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Owner'S Manual: Ilmor Engines

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June 2020


· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Ilmor Engines WELCOME

OWNER’S MANUAL Ilmor Marine, LLC (Ilmor) is pleased to welcome you to boating
For enjoyment available only through use of the extraordinary Ilmor
ILMOR ENGINES engines. Ilmor is a recognized leader in the marine industry, having
originated through championship-caliber, high-performance engines.
Ilmor’s line of engines deliver the necessary power to plane with
pulse-pounding quickness without sacrificing reliability or smoothness.
Performance, style, durability, and ease of maintenance are what make
Ilmor the best choice for your boating application!

Ilmor Marine, LLC

186 Penske Way
Mooresville, NC 28115
844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667)
(704) 360-1901 FAX

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and quality in publication
of this document. At the time of printing, content is the most current
available. Consumers are encouraged to visit www.ilmor.com/en
regularly for additional information. The website will also track service
bulletins and other technical information that may have impact on the
consumer’s engine operation. Ilmor’s obligation regarding such matters
is delineated within the Ilmor Limited Warranty Statement.
Due to technological advancements and continuous improvement of
our products and products of our component suppliers, Ilmor reserves
the right to change specifications without notification. Photographs
and illustrations used in this Owner’s Manual are intended only as
representative reference views and may not depict actual model
component parts.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 1


INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................. 6
INTRODUCTION TO MANUAL......................................................................................................................................................6
SAFETY............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS..............................................................................................................................................................7
AND NOTICES................................................................................................................................................................................8
GENERAL SAFETY CONCERNS..................................................................................................................................................8
SAFETY NOTICES..........................................................................................................................................................................9
FUNCTIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS............................................................................................................................ 12
EXHAUST SYSTEM......................................................................................................................................................................12
FUEL SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................................................................12
COOLING SYSTEM......................................................................................................................................................................12
Open Cooling System................................................................................................................................................................13
Closed Cooling System..............................................................................................................................................................13
Flushing Procedure....................................................................................................................................................................14
Quick Drain Procedure (GDI-S Models).....................................................................................................................................14
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM................................................................................................................................................................16
Electronic Power Distribution Module (ePDM)...........................................................................................................................16
Boat/Engine Interface Wiring......................................................................................................................................................16
ENGINE SENSORS......................................................................................................................................................................17
ALARMS & GAUGES....................................................................................................................................................................17
Water Temperature.....................................................................................................................................................................17
Oil Pressure................................................................................................................................................................................18

2 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


OPERATION................................................................................................................................................................. 19
BEFORE STARTING ENGINE.....................................................................................................................................................19
BEFORE EACH USE....................................................................................................................................................................19
Engine Oil...................................................................................................................................................................................19
Sea Strainer ..............................................................................................................................................................................19
Coolant Level.............................................................................................................................................................................20
Power Steering Fluid (-S Models)..............................................................................................................................................21
Serpentine Belt...........................................................................................................................................................................22
Battery Connections and
Battery Charge...........................................................................................................................................................................23
Engine and Engine Controls/Cable............................................................................................................................................24
Fuel and Exhaust Systems.........................................................................................................................................................24
NEW ENGINE BREAK-IN.............................................................................................................................................................24
Initial Hours of Operation (Pre-25 Hours)...................................................................................................................................26
Continued Operation (Post-25 Hours)........................................................................................................................................26
AFTER EACH USE........................................................................................................................................................................27
Long Term Storage.....................................................................................................................................................................27
FUELING THE ENGINE................................................................................................................................................................28
Fuel Requirements.....................................................................................................................................................................29
Oxygenated Gasoline or Gasoline Containing Alcohol...............................................................................................................29
Fuels Outside the United States and
Fuel System Treatment..............................................................................................................................................................30

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 3


START ENGINE.............................................................................................................................................................................30
Pushbutton Start.........................................................................................................................................................................31
Key Switch Start.........................................................................................................................................................................31
GEAR SELECTION.......................................................................................................................................................................31
STOP THE BOAT...........................................................................................................................................................................32
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................................................................................33
HEAVY DUTY USAGE..................................................................................................................................................................33
COMMERCIAL USAGE................................................................................................................................................................33
MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................................................ 34
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE.......................................................................................................................................................34
CHECK ENGINE OIL (WARM).....................................................................................................................................................36
CHECK TRANSMISSION FLUID/OIL LEVEL.............................................................................................................................36
SERPENTINE BELT......................................................................................................................................................................36
Inspect Serpentine Belt..............................................................................................................................................................36
Replace Serpentine Belt.............................................................................................................................................................37
CLEAN ENGINE COMPARTMENT TO PREVENT CORROSION.............................................................................................38
INSPECT AND CLEAN THE BATTERY CONNECTIONS AND HOLD-DOWNS......................................................................38
STORAGE AND WINTERIZING...................................................................................................................................................39
Battery Winterization..................................................................................................................................................................40
Recommissioning After
EMISSIONS.................................................................................................................................................................. 41

4 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com



CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCE BOARD (CARB) STAR LABEL................................................................................................41
CARB Overview.........................................................................................................................................................................41
Environmental Label...................................................................................................................................................................42
CALIFORNIA AND U.S. EPA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENT....................................................................44
Warranty Rights and Obligations................................................................................................................................................44
Warranty Terms..........................................................................................................................................................................44
Owner Warranty Responsibilities...............................................................................................................................................45
General Emissions Warranty Coverage.....................................................................................................................................45
Mechanical Emission-Related
Components Warranty................................................................................................................................................................46
Electronic Emission-Related Control Parts Warranty.................................................................................................................46
Direct Emission-Related Control Parts Warranty.......................................................................................................................47
TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................................................................. 48
SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................................................ 50

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 5


Please read Owner’s Manual completely prior to operating engine and boat for the
first time. The Owner’s Manual contains information critical for safe operation and
maintenance of the marine products purchased from Ilmor that is required to activate
and keep the limited warranty statement in effect throughout the applicable warranty
period. Continuing appropriate maintenance and care can ensure long-term enjoyment
For locating the nearest authorized Ilmor service center, please visit
https://www.ilmor.com/Resources/Find-a-Dealer or call 844-GO-ILMOR

6 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS For details on safety rules and regulations in the United States, contact
the local office of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Prior to operating the boat for the first time, operators MUST read
the entire Owner’s Manual. Reread the Owner’s Manual prior to first
operation at beginning of the boating season. Keep the Owner’s Failure to adhere to and comply with safety dangers, warnings,
Manual onboard the boat in a dry, secure location, such as a glove box, cautions, and notices that appear in this manual can lead to serious
for referral. Read the entire boat Owner’s Manual, paying particular illness, injury or death, and/or damage to the boat or property of others.
attention to proper operation and safety concerns addressed within that Beyond these warnings, boaters have a personal responsibility to utilize
publication. a common-sense safety approach to the boating experience, including
keeping individuals off or away from the swim platform and stern area
It is a boat owner’s and/or the operator’s responsibility to be aware of
of the boat during engine operation. Personal flotation devices (PFD)
safety issues and concerns in the proper operation of the boat. All
save lives and ensure positive experiences.
on-board passengers, regardless of age, physical limitations, and/or
previous boating experience (or lack of experience), bear the Ilmor offers many proactive, safe approaches to the boating experience,
responsibility for determining the appropriate behavior and safety but the consumer is ultimately responsible for the positive and safe
precautions required on the boat. These responsibilities also include, operation of the boat.
but are not limited to, the care around the engine, engine compartment, Please note, safety information statements are categorized for
transmission, and all moving parts. information purposes only and are not presented in any particular
A properly prepared and maintained engine is less likely to stall, misfire, order of importance. Each of the statements referenced below, and
or otherwise operate in a manner that could place the boat occupants, in other sections of this manual, provide important safety-related
as well as others on the same body of water, in unsafe situations. information and must be read and followed to avoid injury or damage,
Safety and maintenance of the powertrain are best described in this as applicable. The owner/operator is strongly encouraged to read the
Owner’s Manual and at www.ilmor.com/Resources/Warranties-Manuals. dangers, warnings, cautions, and notices in the context presented by
For additional information, contact the nearest Ilmor service center or reading and reviewing those sections.
call 844-GO-ILMOR.
The following safety precautions are published for information. Ilmor
does not, by the publication of these precautions, imply or in any way
represent that they are the sum of all dangers present. If installing,
operating, or servicing an Ilmor product, it is the owner's/operator's
responsibility to ensure full compliance with all applicable safety
codes and requirements. All requirements of the Federal Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) Act must be met when Ilmor products are
operated in areas that are under the jurisdiction of the United States of
America. Ilmor products operated in other countries must be installed,
operated, and serviced in compliance with any and all applicable safety
requirements of that country.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 7



DANGER! Always avoid exhaust areas and engine
DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE are used throughout compartment during the venting of engine exhaust. Engine
this manual to highlight important information. Be certain that the exhaust emits carbon monoxide, which is colorless, odorless
meanings of these alerts are understood by all who work on or near
the equipment. Specific safety information is highlighted with symbols
and poisonous even in small concentration. Carbon monoxide
designed to draw particular attention to specific information. These will can cause serious injury or death in a short period of time.
Whenever an engine is operated within the confines of an engine
Safety alert symbol appears with most safety statements. It compartment, it is extremely important to follow the boat manufacturer’s
means attention, become alert, personnel safety is involved! instructions regarding ventilation of the engine compartment prior to, or
Please read and abide by the message that follows the during, low-speed/idle operation.
safety alert symbol.
One of the most critical safety matters affecting boaters is the matter
of carbon monoxide emissions. This is a colorless, odorless and
DANGER! Indicates an imminently hazardous situation poisonous gas that accumulates rapidly, both within confined areas
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. and in open areas. Exposure to carbon monoxide can be fatal within
minutes, even in low concentrations. Avoid exhaust vent areas of the
boat, particularly during slow-speed operation.
WARNING! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. WARNING! Never attempt to stop or slow rotating parts.
Keep away from rotating parts. The engine compartment serves
CAUTION! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not as a guard. Be sure the ignition is OFF and the engine is not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. running whenever the compartment is open, except as directed
by the boat manufacturer, to vent exhaust fumes or during
NOTICE: Indicates a situation which can cause damage to the maintenance. Use extreme care whenever operating the engine
engine, personal property and/or the environment, or cause improper with the compartment open. Clothing or body parts can get
operation of equipment. caught in moving parts which could result in serious injury or

8 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Onboard personnel must be vigilant whenever the engine is running

with engine compartment open. Avoid all moving parts. When possible, WARNING! Always use genuine Ilmor replacement parts
adjustments to the engine or anything accessible from the engine
intended for the engine. The electrical and ignition components
compartment while the engine is running should be performed by an
authorized Ilmor service center, or authorized boat manufacturer dealer. have been designed to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations
Exercise extreme caution if adjustments are necessary while the boat is intended to minimize the possibility of fire and/or explosion.
in use or in preparation for use. The use of non-approved replacement parts from aftermarket or
It is the owner/operator’s responsibility to perform all safety checks other sources will void the warranty and could result in fire and/
to the engine(s) prior to, during, and after operation. When properly or explosion, which could result in serious injury or death.
followed, the maintenance schedules listed in this manual will ensure
long-term operation and performance of the engine. When service
and maintenance are required, return the boat to an authorized Ilmor WARNING! Never realign or alter engine wiring. Doing so
service center. Failure to follow procedures outlined in this Owner’s
Manual or through published technical information at www.ilmor.com/en
may result in damage to the engine not covered under warranty,
may void the warranty. and sufficient voltage may be present to cause serious injury
The precautions listed in this Owner’s Manual, as well as published
and/or death.
technical information, are not all-inclusive. Any replacement part, fluid
or substance that is not specified as recommended should not be used WARNING! Ensure ignition key and main battery power
as it may result in damages to the product. This could lead to voiding switch are in the OFF position, and no spark or flame is present
the warranty, as well as placing people in an unsafe situation.
when servicing fuel/water separator. Failure to do so could result
SAFETY NOTICES in fire and/or explosion, which could result in serious injury or
DANGER! Always void exhaust areas and engine
compartment during venting of engine exhaust. Engine
WARNING! Replace fuel system parts with only
exhausts emits carbon monoxide, which is colorless, odorless
Ilmor-authorized parts. If the engine fuel system requires
and poisonous even in small concentration. Carbon monoxide
attention, adjustment or replacement, the procedure must be
will cause serious injury or death in short periods of time.
performed by an authorized Ilmor service center. Fuel lines are
pressurized and can only be disconnected with specialized tools.
Failure to follow this directive will void the warranty and may
result in damage to the boat and/or serious injury or death.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 9


WARNING! When servicing fuel system components, WARNING! Operating, servicing, and maintaining a
always have an appropriately-rated fire extinguisher nearby and recreational marine vessel can expose you to chemicals
adequate workspace ventilation. Failure to do so could result in including engine exhaust, carbon monoxide, phthalates, and
fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, which could result in serious lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer
injury or death. and birth defects or other reproductive harm. To minimize
exposure, avoid breathing exhaust, service the vessel in a well
WARNING! The fuel system is under pressure. Allow the ventilated area, and wear gloves or wash hands frequently when
engine to completely cool down before servicing the fuel/ servicing this vessel. For more information go to
water separator filter. Failure to do so could result in fire and/or www.P65warnings.ca.gov/marine.
explosion, which could result in serious injury or death.
CAUTION! Maintain a safe distance from other operating
WARNING! Ensure no fuel leaks are present and engine
vessels, docks, shallow waterway bottoms, and/or debris that
compartment is well ventilated with no gasoline vapors present
may result in damage to the vessel. Failure to do so may result
before performing any fuel system maintenance. Failure to do
in serious injury and/or damages not covered under warranty.
so could result in fire and/or explosion, which could result in
serious injury or death.
CAUTION! Leaks or restrictions in the cooling system may
WARNING! Battery posts, terminals and related accessories result in engine overheating. Ensure sufficient water supply to
may contain lead and lead compounds. These chemicals are the engine, and that equal amounts of water are flowing out of
known to the State of Cal­i­for­nia to cause can­cer, birth defects, or the exhaust system. Immediately shut off the engine if excessive
oth­er re­pro­duc­tive harm. Wash hands after handling. heat is detected by odor or sight. Failure to do so may result in,
including but not limited to, damage to the engine, which is not
covered under warranty, and/or damage to the boat, which may
result in injury to personnel.

10 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


NOTICE: The engine cooling system must remain free and clear of
debris at all times. Operating the engine with a restricted cooling
system may cause overheating conditions, resulting in damage
to powertrain components. Be sure to inspect/replace the cooling
system regularly. Never operate the engine in waters where debris
is likely to become ingested into the engine cooling system. (See
of this manual.)

NOTICE: Lack of water to the engine cooling system could cause

the raw water impeller to fail and lead to severe engine damage. Any
leaks or restrictions to the inlet or outlet side of the engine cooling
system should be repaired immediately before continued operation of
the engine.

NOTICE: Engines operating in brackish or salt water should be

flushed with fresh water after every use. Void water on open cooled

NOTICE: Do not operate the engine without a properly installed

serpentine belt. If serpentine belt is severely worn, misaligned, or
has failed, catastrophic engine failure may occur. Resulting engine
damage will not be covered by the warranty.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 11



Ilmor engines are equipped with wet marine exhaust systems where Ilmor gasoline engines are designed with either a multi-port injection
raw water enters the exhaust elbows (downturn adapters) and mixes (MPI) or a gasoline direct injection (GDI) fuel delivery system. Ilmor
with exhaust gases. Mixing water with exhaust gases reduces internal uses the most up-to-date engine technology to monitor powertrain
combustion noise from the engine. This mixing is important because it characteristics and meet emission and driveability requirements of
also provides cooling to the exhaust rubber components that direct the marine applications today.
exhaust outside the vessel. After the water-exhaust gas mixture passes
through the mufflers, it exits back into the body of water.
WARNING! Replace fuel system parts only with Ilmor-
Ilmor engine exhaust systems are equipped with a catalytic converter authorized parts. All fuel system lines and connections must
system. Ilmor strongly recommends that ONLY an authorized Ilmor
service center should perform maintenance on the catalytic converter meet the requirements of U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) regulations.
system. Hoses must meet or exceed SAE Standard J1527 DEC85, and
hoses used for fuel delivery must meet or exceed specification
CAUTION! Never allow excessive exhaust temperature that in USCG regulations, Sec. 183.540 for recreational boating.
will damage the exhaust hose, and are symptomatic of a leak or All fuel hoses must meet the 15 g/m2 limit for fuel permeation.
restriction in the cooling system. If safe to do so, shut off engine All plumbing for the Ilmor engine fuel system, and the boats
immediately when excessive heat is detected by odor, sight, or in which Ilmor authorizes placement, must meet or exceed all
engine cooling faults. Failure to do so may result in more serious requirements.
consequences including, but not limited to, damage to the
engine not covered under warranty and/or damage to the boat COOLING SYSTEM
Unlike automotive cooling systems that use radiators (air-to-fluid heat
that may result in personal injury.
exchangers) for cooling, marine engines have two different types of
Exhaust manifolds are water-cooled to regulate exhaust temperatures. cooling systems for transferring engine heat. Closed cooling systems
If an odor of burning rubber (or other materials) exists, shut down the use fluid-to-fluid heat exchangers. Open cooling systems use water
engine immediately and move to a safe location. Often as a symptom of only to transfer heat directly from the engine. Cooling water is provided
cooling system issues, overheating will damage exhaust manifolds and by the body of water in which the boat is operated. A raw water pump
hoses. Contact the nearest authorized Ilmor service center immediately draws water into the engine where it is distributed to the engine’s
if the engine exhaust exhibits any of the above symptoms. cooling system.

12 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Ensure the engine seacock remains clear of debris at all times. Even
NOTICE: Marine growth occurs in brackish, salt water, and even in small amounts can clog or block the pick-up located beneath the boat.
fresh (salt-free) water. It is important to flush the cooling system with The engine seacock MUST have an uninterrupted supply of water
fresh tap/treated water after each use. whenever engine is running. (See the Check Sea Strainer section in the
OPERATION chapter of this manual for more information.)
Ilmor engines use two main types of cooling systems. Available cooling Open Cooling System
system types are determined by the model of engine selected:
The open cooling system was designed for fresh water use only. Even
1. Open Cooling System when boating in apparently clean fresh water, it is highly recommended
In an open cooling system, the entering water flows directly through the to flush the cooling system after each use. This helps control marine
cooling passages of the engine exhaust manifolds and discharges out growth or fouling of the cooling system.
the tailpipes. In an open cooling system, fresh water is drawn through the engine
2. Closed Cooling System (Ocean Performance Series) seacock by the raw water pump. The raw water pump is located on
the engine. The seacock is located on the submerged hull of the
In a closed cooling system, the entering water is directed to the heat
boat where it can draw water continuously. Engine circulation pump
exchangers to transfer engine heat, and discharges via the tailpipes or
circulates fresh water throughout the engine and exhaust manifolds,
the One-Drive®.
and then discharges the water out of the exhaust tailpipes.

WARNING! Never operate the engine without adequate and Closed Cooling System
uninterrupted water flowing through the cooling system. This The closed cooled system is the required application for boats
operating in consistently brackish or salt water. The system provides
requires the boat to be in an operational-sized body of water or maximum protection for the engine against corrosion, fouling, and
connected to the suction side of a raw water pump by an marine growth. As noted above, it is extremely important to flush the
Ilmor-approved water supply. If the engine operates without cooling system after each use.
water in the cooling system, the exhaust system will overheat In a closed cooling system, fresh water is drawn through the engine
and could potentially create an onboard fire. The raw water seacock, or water inlet ports on the One-Drive® gear housing, by the
pump impeller could be compromised as well. Damages caused raw water pump. From there, it is distributed to the heat exchangers
to the powertrain, or boat, due to water starvation may void the and then to the exhaust adapters before exiting the exhaust tailpipes
or One-Drive gear housing. The engine circulation pump recirculates
warranty and may result in serious injury and/or death. coolant through the engine and exhaust manifolds. Raw water never
comes in contact with the engine or exhaust manifolds.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 13


Flushing Procedure 2. Secure the flush attachment over the engine seacock inlet. The
flush attachment should be tight enough against the inlet to prevent
Flushing the engine is a maintenance practice recommended after each
the fresh water supply from spilling. Use tape or a strap to secure
use of the engine(s). Flushing the engines reduces the risk of cooling
the flush attachment, if necessary.
system blockage from items such as aquatic growth, corrosion, and/or
foreign debris. Higher salinity areas may require more frequent flushing 3. Turn ON the fresh water supply to the flush attachment. The fresh
measures to prevent aquatic growth, corrosion, or build up in the cooling water supply must be capable of supplying more than 5 gallons of
system. FLUSHING the engine is NOT the same as WINTERIZING. fresh water per minute to the flush attachment.
Consult your authorized Ilmor service center for more information.
WARNING! Failure to supply sufficient water flow to the
NOTICE: Any exposure to brackish or salt water requires a closed
engine cooling system can result in product damage(s) due to
cooling system. Operating an open cooled engine in brackish or salt
overheat, not covered under warranty.
water can and will void the warranty.
4. Once a sufficient supply of fresh water has reached the flush
1. Select the appropriate flush attachment for the application. attachment, START the engine.
• One-Drive® – attach an appropriate, sterndrive-style, flush 5. Monitor the rate of intake of the fresh water supply at the flush
attachment and fresh water supply over the water inlet holes on the attachment. If the engine fails to draw in the fresh water supply
gear case or to the boat manufacturer’s engine-flushing attachment or engine operating temperature exceeds the specified operating
(if equipped). temperature range, STOP the engine IMMEDIATELY! Turn OFF the
• Inboard – attach a fresh water supply hose and hull-style flush fresh water supply, correct any system leaks, and return to Step 2.
attachment that covers the engine seacock from the exterior or to
6. Continue to run the engine up to its recommended operating
the boat manufacturer’s engine-flushing attachment (if equipped). temperature. The flushing procedure is complete once all
preexisting water in the raw water cooling system has been
NOTICE: Be sure to remove the flushing device from the engine’s replaced by the fresh water supply. Remove all attachments, tools,
water supply when the flushing process is complete. and supplies before the next use.
Quick Drain Procedure (GDI-S Models)
CAUTION! Failure to remove the flushing device can result This system allows the operator to drain the engine raw water system.
in personal injury and equipment damage not covered under Ilmor recommends performing this procedure after each use of the
warranty. engine operation. It prevents build up marine growth, corrosion, and
blockage in the raw water system. The steps below describe how to use
this integrated feature.

14 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Quick Drain
Flush port cap
CAUTION! If the plugs are not reinserted properly or are
missing, potential overheat damages to the engine and water
intrusion into the bilge may occur.
1. Squeeze tabs to deactivate
plug retainers
6. Allow the raw water to completely drain from the system.
7. Reinsert each port plug to the respective port on the quick drain
8. Reinstall the flush port cap.
9. Open the seacock (if equipped).
10. Install the emergency stop lanyard to the safety switch.
2. Pull plugs away from plate
to remove
CAUTION! Ilmor requires the use of propylene glycol
antifreeze used in the raw water cooling system during extended
Quick drain bracket with
3 plugs
storage and/or winterization. See authorized dealer for this
service as outlined in the STORAGE & WINTERIZATION
CAUTION! Not opening the flush port cap for the siphon section of this manual.
break may result in unwanted water flow into the bilge
compartment. Be sure to remove the cap!
1. Verify the engine is OFF.
2. Remove the emergency stop lanyard from safety switch. Leave the
throttle/shift control lever in the neutral position.
3. Close the seacock (if equipped).
4. Remove the flush port cap, which will act as a siphon break for the
raw water system.
5. Open the three valves by squeezing each port and removing each

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 15


ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electronic Power Distribution Module

CAUTION! Any repair, replacement, and/or installation of an
electrical system component must meet or exceed the standards, The ePDM is mounted on the rear of the engine. The ePDM replaces
the need for a mechanical fuse box, improving reliability and system
requirements, and excerpts posted within American Boat and
monitoring abilities. The ePDM is installed on all MY21 engines. The
Yacht Council (ABYC) Standard E-11 (AC and DC Electrical ePDM is sealed with a tamper-proof sticker. Never remove the cover
Systems on Boats), as well as U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) from the ePDM as this will void product warranty.
regulations contained in U.S. EPA CFR Title 33 Part 183. Failure Do NOT remove the
to do so could result in damage to equipment or personal injury. cover from the ePDM
The engine’s electrical system is a 12-volt negative ground system.
Reverse polarity can occur when the battery terminals are incorrectly
connected to the wiring harness. When the polarity is reversed, the
current flows in the wrong direction causing damage to electrical
components. This also presents a serious shock risk. Any damage
occurring because of reverse polarity will not be covered by warranty.

WARNING! Always disconnect the negative battery cable (-)

first before disconnecting the positive battery cable (+). This Boat/Engine Interface Wiring
minimizes the possibility of electrical contact which may result The engine electrical system is primarily self-contained in a
preassembled unit. The boat wiring interface follows established
in serious injury or death. practices and conforms to regulatory guidelines. Every reasonable
Positive battery post is connected to the large post on the starter effort was exerted to make the electrical connection simplified
motor with marine grade single ought (1/0) starter wire and appropriate and straightforward. Consumers are strongly encouraged to seek
terminal connection. After connection is made, all other positive engine assistance from an authorized Ilmor service center when dealing with
circuits will be connected to the battery positive from this junction. The electrical issues.
supplied heavy red rubber boot must be used on the starter motor
terminal to shield the terminal and prevent accidental contact.

WARNING! Always connect the positive (+) battery cable

first. After the positive cable is connected, then the negative (-)
battery cable can be attached. This minimizes the possibility of
electrical contact.

16 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


ENGINE SENSORS The alarm activation will display if the following conditions occur:
The engine is equipped with many sensors. These sensors provide • Water temperature (Engine Coolant Temperature Higher than
performance information such as engine speed, engine coolant Expected)
temperature, engine oil pressure, and much more. • TPS Error (Engine Throttle Not Responding)
The engine management system uses these sensors to alert the • FPP Error (Foot Pedal Signal Error)
operator of any irregularities during engine operation. Most sensors trip • Fuel Injector Error (Injector Circuit Shorted)
audible or visual alarms on gauges or other dash displays. DO NOT • Low oil pressure
ignore alarms. Owners are urged to bring the boat to an authorized • One-Drive® steering faults
Ilmor service center for analysis if, or when, a malfunction is suspected
• One-Drive® trim faults
after receiving a system alarm.
• Exhaust Raw Water Temperature Sensor (GDI-S models only)
NOTE: The engine monitor alarm will display when ignition is turned
NOTICE: Always pay attention to the audio and visual alarms. Boats to running position. The alarm will shut off momentarily. After the engine
are equipped with a variety of audible and visual alarms that alert is started the alarm will not alert again. If the alarm sounds or displays
operators to potential performance issues. No alarm, whether it at any other time, or for any other reason, contact an authorized Ilmor
sounds an alert or provides information on the gauges, should ever service center before restarting the engine.
be ignored. If these alarms are ignored, this may result in serious
damage to the equipment that is not covered under warranty.
Water Temperature
The water temperature alarm appears if the engine coolant exceeds
preprogrammed limits. If this occurs, return the engine or engines to
ALARMS & GAUGES idle for cool-down. If the temperature is still increasing, shut engine
Read the accompanying boat Owner’s Manual for important information off immediately, if safe. Confirm that the seacock is open and that the
regarding alarms and gauges. sea strainer is clear. If neither of these is the cause, take the boat to an
authorized Ilmor service center.
The Ilmor engine management system displays a visual alarm Water temperature gauge
whenever any monitored engine parameter is not in operating range.
If an alarm is present, throttle back immediately, if safe, and identify
which gauge is out of range. Alarms and messages vary between
boat models. Most boat models use a centrally mounted gauge with
specific engine response. In boats equipped with more than one
engine, there will be separate alarms for each engine. Refer to the boat
manufacturer’s operator manual for more information.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 17


Oil Pressure
The oil pressure alarm appears if the engine oil pressure falls below
recommended value for current engine speed. If this occurs, shut
engine off immediately, if safe. Check oil level. Running the boat at this
point represents an unknown risk. It would be best to have the boat
serviced before resuming normal operation.
Oil pressure gauge

The voltage gauge displays the status of battery charge and charging
system. With engine running, the voltmeter should read between 13
and 14.7 volts.


18 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


BEFORE STARTING ENGINE Check the engine oil level prior to starting the engine. Perform oil level
check with the boat level (fore-aft and port-stbd), at rest, and in the
NOTICE: Failure to follow break-in and operating procedures as water. If the engine oil registers within the dipstick operating range,
the engine is okay to start. If the level registers higher, or lower, than
described in this Owner’s Manual will void the warranty. Before the dipstick operating range, contact a certified Ilmor service center
operating boat for the first time, read Owner’s Manual completely, as for more information. For oil fill measurements, the WARM level check
well as the boat manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual. must be performed as outlined in Check Engine Oil (Warm).
1. After performing all the checks and inspections outlined in this 1. Open the engine compartment and locate the yellow handle engine
Owner’s Manual, lift the engine compartment cover. oil dipstick on the side of the engine.
2. Remove dipstick and wipe it off on a clean rag. Insert dipstick fully,
DANGER! Open engine compartment and check for fumes, wait five seconds, and remove to read level. Check that the oil
leaks or presence of fluids in bilge before starting engine. level on the dipstick is between FULL and ADD marks. See picture
Failure to do so could result in fire or explosion, and severe
injury or death. NOTICE: Always follow the oil maintenance service interval.
2. Operate bilge blower for at least 4 minutes with engine Recommended oil level
compartment cover open. Leave bilge blower ON throughout the
starting process and until the boat has planed.
3. The boat is likely equipped with sea strainer valves and seacocks.
Ensure these are open prior to starting the engine.


Engine Oil
Sea Strainer
CAUTION! Never use oil additives. Doing so may result in
equipment damage not covered under warranty. CAUTION! Check sea strainer before starting engine, or
allow engine to cool after shutting down. Failure to do so may
NOTICE: Before operation, follow procedure for checking oil level result in burns from hot engine components.
after engine start-up, located later in this chapter.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 19


1. Ensure the engine is shut down and the engine safety starting
switch is disconnected. Leave throttle/shift control lever in neutral. NOTICE: Monitor all gauges and warning lights for alarms. Ignoring
2. Open engine compartment and locate seacock. Verify it is in
elevated temperatures on a temperature gauge or any other evidence
CLOSED position. Remove the strainer screw, screen, and O-ring of engine operating at temperatures above recommended levels can
from cap/lid. result in serious damage to the engine. Any resulting damage will not
3. Check sea strainer for obstructions, wear, or damage. be covered by the warranty.
4. Reinstall the strainer O-ring, screen, and screw on the cap/lid.
Make sure the O-ring is in place before tightening screw. Do not NOTICE: Checking the sea strainer is a critical function of routine
overtighten. maintenance. Even waterways that appear clean may have finer
5. Move the seacock to the OPEN position. debris that can enter the cooling system and create blockage.
Typical seacock and strainer Failure to check the sea strainer can result in serious overheating
of the engine. Damage to the engine and/or transmission caused
by overheating is not covered by warranty. Always pay attention to
the temperature gauge, even when carefully performing this check.
CLOSED Failure of the raw water impeller or blockage of the transmission
cooler are some causes of powertrain overheating conditions.
Coolant Level
NOTICE: Ensure the seacock is in the OPEN position before WARNING! Contents under pressure! Do not remove the
operating the engine. If not, the engine will overheat and the raw cooling system cap when the engine is warm. Allow ample time
water pump impeller could be compromised, causing severe engine for engine to cool before checking coolant level. Wear proper
problems. Ensure the sea strainer cap/lid is installed correctly and protective equipment when checking coolant. Failure to do so
O-ring is not pinched. Failure to do so will cause air to be introduced may result in severe or fatal burns.
into the system and could cause the raw water impeller to be
This check applies to boats equipped with closed-cooling systems.
compromised, causing severe engine problems.
Perform this check prior to starting the engine.
1. Verify engine is OFF and engine safety starting switch is
disconnected. Leave throttle/shift control lever in neutral.

20 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


2. Open the engine compartment. Locate the closed-cooling system MPI-S series only closed-cooling
tank installed on the engine. reservoir cap and tank
3. Remove reservoir cap and check level. Verify coolant is at the Fill neck
MAX FILL line while the engine temperature is equal to ambient air
temperature (COLD). Allow 2"-3" (5 cm to 8 cm)
MAX FILL of room for fluid expansion
4. If the coolant level is below the MAX FILL line, add 5-year extended
warranty propylene glycol coolant premixed 50/50 with water. The
cooling system will take between 5.8 gal (22 L) and 6.8 gal (26 L) of
5. If tank is empty or nearly empty, notify an authorized Ilmor service
center for immediate assistance as the engine cooling system
will likely require purging. Purging should only be completed by a NOTICE: Do not fill tank beyond MAX FILL line while the engine is
trained Ilmor service technician. cold. When engine temperature increases, the coolant will expand.
GDI/-S series closed-cooling
reservoir cap and tank NOTICE: Maintain a correct coolant level. Failure to maintain coolant
to the proper level can result in serious engine damage. The warranty
Pressure cap
does not cover engine damage due to overheating or any other cause
Fill neck
associated with improper coolant levels.

Power Steering Fluid (-S Models)

Allow room
for expansion CAUTION! Check power steering fluid before starting engine,
or allow engine to cool after shutting down. Failure to do so may
MAX FILL result in burns from hot engine components.
This procedure applies to engines equipped with power steering systems.
1. Center the steering wheel and verify the engine is shut down.
2. Open the engine compartment and locate the power steering pump
on the front of engine.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 21


3. Remove the power steering pump fill cap with integrated dipstick For remote power steering reservoir systems, see boat manufacturer’s
(level gauge). manual for proper maintenance instructions, or contact an authorized
4. Verify fluid level is between the MIN and MAX mark. Adjust the fluid Ilmor service center for assistance.
level until it registers between the MIN and MAX mark. (See the Serpentine Belt
SPECIFICATIONS chapter for power steering fluid type.) 1. Verify the engine ignition, and battery, switches are in the OFF
5. Reinstall the power steering cap and clean any spilled fluid. position.
Fill Cap with integrated dipstick (level gauge) 2. Open the engine compartment cover and visually inspect the
serpentine belt for material defects or indications of wear to include
missing material, cracking, layer separation, splits, cuts, etc.
3. Verify the pulleys are secure, aligned, dry, smooth, and
4. Close the engine compartment cover and start engine.
5. Listen for abnormal noises coming from the serpentine belt
system. Squealing, chirping, growling, grinding, or any other
noise inconsistent with normal operation should be addressed
immediately by repairing or replacing belt or pulleys. See an
authorized Ilmor service center for more information.

Battery Connections and

WARNING! Keep sparks, flames, and smoking materials
away from battery charging area. When charging, batteries
generate small amounts of dangerous highly-explosive hydrogen
gas. Failure to follow the battery manufacturer’s charging
MAX Mark instructions may cause electrical shock or even explosion,
which could result in serious injury or death.
MIN Mark

NOTE: Ensure the power steering fluid level registers between the MAX and MIN
marks on the dipstick.

22 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


WARNING! Battery electrolyte fluid is dangerous. It contains Battery Charge

sulfuric acid, which is poisonous, corrosive, and caustic. Avoid 1. After starting the engine, verify voltmeter reads between 13 and
spilling battery electrolyte or allowing it to come into contact 14.7 volts. An erratic reading can be a sign of low voltage.
with skin. If exposed to battery electrolyte, flush the area with Voltmeter
large amounts of clean water and immediately seek medical

CAUTION! Check the battery connections and hold-downs

before starting the engine. Always allow the engine to cool after
shutting down before attempting engine inspections. Failure to
do so may result in burns from hot engine components.

1. Ensure the engine is OFF and the engine safety starting switch is NOTE: The voltage gauge provides a good in indication of the current state of the
disconnected. Leave throttle/shift control lever in neutral. battery, but it is not foolproof. For instance, if the voltage gauge indicates the battery
has voltage, yet during a previous outing there was reason to suspect an issue with the
2. Locate battery or batteries. They may be placed in a variety of battery or batteries, then an issue may still exist. If so, check with an authorized Ilmor
locations, depending on boat model. Refer to boat manufacturer’s service center for assistance.
Owner’s Manual for details.
2. If battery voltage is low, old, and/or fails to hold a charge, the
3. Check that the battery post connections are clean and tight. (If engine may not start. For additional questions about batteries,
not, see Inspect and Clean Battery Connections and Hold-Downs contact battery or boat manufacturer’s authorized dealer.
section in the MAINTENANCE chapter of this manual.)
Battery post connections CAUTION! Jump-starting a battery from another boat or
battery is dangerous. Jumping a dead battery while it is attached
to the alternator will put undue stress on the alternator, and may
cause damage to equipment.

3. If battery is below 12 volts, charge with a battery charger before

attempting to start.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 23


Engine and Engine Controls/Cable Fuel and Exhaust Systems

CAUTION! Inspect engine and engine cables before starting DANGER! If at any time during operation there is an
engine, or allow engine to cool after shutting down. Failure to do unexplained odor, or if anyone onboard shows signs of
so may result in burns from hot engine components. unexplained drowsiness or sleepiness, immediately shut down
the engine and determine if the odor or unexplained behavior is
LOOSE OR MISSING HARDWARE the result of malfunctions in the fuel or exhaust systems.
1. Ensure the engine is OFF and the engine safety starting switch is
disconnected. Leave the throttle/shift control lever in neutral. NOTE: This is a preliminary inspection only. Operator and onboard personnel should
stay alert while boating for any signs of fuel or exhaust leaks.
2. Open the engine compartment and inspect the engine, engine
components, and mounts for loose/missing hardware. If concerning 1. Ensure the engine is OFF and the engine safety starting switch is
items are found, contact an authorized Ilmor service center for disconnected.
maintenance. 2. Open the engine compartment and inspect the fuel and exhaust
systems for leaks, gaps, or cracks. If issues are found, do NOT
start the engine. Contact a service professional immediately to
repair the issue prior to starting the engine.
Follow each control cable and feel for any kinks or wear on the outer
3. Start engine and check for fuel and exhaust leaks.
jacket. Immediately replace the cable if any sign of cable damage is
found. Contact an authorized Ilmor service center for further assistance. 4. If any leaks, gaps, or cracks are discovered, contact authorized
Ilmor service center immediately for repair.
Check cable connections
DANGER! Prior to operating engine, open engine
compartment and check for fumes, leaks, or presence of fluids. If
clear, operate bilge blower for at least 4 minutes before starting
engine and when at idle or slow-running speed after starting the
engine. This will remove any explosive gasoline and/or battery
fumes that may be in the engine compartment. Failure to do
so may result in explosion or fire, resulting in serious injury or

24 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


WARNING! Never operate the engine without an adequate, NOTICE: Change factory break-in oil before 25 hours of proper
uninterrupted supply of water to the engine’s cooling system. operation, and after a minimum of 10 hours. Oil change should be
If the engine operates without water in the cooling system, the performed by an authorized Ilmor service center.
exhaust system will overheat which could potentially create an
When operating the engine, be sure to monitor the instrument panel
onboard fire. Damage(s) caused by improper usage void the gauges closely. Gauges are the first line of defense against engine
product warranty and may also result in serious injury and/or damage. Well before serious damage occurs to an engine, gauges can
death. alert the operator to circumstances that can lead to major damage.
Adjusting and varying engine speeds can also help the engine during
break-in. Keeping engine at a constant revolutions per minute (rpm) for
CAUTION! Ensure there is ample room around the boat more than 3 or 4 minutes at a time places undue stress on the engine’s
when trying to start the engine. Contact with other boats, docks, internal components.
shallow waterway bottoms, or debris may result in serious injury Plane boat quickly, as low speeds can place more strain on the engine
and/or damage to boat that is not covered under warranty. operation. This does not mean to slam the throttle/shift control lever
forward; rather a steady, quick hand will help achieve the desired goal.

NOTICE: Failure to follow new engine break-in and operating Some powertrain vibrations are normal during operation. Any abnormal
vibrations or unusual noises may be signs of additional problems that
procedures as described in this manual will void the warranty. Before are not registered by the engine management system. Do not ignore
operating the boat for the first time, read this Owner’s Manual these signs. It is highly recommended to have an authorized Ilmor
completely, as well as the boat manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual. service center inspect the system annually.

Proper break-in of the engine and transmission is critical to ensuring

long powertrain life. Proper new engine break-in procedures during the
first 25 operating hours will ensure maximum powertrain performance.
The break-in period allows the engine and transmission components to
properly seat components and start normal wear.
Although the Ilmor powertrain may have been lake-tested by the boat
manufacturer, the break-in period starts when the retail consumer
takes possession of the boat. For break-in and maintenance
recommendations, please follow the instructions provided in this
Owner’s Manual.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 25


Initial Hours of Operation (Pre-25 Hours) Continued Operation (Post-25 Hours)

1. After engine break-in period and scheduled service have been
DANGER! Prior to operating the engine, open engine completed, engine may be operated more continuously at speed,
compartment to vent and inspect for any presence of any but never beyond the maximum advertised speed. It is always
explosive fluids. If the compartment is visibly clear, operate bilge advisable to give the engine an occasional cool-down period.
blower for at least 4 minutes before starting engine. This will 2. Throughout the life of the engine, allow for a warm-up period before
assist in removing explosive fluids that may be in the engine operation. Abuse of the engine and transmission are never covered
compartment. Failure to do so may result in explosion or fire, under warranty. Regular maintenance as outlined in this Owner’s
Manual is very important to ensure a long, trouble-free powertrain
resulting in serious injury or death.
1. Start the engine and allow the engine speed to stabilize (600-800 3. Subsequent oil changes should be performed per the maintenance
rpm). Also, allow the engine temperature to warm to normal schedule outlined in this manual or quarterly if the boat is not used
operating temperature. (See SPECIFICATIONS chapter in this regularly. (See MAINTENANCE chapter in this manual for more
manual for specific operating temperatures of each engine model.) details.)
2. Move the throttle/shift control lever forward to plane the boat
smoothly and quickly. Return the lever towards a slower engine NOTICE: Always use recommended engine oil. Failure to follow the
speed once the boat is on plane. engine oil recommendation listed in this Owner’s Manual can result
3. Vary the engine speed for the first hour without exceeding 3,000 in accelerated engine wear and engine component failure. Engine
rpm, and carry only a light load in the boat. Reduce throttle/shift damage due to incorrect oil usage, oil changes, and oil levels, or
control lever to idle (neutral) occasionally for a cool-down period. other failure to follow engine oil procedures can be costly and may
Continue to operate the boat in this manner until the break-in period
is complete (10-25 operating hours).
void the warranty.
4. The boat MUST be returned to an authorized Ilmor service center
for mandatory scheduled service between 10 and 25 hours of

26 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


AFTER EACH USE Long Term Storage

Flush the Engine Ilmor recommends STA-BIL fuel stabilizer if the boat consumes less
1. Place a flushing device on the engine seacock on the bottom of the than a tank of fuel every 30 days. Today’s fuels are more susceptible
hull. Some applications may have an engine flushing attachment to degradation, and the use of a quality stabilizer helps ensure fewer
hose connection on the deck of the boat. Please review the boat problems if the boat is used only on a limited basis.
manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual. Turn the water supply ON and If boat has not been operated for more than 30 days and fuel is
start the engine. present in the tank (even stabilized fuel), engine may run with reduced
2. Cycle engine speed from idle to 2,000 rpm in 10-second performance until the existing fuel has been used. Ilmor will not pay for
intervals,allowing the engine to reach operating temperature. repairs to components that are damaged from poor-quality fuel as this
Engine needs to be at the operating temperature for 15 minutes. is not covered under the engine warranty.
The water supply flow rate may need to be adjusted if engine will
not warm up; it must warm up to open the thermostat, which is NOTICE: Perform proper storage procedures when storing boat.
required for proper flushing. If the engine will not warm up, remove
Extended storage with fuel in the system can affect fuel stability and
thermostat and flush engine with fresh water for 5 minutes while
cycling the engine speed from idle to 2,000 rpm in 10-second may require system inspection and fuel filter replacement when the
intervals. Fresh water boats should be flushed when going to boat returns to service. Fuel systems on all boats equipped with Ilmor
storage or not being used for periods in excess of 30 days. engines MUST be properly prepared for storage periods exceeding
30 days, as outlined in this Owner’s Manual. Owners are encouraged
NOTICE: Brackish or salt water boats should be flushed with fresh
to seek assistance from an authorized Ilmor service center to properly
water after every use. Failure to flush powertrain components
prepare the powertrain for periods of inactivity exceeding 30 days.
regularly may result in cooling system issues and void of product
Damage due to improper storage or winterization preparations is not
covered under warranty.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 27



WARNING! Inspect entire fuel system for leaks and/or
DANGER! Never start the engine(s) if gasoline odor is deterioration prior to operation, especially after substantial
present, or if gasoline leaks appear, along the fuel line, fuel tank, periods of non-use or storage. Ensure inspection includes
in the bilge, or around the engine. Gasoline and gasoline vapors fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel pump, regulator, fuel rails, carbon
may cause fire or an explosion when starting the engine, which canisters, and all fuel system fittings. Never operate engine
can result in serious injury or death. If gasoline is found, remove when any fuel component shows any indications of corrosion,
the ignition key(s) and call an authorized boat and/or Ilmor leaks, deterioration, swelling, hardening or softening. Notify
service center for repair. Avoid spilling gasoline when fueling. If an authorized Ilmor service center and/or boat manufacturer’s
gasoline is spilled, immediately wipe up all traces with dry rags dealer for replacement parts prior to operating the boat.
and dispose of rags properly on-shore.
The boat fuel system has been specifically developed for use in a
marine environment. A number of marine-specific safety measures
WARNING! All fuel system lines and connections must meet are incorporated in the fuel system from tank to lines to connections.
Please note, these measures include pressurized fuel lines that do not
the requirements of U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) regulations. Hoses include user-serviceable parts.
must meet or exceed SAE Standard J1527 DEC85, and hoses
Any fuel system services and repairs must be performed by authorized
used for fuel delivery must meet or exceed specification in USCG service personnel only with specialized tools and replacement parts
regulations, Sec. 183.540 for recreational boating. All fuel hoses that meet the manufacturer’s Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
must meet the 15 g/m2 limit for fuel permeation. All plumbing for specifications.
the fuel system on Ilmor engines, and the boats in which Ilmor Ilmor recommends a daily inspection to ensure no fuel lines are leaking.
authorizes placement, must meet or exceed all requirements. Never start the boat if there is evidence of fuel leaks or fumes.
Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death. Replace Read carefully the boat manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual section
fuel system parts with only Ilmor-authorized parts. on fueling for additional information and details. This is a critical
component of safe and enjoyable boating.

28 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Fuel Requirements ignition timing. Higher-octane fuel causes less knock for the ignition
system to process and adjust timing.
All Ilmor engines (5000MPI, 6.0L MPI/-S, 7.4L MPI/-S, 5.3L GDI/-S,
and 6.2L GDI/-S) require a minimum of 87 octane gasoline. It is highly Poor-quality or old fuels can cause problems such as loss of
recommended to use a minimum of 90 octane gasoline for 6.2L performance, rough idling, hard starting, and hesitation. If the engine
GDI/-S engines. Ilmor recommends 0% Ethanol (E0) gasoline where experiences any of these symptoms, first try another brand of gasoline
available. Ilmor prohibits the use of gasoline with ethanol content and then replace the old gasoline with fresh gasoline if required.
greater than 10%. The octane number is based on the pump octane Many engine manufacturers believe U.S. Environmental Protection
number, which is (R + M)/2, where R is the research octane number, Agency’s (EPA) detergent levels in gasolines do not provide sufficient
and M is the motor octane number. deposit controls to allow for optimal engine performance. TOP TIER
If the engine is subject to heavy usage, the minimum gasoline fuel Detergent Gasoline standards were created to ensure gasolines have
requirement is Unleaded 90 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol. Heavy all the necessary additives and detergents to reduce buildup of deposits
usage is defined as operators using the vessel under the following in an engine. Ilmor recommends purchasing fuel from a supplier that
conditions: loaded with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve total meets TOP TIER specifications for the fuel. For a list of TOP TIER
maximum capacity over the OEM specification, commercial or training retailers, check www.toptiergas.com, and click on Retailers.
purposes as defined in the Ilmor warranty, at water temperatures below
55°F (13°C), at elevations greater than 6000 feet (1830 meter) above NOTICE: Always use a high-quality gasoline from a reputable source.
sea level, and/or wide open throttle operation for more than 5% of total Damage to the engine by use of low-quality gasoline or gasoline with
boating time. an octane rating below the minimum level listed for Ilmor engines will
For optimal performance, 93 octane fuel is recommended. void the warranty on the engine.
Oxygenated Gasoline or Gasoline Con-
taining Alcohol
NOTICE: Use of unspecified fuels will void warranty.
E-85 fuels are not to be used. Use of this fuel may cause engine
performance to suffer and may damage vital fuel system components.
Leaded fuels may NOT be used in the engine.
Fuels other than specified will negatively alter performance and
emissions and could damage the engine. Use of lower octane fuels will Gasoline containing levels higher than 10% ethanol or gasoline
cause spark knock (pinging). Continued heavy spark knock can cause containing any methanol is NOT TO BE USED in the engine. If the
severe engine damage. The engines have knock detection systems that presence of alcohol in the gasoline is unknown, frequent inspections of
offer the best engine performance by controlling knock through precise the fuel system are required.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 29


The fuel tank level should NEVER reach below 1/4 tank full. In the START ENGINE
event the engine runs out of fuel, refill the fuel tank, cycle ignition key
5 times, and attempt to start engine. If the engine fails to start and run, WARNING! Never operate engine without an adequate and
repeat this process again up to 3 times. See an authorized dealer for
further assistance and the boat Owner’s Manual for more information. uninterrupted amount of water flowing through the cooling
system. Failure to do so could result in fire or explosion from
Fuels Outside the United States and overheating, and cause severe injury or death.
NOTE: Always start engine with throttle/shift control lever in neutral position. The boat
If the boat is operated outside the United States or Canada, it may be is equipped with a neutral-start safety switch that will not allow engine to start while in
more difficult to obtain lead-free fuel. As the engine components are gear.
manufactured to function properly only with unleaded gasoline, it may
1. Attach engine safety starting switch tether (also known as a
be necessary to search for refined unleaded gasoline.
lanyard) between an article of the operator’s clothing and the
Fuel System Treatment switch. The location will be identified in the boat manufacturer’s
Owner’s Manual.
Boats that are going to be stored for extended periods (more than 30
days) or winterized should have special treatment for the fuel system. 2. Move throttle/shift control lever to neutral position. The two most
Always follow the boat Owner’s Manual on how to properly winterize the common types of start switches are “Pushbutton” and “Turn Key”.
fuel tank prior to storage. Follow the instructions below depending on the type of ignition
system installed.
WARNING! Follow boat manufacturer’s instructions on how
to properly winterize the fuel tank prior to storage. Fuel leaking CAUTION! Ensure there is ample room around the boat
into the boat and potentially into the storage area could result when starting the engine. Ilmor powertrain systems have safety
in substantial damage to the boat, and contact with any spark sensors and safety features integrated into the systems to
(such as a flame-producing pilot light in a heater) could also prevent an ‘in-gear’ start situation. These features and sensors
result in serious injury, death or property damage. should not be tampered with. Failure to do so may result in
severe injury or damage to equipment.
A marine-grade fuel stabilizer, such as STA-BIL, may be used during
long-term storage and winterization of the engine. Follow the directions
provided by the stabilizer’s manufacturer.

30 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Pushbutton Start NOTICE: Allow for 2 minutes of rest for every 3 start attempts. This
1. Turn ignition switch to the ON position. Wait 5 seconds to allow the allows the starter motor enough time to cool between start attempts.
fuel pump to build fuel pressure within the system.
Without this resting period, the starter may overheat and damage.
2. Press START button no more than 1 second. The automatic start Damage such as these are not covered under warranty.
feature will crank engine until it is running.
NOTE: DO NOT hold the ignition switch in the START position for more than 1 second. Always allow engine to warm up to normal operating temperature
The system is equipped with a feature that automatically controls the starting duty before boating. (See SPECIFICATIONS chapter in this manual for
cycle. Continuing to hold START button will cause engine to not start (simulates a specific engine model operating temperatures.) After engine has
STOP request). warmed to operating temperature, check engine oil level prior to
moving. (See Check Engine Oil Level section in the MAINTENANCE
Key Switch Start chapter of this manual.)
1. Turn ignition switch to the ON position. Wait 5 seconds to allow the GEAR SELECTION
fuel pump to build fuel pressure within the system.
In order to maneuver the boat, the operator has three drivetrain gear
2. Turn ignition key to the START position. commands to select from: FORWARD - NEUTRAL - REVERSE. When
3. Release ignition key once engine begins to crank. Automatic start choosing gears, move the throttle/shift control lever into the desired
feature will crank engine until it is running. gear position. Be conscious, direct, and smooth when selecting gear
commands. Hesitations, or slow lever movement, can damage shifting
mechanism in the transmission, or result in delayed drivetrain response.
NOTICE: If engine fails to crank, or cranks slowly, check engine
battery voltage. If engine battery voltage is below 11.0V (Volts) when Ensure the engine is operating within the recommended operating
temperature range before placing the boat in gear. (See the
the ignition key is turned to the ON position, the available voltage is
SPECIFICATIONS chapter for operating temperature range.)
too low to effectively crank/start engine. Battery must be combined
Always allow the engine speed to return to idle (600 to 800 rpm) before
(paralleled) with additional batteries on the boat to start the engine. making a gear selection. There are three gear positions while operating
Locate parallel switch and turn to the ON (COMBINE) position. Turn the engine.
off any additional electrical circuits that may be causing excessive 1. FORWARD (in gear)
electrical draw on the battery. Proceed to start the engine. Once the
2. NEUTRAL (not in gear)
engine is running, move the battery selector switch back to the normal
operating position. Combining batteries is intended for emergency 3. REVERSE (in gear)
starting situations only.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 31


For FORWARD gear, move the throttle/shift control lever from the
NEUTRAL position to the engage FORWARD gear controller detent. NOTICE: The following steps do not take into account effects of area
The lever controls both gearing and throttle response, so continuing to conditions such as tides, currents, winds, weather, and/or passing
move lever forward (toward the bow) will increase FORWARD speed. wakes of other nearby vessels. These variables will affect the overall
For NEUTRAL gear, position the gear equally between the FORWARD time and distance of the stopping procedure. These recommendations
and REVERSE gear controller detents. Typically, this positions the lever are for IDEAL stopping conditions only. Emergency stopping
in the most vertical, upright position. This is also the position the lever situations call for actions that are at the sole discretion of the vessel
must be in to start the engine.
operator to deem necessary for safety. Ilmor is NOT responsible for
For REVERSE gear, move the throttle/shift control lever from the any resulting damage or injuries that may occur during emergency
NEUTRAL position to the engage REVERSE gear controller detent. The
lever controls both gearing and throttle response, so continuing to move
lever rearward (toward the stern) will increase REVERSE speed.
1. Once vessel has overcome trailing wake and engine speed is
between 600-800 rpm, move throttle/shift lever to the NEUTRAL
NOTICE: Never move between FORWARD-NEUTRAL-REVERSE position. Vessel will continue to coast and make forward movement.
when engine is above 800 rpm. Always allow speed to decrease to When performing this action, be sure to reduce throttle fast enough
600-800 rpm before completing shift. Failure to do so may result in to bring the vessel to a stop before the target, but also slow enough
damage that is not covered under warranty. to not allow trailing wake to overtake boat stern. This resulting wake
may cause unwanted forward movement, wash into the boat, and/
STOP THE BOAT or potentially cause engine damage not covered by warranty.
Stopping a boat requires advance planning and operations that must be 2. With engine speed between 600-800 rpm and shift position in
completed before stopping. Make personal and passenger safety the NEUTRAL, move throttle/shift lever to the REVERSE position
priority of vessel operation. Always be aware of the surroundings and to counteract any forward movement, if required. Additional
consider the effects of the resulting stopping wake when operating the REVERSE throttle may be necessary to achieve quicker results.
vessel. Never exceed 1,000 rpm in REVERSE unless in an emergency.
3. Shift between FORWARD - NEUTRAL - REVERSE positions
appropriately and as necessary until the vessel has stopped
completely at the desired location.
See the boat Owner’s Manual for additional stopping tips and support.

32 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Wide-open throttle exists to allow boaters to get out of dangerous
encounters or situations, but it represents the upper limit of the engine’s
capacity. This places undue strain on the engine components and
should be used in emergency situations only.
See also the boat manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual for operational hints
and tips that can enhance the enjoyment of the boat’s and powertrain’s
Heavy usage is defined as operators using the vessel under ANY of the
following conditions:
• A loaded vessel with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve
total maximum capacity over the OEM specification.
• A commercial or training purposes vessel as defined in the Ilmor
• A vessel operating at water temperatures below 55°F (13°C).
• A vessel operating at elevations greater than 6000 feet (1830
meters) above sea level.
• A vessel operating at, or above, full throttle for more than 5% of
total boating time.
NOTE: Vessels operating within these conditions will be required to have more frequent
service intervals as specified.
Commercial use is defined as any work or employment-related use of
the product, or any use of the product that generates income, for any
part of the warranty period, even if the product is only occasionally used
for such purposes.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 33


Ilmor recommends that maintenance is performed by an authorized Ilmor service center. Service technicians there have proper equipment,
training, and resources to best meet service needs. Please note that routine maintenance is not covered by the Ilmor Limited Warranty. For details,
consult limited warranty statement.
Installation, repair, servicing or operation of any Ilmor products must comply with federal, local, and international boat building standards (ABYC,
USCG, RCD, etc.). Always maintain safety as a priority when using or servicing Ilmor products. Apply caution and refer to local and federal
regulations when using Ilmor products.
These statements are recommended guidelines. The operator or service professional must determine whether or not the boat and/or Ilmor product
is safe to operate, according to circumstances and good judgment. If there is any doubt, please seek assistance from an authorized Ilmor service
In addition to the routine services addressed earlier, there are a number of other maintenance procedures that require periodic attention. The
following table indicates the maintenance schedule:

Scheduled Maintenance Chart

Before Annually First Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every
Each (Beg. of 25 50 75 100 125 150 300 500 2 3 5
Use Season) Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Years Years Years
Service Item
Maintenance items are best performed by a Certified Ilmor Service Center.
I = INSPECT R = Replace
Air filter / Spark Arrestor I R
Cooling System Crossover Tube (MPI Only) I R R
Engine Coolant (Closed Cooled Only) I
Coolant Pressure Cap (Closed Cooled Only) R

ALL Engine & Transmission Coolers I

ENGINE Raw Water Pump I I I R R
MODELS Raw Water Pump Impeller R3 R3
Raw Water Pump Impeller (6.0L MPI Only) R R
Anodes I I
Serpentine Belt I R*
Spark Plugs and Wires I

34 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Scheduled Maintenance Chart

Before Annually First Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every Every
Each (Beg. of 25 50 75 100 125 150 300 500 2 3 5
Use Season) Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Years Years Years
Service Item
Maintenance items are best performed by a Certified Ilmor Service Center.
I = INSPECT R = Replace
Fuel/Water Separator R R*
Engine Oil & Filter I1 R R4 R*
High Pressure Fuel Filter (MPI-S Only) R*
Gear Oil & Filters I1
R R R*
“-S” Power Steering Fluid I1 R
Drive Trim Pump Fluid I1
Powertrain Alignment I I I
Power Steering & Drive Trim Hoses I1 I1 I1
Trim Pump Relays Dielectric Grease R R
Engine Oil & Filter I1 R R R*
Engine Timing (MV8 5.7L Only) I I
ENGINES Pressure Relief Valve (Open Cooled Only) I I R R
Powertrain Alignment I I I
ZF Transmission - Oil & Filter I1
If the engine is subject to heavy usage, it is required to perform these maintenance items at half the time of the interval shown. Heavy usage is defined as
operators using their vessel under the following conditions: loaded with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve total maximum capacity over the OEM
* specification, commercial or training purposes as defined in the Ilmor warranty, at water temperatures below 55°F (13°C) , at elevations greater than 6000
feet (1830 meter) above sea level, full throttle operation for more than 5% of total boating time. Vessels operating under these conditions will be required to
have more frequent service intervals as specified.
Check for contamination and leaks.
Check for fluid fill level. If the level dropped below minimum indicator, top the fluid to the recommended fluid level.
2 Inspect spark plug wires for chafing and heat damage.
Inspect the following engine models for corrosion/damage of the Raw Water Pump - Woodruff Key (PV05722). Replace the if necessary.
Engines: MV8 5.7L, MV8 6.0L, MV8 6.2L, 6.0L MPI-S, 7.4L MPI-S, 7.4L MPI
4 Recommended service at 25 hours +/- 2 hours.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 35



An accurate engine oil level reading will occur only after the engine has Transmission requires lubrication to function properly. See an
run for at least 5 minutes at idle. Run engine while boat is in body of authorized dealer to verify the type of transmission in the boat.
water. The amount of transmission fluid/oil varies according to the model.
1. After operating the engine at idle for at least 5 minutes, turn engine See requirements for transmission fluid/oil in the transmission
off and disconnect engine safety-starting switch. manufacturer’s manual.
2. Open engine compartment. Engine oil dipstick is located on the NOTICE: Always use the recommended transmission fluid/oil.
side of the engine.
Damage to the engine by use of low-quality or non-recommended
3. Allow approximately 5 minutes before checking. Remove dipstick transmission fluid/oil as listed for V-Drive and direct drive
and wipe it off on a clean rag.
transmissions will void the warranty. Overfill or underfill may also
4. Reinsert dipstick. Wait 5 seconds and remove dipstick for reading. result in serious damage to the engine and is not covered under
Check that oil level is between the ADD and FULL marks on the
5. Add oil if necessary through the oil fill neck and only enough to SERPENTINE BELT
bring oil within the two marks, see picture below. Oil level below
the ADD mark or above the FULL mark may result in damage Inspect Serpentine Belt
to the engine that may not be covered by the warranty. (See the
SPECIFICATIONS chapter for engine oil type.) CAUTION! Check belt before starting engine, or allow engine
to cool after shutting down. Failure to do so may result in burns
from hot engine components.
6. Reinstall dipstick and ensure it is properly seated to prevent oil loss.
On engines with serpentine belt systems, belt tension is maintained by
the automatic belt tensioner.
1. Ensure engine is OFF and the engine safety starting switch is
disconnected. Leave the throttle/shift control lever in neutral. Open
engine compartment and locate the serpentine belt.
2. Check serpentine belt tension at the top, midway between the
circulating pump pulley, and the alternator pulley. The belt should
be tight enough so that it will deflect no more than 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6
to 13 mm) when pressed with the thumb or finger.

36 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


3. If the belt tension is too loose or too tight, service is required. This operations, and strand the boaters. Therefore, this maintenance function should be
should be scheduled at an authorized Ilmor sales and service taken very seriously.
center as soon as possible.
NOTE: If the belt is too tight, excessive belt and bearing wear can occur. If the belt is NOTICE: If the serpentine belt comes off or wears through,
too loose, slippage can occur, resulting in low alternator output and rapid belt wear. catastrophic engine failure may occur. Do not operate the engine
4. Visually check serpentine belt system. without a properly installed serpentine belt. Any resulting damage will
• Ensure belt lies between the accessory pulley edges and is seated not be covered by the warranty.
within the groove of the pulleys. 1. A serpentine belt routing label is placed on the front of the engine
• Check the belt alignment on the pulleys. for identifying the correct belt routing. If the label is missing, do
• Check belts for signs of wear, such as cracking, fraying, splits or NOT operate or service the belt until a label is furnished, or correct
brittle places. routing of the belt is identified and understood.
• Look for missing grooves or places where the belt’s layers have 2. Using an appropriately sized socket wrench, remove tension from
separated. the belt by moving the tensioner to the maximum travel position.
• Look for a buildup of rubber deposits, as well as worn spots that 3. Remove serpentine belt by unwrapping it from each of the pulleys.
could catch the belt and cause it to break.
4. Inspect serpentine belt for wear.
5. Visually inspect the pulleys for surface damages, cracks, cuts, rust,
and pitting. 5. After determining the serpentine belt replacement needs, reinstall
and route the serpentine belt according to the belt routing label
6. Listen for irregular audible noises near the engine belt drive area.
affixed to the engine.
These sounds likely mean the serpentine belt is worn, loose
or damaged, or there is water on the pulley system surfaces. 6. Ease the tensioner back into place and ensure that the belt is
Slick spots can cause a belt to slip and may be a precursor to properly routed around all of the pulleys.
overheating and belt cracking. See an authorized Ilmor service 7. Listen for irregular audible noises near the engine belt drive area.
center if audible noises exist after replacement. These sounds likely mean the serpentine belt is worn, loose
Replace Serpentine Belt or damaged, or there is water on the pulley system surfaces.
NOTE: A properly installed serpentine belt will be automatically adjusted by the belt Slick spots can cause a belt to slip and may be a precursor to
tensioner. When the belt is off, attention should also be given to the wear condition overheating and belt cracking. See an authorized Ilmor service
of the grooves on the underside of the belt where it makes contact with the pulleys. center if audible noises exist after replacement.
If unsure of the wear pattern, check against a new belt. If there is any uncertainty,
seek assistance from an authorized Ilmor service center. If the belt is too loose and
or too tight, it will cause the electrical system to malfunction. This could occur during

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 37



NOTICE: Always properly clean the engine and transmission if
PREVENT CORROSION exposed to salt water. Exposure to salt water causes corrosion,
The engine compartment should receive a good, general cleaning of leading to significant damage to metal, including stainless steel. If
the interior as well as the engine and transmission exteriors. There is evidence of corrosion shows on the engine, carefully clean the engine
reward in the cleaning beyond enhancing the overall value of the boat.
Cleaning with simple soap and water may reveal if any corrosion has and transmission with fresh water and a mild soap solution after use
occurred. in salt water. A protective marine oil may be applied to exposed metal
to halt the acceleration of corrosion. Failure to properly clean boat or
CAUTION! Always cover the spark arrester before cleaning address boat corrosion matters will void product warranty.
to ensure water does not enter throttle body or intake! Be sure to
avoid electrical components and connection of water exposure. INSPECT AND CLEAN THE BATTERY
Corrosion can occur in any type of water and on any metal surface,
even when components are stainless steel. Corrosion is of particular
concern for boats that will be operated in salt water, even if the system CAUTION! Always wear protective glasses or goggles and
is closed cooling. Salt water may still enter the engine compartment due protective clothing when working around batteries. Follow
to the engine compartment cover being open to vent carbon monoxide battery manufacturer’s instructions on safety and maintenance
and prevent explosive fumes. Also, the exhaust system will always be procedures. Failure to do so may result in severe injury.
subject to contact with salt water in these conditions.
Galvanic corrosion, or electrolysis, is the decomposition of metal due 1. Check the battery post connections to ensure they are clean and
to the effects of electrolytic action. When two dissimilar metals are tight.
immersed in a conductive fluid such as salt water, an electric current is 2. If not, loosen and remove negative terminal connection first. Avoid
produced, much like the action of a battery. As the current flows, it takes metal contact between both battery connections at the same time.
with it tiny bits of the softer metal. If left unchecked, severe damage Tools such as wrenches and pliers may cause spark if the battery
may occur over time. terminals are bridged.
A boat properly prepared for operation in salt water will have sacrificial 3. Remove battery hold-downs and remove the battery from the boat.
anodes mounted on the transom, and possibly elsewhere underwater. 4. Clean any corrosion from the battery posts and connections with a
These anodes are intended to reduce the effects of galvanic corrosion battery terminal cleaning brush, or by using a plastic bristle brush
to critical metal areas of the boat. The sacrificial anodes should be and a premixed solution of baking soda and warm distilled water
checked regularly, and when significant erosion is shown, the anodes (for every 3 parts of baking soda, mix 1 part of distilled water. Use
should be replaced. More information regarding the sacrificial anodes is care to avoid allowing the solution to enter the battery vents.
contained in the boat manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual.

38 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


5. Remove all corrosion material from the boat, wipe the battery clean, STORAGE AND WINTERIZING
and dry with a disposable rag. Note that this is a generic cleaning
method. Battery manufacturers may specify other methods of Proper storage and/or winterization preparations are just as important
cleaning. Verify with the battery manufacturer’s website the correct as how a powertrain is maintained in use. Since special preparations
cleaning method before undertaking any cleaning. are necessary, the boat owner should have the work done by an
authorized Ilmor service center. Damage that occurs from improper
6. Reconnect positive terminal first, and then the negative. Tighten the storage and/or winterization is not covered under warranty and must
terminals. be avoided. If the boat is stored or not used for more than 6 months,
one of the recommended fuel stabilizers should be used. If a fuel
CAUTION! Take care to reattach battery cables correctly to stabilizer is not used the fuel will need to be replaced. Follow scheduled
maintenance chart as well.
avoid reverse polarity.
NOTICE: Do not use fogging oil in Ilmor engines. This will damage the
7. Coat both terminals completely with a thin coating of marine grease
catalysts and can void the engine warranty.
to protect against water or any potentially corrosive substance. Be
sure the rubber boot covers the positive terminal completely.
NOTICE: It is recommended the engine be started, ran up to
temperature, and the powertrain re-winterized every 6 months of
NOTICE: Never install accessories or add-on equipment that is
not approved by Ilmor. Add-on equipment may adversely affect the
alternator output or overload the electrical system. Any damage FUEL SYSTEM: Fuel stabilizer should be added to the fuel tank prior
caused as a result will not be covered by the warranty. to beginning the winterizing process. This will ensure the entire fuel
system is treated with fuel stabilizer. Recommended fuel stabilizer
The boat manufacturer specifies a type of marine battery with a products are:
certain level of cold-cranking amps at 0°F (−18°C). Check the boat
1. FUEL SYSTEM: Sta-Bil 360°® Marine™* or Quicksilver
manufacturer’s Owner’s Manual to determine what this specification is.
Quickstor(r) Fuel Stabilizer *
Before disconnecting the battery, ensure ignition key and all
2. WATER SYSTEM: Winterize with marine-grade, biodegradable,
accessories are in the OFF position. Take care to reattach battery
propylene-glycol antifreeze suitable for the storage temperatures.
cables correctly to avoid reversed polarity, which is addressed in the
Please see a local certified Ilmor service center for recommended
electric system section in the FUNCTIONS & DESCRIPTION chapter of
winterizing products.
this manual.
3. OIL SYSTEM: Engine oil, Power Steering, Transmission, One
Drive® - Replace the powertrain fluids and filters with new.
4. ELECTRONICS: Disconnect the engine battery and store per
battery manufacturer recommendations.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 39


*Please follow the fuel stabilizer manufacturer recommendations for

terms of usage and expiration.

CAUTION! Failure to correctly winterize the engine may

result in catastrophic engine failure not covered under Ilmor
warranty, or personal injury. Please see the nearest authorized
Ilmor service center for assistance.

Battery Winterization
Check the battery and/or boat manufacturer’s requirements.

Recommissioning After
Ilmor recommends that recommissioning after storage/winterization be
performed by an authorized Ilmor service center. Service technicians
there have the proper equipment, training, and resources to best meet
any service needs.

NOTICE: It is extremely important to monitor gaseous emissions

throughout the life of the engine. To maintain emissions levels within
the certified standards, the owner/operator is responsible for ensuring
that engine maintenance is performed as described in this Owner’s
Manual. The owner/operator must never modify the engine in any
manner that alters the allowable gaseous emission levels to exceed
the certified specifications.

40 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com



At the time of manufacture, Ilmor affixes each engine with a Emission control system information for all engines having the ECI
tamper-resistant Emission Control Information (ECI) label. This label are as follows: Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV), Sequential
label affirms the required emissions compliance statement, along Multiport Fuel Injection (SFI) or Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI),
with the engine family, the Family Emission Limit (FEL), and engine Three-Way Catalytic (TWC) converter, Heated Oxygen Sensors
displacement (if applicable). (HO2S), Naturally Aspirated (NAT), On-Board Diagnostics Marine
The ECI label contains the date of manufacture. For inboard/sterndrive (OBD-M), low-permeation fuel line (hose), Electronic Throttle Control
engines, the label is located at the rear of the engine on an angled face (ETC), and Electronic Engine Control (electronic EC).
of the engine block.
ECI label
CARB Overview
CARB is the clean-air agency in the California Government. Stated
goals include attaining and maintaining healthy air quality, protecting
public from exposure to toxic air contaminants, and providing innovative
approaches for complying with air pollution rules and regulations.

Beginning January 1, 2009, any boat sold or registered in California

must have a Star Label affixed to the port side of the hull either forward
or aft of the vessel registration as shown in the following illustration.
A conventional power (373 kW / 500 bhp or less) Ilmor GDI engine
has a Five Star – Extremely Clean Emission rating. This indicates that
Do not remove or tamper with ECI labels. If a replacement label is
the engine has 50% lower emissions than Four Star Super Ultra Low
required, promptly contact Ilmor for assistance.
Emission engines.
Engines that display a Conformité Européenne (CE) mark require
a Declaration of Conformity. The Declaration of Conformity verifies
the engine’s conformance to the appropriate European Community
Directive. The CE mark is included on the ECI label.
NOTE: If engine is installed so that the engine’s ECI label is hard to read during normal
engine maintenance, a duplicate label must be placed on the vessel, as described in
40 CFR 1068.105.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 41


A Star Label is placed on each certified Ilmor engine. A conventional

power (373 kW / 500 bhp or less) Ilmor engine has a Four Star - Super
Ultra Low Emission rating. This indicates that the engine has 90% lower
emissions than One Star - Low Emission engines. The Four Star Label
identifies the engine as meeting the CARB sterndrive/inboard marine
Tier 4 engine exhaust emission standards. A high-performance (>373 The Star Label Means Cleaner
kW / 500 bhp) Ilmor engine has a three Star - Ultra Low Emission Marine Engines
rating. This indicates that the engine has 65% lower emissions than
One Star - Low Emission engines. The three Star Label identifies the This engine has been certified as a:
engine as meeting the CARB sterndrive/inboard marine Tier 3 engine
exhaust emission standards.


Environmental Label

NOTICE: The dealer is responsible for the Environmental Label (hang

tag). The dealer must mark the correct box on each hang tag to match
the Star Label on the engine and the boat. The Dealer must display
the hang tag in a visible location on the boat prior to displaying the The Symbol for Cleaner Marine Engines:
boat for sale in California. If only the engine is displayed, a hang tag Cleaner Air and Water - for a healthier lifestyle and environment.
must be placed in a visible location on the engine. Failure to correctly
Better Fuel Economy - burns up to 30-40 percent less gas and
display the hang tag may result in a citation and possible fine to the oil than conventional carbureted two-stroke engines, saving
dealer from the CARB. money and resources.

Longer Emissions Warranty - protects consumer for worry free


42 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


One Star - Low Emission

The one star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s
Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2001 exhaust emission All Ilmor engines are equipped with OBD-M to comply with 2009
standards. Engines Meeting these standards have 75% lower emissions than
conventional carbureted two-stroke engines. These engines are equivalent to and later California-mandated OBD-M specification. The Malfunction
the U.S. EPA’s 2006 standards for marine engines.
Indicator Lamp (MIL) or a Check Engine warning will appear on the
dash when emission system problems occur on the boat.
Two Star - Very Low Emission If the MIL is set due to an emissions-related fault, a Diagnostic Trouble
The two star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s
Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2004 exhaust emission Code (DTC) will register. The MIL functions to notify the operator that
standards. Engines Meeting these standards have 20% lower emissions than
One Star - Low Emission engines. a problem has occurred so that the owner/operator can arrange for
service as soon as possible. DTCs are stored in the Engine Control
Unit memory and can be retrieved with a diagnostic scan tool such as
Three Star - Ultra Low Emission
The three star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s Diacom PC Software.
Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2008 exhaust emission
standards or the Sterndrive and Inboard marine engine 2003-2008 exhaust
emission standards. Engines Meeting these standards have 65% lower
System malfunction information assists the service technician in
emissions than One Star - Low Emission engines. quickly diagnosing system issues. When the MIL lights, the owner/
operator should contact an authorized Ilmor service center to arrange a
diagnostic scan at the earliest possible opportunity.
Four Star - Super Ultra Low Emission
The four star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s
Sterndrive and Inboard marine engine 2009 exhaust emission standards. The diagnostic scan tool will be connected to a flat 6-pin Data Link
Personal Watercraft and Outboard marine engines may also comply with
these standards. Engines Meeting these standards have 90% lower Connector (DLC). The connector is located on the flywheel side near
emissions than One Star - Low Emission engines.
the top of the engine. Note that the protective DLC cover must be
removed prior to connecting the scan tool.
Five Star - Level Five Extremely Clean Check cable connections
The five - star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s
Voluntary Standards for spark-ignition marine engines. Engines Meeting
these standards have 50% lower emissions than Four Stars - Super Ultra
Low Emission engines.

43939 Plymouth Oaks Blvd.

Plymouth, MI 48170
Cleaner Watercraft - Get the Facts

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 43



CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENT Select electronic emission-related control parts from model year 2020
and later sterndrive/inboard engines are warranted for 3 years or 480
Warranty Rights and Obligations hours, whichever first occurs.
CARB, U.S. EPA, and Ilmor are pleased to explain the emission control Select mechanical emission-related components are warranted for 3
system warranty on the 2013 model year and later sterndrive/inboard years or 480 hours, whichever first occurs. This includes engines with
engine. In the United States, new sterndrive/inboard engines must be maximum power less than or equal to 373 kW (500 bhp). Engines
designed, built, and equipped to meet all State and Federal mandated with maximum power greater than 373 kW (500 bhp) but less than or
anti-smog standards. equal to 485 kW (650 bhp) are warranted for 3 years or 150 hours of
Ilmor must warrant the emission control system on the operation, whichever occurs first.
sterndrive/inboard engine for the periods of time listed in the subsection Warranty coverage based on hourly period is only permitted for
below, provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper engines that are equipped with hour meter as defined in § 2441(a)(13),
maintenance. The engine emission control system may include or equivalent. If any emission-related engine part is defective under
parts such as carburetor or fuel injection system, ignition system, warranty, the part will be repaired or replaced by Ilmor.
and catalytic converter. Other parts included may be hoses, belts,
connectors, and other emission-related assemblies. For more information on current and/or historical product Warranty
policies and guidelines, please visit www.Ilmor.com/Resources/
Where a warrantable condition exists, Ilmor will repair the Warranties-Manuals or call 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667).
sterndrive/inboard engine at no cost to the owner, including diagnosis,
parts, and labor.

44 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Owner Warranty Responsibilities General Emissions Warranty Coverage

The owner of the sterndrive/inboard engine is responsible for Ilmor must warrant that the engine is:
performing required maintenance listed in the Owner’s Manual. Ilmor 1. Designed, built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable
recommends retaining all receipts covering maintenance on the regulations adopted by the CARB pursuant to the authority in
sterndrive/inboard engine to document compliance with scheduled Chapters 1 and 2, Part 5, Division 26 of the Health and Safety
maintenance. File all powertrain serial numbers and service records Code, and by the U.S. EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 1045.
with local authorized Ilmor service center.
2. Free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the
Ilmor may deny warranty coverage if sterndrive/inboard engine, or failure of a warranted part to be identical in all material respects to
a part, has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or that part as described in the engine manufacturer’s application for
unapproved modifications. certification.
Owner is responsible for presenting sterndrive/inboard engine to an EXCLUSIONS:
authorized Ilmor service center as soon as a problem occurs. The
warranty repairs will be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not Failures other than those resulting from defects in material or
to exceed 30 days. workmanship are not covered by this warranty. This warranty does
not extend to emission control systems or parts which are affected
If there are any questions regarding owner warranty rights and or damaged by owner abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, the
responsibilities, please contact Ilmor at 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) or incorporation of, or use of, add-on(s) or modified part(s), or the
at www.Ilmor.com/Resources/Warranties-Manuals. unapproved modification of any part.
This warranty does not cover replacement of expendable maintenance
items made in connection with required maintenance service as listed
in the maintenance section of the product Owner’s Manual, examples
of which include spark plugs and filters. If a part is repaired or replaced
under this warranty, the life of the warranty is not extended beyond
original expiration date.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 45


DISCLAIMER: Electronic Emission-Related Control

This warranty is applicable only where the California and U.S. Parts Warranty
EPA emission control system warranty regulation is in effect. At
the discretion of Ilmor, the use of add- on(s) or modified part(s) Systems Covered by this Parts Description
not exempted by the CARB or the U.S. EPA may be reason for not Warranty
warranting a claim. When a non-exempted add-on(s) or modified Fuel Metering Fuel injectors
part(s) causes failure to a warranted part, the warranted part will not be Air/fuel ratio feedback and control
covered. system
Pressure regulator (when installed)
Mechanical Emission-Related Ignition Electronic ignition system
Components Warranty Spark plugs*
Ignition coil(s)
Ignition wire(s)
Systems Covered by this Parts Description
Warranty Miscellaneous Items Camshaft position sensor
Crankshaft position sensor
Fuel Metering Intake valve(s)
Engine coolant temperature sensor
Air Induction Intake manifold air filter* Intake air temperature sensor
Lubrication Crankcase ventilation Knock sensor
Manifold absolute pressure sensor
Crankcase Ventilation PCV pipe Throttle position sensor
Fresh air pipe Electronic control unit
PCV hose connector Electronic throttle control
Valve cover grommet Camshaft position actuator solenoid
Oil filler cap valve
Exhaust Exhaust manifold (tailpipe not includ- Oil pressure sensor
Exhaust valve(s) * Covered up to, but not including, the first required replacement only.
Miscellaneous Items Clamps (See the Maintenance Schedule in the Owner’s Manual.)
Sealing gaskets or devices
Mounting hardware

* Covered up to, but not including, the first required replacement only.
(See the Maintenance Schedule in the Owner’s Manual.)

46 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Direct Emission-Related Control Parts

Systems Covered by this Parts Description
Catalytic Converter Catalytic converter(s)
Oxygen sensor
Evaporative System Low-permeation (non-metal) fuel

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 47


The following chart is offered as assistance in identifying and correcting minor issues that may occur. Problems are listed in the order of most likely
to least likely of occurrence. Not all possible problems, causes, and solutions are listed here.
When experiencing problems, check surroundings before shutting down the engine. Stopping the power suddenly would result in placing other
boats and boaters in jeopardy. Continue until it is safe to slow or stop, and analyze the situation.
Always be aware of surroundings and how your actions may impact others.

Problem Possible Cause Potential Solution

Engine will not turn over. Safety switch tether not connected. Connect the safety switch tether.
Throttle/shift control in gear. Shift to neutral.
Main circuit breaker open. Reset the circuit breaker.
Battery terminal corroded. Clean the battery terminals.
Battery weak or worn out. Charge or replace the battery.
Loose or corroded battery wiring connectors. Clean and tighten the battery wiring connectors.
Defective starter solenoid. Replace the starter solenoid. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Defective neutral safety switch. Replace the neutral safety switch. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Defective starter motor. Replace the starter motor. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Engine turns over, but will not start. Safety switch tether not connected. Connect the safety switch tether.
No fuel in the tank. Fill the fuel tank.
Fuel filter clogged. Replace the fuel filter. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Contaminated fuel. Drain fuel and replace fuel filter. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Weak or shorted ignition coil. Replace the ignition coil. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Weak or faulty fuel delivery system. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Engine misses or idles rough. Weak or faulty ignition components. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Contaminated or incorrect fuel filters. Drain fuel and replace fuel filter. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Plugged PCV valve. Have dealer replace the PCV valve.
Vacuum leak. See authorized Ilmor service center.

48 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Problem Possible Cause Potential Solution

Poor boat performance. Weak or faulty ignition components. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Contaminated fuel. Drain fuel and replace fuel filter. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Plugged spark arrestor. Clean the spark arrestor.
High intake air temperature. Verify engine bay is vented adequately.
Low oil pressure. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Incorrect boat profile. Correct the trim tab, One-Drive® position and/or remove any excess
weight within the vessel.
Fuel filter clogged. Have dealer replace the fuel filter.
Poor fuel mileage. Plugged spark arrestor. Clean the spark arrestor.
Inefficient driving habits. Plane the boat quickly, then slow down to desired speed.
Plugged PCV valve. Have dealer replace the PCV valve.
Weak or faulty ignition system components. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Incorrect boat profile. Correct the trim tab, One-Drive® position and/or remove any excess
weight within the vessel.
Serpentine belt noise. Misalignment in the pulley system. See authorized Ilmor service center.
Water on the pulley system. Remove any bilge water from engine compartment.
Worn belt. Replace serpentine belt.
Corroded pulley surfaces. Clean or replace pulley.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 49


Engine Model 5.3L GDI 6.0L MPI 6.2L GDI 7.4L MPI
Configuration V-8 V-8 V-8 V-8
Power* 365 HP (272 kW) @ 5400 RPM 373 HP (278 kW) @ 5200 RPM 430 HP (321 kW) @ 5400 RPM 522 HP (390 kW) @ 5800 RPM
Torque* 400 ft-lb (543 NM) @ 4100 RPM 407 ft-lb (552 NM) @ 4200 RPM 479 ft-lb (650 NM) @ 4000 RPM 524 ft-lb (711 NM) @ 4400 RPM
Displacement (L) 5.33 5.96 6.16 7.44
Compression Ratio 11.0:1 9.6:1 11.5:1 10.7:1
Firing Order 1-8-7-2-6-5-4-3
Gasoline - Fuel Unleaded 90-93 (R+M)/2 Octane Unleaded 87-93 (R+M)/2 Octane
Unleaded 87-93 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol
Recommendations** up to 10% Ethanol up to 10% Ethanol
Max Engine RPM 5,600 5,200 5,400 5,800
Pennzoil Platinum® Pennzoil Platinum® Mobil 1™
Engine Oil Type Rotella® T4 15W-40
Full Synthetic 5W-30 Full Synthetic 5W-30 Full Synthetic 15W-50

Engine Oil Approx.

7.0 qt (6.6 L) 5.0 qt (4.7 L) 7.0 qt (6.6 L) 5.5 qt (5.2 L)
Service Volumes***

Coolant Type
SIERRA® 50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze & Coolant
(if equipped)

Coolant Capacity
5.0 gal (18.9 L) to 6.0 gal (22.7 L)
(if equipped)

Normal Operating
160°F (71°C) - 195°F (91°C) 130°F (54°C) - 190°F (88°C) 160°F (71°C) - 195°F (91°C) 130°F (54°C) - 190°F (88°C)
Temperature Range

*These engine specifications are the declared values for United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

**If the engine is subject to heavy usage, the minimum gasoline fuel requirement is Unleaded 90 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol . Heavy usage is defined as operators using
their vessel under the following conditions: loaded with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve total maximum capacity over the OEM specification, commercial or training
purposes as defined in the Ilmor warranty, at water temperatures below 55°F (13°C) , at elevations greater than 6000 feet (1830 meter) above sea level, and/or wide open throttle
operation for more than 5% of total boating time.

***Oil capacities will vary depending on the volume of oil recovered during service. After changing the engine oil and filter, recheck the oil level. Refer to the Maintenance chapter of
the Ilmor MV8 Owner’s Manual for proper procedures and additional information.

50 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Engine Model 5.3L GDI-S 6.0L MPI-S 6.2L GDI-S 7.4L MPI-S
Configuration V-8 V-8 V-8 V-8

Power* 365 HP (272 kW) @ 5400 RPM 382 HP (285 KW) @ 5200 RPM 430 HP (321 kW) @ 5400 RPM 483 HP (360 KW) @ 5400 RPM

Torque* 400 ft-lb (543 NM) @ 4100 RPM 411 ft-lb (557 NM) @ 4200 RPM 479 ft-lb (650 NM) @ 4000 RPM 516 ft-lb (700 NM) @ 4400 RPM

Displacement (L) 5.33 5.96 6.16 7.44

Compression Ratio 11.0:1 9.6:1 11.5:1 10.7:1

Firing Order 1-8-7-2-6-5-4-3

Gasoline - Fuel Unleaded 90-93 (R+M)/2 Octane Unleaded 87-93 (R+M)/2 Octane
Unleaded 87-93 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol
Recommendations** up to 10% Ethanol up to 10% Ethanol
Max Engine RPM 5600
Engine Oil Type Mobil 1™ Full Synthetic 15W-50
Engine Oil Approx.
7.0 qt (6.6 L) 5.0 qt (4.7 L) 7.0 qt (6.6 L) 5.5 qt (5.2 L)
Service Volumes***
Power Steering Fluid Dextron III Automatic Transmission Fluid
Coolant Type SIERRA® 50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze & Coolant
Coolant Capacity 5.0 gal (18.9 L) to 6.0 gal (22.7 L)
Normal Operating
160°F (71°C) - 195°F (91°C) 160°F (71°C) - 190°F (88°C) 160°F (71°C) - 195°F (91°C) 160°F (71°C) - 190°F (88°C)
Temperature Range
*These engine specifications are the declared values for United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

**If the engine is subject to heavy usage, the minimum gasoline fuel requirement is Unleaded 90 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol. Heavy usage is defined as operators
using the vessel under the following conditions: loaded with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve total maximum capacity over the OEM specification, commercial or training
purposes as defined in the Ilmor warranty, at water temperatures below 55°F (13°C), at elevations greater than 6000 feet (1830 meters) above sea level, and/or wide open throttle
operation for more than 5% of total boating time.

***Oil capacities will vary depending on the volume of oil recovered during service. After changing the engine oil and filter, recheck the oil level. Refer to the Maintenance chapter of
the Ilmor MV8 Owner’s Manual for proper procedures and additional information.

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 51



Engine Model MV8 5.7L MV8 6.0L MV8 6.2L
Configuration V-8 V-8 V-8
Power* 320 HP (239 KW) @ 5000 RPM 382 HP (285 KW) @ 5200 RPM 430 HP (321 kW) @ 5600 RPM
Torque* 370 ft-lb (502 NM) @ 4200 RPM 411 ft-lb (557 NM) @ 4200 RPM 446 ft-lb (605 NM) @ 4400 RPM
Displacement (L) 5.73 5.96 6.16
Compression Ratio 9.4:1 9.6:1 10.7:1
Firing Order 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 1-8-7-2-6-5-4-3
Gasoline - Fuel Recommendations** Unleaded 87-93 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol
Max Engine RPM 5,400 5,600 5,800
Pennzoil Platinum ®
Engine Oil Type Rotella® T4 15W-40
Full Synthetic 5W-30
Engine Oil Approx. Service Volumes*** 5.0 qt (4.7 L) 5.0 qt (4.7 L) 4.5 qt (4.3 L)
Coolant Type (if equipped) SIERRA 50/50 Prediluted Antifreeze & Coolant

Coolant Capacity (if equipped) 5.0 gal (18.9 L) to 6.0 gal (22.7 L)
130°F (54°C)
Normal Operating Temperature Range
190°F (88°C)
* These engine specifications are the declared values for United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

**If the engine is subject to heavy usage, the minimum gasoline fuel requirement is Unleaded 90 (R+M)/2 Octane up to 10% Ethanol. Heavy usage is defined as operators
using the vessel under the following conditions: loaded with additional ballast and/or weight to achieve total maximum capacity over the OEM specification, commercial or training
purposes as defined in the Ilmor warranty, at water temperatures below 55°F (13°C), at elevations greater than 6000 feet (1830 meters) above sea level, and/or wide open throttle
operation for more than 5% of total boating time.

***Oil capacities will vary depending on the volume of oil recovered during service. After changing the engine oil and filter, recheck the oil level. Refer to the Maintenance chapter of
the Ilmor MV8 Owner’s Manual for proper procedures and additional information.

52 · 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com


Service Date Date Date Date Date Date
Engine Coolant
Engine Oil & Filter
Engine Fuel Filter(s)
Heat Exchanger(s)
One-Drive® Fluid, Filters & Magnet
Power Steering Fluid
PRV (Pressure Relief Valve)
Raw Impeller
Sacrificial Anodes (Engine)
Sacrificial Anodes (One-Drive®)
Serpentine Belt
Shaft Alignment
Spark Arrestor
Spark Plug Wires
Spark Plugs
Transmission Fluid

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 53

· 844-GO-ILMOR (464-5667) www.ilmor.com 07.08.2020 Version 1.0

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