroes and ones in a binary number.
b. ALP to find the average of ten 16-bit numbers stored in memory.


a. ALP to find the factorial of a number.
b. ALP to generate the first n Fibonacci numbers.

a. ALP to find the sum of digits of a number.
b. ALP to convert BCD number to binary.

8. ARM ALP # V
a. ALP to find nPr.
b. ALP to find nCr.

a. ALP to implement Bubble Sort on an array of integers.
b. ALP to implement Binary Search on an array of integers.


a. ALP to check whether the given number is palindrome.
b. ALP to count the number of times a substring is repeated in the string.

11. ARM C Programming Practice using Keil MicrovisionV # I
a. C program to toggle the lowest pin of Port 0 with a delay between the two states. Observe and
record the waveform obtained using the Logic Analyzer in the Keil simulator.

12. ARM C Programming # I

a. C program to generate an asymmetric square wave of 120Hz and having a duty cycle of 25% using
the Timer0 module.
b. C program to generate a square wave using Timer0 in the interrupt mode.

13. ARM C Programming # II

a. C program to make a LED glow at different brightness levels (low to high) with brightness levels
varying over duration of 2s. Demonstrate using logic analyzer window.

14. ARM C Programming # III

a. C program to display the string ‘I LOVE ISE’ in the serial window of UART1.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to-
1. Write assembly language programs for the ARM7 ISA. (PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2)
2. Write C programs for interfacing peripherals to the ARM7 MCU. (PO-1,2,3) (PSO-1,2)
3. Execute and Debug assembly language and C programs using a simulator. (PO-1,2,5)

Course Code: AM41 Credit: 0:0:0
Prerequisite: Nil Contact Hours:40
Course Coordinator: Mr. Azghar Pasha B

Course content:


Differential calculus: Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem, total differential coefficient,

differentiation of composite and implicit functions, Jacobian and Properties. Taylor’s theorem for
function of two variables, maxima and minima for functions of two variables.

Vector integration: Line integrals, surface integrals and volume integrals. Green’s theorem, Stokes’
and Gauss divergence theorem (without proof) and problems, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates.

Laplace transforms: Definitions, Laplace transforms of elementary functions, derivatives and
integrals, periodic function, unit step function, inverse transforms, applications of Laplace
transforms to solve differential equations.

Higher Order Differential Equations: Higher order linear differential equations, method of
variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Legendre’s homogeneous differential equations.

Probability: Introduction. Sample space and events. Axioms of probability. Addition and
multiplication theorems. Conditional probability-illustrative examples. Bayes theorem –examples.

Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal – Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 44 thedition, 2017.
2. Erwin Kreyszig –Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley publication, 10th edition, 2015.

1. H.K. Dass – Higher Engineering Mathematics – S Chand Publications - 1998.
2. B.V. Ramana – Engineering Mathematics – Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co. Ltd. – New
Delhi – 2008.

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course, students will be able to -
1. Find Jacobian, extreme values and power series expansion of a function. (PO-1, 2)
2. Exhibit the interdependence of line, surface and volume integrals using integral theorems.
(PO-1, 2)
3. Use the concept of Laplace transforms to solve initial and boundary value problems
(PO-1, 2)
4. Solve Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients (PO-1, 2)
5. Demonstrate the understanding of axioms and rules of probability to solve problems.
(PO-1, 2)


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