Panas X
Panas X
Panas X
List of Tables................................................................................................................................ ii
I. The Hierarchical Structure of Self-Rated Affect................................................................................. 1
II. The Higher Order Scales................................................................... .......................................... 2
A. Construction of the Original Positive and Negative Affect Scales ................................................ 2
B. Normative and Internal Consistency Data................................................................................ 3
Between-subjects data....................................................................................................... 3
Aggregated within-subject data.................................................................................................. 5
C. Construct Validity.............................................................................................................. 6
Factorial validity............................................................................................................. 6
Convergence with peer ratings ........................................................................................... 7
III. The Specific Affect Scales.......................................................................................................... 8
A. Construction of the Fear, Sadness, Guilt, Hostility, Shyness
Fatigue, and Surprise Scales........................................................................................... 8
B. Construction of the Joviality, Self-Assurance, Attentiveness, and Serenity Scales ....................... 11
C. Normative and Internal Consistency Data................................................................................ 12
Basic between-subjects data ............................................................................................ 12
Analyses of gender........................................................................................................ 13
Within-subject data....................................................................................................... 14
D. Construct Validity.............................................................................................................. 14
Comparison analyses with the POMS scales....................................................................... 14
Convergence with peer ratings ........................................................................................ 15
IV. General Issues Concerning the PANAS-X Scales ............................................................................. 17
A. Testing the Hierarchical Arrangement of the PANAS-X Scales...................................................... 17
B. Using the PANAS-X Scales as State Measures .......................................................................... 18
Relations with other measures of mood and symptomatology ............................................... 18
Studies of intraindividual mood fluctuation.................................................................................. 18
C. Using the PANAS-X scales as Measures of Trait Affect............................................................... 19
Test-retest stability data............................................................................................................ 19
Convergence with aggregated state measures...................................................................... 20
Relations with measures of personality and emotionality ..................................................... 20
Summary of trait validity evidence.............................................................................................. 22
V. References ............................................................................................................................... 22
PANAS-X Manual
List of Tables
Table 1 Sample PANAS-X Protocol Illustrating "Past Few Weeks" Time Instructions ................................................ 1
Table 3 Means and Standard Deviations for the General Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) Scales as a
Function of Rated Time Frame and Subject Population ........................................................................... 3
Table 4 Internal Consistency Reliabilities (Coefficient a) and Intercorrelations of the General PA and NA Scales ......... 4
Table 5 Descriptive Statistics for the General PA and NA Scales Derived from Mean Daily Mood Scores ................... 5
Table 6 Correlations between the General PA and NA Scales and Regression-Based Scores on the First Two
Varimax Factors in Six Samples Assessed with Tellegen's Set of 60 Mood Descriptors ................................. 6
Table 7 Correlations between the General PA and NA Scales and Regression-Based Scores on the First Two
Varimax Factors in Ten Samples Assessed with the 60 PANAS-X Mood Descriptors ...................................... 7
Table 8 Correlations between the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales and Regression-Based Scores
on the First Two Varimax Factors Emerging in Within-Subject Data ......................................................... 8
Table 9 Convergence between Self- and Peer-ratings on the Two Higher Order PANAS-X Scales .................................. 8
Table 10 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of the 60 Tellegen Mood Terms in the Past Few Weeks Solution .............. 9
Table 11 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of the Positive Mood Terms Defining the Joviality, Self-Assurance,
Attentiveness, and Serenity Factors (Past Week Instructions, N = 607) ................................................... 11
Table 12 Descriptive Statistics and Internal Consistency Reliabilities (Coefficient a) for the 11 Lower Order Scales
................................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 13 Gender-Specific Normative Statistics for the Self-Assurance, Hostility, and Serenity Scales ........................ 14
Table 14 Descriptive Statistics for the 11 Lower Order Scales Derived from Mean Daily Mood Scores ...................... 15
Table 15 Correlations among the PANAS-X Scales and Corresponding Scales from the Profile of Mood States ............ 15
Table 16 Self- versus Peer-Ratings on Seven Lower Order PANAS-X Scales (Dormitory Study) ............................... 16
Table 17 Self- versus Peer-Ratings on the 11 Lower Order PANAS-X Scales (Dating Study) .................................... 16
Table 18 Varimax-Rotated Loadings of the Lower Order PANAS-X Scales with Different Time Instructions ................. 17
Table 19 Correlations between the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales and Regression-Based Scores
on the First Two Varimax Factors Defined by the 11 Lower Order PANAS-X Scales ................................... 18
Table 20 Test-Retest Reliabilities of the PANAS-X Scales (2-Month Retest Interval) ............................................... 19
Table 21 Long-term Retest Stabilities of the Higher Order PANAS-X scales (M Retest Interval = 72.4 Mos.) .............. 20
Table 22 Correlations Between General Trait Ratings on the Higher Order Scales and Aggregated State Ratings .......... 20
Table 23 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of Personality, Emotionality, and Higher Order PANAS-X Scales
(General Instructions) in a Sample of SMU Undergraduates ................................................................... 21
Table 24 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of Personality, Emotionality and Lower-Order PANAS-X Scales (General
Instructions) in Sample of SMU Undergraduates ................................................................................. 22
PANAS-X Manual
I. The Hierarchical Structure of Self-Rated Affect (see also Watson & Clark, 1989, 1992a). In this model,
the higher level reflects the valence of the mood descriptors
In recent research, two broad, general factors--typically (i.e., whether they represent negative or positive states),
labeled Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA)--have whereas the lower level reflects their specific content (i.e.,
emerged reliably as the dominant dimensions of emotional the distinctive qualities of the individual affects).
experience. These factors have been identified in both intra-
and interindividual analyses, and they emerge consistently To assess these specific emotional states, we have created a
across diverse descriptor sets, time frames, response 60-item, expanded version of the PANAS (the PANAS-X).
formats, languages, and cultures (Almagor & Ben-Porath, In addition to the two original higher order scales, the
1989; Mayer & Gaschke, 1988; Meyer & Shack, 1989; PANAS-X measures 11 specific affects: Fear, Sadness,
Tellegen, 1985; Watson, 1988b; Watson, Clark, & Guilt, Hostility, Shyness, Fatigue, Surprise, Joviality,
Tellegen, 1984; Watson & Tellegen, 1985; Zevon & Self-Assurance, Attentiveness, and Serenity. The
Tellegen, 1982). To measure these factors, Watson, PANAS-X thus provides for mood measurement at two
Clark, and Tellegen (1988) developed the Positive and different levels.
Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), which consists of two
10-item scales for PA and NA, respectively. The PANAS-X is simple and easy to administer. Most
subjects complete the entire 60-item schedule in 10 minutes
These two general dimensions account for most of the or less. However, investigators facing more severe time
variance in self-rated affect--together they account for constraints can select and assess only those scales that are
roughly one-half to three-quarters of the common variance in most relevant to their research. A sample PANAS-X
mood terms (see Watson, 1988b; Watson & Tellegen, protocol is shown in Table 1. In addition, the terms
1985). Nevertheless, specific emotional states can also be comprising each of the PANAS-X scales are shown in
identified in the same data. In fact, on the basis of earlier Table 2.
work by Tellegen , Watson and Tellegen (1985) proposed a
hierarchical taxonomic scheme in which the two broad, The PANAS-X was created in three relatively distinct stages.
higher order dimensions are each composed of several As mentioned, the two higher order scales were developed
correlated, yet ultimately distinguishable affective states first. Seven specific affect scales primarily involving
Table 1 Sample PANAS-X Protocol Illustrating "Past Few Weeks" Time Instructions
This scale consists of a number of words and phrases that describe different feelings and emotions. Read each item and then
mark the appropriate answer in the space next to that word. Indicate to what extent you have felt this way during the past
few weeks. Use the following scale to record your answers:
1 2 3 4 5
very slightly a little moderately quite a bit extremely
or not at all
different negative affects were constructed next. Finally, choosing three marker terms from each content group (see
four specific positive affect scales were created. In this Zevon & Tellegen, 1982, Table 1). Thus, these terms
manual, we recap briefly the development of the original provide a comprehensive assessment of the affective lexicon.
PANAS scales, and present their basic reliability and validity
data (the interested reader is referred to Watson et al., 1988, From this list of 60 terms we selected those descriptors that
for more detail). We then describe the development of the had an average loading of .40 or greater on the relevant factor
specific affect (PANAS-X) scales, and present data supporting across both the within- and between-subjects analyses
their reliability and validity. Finally, we discuss several reported in Zevon and Tellegen (1982). Twenty Positive
important issues regarding the instrument as a whole. Affect and 30 Negative Affect markers met this initial
criterion. However, as noted previously, we were also
II. The Higher Order Scales concerned that the terms be relatively pure markers of a
factor. We therefore specified that the terms not have a
A. Construction of the Original Positive and Negative secondary loading of I.25I or greater in either analysis.
Affect Scales This reduced the pool of candidate descriptors to 12 for
Positive Affect and 25 for Negative Affect.
The goal in developing these scales was to create reliable and
valid measures that were also brief and simple to administer. Preliminary reliability and validity analyses indicated that 10
The primary concern was to select descriptors that were terms were sufficient for the higher order Positive Affect
relatively pure markers of either Negative Affect or Positive scale. We therefore dropped two terms that had relatively
Affect; that is, terms that had a substantial loading on one higher secondary loadings on the Negative Affect factor,
factor but a near-zero loading on the other. As a starting yielding the final set of 10 descriptors (shown in Table 2).
point, we used the 60 terms included in the factor analyses
The 25 Negative Affect candidate terms included all 3 terms
reported by Zevon and Tellegen (1982). Tellegen
from seven of Tellegen's content categories, plus 2 from
constructed this set from an initial pool of 117 affective each of two others. Because we wanted to tap a broad range
words and phrases derived from the earlier studies of Izard of content, we constructed a preliminary 14-item scale that
(1972), Nowlis (1965), Zuckerman and Lubin (1965), and included 2 terms from each of the seven complete triads.
Ekman (1971). A principal components analysis of content We found, however, that the terms from the Contempt and
sortings of this larger pool of items identified 20 synonym Revulsion content categories did not significantly enhance
groups, and the final list of 60 terms was constructed by the reliability and validity of the scale. Moreover, these
PANAS-X Manual
terms were less familiar to our subjects (primarily and psychiatric patient samples, and we present these results
undergraduates) and were occasionally left unanswered. as well.
Therefore, the final 10-item version consisted of 2 terms
each from the other five triads (displayed in Table 2). We have obtained PANAS-X ratings using eight different
temporal instructions. Subjects have rated how they felt:
B. Normative and Internal Consistency Data (a) "right now (that is, at the present moment)" (Moment
instructions); (b) "today" (Today); (c) "during the past few
Between-subjects data. Most of our basic psychometric data days" (Past Few Days); (d) "during the past week" (Past
were gathered from undergraduates enrolled in various Week); (e) "during the past few weeks (Past Few Weeks);
psychology courses at Southern Methodist University (f) "during the past month" (Past Month), (g) "during the
(SMU), a private southwestern university. However, we past year (Past Year); and (h) "in general, that is, on the
(and others) have also collected data on various student, adult average" (General).
Table 3 Means and Standard Deviations for the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales as a Function of
Rated Time Frame and Subject Population
Positive Affect Negative Affect
______________ ______________
Time Frame/Sample N M SD M SD
SMU undergraduates 2,213 29.0 8.0 15.8 5.9
Australian undergraduatesa 279 25.3 7.2 15.2 5.0
VA substance abusers 158 32.0 8.5 23.7 10.1
Psychiatric inpatients 56 32.6 7.8 21.1 9.0
SMU undergraduates 1,664 30.1 8.2 17.6 7.0
Past Few Days
SMU undergraduates 1,577 33.7 7.3 18.5 6.9
Iowa undergraduates 502 31.5 7.4 21.7 7.4
Past Week
SMU undergraduates 1,521 32.4 7.3 20.4 7.0
Dallas-area adults 328 31.1 7.5 18.0 7.1
Australian adult mena 114 32.6 5.9 16.3 4.7
Australian adult womena 115 30.7 7.1 15.8 4.9
Past Few Weeks
SMU undergraduates 2,076 32.6 7.1 20.2 7.2
SMU employees 164 33.1 6.8 17.9 6.4
Past Month
SMU undergraduates 1,006 34.5 7.2 20.2 7.3
Past Year
SMU undergraduates 964 35.9 6.4 22.8 6.6
SMU undergraduates 3,622 35.7 6.2 19.5 6.0
SMU employees 202 35.1 7.4 18.9 6.4
Detroit-area adultsb 815 36.0 6.0 18.2 6.3
Australian adult mena 114 33.5 5.9 14.2 4.1
Australian adult womena 115 33.9 5.1 15.5 5.3
Psychiatric inpatients 117 32.4 8.1 25.5 10.0
Mixed clinical sample 107 30.2 6.6 26.3 9.0
Note. These data include those reported in Watson et al. (1988), Table 1.
aUnpublished data reported by Ross Wilkinson, The Australian National University, April, 1993.
bThese data are reported in Quinn (1989).
PANAS-X Manual
Table 3 presents basic descriptive statistics for the general time period increases, the probability that a subject will
Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales for these different have experienced a significant amount of a given affect also
time instructions in various samples. We have not found increases. Finally, it is interesting to compare the mean
any large or consistent gender differences on these scales (the scores of the college student, adult, and psychiatric patient
issue of gender differences will be discussed in more detail samples. Table 3 indicates that the mean Positive Affect
subsequently), so our own data are collapsed across gender. scores of college students and adults are generally quite
Nevertheless, we recommend testing for gender differences similar. The findings for Negative Affect are more variable,
in any new (especially nonstudent) sample. but the bulk of the data suggest that adults report slightly
lower levels of Negative Affect than college students.
Inspecting Table 3, one sees that subjects report more Overall, these data suggest that normative data collected on
Positive Affect than Negative Affect, regardless of the rated college student samples can be applied to community-
time frame or the population studied. Moreover, mean dwelling adult samples with some confidence, particularly
scores on both scales tend to increase as the rated time frame with regard to Positive Affect.
lengthens. This pattern is not surprising: As the rated
Table 4 Internal Consistency Reliabilities (Coefficient Alpha) and Intercorrelations of the General
Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales
Coefficient a
Positive Negative Scale
Time Frame/Sample N Affect Affect Intercorrelation
SMU undergraduates 2,213 .88 .85 -.06
VA substance abusers 158 .87 .91 -.21
Psychiatric inpatients 56 .83 .88 -.23
SMU undergraduates 1,664 .89 .87 -.05
Past Few Days
SMU undergraduates 1,577 .88 .87 -.17
Iowa undergraduates 502 .88 .87 -.31
Past Week
SMU undergraduates 1,521 .88 .85 -.14
Dallas-area adults 328 .90 .90 -.38
Australian adultsa 229 .86 .79 -.07
Past Few Weeks
SMU undergraduates 2,076 .87 .87 -.13
SMU employees 164 .86 .87 -.09
Past Month
SMU undergraduates 1,006 .89 .89 -.15
Past Year
SMU undergraduates 964 .87 .84 -.23
SMU undergraduates 3,622 .87 .85 -.13
SMU employees 201 .90 .87 -.31
Detroit-area adultsb 815 .84 .88 -.28
Australian adultsa 229 .85 .87 .01
Psychiatric inpatients 117 .87 .93 -.33
Mixed clinical sample 107 .83 .89 -.32
Note. These data include those reported in Watson et al. (1988), Table 2.
aUnpublished data reported by Ross Wilkinson, The Australian National University, April, 1993.
bThese data are reported in Quinn (1989).
PANAS-X Manual
The psychiatric patients, however, clearly represent a daily basis over a period of several weeks. All subjects
distinct population. Most notably, consistent with completed a minimum of 30 daily mood assessments; all of
previous research (e.g., Watson & Clark, 1984; Watson, the assessments were completed in the evening, so that the
Clark, & Carey, 1988), psychiatric patients report ratings would provide a reasonable estimate of the subjects'
significantly higher levels of Negative Affect than do moods over the course of the day (for more details regarding
nonpatients. The data for Positive Affect are less clear, but this type of design, see Kennedy-Moore, Greenberg,
one can anticipate that many patients will obtain unusually Newman, & Stone, 1992; Watson, 1988a; Watson, Clark,
low scores on this scale. McIntyre, & Hamaker, 1992).
Internal consistency reliabilities (Cronbach's coefficient The three groups consisted of: (1) 425 SMU undergraduates,
alpha) for the two higher order scales, and also their who completed an average of 43.3 mood assessments; (2) 90
intercorrelations, are presented in Table 4. The alpha adult men (M age = 42.7 years), who completed an average
reliabilities for both scales are high, generally ranging from of 77.9 mood ratings; and (3) 27 adults (age range = 21 to
.83 to .90 for Positive Affect, and from .85 to .90 for 76 years) diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Negative Affect. It is noteworthy that the reliabilities of The CFS patients were drawn from the Minnesota Regional
the scales essentially are unaffected by the time instructions Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research Program at the
that are used or by the type of subject population (student, Hennepin County Medical Center (see Marshall et al., 1994,
adult, or patient) that is assessed. for more details); they completed an average of 53.8 mood
Table 4 also shows that the correlation between the Positive
Affect and Negative Affect scales is generally low, typically Mean Positive Affect and Negative Affect scores initially
ranging from -.05 to -.35. These discriminant values were calculated for each subject. Overall sample means and
indicate quasi-independence, an attractive feature for many standard deviations were then computed for each scale; these
research and data-analytic purposes, and they are somewhat values are shown in Table 5. Looking first at the college
lower than those of many other brief measures of Negative student data, it is noteworthy that the means for both
Affect and Positive Affect (see Watson, 1988b). Positive Affect and Negative Affect are comparable--but
Interestingly, the scale intercorrelation is not systematically slightly lower--than the corresponding single-assessment
influenced by the rated time frame. Thus, the higher order between-subjects values (using Today instructions) that are
scales maintain their quasi-independence regardless of shown in Table 3. Interestingly, the adult men reported
whether state (shorter term) or trait (longer term) affect is somewhat lower levels of both affects than did the college
assessed. students. The most striking data, however, are those of the
CFS patients. Their mean Positive Affect score was
Aggregated within-subject data. The data we have presented substantially lower than that of the adult men, and more
thus far have been derived from single, between-subjects than a full standard deviation below that of the college
assessments of large subject samples. Some investigators, students. In marked contrast, their Negative Affect levels
however, may wish to use the higher order PANAS-X scales were unremarkable, falling in between those of the college
in designs that necessitate repeated within-subject students and adults. Thus, these findings indicate clearly
assessments. Accordingly, we present basic descriptive that CFS is associated with a marked reduction in positive
statistics from three groups of subjects who completed the emotional experiences (for further discussion of these data,
higher order PANAS-X scales (using Today instructions) on a see Marshall et al., 1994).
Table 5 Descriptive Statistics for the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales Derived from Mean Daily
Mood Scores
Positive Affect Negative Affect
No. of Total No. of _______________ _______________
Sample Subjects Observations M SD M SD
SMU undergraduates 425 18,420 28.3 5.9 16.4 4.1
Adult mena 90 7,013 25.0 7.4 12.7 3.7
CFS patients 27 1,453 20.1 6.1 15.3 5.6
Note. CFS = Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. See text for more details.
aThese data are reported in Kennedy-Moore et al. (1992), Table I.
PANAS-X Manual
Table 6 Correlations Between the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales and Regression-Based Scores on the
First Two Varimax Factors in Six Samples Assessed with Tellegen's Set of 60 Mood Descriptors
Positive Affect Negative Affect
Scale Correlations Scale Correlations
____________________ ____________________
Rated Time Frame N Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 1 Factor 2
Moment 660 -.02 .95 .91 -.15
Today 657 -.02 .95 .93 -.11
Past Few Days 1,002 -.15 .92 .93 -.10
Past Few Weeks 586 -.10 .92 .92 -.18
Past Year 649 -.17 .89 .93 -.09
General 663 -.08 .94 .93 -.12
Note. This table is adapted from Watson et al. (1988, Table 4). See text for details.
Two dominant factors emerged in each solution that jointly The results of these analyses are presented in Table 7 and it
accounted for roughly two-thirds of the common variance, can be seen that they replicate closely those of the first
ranging from 62.8% in the Moment solution to 68.7% in series. Again, the convergent correlations were quite high,
the General ratings. The first two factors in each solution ranging from .90 to .95 for Positive Affect, and from .92 to
were then rotated using varimax. Each of the six solutions .95 for Negative Affect. As before, the discriminant
generated two sets of factor scoring weights that were used correlations generally were quite low, ranging from -.02 to -
to compute regression-based estimates of the underlying .28 for Positive Affect, and from .00 to -.16 for Negative
Negative Affect and Positive Affect factors. Within each Affect. In other words, these data again demonstrate that the
data set, we then correlated these estimated factor scores general Negative Affect and Positive Affect scales of the
with the PANAS-X Negative Affect and Positive Affect PANAS-X are excellent measures of the underlying higher
scales. order factors.
The results, shown in Table 6, demonstrate the expected The data presented in Tables 6 and 7 are based entirely on
convergent/discriminant pattern: Both scales are very highly between-subjects data. In contrast, the final series of
correlated with their corresponding regression-based factor analyses examined whether the general PANAS-X scales are
scores in each solution, with convergent correlations also excellent measures of the two higher order factors that
ranging from .89 to .95. In contrast, the discriminant emerge in within-subject data. To investigate this issue we
correlations are quite low, ranging from only -.02 to -.18. conducted factor analyses in two very large data sets. The
Furthermore, Watson et al. (1988) present other data first consisted of 226 SMU undergraduates who rated their
indicating that the PANAS-X scales offer a better current, momentary mood on the 60 PANAS-X terms
convergent/discriminant correlational pattern with the repeatedly over a 1-2 month period (M = 45.0 assessments
underlying factors than do other commonly used scale pairs. per subject). The subjects were instructed to complete one
mood assessment each day; the times for these ratings varied
The second series of analyses involved 10 additional data from day to day according to a pre-arranged, randomized
PANAS-X Manual
Table 7 Correlations Between the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales and Regression-Based Scores on the
First Two Varimax Factors in Ten Samples Assessed with the 60 PANAS-X Mood Descriptors
Positive Affect Negative Affect
Scale Correlations Scale Correlations
____________________ ____________________
Rated Time Frame N Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 1 Factor 2
SMU undergraduates
Moment 1,027 -.02 .94 .94 -.05
Today 1,007 -.05 .95 .94 .00
Past Few Days 289 -.01 .93 .95 -.01
Past Week 1,278 -.09 .94 .94 -.03
Past Few Weeks 678 -.09 .92 .93 -.08
Past Month 1,006 -.12 .94 .95 -.05
Past Year 315 -.17 .90 .92 -.05
General 1,657 -.10 .93 .93 -.01
Iowa undergraduates
Past Few Days 502 -.19 .93 .94 -.16
Dallas-area adults
Past Week 328 -.28 .92 .93 -.15
schedule. The second sample consisted of 248 SMU Convergence with peer ratings. The data we have presented
undergraduates who rated their mood on the full PANAS-X on thus far consist entirely of subjects' self-reports. In order to
a daily basis (using Today instructions) over a 1-2 month establish construct validity, however, it is important to
period (M = 45.7 assessments per subject); as in previous consider other types of evidence as well. Accordingly, we
analyses of daily affect, all ratings were made in the evening have conducted two studies in which self-ratings on the two
so that they would provide a reasonable estimate of the higher order scales (as well as the specific affect scales, to
subjects' moods over the course of the day. All subjects in be discussed later) were correlated with corresponding
both data sets completed a minimum of 35 mood judgments made by well-acquainted peers. All affect ratings
assessments. in both studies were based on trait (i.e., General) time
instructions. The first study (discussed in more detail by
The mood ratings in each sample were standardized on a Watson & Clark, 1991) involved dormitory residents at
within-subject basis; that is, each subject's responses were SMU. To participate in the study, subjects were required to
converted to standard scores (M = 0, SD = 1). This procedure sign up in five-person groups, with the additional proviso
eliminates between-subjects variability, so that subsequent that all group members know each other reasonably well.
analyses reflect only within-subject variation. The data in Each subject rated all five group members, thereby
each sample were then subjected to a separate principal factor generating one set of self-ratings and four sets of peer-
analysis (squared multiple correlations in the diagonal); note ratings. The results reported here were computed from the
that this is equivalent to factoring each subject's data data of 89 subjects, each of whom was rated by at least three
separately and then averaging the resulting solutions in each well-acquainted peers; the peer judgments for each subject
sample. The first two factors in each solution were then were averaged to yield a single overall peer rating score on
rotated using varimax; as before, regression-based estimates each scale for that subject.
of these factors were computed. Finally, within each data
set, we correlated these factor scores with the PANAS-X The second study was an examination of currently dating
Negative Affect and Positive Affect scales. The results couples at various universities in the Dallas-Fort Worth
(shown in Table 8) again strongly demonstrate the factorial metropolitan area. To be included in the study, the couple
validity of these scales. Replicating the between-subjects had to have been dating each other for at least one month (M
results, the convergent correlations for the Positive Affect time of dating = 21.8 months). All subjects rated both
scale were .93 and .90 in the Moment and Today data, themselves and their partners on the full PANAS-X.
respectively; the corresponding values for the Negative Affect
scale were .89 and .89, respectively. Moreover, the Before presenting these results, we should note that one can
discriminant coefficients were low, ranging from -.16 to -.23. expect only moderate self-peer convergence on these scales.
Thus, we see clear evidence that the general PANAS-X scales Several studies have found that more externally visible
are excellent measures of the major dimensions underlying behavioral dispositions show better self-peer convergence
intraindividual mood experience. than do more internal, subjective traits (Albright, Kenny, &
PANAS-X Manual
Table 8 Correlations Between the General Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales and Regression-Based Scores on the
First Two Varimax Factors Emerging in Within-Subject Data
Positive Affect Negative Affect
Scale Correlations Scale Correlations
Time No. of Total No. of __________________ __________________
Instructions Subjects Observations Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 1 Factor 2
Moment 226 10,169 .93 -.20 -.16 .89
Today 248 11,322 .90 -.23 -.18 .89
Malloy, 1988; Funder & Colvin, 1988; Funder & Dobroth, each of these data sets included Tellegen's list of 60 mood
1987; Kenrick & Stringfield, 1980; Norman & Goldberg, terms (see Zevon & Tellegen, 1982), differing only in the
1966; Watson, 1989; Watson & Clark, 1991). Because time frames used to generate the mood ratings (Moment,
affective experience is strongly subjective, one cannot expect Today, Past Few Days, Past Few Weeks, Past Year,
the convergent correlations to be very high. Furthermore, General).
earlier research has also found that self-peer convergence
increases as more peer judges are used (McCrae & Costa, Each of these data sets was factored separately using
1987; Watson, 1989; Watson & Clark, 1991). Accordingly, principal factor analysis (squared multiple correlations in the
one would predict that convergence would be better in the diagonal) and varimax rotation. To determine the final
dormitory study (in which each target was rated by 3-4 well- number of factors in each data set, a range of solutions--
acquainted peers) than in the dating study (in which each starting at two factors--was examined, until a solution was
target was rated by only a single peer). reached that contained an uninterpretable factor (i.e., one
with fewer than three marker terms). In these analyses, we
The results of both studies are presented in Table 9. These defined a marker as a variable that loaded I.40I or higher on
data clearly support the convergent and discriminant validity the factor and had its highest loading on the factor. These
of the general Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales. criteria yielded the following numbers of factors: Moment
The convergent correlations all are statistically significant; (7), Today (8), Past Few Days (8), Past Few Weeks (8),
those for Positive Affect are especially good, with values of Past Year (10), and General (6). In each case, this
.48 and .35 in the dormitory and dating studies, respectively. represents the maximum number of interpretable factors that
The convergent correlations for Negative Affect (.36 and .21, could be identified in the data.
respectively) are lower, but still respectable given the
limitations discussed earlier. Finally, it is noteworthy that ________________________________________________
the discriminant coefficients are invariably low and non-
significant. Table 9 Convergence Between Self- and Peer-ratings on the
Two Higher Order PANAS-X Scales
In summary, the two general PANAS-X scales provide ________________________________________________
reliable, valid, and largely independent measures of the
higher order Positive Affect and Negative Affect dimensions, Self Rated
regardless of the subject population or time frame used. ________________________
For more information regarding the reliability and validity of Peer Rated PA NA
these scales, see Watson (1988b) and Watson et al. (1988). ________________________________________________
III. The Specific Affect Scales Dormitory Study (N = 89)
A. Construction of the Fear, Sadness, Guilt, Hostility, Positive Affect .48* -.05
Shyness, Fatigue, and Surprise Scales Negative Affect -.13 .36*
In constructing the lower order scales, we continued to be
concerned with developing reliable and valid measures that Dating Study (N = 137)
could be used with different time instructions. Therefore, Positive Affect .35* -.09
the initial scale construction was based on the six large data Negative Affect -.03 .21*
sets (with Ns ranging from 586 to 1,002) that were used in
the first series of analyses on factorial validity (see Table 6 *p < .05, two-tailed.
and the accompanying discussion). As noted previously, ________________________________________________
PANAS-X Manual
Table 10 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of the 60 Tellegen Mood Terms in the Past Few Weeks Solution (N=586)
Descriptor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
enthusiastic .74
happy .70
joyful .70
interested .69
determined .66
delighted .66
confident .65
excited .65
friendly .63
warmhearted .62
alert .61
proud .59
strong .59
active .58
sociable .57
inspired .56
content .56
at ease .55 -.40
attentive .49
healthy .46
calm .45 -.39
** hostile .69
** scornful .68
disdainful .63
** loathing .62
** angry .61
contemptuous .59
** disgusted .56 .35
** irritable .55
revulsion .53
tormented .39 .36
** scared .76
** afraid .71
** frightened .70
** shaky .57
** nervous .56
** jittery .52
distressed .35 .42 .33 .33
(table continues)
PANAS-X Manual
Table 10 (cont.)
Descriptor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
** alone .75
** lonely .71
** sad .62
** blue .31 .61
** downhearted .55
rejected .54
upset .39 .32 .49
** dissatisfied with self .74
** angry at self .73
** disgusted with self .68
** guilty .54
** blameworthy .51
** ashamed .51
** sleepy .76
** tired .74
** sluggish .57
** astonished .62
** amazed .62
** surprised .60
** bashful .67
** shy .66
** sheepish .44
Overall, these multifactorial solutions were remarkably factor-analytic derivation, the scales were all reasonably
clear and clean. Most terms defined one and only one homogeneous. Moreover, the reliability of the scales did
factor, and there were few significant secondary loadings. not vary systematically with the rated time frame. Not
Moreover, the factors that emerged were both easily surprisingly, however, the shorter (3-item) scales were
interpretable and broadly consistent with existing theoretical somewhat less reliable than those with five or six items
models of emotion (e.g., Ekman, 1971; Izard, 1972). A (Fear, Hostility, Guilt, and Sadness). We therefore
representative factor loading matrix (the Past Few Weeks decided that they could be improved by adding a fourth term.
solution) is presented in Table 10. Eight factors emerged Using data from the samples to be described in the next
clearly in at least four of the six solutions. Seven of these section, we tested an additional marker for Shyness (timid)
dimensions--Fear, Sadness, Guilt, Hostility, Shyness, and Fatigue (drowsy), and found that they significantly
Fatigue, and Surprise-- represented specific emotional states improved the psychometric properties of their respective
and therefore were used as the basis for scale development. scales. These terms were therefore added to the Shyness and
The terms that most strongly and consistently defined these Fatigue scales, bringing them to their final 4-item form.
factors across all of the solutions were selected as the Although the psychometric properties of Surprise also
component scale items, and are indicated in Table 10. The might have been improved through the addition of a fourth
eighth replicable factor was the higher order Positive Affect term, no further revisions were made on this scale because
dimension; we describe our further efforts to identify we were unable to find a commonly used term that did not
specific positive emotional factors in the next section. greatly affect its valence or correlate strongly with other
lower order scales. We will present psychometric and
Initial internal consistency reliabilities (Cronbach's normative information on these finalized scales after we have
coefficient alpha) were computed for all seven scales in the described the development of the remaining specific affect
six scale-development data sets. Consistent with their scales.
PANAS-X Manual
B. Construction of the Joviality, Self-Assurance,
Attentiveness, and Serenity Scales Table 11 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of the
Positive Mood Terms Defining the Joviality,
The one unexpected aspect of these multifactorial solutions Self-Assurance, Attentiveness, and Serenity
was the failure of Positive Affect to split into more specific Factors (Past Week Instructions, N = 607)
positive emotional states. Separate positive affect factors ________________________________________________
emerged only in the Past Year solution. In these data,
Positive Affect split into Joy/Sociability and Factor
Interest/Energy. To test whether these specific positive _______________________________
emotional factors should be measured separately, we Descriptor 1 2 3 4
constructed scales using the marker variables from the two ________________________________________________
factors in the Past Year solution. Across the six data sets,
these two scales correlated from .66 to .77 with one another happy .79
(median r = .73). Because of this strong level of cheerful .78
intercorrelation, we did not pursue these two scales further. joyful .78
More generally, positive mood descriptors appear to be even excited .77
more highly interrelated than are negative terms, and we enthusiastic .73
therefore believe that positive emotional states may prove lively .70 .30
ultimately to be less differentiable in self-report. energetic .64 .31
delighted .63
Nevertheless, we continued to seek an alternative method
for developing scales to assess specific positive affects. To bold .71
achieve a desirable level of differentiation, we needed a fearless .69
broader sample of positive mood descriptors. We therefore strong .68
created an expanded pool of 36 positive mood terms. This proud .64
list included 20 of the previous set of 21 terms (healthy was confident .60 .34
dropped because preliminary analyses showed that it daring .42 .57
consistently split across several factors), plus additional
terms assessing venturesomeness, energy, cheerfulness, concentrating .79
sociability, mental alertness, and serenity. attentive .77
This expanded set of positive mood descriptors was subjected determined .66
to principal components analyses (with varimax rotation) in alert .61
three new student samples. First, 607 subjects rated
themselves using Past Week instructions; 347 of these calm .78
subjects were then retested (using the same instructions) 2 relaxed .76
months later. Finally, 327 individuals rated themselves at ease .37 .62
using General instructions. Each of these solutions
indicated the presence of a large general factor, which Note. Loadings below I.30I are omitted.
accounted for 30.3% to 37.5% of the total variance. ________________________________________________
Nevertheless, four interpretable factors could be identified in
each solution. Terms that did not load clearly or in 11 data sets reflecting eight different time instructions.
consistently on one of these factors were eliminated Looking first at the descriptive statistics, it should be noted
gradually from subsequent analyses, leading to a reduced set that these data show a pattern similar to that observed with
of 21 clear marker terms. Analyses on this reduced set of the higher order scales (see Table 3); that is, mean scale
descriptors yielded a clean simple-structure rotation in each scores show a general tendency to increase as the rated time
solution. A representative solution (the initial Past Week frame lengthens.
sample) is shown in Table 11.
Table 12 also clearly demonstrates that the alpha reliabilities
Four specific positive affect scales--Joviality, Self- of the longer (i.e., 5-8 items) PANAS-X scales are high.
Assurance, Attentiveness, and Serenity--were constructed Joviality is both the longest and the most reliable of the
from the clearest and most consistent markers of each of lower order scales, with a median internal consistency
these factors. The descriptors comprising these PANAS-X estimate of .93 (range = .88 to .94) across the 11 samples.
scales are presented in Table 2. Furthermore, Fear (median a = .87), Sadness (median a =
.87), Guilt (median a = .88), Hostility (median a = .85),
C. Normative and Internal Consistency Data Fatigue (median a = .88), Self-Assurance (median a = .83)
and Shyness (median a = .83) also consistently show good
Basic between-subjects data. Table 12 reports basic reliabilities. In contrast, three of the shorter (i.e., 3-4 item)
descriptive statistics and internal consistency reliabilities scales--Attentiveness, Serenity, and Surprise--yielded
(Cronbach's coefficient a) for the lower order PANAS-X scales slightly lower reliability estimates; across the 11 samples,
PANAS-X Manual
Table 12 Descriptive Statistics and Internal Consistency Reliabilities for the 11 Lower Order PANAS-X Scales
Scale M SD Coefficient a Scale M SD Coefficient a
Moment (1,027 SMU undergraduates) Past Week (1,278 SMU undergraduates)
Fear 9.9 4.5 .87 Fear 12.2 5.2 .88
Sadness 9.4 4.4 .86 Sadness 11.2 4.9 .89
Guilt 8.7 4.0 .86 Guilt 10.8 4.9 .87
Hostility 9.3 3.9 .82 Hostility 11.6 4.6 .85
Shyness 6.7 2.9 .80 Shyness 8.1 3.4 .83
Fatigue 11.1 4.2 .88 Fatigue 11.7 3.8 .87
Joviality 21.7 7.5 .93 Joviality 26.5 6.9 .93
Self-Assurance 16.5 5.1 .83 Self-Assurance 17.1 4.8 .83
Attentiveness 12.5 3.1 .72 Attentiveness 13.1 3.1 .79
Serenity 9.8 2.8 .74 Serenity 8.9 2.5 .74
Surprise 4.8 2.4 .80 Surprise 6.6 2.7 .80
Past Few Days (289 SMU undergraduates) Past Few Weeks (678 SMU undergraduates)
Fear 11.2 5.2 .90 Fear 12.3 4.9 .86
Sadness 9.9 4.8 .89 Sadness 11.7 4.8 .87
Guilt 10.4 5.2 .90 Guilt 12.0 5.2 .86
Hostility 11.7 5.5 .89 Hostility 12.9 5.0 .85
Shyness 7.0 3.0 .85 Shyness 7.7 3.1 .81
Fatigue 11.5 4.1 .89 Fatigue 12.7 3.9 .88
Joviality 26.5 7.0 .93 Joviality 26.8 6.6 .93
Self-Assurance 17.3 5.1 .84 Self-Assurance 17.7 4.7 .81
Attentiveness 13.5 3.1 .79 Attentiveness 13.5 2.9 .75
Serenity 9.1 2.6 .79 Serenity 8.9 2.6 .79
Surprise 6.7 2.9 .79 Surprise 6.8 2.8 .80
Past Few Days (502 Iowa undergraduates) Past Month (1,006 SMU undergraduates)
Fear 12.9 5.0 .86 Fear 11.3 4.6 .86
Sadness 11.5 4.6 .86 Sadness 10.6 4.6 .88
Guilt 11.8 5.3 .87 Guilt 11.0 5.2 .89
Hostility 12.4 4.7 .83 Hostility 12.3 4.8 .86
Shyness 8.2 3.2 .80 Shyness 7.7 3.2 .82
Fatigue 12.6 3.8 .86 Fatigue 11.3 3.7 .87
Joviality 25.7 6.9 .93 Joviality 27.7 6.4 .92
Self-Assurance 17.2 5.0 .83 Self-Assurance 18.5 4.8 .83
Attentiveness 13.0 3.1 .75 Attentiveness 13.8 3.0 .78
Serenity 9.2 2.8 .79 Serenity 9.4 2.6 .79
Surprise 6.8 2.7 .78 Surprise 6.9 2.7 .77
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
PANAS-X Manual
________________________________________________ Analyses of gender. An issue of general interest concerns
the possibility of systematic gender differences in affective
Table 12 (cont.) experience. We examined this issue in the 10 large data sets
________________________________________________ (with Ns ranging from 289 to 1,657) that were used in the
second series of analyses on factorial validity (see Table 7
Scale M SD Coefficient a and the accompanying discussion). As was discussed
________________________________________________ earlier, subjects in these samples were assessed on the full
set of 60 PANAS-X terms. Accordingly, we were able to
Past Year (315 SMU undergraduates) conduct t-tests comparing men and women on all 13 PANAS-
Fear 13.7 4.6 .84 X scales in each sample. Note that all of these data sets
Sadness 12.9 4.7 .86 contained at least 100 subjects of each gender (the gender
Guilt 13.1 5.5 .88 breakdowns of these samples are reported in Table 13), and
Hostility 14.3 4.7 .83 most of them contained many more than that. Given the
Shyness 8.7 3.3 .84 large size of these samples, these t-tests will identify
Fatigue 12.2 3.6 .84 significant effects even when the absolute difference between
Joviality 28.0 5.8 .91 groups is quite small.
Self-Assurance 19.0 4.4 .80
Attentiveness 14.0 2.8 .78 Generally speaking, these analyses revealed few consistent
Serenity 9.2 2.5 .74 gender-related differences in affective experience. Five
Surprise 7.5 2.3 .74 scales--general Negative Affect, general Positive Affect,
Attentiveness, Surprise and Sadness--showed virtually no
General (1,657 SMU undergraduates) significant gender-related effects. General Positive Affect
Fear 11.3 3.8 .83 and Attentiveness both yielded significant but inconsistent
Sadness 10.1 3.7 .83 group differences in two samples: In each case men scored
Guilt 10.8 4.3 .85 higher in one sample and women scored higher in the other.
Hostility 11.5 4.0 .83 Sadness (women scored higher in the Past Week/Adult
Shyness 8.3 3.3 .83 sample) and Surprise (men scored higher in the Past Month
Fatigue 10.3 3.4 .86 sample) each produced one significant group difference.
Joviality 28.1 6.0 .93 Finally, the general Negative Affect scale showed no
Self-Assurance 19.1 4.3 .81 significant effects whatsoever.
Attentiveness 14.2 2.6 .76
Serenity 9.8 2.3 .73 Five additional scales displayed modest gender-related
Surprise 6.7 2.3 .76 differences. Specifically, women scored significantly higher
on Joviality in four samples (Today, Past Week/SMU, Past
General (107 mixed inpatients/outpatients) Month, General), on Fatigue in three samples (Moment,
Fear 15.1 9.0 .92 Past Month, Past Week/Adult), and on Fear in two samples
Sadness 14.8 5.3 .88 (Past Few Days/Iowa, Past Year). Conversely, in four
Guilt 17.7 6.6 .90 samples men scored significantly higher on Guilt (Today,
Hostility 14.4 4.8 .79 Past Few Days/SMU, Past Week/SMU, General) and
Shyness 9.9 4.3 .86 Shyness (Past Few Days/SMU, Past Few Weeks, Past
Fatigue 10.5 4.2 .89 Month, General).
Joviality 21.3 6.1 .88
Self-Assurance 15.8 4.9 .80 The three remaining scales showed more consistent gender
Attentiveness 13.1 3.0 .70 effects. Specifically, men reported significantly higher
Serenity 7.9 2.8 .83 levels of Self-Assurance in all 10 samples; in addition, they
Surprise 6.4 2.5 .72 scored significantly higher on Serenity in nine samples (the
________________________________________________ sole exception being the Today data set) and on Hostility in
seven samples (Moment, Today, Past Few Days/SMU, Past
these scales had median internal consistency values of .78, Week/SMU, Past Few Weeks, Past Month, General).
.76, and .77, respectively. Nevertheless, these median Accordingly, Table 13 reports gender-specific normative data
values reflect mean inter-item correlations of .45 or on these three scales in all 10 data sets. Note that even
greater, indicating that the scales are appropriately though these scales yielded consistent gender differences, the
homogeneous; thus, their reliability estimates simply absolute size of the difference generally is quite small. That
reflect the fact that they have relatively few items. As is, across the 10 data sets the mean scores for men are
mentioned earlier with regard to Surprise, the data suggest approximately two points higher on Self-Assurance, one
that these scales could be improved through the inclusion point higher on Hostility, and a half-point higher on
of additional marker terms. Unfortunately, the English Serenity. Thus, it appears that the affective experiences of
language contains few suitable terms in these content women and men generally are quite similar, so that the
domains and we have not been able to identify additional overall normative statistics presented in Tables 3 and 12 can
markers for these scales. be used with some confidence.
PANAS-X Manual
Within-subject data. As with the higher order scales, some
Table 13 Gender-Specific Normative Statistics for the investigators may wish to use the specific affect scales in
Self-Assurance, Hostility, and Serenity Scales designs that necessitate repeated within-subject assessments.
________________________________________________ Accordingly, Table 14 presents basic descriptive statistics
from a sample of 262 SMU undergraduates who completed
Men Women the full PANAS-X (using Today instructions) on a daily basis
____________ ____________ over a period of several weeks. Paralleling the data reported
Time Frame/Sample M SD M SD in Table 5, all subjects completed a minimum of 30 daily
________________________________________________ mood ratings (M = 45.0 observations per subject); all of the
assessments were completed in the evening, so that the
Self-Assurance ratings would provide a reasonable estimate of the subjects'
Momentab 17.8 5.0 15.6 5.0 moods over the course of the day. As with the Table 5 data,
Todayab 16.9 5.3 15.3 5.0 mean scale scores initially were calculated for each subject;
Past Few Daysab 18.8 4.7 16.4 5.2 overall sample means and standard deviations were then
computed for each scale. It is noteworthy that--paralleling
Past Few Daysac 17.7 4.6 16.6 5.3
the pattern observed with the higher order scales--the means
Past Weekab 18.0 4.8 16.5 4.7 for all 11 scales are lower than the corresponding single-
Past Weekad 17.6 4.4 15.5 4.7 assessment between-subjects values (using Today
Past Few Weeksab 19.1 4.4 16.8 4.6 instructions) that are shown in Table 3. These results
Past Monthab 19.6 4.8 17.7 4.6 strongly suggest that subjects tend to give slightly lower
Past Yearab 20.3 4.2 18.0 4.2 mood ratings with repeated measurement.
Generalab 19.8 4.1 18.6 4.4
D. Construct Validity
Momentab 10.0 4.1 8.8 3.6 Comparison analyses with the POMS scales. To
Todayab 11.4 5.1 10.2 4.7 demonstrate the convergent and discriminant validity of a
Past Few Daysab 12.7 5.2 11.0 5.4 subset of the PANAS-X scales, we created an affect
Past Few Daysc 12.6 4.5 12.2 4.9 questionnaire that included the descriptors for Fear,
Past Weekab 12.4 4.8 11.0 4.4 Hostility, Sadness, Fatigue, general Positive Affect, and
Past Weekd 10.9 4.4 11.3 4.8 the six scales from the Profile of Mood States (POMS;
McNair, Lorr, & Droppleman, 1971). This questionnaire
Past Few Weeksab 13.7 4.7 12.4 5.2
was administered to 563 SMU undergraduates using Past
Past Monthab 12.7 4.8 11.9 4.6 Few Weeks instructions.
Past Yearab 15.0 5.3 14.0 4.3
Generalab 12.4 4.3 10.8 3.6 These five PANAS-X scales measure the same basic affects as
Serenity corresponding scales from the POMS. Specifically, Fear
can be identified with POMS Tension-Anxiety, Hostility
Momentab 10.0 2.7 9.6 2.8 with POMS Anger-Hostility, Sadness with POMS
Todayb 9.4 2.7 9.3 2.7 Depression-Dejection, Fatigue with POMS Fatigue, and
Past Few Daysab 9.6 2.5 8.9 2.6 general Positive Affect with POMS Vigor (which, despite
Past Few Daysac 9.5 2.7 8.7 2.9 its name, includes a broad sample of positive mood terms).
Past Weekab 9.1 2.5 8.7 2.5 Intercorrelations among these conceptually overlapping
Past Weekad 9.1 2.4 8.5 2.5 scales are presented in Table 15. The table shows that each
Past Few Weeksab 9.3 2.6 8.7 2.6 of the PANAS-X scales is strongly related to its POMS
Past Monthab 9.8 2.6 9.2 2.6 counterpart, with convergent correlations ranging from .85
Past Yearab 9.6 2.7 9.0 2.4 to .91. These very high coefficients partly reflect item
overlap, as the corresponding scales have one to three items
Generalab 10.0 2.3 9.6 2.2
in common. Nevertheless, the important point is that the
Note. Ns by gender: Moment (437 M, 585 W), Today (420 PANAS-X scales assess affective states that are broadly
M, 583 W), Past Few Days/SMU (102 M, 182 W), Past similar to those measured in existing multi-affect
Few Days/Iowa (281 M, 221 W), Past Week/SMU (502 M, inventories such as the POMS.
769 W), Past Week/Adult (142 M, 186 W), Past Few
Table 15 also demonstrates that the PANAS-X scales offer an
Weeks (259 M, 409 W), Past Month (391 M, 602 W), Past important advantage over their POMS counterparts: They
Year (128 M, 183 W), General (660 M, 989 W). tend to be less highly correlated with one another, and thus
aMeans across gender differed (p < .05, two-tailed). bSMU show better discriminant validity. The mean correlation
among the PANAS-X Fear, Hostility, Sadness and Fatigue
undergraduates. cIowa undergraduates. dDallas-area adults. scales was .45, which was significantly lower than the
________________________________________________ mean correlation (.60) among the corresponding POMS
PANAS-X Manual
the PANAS-X scales generally provide a less redundant, more
Table 14 Descriptive Statistics for the 11 Lower Order differentiated assessment of affect.
Scales Derived from Mean Daily Mood Scores
________________________________________________ Convergence with peer ratings. To document the construct
validity of the lower order PANAS-X scales further, we again
Scale M SD will consider evidence from two studies in which self-ratings
________________________________________________ on these scales were correlated with corresponding judgments
Fear 9.7 2.7 made by well-acquainted peers. First, in the dormitory study
Sadness 8.2 2.4 that was discussed previously (see Table 9 and the
Guilt 9.0 2.8 accompanying discussion), self- and aggregated peer-ratings
Hostility 9.4 2.3 (averaged across the responses from three or four well-
Shyness 5.5 1.5 acquainted peers) were available on seven of the lower order
Fatigue 8.6 2.2 scales: Fear, Hostility, Guilt, Sadness, Shyness, Fatigue,
Joviality 22.7 4.8 and Surprise (note, however, that preliminary 3-item
Self-Assurance 14.7 3.5 versions of Shyness and Fatigue were used). The
Attentiveness 11.3 2.3 heteromethod correlations from this sample are presented in
Serenity 8.3 1.8 Table 16. These data produced strong self-peer convergence,
Surprise 5.5 1.8 and generally support the convergent and discriminant
validity of the PANAS-X scales. The single exception is
Note. N = 262. Total number of observations = 11,783. Surprise, which produced a nonsignificant level of self-peer
See text for details. agreement (r = .14) in these ratings. The six remaining
________________________________________________ scales, however, yielded convergent correlations ranging
from .27 to .52, with a mean value of .38. In contrast,
scales (p < .01, two-tailed; Fisher's r to z transformation the discriminant coefficients were generally low and
was used in the computation of these and subsequent mean nonsignificant. Using the criterion that the convergent
correlations). Follow-up comparisons indicated that five of correlation should be higher than any of the other values in
the six individual correlations were also significantly lower its row or column of the heteromethod block (Campbell &
(p < .01, two-tailed) in the PANAS-X scales; specifically, Fiske, 1959), five of the scales (Fear, Hostility, Sadness,
only the Fear-Hostility correlation did not differ significantly Shyness, and Fatigue) showed acceptable discriminant
between the two instruments. Thus, validity. (For a more detailed discussion of these data, see
Watson & Clark, 1991).
Table 15 Correlations among the PANAS-X Scales and Corresponding Scales from the Profile of Mood States (POMS;
McNair, Lorr & Droppleman, 1971)
PANAS-X Scales POMS Scales
_________________________________ ____________________________
Instrument/Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PANAS-X Scales
1. Fear ---
2. Hostility .58 ---
3. Sadness .61 .49 ---
4. Fatiguea .40 .31 .27 ---
5. Positive Affect .02 -.06 -.25 -.07 ---
POMS Scales
6. Tension-Anxiety .85 .62 .57 .48 .02 --
7. Anger-Hostility .59 .91 .51 .35 .00 .63 --
8. Depression-Dejection .74 .66 .85 .34 -.24 .69 .66 --
9. Fatigue .53 .46 .40 .89 -.07 .61 .48 .47 --
10. Vigor -.03 -.09 -.28 -.08 .86 -.05 -.03 -.25 -.07
Note. N= 563. Mood ratings based on Past Few Weeks instructions. Convergent correlations are shown in boldface. All
correlations greater than I.10I are significant at p < .01, two-tailed.
aData are based on a preliminary, 3-item version of this scale.
PANAS-X Manual
Table 16 Self- versus Peer-Ratings on Seven Lower Order PANAS-X Scales (Dormitory Study)
Self Rated
Peer Rated Fear Hostility Guilt Sadness Shyness Fatigue Surprise
Fear . 4 0* -.07 .16 .25* .25* .00 .10
Hostility .08 . 3 1* .10 .22* -.08 -.04 -.12
Guilt .34* .04 . 3 4* .39* .20 .09 .16
Sadness .31* -.03 .30* . 5 2* .27* -.01 .13
Shynessa .23* -.18 .09 .03 . 4 2* .01 -.02
Fatiguea -.02 .12 -.10 -.02 .08 .27* -.04
Surprise .03 -.19 -.02 .02 .02 -.05 .14
Note. N = 89. Convergent correlations are shown in boldface. Correlations of .30 or greater are underlined.
aData are based on preliminary, 3-item versions of these scales. *p < .05, two-tailed.
Second, self- and peer-ratings were available for all 11 lower connection with Table 16, all eight of these scales displayed
order scales from the dating study described earlier. The acceptable discriminant validity. Thus, the data from this
heteromethod correlations from this sample are shown in study clearly support the construct validity of these eight
Table 17. Similar to the results presented in Table 16, these scales. A ninth scale (Fear) also had a significant
data yielded strong self-peer convergence and broadly support convergent correlation (.21), but failed to demonstrate
the convergent and discriminant validity of the lower order acceptable discriminant validity. Finally, the two remaining
PANAS-X scales. Eight of the 11 scales (Joviality, Self- lower order scales (Surprise and Guilt) did not yield
Assurance, Attentiveness, Serenity, Sadness, Hostility, significant evidence of either convergent or discriminant
Shyness and Fatigue) had convergent correlations of .30 or validity. Taken together with the results of the dormitory
greater; in fact, the mean coefficient across these scales was study, these data seriously challenge the validity of trait
.36. Moreover, using the same criterion described in ratings on Surprise.
Table 17 Self- versus Peer-Ratings on the 11 Lower Order PANAS-X Scales (Dating Study)
Self Rated
Peer Rated Jov Assur Atten Seren Fear Sad Guilt Host Shy Fat Surp
Joviality . 3 6* .28* .15 .13 -.02 -.26* .00 -.16 -.29* -.03 .20*
Self-Assurance .17* . 4 4* .25* .09 -.06 -.17* .02 -.11 -.27* -.03 .09
Attentiveness .17* .24* . 3 4* .02 -.02 -.13 -.05 -.10 -.25* -.10 .04
Serenity .09 .17* .16 . 3 7* -.04 -.14 -.08 -.15 .10 .04 .07
Fear .00 -.17* -.06 -.25* .21* .15 .10 .20* .15 .14 .06
Sadness -.02 -.19* .07 -.23* .13 . 3 0* .13 .20* .19* -.03 -.03
Guilt -.07 -.09 .00 -.20* .04 .14 .15 .19* .10 .07 -.07
Hostility -.11 -.02 .02 -.22* -.05 .11 .04 . 3 2* .00 .01 -.09
Shyness -.06 -.20* -.09 -.04 .13 .03 .05 .06 . 3 7* .09 .08
Fatigue .01 -.01 .08 -.06 .05 .02 -.01 .10 .27* . 3 7* -.02
Surprise .16 .11 .16 -.04 .01 -.14 -.08 -.10 -.02 .02 .14
Note. N = 137. Convergent rs in boldface; rs of > .30 underlined. Jov = Joviality; Assur = Self-Assurance; Atten =
Attentiveness; Seren = Serenity; Sad = Sadness; Host = Hostility; Shy = Shyness; Fat = Fatigue; Surp = Surprise.
*p < .05, two-tailed.
PANAS-X Manual
IV. General Issues Concerning the PANAS-X Scales and .91 with general Positive Affect in the Moment and
General solutions, respectively. Note also that the
A. Testing the Hierarchical Arrangement of the PANAS-X discriminant correlations were invariably low, ranging only
Scales from -.01 to -.11.
As was discussed previously, the PANAS-X was designed
explicitly to reflect the hierarchical structure of self-rated
Table 18 Varimax-Rotated Loadings of the 11 Lower
affect. That is, self-rated affect is characterized by two
Order PANAS-X Scales with Two Different
broad higher order dimensions (Negative Affect and Positive
Time Instructions
Affect), each of which is composed of several correlated,
yet ultimately distinguishable specific affect states. The __________________________________________________
PANAS-X includes scales assessing both of these structural Factor 1 Factor 2
levels--that is, the two higher order dimensions and 11 _________________ ________________
specific lower order states.
Scale Moment General Moment General
How accurately does the PANAS-X capture this hierarchical __________________________________________________
structure? To answer this question, we subjected the 11
Fear .79 .83 .05 .07
lower order PANAS-X scales to second-order principal
Sadness .77 .79 -.27 -.21
components analyses in two large samples of SMU
Hostility .78 .77 -.07 -.01
undergraduates, who rated themselves using Moment (N =
Guilt .69 .78 -.09 -.15
1,027) and General (N = 1,657) instructions. Two large
Shyness .59 .62 .04 -.09
second-order factors emerged in each solution: These two
Fatigue .33 .53 -.39 -.25
dimensions jointly accounted for 52.8% and 54.9% of the
total variance in the Moment and General data, respectively.
Joviality -.14 -.13 .86 .85
Self-Assurance -.04 -.11 .80 .78
Two components were therefore extracted in each solution
Attentiveness -.06 -.13 .76 .70
and were rotated using varimax; the rotated loadings are
Surprise .49 .42 .51 .62
presented in Table 18. In each solution, the first factor
Serenity -.50 -.26 .26 .46
clearly can be identified as general Negative Affect. Fear,
Sadness, Guilt, Hostility and Shyness are all very strong
Note. Ns = 1,027 (Moment) and 1,657 (General).
markers of the high end of this second-order factor, with
loadings ranging from .59 to .83 across the two solutions. Loadings of I.30I or greater are shown in boldface.
Fatigue and Surprise also have moderate positive loadings __________________________________________________
(ranging from .33 to .53) on this dimension. Finally,
Serenity serves to define the low end of the factor, with These data clearly demonstrate the hierarchical arrangement
loadings of -.50 and -.26 in the Moment and General of the PANAS-X scales. Furthermore, on the basis of these
solutions, respectively. and other analyses, we have grouped the 11 lower order
scales into three broad subcategories (see Table 2). First,
The second higher order dimension clearly corresponds to the Fear, Sadness, Guilt, and Hostility scales are classified as
general Positive Affect dimension that consistently emerges Basic Negative Emotion Scales. As the data in Table 18
in self-report studies. It is most strongly and clearly defined illustrate, these scales are consistently and substantially
on its high end by Joviality, Self-Assurance, and intercorrelated, and therefore, are strong and clear markers
Attentiveness, which have loadings ranging from .70 to .86 of the higher order Negative Affect dimension (see also
across the two solutions. Surprise (loadings of .51 and .62 Watson & Clark, 1989, 1992a). Second, Joviality, Self-
in the Moment and General solutions, respectively) and Assurance and Attentiveness are classified as Basic Positive
Serenity (.26 and .46, respectively) also are reasonably good Emotion Scales. As can be seen in Table 18, these scales
markers of high Positive Affect. Finally, Fatigue is the are highly correlated with one another, and so are strong and
best marker of low Positive Affect, with loadings of -.39 consistent markers of the second-order Positive Affect
and -.25 in the Moment and General solutions, respectively. dimension.
How closely do these higher order dimensions correspond to Finally, Shyness, Fatigue, Surprise and Serenity are
the general PANAS-X scales? To examine this issue, we grouped as Other Affective States because they do not
computed regression-based factor scores for the second-order strongly or consistently define either of the second-order
dimensions in each solution. Within each data set, we factors. Shyness tends to load moderately to strongly on
then correlated these computed factor scores with the general Negative Affect (see Table 18), but its loading generally is
Negative Affect and Positive Affect scales. These results somewhat lower than those of Fear, Sadness, Guilt, and
are displayed in Table 19, and they again confirm the Hostility. That is, Shyness appears to be less strongly
factorial validity of the higher order scales. Specifically, saturated with general Negative Affect variance than are these
scores on Factor 1 correlated .92 and .91 with general other scales (see also Watson & Clark, 1989). In contrast,
Negative Affect in the Moment and General solutions, Surprise typically has moderate positive loadings on both
respectively; conversely, scores on Factor 2 correlated .94 higher order factors. Fatigue and Serenity also tend to load
PANAS-X Manual
significantly on both general factors: Fatigue is a marker of Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961), .69 with the Depression scale
high Negative, low Positive Affect, whereas Serenity is a from the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL; Derogatis,
marker of low Negative, high Positive Affect. However, Lipman, Rickels, Uhlenhuth, & Covi, 1974). and .75
these loadings vary considerably across different samples and with the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression
time frames. Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). Similarly, the PANAS-X Fear
scale correlated .74 with the HSCL Anxiety scale and .56
________________________________________________ with the STAI State Anxiety Scale (Spielberger, Gorsuch,
& Lushene, 1970). Finally, the PANAS-X Hostility scale
Table 19 Correlations between the General Positive correlated .55 with the Hostility scale from the SCL-90
Affect and Negative Affect Scales and (Derogatis, 1977; Derogatis & Cleary, 1977) and .45 with
Regression-Based Scores on the First Two the state form of the State-Trait Anger Scale (STAS;
Varimax Factors Defined by the 11 Lower Spielberger, Jacobs, Russell, & Crane, 1983). Furthermore,
Order PANAS-X Scales it is important to note that all three PANAS-X scales showed
________________________________________________ evidence of significant discriminant validity (see Watson &
Correlations with Clark, 1992a, Table 2).
Similarly, Watson et al. (1988) present correlations
Scale Factor 1 Factor 2 between the two higher order PANAS-X scales and other
________________________________________________ commonly used measures of state affect and psychiatric
symptomatology (see Watson et al., 1988, Table 7). For
Moment Instructions (N = 1,027) example, in a sample of 880 SMU undergraduates, the BDI
Positive Affect -.03 .94 correlated .56 and -.35 with general Negative Affect and
Negative Affect .92 -.05 Positive Affect, respectively (the PANAS-X ratings were
General Instructions (N=1,657) based on Past Few Days instructions). Similarly, in
Positive Affect -.11 .91 another sample of 208 SMU students, the BDI correlated .58
Negative Affect .91 -.01 and -.36 with Negative Affect and Positive Affect,
________________________________________________ respectively (Past Few Weeks instructions). In this latter
sample (N = 203), the STAI State Anxiety Scale also
correlated .51 and -.35 with Negative Affect and Positive
B. Using the PANAS-X Scales as State Measures Affect, respectively. Thus, both of the general PANAS-X
scales are significantly related to state measures of
We have presented various types of evidence that establish depression and anxiety. Finally, in a sample of 398 SMU
the convergent and discriminant validity of the PANAS-X undergraduates, general Negative Affect (using Past Few
scales. In these final sections we examine more specific Weeks instructions) correlated .74 with the total score on the
validation issues, namely, using the PANAS-X scales as HSCL, a widely used measure of clinical symptomatology.
measures of state and trait affect, respectively.
Studies of intraindividual mood fluctuation. A second line
Relations with other measures of mood and of evidence indicates that, when used with short-term time
symptomatology. Many researchers will be interested in instructions (i.e., Moment or Today), the PANAS-X scales
using the PANAS-X scales as measures of state affect--that is, are sensitive to changing internal or external circumstances.
to assess relatively short-term fluctuations in mood. What We have used the general PANAS-X scales in four within-
evidence suggests that the PANAS-X can be used validly in subjects investigations that illustrate their utility in
this way? First, the PANAS-X scales are strongly correlated studying qualitatively distinctive intraindividual mood
with other existing measures of shorter term affect. We fluctuations. In the first study, 80 SMU students
have already seen, for example, that five of the PANAS-X completed a mood questionnaire consisting of the two higher
scales are very highly correlated (convergent correlations order scales each evening for 5-7 weeks, using Today
ranged from .85 to .91) with corresponding measures from instructions (Watson, 1988a). At each assessment the
the POMS, which typically uses short-term instructions (in subjects also estimated their daily social activity (number of
this case, Past Few Weeks). Moreover, the PANAS-X hours spent with friends that day), rated the level of stress
scales showed better discriminant validity--that is, they were they had experienced, and noted whether or not they had
less highly intercorrelated than were their POMS counterparts exercised during the day. A total of 3,554 measurements
(see Table 15). were collected (M = 44.4 per subject). As hypothesized (see
Clark & Watson, 1988, 1990b; Watson, 1988a; Watson
Watson and Clark (1992a, Study 1) report additional & Tellegen, 1985), within-subject variations in perceived
convergent and discriminant validity data for the Fear, stress were strongly correlated with fluctuations in Negative
Sadness, and Hostility scales in a sample of 195 SMU Affect, but not in Positive Affect. Also, as expected,
undergraduates (see their Tables 1 and 2). For instance, social activity and physical exercise were more highly related
scores on the PANAS-X Sadness scale (assessed using Past to Positive Affect than to Negative Affect.
Few Weeks time instructions) correlated .59 with the Beck
Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, The second study was primarily concerned with diurnal
PANAS-X Manual
variation in mood (Clark, Watson, & Leeka, 1989). The affect within which short-term fluctuations occur. In
subjects were 196 SMU students who completed the two summary, the PANAS-X scales are strongly correlated with
general PANAS-X scales approximately seven times a day for commonly used measures of state affect and current
1 week. Subjects also rated their current stress, and noted psychiatric symptomatology, and are sensitive to changing
whether or not they had engaged in a number of activities endogenous and exogenous conditions. These data indicate
(including social interaction and exercise) within the past that the PANAS-X scales can be used validly to assess short-
hour. A total of 8,700 assessments were collected (M = term, state affect.
44.4 per subject). As hypothesized, Positive Affect
showed significant diurnal variation: It rose sharply from ________________________________________________
early morning until noon, remained relatively constant until
9 p.m., and then fell rapidly. Negative Affect, however, Table 20 Test-Retest Reliabilities of the PANAS-X
did not exhibit a systematic diurnal pattern in these data. Scales (2-Month Retest Interval)
Furthermore, replicating the results of the earlier study, ________________________________________________
perceived stress was again strongly correlated with within- Past Week General Instructions
subject fluctuations in Negative Affect but not Positive Instructions _____________________
Affect. And, as before, social interaction and exercise
were more strongly related to Positive Affect than to Scale (N = 308) (N = 502) (N = 399)
Negative Affect (Clark & Watson, 1990b). ________________________________________________
Higher Order Scales
In the third study (McIntyre, Watson, & Cunningham,
Positive Affect .43 .70 .64
1990), 18 students completed a mood questionnaire
Negative Affect .41 .71 .59
(including the two general scales) at the beginning of a 1-
week period in order to establish baseline levels on the two Lower Order Scales
higher order dimensions. Three other questionnaires were Fear .35 .62 .57
completed within the week by each subject: Once after Hostility .39 .65 .58
social interaction, once after physical exercise, and once Guilt .36 .68 .65
prior to a stressful examination. Consistent with the Sadness .35 .62 .60
results of the other studies, within-subjects analyses of Shyness .49 .70a .64
variance revealed that Positive Affect was increased Fatigue .30 .57a .53
significantly by social interaction and exercise, but was not Surprise .23 .56 .52
affected by test stress; conversely, Negative Affect was Joviality .43 --b .64
increased significantly by the stressful examination, but Self-Assurance .47 --b .68
was not influenced by social activity or exercise. Attentiveness .42 --b .55
Serenity .32 --b .51
In the fourth study (Watson et al., 1992, Study 2), 127
SMU undergraduates completed the two higher order PANAS- Note. All correlations significant at p < .01, two-tailed.
X scales each evening for 5-7 weeks using Today aData are based on preliminary, 3-item versions of these
instructions (M = 42.7 assessments per subject); a subset of scales. bNot assessed in this sample.
these subjects (N = 96) also completed the three lower order ________________________________________________
positive emotion scales (i.e., Joviality, Self-Assurance, and
Attentiveness). At each assessment, all subjects also rated
the amount of time they spent in each of 21 C. Using the PANAS-X Scales as Measures of Trait Affect
social/interpersonal activities during that day. Ratings on
these activities were summed to create three subscales Test-retest stability data. What evidence supports the
(Social Entertainment, Active Participation, Social validity of the PANAS-X scales as trait measures, that is, as
Responsibilities) as well as a measure of Overall Social measures of long-term, individual differences in affectivity?
Activity. Replicating and extending previous research in In this regard, we have already presented data indicating that-
this area, within-subject correlational analyses indicated that -with the exception of Surprise--trait (i.e., General) versions
all four positive affect scales were significantly related to of the PANAS-X scales are significantly correlated with
three of the social activity measures (Social Entertainment, corresponding judgments made by well-acquainted peers.
Active Participation, Overall Social Activity); in contrast, Moreover, most of these scales also displayed acceptable
general Negative Affect was completely unrelated to social discriminant validity. Thus, the PANAS-X scales generally
activity. appear to possess adequate external validity.
Finally, data from a sample of 308 undergraduates who were Test-retest reliability also is an important consideration in
retested after 2 months on the PANAS-X using Past Week establishing the construct validity of trait measures. Table
instructions are shown in the first column of Table 20. 20 presents 2-month stability coefficients--based on General
These correlations range from .23 (for Surprise) to .49 (for instructions--for nine of the PANAS-X scales in one sample
Shyness), indicating a moderate level of stability. These of undergraduates (N = 502) and all of the scales in another
results suggest that subjects have a characteristic range of (N = 399). Scores on all of these scales were quite stable,
PANAS-X Manual
with retest coefficients ranging from .51 (for Serenity) to subjects completed a minimum of 7 weekly mood ratings
.71 (for general Negative Affect in the larger sample). As (M = 12.2 assessments per subject). Mean weekly Positive
expected, the stability coefficients based on General Affect and Negative Affect scores then were created by
instructions are consistently higher than those based on Past averaging each subject's responses over the entire weekly
Week instructions, which further validates the use of rating period.
different time instructions with the PANAS-X scales.
Correlations between these average weekly scores and the
We have also completed one longer-term analysis of trait versions of the scales are reported in the upper half of
temporal stability on the two higher order scales. A sample Table 22. Again, both of the higher order scales exhibited
of 239 SMU undergraduates initially completed the general an impressive convergent/discriminant pattern. That is, the
Negative Affect and Positive Affect scales (using General convergent correlations for both scales are high (r s = .66
instructions) from January, 1985 to September, 1988; these and .48 for Positive Affect and Negative Affect,
subjects were reassessed on these scales (again using General respectively), whereas the discriminant correlations are low
instructions) during the spring and summer of 1993. and non-significant.
Overall, the retest interval ranged from 56 to 99 months (M
retest interval = 72.4 months). It also should be noted that In the second study, 410 SMU undergraduates completed a
all subjects graduated from the university during this trait form of the two higher order PANAS-X scales, and also
intervening time period. Thus, all of the respondents rated themselves on these scales (using Today instructions)
experienced a major life change over the course of the study. on a daily basis over a period of several weeks. As in
previous analyses of this type, all subjects completed a
Stability correlations from this study are presented in Table minimum of 30 daily mood assessments (M = 43.3
21. The most important aspect of these data is that both of assessments per subject); all of the ratings were completed
the higher order scales demonstrated significant, moderate in the evening, so that they would provide a reasonable
stability over this extended time interval, with retest estimate of the subjects' moods over the course of the day.
correlations of .43 and .39 for Negative Affect and Positive Mean daily Positive Affect and Negative Affect scores then
Affect, respectively. Note also that the discriminant were created by averaging each subject's responses over the
correlations were substantially lower, again demonstrating entire daily rating period.
the discriminant validity of these scales (for more details
regarding this study, see Watson & Walker, 1996). Correlations between the trait scales and average daily mood
scores are displayed in the lower half of Table 22, and it can
________________________________________________ be seen that they replicate closely the results of the weekly
study. Again, the convergent correlations for both scales are
Table 21 Long-term Retest Stabilities of the Higher high (rs = .64 and .53 for Positive Affect and Negative
Order PANAS-X scales (Mean Retest Interval = Affect, respectively), whereas the discriminant correlations
72.4 Months) are low and non-significant.
Time 1 Score
________________________________ Table 22 Correlations Between General Trait Ratings
Time 2 Score Positive Affect Negative Affect on the Higher Order PANAS-X Scales and
________________________________________________ Aggregated State Ratings
Positive Affect .42 -.24
Negative Affect -.18 .43 General Ratings
Aggregated ______________________________
Note. N =237. All scales were assessed using General State Ratings Positive Affect Negative Affect
Time Instructions. All correlations significant at p < .01, _______________________________________________
________________________________________________ Mean Weekly Ratings (N = 80)
Positive Affect .66* -.10
Convergence with aggregated state measures. Another Negative Affect -.02 .48*
important approach to validating the trait versions of the
PANAS-X scales is to demonstrate that they converge with Mean Daily Ratings (N = 410)
aggregated measures of shorter term affect. We have Positive Affect .64* -.03
conducted two studies of this type. First, 80 undergraduates Negative Affect -.06 .53*
enrolled in an undergraduate personality course at the
University of Texas at Dallas completed the higher order *p < .05, two-tailed.
Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales (using General, _______________________________________________
trait instructions) during the first week of class. Subjects
then were reassessed on these scales (using Past Week A subset of these subjects (N = 211) completed the full, 60-
instructions) once a week over the next 13 weeks. All item PANAS-X, so that comparable data also were available
PANAS-X Manual
for the 11 lower order scales. It is noteworthy that six 1975); [c] the Neuroticism, Extraversion, and
scales had convergent correlations of .50 or greater: Joviality Conscientiousness scales developed by Goldberg (1983);
(.59), Guilt (.59), Attentiveness (.58), Sadness (.54), Self- and [d] the Negative Temperament, Positive Temperament
Assurance (.53), and Shyness (.51). Four additional scales and Disinhibition scales from the General Temperament
had convergent coefficients in the .40 to .50 range: Serenity Survey (GTS; Clark & Watson, 1990a). It should be
(.47), Fear (.46), Hostility (.46), and Fatigue (.41). It is noted that the GTS Negative and Positive Temperament
noteworthy that Surprise produced the lowest convergent scales are true-false measures designed to assess trait
correlation (.36), again challenging the validity of the trait Negative and Positive Affectivity, respectively.
form of this scale.
Scores on these 11 personality and affectivity measures were
_______________________________________________ subjected to a principal components analysis. An
inspection of the unrotated eigenvalues revealed three strong
Table 23 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.00; together, these
Personality, Emotionality, and Higher Order factors accounted for 74.5% of the total variance. These
PANAS-X Scales (General Instructions) in a three factors were rotated using varimax and the resulting
Sample of SMU Undergraduates loadings are shown in Table 23. The first dimension
_______________________________________________ clearly can be identified as Neuroticism/Negative
Factor Emotionality, and it is noteworthy that the PANAS-X
_____________________ Negative Affect scale loads as strongly on this factor (.83) as
do the other measures. Similarly, the second dimension
Scale 1 2 3 can be interpreted as Extraversion/Positive Emotionality;
_______________________________________________ the PANAS-X Positive Affect scale loads .79 on this factor.
Finally, the third factor can be identified as Disinhibition
GTS Negative Temperament .93 versus Conscientiousness.
EPQ Neuroticism .90
Goldberg Neuroticism .84 Similarly, we have also related trait scores on the lower
PANAS-X Negative Affect .83 order scales to measures of personality and emotionality.
GTS Positive Temperament .87 These analyses have yielded results that are broadly similar
Goldberg Extraversion .86 to those observed at the higher order level. That is, the
EPQ Extraversion .83 specific negative affects are moderately to strongly correlated
PANAS-X Positive Affect .79 with measures of Neuroticism/Negative Emotionality,
whereas the individual positive affects are significantly
GTS Disinhibition .87 related to Extraversion/Positive Emotionality. However,
EPQ Psychoticism .74 some interesting additional findings have been noted as well.
Goldberg Conscientiousness -.83 Table 24 presents illustrative data from a sample of 325
SMU undergraduates. These subjects were assessed on 20
Note. N = 231. Loadings below I.30I are omitted. personality and affectivity scales: [a] trait scores on the basic
GTS = General Temperament Survey; EPQ = Eysenck negative emotion (Fear, Sadness, Guilt, Hostility) and
Personality Questionnaire; PANAS-X = Positive and positive emotion (Joviality, Self-Assurance, Attentiveness)
Negative Affect Schedule (Expanded Form). Adapted from scales from the PANAS-X; [b] the three GTS scales; [c] the
Watson & Clark, 1997, Table 4). Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness,
_______________________________________________ Agreeableness, and Openness scales from the NEO Five-
Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI; Costa & McCrae, 1992); and
Relations with measures of personality and emotionality. [d] factor scales of the same "Big Five" personality traits
We have also collected extensive data relating trait versions constructed from an expanded, 80-item version of
of the higher order scales to various measures of personality Goldberg's (1983) scales (see Watson & Clark, 1992b, for a
and emotionality. These data consistently yield a clear discussion of the development of these factor scales).
convergent/discriminant pattern: Trait Negative Affect is
substantially correlated with measures of Neuroticism or An inspection of the unrotated eigenvalues indicated the
Negative Emotionality, but is generally unrelated to presence of five strong factors, which jointly accounted for
measures of Extraversion or Positive Emotionality. 74.9% of the total variance. The varimax-rotated loadings
Conversely, trait Positive Affect is strongly related to from this solution are shown in Table 24. Corroborating
Extraversion and Positive Emotionality, but not to the results obtained with the general Negative Affect scale,
Neuroticism or Negative Emotionality (Watson & Clark, all four negative emotions loaded strongly on the
1984, 1992b, 1997). Table 23 presents illustrative data Neuroticism/Negative Emotionality factor. Fear and Guilt
from a sample of 231 SMU undergraduates. These subjects were essentially pure markers of this factor, whereas
were assessed on 11 measures: [a] trait versions of the two Sadness also had a modest secondary loading on the
higher order PANAS-X scales; [b] the Neuroticism, Extraversion dimension. Hostility, however, split
Extraversion, and Psychoticism scales from the Eysenck between the Neuroticism and Agreeableness factors, and
Personality Questionnaire (EPQ; Eysenck & Eysenck, actually had its highest loading (-.64) on the latter.
PANAS-X Manual
Table 24 Varimax-Rotated Factor Loadings of Personality, Emotionality and Lower-Order PANAS-X Scales (General
Instructions) in Sample of SMU Undergraduates
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
NEO-FFI Neuroticism .82 -.21 -.16 .04 -.03
GTS Negative Temperament .80 -.07 .01 -.17 .00
Goldberg Neuroticism .80 -.15 -.13 .00 .02
PANAS-X Fear .79 -.04 .05 -.04 -.10
PANAS-X Guilt .76 -.08 -.17 -.13 -.03
PANAS-X Sadness .75 -.30 .00 -.09 .11
Note. N= 325. Loadings above I.40I are shown in boldface. NEO-FFI = NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Adapted from
Watson & Clark (1992b, Table 5).
Looking at the positive affects, Table 24 demonstrates with corresponding measures of aggregated state affect,
that Joviality and Self-Assurance both loaded strongly and and (d) are strongly and systematically related to measures
primarily on Extraversion/Positive Emotionality. In of personality and emotionality. These data clearly
addition, Self-Assurance also had moderate negative demonstrate that --with the possible exception of Surprise-
loadings on both Neuroticism and Agreeableness. -the PANAS-X scales can be used validly to assess long-
Finally, Attentiveness was primarily a marker of term individual differences in affect.
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